unit 3 Book 8 词汇讲解

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unit 3 Book 8 词汇讲解

unit 3 Book 8 词汇讲解 篇1



alien?H51? [?eilj?n]?a.? ①外国的,外国人的②陌生的③性?质不同的,不相容的‖?n.?①外国人,外侨②外星人??

该词作形容词时可接介词from 或to, 什么情况下接from, 什么情况下接to??

答:alien 指?性质不同的,异己的.?之义时,其后接介词from, 而指其它词义时则接介词to, 例如:an effect utterly alien from the one intended 与原来意图大相径庭的结果/Luxury is alien to his nature. 奢侈与他的本性不容。

alienate?H52?[?eilj?neit] ?vt.? ①使疏远,使不友好,离间 ?②转让,让渡(财产等)??


答:该动词有三种宾语搭配:①alienate+?n.?; ②alienate A from B; ③be(feel等)alienated from…。例如:Her conceil alienated us all. 她的傲慢使得我们大家都与她疏远了。/Don?t alienate yourself from the masses. 不要脱离群众。/He felt alienated from society. 他感到与社会疏远了。


allege?H53?[??le?]?vt.? 断言,宣称,硬说???

allege 和declare都有“宣称”之义,有何异同???

答:allege是正式用语,指无充分证据或有待证实的断言,宣称,声称,而declare则指非常正式、郑重的宣布,声明以及十分肯定的宣称、断言。例如:The newspaper alleges the mayor?s guilt. 报纸指称市长有罪。/I declare the story to be false. 我断言这个故事是虚假的。?



The suspect______ that he had not been in the neighbourhood at the time of the crime.?

A. advocated B. alleged?

C. addressed D. announced?

答案:B。全句意思:嫌疑犯硬说案发时他不在附近。advocate指“提倡,主张”,address 指“发表讲话”,announce指“宣布”。


alleviate?H54?[??li?vieit]?vt.? 减轻,缓解,缓和???


答:考过。请看6月试卷第42题:The medicine______ his pain but did not cure his illness.?

A. activated B. alleviated?

C. mediated D. deteriorated?


◆alley?H55?[??li]?n.? 小巷,胡同???

【常用搭配】a blind alley 死胡同/up (或down) sb?s alley 配某人胃口的;为某人所能的?

allocate?H56?[??l?keit] vt.①分配,配给 ②把(物质资金等)?划归,把…拨给[ZK)]??

◆allot?H57?[??l?t]?vt.? 分配,拨出???


unit 3 Book 8 词汇讲解 篇2

词汇是语言的基本单位。语言学家Wilkins曾经说过, 没有语法而能传递的东西很少, 没有词汇则什么东西都不能传递。没有一定的词汇量, 就会造成语言交际困难, 不能有效进行交际活动, 直接影响以注重学生语言交际能力培养的语言交际方法的效果。因此扩大大学生词汇量已成为大学英语教学的重要目标之一。在大学英语教学中, 教师必须通过有效的途径来增强学生信心, 提高学生兴趣, 最终实现运用英语的能力。

2. 大学英语词汇教学存在的问题

在目前的大学英语教学中, 没有设置专门的词汇教学课程, 词汇讲解十分仓促、随意, 讲解方法比较单一。对于重要词汇, 教师会给出例句, 但所给例句缺乏趣味性, 不能很好地贴近学生的实际生活, 忽视了学生主动建构知识的过程。一方面, 在词汇教学中一些教师只注重对学生进行知识的灌输, 使课堂气氛变得非常沉闷, 学生的学习效率低, 另一方面, 许多教师在词汇教学中, 只注重词汇本身意义的讲解, 忽视对其文化意义和相关搭配知识的讲解, 把词汇与文化语境分离开进行教学, 结果使学生无法加深对所学词汇的记忆, 对词汇不能准确理解, 且灵活应用能力低。

3. 建构主义学习理论

建构主义强调学习的主动性、社会性和情境性。其基本思想是:学习是学习者主动建构内部心理结构的过程。美国心理学家维特罗克提出了学生学习的生成模式, 对建构模式作出了说明。他认为学习的生成过程是学生已有知识经验 (即原有认知结构) 与从环境中主动选择和注意的信息相互作用, 主动建构信息的意义的过程。这一模式说明学习不单是知识由教师向学生传递, 而是学习者通过新经验与原有知识经验的相互作用, 从而丰富、改造原有知识经验, 最终构建自己的意义学习。根据建构主义学习理论, 教师在学习过程中要选择适合教学内容和学生实际认知水平的教学方法, 让教师的“教”成为支持学生不断建构自己能力的“脚手架”。

4. 有效的词汇教学举例讲解方法

(1) 提问法

教学的过程是学生和教师共同活动的过程, 是教师引导下学生的学习过程, 既要有教师的主动作用, 又要有学生的主动性。通过提问, 能引起学生注意, 加深对所学单词的记忆, 如在讲解“combination”一词时, 老师可以不直接举例, 而是提问引出例子。老师可以先在课堂提问:“Have you ever been to Xi’an?”学生有的会回答:“Yes, I have.”有的会回答:“No, I haven’t.”然后老师可以提问去过西安的学生:“What made the strongest impression on you?”由于西安具有显著特色的建筑, 留心观察的学生可能会回答:“The style of architecture.”接着老师可以引入例子:“The architecture in Xi’an is a good combination of old and new (style) . (西安的建筑古今结合, 浑然一体。) ”

(2) 成语、谚语和古诗引用法

汉语源远流长, 博雅精微, 历代名人贤士留下丰富的绚丽夺目的词句和精辟的格言警句, 它的习语即成语、谚语、歇后语等, 璀璨照人, 妙不可言。而古诗形象生动, 意境优美, 蕴含着丰富的文化信息和文化背景。教师在讲解词汇时, 运用成语、古诗和谚语举例, 能调动学生的兴趣, 使他们积极参加课堂实践, 有利于他们对原有知识结构的改造和重组, 加深对单词的记忆。如在讲解“haste”时, 老师可以举例“More haste, less speed.” (欲速则不达) ;在讲解短语“come up with”时, 可以举例“More people can come up with more ideas. (人多出韩信) ”;在讲解“makeup”时, 可说:“As it is beautiful all the year round, the West Lake was compared by Su Dongpo, a cel ebrated poet of the Song Dynasty, to a beauty‘who is always charming in either light or heavy makeup’. (西湖一年四季都美不胜收, 宋代著名诗人苏东坡用“淡妆浓抹总相宜”的诗句来赞誉西湖。) ”

