
2024-08-21 版权声明 我要投稿


考博介词短语 篇1









(1) if something is moving, with nothing touching it, it will go on forever,coasting at a uniform speed in a straight line.


(2)the light we see,with its colors ranging from deep red to deep violet,serves us in our daily lives.


(3)with more experimenting being doing every year,much of photosythesis will certainly be known before very long.


(4)the article deals with microwaves,with particular attention being paid to radiolo cation.


(5)the bottom layer is solid bedrock,with it supper edges slowly decomposing,or decaying,and flaking off.


(6)ice,of relative density 0.9,floats in water with ninetenth submerged.



(1)maxwell pointed out that an object may be hot without the motion in it being visible.


(2)under a microscope,a cell looks like a bit of clear jelly with a thin wall round it.


(3)mechanics is that branch of physical science which considers the motion of bodies,with rest as a special case of motion.


(4)carbon,with 6 protons and 6 neutronsin its nucleus,has 6 electrons.

碳有6个电子,而在其原子核内尚有6个质子和6个中子。(with 6 protons...in.一用来对carbon作补充说明,有非限定定语意味。)

(5)the rocket engine,with its steady roar like that of a waterfall or a thunderstorm,is an impressive symbol of the new space age.


(6)in each case the crystals,small orlarge,are naturally bounded by square or rectangular crystal faces of different sizes,but with each face always at right angles to each adjacent face.

在每种情况下,各个晶体不论大小都是天然地由一些正方形的或矩形的晶面作为自己的界面,这些晶面大小不一,但每一晶面总是垂直于每一相邻面。(with...face...at….是复合结构,作定语,修饰crystal faces。)


(1)we have discussed fluorescence,which is sensitive to radiations with energies equal to or greater than those of visible photons.


(2)in simple harmonic motion,where there is no damping,the energy of the vibrating particle changes from kinetic to potential and back,with the total energy constant.


(3) an uncharged object contains a large number of atoms, each of which normally contains an equal number of electrons and protons,but with some electrons temporarily free from atoms.


(4) and with water present the chances of finding some sort of life on mars are much brighter,

由于水的存在,在火星上找到某种生命的可能性的前景就光明得多了。 (with water present作原因状语。)


(1)in outer space,with no swaddling atmosphere to diffuse it,sunlight is infinitely more powerful than on earth.



(2)at present,about 80 different metals are known to man.but with so many metals to choose from,the question arises:which metal shall we use?

考博介词短语 篇2

介词在英语中起着非常重要的作用, 认知语言学家John Taylor[1]认为, 英语属于介词中心语言, 介词含有很丰富的信息量。鉴于介词在英语中的重要性, 一直以来都是研究的热点。在机器翻译中, 主要研究介词短语的附着问题。根据传统语法, 介词短语附着问题被看成二元问题, 即介词短语附着在其前的名词或是动词上。本文基于韩礼德的系统功能语法将介词短语的附着问题化为三元问题。

2 介词短语的定义

根据系统功能语法, 介词短语由介词加上其后的名词性词组构成[2]。介词的形式包括四种:一, 简单介词, 由一个单词构成, 如at。二, 复合介词, 由两个介词组成, 如as for。三, 介词词组, 由一个或两个介词与一个或几个其他词类构成的词组, 如according to。四, 分词介词, 由某些动词的现在分词构成, 如regarding。系统功能语法下, 名词性词组包括名词性词、数词、限定词和副词, 名词性词包括名词和形容词, 其中名词又包括普通名词、专有名词和代词。传统语法中, 介词+V-ing结构被看成是介词短语, 但根据系统功能语法, 介词+V-ing结构是非限定小句[3], 不是介词短语。

3 介词短语附着

在机器翻译中, 由于介词短语的附着最能引起句法分析的歧义, 因此一直是研究热点。本文对介词短语附着的研究是基于韩礼德的系统功能语法。与基于形式的的传统语法不同, 系统功能语法是基于语义的语法, 因此本文是从语义、意义而不是从句法角度进行句法分析。传统语法将介词短语的附着看成是二元的问题, 即介词短语附着在其前的名词或是动词上。事实上, 二元的介词短语附着并不能很好的消除介词短语句法功能的歧义。例如

1.He likes the book on the table.

2.He finds the book on the table.

3.He puts the book on the table.

