
2024-10-12 版权声明 我要投稿


商务合同的翻译练习 篇1

(2)shipping mark

(6)opening bank(3)port of loading

(7)partial shipment(4)W.A.(8)F.P.A.2.将下面的句子翻译成汉语。

商务合同的翻译练习 篇2

1 正确翻译源自于古英语的古体词汇

古体词来源于古英语和中古英语, 具有正式、庄重的文体特征。现代英语中, 很少用到古体词, 但在合同和其他法律文件中仍然很常见。合同中使用这些词使语言精练直观, 使合同显得规范, 严肃。其比较明显的一个特征是在表示地点的where here there等词之后加一个介词构成, 例如:there of, here inafter, here to, where as, here by等, 这些词起状语或定语的作用。这些词的作用非常明显, 它们可以使合同的条款上下衔接, 在多次提到同一个单词时, 多用此类的古体词可以使句子简洁, 避免嗦繁琐的措辞。恰当地使用这些古体词, 能使合同的行文变得严肃, 同时也表现出其正式、准确和简炼的文体特征。此类古体词会常常出现在英语商务合同中, 有时候我们在词典上查到了相对应的汉语意思, 可实际应用的时候又无从下手。所以, 翻译时必须要掌握这些词的结构和语意之间的关联。这些词中的here有this之意, there有that之意, where有which之意。比如:Here by=by this means of, here after=following this, by reason of this Here of=of this, Here inafter=later in以there为词根的古体词, 我们在翻译成汉语的时候都要把“那……”、“其……”、“该……”的意思翻译出来。比如here by英文释义:by means of, by reason of this中文意思是:特此, 因此, 常用于法律文件、合同、协议书等正式文件的开头语;在条款中需要强调时也可用。

2 相同相近词汇的翻译方法

2.1 如何翻译近义词和同义词

近义词在商务合同中经常出现, 翻译时如果不仔细考虑揣摩, 便会影响双方对于合同内容的理解把握, 造成争论。例如:“在本协议有效期内, 为销售有关洗衣机, 乙方可以使用甲方拥有的商标, 并承认使用于或包含于洗衣机中的任何专利商标、版权或其他工业产权为甲方独家拥有。一旦发现侵权, 乙方应立即通知甲方并协助甲方采取措施保护甲方权益。”译文:Party B may use the trade-marks owned by Party A for the sale of the Washing Machines covered herein within the validity of this agreement, and shall acknowledge that all patents, trademarks, copy rights or any other industrial property rights used or embodied in the Washing Machines shall remain to be the sole properties of Party A.Should any infringement be found, Party B shall promptly notify and assist Party A to take steps to protect the latter's rights.该例中的“承认”在英文合同中大多被译成:recognize that…而此句选用acknowledge that…这一表达更为准确, 而且符合合同文体要求, 因为acknowledge一词表示admit the truth.中文意思是“承认这个事实, 对这个事实没有异议”。而recognize that表示的是“认识到”语气并不强烈, 而商务合同语言要求的是鲜明, 不能模棱两可, 模糊不清。因此选用acknowledge较为恰当。

2.2 近义词和同义词的并列使用

经过对合同中出现的同义词归纳总结, 我们可以发现, 它们既可以表现出共性, 也表现出各自的个性。因此, 合同中需要成对地使用同义词, 这样做可以避免对词语含义的误解, 彰显出合同语言严密, 周到的特色。例1:If the other party fails to fulfill and perform any of its obligations hereunder.译文:如果一方未能完成或履行其在本合同下的任何义务。Perform和fulfill均有“执行, 履行”的意思, 但perform是“to do what one arty is obliged to do by a contract”而fulfill是“to do everything which is promised in a contract”。例2:Transactions are subject to these terms and conditions, including the refund policy set forth herein.译文:涉及到这些条款的交易, 包括于此列出的退款规定。此句子中的terms and conditions应该分别翻译成“条件和条款”, 而应合译成“条款”。在合同中terms一般指和金钱, 手续费等相联系的条件, conditions则指别的一些条件, 两者相结合构成合同中的“条款”。在英语合同中这种现象被称作“同义词重叠”。

