
2024-07-21 版权声明 我要投稿


学术英语 篇1

sentence below.(10*1′)

1.Spanish students _________ U.S.students in science.(perform)

2.Don’t feel ___________to do what he says---he’s got no authority.(constrain)

3.Lau has shown herself to be a __________defender of the poor.(passion)

4.Can we reach a ____________on the issue?(consensus)

5.The government has repeatedly _____that it will not change its policy.(assert)

6.Inspectors will have to do a thorough _________of the project before we can continue.(evaluate)

7.They are currently ________at the bottom of the league.(languish)

8.One other possible method of smoothing would be to use means rather than______.(median)

9.We start with an ___________of the student’s abilities.(assess)

学术英语 篇2


学术英语 篇3

数字文化项目规定了数字文化的定义,即数字文化是使用数字工具和设施识别、访问、管理、集成、评估、分析和合成数字资源,以及构建新知识、创建媒体表达、与他人沟通时表现出来的意识、态度和个人能力。此能力在特定的情况下可以产生有建设性的社会行动,同时进行反馈(Martin & Grudziecki, 2006)。同时,比瑟姆(Beetham)认为数字文化的定义涵盖了独立个体在数字社会中的生活、学习和工作的各种行为。普通的分类法将会出现时间过于具体、清单长到难以接受、太多与个人不相关的内容等问题。而数字文化作为一种解决办法更具有针对性,不会完全统一或过于一般化。


作者简介:莱斯利·古尔(Lesley Gourlay),英国伦敦大学教育学院高级讲师;文章由教育部教育管理信息中心世界教育信息杂志编辑部郝星培编译

学术英语作业 篇4


Game theory

Game theory is the science of strategy and was pioneered by Princeton mathematician John Von Neumann.In the early years the emphasis was on games of pure conflict.Other games were considered in a cooperative form.Games are different from decisions made in a neutral environment.The essence of a game is the interdependence of player strategies.There are two distinct types of strategic interdependence:sequential and simultaneous.The logical circle is squared using a concept of equilibrium developed by the Princeton mathematician John Nash.Nash’s notion of equilibrium remains an incomplete solution to the problem of circular reasoning in simultaneous-move games.Some games have many such equilibrium while others have none.And this notion has some flaws.In spite of it,the concept has proved extremely useful in analyzing many strategic interactions.There are some examples of strategic interaction illustrate some of the fundamentals of game theory:the prisoners’dilemma,mixing moves and strategic moves.Recent advances in game theory have succeeded in describing and prescribing appropriate strategies in several situations of conflict and cooperation.But the theory is far away from complete,and in many ways the design of successful strategy remains an art.Key words: game theory,sequential,simultaneous,equilibrium

学术综合英语翻译 篇5

7、The researchers also addressed the commonly held belief that traffic citation cause more accidents than they prevent because so many people are killed during police chase.8、The statistics do not include Ontario drivers who may have been involved in fatal accident somewhere outside that province.9、But the statistics suggest a correlation between the number of citations and the number of fatalities.10、Most crashes are unintended, unexpected, and could have

been prevented by a small difference in driver behavior.1、The labeling of “women’s language” as “powerless language” reflects the view of women’s behavior through the lens of men’s.2、This ambiguity accounts for much misinterpretation by experts as well as nonexperts, by which women’s ways of thinking, uttered in a spirit of rapport, are branded powerless.3、Nowhere is this inherent ambiguity clearer than in a brief comment in a newspaper article.4、Whether women or men are direct or indirect differs;what remains is that the women’s style is negatively valuated—seen as lower in status than the men’s.5、The woman’s style is called “covert,” a term suggesting negative qualities like being “sneaky” and “underhanded.”

