初二英语Unit 25词组

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初二英语Unit 25词组(共10篇)

初二英语Unit 25词组 篇1

序号 汉语 英语

1 观看录像带 watch video tapes

2 记日记、写日记 keep/write a diary

3 出了一个小事故 have a little accident

4 复习功课 review lessons = go over lessons

5 某人出了什么事? What happened to sb.?

6 读小说 read a novel

7 走过,路过,经过 walk past = go past = pass by

8 看到某人做某事(强调看到事情的全过程) see sb. do sth.

看到某人正在做某事(强调看到某个动作正在发生) see sb. doing sth.

9 把某物捡起来(代词放中间) pick sth. up

10 把某物还给某人 give sth. back to sb.= return sth. to sb.

11 绕着拐弯处驶过来 come round the corner

12 从…上掉下来 fall off …= drop from….

13 恰好落在马路中间 land right in the middle of the road

14 朝某人大叫 shout to/at sb.

15 阻止交通 stop the traffic

16 学校传达室,门房 the school gatekeeper’s room

17 你(做某事)真好! It’s nice/kind/good of you to do sth.

18 受伤(系表结构) be hurt

伤得很重 be badly hurt = be hurt badly

19 把….从…地方搬出去 move… out of ….

把….搬走 move… away

20 挤在….周围 crowd round….

21 告诉某人关于某事 tell sb. about sth.

22 尽快(时间快) as soon as one can = as soon as possible

尽快(速度快) as quickly as one can = as quickly as possible

23 快点 hurry up = be quick = come on

24 胳膊下夹着药箱 with the medicine box under one’s arm

脸上带着微笑 with a smile on one’s face

25 匆忙离开 hurry off

匆忙离开去做某事 hurry off to do sth.

匆忙离开去某地 hurry off to sw.

匆忙过来 hurry over

26 一个38岁大的妇女 a 38-year-old woman

一个8岁大的男孩 an 8-year-old boy

27 为…担心 be worried about…= worry about…

28 得到某人的帮助 get help from sb.

向某人求助 ask sb. for help

29 转方向盘 turn the steering wheel

30 立刻 at once = right away = right now

31 朝…游过来 swim over to…

32 给某人嘴对嘴的呼吸 give sb. mouth-to-mouth breathing

大学英语unit2_词组 篇2

to the point where到…程度;join in, take part in参加;

look startled看上去很惊讶;come to a halt停止;停顿;

It becomes clear to me that…我清楚了…;

even if/though即使;尽管

just as…so…正如……,……也一样;hold/have/conduct a conversation谈话;

introduce a topic

expect sb.to do sth

carry an idea further

take/ be sb.’s turn

hold/serve/hit/snatch a ball

bounce up and down

back and forth

stand/be in line

step up/back

be responsible for

in a senior/junior position

starting line

be done(with)

no/little/small wonder

fall apart

call on sb.to do sth.now that

switch to

初二英语Unit 25词组 篇3

1、I“m busy enough doing my homework.我做作业已经很忙了。

2、Please take the book to the right position.请将书放在正确的位置。

3、I won”t go to bed until my mom comes back.在妈妈回来之前我是不会去睡觉的。

4、It“s time for class.该上课了。

5、It”s time to get up.该起床了。

6、She always complain about her noisy sister.她总是抱怨她吵闹的妹妹。

7、I fit 3 hours into my study .我给我的`学习安排三小时的时间。

8.He tried to do his homework as much as possible.他努力地做尽可能多的作业。

9.He often put himself under pressure.他总是使自己有很大的压力。

10.She enjoys to take part in the party.她喜欢参加聚会。

11.The theef was seen steeling money.小偷被看到正在偷钱。

12.Please send the letter to him.请把这封信给他

13.There are all kinds of cloths in the shop,商店里有各种各样的衣服。

14.Compared with Beijing,the history of Qingdao is much shorter.与北京的历史相比,青岛的历史要短很多。

15.He found it"s hard to catch up her.他发现很难赶上她。

初二英语Unit 25词组 篇4

5.给某人打电话(4)6.在比赛中对抗某人 7.对某人微笑 8.遵循基本规则 9.用某人的手机 10.通过电子邮件 11.保持一直干某事 12.做某事很有趣 13.做运动 14.同时