3 用规范化的书面语言 (formal terms) 进行翻译

一般来说商务合同采用书面用语, 这样可以使合同语言显得规范严谨。例如:如协商不能解决, 则将分歧提交中国国际贸易促进委员会按有关仲裁程序进行仲裁, 仲裁将是终局的, 双方均受其约束, 仲裁费用由败诉方承担。这个句子中“提交”一词有的人使用refer to, 但是如果用submit就会比较正规。因为submit的意思是“put forward for opinion, discussion, decision”即“提出某件事, 供讨论, 评判, 决定”这个词多用于商务谈判, 和政治外交等严肃场合, 是正式用语。而“refer to”多用于口语, 不适于正式文体。商务合同的翻译属于特殊英语翻译, 与普通英语翻译相比, 在词汇选择上凸显出其自身专业特点。商业英语的一个基本特性就是专业性强, 这一点无论从其行文方式、专业词汇还是商业合同内容等方面都能体现出来。除此之外, 对商务合同翻译探析, 还可以从其它方面来进行, 例如:loaned words的使用, law words的选用, context对词义的影响, 一词多义的翻译等, 这些探析对于商务合同的翻译非常有用。商务合同的翻译, 其基本要求就是准确、严谨, 对一些词语的理解与翻译必须有切实的根据, 不可根据自己的猜测随便造词。特别是合同中的专业术语有着严肃的法律意义, 翻译时要特别慎重, 做到字斟句酌。这要求一个译者必须有坚实的语言根底和商务英语专业知识, 熟悉中英两种语言。在翻译实践中, 我们只有不断提高和总结有效的翻译技巧和翻译规律, 才能圆满完成商务合同的翻译任务。


[1]李俊.英汉经贸合同精选[M].北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社, 2002.

[2]吴敏.国际经贸英语合同写作[M].暨南大学出版社, 2002.

商务英文合同的句式特点及翻译 篇3

[关键词] 合同法律文件复杂句翻译







If a Party breaches any of the representations or warranties given by it in Articles 18.1 or repeated in 18.2, then in addition to any other remedies available to the other party under this contract or underApplicableLaws,itshallindemnifyandkeep indemnified the other Party and the company against any losses,damages,costs,expenses,liabilities and claims that such Party or the Company may suffer as a result of such breach.




1)If a Party breaches …in Articles 18.1 or repeated in 18. 2

2)then in addition to …Applicable laws

3)it shall indemnify and …costs,expenses,liabilities and claims

4)that such Party or …as a result of suchbreach.


1.句的主干結构是主语(It)+(情态动词+动词原形)(shall indemnify and keep indemnified…against)+宾语(the other Party and the Company)。

2.“if”引导的是条件从句,条件句的宾语部分跟随后置定语(given by it in Articles 18. 1 or repeated in 18. 2)。

3.“in addition to”引导的是增补成分,其核心词remedies也跟了后置定语(available to the otherPartyunderthiscontract orunderApplicablelaws)。


5.固定结构“indemnify sb. Against …”使某人不受……





In the event that the Company's operations are reduced substantially from the scale of operation originally anticipated by the parties,or the Company experience substantial and continuing losses resulting in negative retained earnings not anticipated by the Parties in the agreed Business Plan, or in any other circumstance permitted under Applicable Laws or agreed by the Parties,the Parties may agree to reduce the registered capital of the Company on a pro rata basis.


(2)逆序法。所谓逆序法就是逆着原文的顺序翻译。在商务合同中,有些英语长句的表达次序与汉语习惯不同,甚至语序完全相反。因此,根据汉语的习惯,译者必须从原文句子的后面译起。 由于译文句子的前后与原文句子的前后相比,有倒置现象,因此,逆序法又称为“倒置法”。


The Seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment or non-delivery of the goods due toForceMajeure,whichmightoccurduringtheprocess of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit。

这里原文的行文方式是把信息的重心放在句首,先表明卖方的免责事项(The Seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment or non-delivery of the goods),接着再规定由于什么原因引起的不能交货或延迟交货才会免责( due to Force Majeure)。而对不可抗力又做了限定(which might occurduringtheprocessofmanufacturingorinthecourse of loading or transit)。而按照汉民族的思维习惯往往是先谈原因再讲结论。因此翻译时译者应采用逆序的方法将原文表示免责条件的“duetoForceMajeure,whichmight…ofloadingortransit” 移到句首。再者, 英语中的非限制性定语从句(即本句中的which might occur... of loading or transit)翻译成中文时要么仍翻译成定语放在所修饰的词之前,要么处理为别的成分。根据以上分析,原文可翻译为:凡在制造或装船运输过程中,因不可抗力致使卖方不能或推迟交货时,卖方不负责任。



EitherPartymayterminate thecontract incase of failure on the part of the other Party to fulfill or perform any of its obligations hereunder and in the event that such failure remains unremediedsixty (60) days after the service of a written noticeas described in Article X below by the non-defaulting Party to the other Party specifying the failure in question andrequiring it to be remedied.

