Earthquake load 地震荷载32 Elevation n.海拨,立面33 Embedment 预埋件34 Engineering n.工程35 Equal angle a.等边角钢36 Equivalent a.等于37 Examined 审定
Example n.例子,样本
EXPANSION BOLT膨胀螺栓40 Downward a.向下的41 Exterior a.外部的42 Detail n.详图
Exposed frame a.明框44 Detection n.探知,发现45 Definition n.定义,精确度46 Deflection n.挠度47 Deform v.变形48 Deformation n.变形49 Density n.容重,密度50 Depth n.深度
Derivation n.引出,导出52 Description n.描述53 Development n.发展
Fin glass(stiffen fin glass)肋玻璃55 Double Skin Wall双层幕墙56 Extrusion n.挤压57 Diagonal 对角线58 Die n.冲模
Difference n.不同,差异60 Dimension n.尺寸
Direct a.ad.直接的,v.指挥62 Distance n.距离
Distributed a.均匀的,分布的64 Double glazing 双层(中空)玻璃65 Design n.设计
glass curtain wall 玻璃幕墙67 fillet weld 角焊缝68 Foreword n.序言69 Formula n.方程
Free stand type 坐(落)地式71 Function n.函数
Galvanization n.镀锌73 Galvanize v.镀锌
GALVANIZED BOLT镀锌螺栓75 Folded 折叠的,拦杆76 Glass n.玻璃
FOAM ROD泡沫填充棒78 Glazing n.玻璃窗,玻璃装饰79 Global a.通用的,全球的,球形的80 Granite 花岗石
Granite cladding 花岗岩围护,干挂石82 Gravity n.重量83 Grille n.格子84 Grout n.水泥浆
Grouting(填塞的)水泥砂浆86 Gutter n.天沟,排水沟87 galvanizing镀锌
Contact surface n.接触面89 Fabrication n.加工
Facial glass(facade glass)面玻璃91 Facial(fa?ade)a.脸部的,表面的92 Fastener-Stainless Steel 不锈钢紧固件93 Fatigue n.v.疲劳
Feature 装饰物,特征95 Figured glass 压花玻璃
Fillet n.带子,带形的97 Force n.力,力量;v.强迫98 Fin n.鳍,鳍状物99 Fabricate v.加工
Finish n.完成,装饰101 Fire prevention防火102 FIRE STOP防火棉103 Fix v.固定
Fixing lug n.摩耳105 Flange n.凸缘,翼缘
Flashing n.防水板,遮雨板107 Flashing泛水108 Float glass 浮法玻璃109 Deduction n.折减,扣除110 Be equivalent to等于111 Architect n.建筑师112 Architecture n.建筑
Artificial a.人造的,虚假的114 Assume v.假设115 Assumption n.假设116 Average =AVG.平均117 Axial a.轴向的118 Axis n.轴向的119 Bottom n.底部
Base level 基本平面,海平面
Anti-corrosive zinc paint 防锈白漆122 Bear 负荷
Bend v.n.弯曲,屈服124 Bituminous a.含沥青的125 Bituminous paint 沥青油126 Board n.板127 Bolt n.螺栓
Bond v.接合,搭接129 Bonding n.搭接,接合130 Continuous beam 连续梁131 Backer rod 加强棒,泡沫棒132 Analysis n.分析
5mm THK.ALUMINUM PLATE 5厚单铝板134 Accessories 附件135 According to 根据136 Acid a.酸,酸性的137 Across ad.prep.横过,交叉138 Allowable 允许139 Alloy 合金
Alum bracket 铝角码141 Alum.panel 铝板142 Approval 承认,审批143 Aluminum 铝,铝材144 Appendix 附录
Analyze(analyse)v.分析146 Anchor 锚固
ANCHOR BOLT锚拴148 Angle steel 角钢
Annealed glass 退火玻璃150 Annealed glass浮法玻璃151 Annealed glass浮法玻璃152 Anodizing n.阳化153 Bracket n.支托
154 Aluminium alloy 铝合金155 Content n.内容156 Complete v.完成157 Composite a.n.混合物,混合158 Compression n.压,压迫159 compressive a.受压的160 Concrete n.混凝土161 Condition n.条件162 Consider v.认为163 Constant n.常数164 Booklet n.小册子165 Increase V.增加166 Column n.柱
167 Gyration n.回转,旋转168 Contractor n.承包商169 Copper n.铜
170 Cracked a.开裂的171 Criteria n.标准,要点172 Critical a.危险的,临界的173 Curtain wall 幕墙174 Curved a.弯曲的175 Data n.数据176 Contact n.a.接触177 Cement n.水泥
178 Buckle vi.使弯曲,使屈服179 Built-up a.有组织的,密集的180 butt weld 对接焊缝181 Butt welding 焊缝182 Canopy n.天蓬,雨蓬183 Canopy雨棚
184 Cantilever beam 悬臂梁185 Capacity n.能力,容量186 Caption n.说明,标题187 Comparison n.比较188 Catalogue n.目录,总目189 Combined a.组合190 Certificate Vt.n.证明,证明书191 Channel n.槽,频道,通道
192 Check v.检查,查阅
193 Circular hollow section n.圆通194 Clear glass 透明玻璃195 Client n.客户,委托人196 Code n.代码,法规197 Coefficient n.系数198 Dead load 恒荷载199 Cast-in 埋入
200 stainless steel不锈钢201 Imposed a.应用的,利用的202 Sleeve n.袖子,套筒203 Slope n.v.倾斜204 Span n.跨度
205 Specification n.规格,详述206 Spider fixing(玻璃)固定爪207 Splice Vt.n.接合,连接,结婚208 Square hollow section方形管209 Site-ground 室外地面210 Stainless steel 不锈钢
211 Single glass.temperd 单层钢化玻璃 212 Stainless steel bolt 不锈钢螺栓213 Standard n.标准
214 Steel bracket 钢角码215 Stiffen v.使变硬216 Strength n.强度
217 Stress n.压力,应力218 Structural a.结构的219 Structural silicone 结构胶220 Structure n.结构221 Stability n.稳定性222 Sealant n.密封胶223 Resistance v.抵抗224 Restrain n.约束225 Result n.结果
226 Revision n.修订,校订
227 RIGID INSULATION刚性绝缘体 228 Rigidity n.刚性229 Rod n.小枝,竿230 Roof n.屋顶
231 Skylight采光顶
232 Screw n.v.螺钉,螺旋浆,拧紧233 Submission n.递呈,提交,服从234 Self-weight 自重235 Serial n.序列,系列236 Setting block 垫块
237 Shading coefficient遮阳系数238 Shape n.v.形状,定形239 Shear n.v.修剪,剪切240 Silicone n.硅树酯