根据形式语法, 句子1中的on the table附着在其前的名词book上, 译为“桌子上的…”;句子2, 3中的on the table附着在动词上, 但是却无法给出一个固定的翻译模式。事实上, 句子2, 3中的介词短语的功能有所不同, 从而导致其翻译模式也不一样。然而, 从系统功能语法角度能很好的解决这一问题。系统功能语法将句子的功能成分分成参与者、过程和环境。由此, 句子2中的介词短语是环境, 作状语, 翻译为“在桌子上”, 而句3中的介词on是动词put要求的, 属于过程的一部分, 其作用是引入句子的另一个参与者, 介词后的the table即是参与者。结构为“…put…on…”译为“…把…放到…上”, 这一结构要求有三个参与者。

由此可见, 传统语法对介词短语附着问题的二分法:附着在名词或在动词上, 无法在面向翻译层面消解歧义, 也就不能保证翻译的准确性。而基于系统功能句法的三元介词短语附着有助于翻译。

介词短语作状语[AD]。The green beans can be shipped[AD in bulk].in bulk做句子的状语。

介词短语作后置定语 (PM) 。We have received the letters giving full details[PM of this claim].of this claim作后置定语。

介词作为过程的一部分 (POP) 。Please inform me[RP of]your lowest price CIF London.介词of是受动词inform的要求, 是过程的一部分, 将句子的另一个参与者your lowest price CIF London引入到主过程中。

4 三元的介词短语附着的分布情况

为了研究三元的介词短语附着分布情况, 首先需要选定语料库, 其次要标注出这些功能, 最后统计这些功能的分布情况。本研究自建了一个商务英语双语语料库, 包括10, 059个英文句子, 共有198, 050个标记。语料来自于9个商务出版书籍以及7个网址, 涵盖了14个商务情景:询价及回复, 报价, 还价, 订购, 签约, 包装, 装运, 支付, 索赔, 保险, 运输, 代理, 建立业务, 和销售。介词短语的句法功能标注过程采用半自动的标注, 即包括人工标注、自动标注和人工检查三部分。首先对2500个英文句子进行人工介词短语功能标注, 标注后的句子作为训练语料, 机器学习后再自动标注2500个英文句子, 人工检查并改正这些句子的标注, 之后将标注过的5000句作为训练语料, 自动标注余下的句子, 再人工检查并改正, 以此完成所有英文句子的介词短语句法功能标注。对语料库中三种功能分布情况进行统计, 结果如表1所示。

由此可见, 作为过程一部分的介词在语料库中也大量存在, 这就表明有必要区别出这种功能, 以便更好的为翻译服务。

5 结论

基于系统功能语法对介词短语附着问题进行三元分析, 为机器翻译研究提供一种新的选择。本研究对于介词短语句法功能的标注是半自动实现的, 这表明基于系统功能语法提出的三分法具有机器可实现性。相对于传统的句法功能二分法, 本文的研究是一个很大的提高。今后的研究可以采用其它领域或更大规模的语料, 将这一研究成果应用到机器翻译中。


[1]TAYLOR J.Ten Lectures on Applied Cognitive Linguistics[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2007.161.

[2]HALLIDAY M A K.An Introduction to Functional Grammar[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research press, 2008.361.

介词but的常见用法和常用短语 篇3

介词but表示“除……外”,与except,other than或not including的意思相近。主要出现在以下场合:

① 与no,no one,none,nobody,nothing,nowhere等词连用。例如:

No one can do it but him. 只有他才能担当此任。

None but him knows this plant. 只有他认识这种植物。

I heard nothing but the wind. 除了风声,我什么也没听到。

② 与all,anything,anywhere,every,everybody,everyone等词连用。例如:

We were all here but Tom. 除汤姆以外,我们来了。

Everybody arrived on time but yourself. 大家都按时到达,就是你自己没有。

Have you ever been to anywhere else but Beijing?除了北京之外你还去过别的什么地方吗?

③ 与who,what,where及形容词最高级等连用。例如:

Who but a fool would do such a thing?除傻瓜外,谁还会干这样的事情?

What is she but my wife?她不是我的妻子还会是别的什么人?

