Background : with the development of society ,today we may find that some college students may kill themselves ,some may abuse cats and dogs ,some even flaunt wealth through the internet ,what is more ,one student may kill another student which she refuses to him.Why thosehappening ? According to one survey : many college students have mental problems , and this kind of phenomenon is increasing , so for the above phenomenon ,we can make a conclude that there issomething wrong with their mental health.Reasons: we may areinterested in this phenomenon ,what thing lead their mental health to be wrong , for this ,I make a survey among my classmates and friends , asking them some questions , for example , “at home ,work ,or school ,I find my mind wandering form tasks that are uninteresting or difficult;Especially in groups ,I find it hardtostayfocusedon what is being said in conversations;My relationships withpeople are made difficult by tendency to talk first and think later;When I do poorly on an exam or paper ,my self-esteem suffers, andso on.”Form their
answers ,we can get the results that what lead their mental health to be wrong.First , some students can not adapt to the college life ,those student never leavetheir hometown before ,so most of them can not adapt to college life without their family.Second ,some students can not adapt to college learning , in high school ,our teachers guide us learning ,but in college ,it is all rely on self-consciousness ,some can not adapt ,so their studying is bad that they are lose confidence about learning.Third ,some students can not adapt to interpersonal communication , in college ,most students come form different places , their life-style may different ,so most of us can not communicate easily.Forth ,some students can not deal with love in right way ,if they are struck , they may do some bad thing for themselves or lover.Fifth , employment pressure ,nowadays ,there are more and more college students ,in other words ,there are more and more students competefor one position , most of us feel anxiety and inferiority ,so that they may have mental problem.Solutions :college students is the future of our
country ,as a college student ,we must have a good
state of mind whatever we meet and we should have confidence for our life and even every thing.For school ,it should establish the psychological
随着中国旅游事业的蓬勃发展, 中外交流与合作机会日益增多。目前英语是世界第一通用语, 涉外英文导游在将中国文化推向世界的过程中起着重要的作用。然而, 由于中西方文化形态、语言习惯、社会价值和认知模式的巨大差异, 导游接待过程中跨文化、跨语言的语用失误时有发生, 严重地影响了导游的服务质量。本文将以近年来关于语用失误的一些重要理论为依据, 对桂林涉外英文导游语用失误的实例进行调查分析。英国语言学家Thomas (1995:23) 认为, 语用失误是指“不能理解话语的含义”。根据Thomas的观点, 语用失误分为两类———语言语用失误 (pragmalinguistic failure) 与社交语用失误 (sociopragmatic failure) 。语言语用失误指学习者将本族语中某一词语或结构套用到目标语而造成的失误。社交语用失误指由于文化背景不同而导致的语用错误, 涉及哪些话该讲, 哪些话不该讲, 人际关系的远近, 人们的权利和义务, 这些均与人们的价值观念有关。本文以Jenny Thomas (1983) 跨文化语用失误理论为理论背景, 采用问卷调查形式, 对桂林英文导游语用失误情况进行调查研究。
(一) 研究问题
1. 有经验的英文导游比初涉旅游接待的导游出现的语用失误少吗?
2. 针对两种语用失误形式, 涉外英文导游出现哪种语用失误几率较大?