(3) 时事新闻讲解法

由于时事新闻和我们日常生活联系非常紧密, 学生对国内外发生的重大新闻会产生浓厚的兴趣, 会通过各种渠道了解国内外的重大新闻。教师在讲解单词时结合时事新闻举例, 不仅能把学生引入一种逼真的语言氛围, 使学生更能轻松掌握此词在某一语言环境中的特定含义, 还可以激发学生的学习兴趣, 提高学生对词汇的运用能力, 并且能扩大学生的知识面。例如在讲解词汇“ban”时, 老师可以结合新闻举例“Our country imposed ban on people entering the country with AID virus in the late 1980s.Now our country is thinking about lift ing its ban on AIDS foreigners as our country has become one of the most visited countries in the world. (China Daily, Oct.30th, 2009) (我们国家于二十世纪八十年代颁布限令禁止艾滋病患者进入我们国家, 如今由于我国已成为世界上访问人数最多的国家之一, 我国开始考虑取消对艾滋病患者来华的限制。) ”。

(4) 词根讲解法

英语的词汇数量虽然庞大, 但其构成有一定的规律, 这种规律就是构词法。英语词汇的构成方法主要有合成法 (compounding) , 如raincoat, underline;转类法 (conversion) , 如correct (正确的) →to correct (改正) ;headline (标题) →to headline (以新闻标题报道) 和词缀法 (affixation) , 其中词缀法是最常见的构成方法。词缀分前缀和后缀。常见的否定与反义前缀有dis-, un-, in-, im-, il-, ir-, a- (asymmetry不对称, atypical非典型的) 等:表示贬义的前缀如mal- (maltreat虐待, malnutrition营养不良) , mis- (misdial拨错号码, mishear听错, misunderstand误解) , pseudo- (pseudoscience伪科学, pseudocrystal赝晶体) 等;另外还有很多表示其他意思的前缀, 如表示程度与大小的hyper-, over-, ultra-, under-, mini-等;表示时间与顺序的ex-, pre-, post-, fore-, re-等;表示数字的前缀bi-, semi-, tri-, quadri-, penta-, kilo-, mili-, multi-等。常见的后缀主要有名词后缀 (-tion, -ment, -ism, -er, -or, -ist等) 、动词后缀 (-ize, -en, -fy等) 、形容词后缀 (-ful, -less, -al, -ic等) 和副词后缀 (-ly, -wards, -wise等) 。教师在教学中灌输基本的构词法, 能提高词汇教学质量, 减轻学生的记忆负担。

(5) 结合文化讲解法

语言学大师王宗炎先生指出:“语言是文化的一个组成部分, 又是文化的载体, 文化的传授和传播必然借助于语言。语言受文化的影响, 反过来又对文化施加影响。”语言是文化的一种表现形式, 蕴含着特定民族的人生观、生活方式、思维方式。比如“It rains cats and dogs.”意为“倾盆大雨”, 单纯字面讲解, 很多学生不理解。教师讲解时可加入相应的文化背景知识:根据神话故事, 乘大风雨而来的女巫往往化身为猫, 而狗是“暴风雨之神”的侍从。通过结合文化讲解, 能激发学生学习兴趣, 弥合不同文化之间的差异, 促进语言输出和交流。

此外, 还要注意词汇的搭配讲解, 如insight, access后面一般接介词“to”。语言规则是一种约定俗成, 这种历时百年甚或千年沉积而成的习惯本身就是民族文化的具体体现, 所以对某些固定搭配的特意强调和归纳总结是语言教学, 尤其是词汇教学过程的重点内容之一。

5. 结语

吕叔湘先生曾经说过, “词语要镶嵌在上下文里才有生命”。词汇教学的目的是运用所学单词来表达我们的思想和观点, 通过多举例子, 可以让学生对单词的含义和用法有更深刻的了解, 以生活和文化为背景讲解词汇, 能激发学生的兴趣, 使学生通过新知识和原有生活经验的相互作用, 从而构造原有知识, 最终建构自己的意义学习。


[1]唐力行.英语教学方法与技巧[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1993.

[2]李燕.大学英语词汇教学方法探析[J].运城学院学报, 2008, 26 (3) .

模块十重点词汇讲解 篇3

1. switch

【分析】switch v. & n. 转换,转变

常见搭配为:switch…to…把……转换为……;switch on 打开;switch off关掉

When you leave the classroom, switch off the lights. 离开教室时,把灯关掉。

The computer will be switched on at the time you want. 电脑将在你希望的时间开启。

The manager switched the location of the company to Shanghai. 经理把公司的位置转到了上海。

2. similarly

【分析】similarly adv. 同样地

Li Ming likes football very much. Similarly, his brother loves football as well.

【拓展】similar adj. 相似的;类似的

常用结构:①be similar to与……相似。如:

His views on examination are similar to mine. 他的考试观点与我的相似。

②be similar in 在……方面相似

Our houses are similar only in style. 我们的房子仅仅是风格类似。

similarity n. 相似;相似之处

3. submit


【分析】submit vi. 服从,顺从,听任 vt. 递交,主张,认为

We’ll submit ourselves to the government’s arrangement. 我们将服从政府的安排。

I submit that the plan will not work in this case. 我认为假如这样的话这个计划不起作用。

【拓展】submit to 服从,顺从,听任

Should a wife submit to her husband? 妻子应该顺从她的丈夫吗?