241 Similar n.a.相似的,相同
242 Simply supported beam 简支梁243 Scope n.范围,广度
244 Type 类型,型号,打字245 Tinted 染色的246 Title n.名称,标题
247 Tolerance n.宽容,公差248 Top n.顶部,上总的249 Torsion n.扭转,扭矩250 Total 总的,总数251 Transom n.横梁,横档252 Transom 横梁253 Strut n.支柱
254 Triangle n.三角形255 Thickness n.厚度
256 Unequal angle n.不等边角钢257 U-valueU-值
258 Visible Light Reflectance可见光反射率259 Visible Light Transmittance可见光透光率260 Weather proofing sealant 耐侯胶261 Weep滴水262 weld 焊缝
263 welding line焊缝264 Zinc-plated 镀锌
265 Trapezoid n.梯形,不等边四边形266 Tee n.T字形,T形物267 Reflective glass 反射玻璃268 Suction n.吸力
269 Super-structure 主体结构270 Supplier n.供应商
271 Supply n.v.提供,补充,替代272 Support n.v.支撑,支持
273 Support on four sides 四边支撑274 Support on two sides 两边支撑275 Surface n.表面276 Tile 砖,磁片
277 Technical a..技术的,工业的278 Thread n.纤维
279 Temperature n.温度
280 Tempered a.调节的,钢化的281 Tempered glass 钢化玻璃282 Temporary a.临时的283 Tensile a.拉力的,张力的284 Tension n.v.张力,拉力
285 Terrain n.地带,地域,范围286 The arm of force 力臂287 Sub-contractor n.分包商
288 Symmetry a.对称的289 Material n.材料290 Length n.长度291 Linear a.线性的292 Lips n.薄片,唇293 Load n.v.荷载,加载
294 Local a.局部的,地方性的295 Long a.长的296 Louver n.百叶,百页297 Lug n.耳朵
298 Moment n.瞬间,矩
299 Manufacturer n.制造高,厂商300 Laminated glass 夹胶玻璃301 Maximize v.最大化302 Maximum n.最大值303 Member n.杆件304 Metal n.金属305 Micron n.微米306 Mild steel 钢307 Minimize v.最小化308 Minimum n.最小值
309 Relative Heat Gain相对热增益310 MACHINE BOLT机制螺栓311 Inertia n.惯性312 Hardware n.五金
313 Heat Soak Test引爆处理
314 Heat strengthened glass半钢化玻璃315 Height n.高度
316 Hidden frame 隐框317 Horizontal a.水平的318 Hot-dipped zinc galvan 热浸锌319 Immediate a.当地的320 4mm THK.COMPOSITE MADE OF AL.AND PLASTIC4厚复合铝板321 Lateral a.侧面的,旁边的322 Individual a.个别的323 Laminated glass 夹胶玻璃324 Inertia moment 惯性矩
325 Insulating Glass Unit(IGU)中空玻璃326 Interior a.内部的327 Investigate n.调查,研究328 Issue n.v.发行,发布329 Jointn.连接330 Joist n.托梁,桁
331 Laminated glass 夹层玻璃332 Movement capacity 变形能力333 Include v.包括
334 PVF2 Coating 氟碳喷涂
335 Poisson’s Ratio 泊桑比336 Polished glass 磨光玻璃337 practise n.实行
338 Pre-cast 预埋,预置339 Preliminary a.初步的340 Pressure n.v.压力,压强341 Principal a.主要的342 Protect v.保护343 Modulus n.模量
344 Purposed v.计划,打算345 Plastic a..塑性的,可塑的346 Quantity n.量,数量,总数347 Railingn.扶手,拦杆348 Ratio n.比,比率
349 Reaction n.反应,反作用
350 Rectangle hollow section 矩形管 351 Reduce v.减少,缩小352 Refer v.提交,查阅
353 Reference n.v.参考,引用354 Hanger system 吊挂系统355 Purpose n.目的,企图,论题356 Peak 峰值
357 Mullion n.竖框,竖料358 Mullion 立柱
359 Natural a.n.自然的,360 Negative a.n.否定,负数361 Neutral a.中性的362 Normal a.普通的,法向的363 Nut n.坚果,螺丝帽364 Panel n.板,仪表板365 Parallel a.n.v.平行
366 Podium n.矮墙,女儿墙367 Partial a.部分的368 Plate n.盘子,金属板369 Penetration n.浸透,浸入370 Penetration butt 对接埋入焊371 Period a.句号,周期372 Permissible a.允许的373 Permit v.允许374 Pile n.桩
375 Pin n.a.大头钉,栓
376 Plan n.计划,平面图,设计图
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机场费 airport fee 出站
国际机场 international airport
国内机场 domestic airport
机场候机楼 airport terminal
国际候机楼 international terminal
国际航班出港 international departure
国内航班出站 domestic departure
卫星楼 satellite
入口 in
出口 exit; out; way out
不需报关 nothing to declare
海关 customs
登机口 gate; departure gate
候机室 departure lounge
航班号 FLT No flight number
来自…… arriving from
预计时间 scheduled time (SCHED)
实际时间 actual
已降落 landed
前往…… departure to0
起飞时间 departure time
延误 delayed
登机 boarding
餐厅 restaurant
由此上楼 up; upstairs
由此下楼 down;downstairs
银行 bank
订旅馆 hotel reservation
行李暂存箱 luggage locker
出港、离开 departures
登机手续办理 check-in
登机牌 boarding pass (card)
护照检查处 passport control immigration
行李领取处 luggage claim; baggage claim
国际航班旅客 international passengers
中转 transfers
中转旅客 transfer passengers
中转处 transfer correspondence
过境 transit
报关物品 goods to declare
贵宾室 V. I. P. room
購票处 ticket office
付款处 cash
出租车 taxi
出租车乘车点Taxipick-up point
大轿车乘车点coachpick-up point
航空公司汽车服务处airline coach
租车处(旅客自己驾车)car hire
公共汽车 bus; coach service
公用电话 public phone; telephone
厕所 toilet; lavatories; rest room
男厕 men‘s; gent‘s; gentlemen‘s
女厕 women‘s; lady‘s
迎宾处 greeting arriving
咖啡馆 coffee shop; cafe
免税店 duty-free shop?