原文是商務合同中有关期限和终止的条款,按照先讲结论,即合同任一方具有的权利(Either Party may terminate the contract)然后再列举实施此权利的条件(in case of failure ... and in the eventthat ...)的顺序行文,而汉民族的行文习惯往往是先条件后结论,所以译文在整体上应采用逆序法。但,即:违约行为60天内未改正,60天是从无责任方书面通知送达之日算起,书面通知中无责任方已指出对方违约行为并要求其改正等等。如不对内容进行分解,则可能导致句义混乱。因此,翻译此句时应采用拆译法,以期将原文意思表述清楚。参考译文:如果一方未完成或未履行其在本合同项下的任何义务,而且未按照下述第X条规定在另一方向其送达书面通知,指出其违约行为并要求其予以改正后六十(60)天内,其仍未子以改正,另一方则可以终止本合同。






商务英语中级翻译精选练习题 篇4


2.Vapes are electronic devices that heat liquid into a cloud of vapor that users breathe in. Most users vape with a liquid that includes the drug nicotine, several other chemicals and flavoring.


3.The ban cuts off a huge market for e-cigarette makers such as Juul Labs and Philip Morris International. Both companies planned to expand in India.


4.India’s health ministry said the products are “novel,” attractive and come in many flavors, but said their use has increased very quickly “in developed countries, especially among youth and children.”


5.The ban comes at a time when public officials in other countries are raising questions about the safety of vaping.

剑桥商务英语中级翻译练习题整合 篇5


There are alternative ways to cut prices.


Currently, I am engaged in the investigation work of the project, I’ve made the following achievements.


The research reveals there is a growing market for these kinds of products.


We have great interest in importing your “Ivory” camera displayed at GZ Trade Fair.


Please inform us what special offer you can make for us.


We are interested in importing motorcycles and would be grateful if you would send us a copy of your latest catalogue, your price list, and export term.


We are interested in acquiring a number of products from your current range in manufacturing our furniture.


Thank you in advance for your help.


I look forward to receiving your response.


Thank you very much for your continued confidence in us.

谢谢您对我们一直以来的新任。考生如果怕自己错过考试报名时间和考试时间的话,可以 免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。

Certainly, you have a right to expect the best possible service from our company.


Under the circumstances, all we can do concerning your request is to suggest you change to one of our European tours.


We thank you for your continuous support and look forward to serving you.


Unfortunately, it is not possible to cancel your order.


If we can serve your further in the future, please do not hesitate to contact us.


We have pleasure in sending you a copy of our catalogue, which includes details and prices of our complete range of telephones.我们很高兴为您献上一份我们生产的电话的目录,这里面包括各类电话的详细说明及价格。

We would particularly like to draw your attention to our new set of greeting cards, which you will find on page 85 of the catalogue.

商务合同翻译 篇6

In order to facilitate Party A’s work of starting the consignment sales on time, Party B should ship the first lot of consignment goods to Party A before Dec.31, 2009.On or about March 15, 2010, Party A and Party B shall meet to mutually determine on acceptable sales level for the remainder of the consignment period.2)在寄售合同到期后的一个月内,甲方将按合同单价把已售出的货物以美元形式全额汇给乙方。如果有销售额总额超过15万美元的情况,甲方应在一月内将销售款以美元形式汇给乙方。

Within one month after expiration of the consignment period, Party A shall remit Party B the total sum in U.S Dollars based on the contracted unit price for those items which have been sold.If at any time the total value of goods sold exceeds the amount of U.S.Dollars 150000, Party A shall remit the total sum in U.S.Dollars to Party B within one month’s period of time.3)装配所需的主要零件、消耗品及部件由甲方运至广州。如有零部件短少或破损,甲方应负责补充替换。