16.观察某人正在做某事 17.没有人干某事 18.阻止某人干某事 19.第一个干某事 20.空中播音 21.哪类人

M6 UI 1.发生

2.醒着的/想睡觉的 3.太想睡觉 4.许多(3)5.在采访中 6.错过干某事 7.结束了

8.两两之间/在很多朋友之间9.担忧 10.看MV

M6 U2 1.播放

2.在学生电影院 3.…的报道 4.演得好

5.把人物塑造得很可信 6.出发航行

7.丢失的金子 8.来与…面对面 9.打败某人 10.扮演某人

11.是真实生活的写照 12.一部令人喜欢的电影 13.在某人看来(2)14.太多打斗场面

15.他是一个好人就是脾气差了点 16.(电影)首映 17.放映

18.整周(2)19.哪种 20.表演出来

M6 U3

初二英语Unit 25词组 篇5

No pains,no gains.Review of U3 in M1 & U1 in M2 【单词拼写】

1.He is one of the bar’s ___________(定期的、经常的)customers.2.She’s very nice but I don’t really find her ___________(吸引力).3.Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great a___________.4.I was under ___________(压力)from my parents to become a doctor.5.The o___________ is a success and now the patient is out of danger.6.A new ___________(制度、系统)of taxation will be brought into effect next year.7.There has been a lot of amusing e___________ about dogs barking or birds migrating before volcanic eruptions or earthquakes.8.P___________ I the peace talks has been rather disappointing.9.I can’t grasp his meaning, because he is always saying something u___________.10.The ___________(令人恐惧的)look of the teacher made the pupils become silent.11.Scientists have been studying the ___________(奥秘)of life since then.12.Yesterday the old man ___________(目击)the car accident and knew that there were six person killed in it.【短语翻译】

1.—Have you had many visitors yet?

—No, as __________________(实际上)you’re the first.2.I almost lost it— I almost ___________________(失控)the business I had worked so hard to build.3.Trust me, your house will be sold ___________________(立刻)at all!4.All our hard work will be worh it ___________________(从长远看).5.He didn’t want to ___________________(冒险)being criticized by the teacher.6.A driver should ___________________(全神贯注于)the road when driving.7.My wife enjoys window shopping.Sometimes she ___________________(偶然买到)something she has been long looking for.8.With long strides, a group of young pioneers ___________________(向……前进)the school.9.The doctors took X-rays for the patient to ___________________(排除)the chance of broken bone in his back.10.What can we do for our teachers and parents ___________________(作为……的报答)for all the help and care they have given us? 11.Our maths teacher ___________________(得出结论)by this means at last.12.The police are ___________________(追赶)the pickpocket.13.The wish of making full use of the natural resources will eventually ___________________(实现).14.Standing around the big hollow log, they watched it ___________________(分成)many pieces.15.___________________(根据)psychologists, many people are compulsive(强迫的)spenders.高二升高三英语基础知识梳理

No pains,no gains.【句型转换】

1.We are surprised to know that the negotiations were conducted secretly.___________ ___________ ___________, the negotiations were conducted ___________ ___________.2.There is no other hotel that can be equal to this one in friendliness.This hotel ___________ ___________ ___________ for for friendliness.3.The doctor advised that Jo should lose weight and exercise more.The doctor advised Jo ___________ ___________ weight and exercise more.4.Healthy eating as well as regular exercise is a must if you intend to be in good health.Healthy eating ___________ ___________ regular exercise is a must if you intend to ___________ ___________.5.A new type of computer is on sale in that supermarket and its price makes it attractive to students.In hat supermarket a new type of computer is on sale ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ makes it attractive to students.6.He won’t want to eat it unless he’s really hungry and if this is the situation, he’ll eat almost anything.He won’t want to eat it unless he’s really hungry, ___________ ___________ ___________he’ll eat almost anything.7.Children are often interested in the world around them.That’s why they always ask a lot of questions.___________ ___________ ___________ children always ask a lot of questions is ___________ they often ___________ ___________ ___________ the world around them.8.This great prediction is coming true.This great prediction ___________ ___________ ___________.9.At the finishing line, Liu Xiang stepped up speed and won the men’s 110 meter hurdle, 2004 Olympics.At the finishing line, Liu Xiang ___________ ___________ and won the men’s 110 meter hurdle, 2004 Olympics.10.The child was reported missing last week.It was reported that the child ___________ ___________the week before.【完成句子】