邮局 post office
旅行安排 tour arrangement
保护关税(Protective Tariff)保税制度(Bonded System)布鲁塞尔估价定义(Brussels Definition of Value BDV)差别关税(Differential Duties)差价关税(Variable Import Levies)产品对产品减税方式(Product by Product Reduction of Tariff)超保护贸易政策(Policy of Super-protection)成本(Cost)出厂价格(Cost Price)初级产品(Primary Commodity)初级产品的价格(The Price of Primang Products)出口补贴(Export Subsidies)出口动物产品检疫(Quarantine of Export Animal products)出口管制(Export Contral)出口税(Export Duty)出口退税(Export Rebates)出口信贷(Export Finance)出口限制(Export Restriction)出口信贷国家担保制(Export credit Guarantee)出口许可证(Export Licence)储备货币(Reserve Carreacy)处于发展初级阶段(In the Early Etages of Development)处理剩余产品的指导原则(The Guiding Principle of Clealing With the Surplus Agricultural Products)船舶(Vessel)从量税(Specific Duty)从价(Ad Valorem)从价关税(Ad Valorem Duties)单方面转移收支(Balance of Unilateral Transfers)动物产品(Animal Product)多种汇率(Multiple Rates of Exchange)反补贴税(Counter Vailing Duties)反倾销(Anti-Dumping)反倾销税(Anti-dumping Duties)关税(Customs Duty)关税和贸易总协定(The General Agreement On Tariffs And Trade)关税合作理事会(Customs Co-operation Council)关税减让(Tariff Concession)关税配额(Tariff Quota)关税升级(Tariff Escalation)关税水平(Tariff Level)关税税则(Tariff)关税同盟(Customs Union)关税和贸易总协定秘书处(Secretariat of GATT)规费(Fees)国际价格(International Price)约束税率(Bound Rate)自主关税(Autonomous Tariff)最惠国税率(The Most-favoured-nation Rate of Duty)优惠差额(Margin of Preference)优惠税率(Preferential Rate)有效保护率(Effective Vate of Protection)
Lack of control of hypertension is one of the most prevalent problems encountered by general practitioners(GPs).Self-measured blood pressure monitoring at home(SMBP)and self-titration of medication could be a good strategy to improve hypertension management, however, evidence is limited and not conclusive.We aimed to assess the effectiveness, in the primary care setting, of an intervention that includes educational components, SMBP and self-titration of antihypertensive medication to decrease systolic blood pressure compared to usual care, in a population with poorly controlled hypertension, during a 12-month period.背景:高血压控制不足是全科医生遇到的最普遍的问题之一。家庭自测血压(SMBP)和药物自滴定可能是改善高血压管理的一个好策略,然而,证据有限,没有结论性。我们的目的是评估在基层医疗机构中,在高血压控制不足的人群中,相比于常规治疗,包含教育、SMBP和自滴定降压药的干预措施在12个月内降低收缩压的效果。
Methods: Pragmatic, controlled, randomized, unblinded clinical trial with two parallel groups assigned in a ratio of 1:1 to self-management(which includes educational components, SBMP and self-titration of antihypertensive medication based on a patient s GP s pre-established adjustment plan)or to usual care(with educational components too)
Discussion: If the data from this trial show positive results, the study may contribute to a change of strategy in the treatment of hypertension, focusing on the patient as the main actor to achieve blood pressure control.Furthermore, this approach might contribute to the financial sustainability of the National Health Service
试验注册:本试验已在数据库中注册,编号EudraCT: 2016-003986-25。2017年5月5日注册 关键词:自我监测;血压;高血压;自我滴定;基层医疗;实用的临床试验
The presence of hypertension is one of the most important issues in the global burden of disease [1].In developed countries, the degree of control of hypertension has increased progressively over the last 15 years and has contributed to a decline in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality [2 8].However, a recent study carried out in 12 European countries showed that more than 50% of patients treated for hypertension continued to have uncontrolled blood pressure(BP)[9] and that results are far from ideal.As a large part of hypertension management is carried out in primary care(PC)and it is one of the most prevalent problems encountered by General Practitioners(GP), interventions aimed at improving its management should preferably be made in this setting.Recent hypertension clinical guidelines put emphasis on self-measured blood pressure monitoring(SMBP)by patients and on team-based systems to manage the condition [10].高血压的存在是全球疾病负担[1]中最重要的问题之一。在发达国家,高血压的控制程度在过去15年中逐步提高,心血管发病率和死亡率下降[2-8]。然而,最近在12个欧洲国家进行的一项研究表明,50%以上接受高血压治疗的患者仍然无法控制血压(BP)[9],这一结果远非理想。由于高血压管理的很大一部分是在基层医疗(PC)中进行的,它是全科医生遇到的最普遍的问题之一,因此改善管理的干预在这种机构下进行可能更好。最近的高血压临床指南强调由患者在家庭自行测量血压(SMBP)和基于团队的系统来管理[10]。
Self-measured blood pressure monitoring at home(SMBP)is practiced extensively nowadays.In the United Kingdom and Canada it is highly recommended by GPs and used by more than 30% of patients [11, 12].Systematic reviews have shown disparate information regarding the effectiveness of SMBP alone in reducing blood pressure(BP).On the other hand, self-monitoring in conjunction with co-interventions(including systematic medication titration by doctors, pharmacists, or patients;education;or lifestyle counseling)has been shown to lead to clinically significant BP reduction, which persists for at least 12 months.Nevertheless, the effectiveness of SMBP requires additional evaluation given that its definition in those studies is highly heterogeneous(different clinical protocols, different strategies for additional support and management)and given the fact that most studies have short follow-ups(1 year or less)[13, 14].目前家庭自测血压广泛应用。在英国和加拿大,全科医生高度推荐它(家庭自测血压),超过30%的患者使用[11,12]。系统评价显示单独SMBP降低血压(BP)有效性的不同信息。另一方面,自我监测与联合干预相结合(包括医生、药剂师或患者的系统药物滴定;教育;或者生活方式咨询)已经被证明会引起显著临床意义的血压下降,至少持续12个月。然而,鉴于SMBP在那些研究中的定义高度异质性(不同的临床方案,不同的额外支持和管理策略),并且考虑到大多数研究的随访时间较短(1年或更短),SMBP的有效性需要额外的评估[13,14]。
Regarding home titration of antihypertensive medication, evidence is more limited and shows mixed results.Two clinical essays, the TASMINH2 [15]and the TASMINH-SR[16], both in the United Kingdom and developed in the primary care setting by the same research team, are some of the most recent and interesting clinical trials carried out in this field.In these studies, SMBP together with self-titrate medications(according to a previously agreed plan), combined with telemedicine components, was compared with usual care.In both studies systolic blood pressure(SBP)decreased from baseline to 12 months, with significant differences between the intervention and control group(5.4 and 9.2 mmHg, respectively).Frequency of side effects was similar in both groups [15, 16].The TASMINH-SR study is of special relevance because it was carried out with high risk patients(with a personal history of stroke, ischemic cardiopathy, diabetes or kidney failure), a population of special interest to achieve BP targets [16].On the other hand, a clinical trial carried out in the US in a low-income, predominantly minority population, aimed to determine whether health coaching, SMBP and home titration of antihypertensive medications could improve BP control compared with SMBP and health coaching alone.The results showed that both the home-titration arm and the no–home-titration arm had a reduction in SBP, with no significant differences between them from baseline to 6 months [17].关于降压药的家庭滴定,证据更有限,结果不一。两篇临床论文,TASMINH2[15]和TASMINH-SR[16],都在英国,由同一研究小组在基层医疗环境下进行的,是在这个领域最新和令人关注的临床试验。在这些研究中,将SMBP和自滴定药物(根据先前商定的计划),以及远程医疗成分,与常规治疗进行比较。在这两项研究中,从基线到12个月收缩压(SBP)在干预组和对照组之间下降有显著差异(分别为5.4mmHg和9.2 mmHg)。两组不良反应发生频率相似[15,16]。TASMINH-SR研究之所以具有特殊意义,是因为它是针对高风险患者(有中风、缺血性心脏病、糖尿病或肾衰竭的个人病史)进行的,而这些患者对达到BP目标[16]特别感兴趣。另一方面,美国在一个以少数族裔为主的低收入人群中进行了一项临床试验,目的是确定,与单独进行SMBP和健康指导相比,健康指导、SMBP和降压药家庭滴定是否能改善血压控制。结果表明,家庭滴定和非家庭滴定SBP均有降低,从基线到6个月[17]无显著差异。
