With their help I realized that I had been wrong.
He hasn’t finished yet.
He didn’t finish yesterday evening.
He hadn’t finished by yesterday evening.
①No sooner…than…. Hardly…when…
No sooner had he begun his speech than he was interrupted
②expect, hope, think, want, suppose等动词的过去完成时(或一般时)表示想做而未做的事
I had planned to send him a telegram, but I didn’t manage it.
After I finished, I went home.
I got out of the taxi, paid the fare(车费) and managed it.
When I arrived, Ann left.
When I arrived, Ann had left.
by the end of +过去时间 ; by + 过去时间
by the time + 过去时间;过去时间 + before
By the time he was 11, he had learned 3000 words .
By the time he is 11, he will have learned 3000 words.
By the time last week, I had learned 3000 words.
“语法填空”是2007年广东高中实施新课程标准之后, 高考改革增设的一种新题型, 总分为15分, 占英语总分的10%。自2007年实施以来, 语法填空已经在广东走过了七个年头, 所有高中英语教师和高中学生对这一题型都已经不再陌生。但是本人发现近几年高考英语语法填空最终得分情况是:基础较好的同学很容易拿高分, 基础较差的同学往往得分很低, 甚至出现0分。针对这种情况, 笔者重视对这种题型的指导和训练, 取得了显著效果, 学生的解题能力大大提高, 这说明只要老师对此足够重视, 课堂教学指导训练得当, 语法填空题可以成为学生高考新的增长点。下面结合本人这几年的英语课堂教学, 从语法填空的题型特点, 解题方法和训练方式三方面加以简单介绍。
根据《高中英语课程标准》确定的语法三个纬度, 高考广东卷语法填空题秉承考纲要求, 继续贯彻“注重实用, 考查基础”的考查思路和方向进行命题, 并适当地探索高考改革的新思路, 但高考试题大方向、考查思路和考查范围没有太大变化, 仍贯彻“稳定中求发展”的高考改革思路。7年的体裁都是记叙文, 题材上除了2008年选材成语故事, 其余6年都是生活经历或生活故事, 主题与现实生活联系密切, 其内容或体现文化内涵, 或体现生活常理。总体来看纯语法规则测试题越来越少, 而强化考生英语的实际运用能力、理解能力和逻辑推理能力的试题逐渐增加。
学生在做语法填空的题目时, 不但应该通篇考虑, 掌握文章的内容和主题, 而且合理地运用已学的语法知识 (词义、词性、词语搭配、句子时态、固定句型以及相关文化背景知识) 得出正确的结论。语法填空旨在考查学生的语言知识实际运用能力, 但这种题型仍是有规律可循。为了提高学生答题的准确率, 学生在答此类题型时应该做到以下几点:
1.通读全文, 理解大意
学生应该迅速浏览全文, 了解全文主旨, 学生应该特别注意文章的首尾句。通常文章会在首句给出一个提纲挈领或提供背景信息的句子, 在尾句表明自己的观点;其次, 要注意一些关键词语或句子, 特别是涉及人物、时间、地点、原因、经过、结果的词句;最后, 学生应该从文章的逻辑结构、上下文联系中挖掘作者的观点和态度。
2.尝试填空, 突破难点
在通读全文、基本把握文章大意之后, 可开始填空了。填空的过程是一个判断空白处应填词语的“语义” (已给出词语除外) 和正确的语法“形式”的思维过程。
3.再读检查, 修正错误
填空后, 再将文章复读一遍, 把已经填好的答案放在整篇文章中来检查。如果前后有矛盾或者句子不通顺, 证明有可能出现错误, 要重新考虑。
现以下题为例, 理清语法填空的解题思路。
解析: (1) 根据语法知识进行填空, 如第1题答案为more, 第7题答案为who; (2) 根据上下文逻辑关系进行填空, 如第2题答案为Because; (3) 根据语篇标志进行填空, 如第3题答案为gone, 第5题答案为full/good; (4) 根据固定词组进行填空, 如第6题答案为the; (5) 根据句型搭配进行填空, 如第4题答案为It; (6) 根据词汇知识进行填空, 如第8题答案为spend/waste, 第9题答案为saving; (7) 根据生活常识进行填空, 如第10题答案为until/till。
有了高考作为导向, 英语教师在平时的教学中可以让学生多做些语法填空训练, 有针对性地设计一些语法填空题目, 帮助学生积累语言知识、循序渐进地掌握这种题型的解题技巧。
比如, 教师可以通过对NSEFC Book 3的教学, 在阶段性测试中设计这样的题目: (1) I am looking forward to_____ (hear) from you again. (2) It is Mary_____I saw in the Supermarket yesterday. (3) _____a matter of fact, I don’t agree with what you said. (4) _____in this way, can we learn English well. (5) The number of students in our school_____2000.