___________ that is so, there is ___________ ___________ to be said.2.他的建议在实践中有效果。

His suggestion ___________ ___________ ___________.3.他不是个成功的艺术家,但是个成功的美术教师。

He is a ___________ ___________ an artist, but a ___________ ___________ an art teacher.4.老实说,当时我对她并无恶意。

To be honest, I ___________ ___________ ___________ to her at that time.5.我昨天表现不好,我 现在感到很惭愧。

I ___________ ___________ yesterday and I am ___________ ___________ myself ___________ it now.6.我们本来是可以按时完成工作的,但雨下得太大了。


No pains,no gains.We ___________ ___________ ___________ that work ___________ ___________, but it was raining hard.7.这个女孩太害羞了,她总是避免在公共场合讲话。

The gir is ___________ shy that she always ___________ ___________ in public.8.不幸的是,他在人群中与他父母走散了。

Unfortunately, he ___________ ___________ ___________ his parents among the crowd.9.我们正要告辞,另一个客人来了。

Another guest ___________ ___________ just as we wre taking leave.10.我们必须作全部努力加速建设我国为2008北京奥运做准备。

We must ___________ ___________ ___________ to ___________ ___________ the building of our country, ___________ ___________ the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.11.他叙述说她曾看见那持枪歹徒。

He reported her ___________ ___________ the gunman.【动词填空】

初二英语Unit 25词组 篇6


1.hope to work outside 希望在外面工作 2.try out for…为……而参加选拔

3.help(out)with something帮助做…… 4.cheer them up让他们振作起来

5.volunteering our time to help others志愿奉献我们的时间帮助他人

6.give out food分发食物

7.give up several hours each week to help others每周放弃几小时以帮助他人

8.give away old clothes to the poor把旧衣服捐赠给穷人

9.come up with a plan/ ideas想出计划/ 主意 10.make a plan制定计划

11.learn more about how to care for animals学到更多的关于怎样照料动物的知识

12.get such a strong feeling of satisfaction获得如此强烈的满足感

13.get better/ worse变得更好/ 更糟

14.the look of joy/ surprise/ sadness /happiness高兴/ 惊讶/ 悲伤/ 幸福的表情 15.read by herself独自阅读

16.at the age of four在四岁的时候 17.raise money for …为….筹钱 18.put off my plan推迟我的计划

19.be busy with my studies忙于我的学习20.call up somebody给……打电话

21.put up signs around the school满校园张贴招牌 22.be worried about getting jobs 为找工作而担心 23.make lots of money 挣许多钱

24.in their free time在他们的空闭时间 25.be strong in…= be good at…擅长于……

26.a good way to spend our free time一种度过空余时间的好方法

27.stop doing their jobs for a few months to a year停止做他们的工作几个月到一年 28.run out of money用完钱

29.take after my father长得像我的爸爸 30.fix up broken bikes修理烂自行车 31.be similar to …与……相似

32.would like to do something愿意做……

33.make it possible for me to have Lucky让我拥有Lucky成为可能

34.make a big difference to my life对我的人生起重大作用

35.get me a special trained dog让我得到一条经过特殊训练的狗

36.get things for disabled people为残疾人买东西

37.be a guide at a museum在博物馆当导游

38.be excited about the idea of having a dog因为拥有一


39.because of your kindness因为你的善良

40.send you a photo= send a photo to you送一张照片


41.be interested in….对……感兴趣

42.set up a call-in center for parents 为家长们成立一个


43.hand the notices out after school放学后散发通知 44.help people in need帮助危难中的人

45.can’t buy any more old bikes不能再买任何旧自行车

46.students who volunteer志愿者学生 47.be proud of … 对……为骄傲


1.They told me stories about the past and how things

used to be.他们给我们讲关于过去的故事,讲曾经的样子。

2.We’re all going to be old one day.有一天我们也会老。

3.The kids are sitting in the library, but you can see in their eyes that they’re going on a different journey with each new book.孩子们坐在图书馆里,但你能从他们的眼中看到他们正在和每一本新书一起经历不同的旅程。