(二) 研究受试
本文的研究对象是桂林中国国际旅行社、桂林杉湖国际旅行社、桂林明珠康辉国际旅行社和桂林海外旅行社的126名涉外英文导游。这126名导游的工作年限为1至15年不等;年均接团量27至93个团不等;其中有61名导游通过英语专业八级考试, 15名通过英语专业四级考试, 13名通过非英语专业6级考试, 19名通过非英语专业四级考试, 11名托福成绩在570分以上, 7名导游雅思成绩超过6.3分;此外, 77名导游每年收到感谢信10次以上, 49名每年最多收到过10次感谢信。本文根据他们的经验度将所有受试分为两组 (Group 1and Group 2) :
(引自Brown&Levinson 19781:137)
通过计算得到126个经验度的数据, 它们介于0和1之间, 即An∈ (0, 1) (n=1, 2, ..., 126) , 经验度越接近1意味着导游越有经验。其中67名英文导游的经验度介于0-0.5之间, 59名介于0.5-1之间, 因此笔者将受试导游分为两组G1: (0, 0.5) 和G2: (0.5, 1) , 即67名经验欠缺的导游 (G1) 和59名经验丰富的导游 (G2) 。
(三) 调查过程
此项调查采取问卷答题形式, 共两个部分:第一部分为主观题, 主要是了解受试者的基本情况, 如工作背景及语言能力等问题;第二部分包括30道客观题, 旨在测试导游语用失误的发生频率。为了确保数据的可靠性, 笔者随后参阅了所有受试导游的个人信息及接团反馈表等相关资料 (问卷表内容参见表1) 。
调查结果显示, 语用失误的确存在于英文导游的交流过程当中。如图1所示, G1和G2的平均语用失误率分别为24.24%和14.85%, 这就表明G2对语用问题的回答比G1表现得好, 由此可以得出有经验的英文导游比经验欠缺的导游所出现的语用失误少。在图2中, G1和G2的平均语言语用失误率分别为21.23%和13.53%, 而社会语用失误率平均为27.25%和16.16%;由此可以得出, 无论是经验丰富的英文导游还是经验欠缺的导游都更容易犯社会语用失误方面的错误。何自然和冉永平 (2009:267) 认为, 社会语用失误与语言使用的社会条件有很大的关联。由于文化的差异, 不同的文化对什么是适当的语言行为持不同的观点, 这是导致社会语用失误的根本原因。
(一) 语言语用失误原因
1. 母语文化的负迁移
以问卷的第4题为例, G1和G2的语用失误率分别为15.65%和9.33% (见表2) 。
该问题的正确选择应该是“My pleasure”。在英语中, “Never mind”多用于答复他人表示道歉的话语, 而英文导游将“Never mind”和中文的“不用谢”错误地等同起来, 于是造成了语用言语失误。
对于第17题, G1中47.29%的导游选择了A选项“please follow me”, G2的语用失误也高达38.31% (见表2) 。
他们的语用错误在于将源语语义信息和句法结构机械性地移植到目标语中, 属于典型的文化负迁移现象。我们将跨文化交际当中母语文化模式对第二语言的干扰称为文化的负迁移。正如盛炎 (1990) 所说, 人们在习得第一语言的过程中, 已经形成了一种自我认同, 这种自我认同跟第一语言的学习息息相关, 在学习第二语言的时候就会表现出来, 影响第二语言的学习, 形成一种自我疆界 (转引自廖剑2002) 。这种在自我认同情感基础上而形成的自我疆界主要指跨文化交际前, 交际者就已经形成的以价值观念、伦理道德、风俗习惯、行为方式、思维方式、认知方式、语言模式等为主要内容的本民族的文化模式。交际者常常以“先人结构”为基础, 用自己固有的语言模式和与之相应的文化观念系统来对对方的语言和文化进行自觉或不自觉地对比、评价和筛选。相同的就顺利接受, 对相异或部分相异的就自觉或不自觉地产生抵制情绪。在运用时, 又将自己的语言习惯和文化模式套入到新的语言文化中去, 用旧的框框套新东西, 套不进去的地方, 就按自己原有尺度对新东西进行“削足适履”式地改造, 这就难免造成语言上的错误或文化上的误解, 或两者兼而有之。由于本民族的文化影响根深蒂固, 母语文化多多少少要对目的语发生负迁移作用。交际双方文化背景差别越大, 文化的负迁移作用也就越强, 语用失误也就越容易发生。
2. 言语行为的认知差异
以第26题为例, G1和G2中分别有60名和57名英文导游答对了此题, 因此两组的语用失误率仅为10.27% (G1) 和2.88% (G2) (见表2) 。正如陈治安等 (2002:280) 所提到的, 在中国, 连小学生都知道“来是come, 去是go。”因此大部分人认为, “来 (come) ”表示语码转换过程中接近讲话者所处位置的动作, 而“去”指的是语码转换过程当中背离讲话者所处位置的动作。如果说英文中的“come”也表示接近讲话者的动作, 那么我们该如何理解“I am coming.”这样为广大操英语者所接受的句子。这就是为什么少部分受试导游出现语用失误的原因, 因为他们忽略了英汉言语行为的异同, “come”在英文当中是指发话者向受话者所处方向位移的过程。