解答: (1) 是关于look forward to doing这个搭配; (2) 考查强调句型It’s+强调部分+that的用法; (3) 考查固定词组搭配as a matter of fact的用法; (4) 考查only+介词短语放在句首时主句采用部分倒装的用法; (5) 考查the number of+名词复数作主语是谓语动词要用单数的用法。
这样, 既可以复习已学的语法知识, 又可以提高学生的解题技巧和能力。
为了加深学生对基础知识的掌握, 教师可以充分利用课文内容来设计语法填空的练习和试题。一种方式是使用课文中的重要段落来出题, 另一种方式是通过课文内容的缩写来出题。以下是一篇根据NSEFC Book I Unit 3改写的语法填空:
1.taking 2.It 3.rode 4.whose 5.As6.difficulty 7.determined 8.an 9.where 10.to see
综上所述, 要做好语法填空的题目并非难事。只要学生弄清楚考点, 明确考查范围, 了解这种题型的特点, 加之通过英语教师在平时教学工作中指导学生有效地进行学习, 让学生掌握一定的解题方法, 练习中有针对性地训练, 就可以在高考中做到有的放矢, 帮助学生攻克语法填空这一难关, 为高考打下坚实的基础。
[1]张满胜.英语语法新思维中级教程:通悟语法[M].北京:群言出版社, 2008
[2]梁雪妮.高考英语新题型下“语法填空题”教学策略及评价[J].新课程研究 (基础教育) , 2010 (6)
A. exhausting; abandoning
B. exhausted; abandoned
C. exhausted; abandoning
D. exhausting; abandoned
17. My father used to coffee in the morning, but now he is used to tea—he thinks its healthier.
A. drink; drink
B. drinking; drinking
C. drink; drinking
D. drinking; drink
18. make any mistakes in the exam. I went over what I had learnt again and again.
A. In order toB. So as to not
C. So as toD. In order not to
19. Mr. Smith, in the factory for thirty years, is on the way back to his village.
A. to workB. working
C. to have workedD. having worked
20. —How about something to eat?
—Id rather a drink. I am really thirsty.
A. have; havingB. having; have
C. have; to haveD. having; to have
21. Ive been considering my job as a teacher because a teacher is often considered a gardener.
A. to change; to be
B. to change; being
C. changing; being
D. changing; to be
22. in the 1980s, its the first factory colour TV sets of high quality.
A. Founded; producing
B. Founded; to produce
C. Founding; having produced
D. Founding; produced
23. All the members of my family, my grandparents, are fond of different kinds of sports, football .
A. including; included
B. including; including
C. included; including
D. included; included
24. My little daughter poured ink over my painting, completely it.
A. ruiningB. ruins
C. ruinedD. ruin
25. He is the youngest in the family, but he hated a child.
A. being treated as
B. treating as
C. to treat as
D. to be treated to
26. —My watch has been losing time for the past week.
—It probably needs .
A. cleanB. cleaned
C. to cleanD. cleaning
27. the problem of rising costs, the man decided to search for another job to support his large family.
A. Facing withB. To face with
C. FaceD. Faced with
28. Greatly as the leading scientist, he was asked to give lectures in many countries.
A. respectingB. respects
C. respectedD. to respect
29. in the book he is crazy about, he didnt hear his mother enter the room.
