甲方: 乙方:
甲方于****年**月**日出口**钢板原海关单号************ 乙方收货后,发现品质问题1)****;2)****;3)****。无法使用,需全部退回。经双方友好协商就退货问题达成以下协议:
乙方: 签字:
签字: 盖章(公章):
Agreement for the product Return Seller: Buyer: On WHEN Seller export WHERE origin steel plates(Customs declaration sheet number: ***************)
After inspection on arrival of the above-mentioned goods, buyer found: 1)**** 2)**** 3)**** After negotiation, both parties agreed that the total, said *** pcs of products should return to the seller, and the return terms as follow: 1)Seller should be responsible for all of the cost occurred during return.2)As this contract is try-order, Buyer agreed that the seller will not responsible for any other lost.3)This agreement is made in two copies, Both seller and buyer are holding one copy.The agreement will effect after both parties signed.Should any other terms not declare in this agreement, both parties will negotiate in proper way.Seller
为了满足目前我国汽车行业对国外汽车法规了解和掌握的迫切需要, 国家汽车质量监督检验中心 (长春) 与莱茵技术 (上海) 有限公司北京办事处合作组织汽车行业专业人士翻译了最新EEC指令, 并委托《汽车文摘》杂志编辑出版。全套EEC指令共计58本, 并附光盘一张, 为中英文逐页对照形式, 便于使用。
该EEC指令由《汽车文摘》杂志编辑部负责向汽车行业各企业推广销售, 价格为7500元/套, 欢迎各企业来电咨询购买。
联系人:杜女士电话:0431:85789859传真:0431:85789810 E-mail:dll_qy@163.com
Purchaser(hereinafter called “party A”)乙 方:启东凯文房产经纪有限公司
Agent:(hereinafter called “party B”):KEVIN PROPERTY CONSULTANTS LIMITED 甲乙双方经过讨论同意下列几项条款
This Agreement is entered into between the parties to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows: 1.甲方委托乙方代理采购甲方所需的商品,包含但不限于生活用品船料物资、食品饮料、电器设备、办公用品等。
Party A hereby appoint Party B to act as his procuring agent to purchase the commodity including but not limited to household items, shipping material supplies, food and beverages, electrical equipment, office supplies.2.甲方须至少提前半天告知乙方采购的商品清单,乙方应在收到清单后及时安排相关人员购买清单所列项目。
Party A shall notice Party B half day earlier about the order.Party B shall arrange the procurement in time after getting the order.3.乙方负责商品完好无损,并送至甲方指定的地点,如遇相关商品
Party B shall be responsible for the quality of the goods and shall deliver the goods to the pointed destination according to Party A in time.In case of the delay or the condition of out of stock, PartyB shall inform Party A in advance.Any procurement without the consent of Party A shall be regarded as invalid.4.甲方在确认商品无误后支付商品金额及服务费,乙方提供发票或者收据。
It is agreed that Party A shall pay for the amount of the commodities and the service fee after inspection, while Party B shall provide the receipt.5.如乙方购买商品与甲方要求不一致,或者双发对商品定义存在差异的,甲方可拒绝支付相关商品的费用,服务费按照剩余部分20%正常收取。
If there is misunderstanding about the commodity requirement, Party A has the right to refuse to pay for the relevant commodity, but Party A shall still pay for the service fee according to the remaining amount of the commodities.6.乙方的收费标准: 服务费(商品金额20%)+ 燃油费70元人民币。Standards of charge: service fee(20% of the amount of commodities)+fuel costs(¥70)
This Agreement, after its being signed by the parties concerned, shall remain in force for one year.凡因执行本协议有关事项发生的一切争执,应由双发通过友好方式协商解决,如不能达成协议,可向当地法院提起诉讼。
All disputes arising from the execution of this Agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations.In case no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the local court.甲方: 乙方: Party A: Party B:(Signature)(Signature)日期:
Article 8:Regulations about other fees
Party B undertakes a fee of RMB 1000 yuan monthly for ensuring public security.
The charge of water is settled and paid to the actual usage each month.
Party B pays party A RMB 400 yuan monthly as the fees for the public affairs such as maintenance of the environment and sanitation in party A’s factory as well as landscaping, etc.
In case the workers and staff of party B have meals in party A’s mess hall, the meal cost is settled and paid monthly to the mess hall’s standard.
For the management of industrial park, the related property management department will take the fees of rent, water & electricity and the fees for ensuring public security, etc.