Finally, when interpreting hypertension studies over time, it is important to procede with caution, as the definition of the condition changes almost with every update of guidance.For instance, earlier versions of guidelines such as those of the the Joint National Committee(JNC)and of the European Society of Hypertension(ESH)/European Society of Cardiology(ESC), suggested more restrictive BP control objectives than recent versions(especially in patients over 60 years old, diabetics and patients with renal failure)[18-20].These objectives may be modified again in the light of the results of recent studies [21 23].最后,随着时间的推移,在解释高血压研究时,必须谨慎行事,因为这种情况的定义几乎随着指南的更新而改变。例如,早期版本的指南如联合国委员会的(JNC)和欧洲高血压协会(ESH)/欧洲心脏病学会(ESC)的,相比最新的指南,提出更加严格的血压控制目标(特别是在60岁以上患者,糖尿病患者和肾衰患者){18-20]。根据最近的研究结果,这些目标可能会再次修改[21 23]。
The primary aim of the ADAMPA TRIAL is to assess the effectiveness, in the primary care setting, of an intervention that includes educational components, SMBP and self-titration of antihypertensive medication to decrease SBP compared to usual care, in a population with poorly controlled hypertension, during a 12-month period.In addition, an extension with passive follow-up is planned for 24 months, collecting a reduced set of outcome variables as secondary variables.ADAMPA试验的主要目的是评估在基层医疗机构中,在高血压控制不足的人群中,相比于常规治疗,包含教育、SMBP和自滴定降压药的干预措施在12个月内降低收缩压的效果。此外,计划进行24个月的被动随访延伸,收集结果变量减少的组作为次要变量。
Main research questions 1.Does a self-management intervention based on SMBP and self-titration medication allow for better control of blood pressure? 2.What is the impact of this intervention on adherence to treatments, lifestyle changes, quality of life, clinical outcomes and use of health services? 3.Is this intervention cost-effective? 4.What are patients , caregivers and health professionals views and experiences of SMBP plus self-titration in poorly controlled hypertension 主要研究问题基于SMBP和自滴定药物的自我管理干预能够更好地控制血压吗? 这种干预对治疗依从性、生活方式改变、生活质量、临床结局和医疗服务的使用有什么影响? 这种干预是否具有成本效益? 在控制不良的高血压中,患者、护理人员和卫生专业人员对SMBP加自滴定有什么看法和经验
Study design and setting
The ADAMPA study is a pragmatic, controlled, randomized, unblinded clinical trial with two parallel groups assigned in a ratio of 1:1 to self-management(which includes educational components, SBMP and self-titration of antihypertensive medication based on a patient sGP s pre-established adjustment plan)or to usual care(with educational components too).方法
All participants belong to a Health Area in the Valencia Region(Spain), with a population coverage of 345,500 inhabitants and a geographical area covering the north-east of the city of Valencia and some surrounding towns that are served by sixteen Primary Care Centers(PCC), two Hospitals and a Medical Specialty Centre.This trial has been registered in the https://eudract.ema.europa.eu/ database with reference number EudraCT: 2016 003986-25.所有参与者属于瓦伦西亚地区的卫生区域(西班牙),人口为345500的人口覆盖率,地理区域覆盖瓦伦西亚城市的东北部和一些周边城镇,有十六个基层医疗中心(PCC),两家医院和医疗专业中心提供服务。
该试验已在数据库注册https://eudract.ema.europa。eu/,编号为EudraCT: 2016 003986-25。
Study participants
Identification and recruitment Potential patients eligible to participate in the study will be selected by their General Practitioners(GP)among all patients attending their general practice(case-finding).In their general practice at the PCC, the GPs will inform patients of the study objective and in the case that they meet the inclusion criteria and none of exclusion criteria, GPs will give them the information sheet and informed consent form, responding to all queries and concerns.研究参与者 识别和招募
Eligibility criteria Eligibility criteria will aim to recruit patients with treated hypertension managed in primary care, who are aged 40 years or older, have a diagnosis of hypertension in their electronic history(coded),haveameanBPreading on the reference arm of SBP > 145 or diastolic blood pressure(DBP)> 90 mmHg on the baseline examination, who voluntarily accept participation in the study and sign the corresponding informed consent.The mean BP will be obtained as follows: In the first visit, BP should be measured on both arms.If there are differences, the reference arm should be that with the highest value of BP.Subsequently, the average BP of at least two measurements, in the sitting position, spaced 1-2 min apart should be calculated.If the first two readings are very different, an additional measurement should be done and the mean BP will be the average of the two readings considered valid [8].合格的纳入标准
合格的标准旨在招募在基层医疗管理且高血压在治疗的患者,40岁以上,在电子病历诊断过高血压(编码), 基线检查时参照臂的SBP平均值 > 145或舒张压(DBP)的平均值> 90 mmHg,自愿参与研究并签署相应的知情同意。平均血压得到的方法如下:第一次就诊时,血压需要测量双上臂。如果有差异,参考臂应该是BP值最高的那个。随后,至少两次坐姿血压测量的平均值,间隔1-2分钟计算。如果前两个读数区别不同,则需要进行额外测量,两次有效的读数的平均值即为血压平均值[8]。
Exclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria will include inability to self-manage their BP, including dementia or significant cognitive impairment(at the discretion of the researcher performing the recruitment), a history of orthostatic hypotension(fall> 20 mmHg from SBP after taking the orthostatic position), SBP > 200 or DBP > 100 mmHg in the baseline examination, being prescribed more than 4 antihypertensive drugs, inclusion in another hypertension study or clinical trial, presence of tremor or neurological disease that makes it difficult to perform SMBP, presence of arrhythmia, presence of terminal illness, chronic incapacitation to leave home, an acute cardiovascular event in the last 3 months, hypertension managed directly by other specialist doctors outside the primary care environment,pregnant women or those actively seeking to become pregnant, having a household member already enrolled in the study and non-or temporary residents.排除标准
排除标准包括,没有自己管理血压的能力的,包括痴呆或重大的认知损害(由负责招募的研究者判断),直立性低血压病史(立位后SBP下降> 20毫米汞柱),在基线检查时SBP > 200或DBP> 100毫米汞柱,开超过4种降压药,参与另外的高血压研究或临床试验,存在震颤或神经系统疾病,使得SBPM有困难的,存在心律失常,存在终末期疾病,长期不能离开家,在过去3个月发生急性心血管事件,高血压在基层医疗机构之外的由其他专科医生直接管理的。怀孕妇女或那些积极准备怀孕的,家庭成员已经登记参加研究和非或临时居民。
Randomization Patients with uncontrolled hypertension will be randomized in a 1:1 ratio to receive either usual care or self-management using a computer randomization system via internet.Minimization will be used [24], taking into account age, gender, SBP > 160 mm HG, diabetes, cardiovascular disease(ischemic heart disease, heart failure, cardiomyopathy and peripheral arterial disease), stroke(chronic stroke)and chronic kidney disease status.Similar approaches have been used in previous clinical trials of self-monitoring in the control of hypertension [15, 16].随机化
通过互联网使用计算机随机化系统将高血压控制不好的患者以1:1的比例随机化分为常规医疗或自我管理。将使用最小化[24],考虑年龄、性别、SBP > 160mm HG、糖尿病、心血管疾病(缺血性心脏病、心力衰竭、心肌病和外周动脉疾病)、中风(慢性中风)和慢性肾病状态。在以往高血压控制的自我监测的临床试验中也使用了类似的方法[15,16]。
Participant flow through the study该研究参与者经过
An overview of the schedule of enrolment, interventions, and assessments in the ADAMPA study, according to the SPIRIT guidelines is shown in Fig.1.Each aspect will be described in more detail throughout the present protocol.在ADAMPA研究中,根据SPIRIT指南的注册、干预和评估的时间表概述如图1所示。每一个方面都将在本协议中详细描述。
Recruited hypertensive patients who meet the inclusion criteria and none of the exclusion criteria, who have been duly informed(by their GP)of the characteristics of the study, have signed the informed consent and been randomly assigned to the intervention or control group, will proceed as follows