A. BuriedB. Burying
C. To buryD. Being burying
30. The picture the wall was drawn by one of his students.
A. attaching toB. attaching on
C. attached toD. attached on
例:【2015广东】He owned ______ farm, which looked almost abandoned.
例:【广东】After the student left, the teacher let ______ student taste the water.
例:【广东】Last year, my brother and I went to Miami for a vacation. Some of my friends who had been there before said ______ was a wonderful holiday destination.
例:【2015课标I】For those who fly to Guilin, it’s only an hour away ______ car and offers all the scenery of the better-known city.
例:【2014课标II】There were many people waiting at the bus stop, ______ some of them looked very anxious and disappointed.
答案与分析:and。“There were many people waiting at the bus stop”是个完整的句子,“some of them looked very anxious and disappointed.”也是个完整的句子,两句之间是并列关系。
例:【广东】______he thought he could escape attention by sitting at the back, he was
答案与分析:Although/Though。这里有两个句子,“______ he thought he could escape attention by sitting at the back”和“he was wrong.”,且两个句子之间没有分号或句号,根据句意可知,第一个句子是让步状语从句。
例:【2015课标II】As natural architects, the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly ______ thick the adobe walls needed to be to make the cycle work on most days.
答案与分析:how。因为“...the Pueblo Indians figured out”和“...the adobe walls needed to be...”是两套主谓关系,即两个句子,它们之间没有句号或分号,空格处必定是填连词;根据句意,确定填写连词how。
例:【2014广东】I didn’t understand ______ this would happen and my credit card had already been charged for the reservation.
例:【2015课标I】I’d skipped nearby Guilin, a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River ______ are pictured by artists in so many Chinese paintings.
例:【广东】His son looked surprised, “I can understand why I shouldn’t pay too much, Father, but if I can pay less, _____not save a bit of money?”
例:【2014课标II】Then the driver stood up and asked, “ _______anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop? ”
1人称代词主格I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they
宾格me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them
形容词性物主代词my, your, his, her, its, our, their
名词性物主代词mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs
2反身代词myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves
3指示代词this, that, these, those, such, some
4疑问代词who, whom, whose, which, what, whoever, whichever, whatever
5关系代词/连接代词that, which, who, whom, whose, as