4. order

【分析】order n. 秩序

The students went into the hall in order. 学生们有秩序地进入大厅。

【拓展】out of order 出故障

His computer is always out of order. 他的电脑老是出故障。

keep order 维持秩序

Several policemen are keeping order in the street. 几个警察正在街上维持秩序。

give/place an order 订购

They placed an order for lots of modern equipment. 他们订购了许多现代化设备。

5. smoothly

【分析】smoothly adv. 平稳地;顺利地;平滑地

To their joy, all the things go on smoothly. 使他们高兴的是,所有的事情进展顺利。

To tell the truth, this meeting was held smoothly. 实话告诉你,这次会议是顺利进行的。

【拓展】①adj. 光滑的;平静的;平坦的

The cloth feels smooth. 这布摸起来很光滑。

Our path in life will not always be smooth. 我们的生活道路不会总是一帆风顺的。

②vt. 使光滑

The gardener smoothed the soil in a flower bed. 园丁平整了花坛的泥土。

③smooth sth. away 轻易地摆脱或消除(尤指问题、困难等)

We’ll smooth away any difficulties when we reach them. 我们碰到任何困难都能顺利克服。

④smooth sth. over使(问题等)缓解

It will be difficult for you to smooth over your differences after so many years. 经过了这么多年, 你想消除你们之间的分歧谈何容易。

6. claim



They claimed the reward. 他们要求得到奖赏。

②vt. 声称……,断言

He claimed to have seen the film Mona Lisa.

= He claimed he had seen the film Mona Lisa. 他声称看过《蒙娜丽莎》那部电影。


The earthquake claimed thousands of lives. 地震夺去了成千上万的人的生命。

【拓展】n. a claim for/on/to… 对……要求

The boss found a claim for damages. 老板发现了一个赔偿损害的要求。

7. accuracy

【分析】accuracy n. 意为:“精确, 准确”(尤指用心的结果) 如:

My brother never doubted the accuracy of the information that I gave him. 我哥哥从来没有怀疑过我给他信息的准确性。

It is impossible to say with any (degree of) accuracy how many are affected.


【拓展】accurate adj. 精确的

Can you give me an accurate answer to the question? 你能给我这个问题的精确的答案吗?

Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure

8. addictive

【分析】addictive adj. 使人上瘾的

As is known to all, alcohol and tobacco are both addictive substances. 众所周知,酒和烟都是容易上瘾的东西。

【拓展】addicted adj. 上瘾的

be addicted to 沉溺于,醉心于

At one time he becmae addicted to drugs. 过去他沉迷于毒品。

The man addicted himself to cigrarettes. 这个人曾对吸烟上瘾。

My son is hopelessly addicted to televison. 我儿子都成电视迷了,简直是无可救药了。

addiction n. 成瘾,入迷

Her addiction to alcohol ruined her life. 她的酒瘾毁了她的一生。

Some weight problems are caused by an addicition to sugar and fat. 有些肥胖问题是由于太爱吃糖和脂肪含量高的食物引起的。

Part Two 词组专讲

9. apply to

【分析】apply to 应用,适用

The form is for UK citizens—it doesn’t apply to you. 这份表格是为英国公民制订的,与你无关。

【拓展】apply for 申请

I’ve applied to the school for the position. 我已向学校申请这个职位了。

apply v. & n. 涂,敷

Apply some medicine to your wound. 在伤口上涂点药。

If you apply pressure to a cut, it’s meant to stop the bleeding. 按住伤口,可止血。

10. without doubt

【分析】without/beyond doubt毫无疑问

Without doubt Chinese athletes tried their best at the Games. 在运动会上中国队员毫无疑问尽了全力。

【拓展】no doubt 没有疑问

Please dismiss all doubts about it. 请去掉所有的怀疑。

doubt v. 怀疑

We don’t doubt that he can do a good job of it. 我们不怀疑他能做好那项工作。

I doubt whether/if it is true. 我怀疑是否是真的。

11. put pressure on

【分析】put pressure on 给……施加压力

The rising number of accidents will put pressure on the government. 事故数量的增加会给政府带来压力。

Passenger complaints put great pressure on the bus company to improve their services. 乘客投诉迫使公共汽车公司改进其服务。

【拓展】under the pressure of 在……的压力下

Tom used to live in the country so he is not used to the pressure of city life. 汤姆过去生活在乡下因此不习惯城市生活的压力。

The boy told us everything under the pressure of the teacher. 在老师的压力下,男孩告诉我们一切。

pressure v. 对……施加压力;迫使

The father pressured the son into carrying the books upstairs. 父亲强迫儿子往楼上搬书。

12. take advantage of

【分析】take advantage of 利用

If you know how to take advantage of life, one life time is long enough. 如果你懂得如何利用生命,那么一生的时间是够长的了。

Don’t lend them the car—they are taking advantage of you. 不要把汽车借给他们——他们在利用你。

【拓展】have the advantage of 有……的优势

He had the advantage of a good education. 他具有受过良好教育的有利条件。

have advantage over 比……有优势

Don’t worry. You have advantage over the others. 不要担心,你比他人有优势。

To one’s advantage 对某人有利

It would be to your advantage to attend this meeting. 参加这次会议对你有利。


13. in large numbers

【分析】in large numbers 大量地,相当于in large quantities.

They bought fruits and vegetables in large numbers. 他们大量地购买水果和蔬菜。

【拓展】a great/large number of许多;若干用来修饰可数名词。谓语用复数。

He has published a great number of short stories and poems in the newspapers. 他已经在报纸上发表了许多短篇故事和诗歌。

the number of +名词,的数目谓语用单数。

The number of the students in our school is larger than that in his. 我们学校的学生数比他的学校多。

14. account for

【分析】account for导致,做出解释

The heavy fog accounted for the delay of the first bus. 大雾导致了第一班车的延误。

How did the team account for their delay of the match? 这个队是怎么对比赛的延误做出解释的?

