在财会及计算机等专业火了几年后, 高院艺术设计类专业也逐渐进入广大考生的视线。跟随现代科技的提高展现各式各样的状态, 透过视觉效果来展现艺术品。古老的艺术逐渐与新生艺术、计算机技术、企业建筑等行业接轨, 由此又诞生了许多新型专业, 国家教育部门规定室内装饰, 服饰设计等行业都属于艺术范围, 还结合了面展、才艺、拼装的多形式角度。现代市场空缺很大, 艺术设计也在快速起步。
以当代就业情形来看, 艺术专业学生大都从事于装扮改造、房产设计、软件开发等行业开展设计任务, 也有些就职于教研工作的。有关研究表明, 我国艺术类专业能在毕业后成功工作就职的只占两层, 大概四层的学生处在版就职的状况, 还有两层的学生找不到工作。在许多企业中, 85%的公司要求要有多年工作经验的专业才能, 并且很少有意愿去接受、培养刚刚走出校门的学生。有的企业对各院校学生选拔的条件更加具体, 首先肯定高校生具备优良的品格素质和基础的专业技能, 其次应具有较强的抗打击能力, 当然还有广泛的学习兴趣, 最好有相当的见解和远见以及合理的理解能力, 以此达到各高校录取就业学生给其单位做好文化工作的要求。
高等教育自身便有所缺陷, 我国的高校扩招普遍存在缺少自主性, 商业化气息太重, 没能有效做到与市场直接碰触, 从而导致学校教学与社会需求不一致。并且, 伴着各院校的招生, 其艺术专业的费用普遍高于普通专业, 在金钱的驱使下, 更多学校的教学用材及设施没有满足到开展艺术专业的规则, 却仍然竞争似的开展相关专业, 无计划无实际的设立学科, 承接着传统模式的教育方法, 致使培育出许多高分数实践能力却几乎为零的学生。
就学生而言, 在面临着高考这座大山时, 部分学生毅然转向了艺术考试, 尤其是美术方面人数颇多, 艺术理论方面也在逐渐增加。由于艺术考试的门槛较低, 这对学生无疑不是一股强力吸引, 导致许多学生及家长在并未弄清情况的基础上, 想当然的认为考上大学就够了, 专业什么的不影响。各院校也是掌握了这些学生家长的心理去广泛招生开展专业, 其实实际水平并未达到艺术要求。因而培育的学生是难于应接社会市场的。
在艺术设计生就职难的困扰下, 怎样使自己能成功找到工作必然是艺术生们最为关注的热点。许多艺术生自己应该意识到, 与普通高校比较, 艺术生相对有更多的时间去做其他事, 在校时有足够充分的时间去做兼职, 与社会接触积累经验, 平日里可以多关注市场对艺术设计业的需要, 及早为将来从业打好基础。另一方面, 艺术生在毕业后根本能够自我创业, 利用自己的才华和能力展现自我, 艺术专业涉及面广可从事多个行业创业也比较便捷。
社会在发展人类在进步, 新青年的社会观要跟上时代的发展, 加强服务态势。有关部门也应加大力度改善大学生就业保障与制度, 推进就业体系, 鼓励毕业生自我创业。并为之提供更客观理想的就业环境。在社会认识上, 大学生的就职状况也不如意, 这在市场本身也占有很大因素。现代社会上攀比学历风日益盛行, 都视高学历、名校毕业为就业敲门砖, 这导致许多学历不高但实践操作很强的学生难于顺当找到工作。
综上所概述, 大学生就业难得以缓和与管理离不开社会实力的进步, 以及观念的变革。因此, 只有加速发展适应我国国情的各院校毕业生体系, 才能逐步解决就业难的问题。从而对高校教育制度进行改良, 树立社会新观点, 加强对任职的认识, 展开即将就业生的自我创造意识, 对即将走出校门的艺术生们要求做好艺术设计类规划, 做好出路准备, 逐步适应我们国家的国情发展以及对高校就业问题的建设, 逐渐完满发展艺术设计生的从业任务。由于如今的艺术设计专业招纳新生的模式越来越多, 层次不分, 整体水平无法提高, 导致各教育用材紧缺学生素质逐步下滑的趋势。因而全面发展就业指导, 对艺术设计专业做个良好的导向作用。
因而各院校要适当采取教学变化, 评测各院校教学质量的有力标准变成了学生毕业就业率, 教育部门各年会公开通知各院校就业标准来给学校增添压力, 所以现在很少有学校只注重教学不关注就职了。
现代社会的就职理念也要改革, 加大服务理念。国家相关部门提供相对的毕业生从业和创业保护, 推从社会就业制度, 加大理清毕业生从业体系的力度, 并且为其提供更优良的政策, 激励各高校毕业生广泛发展到农村及偏远地区去工作, 促进高效的就业率。
根本上要解决大学生就业困难的实际情况, 必然要实行体质和观念上的改变和更换, 结合其毕业生个人与高校、社会和相关部门等合力发展, 才能加快推进我国体制的改革。
[1]赵刚, 林源园.全球经济危机下的我国大学生就业对策研究[J].中国科技产业, 2009 (4) :63.