6不定代词one/ some/ any, each/ every, none/ no, many/ much, few/ little/ a few/ a little
other/ another, all/ both, neither/ either
2007年, 广东高中实施了新课程标准改革, 在高考考试中增设了“语法填空”这一新题型, 此后这种题型开始在全国范围内的考试中蔓延开来。2014年2月份国家考试中心公布的《考试说明》也宣布从2014年开始, 课标考试全国卷也将以语法填空替代使用了几十年之久的单项选择。这种题型总分值15分, 占英语总分比重的十分之一, 难度系数相对不大, 但是这种题型往往是学生分数的分水岭, 我们会发现英语基础较好地同学在做这种题型的时候往往可以拿到很高的分值, 但是英语基础比较薄弱的学生却不能很好的把握这种题型, 很难拿到高分。针对这种现象, 我认为主要由以下四种原因。
1.学生词汇量过于匮乏。影响学生理解英语文章意思的一个很大的因素就是英语词汇量不足, 通常情况下, 学生如果可以掌握3000个英语单词, 那么理解整篇文章的大致意思是没什么问题的。但是由于有些学生在平时学习英语的过程中忽视对英语词汇的积累, 不能对所学到的词汇进行及时的练习与巩固, 从而造成了词汇量的缺乏。他们在阅读文章遇到不认识的单词时往往靠猜来进行答题, 猜对了算幸运, 猜不对只能得零分。词汇是英语听说读写的基础, 如果不能对词汇进行扎实的掌握, 平时练习只靠瞎猜进行敷衍了事, 是肯定获得不了高分的。
2.不能很好把握解题技巧。很多学生在做语法填空时根本就不了解英语文章的通篇含义, 盲目下笔, 往往事倍功半。做题目, 解题技巧至关重要, 学生们在做语法填空时正确的顺序是先浏览文章, 大致了解整篇文章要表达的意思, 然后按照顺序从上往下做题。而且有的学生在做语法填空时很有意思, 他们不是按照顺序做题, 而是跳着做, 有时候从第一题直接跳到了第五题或者第七题, 这是非常不好的解题习惯。
3.学生无法明确考试内容。有的学生在做题过程中, 由于不熟悉语法填空的命题形式, 不明确考查内容与范围, 从而造成失分。在做题前一定要弄清考点, 明确考察范围, 才能做到有的放矢, 拿到高分。
4.语法知识薄弱。学会不了解语法知识, 基本上很难把整篇文章读下去。经常会有的学生说他们一个句子里的单词全部认识, 但是就是翻译不出来, 这就是因为没有很好的掌握语法知识, 掌握语法也是拿到英语考试高分的重要内容。
教育改革从最基本的有效课堂着手, 那么有效课堂的实施需要英语语法填空如何的改革呢?下面, 我们就如何在有效课堂上有效提高对语法填空的运用能力进行探讨。
1.明确考试重点, 有的放矢。在考试中, 经常有很多学生会产生这种疑惑, 他们认为自己也是按照老师教的方法进行学习, 但是仍然取得不了高分, 从而对任课老师产生怀疑或是自我怀疑。
其实产生这种现象是因为学生没有很好的理解老师的意思, 针对这些问题, 老师们可以在日常的有效课堂教学活动中, 敦促学生快速浏览文章, 并对文章中起启承转折、观点突出、暗示明显的线索或者部分做明显的记号, 这样学生在快速阅读的过程中就可以有效避免因为时间来不及而遗漏重要信息的后果。
2.把握解题技巧。学生在练习的过程中, 可以根据句子的意思, 确定所需单词, 例如以下几点。
(1) 若句子缺少主语或宾语, 则一定是填代词, 如:
The band members describe themselves as a new band made up of old friends.
(2) 若空格后有名词, 且该名词在句中不作主语、动词宾语或表语时, 则空格处应该填介词, 如:
Dad conclude our phone conversation with the words, “Paul, i love you.”
(3) 若名词 (尤其是可数名词单词) 前没有限定词 (如冠词、形容词性物主代词、不定代词等) , 则很有可能填限定词。
(4) 若两个最近的谓语动词形式之间出现空格, 而二者之间没有任何连接词出现, 则考虑填连词。
I ask him if/whether he wanted to play football with me on Sunday.
Finally she turned up, which surprised me most.
(5) 根据一些特殊句型来判断春空格所填词, 如:
1) 强调句型:it be...that...
2) So/such...that...句型
3) It作形式主语和形式宾语的一些固定句型
4) 注意however的用法
3.注意训练方式。老师们在日常的教学活动中要注重对学生分析句子能力进行培养, 一段话找出主句与从句;一个句子找出主语和谓语、宾语;找出句子中出现的非谓语动词。在这里, 让学生掌握谓语动词和非谓语动词的不同形式是至关重要的, 因为这在高考中是重点也是难点。当然, 学习英语离不开词汇量的累积, 老师在关注提升学生语法的同时也要注重对学生词汇量提升的练习, 扩大学生词汇量与常见短语和固定句型的练习。
学好英语不是一蹴而就的, 而是一个漫长而缓慢的过程, 需要有充足的耐心与决心。学好引语语法填空并不简单, 学生在日常学习的过程中一定要注意多留心多积累, 掌握解题方法与命题特点, 对薄弱语法环节进行针对性训练, 那么做好语法填空就并非遥不可及。
摘要:语法填空一直以来是高考中的重点与难点, 也是学生得分的薄弱环节。本文从造成学生对语法填空题型不擅长的原因以及如何改善这种现象入手, 简要的对创造英语语法有效课堂进行了分析。
[1]李飞.高考英语全国卷与重庆卷新题型的共时研究[J].中学生英语.2016 (06) .