【拓展】account n.,账目,账户,叙述,说明 v. 认为,说明

She gave the police a full account of the incident. 她把事件向警察作了详细叙述。

Yesterday I opened an account in the Bank of China. 昨天我在中国银行开了账户。

Mr. Wang can be accounted a good teacher in our school. 王老师被认为是我校的一位好老师。

15. on top of

【分析】on top of除了

On top of money, they were provided other rewards. 除了钱,他们还得到了其他奖赏。

He gave me many books on top of the dictionary. 除了词典,他还给了我许多书。


 in addition另外;加之

 apart from, besides的意思也是“除了”。

Mary has two cars apart from a motorboat. 马丽有两辆汽车外加一艘机动船。

Grandmother gave us a lot of apples for our picnic and a bag of chocolates in addition. 奶奶给了我们许多苹果野炊还有一包巧克力。

Apart from/In addition to/On top of flowers, Lao Li also gave some food. 除了鲜花,老李还给了我们一些食物。

16. make use of

【分析】make use of 利用……

Our teachers often advise us students to make good/full use of our time. 我们的老师经常劝我们学生要很好/充分利用时间。

Your spare time must be made better use of to study your lessons. 你必须更好地利用宽余时间学习功课。

The teacher advised his students to make better use of their precious time. 老师劝告同学们要更好地利用他们的宝贵时间。

Farmers should make full use of good weather in the harvest time. 在收获季节,农民们要充分利用好天气。

17. be faced with

【分析】Be faced with 面对;面临

They are faced with many difficulties on the way to success. 在成功的道路上他们面临许多困难。

Faced with a difficult problem, I was very unhappy.

=Facing a difficult problem, I was very unhappy. 面临一个难题,我很不高兴。

【拓展】face to face (常与with连用) 面对面地

The manager interviewed me face to face. 经理面对面地对我进行了面试。

Our school and the hospital stand face to face across the street. 我们学校和医院隔街相望。

I have heard of him a lot but I have never met him face to face. 我听说过他不少但是从来没有面对面地见过。


1. This kind of disease is very serious, 75% of the people fell ill in this area.

A.accounted for

B.accounting with

C.accounting for

D.accounting of

2. He planned the government financial help in order to expand his chemical works.

A.to apply to; for

B.applying to; for

C.to apply for; to

D.applying for; to

3. Tom’s car is similar mine that they are both red.

A.to; to

B.in; in

C.in; to

D.to; in

4. As is known to all, smokers are likely to become to nicotine.





5. The young lady immediately doubted the of her husband’s statement.





6. After the earthquake, every thing on the island was not .

A.in the place

B.in order

C.in a mess

D.out of order

7. Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. , our minds are developed by learning.





8. The scientists are now trying to discover what use could be such material.

A.made out

B.made up

C.made of

D.made from

9. with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.

A.To face

B.Having faced



10. The president said the relation between the two countries had progressed with fruitful cooperation in some fields.






DCCAB 10—6 BBDAC 5—1

3类雅思阅读词汇分析讲解 篇4



第一个是渗透衍生词记忆法,就是将常出现的词汇连带它们的衍生词一同记忆,凡是衍生词,都与原词汇属于同一分支,表现为词性不同但意思相连,如define/definition; adjust/adjustment; evaluate/evaluation/evaluative等。建议大家在记忆这些单词时,要渗透进一个思想意识,那就是:当我们遇到一个考点词,如果该词的前半部分字母组合或后半部分字母组合与之前记忆过的某考点词相一致(consistent),那么这个“新词”的含义就一定与“旧词”有着不可分割的关系(connection)。有了这个思想意识,我们就能够将本不熟悉的词变得熟悉、本不敏感的(sensitive)拼写方式变得敏感了。尤其对于非常长的单词,很多同学看到就会觉得是一个完全的新词,其实如果仔细推敲字母组合(combination),就能找出一个与它很相像的旧词。

比如,剑桥五中有这样一篇文章“The Birth of Scientific English”, 其中有一句:It lacked thegrammatical resources required to represent the world in an objective and impersonal way,and to discuss the relations, such as cause and effect, that might hold between complex andhypothetical entities. 其中的grammatical并不是一个陌生的词汇,因为大家都熟悉grammar这个词;还有hypothetical这个词,虽然难度较大,但是我们经常见到hypothesis,因此可以推断hypothetical有“假设”这一层含义。

第二个就是渗透同义词积累记忆法。同义词也是同义转换喜欢考查的部分,比如expansion/development; exaggerate/overstate等。同义词是可以连串记忆的,再加上高频出现、数量有限,因此我们可以通过平时的积累来提高词汇量。


常识类词汇是指在解题时,这类词汇不是考查同义转换,也不是考查范围、程度等考点,而是文章涉及的背景内容,了解这类词的含义有助于利用常识或背景知识来更好地理解文章。常识类词汇较难,也与日常生活中的英语词汇相差甚远,因此是不容易把握的。我们了解这类词就不需要找衍生词、也不需要积累同义词了,只是作为兴趣了解,或是给解题带来更大的把握。这类词汇有:aquaculture/delta/orbitalcortex/morphology/psychic/sea cow等等。那么,我们在练习雅思阅读时,如何判定哪些词汇需要记忆,哪些词汇只要简单了解呢?其实高频考点词的数量是有限的,而以上提到的常识类词汇范围比较广,是每篇文章中涉及的一个背景话题,因此只要大家看到非考点词,并在一篇文章中反复出现、作为一个话题型词汇并且比较生僻,就是常识性词汇了。





The Triumph of Unreason


Neoclassical economics is built on the assumption that humans are rational beings who have a clear idea of their best interests and strive to extract maximum benefit (or “utility”, in economist-speak) from any situation. Neoclassical economics assumes that the process of decision-making is rational. But that contradicts growing evidence that decision-making draws on the emotions—even when reason is clearly involved.


The role of emotions in decisions makes perfect sense. For situations met frequently in the past, such as obtaining food and mates, and confronting or fleeing from threats, the neural mechanisms required to weigh up the pros and cons will have been honed by evolution to produce an optimal outcome. Since emotion is the mechanism by which animals are prodded towards such outcomes, evolutionary and economic theory predict the same practical consequences for utility in these cases. But does this still apply when the ancestral machinery has to respond to the stimuli of urban modernity?