[2]寿莉莉.实现毕业就业零距离的对策[J].人才开发, 2007 (2) :12.
New Designers is the foremost event in graduate design showcasing the work, energy and talent of some 4000 designers every July at the Business Design Centre, London N1.
Gordon Brown on New Designers: "New Designers is unrivalled in Europe in its scope, in its scale and its size; in its ability to attract companies and people who are looking to hire designers in the future and I believe this is one of the most important exhibitions that is taking place in London", former Chancellor, Gordon Brown
New Designers awards in London July 5th 2007
Sarah Denny won the New Designers The Goldsmiths' Company Silver Award
Award: £1,000 cash & £500 worth of precious metal and a place on the graduate business course "Getting Started". Plus 10 years registration with The Goldsmiths' Company Assay Office London, to include a hallmarking punch and £200 worth of hallmarking services.
Judges Comments: A technical Tour De Force
Winner's Comment: when I heard my name I was absolutely stunned and overwhelmed. I never expected that something so different would win. I am now excited about getting on with designing and developing my collection.
Sarah Denny: studied BA (Honors) Metalwork and Jewellery at SHU (2001-2004) graduating with a first class honors and was also the first winner of the Assay Masters Award for Excellence in Craftsmanship and Design (2004). In 2005 Sarah returned to Sheffield Hallam having secured a prestigious AHRC grant to support her postgraduate study which she has completed this year (2005-7).
Sarah now resides at the Silversmithing Starter Studio Scheme at Yorkshire Arts Space.
New Designers One Year On Award
Antonella Giomarelli won the New Designers One Year On Award (图片 03)
Award: £500; Rhodes & Rhodes, Chartered Accountants will offer £2,000 worth of accounting and taxation advice; Adobe CS3 design premium software package
Judges Comment: Originality of design and use of technology in a very sensitive manner, plus evidence of development for the future。
Winner's Comment: The standard and diversity of the work in One Year On is exceptional and to be selected for the award is a shock and an honour. This prize will now give me confidence and support to set up my own business and succeed.
Antonella Giomarelli: studied BA (Honours) Metalwork and Jewellery at SHU and graduated in 2006 with a first class honours. Antonella's work was selected for the "One year on" exhibition space at New Designers from her show that year and she went on to win a £1.5k Sheffield Hallam Enterprise business start-up award plus legal support from Franks & Co. Since then she has participated in several exhibitions, including "Brilliantly Birmingham" and "Dazzle".
Professor Breda Beban is Reader in Media Arts and one of the leading figures in Sheffield Hallam University's internationally recognized Art and Design Research Centre. She also holds a PhD from the prestigious Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences in Zagreb.
Sheffield Hallam lecturer shows sexiest work at Venice Biennale
What's rumored to be the sexiest work in this year's Venice Biennale will be shown by critically acclaimed artist and Sheffield Hallam University lecturer Breda Beban as her new two-screen film The Most Beautiful Woman in Gucha opens at the exhibition on 6th June 07.
The film captures the moment of love at first sight borne of a passionate encounter between a beautiful dancer, a young man and a group of Romany musicians as a throng of festival goers look on.
The intensity of the film has proved to be addictive when previewed with viewers pirating and sharing the film via text and the internet turning it into a cult hit. As a result of this early preview, the influential Venice based art organization Nuova Icona invited Beban to stage a solo show of the work in its prestigious exhibition at the Venice Biennale, the worlds leading contemporary visual art show (10 June - 21 November 07).