A. generalB. frequent
C. normalD. particular
2. I asked my boss for a months holiday and, she agreed.
A. whats more
B. that is to say
C. believe it or not
D. in other words
3. The old pianist wouldnt listen to our repeated request that he in public again.
A. play
B. played
C. would play
D. was going to play
4. —Can you order a taxi for me, please?
—, sir.
A. Straight away
B. Never mind
C. Not at all
D. Yes, help yourself
5. —What do you think an important part in their lives?
A. playsB. takes
C. makesD. acts
1. B考查形容词词义辨析。本题题意:酒后驾驶,在以前是个经常发生的事情,现在已受到控制。frequent“经常的”,符合句意;general“一般的”;normal“正常的”;particular“特别的”。
2. Cbelieve it or not“信不信由你,我说的是真话(常用作插入语,也叫独立成分)”。whats more“而且;此外”,表示的是递进关系;that is to say“也就是说”;in other words“换句话说”,是解释关系。
3. Arequest之后的that从句为同位语从句,需用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用“should+动词原形”,其中should可省略,故选A。
4. A本题题意:“请为我叫辆计程车,好吗?”“好的,先生,立即就办。”straight away意为“立刻,马上”,符合语境。Never mind“没关系”;Not at all“一点也不”;Yes, help yourself“是的,请自便”。
5. Aplay a part in…表示“在……中起作用”,是固定短语,动词不能更换。另外,要注意句中的do you think是插入语。例如:Who do you think will go with the teacher?你认为谁会跟老师一起去?
We use who and whom for people, and which for things.
Or we can use that for people or things.
We use relative pronouns:
after a noun, to make it clear which person or thing we are talking about:
the house that Jack built
the woman who discovered radium
an eight-year-old boy who attempted to rob a sweet shop
in relative clauses to tell us more about a person or thing:
My mother, who was born overseas, has always been a great traveller.
Lord Thompson, who is 76, has just retired.
We had fish and chips, which is my favourite meal.
But we do not use that as a subject in relative clauses.
We use whose as the possessive form of who:
This is George, whose brother went to school with me.
We sometimes use whom as the object of a verb or preposition:
This is George, whom you met at our house last year.
This is George’s brother, with whom I went to school.
But nowadays we normally use who:
This is George, who you met at our house last year.
This is George’s brother, who I went to school with.
When whom or which have a preposition the preposition can come at the beginning of the clause...
I had an uncle in Germany, from who[m] I inherited a bit of money.
We bought a chainsaw, with which we cut up all the wood.
… or at the end of the clause:
I had an uncle in Germany who[m] I inherited a bit of money from.
We bought a chainsaw, which we cut all the wood up with.
We can use that at the beginning of the clause:
I had an uncle in Germany, that I inherited a bit of money from.
1.两位数: 几十和个位数之间加连词号, 如: twenty-three, forty-seven, ninety-six
2.三位数的读法: 第一个数字+hundred + and +后面的一位或两位数字, 如: 101读作one hundred and one, 864读作eight hundred and sixty-four
3.四位数和四位以上数字的读法: 阿拉伯数字每三位为一段, 从后往前用逗号分开, 每个逗号处所用的数词分别为: thousand, million, billion, 如: 21,634,755读作twenty-one million six hundred and thirty-four thousand seven hundred and fifty-five. 注意: 读这样的数时, 只在hundred一词后加and
4.hundred, thousand, million, billion表示具体数目时都不用复数形式, 但它们的复数形式可以用于一些词组中, 如: hundreds of, thousands of, millions of, billions of.