第九条 甲方负责园区内的环境卫生、门卫、保卫及水、电户外设施保养,维修等事务。厂房电梯(货梯)三至四楼使用时应保证乙方租赁的厂房电梯的正常运转。
Article 9: Party A is responsible for the maintenance of environment and sanitization in the industrial park, safeguard, facilities of water, power outside, etc. The elevators in the leasing items shall run smoothly when the people on the third or fourth floors are using them.
第十条 乙方在厂房内安装设备或堆放货物,不得超过楼面设计负载 500 kg/m²。乙方对房屋的使用和装修必须符合消防、环保、治安、防疫等方面的要求,按规定配置设施。租赁期间不得擅自改变房屋的使用性质和结构。乙方对房屋的使用和装修在消防、安全、防疫、环保等方面有特殊要求的,或国家对此有特别规定的,乙方应事先向政府有关部门申报批准,对原厂房进行改造所产生的全部费用由乙方承担。
Article 10: Party B shall not install equipments or pile goods over 500 kilos per square meter in the leasing items. The use and decoration of the house shall comply with the requirements of fire control, environmental protection, public security and epidemic prevention etc. Party B shall not change the usage and construction of the leasing items. If party B has special requirements or the government has special regulations, party B shall first apply for approval from related government departments. If permitted, then all the expenses of reformation or improvement will be undertaken by party B.
第十一条 乙方的财产应参加保险,并做好防盗、保安、防火防灾工作,对乙方因被盗、抢劫及火灾等事故或不可抗力(如地震、洪水等)所产生的任何损失,均由乙方自行承担,与甲方及物业管理公司无涉。
Man errs so long as he strives.
The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it.
A man who is never satisfied with himself and whom therefore nobody can please.
A light heart can bear everything.
Genius is formed in quiet, character in the strenm of life.
You will never have what you like until you learn to like what you have .
He is the happiest ,be he King or peasant , who finds peace in his home.
Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his image.
The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation ; the two keep in their downwad tendency.
昨夜星辰昨夜风, 画楼西畔桂堂东。
身无彩凤双飞翼, 心有灵犀一点通。
隔座送钩春酒暖,,免费学英语网站,英语, 分曹射覆蜡灯红。
嗟余听鼓应官去, 走马兰台类转蓬。
Li Shangyin
The stars of last night and the wind of last night
Are west of the Painted Chamber and east of Cinnamon Hall.
…Though I have for my body no wings like those of the bright- coloured phoenix,
Yet I feel the harmonious heart-beat of the Sacred Unicorn.
Across the spring-wine, while it warms me, I prompt you how to bet
Where, group by group, we are throwing dice in the light of a crimson lamp;
Till the rolling of a drum, alas, calls me to my duties
Autumn is a beautiful but also the busiest season of the year. The arrival of autumn to make the earth put on new clothes and gold began to enter the busy people began to harvest fruits of their labor and enjoy the joy of harvest.
People from the skirt put on a row of herringbone autumn geese fly south for the winter the team.
Look plane trees yellow leaves slowly and saw a gust of wind blew away the leaves just like a beautiful butterfly dancing to the earth as if covered with a layer of warm quilts.
My father and mother came to see the garden chrysanthemums bloom red, yellow and purple chrysanthemums gathered together many of ...... merged into a sea of flowers and some only expand twenty-three petals; some petals children Expand revealing little pink lotus; some children seem fullness or bud was about to burst like a mix of colorful chrysanthemums, slim. Chrysanthemum exudes bursts of fragrance.
After a child we came to see the rice fields put on a golden field of small cars on the road clothes that come to the excitement. There shipped pull corn sorghum beans also installed a vehicle transportation vehicles loaded with the joy of harvest.
Finally, we came to the orchard fruit ripe red persimmons you have a pear lanterns glistening purple Yingying you a small gourd grapes hanging on the vine agate endearing yellow banana like curved moon ... ... I think that is really a wide range, abundant orchards.