The work comprises two screens; the first an eighteen minute reel of unedited film; the second the nine minute edited version which combines points of intense romantic chemistry from the raw documentary footage. Beban draws on themes of cultural mores of attraction and adds a new and anonymous young woman to the map of powerful female role models.
Breda Beban, The Most Beautiful Woman in Gucha, Nuova Icona, Venice, 6-24 June 07.
Fantastic plastic
Extreme sports fans could soon have instant A&E medical treatment for broken limbs in remote locations, following a unique internationally award winning design of a versatile portable plastic splint.
The pioneering First Aid Splint is designed to protect and aid the recovery of damaged bones in isolated conditions, difficult to be reached by medical teams. Devised as part of an international collaboration between Sheffield Hallam University and French Institut Superieur de Plasturgie d'Alencon (ISPA) to explore the lightweight, pliable properties of plastic, the flexible structure should provide aid to the 45,000 victims of snow sport injuries which occur every year.
MA Industrial Design students Ching-Sui Kao from Taiwan and Geremi Durand, from St Ettiene, France, joined engineering student Maxime Duclous from the ISPA plastic centre of excellence to design FA Splint which incorporates essential medical advice with convenience. The innovative structure applies rigidness and heat quickly to the limb via a special gel created by a chemically reactive metal strip and saturated sodium acetate solution.
The innovative splint was conceived as part of a Design and Innovation in Plasturgy competition to design an object where the main element in plastic. The only UK representatives, Sheffield Hallam University, scooped two of four prizes in the February biannual competition, including the Jury's Grand prize for FA Splint, beating over forty submissions.
Paul Chamberlain, professor of design at Sheffield Hallam said: "Plastic has surprising uses that are not currently being explored - this competition is a great way to start exploring those possibilities. It's a great honor that the innovation and quality of design from our students has allowed them to walk away with half of the available prizes in an international competition. This acclaim is great news for their future careers and employability. The experience of working in partnership across seas has also been invaluable in increasing their skills in team work, international communication, distance working and appreciating cultural differences."
Six teams of two Sheffield Hallam students, and one ISPA, also addressed the social stigma and lifestyle appeal of users of mobility aids. Winning the category of Plastic on Us, a trophy and E5,000, designers have exploited new materials to provide new features and forms for walking aids in the form of O'Leg. Jonathan Grant, from Cambridge, and Faustine Le Berre, from Annecy, France have created a fashionable, adjustable and lightweight support to appeal to sports enthusiasts and a growing aging population.
Two other competition categories, sponsored by the French Plastic Industry, included Plastic in the Home and Plastic Around Us.
The innovative designs are currently available for viewing in Alencon in France, and although in its initial stage, projects are seeking funding and development opportunities.
Professor Michael Corris
Michael Corris - internationally recognised as an artist and writer on art - is Professor of Fine Art at the Art and Design Research Centre. Corris began his career in New York during the 1970s as a participant in the Conceptual art group, Art & Language. He was a founding editor of The Fox, a publication that addressed the theoretical, political, and social contexts of contemporary artistic practice. Corris's artwork may be found in the collections of The Museum of Modern Art (New York) and the Victoria and Albert Museum (London) amongst others. His most recent publications include Conceptual Art:Theory, Myth and Practice (2004) and Ad Reinhardt (forthcoming 2007).