5.数词dozen, score的用法与hundred, thousand等相同
二.序数词: 表示数目顺序的词
我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 外媒:留学荷兰:算好一年的标准基数资金事业单位招聘网:度湖北省潜江统计报表填报基标准日本语在线学习:语法纠错讲解~文法チェック『18高一英语语法:高一英语语法一般现在时表将来中考英语语法:英语时态的用法之三小学英语语法:小升初必备语法 数词高中英语语法:语法复习十八 数 词中考英语复习:中考英语介词知识点精讲大全初中英语语法:初中英语语法 冠词的用法初中英语语法:英语中的否定形式表示肯定意义 高考英语语法:高考英语总复习语法专项 数词
1.序数词一般是由基数词加th构成, 序数词前一定要加the, 如: the seventh, the thirteenth, the one hundredth
2.以y结尾的基数词构成序数词时, 先把y变为i, 再加eth, 如: the twentieth, the fortieth, the fiftieth, the eightieth
3.大于二十的基数词对应的序数词, 只将末位数变为序数词, 前面的其他位数仍用基数词, 如: 第532读作five hundred and thirty-second
4.不规则的序数词如下: the first, the second, the third, the fifth, the eighth, the ninth, the twelfth
1.编号的事物可用序数词或基数词加名词构成, 如: the fourth lesson =lesson four, the fifteenth page =page fifteen, the ninth part =part nine
2.编号的事物若数字较大, 一般用基数词放在名词后面来表示, 名词前一般不用定冠词, 如: room 302, page 215, No. 101 middle school
3.在表示年月日时, 年用基数词, 日用序数词, 年的读法是, 从后往前, 将年份分成两位一段, 依次读出每一段即可, 如: April 5,1976 读作April (the) fifth, nineteen seventy-six; October 1, 1949读作October the first, nineteen forty-nine; 年份1905读作nineteen hundred and five; 年份1800读作eighteen hundred; 年份读作year two thousand; 年份502 B.C.读作five o two B C; 年份A.D. 620读作six twenty A D
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①.表示几点整的说法: It is five (o’clock)
②.表示几点过几分的说法: 若不超过30分钟, 用past表示过几分; 若超过30分钟, 用to表示差多少分到几点, 如: 3:05 =five past three, 5:20 =twenty past five; 8:35 =twenty-five to nine; 12:50 =ten to one
③.表示几刻钟的说法, 如: a quarter, three quarters
④.表示上午,下午某时间, 如: 8:00 a.m., 4:15 p.m.
⑤.时刻也用24小时制读法, 只须依次读出点钟数和分钟数, 整点钟时, 需在最后加读hundred ( hours), 如: 18:45读作eighteen forty-five, 18:00读作eighteen hundred ( hours ), 以上提到的3:05, 5:20, 8:35分别也可读作three five, five twenty, eight thirty-five
5.表示加减乘除的说法: 数学运算的加减乘分别用plus, minus, times, divided by表示
a. How much is fifteen plus two?
b. How much is eight minus seven?
c. How much is twelve times twelve?
d. How much is eighty-one divided by nine?
e. Five plus three is / equals eight.
f. Five minus three equals / leaves two.
g. Five times three makes / is fifteen.
h. Fifteen divided by three equals five.十五除以三等于五
我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 外媒:留学荷兰:算好一年的标准基数资金事业单位招聘网:2012度湖北省潜江统计报表填报基标准日本语在线学习:语法纠错讲解~文法チェック『18高一英语语法:高一英语语法一般现在时表将来中考英语语法:英语时态的用法之三小学英语语法:小升初必备语法 数词高中英语语法:语法复习十八 数 词中考英语复习:2009中考英语介词知识点精讲大全初中英语语法:初中英语语法 冠词的用法初中英语语法:英语中的否定形式表示肯定意义 高考英语语法:高考英语总复习语法专项 数词
a. This room is three times bigger than that one.
b. The dictionary is four times thicker than that book.
c. The earth is 49 times the size of the moon.