6、The explanation for a woman’s indirectness could just as well be her seeking connection.7、You’re neither one-up nor one-down by being happily connected to others whose wants are the same as your.8、Calling an indirect communication covert reflects the view of someone for whom the direct style seems “natural” and “logical”—a view more common among men.9、The mutual indirectness in a Japanese lunch invitation may strike Americans as excessive.10、Only modern Western societies place a priority on direct communication, and even for Americans it is more a value than a practice.6The researchers point out that the innocent are often madeto pay the price for the careless drivers.7In other words, when the number of citations went down,the number of fatal accidentswent up the following month

学术英语博士推荐信 篇6

To Whom It May Concern: I take great pleasure in recommending Longgang Wu, one of my favorite students, for admission into your distinguished graduate program in Machinery Manufacturing.I have known Mr.Wu 5 years since his freshman year at Harbin Engineering University.At that time, he took the course “Advanced Manufacturing Technology”, which I taught mainly for junior students Majoring in Mechanical Engineering.To my surprise, I found he was among the few students in his class who could keep up with the pace of my lectures.Moreover, he often posed thought-provoking questions during the course.Thus it was natural that I liked discussing with this young man and became familiar with him.The more I knew him, the more I found he was talented at Mechanical Engineering.As you can see, he got excellent scores on the course.In fact, he ranked No.1 on this 27 hours course.After the course, he was admitted as a Master of Mechanical Engineering.As his research adviser, I direct his research and found his a promising youth radiating with intelligence and creativity.During the following two years, Mr.Wu worked on a computational theory study of Drag Reduction Characteristics of Bionic Jet Surface.To make the theory model meet the actual materials, he faced down many practical problems, such as building reasonable module of inorganic materials, and calculation techniques.Working hard and independently, he cracked the problems one by one, and came up with a thesis that was characterized by academic excellence.In my experience with Mr.Wu, I was impressed with not only his extraordinary intelligence but also his ambitions and persistence.I am sure that Mr.Wu will be an outstanding student in any doctoral program that he may care to enroll in.So I would like to support him firmly in his quest recommendation into account when considering his application.I would greatly appreciate it you decide to accept him as he wishes.Yours sincerely Gang Zhao

Intelligent Manufacturing System Lab

Harbin Engineering University

论英语学术语篇的构建策略 篇7



随着科技的发展和社会的进步, 新的交流方式和语类不断出现, 这对学术语篇的研究范畴、理论和方法, 尤其是以ESP为基础的学术语篇的研究产生了深刻影响。Duff认为, 在先前的研究中, 学术语篇通常被视为是一种相对稳定的修辞、体裁或话语规约, 但现在它们更多地被看成是特定情景下的一种社会构建。学术语篇是在学术交际事件过程中所构成的特定语篇体裁, 旨在陈述学术观点, 展示科研成果, 以达到学术交流的目的。

作为研究者阐释个人观点的主要方式, 学术语篇在社会的科技发展以及行政管理工作中发挥着重要的作用。结合当前国内外学术语篇的研究现状及趋势, 本文从语篇模式、思维模式、社会文化影响、认知内涵这四方面分析英语学术语篇的特点, 从而提出合理地构建英语学术语篇的手段。


(一) 语篇模式

在语篇的构建方面, 一般可以从两个方面进行, 其一是从读者的角度去构建, 如何表达才能够促使读者能够读懂语篇, 并且体会领悟作者的写作真谛是很重要的。其二从作者本身, 作者要从自己的写作目的, 想要阐述的主题入手, 进行写作。对于读者, 对于一篇文章, 要有吸引力, 才可以进行更深一步的阅读, 才能在大脑中逐渐形成阅读思维, 引发思考;然而作者的角度来审理, 如何运用通俗的文笔传达出引人深思的文意才是关键, 注重语篇的整体构建, 由点及面, 由面到全文的逐步展开, 并最终形成连贯的全文。

本文主要是站在作者的角度的进行对英语学术语篇的构建。在写文之前, 需要内心进行构思, 构思全文的机构和模式, 然后就是注重章节之间的连贯衔接。衔接是至关重要的, 将句子与句子之间进行衔接, 段落与段落之间进行衔接, 全文的衔接, 紧密扣题, 将作者的思路观点鲜明的展示在读者的面前, 帮助读者将句子与句子, 语段与语段, 句子与语段之间建立起有效的联系, 从而逐渐形成一个规范的思维范畴, 这样的语篇才是好的语篇。如果写出的语篇, 衔接不紧密, 文章的主题不鲜明, 就不能帮助读者有效的建立起阅读语篇思路。如果句子之间, 句段之间联系不紧密, 支离破碎的, 就不能有机的将语篇中的一些共同主题的单位紧密结合, 也会使得文章中的共同主题得不到有效的结合和扩展, 不能引起读者共鸣。因此, 构建学术性语篇的时候, 我们需要遵循客观的规律, 循序渐进的引导, 要将文章的主题鲜明的表达, 还要就此进行有点到面的讨论叙述, 引入深思。