招募符合纳入标准但没有排除标准的高血压患者,他们已经(由他们的家庭医生)充分被告知研究的特征,已经签署知情同意书并被随机分配到干预组或对照组,将按照如下步骤进行 干预组
At their practice, the GPs will have established, with each patient in the intervention group, the BP target according to the European Guide for the management of Hypertension 2013 [19] and how to act according to their BP measurements(Fig.2), including instructions for medication self-adjustment(if necessary).At the same time, the GP will inform them that they will be recalled to make an appointment with a member of the research team, who will provide them with additional information about their self-management of BP and for completing data corresponding to the baseline visit.在他们的实践中,全科医生(GPs)与干预组的每个患者一起,根据2013年欧洲高血压管理指南[19]设定血压目标值和如何根据他们测量的血压采取行动(图2),包括药物自我调整的说明(如果必要的话)。同时,全科医生将告知他们,他们将被召回(通知)与研究小组中的那名向他们提供关于血压自我管理信息成员预约,完成与基线来访相对应的数据。
Subsequently, patients will be given-and trained in the use of-a validated home blood pressure monitor(Omron M3 model HEM-7131-E), as well as the Intervention group booklet containing: the patient s code, the reference arm on which BP is measured, the BP target, general information and basic recommendations for improving BP control, instructions to manage the home blood pressure monitor, how to act according to their BP(Fig.2)and the monthly registration sheets for a six month period in order to register their blood pressure twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening(for the first seven days of each month)and to register contacts related to their BP(by phone, regular or urgent consultation at the office or hospital consultation)during that follow-up period.随后,患者将接受验证过的家用血压计(欧姆龙M3型hemi-7131-e)的使用培训,以及包含以下内容的干预组小册子:病人编码,血压测量的手臂,血压目标,改善BP控制的一般信息和基本建议、家庭血压计管理说明,根据他们的BP(图2)如何行动和在六个月内的每月登记表,这个表一天登记两次的血压,每天早上和晚上一次(每月的头七天),并登记随访期间与BP相关的联系(通过电话、定期或紧急咨询诊室或医院咨询)。
Patients will be informed by their GP that they will continue their usual care regarding their BP and that they will be recalled to make an appointment with a member of the research team, who will provide them with information and basic recommendations for improvement of BP control and for completing the data corresponding to the baseline visit.Subsequently, members of the research team will deliver the Control group booklet containing the patient s code, general information and basic recommendations for improving BP control, as well as the monthly registration sheets for a six month period in order to register contacts related to their BP(by phone, regular or urgent consultation at the general practice or hospital consultation)during the follow-up period.全科医生告知病人,继续他们血压的常规治疗,他们将被召回与研究小组中那名向他们提供改善血压控制基本建议的成员预约,完成与基线来访相对应的数据。随后,研究团队的成员给对照组小册子,包含病人编号,一般信息和改善BP控制的基本建议,以及在六个月内的每月登记表,这个表登记随访期间与BP相关的联系(通过电话、定期或紧急咨询诊室或医院咨询)。
Patients in the control and intervention groups will be informed that the research team will phone them four weeks after the baseline visit to clarify any doubts raised.If necessary, on-site visits will be arranged for further clarification.对照组和干预组的患者将被告知,研究小组将在基线随访4周后给他们打电话,以阐明任何疑问。如有需要,将安排现场随访进一步澄清。
Both groups will be contacted by phone at 3 months to clarify any doubts and at 6 months a follow-up visit will be established at the PCC, where the corresponding variables will be collected.The same will be done at 12 months.The follow-up variables will be collected up to a maximum of 6 weeks after the end of the follow-up period.An extension of the study will be performed with passive follow-up at 24 months, collecting a reduced set of outcome variables as secondary variables.Participants flow through the trial is outlined in Fig.3.3个月后,都会通过电话联系两组阐明任何疑问,6个月后将在PCC进行随访,收集相应的变量。12个月后也是如此(在PCC随访)。随访变量将在随访期结束后最多6周内收集。本研究的延伸将在24个月的被动随访中进行,收集一组结局变量减少作为次要变量。试验的参与者流程如图3所示。
Patients have the right to leave the study at any time.In addition, the researcher may discontinue a patient from the study if deemed necessary for any reason including: non-eligibility(retrospective if not detected at the time of inclusion, or prospective e.g.pregnancy during the follow up), an adverse event or disease progression involving incapacity to comply with trial procedures.患者有权随时退出研究。此外,如有必要,研究者可终止患者参与本研究,理由包括:不合格(回顾时发现,纳入时未发现,或未来发现,随访时怀孕),不良事件或包括无法遵守试验规定的疾病进展。样本量估算
A sample size of 382 patients was estimated in order to have 90% power to detect a difference in SBP of 5 mmHg(SD 15 mmHg)between the intervention and the control group with a contrast of two-tailed hypotheses and an alpha error of 0.05.This figure represents a clinically relevant difference(which should represent a reduction of approximately 19% in strokes)and is in line with the results observed in previous trials in this field(TASMINH2 and TASMINH-SR)[15, 16].These figures will be increased by 20% to compensate for possible drop-outs and follow-up loss, resulting in a total sample size of 458 participants.我们对382名患者的样本量进行了估计,以便有90%的能力检测干预组和对照组之间SBP 5 mmHg(SD 15mmhg)的差异,采用双尾假设对比,α误差为0.05。这一数据(α)代表了一个临床相关的差异(这应该代表中风减少了大约19%),并且与该领域以前的试验结果一致(TASMINH2和TASMINH-SR)[15,16]。这些数字将增加20%,以弥补可能的退出和失访,从而使总样本量达到458人。干预组
Blood pressure self-monitoring Patients will be trained to perform SMBP by the research team through a validated home blood pressure monitor(Omron model M3 HEM-7131-E).Patients will take their BP in the morning and in the afternoon, every day of the first week of each month.This will be done in the morning, before breakfast and before taking their medication(between 6 am.and 9 am.)and in the evening before dinner and before taking their medication(between 6 pm.and 9 pm.).These measurements will be recorded by the patients for the first seven days of each month on the monthly registration sheets located in the Intervention group booklet.If patients want to monitor their BP during the remaining weeks of the month, it is recommended that they just do so one day a week.Patients are instructed to act according to a table that contains easy-to-follow colour coded action steps.This guideline prompts the patient to contact the GP or visit the health center when BP values are very high or very low.Four or more above target readings in a month will require a change in medication(See Fig.2).研究小组训练血压自我监测的患者用经验证的家庭血压计(欧姆龙M3型HEM-7131-E)来SMBP。患者将在每个月的第一周的每天早上和下午进行血压检查。这将在早上,早餐之前和服药之前(早上6点到9点之间)完成。在晚餐前和服药前(下午6点到9点之间)。这些测量数据将由患者在每个月的头七天记录在干预组手册的每月登记表上。如果病人想在每月的最后几周监测他们的血压,建议他们一周只监测一天。病人被指示根据一张表格采取行动,表格中包含易于遵循的彩色编码动作步骤。当血压值非常高或非常低时,该指南提示患者联系全科医生或医疗中心就诊。一个月内超过目标值4次以上的患者需要改变用药(见图2)。
Target blood pressure
Patients will be informed of their target BP, which will be established by their own GP and individualized for each patient based on the Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension(ESH)and European Society of Cardiology(ESC)[19].Recommendations on target BP, according to cardiovascular risk and reflecting home as compared to office readings are shown in Table 1.目标血压 患者将被告知他们的目标血压,目标血压将由他们全科医生根据欧洲高血压协会(ESH)和欧洲心脏病学会(ESC)[19]高血压管理指南个性化制定。根据心血管风险和与诊室读数相比反映家庭的目标血压的建议如表1所示。