One of the people who thinks that it does not is George Loewenstein, an economist at Carnegie Mellon University, in Pittsburgh. In particular, he suspects that modern shopping has subverted the decision-making machinery in a way that encourages people to run up debt. To prove the point he has teamed up with two psychologists, Brian Knutson of Stanford University and Drazen Prelec of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to look at what happens in the brain when it is deciding what to buy.


In a study, the three researchers asked 26 volunteers to decide whether to buy a series of products such as a box of chocolates or a DVD of the television show that were flashed on a computer screen one after another. In each round of the task, the researchers first presented the product and then its price, with each step lasting four seconds. In the final stage, which also lasted four seconds, they asked the volunteers to make up their minds. While the volunteers were taking part in the experiment, the researchers scanned their brains using a technique called functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)。 This measures blood flow and oxygen consumption in the brain, as an indication of its activity.


The researchers found that different parts of the brain were involved at different stages of the test. The nucleus accumbens was the most active part when a product was being displayed. Moreover, the level of its activity correlated with the reported desirability of the product in question.


When the price appeared, however, fMRI reported more activity in other parts of the brain. Excessively high prices increased activity in the insular cortex, a brain region linked to expectations of pain, monetary loss and the viewing of upsetting pictures. The researchers also found greater activity in this region of the brain when the subject decided not to purchase an item.


Price information activated the medial prefrontal cortex, too. This part of the brain is involved in rational calculation. In the experiment its activity seemed to correlate with a volunteer’s reaction to both product and price, rather than to price alone. Thus, the sense of a good bargain evoked higher activity levels in the medial prefrontal cortex, and this often preceded a decision to buy.


People’s shopping behaviour therefore seems to have piggy-backed on old neural circuits evolved for anticipation of reward and the avoidance of hazards. What Dr Loewenstein found interesting was the separation of the assessment of the product (which seems to be associated with the nucleus accumbens) from the assessment of its price (associated with the insular cortex), even though the two are then synthesised in the prefrontal cortex. His hypothesis is that rather than weighing the present good against future alternatives, as orthodox economics suggests happens, people actually balance the immediate pleasure of the prospective possession of a product with the immediate pain of paying for it.


That makes perfect sense as an evolved mechanism for trading. If one useful object is being traded for another (hard cash in modern time), the future utility of what is being given up is embedded in the object being traded. Emotion is as capable of assigning such a value as reason. Buying on credit, though, may be different. The abstract nature of credit cards, coupled with the deferment of payment that they promise, may modulate the “con” side of the calculation in favour of the “pro”。


Whether it actually does so will be the subject of further experiments that the three researchers are now designing. These will test whether people with distinctly different spending behaviour, such as miserliness and extravagance, experience different amounts of pain in response to prices. They will also assess whether, in the same individuals, buying with credit cards eases the pain compared with paying by cash. If they find that it does, then credit cards may have to join the list of things such as fatty and sugary foods, and recreational drugs, that subvert human instincts in ways that seem pleasurable at the time but can have a long and malign aftertaste.

Questions 1-6

Do the following statemets reflect the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 1?

Write your answer in Boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.

TRUE if the statement reflets the claims of the writer

FALSE if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

NOT GIVEN if it is possbile to say what the writer thinks about this

1. The belief of neoclassical economics does not accord with the increasing evidence that humans make use of the emotions to make decisions.

2. Animals are urged by emotion to strive for an optimal outcomes or extract maximum utility from any situation.

3. George Loewenstein thinks that modern ways of shopping tend to allow people to accumulate their debts.

4. The more active the nucleus accumens was, the stronger the desire of people for the product in question became.

5. The prefrontal cortex of the human brain is linked to monetary loss and the viewing of upsetting pictures.

6. When the activity in nucleus accumbens was increased by the sense of a good bargain, people tended to purchase coffee.

Questions 7-9

Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in boxes 7-9 on your answe sheet.

7. Which of the following statements about orthodox economics is true?

A. The process which people make their decisions is rational.

B. People have a clear idea of their best interests in any situation.

C. Humans make judgement on the basis of reason rather then emotion.

D. People weigh the present good against future alternatives in shopping.

8. The word “miserliness” in line 3 of Paragraph J means__________.

A. people’s behavior of buying luxurious goods

B. people’s behavior of buying very special items

C. people’s behavior of being very mean in shopping

D. people’s behavior of being very generous in shopping

9. The three researchers are now designing the future experiments, which test

A. whether people with very different spending behaviour experience different amounts of pain in response to products.

B. whether buying an item with credit cards eases the pain of the same individuals compared with paying for it by cash.

C. whether the abstract nature of credit cards may modulate the “con” side of the calculation in favour of the “pro”。

D. whether the credit cards may subvert human instincts in ways that seem pleasurable but with a terrible effect.

Questions 10-13

Complete the notes below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from Reading Passage 1 for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 10-13 on your answer sheet.

To find what happens in the brain of humans when it is deciding things to buy, George Loewenstein and his co-researchers did an experiment by using the technique of fMRI. They found that different parts of the brain were invloved in the process. The activity in …10… was greatly increased with the displaying of certain product. The great activity was found in the insular cortex when …11…and the subject decided not to buy a product. The activity of the medial prefrontal cortex seemed to associate with both …12…informaiton. What interested Dr Loewenstein was the …13… of the assessment of the product and its price in different parts of the brain.

Part II

Notes to Reading Passage 1

1. the nucleus accumbens, the insular cortex, and the medial prefrontal cortex:

大脑的不同部位 (皮层,皮质等)

e.g. cerebellar cortex 小脑皮层cerebral cortex 大脑皮层

2. hone:


3. subvert:


4. piggyback:


5. deferment:


6. aftertaste:


Part III

Keys and explanations to the Questions 1-13


See the second and third sentence in Paragraph A “Neoclassical economics assumes that the process of decision-making is rational. But that contradicts growing evidence that decision-making draws on the emotions—even when reason is clearly involved.”