4.Volunteering here is a dream come true for me.对我来说,在这儿当志愿者是一个实现了的梦想。5.I can do what I love to do and help others at the same.我可以做我热爱做的事,同时又帮助了他人。6.I’m sure you know that this group was set up to help disabled people like me.这相信你知道这个组织被建立是为了帮助那像我一样的残疾人。

7.What would it be like to be blind or deaf?成为盲人或聋子会是什么样子?

8.Thank you again for changing my life.再次感谢你改变了我的生活。

9.In what other ways do you think dogs are able to help people?你认为狗们还能有另外的方法帮助人们吗?

10.What other animals can we train to help people?我们还可以训练其他什么动物来帮助人们呢?

11.The idea that he came up with worked out fine.他想出的那个主意很凑效。

初二英语Unit 25词组 篇7

2. apply…to 把…应用到…

apply oneself to专心致志于,埋头于

apply for a job

3.on a scale of 按…的等级

on a large scale大规模的

4. add A to B 把A加到B 上

add to 增加了

add up 把…加起来

add up to 总计


6.stand for支持,主张,提倡,拥护;代表; 容忍(否,疑)

7.circumstances 环境,情况(surroundings;conditions)

Circumstances permitting, I’ll go abroad to study.

in/under the circumstances在目前情况下

in/under no circumstances在任何情况下都不 (倒装)

8.fail to do sth succeed in doing sth; manage to do sth

9.lose heart 失去信心

lose one’s heart to sb 爱上sb

10.assess 评价,估计(价值,数值等) assessment

11.take it easy别紧张,放轻松点

Take your time. 慢慢来

12.keep up保持,继续; 使居高不下,保持高昂

She keeps up her spirits by singing.

in high/low/ good/ bad spirits心情,情绪

13.be cast away (被动)因沉船而流落于某地

14.on a desert island; a deserted street

15.do something oneself

16.the years to come = the coming years


18.be hard on够…受的;磨得厉害;对…苛刻;紧跟

19.in need of

20. be desperate for sth/ to do sth 急需…

21. accustom oneself to (介)习惯于

be accustomed to doing / sth = be used to doing sth

22.be lined with排列

23. anxiety for knowledge/ (to do sth) 求知的渴望

She was waiting for her son’s return with anxiety. /with joy

in despair / in surprise

be anxious about/ for担心

24.live through经历…(还活着)

25.the coming day; the day to come

26.to one’s relief 令人宽慰的是

relieve sb of sth减轻,解除某人的痛苦

27.go for 想法得到go for a job

go for a gold medal

喜欢 I don’t go for man of his type.