7.表示百分比的说法: 基数词+ percent
8.有些基数词可以构成固定词组, 如: one by one, twos and threes三三两两
9.基数词可以与度量单位连用: twenty meters deep, ten meters long, one hundred yards
10.分数的表示法: 分子用基数词, 分母用序数词, 若分子大于1, 则分母用序数词的复数形式, 如: one third, two tenths, two thirds. 有些分数可以用half, quarter表示, 如: three quarters
11.小数: 小数点读作point, 小数点前面的数字读作一个完整的基数词, 小数点后面的每位数字依次用基数词读出, 如: 3.4读作three point four, 0.2读作zero point two, 8.97读作eight point nine seven
12.某些数字的读法与写法, 如: $10.20读作ten dollars and twenty cents; 35O 读作thirty-five degree; -20O 读作twenty degree below zero或minus twenty degree; Napoleon III读作Napoleon the third; World War II读作World War two或the second world war.
a. The boy is ten years old.
b. The boy is at the age of ten.
我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 外媒:留学荷兰:算好一年的标准基数资金事业单位招聘网:2012度湖北省潜江统计报表填报基标准日本语在线学习:语法纠错讲解~文法チェック『18高一英语语法:高一英语语法一般现在时表将来中考英语语法:英语时态的用法之三小学英语语法:小升初必备语法 数词高中英语语法:语法复习十八 数 词中考英语复习:2009中考英语介词知识点精讲大全初中英语语法:初中英语语法 冠词的用法初中英语语法:英语中的否定形式表示肯定意义 高考英语语法:高考英语总复习语法专项 数词
c. He is a ten-year-old boy.
d. The boy is of ten years.
14. in one’s + 整十数的复数形式, 表示在某人几十多岁的时候, 如:
a. He became famous in his thirties.
15. in the 1930s / 1930’s表示在二十世纪三十年代
16. 序数词前一般要用the, 但表示又一,再一的概念时, 序数词前也可以用a / an
a. They plan to buy a second house. 他们计划再买第二房子
1.一般来说, 两位数以内的数目用文字表示, 超过两位数的数目用数字, 如:
a. There are forty-five students in our class.
b. There are about 2,100 students in our school.
a. One hundred and two voters are against the project.
a. There are three twos in six. 6之内有三个2.
b. He became famous in his fifties.
a. One hundred and two voters are against the project.
a. There are three twos in six. 6之内有三个2.
A. the; theB. a; a
C. /; theD. /; a
2. It is said that to classic music may be helpful in improving teenagers taste.
A. exposedB. having exposed
C. being exposedD. exposing
3. Most students attitudes towards fashion are reported nowadays in a recent survey.
A. changingB. to be changing
C. having changedD. to be changed
4. English can be difficult to learn, it is a very useful tool for communication.
A. SinceB. While
C. UnlessD. If
5. A performer who for a commercial performance uses a published work created by others doesnt need from, but shall pay amount of money to the copyright(版权) owner.
A. permissionB. allowance
C. permitD. patent(专利)
6. Recently, to maintain national balance, the Chinese government has a policy of encouraging college graduates to take positions in rural areas.
A. adaptedB. admired
C. adoptedD. admitted.
7. Generally, to a university in the USA, foreign students need to prove their strong ability in using English.
A. admittingB. admitted
C. to be admittedD. being admitted
8. It is the protection for the living trees that really matters, how many trees are planted each year.
A. other thanB. or rather
C. rather thanD. more than
9. —Frank, Ive learned about your plan. May I make some suggestions?
— .
A. Just for funB. Go right ahead
C. With pleasureD. Take it easy
10. —Hi, Peter, how are you?
—Sorry, I am Jack. You me twin brother and me.
A. would mix upB. mixed up
C. had mixed upD. mix up
11. I would appreciate you can help me give out the papers.
A. itB. if
C. it whetherD. it if
12. The research project has been for only three weeks, so its too early to evaluate it.
A. under wayB. in the way
C. on the wayD. by the way
13. As some effective measures had been taken, the number of traffic accidents in this city last year.
A. increasedB. decreased
C. expandedD. spread
14. I would like a job which pays more, but I enjoy the work Im doing at the moment.
A. in other wordsB. on the other hand
C. for one thingD. as a matter of fact
15. —Im sorry to hear that some villagers got disabled in the earthquake.
—Thats too bad, but .
A. all is well that ends well
B. the darkest hour is nearest the dawn
C. where there is life, there is hope
高考英语作文 高考作文06-27