(二) 社交语用失误原因
1. 中英文化价值观的差异
以第6题为例, 该题答案为B选项, G1和G2中分别有48名和52名导游选对了此题。事实上, 许多语用失误可以从文化价值观角度得到解释。英美人注重个体主义而中国人注重集体主义。19世纪30年代法国社会哲学家亚历克西斯托维尔 (Alexis Tovell) 发明了“个体主义”一词用以描述美国人最突出的特征 (转引自黄明哲1999:3) 。从本质上来说个体主义是一种宽泛的价值取向, 强调“自我的独立意识”与“自我的依赖”。由于受个体主义价值观的影响, 英美人形成了自由、平等、民主的观念, 人与人之间始终保持着互不干预、平等独立的关系。而中国人受儒家思想的影响, 追求“内集团”需求高于个人需求的另一种价值取向:强调“我们”的身份重于“我”的身份, 对群体的职责高于个人的权利, 在人际交往中, 常以热情关心, 对别人的体贴为原则。这两种截然不同的文化价值观念折射在言语行为中, 造成碰撞从而导致语用失误也就在所难免。
2. 英汉言语功能—语体的异同
语体是言语功能的变体, 是由于不同的语言环境及社会交际需求而形成的使用语言特点的体系。语言体系中并存的功能分化的同义手段是构成语体差别的重要因素, 但这些手段只有在特定的语境中才能构成具体的语体。语体是历史发展的现象, 但对一定历史时期的人来说, 则具有相对稳定性质。人们使用语言时, 除了受全民语言的一般规范的约束, 还要受语体的约束。语体对使用语言的约束作用, 是言语规律的表现。根据在交际中对语体选择的要求, 交际者应根据交际的情况慎重选择与之相适应的语体, 否则可能引起交际障碍。G1和G2中分别有40.63%和32.19%的受试答错了第15题 (见表2) , 其中大部分人选择了B选项“Oh, stop. (噢, 够了) ”。这里面就存在社交语用失误的问题。在美国朋友没事喝酒聊天时, 老外可能会边斟酒边说, “Say when.”, 意思是“Please tell me when Ishould stop pouring.”。据此, 上面的情景可如例1所示1:
但对一定历史时期的人来说, 则具有相对稳定性质。人们使用语言时, 除了受全民语言的一般规范的约束, 还要受语体的约束。语体对使用语言的约束作用, 是言语规律的表现。根据在交际中对语体选择的要求, 交际者应根据交际的情况慎重选择与之相适应的语体, 否则可能引起交际障碍。G1和G2中分别有40.63%和32.19%的受试答错了第15题 (见表2) , 其中大部分人选择了B选项“Oh, stop. (噢, 够了) ”。这里面就存在社交语用失误的问题。在美国朋友没事喝酒聊天时, 老外可能会边斟酒边说, “Say when.”, 意思是“Please tell me when I should stop pouring.”。据此, 上面的情景可如例1所示1:
3. 礼貌原则的误用
礼貌是每个语言社团都有的普遍社会现象, 但这些礼貌言行并非在所有社会里及在任何时候都具有相同的语用功能。在16题中, 分别有12.15% (G1) 和5.65% (G2) 的导游选择了A或B选项 (见表2) 。
英美礼貌的核心是个人自由的相互尊重和利益得失的相互调整。西方一些学者把礼貌分成“消极礼貌”和“积极礼貌”, 这是源于Brown和Levinson (1978) 的“消极面子”和“积极面子”的理论。“消极面子”可以理解为不愿被对方反驳的希望;“积极面子”, 即希望得到对方的同意认可或赞许。“消极礼貌”就是不侵犯他人行动自由, “积极礼貌”就是赞赏和满足他人的愿望与要求, 前者是礼貌的重点。“得体原则”是Leech礼貌原则的核心, 讲的就是交际双方利益得失的调整与平衡;而贬己尊人被认为是最富有汉文化特色的礼貌现象 (高东军2009) 。事实上, 中西两种文化都遵从了“谦逊准则”, 不同之处在于中国人的谦逊体现在“卑己尊人”上, 而西方人则“尊人”不“卑己”。深层的原因就是两者的文化差异 (李玉梅2008) 。中国人听到对方的赞语或恭维时, 一般都要表示不同意, 然后谦虚客套一番, 或者反过来赞美对方以示自谦, 在涉及自家人时也往往是如此。如一个英国人见到他的一个中国朋友及妻子时的一段简短的会话 (如例2所示) :
(2) 英国人:How beautiful your wife is!中国男:Where!Where!英国人:Everywhere!