See the third sentence in Paragrph B “ Since emotion is the mechanism by which animals are prodded towards such outcomes, evolutionary and economic theory predict the same practical consequences for utility in these cases.”


See the second sentence in Paragrph C “In particular, he suspects that modern shopping has subverted the decision-making machinery in a way that encourages people to run up debt.”


See the last sentence in Paragrph E “Moreover, the level of its activity correlated with the reported desirability of the product in question.”


unit 3 Book 8 词汇讲解 篇5



unit 3 Book 8 词汇讲解 篇6

The word disrupted in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. prolonged

B. established

C. followed

D. upset

原句中hurt与disrupt是并列词,含义类似,所以快速确定D选项。这层并列关系是逗号隔开的,在一些句子中,如果看到诸如also/as well as, both…and…, either...or..., neither…nor…, in (the) the same way, equally, similarly/similar to, like/just like, likewise(同样的), while(与此同时), meanwhile(同时), not only...but also... , more...than这样的词也要明确存在的并列关系。

例2:Although limited to a skull, the Pakicetus fossil provides precious details on the origins of cetaceans.

The word precious in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. Exact

B. Scarce

C. Valuable

D. Initial




(1)Between 1900 and 1920 nearly 7.5 million new urban dwellings were added to aturn-of-the-century total of 10 million. (2)In the 1920s another 5.7 million were occupied. (3)Thus by 1930 a majority of urban homes had been built within the past thirty years.






【待插入句子】One of the major effects was the rapid growth of the human population itself.

【待插入段落】Paragraph 1: The universal global warming at the end of the Ice Age had dramatic effects on temperate regions of Asia, Europe, and North America. Ice sheets retreated and sea levels rose. ■The climatic changes in southwestern Asia were more subtle, in that they involved shifts in mountain snow lines, rainfall patterns, and vegetation cover. ■However, these same cycles of change had momentous impacts on the sparse human populations of the region. ■At the end of the Ice Age, no more than a few thousand foragers lived along the eastern Mediterranean coast, in the Jordan and Euphrates valleys. Within 2,000 years, the human population of the region numbered in the tens of thousands, all as a result of village life and farming. ■Thanks to new environmental and archaeological discoveries, we now know something about this remarkable change in local life.

正确答案为3rd square;

2.插入句子说 重大影响中的一个是:快速增长的人口。那么一定要跟在major effects后面,而我们看到了段落中的momentous impacts;完美的paraphrase,所以毫无疑问就是这里了。

再看段落,组成也很明确:1st为TS主旨句——全球变暖对于各洲的温带(temperate)区域有dramatic effcts。2nd: 西南亚的气候变化更细微。 3rd: 但是,同样的变化循环对人口稀少(sparse)的区域有巨大的影响。4th:在冰河世界末期,只有数千人。间,人口成千上万的增长,都是因为乡村生活和农耕。5th:多亏了新发现,我们知道这种当地生活的剧烈变化。


【待插入句子】One example of such tropical abundance is found in Panama, which has 667 species of breeding birds一three times the number found in Alaska.

【待插入段落】 When we look at the way in which biodiversity (biological diversity) is distributed over the land surface of the planet, we find that it is far from even. The tropics contain many more species overall than an equivalent area at the higher latitudes. This seems to be true for many different groups of animals and plants. [■]

Why is it that higher latitudes have lower diversities than the tropics? [■] Perhaps it is simply a matter of land area. [■] The tropics contain a larger surface area of land than higher latitudes—a fact that is not always evident when we examine commonly used projections of Earth’s curved surface, since this tends to exaggerate the areas of land in the higher latitudes—and some biogeographers regard the differences in diversity as a reflection of this effect. [■] But an analysis of the data by biologist Klaus Rohde does not support this explanation. Although area may contribute to biodiversity, it is certainly not the whole story; otherwise, large landmasses would always be richer in species.

1.首先公布答案:1st square;

2.看到待插入句子中有one example…,这是个典型的论点+论据的结构! 给我们的是论据,那么前面一定要出现论点,这样才能和举例子对应起来。 之后,看看举的是什么样的例子——这样的热带多样性被发现在Panama,有667个鸟类物种,是Alaska的三倍。


P1:1st:当我们来看生物多样性(biodiversity)在地表分布的方式时,我们会发现这种分布(it)不是(far from)均匀的(even)。2nd:热带(tropics)比同样(equivalent)面积的高纬度(higher latitudes)地区包含了更多地物种。 3rd:这种现象对许多不同种类的动植物都是正确的。

P2: 1st: 为什么高纬度有(比热带)更低的多样性?

2nd: 可能只是陆地面积的缘故。(托福中经典的自问自答!)

3rd:热带(比高纬度区域)包含了更大的地表面积,有些生物地理学家把这种多样性的差异(differnece in diversity)当成是(regard...as)这种结果(this effect, 只带前半句的热带面积更大)的反射——面积的事实(a fact)在我们看地球曲面投影图的时候并不总是明显的,因为投影(this)会夸大(exaggerate)高纬度地区的陆地面积。(这一句也考到了句子简化题,注意”先大后小”的原则,破折号留到后面读)

4th: 但是KR的数据分析并不支持这个解释。

5th:尽管面积可能导致(contribute to…)生物多样性,它当然不是全部的理由(not the whole story);否则(otherwise),大的地表面积就应该总是有更丰富的物种。 (言外之意是 并非如此。——考察常识)



far from… 跟上次课讲过的other than…一样,表示否定。

more…than…;lower…than…; larger…than… 识别比较关系。

regard…as… 被认为...

not the whole story 字面理解为“不是全部的故事”;常用的承上启下转移话题的短语。


diversity 多样性

distribute 分布


equivalent 等价的

reflection 反映,反射

contribute to… 导致

otherwise 否则


【待插入句子】 Indeed, at the height of Athenian democracy there was no government separate from its citizenry.

Where would the sentence best fit? Click on square [■] to add the sentence to the passage.