He is the thinnest man in our school but Mr He. 除何先生外,他是我们学校里最瘦的人。

④ but后面常跟名词、代词、数词、形容词、副词、介词短语或名词性从句作宾语。例如:

None but his dog saved him. 除了他的狗以外,谁也救不了他。

I have written all my letters but one. 我只差一封信就写完了。

He felt all but dead with fatigue. 他感到累得要死。

She was anything but mad. 她一点也不疯。

I remember I put it nowhere but in desk. 我记得我只是把它放在书桌里了。

I believe all but what he said. 我根本不相信他说的话。

⑤ but后面常跟带to的动词不定式作宾语。例如:

She had no choice but to wait. 除了等待,她别无选择。

⑥ but前的谓语动词是do时,其后跟省略“to”的动词不定式作宾语。例如:

He did nothing but read a novel yesterday. 除了看小说,他昨天什么也没干。

What can you do but take back what you said. 除了收回你的话外,你还能做什么呢?

⑦ but前面的非谓语动词是to do或doing时,but后面动词不定式的符号“to”可以省略也可以不省略。例如:

I had nothing to do but (to) watch TV yesterday evening. 除了看电视,昨晚我无事可做。

There was nothing left to do but (to) take a rest. 没有什么事情要做,只好休息了。

⑧ but前面的谓语动词或短语动词后要求接动名词时,在but后面应接动名词。例如:

He thinks of nothing but making money. 除了赚钱,他什么也不想。

That official was afraid of nothing but eating pork. 那位官员只是怕吃猪肉。

He could bear anything but hearing such bad news. 他听到这样的坏消息确实会忍受不了的。

⑨ but不能置于句首,也不能与other连用。例如:

Everyone but me was tired. (= Except for me,everyone was tired.) 除了我,大家都累了。

Mr An has no girl-friends but her. (= Mr An has no other girl-friend besides/except her.) 除了她外,安先生没有别的女朋友。

⑩ but后面的代词,可用主格也可用宾格;但处于主语位置时,用主格代词显得更自然,谓语动词的形式应与but前面的主语在人称和数上保持一致。例如:

No one but we (us) is able to do it. 只有我们能当此任。

Nobody but we (us) knows of it. 除了我们外,没有人知道这件事。

You are all wrong but I (me). 除我以外,你们都错了。

I told her that I had never loved anyone but her. 我告诉她,除她以外我没有爱过任何人。


1. all but除……外全都;几乎

All but mother in my family can speak English. 除母亲外,我一家人都会说英语。

They have all but finished the task. 他们几乎完成了任务。

You are all but a doctor. 你简直是个博士。

His theory is all but correct. 他的理论几乎是正确的。

2. anything but不见得;决不

He is anything but a good headmaster. 他不见得是个好校长。

His composition is anything but correct. 他的作文错误百出。

I was anything but angry. 我一点也不生气。

This car is anything but beautiful. 这小汽车根本不漂亮。

3. but for除……外;要不是

The purse is empty but for a few coins. 除了几枚硬币外,钱包里面是空空的。

She could have remarried but for her little daughter. 要不是因为她的小女儿,她早就再婚了。

4. but now刚刚,适才

I saw him in the office but now. 我刚刚看见他在办公室里。

I heard the commander talk about you but now. 适才我听得司令讲到您。

5. but that要不是,若非

But that I saw it,I could not have believed it. 要不是我亲眼所见,我决不会相信这件事。

But that you helped us,we could not have been rich. 要不是你的帮助,我们不会富裕起来。

6. can (or could) but只能,只好

His father can but know a few letters. 他的父亲只能认识几个字母。

The old lady could but walk slowly with a stick. 那位老太太只能拄着拐杖慢慢地走。

7. can (or could) not but不得不,忍不住

I could not but tell him about it. 我不得不告诉他这件事。

She could not help but leave there. 她只好离开那里。

Seeing her husband’s funny face,she could not but laugh. 看见丈夫的滑稽面孔,她忍不住笑了。

8. cannot (or could) choose but不得不,必须

They could not choose but obey. 他们除了服从外别无选择。

9. cannot (or couldn’t) help but不能不,不得不

I cannot help but be sorry. 我不能不感到遗憾。

10. first but one (two ...) 顺数第二 (三……)

In the brothers Mr Kong was the first but one. 孔先生在众弟兄中排行老二。

11. last but one (two ...) 倒数第二(三……)