David Cotterrell
David Cotterrell is an installation artist working across varied media including video, audio, interactive media, artificial intelligence, device control and hybrid technology. His recent work has included research into computational models of conversational speech, an artificially intelligent pedestrian urban population and a self-sustaining gridlock generator. He has been recently working in Shanghai, China researching the impact of population expansion with the support of an Arts
Council England and British Council award. A book on his recent work has been published by Black Dog Publishing, entitled The Impossible Project (ISBN 1 901033 73 2) Artist and gallery websites www.cotterrell.comwww.daniellearnaud.com
Daniel Gustav Cramer
Since completing his MA Fine Art at the Royal College in 2003 Gustav Cramer has been showing his work internationally. Recent exhibitions include Domobaal in London, Casa d'os dias da Agua in Lisbon, van der Grinten Galerie in Cologne, Simlagid in Iceland and together with Richard Billingham at the Jardin de Lille in France. He has been represented in recent group shows such as NewContemporaries2003, Young Masters in London and Salon de Montrouge in Paris. Publications include several artist books such as Loch Ness, a monography written by Jonathan Miles and documentaries on Arte TV and Deutsche Welle. www.danielgustavcramer.com
Vera Dieterich
Vera Dieterich's research interests are related to thought processes in relation to Hélène Cixous and Edmond Jabès. These form part of the inspiration for her current practice - drawing, photography and prints. Regularly exhibiting in Europe, some of her works are held in the permanent collection of the Staatsgalerie in Stuttgart. She has won the Hermann - Haake - stiftungs Award, Ludwigsburg and of her latest shows Interlude took place in 2004 at the Gallery Heppacher, Germany and
On Hold at the Gallery Arvore, Portugal. Currently she is writing Book Unbinding: The Ontological Stain with Caroline Rooney, a senior lecturer at Kent University.
Steve Dutton
Steve Dutton works across platforms, using photographic images, painting, text, digital video and architectonic practices. In his work the creation of hybrid forms and processes plays with the boundaries between methods and disciplines, and by implication, an ambiguity of knowledge and experience. As a Director of Sheffield Contemporary Art Forum (SCAF), Steve Dutton is also committed to the development of a critical, dynamic and practical exploration of the hinterlands between what might be called "local" and "international" art practices via SCAF's programming of Sheffield's city-wide contemporary art events such as Art Sheffield 03, 05 and 08.
Dr Sharon Kivland
Sharon Kivland is an artist and writer. She is Reader in Fine Art at Sheffield Hallam University, Research Associate of the Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research, London. Her work is represented by Domo Baal Contemporary Art, London (UK), and Galerie Bugdahn & Kaimer, Düsseldorf (Germany). She is co-editor of Transmission: Speaking and Listening (Sheffield: Site 2001-2005) and The Rules of Engagement (London: Artwords 2004-2008). She is Visiting Fellow in the Institute for Germanic and Romance Studies, University of London, from 2006 to 2008, where she is working on the impossible translation of Freud's dream-book. www.sharonkivland.com
Dr Jaspar Joseph-Lester
Jaspar Joseph-Lester's work focuses on the critical status of illusion in social space. He has involved a number of long-term collaborations with artists, writers and curators. He leads the MA Contemporary Art (Curating) and is co-author of Disorientation and Spectacle in Retail Architecture (Artwords Press, 2004), co-editor of Transmission Speaking and Listening, and guest editor of art-omma, the online art journal (www.artomma. org, issue 11). He has exhibited widely in the UK and abroad and had solo exhibitions at: Asprey Jacques Gallery, Perry's Motors and The British School at Rome. He is currently showing in a co-curated exhibition One Way Street, Sheppard Gallery, Reno.
Mark Purcell
Mark Purcell is Head of Fine Art. He has a teaching and research role crossing fine art, design, communication and media. His current research project is as an editor in Public Understanding and Visualisation of Nanotechnology, an ESPRC funded project in conjunction with the University of Sheffield. Personal research interests include design of measuring and control devices, boolean text, realtime 3D scanning techniques, and the development of personalised phoneme libraries. He views his research interests as being a continuation of Robert Hooke's research agenda; the production of devices to augment the senses and processes to shore up imperfect memory and perceptions.