出去(进行某种活动) go for a walk

初二英语Unit 25词组 篇8

1.showcase new films 展示新电影

2.award sb. sth./award sth. to sb. 把某物授予/给予/判给某人

3.celebrate different film genres 颂扬不同的电影流派

4.six of the major international film festivals 六个主要的国际电影节

5.be appropriate for sb. to do sth 对…而言适合做…

6.part of sth. ……的一部分

7.contemporary art 当代艺术


9.that is 也就是说

10.be financed by 由某人资助

11.amateur actors 业余演员

12.hate to do sth. 讨厌做某事

13. in defence of 防御、保卫、为….辩护

14.point out 指出

15.feature Hollywood films 以好莱坞电影为特色

16.high-quality films 高清电影

17.regardless of 不理,不顾

18.distinguish between…and…(~ from..) 区别、判别、分清

19.as long as/so long as 只要

20. meet one’s standards 达到某人的标准

21.was hatched back in 1978 早在1978年就筹划了

22. take over接管、接受

23.change the focus to doing sth. 把重心转移到做某事

24.salute sb. 向某人致敬

25.act/perform in a film 在一部电影中担任演员

26.win an award at a film festival 在一个电影节上获奖

27.give awards/an award to sb. 给某人颁奖,给某人奖励

28.take a step backwards后退 take a step散步、溜达 take steps to do采取措施

29. from all around the globe 来自全球、来自全世界

30.make films with large budgets 以很大的预算资金投入制作电影

31.resemble…too much 与……过于相似

32. have a chance of doing sth./to do sth.有可能做某事

33.lose our international angle 失去我们的国际视野

34.don’t favour films from any one country 不偏爱来自任何一国的电影

35.in the minority 占少数

36.bonus award 额外奖

37.have a good reputation worldwide 在世界范围内有良好的声誉

38.put forward a personal opinion 提出一个个人意见

39.tend to do sth. 趋向于做某事

40.pay attention to注意

41.disagree with不一致,不同意

42.avoid doing避免做某事

43.come to be well known 渐渐地出名

44.interfere in someone else’s activity 打断某人,干涉某人的行动

45.of the top rank 一流的,顶级的

46.regardless of 不理,不顾

47.be awarded for doing sth. 因为做某事而获奖

48.keep sth. in the shadows 保持某事在幕后/在阴影中/在后台运作

49.have no difficulty in doing sth. 做某时毫无困难

50.sell admission tickets 卖入场券

51.shoot a film 拍摄一部电影

52.express oneself in English 用英语表达自己

53. refer to提到,参考,涉及,提交

54. be hired to do sth.被雇佣做某事

55. help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事

56. fall asleep睡着,入睡,长眠

57. have an appointment to meet sb.约见某人

58.in time for 赶得上,及时

59. feel sorry for sth.为…感到遗憾

60. think twice about sth. / doing sth. 三思而行,慎重考虑后再作决定

61. waste time/money on sth.浪费时间/钱在某事上

62. make an agreement制定协议

63.give sb. one’s sincere congratulations 给某人最衷心的祝愿

64.realize one’s dream实现某人的梦想

65. attain success获得成功

66.a second time 再次

67.leave out 省略

68.enter a speech competition 参加一个演讲比赛

69.be still unanswered 还没有回答

70.make money 赚钱

71.have no commercial future 没有商业前途

72.be available for 对……来说是可用的

73. a tense thriller 一部紧张的恐怖片

74.make it clear that 表明

75.include sth. in 把某物包括在里面

76.switch roles 交换角色

77.dream of doing sth.想像,梦想做某事

78. live with sb.在一起生活

79. (be) contrary to sth与…相反

80. rescue sb. from营救,拯救

81.be sensitive to对某事敏感

82.be introduced to 被引入到;被介绍给

83.have contradictory feelings about 对……有矛盾的情感

84.have a battle with 与……作斗争

85.feel dizzy 觉得头晕

86. be dedicated to专心致志于…

87. delete…from…从…删除

88. have a tendency to do sth. 有做某事的趋势

89.give enough thought to 充分考虑到

90.yawn with boredom 厌倦地打哈欠

91.on the contrary 相反的是

Useful Expressions:

1.Joining us in the studio are Isabel from the Cannes Film Festival, …


Gone are the days when we used foreign oil.


Present at the meeting are some famous artists.


2.Maria, do tell us a little about the Venice Film Festival.


3.I hate to interrupt you, but in defence of the Venice Film Festival, I have to point out that… 我很抱歉打断你,但我得为威尼斯电影节说句话,我必须指出……

4. It was then that Robert Redford took over …


5. …there is a good chance it will become famous.


6.People tend to present their personal opinion as if it were a collective group’s opinion.


7.While there is no restriction on foreign entries, those that win are in the minority.


8.Whether you think the Academy Awards are a film festival or not, everyone agrees that the Oscar is the best-known award a contemporary film can receive.


9.It felt like the camera was in the sky.


10.I think this is more to highlight the advanced special effects than to help the film’s plot.


11.As long as the film’s quality meets our standards, we include it.


12.Considering the history of our festival, we feel it is important to favour films from any one country.


13.It was the festival that he took over in 1981.


14.It was not until nine that I got up.