In order to reach their target BP, each patient will be given a self-management plan to adjust medication if necessary depending on blood pressure measurements(See Fig.2).The self-adjustment plan will consist of either an increase in the dose or additional medication.Therapeutic plan choice will be at the discretion of the GP, who will receive a copy of the Clinical Practice Guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology [19] to aid decision-making.If self-adjustment takes place, the participant will have an appointment with his/her GP within 3 weeks following self-adjustment, and a new tailored self-management plan will be provided.自我滴定 为了达到目标血压,给每个患者自我管理计划,必要时根据血压测量情况调整药物(见图2)。自我调整计划包括增加剂量或加其他药物。治疗方案的选择将由GP决定,GP将收到欧洲心脏病学会[19]临床实践指南的副本,以帮助决策。如果进行自我调整,参与者将在自我调整后的3周内预约全科医生,并提供新的量身定制的自我管理计划。对照组
Patients allocated to the control group will receive routine hypertension care with appointments and medication changes following the GP s criteria in the context of routine clinical practice.在对照组的患者将接受常规高血压治疗,并按照全科医生在常规临床实践中的准则进行预约和调药。
In both, the intervention and control group, all relevant concomitant care within usual clinical practice will be at the discretion of the GP.在干预组和对照组中,所有日常临床实践相关的将由全科医生决定。结果
The primary outcome will be the change in mean SBP-mmHg-between baseline and 12 months.Secondary outcomes will include:
1.Change in mean SBP at 6 and 24 months of follow-up.2.Change in mean DBP at 6, 12, and 24 months of follow-up.3.Percentage of patients with SBP < 140 mmHg and DBP < 90 mmHg at 6, 12 and 24 months of follow-up.4.Quality of life(as measured by EuroQoL-5D)at 6, 12 and 24 months of follow-up.5.Adherence measured by proportion of days covered(PDC)at 6 and 12 months of follow-up.6.Persistence, defined as period of continuous use of the corresponding drug from the beginning of the follow-up until its discontinuation at 6 and 12 months of follow-up.7.Therapeutic inertia(TI), defined as the number of patients whose pharmacological treatment had not been modified, divided by the number of patients not reaching the target values(SBP and/or DBP measurements taken at 6 and 12 months of follow-up), according to the recommendations of the European Society of Hypertension and European Society of Cardiology [19].主要结果是在基线和12个月之间平均SBP-mmhg的变化。次要结果包括:随访6个月和24个月时平均SBP的变化。随访6个月、12个月和24个月时平均DBP变化。
随访6、12、24个月,SBP < 140 mmHg, DBP < 90 mmHg的患者百分比。随访6个月、12个月和24个月时的生活质量(以EuroQoL-5D衡量)。随访6个月和12个月时,以覆盖天数占比(PDC)来测量依从性。持久性,指从随访开始到随访6个月和12个月停止使用相应药物的时间。
1.Changes in lifestyle(smoking, exercise, body weight)at 6, 12, and 24 months compared to these characteristics at baseline.2.Clinical events: We will assess if any of the following adverse events are present during the follow-up: angina, myocardial infarction, stroke, hypotensive crisis and death.3.Use of health services for hypertension at 6, 12 and 24 months.4.Incremental cost per quality-adjusted life year gained in the intervention group compared to the control group.5.Views and experiences of patients and health professionals on the self-management(SMBP plus self-titration)of hypertension.1.6个月、12个月和24个月时与基线时相比生活方式(吸烟、锻炼、体重)的变化。
患者和医疗专家对高血压自我管理(SMBP +自我滴定)的看法和经验。
Data will be collected at the different participant study sites.Details on type of data and timing of collection are shown in Fig.1.Data entry, coding, security, and storage, including any related processes to promote data quality(eg, double data entry, etc)and other aspects related to data management such as data monitoring of the ADAMPA study, will be performed by the SCReN platform(for more information on the Screen platform and its role regarding the ADAMPA study, see:https://plete cases.We will use mixed models(general linear modeling GLM)to compare SBP at 12 months between the intervention and control groups.This analysis will be presented in both crude and adjusted forms for the different covariates of interest(baseline BP, gender, GP/PCC-random effect, diabetes, etc.).A sensitivity analysis will be performed to examine the potential effect of missing data, which will include substitution by multiple imputation, replacement of data lost by the most recent data or by the mean of the series.Additionally, analyses of the main outcome measure by subgroups of age, gender, comorbidity, level of chronicity, better control at baseline, etc.will be performed.分析将基于为了案列完整的意向性治疗。我们将使用混合模型(通用线性建模GLM)来比较干预组和对照组12个月的SBP。该分析将以粗糙和调整的形式呈现,以适应不同的协变量(基线血压、性别、GP/ pccs随机效应、糖尿病等)。将进行敏感性分析,以检查缺失数据的潜在影响,这将包括通过多重插补替代,用序列的平均值或最近数据替代缺失的数据。此外,还将根据年龄、性别、合并症、慢性程度、基线控制的更好等亚组分析主要结果指标。
Differences in secondary outcome measures(DBP, percentage of patients controlled, PDC, persistence and TI)will be analyzed using methods similar to those used for analysis of the main outcome measure.将使用与主要结果分析方法类似的方法分析次要结果(DBP、患者控制百分比、PDC覆盖天数占比、持久性和TI治疗惯性)的差异。经济分析
The economic analysis will include a cost-consequence analysis, estimating both the costs(hospitalizations, outpatient visits, emergency visits and antihypertensive drugs)and the potential benefits(e.g.reduced incidence of stroke, myocardial infarction, etc.)in natural units.In addition, we will collect information on Health-Related Quality of Life(HRQOL)through the EQ-5d questionnaire, which will allow us to obtain utilities and therefore perform a cost-utility analysis with the estimated benefits in terms of Quality-Adjusted Life-Years(QALY).经济分析将包括成本-后果分析,估计成本(住院、门诊、急诊和抗高血压药物)和潜在效益(如减少卒中、心肌梗死等)在自然单元。此外,我们将通过EQ-5d问卷收集与健康有关的生活质量(HRQOL)的信息,(欧洲五维健康量表)可以让我们获得效用值,从而进行成本-效用分析,根据质量调整生命年(QALY)来估计效益。
A modeling will be performed to obtain longer-term predictions of the results observed in the trial.The results on which this modeling will be based will be survival, quality of life and costs associated with clinical events.A sensitivity analysis(deterministic and probabilistic)will be performed to analyze the robustness of the results.Key parameters will be modified to determine their impact on results.All analyses will be performed using STATA version 14.将进行建模以获得对试验中观察到的结果的长期预测。这个模型所基于的结果是生存,生活质量和与临床事件相关的成本。将进行敏感性分析(确定性和概率性)来分析结果的稳健性。将修改关键参数以确定它们对结果的影响。所有分析将使用STATA 14进行。质量亚组分析
Qualitative research techniques will seek to provide an in-depth understanding of the positive elements and areas of improvement related to self-titration and self-monitoring intervention.To this end, two meetings will be held, one with professionals(GPs and nurses)and one with patients, using the Nominal Group Technique(NGT).The NGT is a working methodology that establishes a framework for highly structured interaction that enables participation and equal consideration of the contributions of all members of the working group, and allows the identification of priorities, consensus and disagreement, solution generation and decision-making in an agile and objective manner [25
定性研究技术将力求深入了解与自我滴定和自我监测干预有关的积极因素和改进领域。为此目的,将举行两次会议,一次与专业人员(全科医生和护士)和一次与病人,使用名义群体技术(NGT)。NGT是一种工作方法,它为高度结构化的交互建立了一个框架,允许工作组所有成员参与和平等地考虑其贡献,并允许以敏捷和客观的方式确定优先级、共识和分歧、生成解决方案和决策[25] 讨论
The ADAMPA trial is a clinical research project that aims to improve the control of BP through training the patient for self-management of their hypertension.Hypertension is a risk factor of high prevalence that, even today, presents an unacceptable percentage of uncontrolled patients, according to the recommendations of the guidelines of clinical practice for BP control.ADAMPA试验是一项临床研究项目,目的是通过训练患高血压自我管理来改善血压控制。根据《血压控制临床实践指南》的建议,高血压是高患病率的危险因素,即使在今天,仍有不可接受的比例的患者不受控制。
In fact, education is an early habit.