The main parts, consumption articles and components required for assembling will be sent in time to Guangzhou by Party A and if there is any shortage of , or damage to these parts and components , Party A shall be responsible for supplying replacements.Party A shall pay Party B by opening an irrevocable L/C covering the full amount of assembling charges and costs of parts , consumption articles and components purchased in Guangzhou by Party B , one month before the shipment of the finished products concerned.4)一切与本合同有关的进出口手续,均由乙方办理。

乙方将所装配的晶体管收音机运交甲方指定的外国买主。有关运费和保险费由甲方负担。All import and export procedures in connection with this contract shall be taken care of by Party

B.All transistor radios assembled by Party B will be shipped to foreign buyers designated by Party A.The relevant freight and insurance premium shall be borne by Party A.5)晶体管收音机的商标由甲方供给,如有法律纠纷,甲方应负完全责任。

如因装配需要,由乙方在广州购买的零部件必须达到品质标准,并应事先经过甲方核准。The trade marks of transistor radios will be supplied by Party A and should there be any illegal involvement, Party A is to be held fully responsible.All parts and components purchased by Party B in Guangzhou, if necessary for assembling transistor radios, must measure up to the quality standards of, and be approved by Party A beforehand.6)本合同自受聘方到校之日起生效,到聘期届满时失效。如一方要求延长聘期,必须在合同期满前一个月用书面向对方提出,经双方协商同意后另签延聘合同。

This Contract comes into effect on the first day of the engaged party’s arrival at the AA University and ceases to be effective at its expiration.If either party wishes to renew the Contract, the other

party shall be notified in writing one month before it expires.Upon agreement by both parties through consultation, a new contract may be signed between two parties.7)公司为一有限责任公司及在中华人民共和国法律下的法人,公司的所有活动应遵守中华人民共和国颁布的法律、法令及条例,公司的所有合法权益及利益受中华人民共和国的法律管辖及保护。

The Company is a limited liability company and a legal person under the laws of the People’s Republic of China.All the activities of the Company shall comply with the laws, decrees and regulations promulgated by the People’s Republic of China.All the lawful rights and interests of the Company are subject to the jurisdiction and protection of the laws of the People’s Republic of China.8)合营的一方如不履行本合同或公司章程的义务,违约一方得赔偿另一方因此而遭受的经济损失。


If either of the Parties fails to fulfil its obligations under this Contract , it shall compensate the other party for all its economic losses resulting therefrom.During the term of operation of the Company, neither Party has the right to announce unilaterally the cancellation or termination of this Contract.9)公司注册资本为9000万美元。由中方在签约后30天内提供土地使用权。外方在2001年3月1日以前提供办公楼、厂房、必须的设备、设备、机器、工具、仪器、工业产权、非专利技术、生产资金、流动资金等。

The registered capital of the Company is USD 90 million.The Chinese Corp provides the right to use land within 30 days after signing the Agreement.The Foreign Co.provides the office building, factory premises, necessary facilities, equipment, machines, tools, instruments, industrial property rights, non-patent technology, production funds, operating funds, etc.before March 1, 2001.10)如因不可抗力事件使公司无法继续营业时,本协议可通过双方协商予以提前终止。如果中方或外方想要把本协议规定的权利和义务进行全部或部分转让,另一方有优先购买权。转让必须得到审批机关的批准。

In case of Force majeure, which makes it impossible for the Company to continue its business, this Agreement may be terminated ahead of schedule through consultation between the two parties.If the Chinese or foreign party wishes to make an assignment of all or part of its rights and obligations prescribed in this Agreement, the other party shall have the preemptive right to purchase the same.The assignment must obtain the approval of the examination and approval authority.11)如果在保证期内发现运交的设备有缺陷,投资人必须按中方的要求,及时适当解决

In case defect of the delivered equipment is found within the warranty period.INVESTOR shall take appropriate action for settlement without delay ,upon SINO`s request


In the above instance investor shall request SINO for payment of the actual costs of transportation ,when such defect is judged to be due to inexperienced operation by sino or due to inappropriate handling ,or due to an article of consumption


Sino shall be able to request for continued technical support from investor , if necessary, even after completion of the above despatchofinvestor`sengineers.however ,in this instance.investor shall be able to request sino for the cost of such additional technological cooperation.terms and conditions shall be subject to mutual discussion and agreement between sino and investor ,in future