We sat in the last row but four. 我们坐在倒数第五排。

12. never ... but每当……就……

He never sees Miss Wo but he thinks of his friend,Xiao Ya. 每当见到沃女士时,他就想起他的朋友小雅来。

Her brother never comes,but he asks her for money. 她兄弟来时,总是向她要钱。

13. next but one再下一个

They used to live in the next house but one to me. 他们住在我隔壁的隔壁。

14. no one but除了……外,谁也不

No one but a bedlamite would say such words. 除了疯子,谁也不会说这样的话。

15. not ... but不(是)……而(是)……

They were not the bones of an animal,but of a human being! 他们不是动物的骨头,而是人的骨头。

We do not study Russian but English. 我们不学俄语,而学英语。

16. not (no such a) so ... but不是如此……以至于不……

There is no such a fool but he can see it. 没有愚蠢到连这都看不懂的人。

His English is not so bad but he can make himself understood. 他的英语还不至于差到不能把自己的意思讲清楚的地步。

17. nothing but只不过,仅仅(不以为然,厌烦之语气)

She is nothing but a housewife. 她只不过是个家庭主妇。

There is nothing but water in the bottle. 那瓶子里只有水。

His theory is nothing but correct. 他的理论只是不错而已。

18. nothing ... but除非

雅思阅读常见介词短语 篇4

barring:except,not including除。。。外



failing:in default of因缺少。。。。;在缺少。。。时

following:after in time;as a sequel to在。。。以后

including:if we include如果包括我;。。。。。。包括在内


regarding:about,concerning,in respect of


according tas stated by/ in proportion根据。。。。。/依照。。。。。。。

ahead of:further forward in space or time sb/sth; ealier tan sb/sth; further advanced than sb/sth

along with:in addition to;together with另外,加之,还有

apart from:exceping,not considering; in addition to除。。。。外/且莫说;除。。。之外尚有

as for:with regard to至于

as from:on and after(a specified time)从一特定时间开始

as of=as from

as regards:about,concerning至于,就。。。而论

英语句法解析:介词短语的解释 篇5

The boy in school uniform is my brother.



We often play football on the playground.



Susan found the kid in the kitchen.



Susan is in the kitchen.


常见带介词to的短语归纳 篇6


be / get / become used to习惯于 be given to 喜欢;癖好

be related to 与…有关系 be addicted to 沉溺于;对…上瘾

be opposed to 反对

devote oneself to献身于;专心于

be devoted to 致力于;忠诚于

be admitted to 被…录取;准进入

be reduced to 沦为


be attached to附属于;喜欢;依恋

be adjusted to 适应

be known to 为…所知

be married to 和…结婚

be sentenced to被判处

be connected to 和…连在一起 be exposed to 暴露于;遭受

be compared to 被比喻成compare… to…把…比作…

be engaged to 与…订婚

be / become / get accustomed to // accustomed to 惯于;有…习惯

be engaged to 与…订婚

get down to 着手做

lead to 导致

object to反对;不喜欢;不赞成put one’s mind to全神贯注于

give rise to 引起

look forward to 盼望

stick to 坚持

pay attention to 注意

attend to 专心;注意;照料

see to 负责;注意

contribute to对…作贡献;有助于

make contributions to对…作贡献

apply oneself to 致力于

come close to几乎;将近

reply to 回答

add to 增加

add up to 加起来

in addition to除…之外

turn to转向;求助于

feel up to 能胜任于

look up to 尊敬

admit to承认

belong to 属于

take to 喜爱;开始

cling to 附着

fall to 开始

respond to 回答;对…作出回应

accustom oneself to 使自己习惯于

amount to等于

prefer… to…更喜欢

set an example to 给…树立榜样

refer to 谈到;参考;查阅

agree to sth.同意某事(比较:agree to do sth.同意做某事)