开立日期: 致:中国能源建设集团广东省电力设计研究院(受益人名称及地址)
根据_北京博润新能电力科技有限公司(以下称“供货方”)与_中国能源建设集团广东省电力设计研究院(以下称“买方”)于 年 月 日签定的___________号合同之要求,供货方需向买方提供上述合同项下(货物名称)的履约保函,以保证供货方切实按照合同规定履行义务。
我们,中国光大银行 中关村支行,注册地,应供货方的要求,兹开立以你公司为受益人的不可撤销的、金额不超过RMB 84,000.00(金额大写:人民币 捌万肆仟元整 元整)的履约保函。
Performance Guarantee
To ____________(beneficiary’s name and address)Guarantee No._________ For Contract No._________ Issuing date___________
Whereas _______________________(hereinafter called “the Supplier”)has undertaken to supply _____________(goods)in pursuance of the contract No._____________ dated ___________with(hereinafter called the “Buyer”).And whereas it has been stipulated by the Buyer in the Contract that the Supplier shall furnish the Buyer with a bank guarantee issued by a recognized bank for the sum specified herein as security for the Supplier’s compliance with his performance obligations in accordance with the Contract;At the request of the Supplier, we, China Everbright Bank __________branch having our registered office at , hereby issue our irrevocable letter of guarantee No.__________ in your favor for the total amount not exceeding ___________(Say____________Only).We undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand declaring that the Supplier has been in default under the Contract, the amount not exceeding ____________(Say_____________Only)as aforesaid.The amount of this letter of guarantee shall be automatically decreased in proportion to the progress of supply made by the Supplier.This letter of guarantee shall become effective on ________,(or This performance guarantee will come into force only when the Seller has received a letter of credit acceptable to him,)and expire on __________, after which date this guarantee shall become null and void automatically, and shall be immediately returned to us for cancellation.Any action of maintaining the original of this guarantee or any of its amendments shall then give no right to the beneficiary for lodging any more claims hereunder.All claims made hereunder accompany THIS ORIGINAL GUARANTEE must be received by us on or before _____, after which date our liabilities hereunder will cease and this guarantee will be of no further effect.附件6
根据 公司(以下简称“卖方)与 公司(以下简称买方)于 年 月 日签定的 号合同,卖方向买方出售(货物名称),合同金额为RMB(金额大写:人民币 元整)。
我们,中国光大银行 分支行,注册地,应卖方的申请,兹开立以买方为受益人,金额不超过RMB____________(金额大写:人民币__________________元整)的不可撤销的预付款保函。
我行保证,如果卖方未能向买方提供合同项下的设备/货物,我行将在收到买方的书面索赔通知书的10个银行工作日内,立即无条件偿还买方预付的上述款项,但最高不超过RMB ______________(金额大写:人民币_____________元整)。
本保函自买方将预付款RMB(金额大写:人民币 元整)付至卖方在我行开立的 号帐户之日起生效。或者在预付款为分期付至的情况下,本保函将于申请人收到第一批预付款之日起生效,其项下的有效余额将与申请人实际所收到的预付款总额相等。担保金额在任何情况下均不能超过卖方实际收到的预付款项一致。
本保函有效期至 年____月___日为止。
Advance/Down Payment Guarantee
To: _____________(beneficiary’s name and address)
Guarantee No._______ For Contract No._______ Issuing date______
Whereas ___________________(hereinafter called the “Seller”)has signed contract No.___________ dated _____with _______________(hereinafter called the“Buyer”)for the amount of________(Say_________Only).At the request of the Seller, we, China Everbright Bank __________branch having our registered office at , hereby issue our irrevocable letter of guarantee No.__________ in favor of the Buyer.We undertake the guarantee as follows: 1.Our liability under this letter of guarantee shall be limited to________(Say_______Only)2.If the buyer declares in writing that the Seller fails to deliver all the equipment/goods in accordance with the contract terms, We shall, within ten(10)banking days after receipt of your first written demand, unconditionally refund to you the amount up to __________(Say__________________Only)The guarantee shall become effective as from the date when the Seller is in receipt of the advance payment of(Say Only)credited to the account No.with our bank.Or(for installments of advance payment by the buyer)The guarantee shall become effective as from the date when the Seller is in receipt of the first installment of the said advance payment credited to the Seller’s account No.with our bank, and the amount available hereunder shall always correspond to the total advanced sum the Seller has actually received.The guaranteed amount of this letter of guarantee shall be diminished automatically and proportionally in accordance with the value of each shipment as shown in the relevant invoices.This letter of guarantee expires on ______________, after which date this guarantee will become null and void automatically, and shall be immediately returned to us for cancellation.Any action of maintaining the original of this guarantee or any of its amendments shall then give no right to the beneficiary for lodging any more claims hereunder.All claims made hereunder accompany THIS ORIGINAL GUARANTEE must be received by us on or before ______________, after which date our liabilities hereunder will cease and this guarantee will be of no further effect.附件8