2 、一个人选择要多快乐,他就有多快乐。
How happy a man is to be happy.
A person is mature, it should be responsible for his face more.
4 、意志来自道德感和自身利益这两个因素。
Will come from the two factors of moral feeling and self interest.
5 、人生最美好的东西,就是他同别人的友谊。
The best thing in life is the friendship between him and others.
6 、最重要的是,在关键的时刻能够坚持原则。
The most important is that at the critical moment to adhere to the principle of.
7 、永远记住,你自己决心成功比其他什么都重要。
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than anything else.
8 、平时的学习和经验,是我们在危急关头最有力的支持。
The usual learning and experience, is our most powerful support in critical moment.
Freedom to others and the maintenance of their own freedom, both of the same noble cause.
1 0 、我们关心的.,不是你是否失败了,而是你对失败能否无怨。
What we care about is not whether you fail or not, but if you have no blame for the failure.
1 1、对于大多数人来说,他们认定自己有多幸福,就有多幸福。
For most people, how happy they are, how happy they are.
1 2、我主要关心的,不是你是不是失败了,而是你对失败是不是甘心。
My main concern is not whether you fail, but you are not willing to fail.
1 3、卓越的天才不屑走一条人家走过的路。他寻找迄今没有开拓过的地区。
Great genius disdain to walk a path of others. He seeks regions hitherto.
1 4、宁愿沉默不语,被当成傻瓜看,也不想轻易的把话说尽,而丧失了质疑的可能性。
Would rather be silent, like a fool, but also do not want to easily to say the words, and lost the possibility of doubt.
1 5、如果一个目的是正当而必须做的,则达到这个目的的必要手段也是正当而必须采取的。
If a purpose is lawful and necessary, the necessary means to achieve it are also lawful and must be taken.
1 6、你可以在一时蒙骗所有人,也可以在长时间蒙骗一些人,但不可能在长时间蒙骗所有的人。
茶叶是世界三大饮料产品之一, 不仅在中国有着悠久的饮茶历史, 而且世界各国都对饮茶这一独特休闲方式情有独钟。茶叶在公元9世纪传入日本, 在16世纪传入欧洲, 成为风靡世界的饮品;品茶在日本已经形成茶道文化, 说明其兼具商业属性和文化属性。因此茶文化景区中英文茶叶名称翻译就成为传播茶文化的主要途径之一, 茶叶名称翻译需要遵守很多规则, 不仅要结合中文语境翻译, 更要考虑英语母语国家语言习惯, 才能使翻译清楚明了的传达。
1 茶文化的语境概念
茶文化语境不是指语言使用环境, 而是以茶叶本身作为符号进行茶文化翻译的研究。不仅是茶文化, 各种文化都有着各自的语境, “语境翻译”是德国语言学家Wegener于1885年提出的。他指出不同的语言在进行转化和翻译的时候, 要充分的考虑其母语中语境因素, 语境因素为母语文化的精华, 应该予以保留。这是继“情景语境” (Context of Situation) 之后, Wegener提出的又一语境, “文化语境” (Context of Culture) , 文化语境对语言翻译研究提出苛刻的标准。“情景语境”为一种文化在外在的具体表现, 也就是文化的起源、发展、具体特征等一系列能够感知和记录的东西, 情景语境为文化的外在载体;“文化语境”为“情景语境”的升华, 也就是文化语境摆脱情景语境的具体形象和外在感知, 而转变为一种玄妙不可感知的文化符号, 这种符号是一种象征, 一种信仰, 指引着人们去探索和发掘。情景语境与文化语境其实属于同一种事物, 都是文化的载体。只不过情景语境属于近距离的观察, 能触摸到实实在在的文化现象;而文化语境属于整体的文化感知, 不属于具体可感的文化物象, 而演变为一种符号, 文化的信仰。而我们的茶叶名称翻译, 就是在茶文化语境的基础上进行的翻译, 既要保存茶文化的韵味和特征, 又要做到翻译的形象具体和可感。
2 文化语境对翻译的启示
语言的相似性促进文化的学习和传播, 语言的沟通促进不同文化的交融与理解。但语言本体的独特性, 比如语言思维方式, 形象意义的独特性, 会造成文化交流的隔阂, 所以我们在进行不同文化翻译时需要综合多方面的因素进行转换。茶文化翻译, 也就是我们所说茶叶名称翻译, 需要考虑茶文化语境和英文文化语境两方面因素。中国的茶文化具有3000多年的悠久历史, 陆羽的《茶经》为我国茶文化的经典著作, 《茶经》中详细讲述茶文化的起源, 采茶用具, 制作方式, 煮茶用具, 饮茶方式和有关茶的典故, 是我国关于茶叶和茶道文化最详细著作。因此在涉及到茶叶名称翻译问题的时候, 需要时常查找古代茶叶发展的相关资料, 才能翻译出茶文化的真正韵味;另一方面要了解英文有关茶叶翻译的相关资料, 英文文献的茶叶名称翻译大多按照英文习惯进行翻译, 因此他们完成保留英文文化的语言方式, 但同时却丢失很多传统茶文化的韵味, 甚至有些翻译严重偏离茶文化的本意, 导致错误百出。所以茶文化翻译最重要是结合茶文化语境的前提下, 进行相关翻译工作。