14)乙方确认由其所生产的许可证产品必须严格按照甲方所提供的设计,图纸及规格生产,除依第C条第一款规定的修改内容以外,在任何情况下许可证产品均具备与 所生产的产品相同的质量与运动性能。如果乙方未严格依照甲方的设计,图纸及规格生产,则甲方对于乙方的许可证产品不承担任何担保责任。


1)GTT shall act as a bridge between SINO and INVESTOR

2)GTT shall assist SINO in marketing in china of products finished by SINO by means fo trade show ,seminar ,technical traning program ,ect

3)GTT shall consider marketing finished products to Europe and Africa when the quality turns out to be satisfactory


1)In case initial test is unsatisfactory ,a second test shall be carried out.if the second test is again unsatisfactory ,INVESTOR shall replace the equipment involved atits own cost ,within two months after the second text

2)in case text results are satisfactory ,SINO and INVESTOR shall sign a text certificate in duplicate and each party shall keep one copy


The making ,validity ,interpretation and implementation of this contract and the settlement of disputes arising thereform shall shall be governed by laws ,decrees and regulations promulgated by the people`s republic of china


The engaged party works five days a week and seven hours a day ,the engaged party have legal holidays as prescribed by both Chinese and Australian governmentthe winter vacation is fixed by the school calenderf


The engaginfg party pays the engaged party a monthly salary of 2000 australian dollars and provides him with various benefits as prescribed by Australian government for foreign teachers working in Australia


The engaged party shall abide by the laws and regulations of the Australian government concerning residence ,wages and benefits ,and travel for foreigners when entering ,leaving and passing through the territory of the country ,and shall follow the working system of the engaging party



Neither party shall cancel the contract without reasonable causes ,if the engaging party finds it


Party b shall within 15 days after signing this agreement establish in favour of party a an banker`s acceptance l/c in payment for the equipment ,for an account not less than J 22200000,available by draft at 180 days sight ,the l/c will be effective only after receipt by party b of a satisfactory reciprocal l/c opened by party a for payment of canned asparagns ,after receipt of the l/c ,party a shall effect shipment of the equipment of the equipment in time ,provide the required documents according to article 7 of this agreement together with the draft at 180 days sight ,and obtain its bank`s acceptance


Party b will submit to party a the actual retail prices of aforesaid articles in hongkong and Japanese markets for party a`s reference.Party b has no right to interfere with a`s selling

商务合同的翻译练习 篇7


在国贸交流中, 合同是用来确定交易双方分工和权利的依据, 使双方形成共同贸易前提意识。合同的签订要经过一系列法律程序来证明有效性, 属正式商业法律语体。英语为世界通用语言, 国际商务合同往往为英文版本。为了使交易顺利进行, 中文版本有时也必不可缺。翻译时, 既要将内容准确表达, 又要符合法律文本规范。译者须做好译前准备, 立足前人理论及实践经验, 尽量使译文精确。合同的翻译离不开其话语基调的奠定, 话语基调理解的不同可能会给译文的效果带来正面或负面的影响。话语基调通常由词汇语法性质决定, 笔者将论述话语基调情态实现手段, 从情态系统体现方式着手, 并就合同翻译实例使读者加深对话语基调的理解, 分析情态手段恰当译法。

1 话语基调的情态手段

话语基调是语域中的一个重要部分, 起点明话语主题的作用, 即表达讲话者的判断及态度。加拿大学者Gregory最早提出话语基调概念, 将其解释为“所用语言与语言事件参与者关系间的相互作用所产生的结果”, 且关系固定。此外, 他还将其分为个人基调 (社会关系) 与功能基调 (交际意图) 。[1]Halliday和Hasan (1978:145) 对话语基调的阐释有所发展。他们认为话语基调指参与者角色关系有长期稳定的, 也有暂时动态的。[2虽然两者在角色稳定性上有分歧, 但都承认话语基调跟交际者有关, 强调了人的作用。话语基调是人际意义的投射, 通常由情态手段来体现。