作为英语写作教学的重要方面, 语篇构建不容忽视。然而, 我国的英语教师大都关注语篇构建的显性手段, 例如语法运用以及词汇衔接手段, 而忽略了隐形手段, 如主位结构和信息结构。然而, 语篇功能的三大系统包括主位结构、信息结构和衔接系统三方面, 三者在构建语篇方面是统一的有机整体, 不可分割。主位和述位概念最早由布拉格学派的创建者马泰休斯提出的。他从信息的传递功能角度出发, 认为一个句子可以划分为“主位、“述位”和“连位”三部分。主位是话语的出发点;述位是围绕主位所说的话, 往往是话语的核心内容;连位是把主位和述位连接起来的过渡成分。后来, Halliday将主位、连位和述位三部分合并成主位和述位两大部分, 把连位视为述位的一个组成部分, 并将主位结构和信息结构区分开来。

因此, 在构建学术语篇时, 要将语篇功能三个方面的相关知识紧密融合, 提高作者的语篇构建意识。

(二) 思维模式

思维的过程是人们采用一定的思维方式将所看、所见、所想的一些题材进行系统的分析和整理, 然后全面的把握、甄别、吸收的过程。书面语篇的谋篇能力主要是将作者的写作组织能力将所要表达的文章主题有机的结合连贯, 引人深思, 引导人们逐渐形成自己独立、全面、系统的思维组织能力。值得一提的是, 中西方由于历史和发展的差异, 也造就了中西方人民在理解和思维逻辑判断上的观念、形式有较大的差异。所以中西方不同的作者所撰写的语篇也会呈现出不同, 这是由不同的文化背景影响而形成的差异。首先, 中西方的句型模式不同。李金华认为, 英语句子主谓结构是全句的出发点, 其他成分好似主干上的旁枝, 借助各种关联词进行组合, 构成一种树型句子结构, 由主干到旁支延伸, 结构复杂, 虽形散而义合。中国人注重整体和谐, 强调“从多归一”的思维方式。句子结构上以动词为中心, 以时间顺序为逻辑语序横向铺叙, 层层推进, 归纳总结, 形成线形句子结构。其次, 中西方篇章结构有显著不同。受直线式思维的影响, 英语语篇的结构特点是表达出的思想必须是和文章的主题相结合, 简单点就是要扣题。并且段落与段落之间, 语句与语句之间必须要按照一定的顺序进行排列, 逻辑要紧密, 明晰。但是反观, 中方则是受曲线式思维方式的影响, 喜欢绕弯子, 所以中方的作者所写的语篇就没有像英语那么多的严谨衔接, 中方的写作提倡形散而神不散。

对中国作者来说, 英语学术论文写作需要传播出文章的主题, 还要展示作者的写作功底, 更为重要的一点是需要让读者从文章中学习到一种客观的思维逻辑组织能力, 引发读者的共鸣和深思。从深层次的一面来说, 需要引发读者转变思维, 帮助其构建全面、系统、缜密的逻辑思维。因此, 在进行英语学术语篇构建时, 必须遵循英语本民族语言人的思维模式进行篇章构建, 符合学术规范, 避免因表达不清引起歧义。

(三) 社会文化影响

从社会文化的角度来看, 英语学术语篇的构建它既是一种认知行为, 也是一种社会交际的活动。因此, 在语篇构建和创作时难免会受到社会文化因素的影响。从文化传统和表法方式上来说, 西方喜欢直线式的思维, 因此强调语篇的逻辑连贯和逻辑思路上的紧密结合, 一般都要求语篇的衔接必须是一种清晰、有效的方式直接表明文章的主旨。但是在中国, 传统的中国文化对于人们的生活影响深远, 中国人追求的是儒家伦理道德, 提倡谦卑随和, 在中国特别是“和”的思想对人们的生活、工作影响深远, 所以人们在相互之间交流中提倡与人为善、为人处事上谦卑, 不与人产生摩擦, 以和为贵。因此, 在汉语语篇中, 作者通常不直接表达自己的观点而是绕弯子的表达, 一般喜欢先提出研究的背景, 让读者了解背景的情况下在进行对文章的阅读, 在将自己的观点传达给读者。再次, 在修辞手法上比较含蓄委婉的阐述, 注重伦理道德的体现。比较喜欢使用协商性的语句阐述, 较为间接的方式将自己的思想进行输入传播, 避免那种直接让对方感觉到是咄咄逼人的语句, 而让对方的面子受损。