3 文化语境与茶叶名称翻译
茶叶不仅具有其商业属性, 进行茶叶相关产品的售卖;同时也具有文化属性, 满足顾客是审美要求, 启迪游客的身心。茶文化景区宣传不仅为出售茶叶获得利益, 更重要作用是带给人美得享受, 使人陶醉在优美的风景和传统文化当中, 因此茶叶名称翻译就成为茶文化景区面临的主要问题之一。茶文化名称翻译面对的主要对象为英语母语地区人群, 翻译要在传统文化的前提下, 争取通俗易懂, 使人能够容易理解其中要表达的意义。我们可以对翻译过的茶叶名称再一次用英文相关词语对他们进行解释, 使其理解其中含义, 从而达到售卖商品和观光游览的目的。茶叶名称翻译主要有直译和意译两种方式, 具体内容如下:
3.1 茶叶名称直译翻译
茶叶名称翻译中只涉及字面意思, 不带有任何的历史文化和茶叶特征的茶叶名称, 可以采用直接翻译的方式翻译。这种方式更能翻译出茶叶本身的特性和茶叶生产制作的方式, 使英语母语地区的消费者能够很容易的理解翻译过去的意义, 目前的很多茶叶名称都采用直译的方式进行翻译。
例1.通常情况, 按照发酵程度和方法的不同茶叶主要分为以下几种:小发酵茶、后发酵茶、部分发酵茶和全发酵茶。在进行茶叶名称直译的时候, “小发酵茶”翻译为Non-fermented, “后发酵茶”被直译为Post-fermented, Partially fermented和Completely fermented则是“部分发酵茶”“全发酵茶”的直译。
例2.在乌龙茶介绍方面, 基本上也是采用直译的方式进行翻译茶叶品名的:“白茶乌龙”直译为White Oolong;CTwistod Oolong意思是“条型乌龙”, “球形乌龙”泽被直译为Pelletod Oolong。这几种茶采用直接翻译方法, 这样的翻译能够更加准确传达茶文化语境中茶的意义。
由此可知, 茶叶名称翻译时候多采用直译的方法进行茶叶品名和种类等类别名称的翻译。由于以上茶叶名称不含有太多茶文化色彩, 因此直译能达到很好的效果, 在原有文化基础上的直译能够有效的传达茶文化的精髓, 这些直译不含有文化语病问题。但有些茶叶名称含有极其浓重的文化意蕴, 采用直译的方式不能达到很好的效果, 因此必须在结合文化语境的情况下, 进行适当的改编和翻译, 才能使翻译更加完整和准确。例如“洞顶茶”直译的时候“洞顶”二字直接采用拼音, 后面加上“茶”字的英文翻译, 洞顶茶直译后显示为Dongding Tea;另外一例子进行对比分析, 我们便可看出茶叶翻译时候采用直译的效果。比如, “龙井茶”有些地方被翻译成The Dragon Well Tea。虽然看起来并没有较大的差错, 但这种翻译严重曲解茶名本身的意义。洞顶茶产自台湾鹿谷附近的冻顶山, 由于山多雾而且路陡滑, 上山采茶都要将脚尖“冻”起来, 因此得名叫洞顶茶;龙井位于西湖之西翁家山的西北麓, 也就是现在的龙井村, 龙井村所产的茶也为龙井茶。以上两种茶都根据中国古代的地名而来, 但国外的翻译显然没有表达出古代中国的文化意蕴, “Dongding”和“The Dragon Well”翻译曲解茶叶本身的意蕴, 使国外的消费者产生疑惑。白毫乌龙 (White Tipped Oolong) 也叫“着延茶”, 英语翻译为“Bitten Tea”, 它以鲜嫩的叶、轻柔的炒茶方式和多重的发酵等优点被称为最高级的乌龙茶, 而“Bitten Tea”只翻译出茶的形态, 没有翻译出茶的历史文化意蕴, 翻译的效果很差。
3.2 茶叶名称意译翻译
英语母语地区消费者的历史政治和文化与华语地区有很大的不同, 这就导致茶叶翻译存在着重重困难。因此我们需要运用意译的方式, 对那些涉及文化意蕴的茶叶名称进行翻译。意译的翻译也就是通过保留传统的文化部分, 删去不符合英文语境的部分, 通过两者结合达到的翻译效果。
例3.“红茶”被翻译为“Black Tea”。这种茶叶名称就是采用意译的方式翻译的, 它和中国茶叶名称有着字面上的区别。中国的红茶就是乌龙茶, 红茶因为它的茶汤颜色是红的, 因此叫做红茶;而国外的翻译“Black Tea”指的是茶叶的颜色, 茶叶颜色是黑的, 这样翻译更容易让国外的消费者理解。而且乌龙本身也是黑色的意思, 所以这样翻译能更好的传达茶文化意蕴。有些茶叶名称有更为具体细致的区分, 比如“红茶”除是“Black Tea”以外, 又被人们细分为Unshredded Black Tea和Shredded Black Tea, 其意思分别是“工夫红茶”和“碎型红茶”。“工夫红茶”原料细嫩, 制工精细, 外形条索紧直匀齐, 色泽乌润, 香气浓郁, 滋味醇和而甘浓, 汤色叶底红艳明亮, 具有形质兼优的品质特征。以上翻译在保存传统茶文化, 形象表明茶叶的颜色和特征。
与上面红茶细分同理, 普洱茶又被人们细分为“陈放普洱”和“渥堆普洱”两者普洱茶叶, 两者茶叶的翻译为Age-fermented Puer和Pile-Fermented Puer, 这两种翻译均是采用意译的方式进行茶叶名称翻译的。“陈放普洱”指的是生茶, 也就是上面英文所说的自然发酵, 它采用云南大叶种晒青毛茶为原料, 经过加工处理成饼状, 于空气中自然氧化而成;“渥堆普洱”指的是熟茶, 但并不仅仅是熟茶。它是将炒制揉捻后的茶青堆在一起, 随着热度的增加和微生物发酵作用, 茶会产生微妙的改变。茶的形态会更加纤细柔软, 颜色变得深红, 茶的口感会更加甘甜柔和, 含水量会大大降低, 茶汤的香气也会更加浓郁。除此之外还有很多意译的例子, 例如:“碧螺春”为“Green Spiral”, “大红袍”为“Robe Tea”。或者为增加茶叶的文化意蕴还可以增加字面的形容词翻译, 例如:“青沱”为“Age Bowl Puer”, “青饼”为“Age Cake Puer”。
4 结语
以上就是茶叶名称翻译的具体内容和策略研究, 不论是直译还是意译的翻译方式, 都不能有效解决茶叶翻译的问题, 最好的解决方式是直译和意义互相结合, 互为补充, 才能很好诠释茶叶名称翻译的意蕴, 以及使英语母语地区消费者清楚了解茶叶的特性和文化。茶叶翻译具有极强的地域属性特征, 翻译要结合具体文化语境来进行, 需要分析茶叶的起源、历史典故、特性甚至有关茶叶特征的诗句, 进行翻译的指导。茶叶翻译传播和交流应该在传统文化语境的前提下进行, 否则茶叶名称翻译将成为空中楼阁, 失去其本身意义和文化价值。
[3]黄剑, 戴丽华.茶的多维意义及中英茶文化比较[J].农业考古.2013 (2) :310-312.