对于情态, Halliday认为其具有多变性, 包含情态化和意态化。[3]Palmer将其分为认知情态和义务情态。[4]这两者与系统语言学中的命题和提议概念不谋而合。人际交流通常以信息和商品服务方式呈现。当交际双方互换信息内容以命题形式出现时, 情态表现情态化, 有一定频率和概率。当双方交流物品和服务时, 交流者表现情态是意态化建议, 包含义务和意愿。根据笔者总结, 情态可通过一些语法成分, 如情态动词、语气情态副词、施为动词等来体现。该文基于合同翻译实例, 对合同中的这些语法成分进行分析, 找出合适的情态手段译法。

2 合同情态翻译实例研究

2.1 合同语气翻译

Lyons认为语气是一个语法范畴, 指的是表达情态的语法形式;情态, 是一个语义范畴, 反映了说话人对他所说语句的评价或态度。[5]一个句子是由多个单词组合而成的, 但理解每个单词的意思不代表理解了整句话的意思, 句中包含的语气也表达了说话者的潜在的话语意图, 因此, 听话者无法忽视语气而去孤立地理解句意。语气通常可被分为陈述语气、祈使语气、虚拟语气和疑问语气等几个语法范式。

合同属书面文本, 语气词使用有难度, 但译者要对源文本语气保持敏感。在英文条款中, 最常见的条款结构为“if A, B shall do...”, 可见, 虚拟语气是种常见合同文本语气范式。虚拟语气在除了由“if”条件从句引导之外, 一些诸如“in case”, “in the event of”, “provided”, “should”, “where”等词引导的虚拟句也很多见。这些引导词虽然相似, 但是其中一些词间的具体意义却相去甚远。例如, 跟在“in case”和后面的部分可能是要防止发生的状况, 可能性较小;“provided”后面的部分则是使某件事发生的必要前提条件, 可能性较大。例如, 在“In case of any payment by the Seller, the payment shall be made though Bank A to Bank B for the Buyer’s account”[6]这句中, 付款的为卖方, 而通常付款的买方则成为接受的一方, 这种事件发生的概率比较小, 所以用了“in case of”。“in case of”在条款中可译为“万一”或不译, 在这里, 显然不译更为合适, 可译为“卖方向买方的付款可通过A银行付给B银行。而在“In case the Seller is liable for paying to the penalty and/or compensation under Chapter X of the present Contract, the Buyer shall have the right to deduct it from any said payment[6]”中, 显然, 赔偿是假设的突发状况, 虽然发生概率低, 但是要在条款中列明, 加以预防。这里同样可译为“万一”, 整句可译为“按本合同第X章规定, 万一卖方需支付买方罚款和/或赔款, 买方有权从上述任何一次付款中扣除。”

2.2 合同情态动词翻译

Halliday将情态动词的量值由低到高作了不同程度的划分, 如“must” (高值) , “should” (中值) , “may” (低值) 。[3]不同程度量值情态动词代表了作者不同期望或态度, 会被运用于不同语体中。涉及义务责任往往要用到高值情态, 而有关认知理解只需中值低值情态。

合同通常有许可及禁止等内容, 对其条文的理解是准确翻译法律术语的基本要求。由于有法律约束力的合同才是有效合同, 在合同中, 不同量值情态动词的法律意义不同, 需根据其必要性选择。要使商务法律译文具有明晰性, 需要注意两点:一是要准确理解原文的语义;二是要选取明晰的词语。[7]低值情态动词“may”和签约方权利相关, 给人留有余地, 让话语更显周全。而中值情态动词“shall”在合同中表明条约权威性, 强调执行力度。

对合同接触甚多的读者通常会发现一个现象:“shall”在合同中的出现率很高, 而“should”很少, 这也可从3.1中的两个例句中看出。这是因为, “Shall”和“should”虽都属中值情态动词, 但法律含义有所区分。“shall”更强调双方应履行责任, 对动作对象有制约作用。任何一方不按规定做, 就算违约。而“should”只是一种建议, 对双方无强制要求。对“should”所提及的内容, 当事人可守, 也可不守。因此, “should”也可用在虚拟语气中作条件引导词。“Shall”的使用有利于法律义务规范化, 双方能对责任一目了然。“shall”在英译汉时, 其意义往往被省略或直译为“应”或“须”。“Shall”在合同中的通常形式是“shall+be动词”或“shall+行为动词”。“be”动词涉及存在状态, 有些情况下会跟合同中的金额日期等数量词搭配使用, 为了在条款语句结构上强调各方切身经济利益。由于汉语注重意合, 与数量词搭配的“shall+be动词”格式在英译汉时, “shall”可省略。行为动词对其实施者具强制性, 笔者认为将“shall”译为“应”或“须”更恰当。同时, 译者须保持上下文一致, 如果上文中译为“应”, 下文也应遵循同样原则。权利与义务相对, “shall”的滥用会造成误解, 如将“shall”译为“可”。为了明晰责任和义务, 译者可在强调义务时使用“shall”, 在详述权利时使用“may”来恰当表达“可”之意, 使合同显得不那么生硬。