(四) 认知内涵

徐盛桓认为:认知过程是指大脑在抽象知识系统的制约下对客观世界的感知、抽象、组合的程式化过程。在语篇语言学研究领域, 人们不再满足于对语言本身的描述, 而逐渐转向对语篇结构的宏观认知过程。语篇类型的认知有助于理解相关类型语篇的构建过程。学术语篇的构建过程中不能忽略语境认知以及类型分析模式认知, 从而构建出符合英语学术规范的语篇。


在构建学术语篇时要综合考虑语篇模式、思维特点、认知、社会文化影响等多方面要素, 从而符合学术规范, 利于成果传播。另外, 将学术语篇构建手段的研究结论运用到高校英语学术论文写作教学中, 重视语篇教学。在日常教学中, 教师应该充分利用英语优秀课文, 有意识地让学生注意英语行文思路和语篇构建模式, 通过有目的的阅读训练并详加分析, 了解中西思维模式的不同特点。从宏观上理解学术语篇, 进而提高学生的学术论文写作能力, 使他们在今后的学术研究中能够遵循学术规范并得体地运用英语。


[1]Barton, E., Dickson, B., &Kinloch, V.Discourse Research in Applied Linguistics:Contrastive Rhetoric and Genre Analysis[J].Word, 1999, 50 (3) :375-386.

[2]黑玉琴, 黑玉芬.国外学术语篇研究的新趋势[J].外语学刊, 2012 (1) :89-93.

[3]李金华.中西思维模式差异对语篇构建及翻译的影响[J].黑龙江高教研究, 2008 (2) :162-164.

[4]胡壮麟.语篇的衔接与连贯[M].上海外语教育出版社, 1994.

中文学术论文英语摘要问题探析 篇8

【关键词】学术论文 摘要 英译






第一,错误使用或漏用冠词。如“As the important component of teachers and students life experience …”(⑧)该部分作为摘要的第一句话,却用定冠词“the”而不是不定冠词“an”。再如,“… shows that reasonable curriculum pattern can be …”(④)中就缺少了个不定冠词“a”。

第二,忽略复数形式。“in primary school” (④)、“more opportunity” (④)等这样的例子,都是本该用复数形式却还是用了单数形式。

第三,错误使用介词。如“In nowadays …”(⑧)多加了介词“in”;“Under the field of …”(⑥) 中的“under”是误用,应该是“in”。

第四,没有使主语和谓语保持一致。如“While a task-driven approach to authentic assessment emphasize the fidelity of assessment tasks...”(⑩)中的“emphasize”和单数的主语不协调。同理再如“the modern view of children enters China..., which gain legitimacy...”(⑥)中的“gain”。

第五,错误翻译或选择错误对应词。例子有如将“理念呼吁阶段”(①)译成“the stage of idea appealed”和将“吸取······经验和教训”译为“absorbing the experience and lessons”(③)等,其译文因受直译的影响而使译文让人无法理解、觉得生硬。还有将术语如“错字和别字”(④)、“字形和音义”(④)和“反映式倾听”(②)乱译为“wrongly characters”、“font, phonetic, and semantic”和“reactively listening”等错误。实际应该是“wrongly-written and mispronounced characters”、“orthography, pronunciation, and meaning”和“reactive listening”。术语的错误翻译是影响准确的最大问题。


第一,省略连接词,其中“and”遗漏的错误尤为明显。例如,“on changing …, constructing …, improving …”(①)、“due to the fragmental status, the lack of ” (③)、“… object, context, theory system.”(⑨)等句子中最后一个逗号后都缺少一个“and”。

第二,产出结构混乱的句子。特别是有从句的句子,如“Its main content is that to use the methods of... to establish..., and to use the methods of ... to eliminate...”(②)、“It has always been an issue... that how to reduce the rate...”(④)等。其它包括语序混乱在内的结构极不符合英语规范的句子还有“An approach inquiring...shall be advocated that comes the possibility...”(⑦)和“Whether there are differences between the students in different grade?”(⑤)等。