按中国人的习惯说法, “哪里!哪里!”属于谦逊的表达, 意思是“其实她不怎么漂亮”。可仅仅停留在语义层面的言语对应“Where!Where!”与汉语的语用意义大相径庭, 使得这个英国人窘迫不堪, 于是硬着头皮回答了一句“Everywhere!” (你的妻子哪里都漂亮!) 。这就是典型的由于恪守礼貌原则而引发的社会语用失误。
通过本次调查可以发现, 同刚从事涉外旅游接待的导游相比, 有经验的英文导游所出现的语用失误较少。在旅游业中, 涉外英文导游所出现的社交语用失误要多于语言语用失误。产生语用失误的原因, 一方面是他们不了解或不熟悉英语本族语的语用方式和习惯;另一方面是其不了解目的地语国家的社会制度、风俗习惯和文化背景。因此, 有效的交际不但要求交际者掌握语言的形式规则, 而且要求交际者懂得语言的使用规则, 即语用规则和社会语用规约。涉外英文导游要想顺利地传递、接受信息, 就必须了解隐含在语言背后的、引起误会和冲突的文化因素, 并自觉地改变和调整自己固有的思维框架、超越“自我疆界”, 消除两种文化接触时所产生的障碍, 使自己处于目的语国家人们的位置和思路上, 达到移情 (empathy) 1的理想境界。
陈治安, 刘家荣, 文旭.2002.英汉对比语用学与英语教学[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社.
高东军.2009.英汉礼貌原则之跨文化对比研究[J].长春师范学院学报, 28 (3) :98-100.
何自然, 冉永平.2009.新编语用学概论[M].北京:北京大学出版社.
李玉梅.2008.中西方对“谦逊”的不同理解及对跨文化交际的启示[J].考试周刊 (38) :208-209.
廖剑.2002.汉式思维对英语学习的影响及其相应对策[J].湖南行政学院学报 (6) :82-83.
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【摘 要】 英文报刊是热点时事的重要载体,语言内容鲜活、时效性强等特点,英文报刊教学对培养学生阅读理解能力、提升媒介素养有着重要意义。本文通过对一所新建本科院校学生入学时的英文报刊阅读素养和英文阅读能力的调研。统计结果表明,学生接触报刊媒介少、多持工具性动机、阅读时无法充分理解报刊内容和主动认知报刊语言特点针对调查中所发现的问题,文章提出了一系列针对性教学建议。
【关键词】 新建本科院校;大学英语教学;媒介素养;英文报刊阅读素养
问卷的最后一部分调查学生对英文报刊语言特点的认知情况,共有5个题项,分别考察学生对作者观点在新闻报道中的位置、报刊类型、报刊语体和新闻报道标题的辨别能力。结果表明,66.3%的学生认为作者观点主要体现在新闻报道的“导语段”;61.5%的学生认为《经济学人》是不同于《纽约时报》、《时代周刊》、《华盛顿邮报》的新闻期刊;学生对适合初学者的国内期刊看法较为平均,其中选择《人民日报》(英文版)的最多,为32.1%,选择《21世纪报 》的为31.6%;62%的学生认为英文报刊所使用的语言应“既有正式的、又有非正式的”;学生对合适的新闻报道标题的认知也较为平均,其中选择最多的是“A Famous Brazil Soccer Player Was Arrested”(29.9%),其次是“US to Sell Jet Planes to Taiwan”(25.1%)。
总的来说,学生对英文报刊类型和新闻报道标题的标准化格式比较陌生,所以出现选项平均的情况,即使是选对了《经济学人》不同于其他国外期刊,但也应是从名字上判断其为专业类外文期刊,而不同于其余的综合类外文期刊。这从学生认为国内期刊《人民日报》(英文版)竟然比《21世纪报》更适合初学者的看法上可见一斑。关于合适新闻报道标题的题项中,学生选择频率最高的“A Famous Brazil Soccer Player Was Arrested”违背了“新闻报道中一般不出现过去式,而是用现在时替代过去时”的标准,标题“Elderly Healthcare in China Is in Badly Need”也违背了“新闻报道标题中常省略be动词”的标准,而标题“Chinese Train Ticket Sales Is Going to Make a New Record As the Holiday Comes Near”不仅违背刚才所说的准则,也过长,违背了“新闻报道标题应简单明了、一目了然”的标准。
在英文报刊阅读素养的培养上,教师应尤其重视教学内容的选择,题材范围应广泛且与学生所学专业相结合,逐步培养学生主动通过英文报刊阅读提升自我素养和丰富专业知识,帮其树立起明确的阅读意识,而不仅仅是为了学习英语或为了一时的乐趣。 比如,可以采取主题阅读的方式,就同一题材布置阅读作业,让学生自己去寻找相关材料或报道,通过阅读寻找、识别并分析信息,在获取知识和信息的同时提升媒介素养。
教师应帮助学生建立正确的读报方式,并重点对英文报刊所传达的信息进行批判性思考、展开讨论和辩论。比如,组织学生分析国外媒体对中国事件的报道中用词的语言色彩、报道的立场倾向、评论的角度等等,让学生领会媒体报道对客观世界的构建, 在讨论和辩论中培养学生的批判意识。
[1] 张开. 媒介素养教育在信息时代[J]. 现代传播,2003(1): 166-168.