2.3 合同情态副词翻译

情态副词指表达情态的副词, 属语气附加语, 辅助表明作者态度。何永梅将语气附加语中的情态副词划分为五类:概率 (probability) , 频率 (usuallity) , 倾向 (inclination) , 意愿 (willingness) , 强度 (intensity) 。[10]合同是从事商务活动的自然人或法人之间订立的确定各自双方权利和义务具有法律效力的条文, 语体正式, 体现客观性, 情态副词使用率较低。商务双方签订有效合约前提是自愿, 贸易双方应处于平等的地位。情态副词的使用能恰当调节双方权势关系[11], 建立平等信任关系。合同情态副词使用频率较低, 在随机查找的8篇商务合同中, 情态副词只有33处, 其中“primarily”, “respectively”, “mutually”的使用频率较高。

进行归类后可发现:“primarily”, “respectively”, “mutually”都用来表达倾向。合同通常是由两方签署, 情态副词表达了作者期望签约者按其意图来做事, 在一定程度上承认了双方地位, 说明合同不强加给任意方。处理这些情态副词的翻译时, 译者需要注意, “primarily”明确提出了主要适用范围, “respectively”表示双方各自应尽义务, 而“mutually”则是突出了双方间共同该做什么。为了符合语境, 且保持全文一致性, 笔者建议将这三个词分别译为“主要针对 (……方) ”, “各方”, “双方”。

2.4 合同施为动词翻译

施为动词是施行言语行为的动词, 大多被当成语用学言语行为理论研究部分。笔者认为, 合同中使用施为动词目的是让签约方履行其规定义务或享受该有权利。因此, 合同施为动词也表达了作者对施为方的期望。

通过对上述8篇合同中的施为动词进行分析, 发现某些施为动词几乎在每一合同中都会出现, 如agree (52次) , pay (43次) , sign (25次) 。

“agree”在合同中的出现率最高, 其次是“pay”和“sign”。这也可看出合同双方关注的焦点旨在双方同意 (agree) 的基础上签订 (sign) 条约, 且为此可带来怎样的经济报酬 (pay) 。经过对6篇合同分析, 笔者发现“agree”通常有以下几种译法:

大多情况下, “agree”被译为“约定”。合同往往由两方签署, 例如, 在普通合同中的甲、乙双方, 在商品合同中的买方和卖方, 在技术合同中的出让方和受让方。“协商同意”与“协议”中的“协”, “约定”中的“约”都隐含两方合作之意, 合同内容由双方当事人共同商讨决定, 显示合约公平性, 强调缔约双方地位平等。“同意”太普遍, 是“agree”的日常用法, 用在合同中较为一般。而“specify”和“stipulate”也有“规定”之意, 如将“agree”译为规定, 读者会将它与这两个词混淆。仅用“达成”会造成不必要歧义, 但“在……方面达成一致”太长, 不符合商务合同简洁原则。译者要充分理解法律条文, 避免误译。

3 结论

合同不是普通的文书, 因牵涉法律而较普通文书更为正式。合同中的情态表达了合同拟写者的态度。译者须判定原文话语基调和作者的态度[12], 将原拟稿者想表达的目的用精确的译文传递给读者。下面列出一些根据本文得出的建议: (1) 译者尤其要注意合同虚拟语气, 针对不同类型合同, 采取不同翻译表达式。 (2) 使用不同量值情态动词的语句, 会造成不同的法律效果。中英译文要严格注意其细微差别。 (3) 合同情态副词有利双方建立稳固关系, 译者需注意双方平等地位, 切不可偏颇。 (4) 施为动词涉及专业领域或双方实际利益, 需译者掌握扎实语言功底和基础商务知识[13]。合同情态的翻译论文并不多见, 这方面的研究还有待拓展。


[1]Gregory M, Carroll.Language and Situation:language varieties and their social context[M].London:Routledge&KeganPaul, 1978:8.