Lesley Sanderson
Lesley Sanderson has been collaborating with artist Neil Conroy since 1998. AsConroy/Sanderson they use drawing, photography and mixed media to examine the shifting nature of subjectivity and the blurring of different gendered, racial and cultural positions. Their work and collaborative practice questions ideas of fixed cultural identity, suggesting a hybrid perspective. Their recent exhibitions include Distance, galerie5020, Salzburg, Austria, (2006); Cruel/Loving Bodies 2, The Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong (2006). Publications: Sun-Shine, Moonshine (collaboration with Gabriel Gbadamosi), Artwords Press (2005)
Julie Westerman
Her practice encompasses both exhibition and public art commission, working across materials and processes. The work is grounded in sculpture but recent research has engaged with digital and computer-based technology to explore a space between the virtual and physical realm. A body of work using cast iron has been exhibited in North and South America, For the Sake of Appearance Gallery Guignard, Belo Horizonte, Brazil; Femm Catherine Murphy, Gallery St Paul, Minnesota. Recent commissions include a digital fountain for the National Trust Gardens at Polesden Lacey, Surrey (2006) and ThinlyVeiled for the new extension of the Grand Opera House in Belfast (2006). www.juliewesterman.com
电影和视觉效果 BA (Hons) Film and Visual Effects
家具及相关产品设计 BA (Hons) Furniture Design and Related Products*
游戏设计BA (Hons) Games Design
平面设计BA (Hons) Graphic Design*
室内设计BA (Hons) Interior Design *
钢铁与珠宝设计BA (Hons) Metalwork and Jewellery
多媒体和传播设计BA (Hons) Multimedia and Communication Design
产品设计BA (Hons) Product Design *
交通设计BSc (Hons) Transport Design
摄影BA (Hons) Photography *
Graduate Certificate in English with Academic and Professional Skills
Graduate Diploma in Art Design and English
务实、策展和素描方向美术专业 MA Fine Art Programme including specialisms in Practice, Curating and Writing
游戏设计MA in Animation for Games Design
文化政策与管理 MA Cultural Policy and Management *
当代美术 MA Contemporary Fine Art
视觉文化策展 MA Curating Visual Culture *
工业设计 MA Design (Industrial Design)
交互媒体设计 MA Design (Interactive Media)
钢铁和珠宝设计 MA Design (Metalwork and Jewellery)
包装设计 MA Design (Packaging Design)
政策与创新 MA Design (Strategy and Innovation)
艺术与设计研究 MA Research in Art and Design
博士研究生 PhD Research Degrees
政府统计数据显示,就产量而言,过去12个月农业对经济增长的贡献最大。农业部长Tony Burke对路透称:“澳大利亚农业与全球诸多大事密切相关,譬如气候变化和粮食供应问题。”
悉尼大学农业粮食与自然资源系副主任Stephen Cattle认为,对粮食安全和气候变化的关注,让澳大利亚年轻一代更热衷于学习农业。
1 萨里大学 University of Surrey :旅游酒店专业全英第一
MSc in Tourism Development 旅游开发
MSc in Tourism Management 旅游管理
MSc in Tourism Marketing 旅游市场营销
入学要求:本科毕业,平均成绩 Lower Second Class;
2 中央兰开夏大学 University of Central Lancashire :旅游酒店专业全英排名第四
MSc International Tourism Management 国际旅游管理
MSc International Tourism and Attraction Management 国际旅游管理与名胜古迹管理
MSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management 饭店旅游管理
MSc International Hospitality and Event Management 饭店与会展管理
MSc International Festivals and Tourism Management 国际节日与旅游管理
入学要求:旅游、酒店管理或者商科相关专业学士学位;IELTS 6.5
3 谢菲尔德哈莱姆大学 Sheffield Hallam University:旅游酒店专业全英排名第七,会议管理是该校的优势专业,该学院同时也是英国Association of Event Management Educators的创始机构之一。
MSc in International Events and Conference Management 国际会议与会展管理
MSc in International Hospitality and Tourism Management 国际酒店与旅游管理
MSc in International Hospitality Management国际酒店管理
MSc in International Tourism Management 国际旅游管理
4 阿尔斯特大学 University of Ulster:性价比高,有机会申请奖学金,年总花费20万人民币。QS全英酒店管理排名第二。酒店管理专业按照美国标准被评定为五星级。
MSC International Hotel and Tourism Management 国际酒店与旅游管理
MSC International Tourism Development 国际旅游管理
占地约4hm2的校园将容纳4 000名学生以及1 000名教师,建设使用了超过130万个木材块和足够建造8个奥运会游泳池的混凝土。
Stanton Williams建筑师事务所合伙人Paul Williams说:“能够参与重新赋予Granary大楼生命这一雄心勃勃的计划是十分难得的机会。我们从它极为鲜明的维多利亚建筑风格及尺度找寻设计灵感,并且引入极富现代感的元素,通过诸多细节的处理实现了过去与现在的共存与对比。让4 000名学生在这座曾经废弃的建筑中开展日常生活的构想太有挑战性,我们的设计目标在于创造出一个可以转变的舞台、一个能根据学生和老师需要协调安排的空间框架,各专业之间产生新的互动与干预、机会和实验。中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院将开启这所有的可能。”
To the no rth o f Ki ng’s Cro ss a nd St P a n c r as International railway stations,67-acres of derelict land are bei ng transformed i n what is o ne of Eur o p e’s l arg e s t u r b a n r e g e n e r at i o n p r o j e c t s.T h e result will be a vibrant mixed-use quarter,at the phys i c al a nd c re ativ e he art o f whi c h w ill b e the new University of the Arts London campus,home of Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design.