[2] 陶喜红. 大学生媒介素养教育的现实意义及实施途径[J]. 中南民族大学学报:人文社会科学版, 2008(3): 178-181.
[3] 袁军. 媒介素养教育的世界视野与中国模式[J]. 国际新闻界, 2010(5): 23-29.
[4] 覃川,王磊静,张嵩印等.当代大学生媒介行为和媒介素养实证研究[J]. 当代传播, 2007(4):64-68.
[5] 刘杨. 大学生媒介素养教育创新模式探讨[J]. 中州大学学, 2010(6): 57-59.
[6] 曹艳. 大学生新媒介素养教育的途径[J]. 当代传媒, 2011(4): 102-103.
[7] 生奇志. 大学生媒介素养现状调查及媒介素养教育策略[J]. 东北大学学报:社会科学版, 2009(1): 66-70.
[8] 张雪梅, 阎国华. 大学外语教育视阈中的媒介素养教育转向[J]. 前沿,2010(7): 194-197.
[9] 方芳,李方华. 大学英语课程中开展媒介素养教育探讨[J]. 新闻界,2011(2): 141-143.
学生姓名 指导教师
2000 年 01月 01 日
Internship Report
Since the awakening of the spring in 2014, three months from April to June witnessed my internship in the Cool Camp Department of New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc., Guangzhou.Within the time frame of three months, I managed to land a job in the department mainly in charge of three facets: 1.to recruit the new teaching staff;2.to assume the responsibility of training new teachers and assistants;3.to compile the new version of English textbooks geared to K-12 groups.2.Goals and Objectives
The primary objective of the internship is to: 1.further enhance my organizational and managerial capability;2.devise an appropriate developmental scheme for the new blood;3.hone my skills of compilation of textbooks.3.The Organization and my Work in it
New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc., viz.New Oriental, was the first Chinese educational institution to enter the New York Stock Exchange in 2006, which is a provider of private educational services in China.The headquarters of New Oriental is located in the Haidian district of Beijing.It is currently the largest comprehensive educational company in China.The business of New Oriental includes pre-school education, general courses for students of various age levels, online education, overseas study consulting, and textbook publishing.Among the four main branches nationwide, the Guangzhou New Oriental branch outclasses the other three in terms of human resources and geographical location, together with the unique Cool Camp Department of Winter and Summer Camp.4.The Gap between the Experience and my Expectations
As is noted in the previous paragraphs, my work was roughly divided into the three dimensions above: recruitment, training, compiling.Chronologically speaking, the initial task of my work was to establish recruitment activities in our school.The most conspicuous gap between reality and expectation consisted in the interference of the force majeure.To be more specific, in the process of the publicizing the event, the posters and flyers failed to efficiently reach the target audience namely the girls in the School of Foreign Languages due to the fact that the posters were always covered by other colored and varied posters or banners of other activities.Further, the second case of the force majeure was the time arrangement.Unfortunately, between the first-stage preparation and the day of the event, a short break of Qingming Festival interrupted the proceedings of the propagation, thereby diluting the strength and effects of the popularization.What followed the recruitment was the training and nurturing of the new teachers and assistants.Counter to the received ideas that the girls at foreign language department are talkative and have a good command of English, the reality is, the proficiency of English, their personal preferences, and the presentation skills and style, all varied significantly from each individual to individual, which was indeed a headache for me to devise a reasonable and appropriate training scheme.Ultimately, also the most painstakingly, enormous amount of ordeal and difficulties presented themselves as I plunged into the compilation of the new textbooks.As is the case with the majority of intellectuals, a solid collection of published materials that carry their names are the symbol of their pride and knowledge, the passport to the pantheon of academic leaders.This firmly rooted belief plus my zeal for academic research, served as the catalyst for my compiling the textbook of English reading and vocabulary.Nonetheless, only in practice did I come to the painful realization that I was far from academically qualified to fulfill this mission.For example, in reference to the detailed usage of some key words and phrases, the relevant sentences containing these words were necessitated respectively in several registers such as spoken and written registers.If we do the math, the number of sentence collection could reach more than 1000 sentences, which is apparently beyond my capability.5.New Skills and Information Gained