[2]Biber D, et al.Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000:483-491.

[3]Halliday M A K, Hasan R.Language, Context and Text:Aspects of Language in a Socio-Semantic Perspective[M].Victoria:Deakin University Press, 1978:145.

[4]Halliday M A K.An Introduction to Functional Grammar[M].London:Arnold, 2000:76, 356.

[5]Palmer F R.Mood and Modality[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1986:96.

[6]Lyons J.Semantics.Vol.2[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1977:451-452.

[7]韦箐.对外贸易合同最新范本 (上册) [M].北京:经济管理出版社, 2005:163.

[8]姚嘉五.商务英语汉译之文体语用经纬[J].中国科技翻译, 2010 (4) :26-29.

[9]何咏梅.英汉语演讲语篇研究——英汉政治演讲语篇中情态副词的语义分布及人际功能对比[J].内蒙古农业大学学报:社会科学版, 2010 (1) :362-367.

[10]杨红.英语情态卫星副词在科技语篇中的人际意义[J].哈尔滨学院学报, 2011 (7) :104-108.

[11]郑元会.语气系统和人际意义的跨文化建构[J].外语学刊, 2008 (4) :80-84.

商务合同的翻译练习 篇8



1.1 词汇特点


如,“Execution”作为一个常用词时是“执行”,然而在法律语言中意义是“签订”。“presents” 作为一个常用词是“礼物”,然而在法律语言中意思是“本文件”。


在商务英文合同中, 以下词用的很多,如,“herein”, “hereafter”, “hereto”, “hereunder” “therein”, “thereunder”, “whereby”, “wherein” 等等。


如,“bar” 意为“法庭,审判台”(法语), “coemptio”意为“买卖婚姻”(拉丁语)。


如,“loss, injury or damage” 指“伤亡”。 “terms or condition”, 为 “条件”。 “stipulations and provisions” 意为“条款”。


Party B shall warrant the promised condition of the work within one year after the date of receiving the work by Party A.(张福林,1998:297-298)

1. 2句式特点


The seller shall not be responsible for delay in shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure, which has occurred during the manufacturing process or in the course of loading or in transit.


Subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth, ABC company will indemnify and protect the Purchaser against any losses or damage.


An enterprise as legal person shall terminate for any of the following reasons:

a) if it is dissolved by law.

b) if it is disbanded.

c) if it is declared bankrupt in accordance with the law; or

d) for other reasons.


If his habitual residence is not the same as his domicile, his habitual residence shall be regarded as his domicile.


The lawful civil rights and interests of citizens and legal persons shall be protected by law; no organization or individual may infringe upon them.


Smuggling of goods whose import or export are subject to prohibition or restrictions, which constitute criminal offences shall be subject to…



2.1.1 古体词


(1)“Here-prep” type 基本的意思是:“本……”,“此……”。如,hereafter翻译成“以下”“此后”“下文中”等等。

2.2.2 同义词

在商务英文合同中,有一些同义词词义相似互补,但仍然存在细微的差别。译者应该尽可能的找到中文里相应的对等词。如,deterioration, defect or loss,损蚀、缺陷或损失。

2.2.3 shall


The seller shall not be held liable for the delay in shipment. 卖方概不负责。

2.2 句法层面的翻译


通常 “should + S + V” 结构的句子,表示可能性很小,通常翻译成 “若”,“如果”。如,Should the quality and specifications of the goods be found not on conformity with the contract, the buyer is entitled to put up claim against the seller. 如果发现货物的数量和合同规定不符,买方有权向卖方提出索赔。




The seller shall not be responsible for delay in shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure, which has occurred during the manufacturing process or in the course of loading or in transit. 因在生产、装运或运输过程中发生的不可抗力事件,卖方对迟交或未交货不负责任。


Where 句子的翻译中,where经常被翻译为“如果”。(杜金榜,2004:245)如,Where no settlement can be reached, the disputes shall be submitted for arbitration. 如果得不到解决,应将争议提交仲裁。