prefer… to…更喜欢

take / make a trip to到…地方去

join…to…把…和 …连接起来

turn a blind eye to对…视而不见

turn a deaf ear to 对…充耳不闻

show honor to向…表示敬意

put an end to(bring… to an end)结束

set fire to 放火烧……

drink(a toast)to 为……干杯

propose a toast to 提议……

happen to… 发生了……事

occur to sb.想起;想到

total up to 总计达

be close to 几乎;将近

hold to 坚持;抓住

help oneself to 随便用……

hold on to 抓住;固守

do harm to 对……有害处

do wrong to 冤枉某人

date back to 追溯到

when it comes to… 谈到……时

come to 来到;达到;结果为(比较:come to do sth逐渐做某事)give an eye to着眼于

have an eye to doing 打算

the key to ……的答案

describe to 向……描述

treat sb.to sth.请某人吃……

trust sth.to sb.把某物委托给某人

pay a visit to 参观……

access to 进入;取得的方法

be a stranger to 不习惯;对……陌生

on one’s way to 在去某处的路上;在达成某事的过程中

be kind to 对……和善

be important to 对……重要

be senior to 年龄长于……

be equal to 和……相等

be particular to ……所特有的(比较:be particular about 对……过于讲究;挑剔)be subject to 服从;隶属;易遭受患

be familiar to 为 ……熟悉

be similar to 和……相似

be open to 对……开放

be loyal to 对……忠诚

be helpful to对……有益处

be useful to对……有用

be good to sb对某人好(比较:be good for 对……有益处)be bad to 对……不好 be bad for(比较:对……有害处)be new to 对……不习惯;对……陌生

as to 关于;至于

next to(否定词前)几乎;be due to do sth.预定要做某事

next to ……的旁边

due to 由于;归因于……

thanks to 多亏了;由于

owing to 由于;因……的缘故

in / with regard to 关于

in /with relation to 关于;就……而论

subject to 在……条件下;依照

be given to 沉溺于

be related to 与…相关

get down to着手做

lead to 着手做

object to / be opposed to 反对

put one’s mind to全神贯注于

be equal to 胜任

devote oneself to献身于

give rise to 引起

look forward to 盼望

pay attention to 注意

lead to通向 see to 负责

access to 接近(某地的)方法

be addicted to 沉溺于… 对…上瘾

according to 根据

contribute to 为…作贡献


1.access to 接近,进入(某地的)方法;通路

The only access to that building is along that muddy track.到那栋建筑的唯一通路是沿着那条泥泞的路走。

2.according to 按照,依照,视……而定

The work was done according to his instructions.那工作是依照他的指示做的。

3.be addicted to 沉溺于……,对……上瘾

He became addicted to the drug.他上了毒瘾

4.belong to 属于This dictionary belongs to me.这本词典是我的。

5.contribute to 为……做贡献,为……撰稿

Everyone should contribute what he or she can afford to society.人人都应该尽自己的能力为社会做贡献。

6.devote to 献身,致力于…… He has devoted his life to helping disabled people.他一生献身于帮助残疾人。

7.due to 因为,由于……而起

His lateness was due to the very heavy traffic on the motorway.他迟到是因高速公路上车辆过多所致。

8.be equal to 与……相当,有能力胜任……的Bill is quite equal to running the office.比尔的能力足以管理这个部门。

9.get close to 靠近,接近

Today many people like to go out to get close to nature.如今许多人喜欢到户外去接近大自然。

10.get down to 开始做某事,认真处理某事

It’s time I got down to some serious work.我该认真干点正事了。

11.hold to 忠于……,坚持,遵循

Whatever your argument, I shall hold to my decision.不管你怎样争辩,我将坚持我的决定。

12.help oneself to 自取,自用(食物,饮料等)Help yourself to a cigarette.请随便用香烟吧。

13.look forward to 盼望,期待

We are so much looking forward to seeing you again.我们非常盼望再见到你。

14.lead to 导致

This misprint led to great confusion.这个印刷错误造成很大的混淆。


I prefer walking to cycling.我愿意步行,不愿意骑自行车。

16.pay attention to 注意

Pay attention to what the teacher is talking about!注意老师说的话!

17.refer to 提到,涉及到,关系到,参考,查阅

What I have to say refers to all of you.我要说的事和你们大家都有关。

18.relate to 与……有关,涉及……

Wealth is seldom related to happiness.财富很少与幸福有关。

19.see to 照看或处理某事物 Will you see to the arrangements for the next committee meeting?你来处理下次委员会会议安排,好吗? 20.stick to 坚持,不改变或不放弃

We don’t want to hear your opinions;stick to the facts!我们不想听你的想法,只讲事实!21.turn to 转向,求助于,转而做

The more depressed he got, the more he turned to drink.他情绪越低落越是借酒浇愁。

22.used to习惯于……,适应……

She is quite used to working hard.她很习惯做艰苦的工作。