My managerial and coaching skills are remarkably honed by heeding scrupulous attention and finding creative ways to set the plans in train.When it comes to the launching of the recruitment, I didn’t set foot in this recruitment sector until this time.Being the leader of the big event, I did feel in my bones that it was not a piece of cake to reach the critical mass of this activity, that is, the essential contrivance of the schedule as well as the design of the slogan and banner all had borne my scrutiny.As to the more concrete tasks, for instance, the speech script also had my fingerprints all over it.After the recruitment, I do better understand that at the heart of the recruitment is the effective and efficient dissemination of information and popularization.As is mentioned above, a short holiday of Qingming hindered the process, but later the constant bombardment of “propaganda” in all media channels such as QQ and Wechat counteracted that negative effects.Frankly I also draw a lesson from this: it is never too late to replenish your ammunition in the battle of “propaganda”.As far as the training part was concerned, it is well-established fact that research and teaching are inextricably intertwined.A teacher or trainer is required to enjoy proficiency of English fused with presentation skills no matter what level the students are.For me, there was a major shift from being a merely teacher for students to being a pioneer of the teaching team – greater responsibility, better intellectual resources.Judging from the assignments collected from different group members, I was able to put myself in their shoes and therefore design a tailor-made developmental scheme.For example, for those who had trouble dealing with their mind and logic, my mind map of speech(an excel document with time scale and content indicator)was provided;while for those struggling with their PowerPoint elaboration I capitalized on a period of training session to enhance their overall awareness of a good and brief slide show, eliminating the malaises such as the disproportion between the pictures and fonts.Typically, the newly added highlights of the training scheme revolved around achieving the language clarity and brevity via an old-fashioned but effective method – transcription.Whoever had a chance to perform his/her lessons were strictly required to record the entire class and transcribe the audio into scripts.Peculiarly, I demanded all of them should not only transcribe the meaningful words but also the redundant wordy expressions like “ah”, “uh” and even “well”.Despite the occasional complaints, the method eventually became the “silver bullet” to the redundancy of statements and the new teachers were thus enabled and empowered to express their ideas much more fluently.Apart from the lingual aspect, a high degree of creativity and innovation was exhibited from the teachers’ endeavor to incorporate the popular elements like the Big Bang Theory into their presentation.Greatly impressed was I at the sight of the innovative interactive games of word puzzles.In a word, all these constituted the source of brilliant pedagogical ideas.6.Difficulties Encountered
As is stated in the previous paragraphs, the individual difference of the new teaching staff posed great obstacles for me to come up with a systematic training scheme.To better accelerate the productivity in educational tasks, four individuals were grouped together with a prominent member being the group leader.Though I did comprehensively take various factors such as gender, age, proficiency into account, each team still exhibited great difference ranging from academic level to the output of the tasks.To encapsulate, it is never an easy job to handle and guide a riot of members.Likewise, to better illustrate the difficulties encountered in the edition, the exhaustive system of the academic reserve includes: 1.Phonetics;2.Collocation;3.Idioms;4.Definitions from authoritative dictionaries like Oxford Dictionary and Longman Dictionary;5.Concordance of the vocabulary in the Corpus of College Entrance Examination etc.Therefore, this herculean task was delegated to all six groups of new teachers whose team leaders would further determine the division of labor.Contrary to the popular belief that I could just relax and unwind leaving the task to them, I felt obligated to be the proofreader taking heed of every little nuance of each entry of the vocabulary, giving “the evil eye” to those typos etc.Also, provided all the sentences were correct, a closer examination was later made in evaluation of the literariness and readability with the purpose that the students can better digest them.To recap, the compilation of the book far overwhelmed my previous concepts of writing and edition.7.My Shortcomings acted relatively hurried and unorganized at the end of the training session; scrambled to take all the heavy work such as delicate proofreading rather than delegating, thereby inducing low productivity; insufficient executive leadership; a few conflicting arrangement of time.