【待插入段落】 During the fifth century B. C. the council of 500 was extremely influential in shaping policy. [■] In the next century, however, it was the mature assembly that took on decision-making responsibility. [■] By any measure other than that of the aristocrats, who had been upstaged by the supposedly inferior “people,” the Athenian democracy was a stunning success. Never before, or since, have so many people been involved in the serious business of self-governance. [■] It was precisely this opportunity to participate in public life that provided a stimulus for the brilliant unfolding of classical Greek culture.[■]

1.首先公布答案:3rd square;

2.然后我们来看一下待插入的句子:Indeed表示强调,翻译成“确实”;at the height of… 在...的巅峰;还有一个there was no… 用否定来表示强调:没有政府是跟全体市民分隔开的,言外之意就是说雅典的民主程度非常之高。 既然是强调,那前面一定要出现过相应的信息。


1st: 议会(council)在制定(shape)政策上非常有影响力。 2nd: 但在下个世纪,成熟的立法机构(assemby)承担了做决定的职责。3rd: (以除了贵族之外的衡量标准看来,贵族被本应是下等人的人民抢去了风头)雅典的民主是一个巨大的成功. 4th: 空前绝后,从未有这么多人民参与到自我管理的严肃事业中来。 5th: 正是有了参与到公众生活的机会,才刺激了古典希腊文化的发展(unfolding,展开)。

看完之后就很清楚了,整个段落一句话总结——雅典民主很成功。1st承接上文;2nd~4th讲民主如何成功;5th讲民主带来的影响。 而我们要插入的地方在民主程度高的后面,所以是在self-governance后面。放进去之后跟后面也能搭配起来,perfect.



it was… that… 强调句的固定搭配;

other than… 表示否定,除了... 不是...

decision-making n+ v-ing; 理解的时候就按照v+n来理解,making decision;做决策。

Unit 1重点词汇讲解 篇7

1. defend

分析:defend vt. 防御,保卫,保护,为……辩护

When he saw the dog, he picked up a stick and defended himself. 他看到狗的时候,他拾起木棍自卫。

He defended me from the fierce animal. 他保护我免遭那个凶猛的动物的伤害。

I am prepared to defend my ideas. 我准备好了为自己的构想辩护。

拓展:defense n. 防卫,防御,防御设施

We will build a bank as a defense against flooding. 我们将筑堤作为防洪措施。

The mother said in defense of the boy that he was innocent. 母亲为男孩辩护说他是无辜的。

2. abundant

分析:abundant adj. 丰富的,充裕的

There is abundant food in the cupboard. 碗橱里有充裕的食物可用。

Birds concentrate (in places) where food is abundant. 鸟聚集在食物丰盛的地方.

The dictionary is abundant in sunny words, healthy words, happy words. 词典含有大量表达乐观、健康和快活的词。

拓展:短语be abundant in 相当于be rich in

As is known to all, our country is abundant in natural resources. 众所周知,我们国家天然资源丰富。

Our library is abundant/rich in books and magazines. 我们图书馆图书和杂志资源丰富。

3. locate

分析:locate v. 找出,设于,位于,定居. vt. 确定……的地点[范围]

After I retire Im going to locate in Nanjing. 退休后我打算在南京定居。

The company located its branch office in the suburbs. 该公司把它的分公司设在郊区。

The post office is located on the Five Street. 邮局位于第五大街。

拓展:be located in 位于,坐落于

The shopping mall is located in the center of the city. 商业步行街位于市中心。

Located in the south of the city, the park attracts many people every day. 位于城市的南部,这个公园每天都吸引许多人。

4. devotion

分析:devotion n. 意思是“致力,献身。”

His devotion to the work is amazing. 他对工作的专注令人吃惊。

The Australians devotion to sport, however, does not mean that most of them actually do much sport. 澳大利亚人热衷体育运动,但这并不意味着大多数澳大利亚人真的从事很多运动。

拓展:devote v. 意思是“投入与,献身”等。常用于devote oneself to致力于,献身于; devote to 致力于,把……献给。

The old man has devoted himself o science. 老人致力于科学研究。

He has devoted his whole life to helping blind people. 他致力于帮助盲人。

be devoted to这个短语是“致力于,把……奉献给”的意思。

This new kind of magazine is devoted to science. 这种新杂志专门刊载科技文章。

5. content

分析:content adj. 满足的,满意的

be/feel content with 的意思是“满足于,对……满意”。相当于be satisfied/ pleased with.

He is content with such a small success. 他对这样一个小小的成功就感到满足。

My mother is content with very little. 我母亲易于满足。

be content to do sth. 乐于做某事

I am well content to remain here. 我很愿意留在这儿。

The old couple seem content to sit in front of the television all night. 老夫妇俩似乎整夜坐在电视机前就心满意足了。

拓展:content oneself with 满足于,对……感到满足

We should never content ourselves with a little book knowledge only. 我们切不可满足于仅仅一点书本知识。

6. occupy

分析:occupy vt. 占(时间,空间等),占有,占用,使忙碌

The table occupies a lot of space in his room. 桌子占了他房间很多空间。

All the rooms of the hotel are occupied. 这家旅馆客满。

I have been occupied in reading an interesting novel. 我一直专心读一本有趣的小说。

拓展:be occupied with 忙于

When I got there, she was occupied with her homework. 当我到那儿时,她正在忙于她的家庭作业。

occupation n. 职业

7. seemingly

分析:seemingly ad. 表面上(看上去)

They were seemingly unaware of the decision.


Id prefer to too really back to normal, not seemingly so.