St anto n Willi ams’de sig n for the£200m ne w c ampus u nite s the c o lle g e’s activ itie s u nder o ne roof for the first time.It provides Central Saint Martins with a substantial new building,connected atits southern end to the Granary Building,a rugged survivor of the area’s industrial past.The result is a state-of-the-art facility that not only functions as a practical solution to the college’s needs but also aims to stimulate creativity,dialogue and student collaboration.A stage for transformation,a framewo rk o f fle xi ble spac e s that c a n b e o r c he strate d a nd tr a nsfo rme d o v e r time by st aff a nd stude nts where new interactions and interventions,chance a n d e x p e r i m e n t at i o n c a n c r e at e t h at s l i p-s t e am between disciplines,enhancing the student experie n c e.T h e c o mi ng to g e the r o f all the s c ho o l s o f Central Saint Martins will open up that potential.
The Granary Building itself has been restored as t h e m ai n‘fro nt’o f t h e c o ll e g e,f a c i ng a n e w p u b l i c s q u a r e t h a t s t e p s d o w n t o t h e R e g e n t’s Canal.The buildi ng was de sig ned i n 1851 to receive grain from the wheat fields of Lincolnshire u n l o a d e d h e r e f r o m r a i l w a y w a g o n s o n t o c a n a l boats for o nward transport to the capital’s bakeri e s.I t c o mpr i s e s a so l i d,s i x-sto r e y c ub i c m as s with an unadorned,50-metre wide brick elevation extended to 100-metres by office additions flanking the building.To the north,located one to each side of the Granary Building,are two parallel 180m e t r e s l o n g Tr a n s i t S h e d s.T h e d e s i g n s t r at e g y retai ns the Granary Buildi ng,adapted to i nclude functio ns such as the college’s library,while the Eastern Transit Shed behind is converted to create spectacular workshops for the college.Within the street-level openings of the Western Transit Shed new shops and bars will add further life to the area The historic horse stables below the Eastern Transit Sheds have bee n transformed to new cycle stores for students and staff.
The bulk of the college’s accommodation,however,is located in a major addition to the site,two substanti al new studio buildi ngs that o c c upy the space between the two transit sheds and which at the North e nd of the site prese nt a co ntemporary elevation to the surrounding area.The scale of the new addition responds closely to that of the Granary Building,essentially continuing its massing along the length of the site.It rises above the level of the transit sheds,using contemporary materials so that it will stand,beacon-like,as a symbol of the college’s presence within this rapidly-evolving part of London.The two new four storey studio buildings ar e arr a n g e d at e i t h e r s i d e o f a c o v e r e d c e nt r al‘street’,some 110m long,12m wide and 20m high,covered by a translucent ETFE roof and punctuated by a regular rhythm of service cores that ac commodate lifts,stairs and toilets.At the northern end,a new centre for the Performing Arts will house a fully equipped theatre complete with fly-tower as well as rehearsal and teaching spaces.
T h e i n t e r n al‘s t r e e t’h a s b e e n c o n c e i v e d a s a dynamic area,an are na for stude nt life,akin to the much-loved stair at the centre of the college’s previous main building.Bridges linking the various cores and workspaces cross it,offering break-out are as for meeti ng,relaxi ng and people-w atchi ng and exchanging ideas.The street will be used for exhibitio ns,fashio n shows and performances,the spaces being large enough to build temporary pavilions for example.Viewing points allow students t o w at c h o t h e r s w o r k i ng o r p e rfo rm i n g,a nd t h e work of other discipli nes c an be see n and exhibited.