15.Who was it that told him what had happened?

初二英语Unit 25词组 篇9

Unit 1 Try not to translate every word.1.How to learn English well 怎样学好英语welcome back 欢迎回来

Welcome back to school.欢迎回到学校…… 给某人提一些建议

a piece of advice一条建议

4.Why don’t +主语+动词原形?=Why not +动词原形?为什么不……呢? e.g.Why don’t we send an email to Mary?

=Why not send an email to Mary?

Why don’t you=Why not write it down?为什么不记下来呢?

.Why don’t youand grammar notebooks? 为什么不在笔记本上挨着错误写下正确的拼写和语法?


e.g.Y在课堂上 我们应该讲英语

6.had better +动词原形最好做……

e.g.You them up in a dictionary.We7.What else? 还有其他的吗?

8.It is +形容词/名次+ to do sth.做某事……。

That’s a good idea.那是个不错的主意,那是个好主意。e.g.It is a good idea to check your vocabulary notebook every day.9.How/Whatabout+名词/代词动名词?……怎么样?

listen to the radio 听收音机

read a newspaper看报What about going out for a walk?

10.Try not to translate every word.尽量不要逐词翻译。



把……译成…… e.g.Translate the sentence into English.12.write email messages to 给……写电子邮件留言

each other相互,彼此(两者)e.g.We should write email messages to each other.13.help…with …=help …(to)do …帮助……做……

e.g.She can help me with my homework..She can help me(to)do my homework..Unit 2 Please help me!

1.ask for 要求,请求,咨询 2.basic questions 最重要的问题,基础的问题

3.enjoy doing喜欢做

listen to English songs听英语歌曲 e.g.I enjoy listening to real English songs.4.It takes sb.some time to do sth.做某事花费某人一些时间。

e.g.It takes me a long time to go to school every day.5.a great way to do sth.做某事的一个好方式 6.foreign teacher 外教,外国教师

7.start a conversation 开始谈话 e.g.These are good questions to start a conversation.8.take a deep breath 深呼吸

9.Smiling always helps.微笑总是能起作用的。

微笑总是很有用的。我想记住所有的生词 11.Write them on pieces of paper.把他们写在纸条上



e.g.Let’s go to Zhongshan Park This Sunday.Let’s finish our homework first.2、Shall we…?我们……好吗?

e.g.Shall we go to the cinema?

Shall we ask for a policeman?

3、What/How about+名词/代词/动名词?


e.g.How about listening to the radio and reading a newspaper in English?

What about some eggs?

4、Why don’t +主语+动词原形?=Why not +动词原形?为什么不……呢?

e.g.Why don’t you write it down?=Why not write it down?

Why don’t we send an email to Mary?

=Why not send an email to Mary?

5、had better +动词原形最好做……

e.g.You’d better look them up in a dictionary.We’d better get off at the next stop.6、would like 结构想要……

e.g.Would you like some bananas?


e.g.You should always speak English in class.You should write down your mistakes in your notebooks?


初二英语Unit 25词组 篇10

Unit 2I usually go to school by bus


be from get up school end how/what about~~ talk about be glad to get take a walk read the newspaper in the afternoon pet dog go to the cinema go shopping go to work in the office famous artist good idea have class


go to school morning get up cinema go out in the evening usually begin other always often seldom afternoon

来自 起床 放学 怎么样 谈论 高兴做某事 散步 看报纸 在下午 宠物 看电影 去购物 去工作 在办公室 著名的明星 好主意 上课

去上学 早晨,上午 起床 电影院 外出 在晚上 通常 开始;着手 其他,别的 总是;一直 经常 很少,不常 下午

daily lifelunch box do one’s homework best wishes remember to do be kind to sb from...to...play with sb water the flower go out flay the piano stay up want to do sth learn from show sb sthhow hard live in +地点


in the morning get home go to the cinema evening stay up late office meet scientist meal sometimes never

in the afternoon

日常生活 饭盒 做作业 最好的祝愿 记得做某事 对某人友好 从...到...和某人玩耍 浇花 出门 弹钢琴 熬夜 想要做某事 学习