开立日期: 致:(受益人名称地址)
我们,中国光大银行 分支行,注册地,应买方的要求,兹开立以卖方为受益人,金额不超过RMB_____________(金额大写:人民币__________________元整)的不可撤销的担保函。
我行保证,在卖方向买方交付总计金额为RMB(金额大写:人民币 元整)的(货物名称)后,买方将按照上述合同条款之规定向卖方付款。
如果卖方履行了上述的合同义务,并按照合同的要求提供了买方可接受的单据,但是如买方未能在____年 月 日前按合同规定向卖方付款,我行保证在收到卖方声明买方拒绝付款的书面索赔通知、货运单据及________(其它所需单据或证明)后,在10个银行工作日之内付给卖方总额不超过RMB______________(金额大写:人民币_____________元整)的款项。
本保函担保的金额将随卖方逐批发运货物、按照发票中所显示的金额而自动递减。本保函从开立日期起生效,有效期至______年 月____日。
Payment Guarantee To:___________(beneficiary’s name and address)Guarantee No.__________
For Contract No.________ Issuing date__________ Whereas ________________________(hereinafter called “the Buyer”)has signed a contract No.____________ dated ______with __________________(hereinafter called “the Seller”)concerning the purchase from the Seller of the “goods” of the contract.At the request of the Buyer, we, China Everbright Bank __________branch having our registered office at , hereby issue our irrevocable letter of guarantee No._____________ in your favor for the total amount not exceeding ___________(Say____________Only).We guarantee that the payment shall be made by the Buyer according to the terms and conditions of the contract and hereby undertake with you as follows: Shall the Seller fulfill the above-mentioned contract obligations and provide the documents according to the stipulations of contract and found in order by the Buyer, but the Buyer fails to pay the amounts stipulated in the contract, then we undertake to effect such payment to the extent of the guaranteed amount hereunder for the unpaid value of goods the Seller delivered to the Buyer within ten(10)banking days after receipt of your first written demand stating that the Buyer has failed to pay the amounts stipulated in the contract.The amount of this letter of guarantee shall be automatically decreased in accordance with the payment made by the Buyer.This letter of guarantee shall become effective on ________, and expire on __________,after which date this guarantee shall become null and void automatically, and shall be immediately returned to us for cancellation.Any action of maintaining the original of this guarantee or any of its amendments shall then give no right to the beneficiary for lodging any more claims hereunder.All claims made hereunder accompany THIS ORIGINAL GUARANTEE must be received by us on or before _____, after which date our liabilities hereunder shall cease and this guarantee shall be of no further effect.附件10
保函编号: 开立日期: 致:(受益人名称地址)
根据(以下简称“卖方”)与(以下简称受益人)与 年 月 日签定(工程或货物名称)合同之规定,应卖方的申请,我们,中国光大银行___________分(支)行,注册地
附件11 Performance Guarantee for Project contracting Date: To:(beneficiary’s name and address)Dear Sirs, Know all men by these presents that we, China Everbright Bank xx Branch(hereinafter called the bank)having our registered office at , at the request of
(applicant)(hereinafter called contractor)and according to the terms of the contract No.xxxxxx(hereinafter called the contract)signed between your goodselves(name of the beneficiary)(hereinafter called the employer)and the contractor dated for the construction and completion of(hereinafter called the project), are held and firmly bound unto the employer in the sum of only for the payment of which sum to be well and truly made, we bind ourselves and our respective successors by these presents.The condition of this obligation is such that whereas the contractor has entered into the contract for the project now, therefore, if the contractor shall well and truly perform and fulfill all the obligations under the terms of the contract and any extensions thereof that may be granted by the employer with notice to the surety, and during the life of any guarantee required under the contract, and shall also well and truly perform and fulfill all modifications of the contract that may hereafter be made, then this obligation shall become null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue, our liability under this performance guarantee is limited to a sum not exceeding(say only).This guarantee shall come into force from the issuing date and remain valid up to(the expiry date of this performance guarantee), any claim in writing should be verified by the contractor accompany THIS ORIGINAL GUARANTEE and received by us within the validity period of this guarantee, otherwise, we shall be discharged from our liability, if any, under this guarantee.Upon expiry, this guarantee shall automatically become null and void and shall be returned to us for cancellation.Any action of maintaining the original of this guarantee or any of its amendments shall then give no right to the beneficiary for lodging any more claims hereunder.附件12
保函编号: 开立日期:
应(下称“申请人”)之申请,中国光大银行 分(支)行(下称“我行”),注册地,兹开立以 海关(下称“贵关”)为受益人,最高担保金额为RMB(金额大写:人民币 元整),有效期至 年 月 日的保函。