A t t h e s o u t h e r n e n d o f t h e n e w b l o c k a n d running parallel with the north end of the Granary Building is a second covered‘street’,offering public access through this part of the building interior.Lifts risi ng through this space re c all the vertic al mo v e me nt o f g r ai n,w hi c h g av e t he c o mple x i t s original purpose.Flooring details either retain existing turntables or hint at their historic location,while within the Granary Building itself,the hoists have been retained,crowning a newly inserted lightwell.Simple glazing maintain the integrity of the unbroken openings,rhythmically punctuating the Granary Building’s main facade.
T h e£2 0 0 m c a m p u s b r i n g s t o g e t h e r 4,0 0 0C e n t r a l S a i n t M a r t i n s s t u d e n t s a n d 1,000 s t a ff under one roof.It is made up of:10 acres of floor space,over 1.3 million timber blocks,enough concrete to fill eight Olympic swimming pools.
‘It has been a privilege to work on such an ambitious scheme that will bring life back to the Granary Complex.Our design draws inspiration from the ambition and scale of its Victorian architectural setting and introduces a strong contemporary intervention that celebrates the juxtaposition of old and new in its detailing.The thought of 4,000 students inhabiting this once redundant and isolated building on a daily basis is breathtaking.Our consistent a i m h a s r e a l l y b e e n t o c r e at e a s t a g e f o r t r a n sformatio n,a framework of spaces that can be orchestrated and transformed over time by staff and students where new interactions and interventions,chance and e xperime ntatio n c an cre ate that slipsteam between disciplines.The coming together of all the schools of Central Saint Martins will open up that potential.’Paul Williams.
设计单位:Stanton Williams
建筑设计:Stanton Williams
结构设计:Scott Wilson
环境/机电工程:Atelier 10
照明设计:Spiers and Major
工料测量师/雇主代理商:Davis Langdon
景观设计:Townsend Landscape Architects.
图纸版权:Stanton Williams
环境艺术设计专业具有宽广的应用范围,具体包括以下领域:企事业单位、三维制作、市容规划、建筑设计等。室内设计与景观设计均离不开大量的环境艺术设计人才。人们生活水平不断提升,公共场所消费档次越来越高,环境设计不再是以往的偏重于硬件环境设计,转变成了当前意义更为广泛的理解,包含了对生理环境、生理及行为等的理解,不仅具有美观性,而且还追求创造性与艺术性,是新融入市场的一类行业。我国高职院校环境艺术设计专业长期以来有着宽广的就业前景,只要是和环境艺术设计相关的,多可承担,其中像园林景观设计与建筑装饰设计等具有着可观的薪资待遇。环境艺术设计专业人员如果作为设计师工作转正后薪资待遇在3000 元上下,基本工资2000元加提成,往上没有极限[1]。主任或者高级设计师工资收入在5000~8000 元上下。
就业层面宽、职业人才紧缺、职业优势对比。环境艺术设计就业,没有太大的竞争压力,在我国经济快速发展的城市中,市政建设项目兴盛,景观设计与室内设计均需要此类专业人才,环境艺术设计专业在以往室内设计的基础上,拓宽到了多种领域,如城市道路桥梁设计及室外设计上,范围广,层面宽。人们生活水平不断改善,对环境的要求也 越来越高,新的建筑开始增多,城市环境改善是必然,环境艺术设计专业将炙手可热,是对环境的艺术加工。环境包含自然环境、建筑与园林环境等。建筑环境划分为室内外环境。环境艺术非艺术视觉而存在,在多种感官方面吸引观众,将观察者所处的整体环境视为艺术作品的一部分,拉近了观众与作品之间的距离,破除了传统审美的界限,让艺术和生活的距离更近一步。一份调查数据表明,环境艺术设计工程师职位比较受计算机行业的青睐,企业对这种职位的招聘需求旺盛。国内许多计算机行业也来越重视这类人才。环境艺术设计专业人才为我们生存的环境融入了许多美好,美化环境也是未来发展的需求。为此,环境艺术设计专业未来发展前景广阔。
[2]郑洁.当代大学生就业意向现状调查[J].中国大学生就业, 2005 ,(11).
[3]阳妮.论以就业为导向的高职高专课程改革[J].改革与战略, 2006 ,(08).