第三,错误使用标点符号。如分号“;”的错误使用:“we should emphasize...; focus on...; strengthen...”(⑦)、“the relationship between teaching and learning; the relationship between...; the relationship between classroom teaching and extracurricular activities”(⑦);再如逗号“,”的错误使用:“... are the main factors..., at the same time, student participation is...”(①)。这里,译者很明显混淆了逗号和句号的使用。




从以上错误我们可以看出学术论文摘要的英译问题颇为严重,造成这一现象的原因较多。中英文摘要翻译的难度首先源于中文和英文这两种语言在词法、语法和句法上的差异。英文中有冠词“the”、“a”/“an”,中文中没有这样的冠词体系;英文中名词有单、复数形式的区别,动词也需要遵守主谓一致的原则、还需要注意时态,但是中文中没有这些曲折变化;英文的介词和中文的介词不一样,比如中文中的一个介词“在”就对应着英文中的“in”、“on”、“at”等多个介词,这样的一对多的介词为翻译时对应词的选择增加了难度;英文有简单句和复合句,其中的复合句结构在构成上比较复杂,有着中文中没有的关系从句(如定语从句、状语从句、表语从句等)。中文的句子之间的关系则是通过逻辑而不是句型或标点来体现的:“汉语中句子的概念比较模糊,句号和逗号的使用有很大的随意性”(李长栓, 2004)。






学术英语 篇9

Information gathering for

international conferences

Task 1 Learn the possible sources for conference information Task 2 Understanding and writing a call for conference papers

The planning process for holding a conference should begin early.A chairperson is selected to make the plan.Various committees are formed, with members in charge of specific activities.These committees generally consist of Conference Organizing Committee and Conference Academic Committee.The committees are then to work out a general program, including a call for papers, which is to notify the prospective participants of the conference.Format of call for conference papers

☺ Theme and / or background

☺ Conference objectives

☺ Topics to be discussed

☺ Papers and submissions

☺ Organizing institution and committee

☺ Contact information

Task 3 Understanding and writing a conference agenda and program

The agenda lists the order of business for a meeting.If it is short with few decisions to be made, it can be incorporated into the minutes*(an official written record of what is discussed or decided at a formal meeting).If it is long with many points to be discussed and acted on, the agenda may be omitted and a program may take the place.The following style is adopted: a wide column at the left for the point to be discussed, and a narrower column at the right for the person or body responsible for carrying out any action decided on.The points are numbered and may be given subject headings.Format of agenda ☺ Call to order by the presiding officer ☺ Roll call ☺ Announcement of quorum ☺ Reading and adoption of agenda ☺ Reading and adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting ☺ Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting ☺ Related matters ☺ Unfinished business ☺ Appointments and removal ☺ Nomination and elections ☺ Adjournments

A conference program acts as a guide as well as a plan for the participants.It lists a series of activities to be done at a definite time and place.It helps participants fulfill their activities in accordance with its plan.Usually it contains the following information: time, date, activities, venue, and people involved.When the academic committee has decided which participants to admit after an anonymous review of their abstract or papers, the program should be prepared and distributed to all the participants.Format of programs ☺ Time ☺ Venue ☺ Programs to be discussed

Terms to learn Call to order by the presiding 主持人致辞 Roll 点名

Announcement of 宣布大会决议

Reading of the minutes of the previous 宣读前期会议纪要

officer call quorum meeting

Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

通过前期会议纪要 Related matters

相关事宜 Unfinished business

未尽事宜 Appointments 任命及离任 Nomination 提名及选举



Keynote speech 主题发言 Forum 论坛

Plenary session 全体会议 Poster session 论文展示 Panel session 专题讨论会

and and

removal elections

Discussion 讨论 Field trip 考察活动

Assignment: 1.Based on the forthcoming conference information you have found, please write a conference notice for it.2.Put the following conference notice into Chinese.International Higher Education Conference

A conference organized by China Higher Education Association will be held at Peking University, Beijing, Friday 25-Sunday 27 March 2012.The International Higher Education Conference is consisting of keynote speech, technical seminar and thesis forum.Except the open address delivered by the government representative in the Opening Ceremony,officials and scholars from China Higher Education Association, Chinese Key Universities and ETS will give their keynote speeches.Higher Education provides a valuable opportunity of self-development and innovation development.The conference will push forward the reform and open of China’s education.Further details of speakers and papers will be circulated in February.国际高等教育会议