She plays with seemingly effortless skill. 她演奏得似乎毫不费力。

8. preference

分析:preference n. 偏爱,优先,优先权

The girl showed a great preference for classical music. 这个女孩偏爱于古典音乐。

I have a preference for English novel. 我偏爱于英语小说。

A teacher shouldnt show preference for anyone of his pupils. 一个老师不应该偏爱于任何一个学生。

拓展:in preference to=rather than 而不是

My sister chose to stay at home watching TV in preference to seeing a film. 我姐姐愿意在家看电视而不愿去看电影。

Part Two 词组专讲

9. for short

分析:短语for short的意思是“简称,缩略”。

His real name was Thomas, but he was called Tom for short. 他的真正名字是Thomas,但他被简称为Tom。

People usually call the United States of America “the USA” for short. 人们通常简称the United States of America为the USA。

拓展:be short for是……的缩写形式

The usual word “pub” is short for “public house”. 常用词pub是 public house的缩写形式。

As is known to all, “Vic” is short for “victor”. 众所周知,“Vic”是 “victor”的缩写形式。

10. be home to

分析:短语 be home to的意思是“为……的所在地”。

Zhongguancun is home to the Chinese Academy of Science. 中关村是中国科学院所在地。

拓展:be home to还有“为……的栖息地,生长地”的意思。相当于the home of.

China is the home of panda. 中国是熊猫的生长地。

11. cater to

分析:短语cater to的意思是“迎合,满足”。

This magazine caters to the teen boys and girls. 这本杂志迎合青少年男女。

The radio and television have to cater to many different types of interest and taste among the public. 电台和电视要迎合大众的多种不同的兴趣和品位。

拓展:cater for意思是“为(聚会、宴会)提供饮食

The restaurant managed to cater for a banquet of 300 people. 这家饭店办成了300人的宴席。

12. be bound to

分析:短语be bound to的意思是“必定,必然”。

When you are dealing with so many patients, mistakes are bound to happen. 当你处理这么多病人的时候,出错一定会发生。

Mary felt bound to tell her teacher the truth. 玛丽感到一定要告诉老师事实。

拓展:be bound for 要往……去的,开往……去的

The train is bound for Guangzhou. 这列火车是开往广州的。

13. put aside

分析:短语put aside 的意思是“将……抛在一旁,抛弃”。

She put her work aside, and we had a talk. 她放下工作,我们谈了谈。

You had better put aside all that had happened. 你最好要抛开所有发生的一切。

拓展:put aside, put away, set aside 都有“储蓄,存钱“的意思。

His parents have put aside a good sum of money for his college. 他的父母已经存了一大笔钱供他上大学。

14. be equipped with

分析:短语be equipped with的所以是“配备有;装备”。相当于be armed with.

This group of soldiers are equipped with modern weapons. 这群士兵配备有现代化武器。

Each classroom is equipped with an airconditioner. 每个教室都配备有一台空调。

拓展:equip vt 装备,配备

They equipped a ship for voyage. 他们装配一艘船以便出航。

We each equip ourselves with a computer. 我们每个人都配备一台电脑。

15. be worthy of

分析:短语be worthy of的意思是“值得……,应受……”。

This kind of new managing method is worthy of being advocated. 这种新的管理方法值得提倡。

be worthy of 后接名词,或用be worthy of being done, be worthy to be done.

The old building is worthy of being repaired.

=The old building is worthy to be repaired.

=The old building is worth repairing. 此古建筑值得修。

拓展:worth 作形容词时, 意思是“值得… … 的, 值… …” 常用作表语或后置定语。

(1) 表示值多少钱,价值为……如:

This VCD is worth 1000 yuan. 这台VCD值1000元。

I bought a dictionary worth 10 yuan yesterday. 昨天我买了一本价值10元的词典。

(2) 表示价值与… …相当(相符), 顶得上。如:

This new bike is worth its price/ cost. 这辆新自行车值这个价。

(3) 表示值得。后面常接名词或动名词形式。 如:

This exhibition of the pictures isnt worth a visit. 这个图片展不值得参观。

16. second only to

分析: second only to 的意思是“仅次于”,如:

Canada is one of the largest countries in the world, second only to Russia, and has always been famous for its fantastic natural scenery.


Their city has an area of 30,000 square kilometres, second only to the third largest city in China. 他们城市的面积是30000平方公里,仅次于中国第三大城市。

拓展:second to 次于; second to none 最佳的,不亚于任何人的。


1. For sustainable development, the government has decided to give________to those energyconserving and environmentfriendly business in many aspects. 

A. profitB. interest

C. preferenceD. advantage 

2. People from all walks of life in our province are working hard for a new Jiangsu, which is________in natural resources. 

A. wide

B. abundant

C. large

D. enough 

3. —It is our duty to________our motherland. 

—Yes, there is no doubt in it. 

A. defeat

B. fight

C. defend

D. struggle 

4. I am afraid you should________ your old and prejudiced ideas and have an objective view of the young man.

A. put off

B. put aside

C. put out

D. put up 

5. All of our classrooms________multimedia, which indeed makes both teaching and study more efficiently.

A. provided

B. are equipped with

C. supplied with

D. offered with 

6. In my opinion, our team________succeed so long as we work hard. 

A. is about to

B. is eager to

C. be bound to

D. be near to 

7. —Is your brother so busy these days?

—He is________in writing a scientific report.

A. occupied

B. included

C. brought

D. worked

8.________ in the east of China, Shanghai is one of the largest coast cities in the world. 

A. Possessed

B. Located

C. Sent

D. Owned 

9. His real name was Stevenson. But people would call him Steve________. 

A. short for

B. for short

C. as short

D. short as

10. These facilities________the old people who like to work out in the park.

A. take to

B. attend to

C. prefer to

D. cater to

11. As is known to all, White House is________home to________government of the United States of America. 

A. the; the

B. a; the

C. /; the

D. /; / 

12. Though he didnt succeed in the competition, I think his efforts are still________being praised. 

A. worth

B. worth of

C. worthy

D. worthy of 

13. I wonder whether you are________with your current job. 

A. disappointedB. ambiguous

C. contentD. personal 

14. All of us appreciated his________of time and money to the project. 

A. devotionB. disappointment

C. warningD. components 

15. It will cost too much money to advertise on TV, but I think local newspapers are________cheap. 

A. widelyB. relatively

C. seeminglyD. happily 


5—1 CBCBB 01—6 CABBD