1.8th February , 2002Dear Mr.Wong,Re: Resignation from the post of Settlement clerkI would like to let you know how much I have enjoyed my last three years at the Hero Company.Hero Company is an invaluable place for enriching my knowledge about financial field, I enjoyed working with my colleagues and I have learned so much things here.Because I would like to take a new challenge and I want to meet people from all walks of life, I have accepted an offer from an Insurance firm as a personal Financial Consultant.I would therefore appreciate it if you would accept my resignation effective from 8 March, 2002.I would be very much obliged if you would kindly give me a reference letter before I leave.Thank you for all that you have done to make my work here both interesting and enjoyable.Yours sincerely,Alexander Fung
2.To: Robert Smith, Sales ManagerFrom: Bob Fu, Sales DevelopmentDate: May 6, 2001Subject: Terminating EngagmentMr.Smith, I have worked in the Sales Development as a salesman for six years, and I have been satisfied with this position.However, a friend of mine introduced me to Goldlion Company, and I have decided to accept a post that will give me greater possibilities for promotion and an increase in my salary.I therefore write this memo as formal notice to terminate my engagement with you one month from todays date.e.
兹呈交的论文,是本人在导师指导下独立完成的研究成果,在论文写作过程中参考的其他个人或集体的研究成果均在文中以明确方式标明,本人依法享有和承担由此论文而产生的权利和责任。signature(签名): ________________ date(时间): ________________ table of contents(字体times new roman, 四号,)(空一行)1.introduction.............................................................................................4 2.sample title.............................................................................................4 2.1 sample title..................................................................................................................4 2.1.1 sample title........................................................................................................4 2.1.2 sample title........................................................................................................4 2.2 sample title..................................................................................................................5 2.3 sample title..................................................................................................................5 3.conclusion..............................................................................................5
bibliography...............................................................................................6 appendices i...............................................................................................7(制作目录请选择菜单中的:插入——引用——索引和目录——目录——确定,即可,然后将字体改为小四号。不要自己输入)1.introduction(标题1样式,字体times new roman, 字号三号,标题与正文之间不空行。)this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.(正文字体使用times new roman,字号用小四号字体,1.5倍行距,两端对齐,顶头式即每段开头不空格)
(每段结束之后一定要空一行)2.sample title 2.1 sample title(第二层标题,选择标题2的样式,样式框在字体框之前;然后将字体改为times new roman,字号改为小三号,字体加粗;下面不空行)2.1.1 sample title(第三层标题,选择标题3的样式,样式框在字体框之前;然后将字体改为times new roman,字号改为四号,字体加粗;下面是正文则不空行)this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.2.1.2 sample title this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text:(a)this is sample text.(b)this is sample text.(c)this is sample text.(d)this is sample text..(每一小标题中如果有多个要点,请放在一个整段中,用(1)(2)或者(a)(b)等标出;如果是并列的几个词组,可以用分号隔开;不要每个单独成行,也不用分到下一级1.1.2.1 和 之类的标题了。)2.2 sample title this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.2.3 sample title this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.3.conclusion this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.篇二:英文读书报告撰写格式
1.字体均为times new roman 报告题目为3号黑体居中
英文读书报告写作知识 the book report 1.three main parts of a book report generally speaking, a book report consists of the following three main parts: ? information about the author and his times ? a summary of the book a description of the author’s times should be given together with a brief account of his life.it should include the circumstances that led to the writing of the book under discussion and the historical and social background related to the content of the book.to make these things clear, the writer perhaps needs to read some reference material, such as biographies of the author and histories of the period described in the book.2.writing of the book report 1)the summary of the book should be self-contained, clear, and easy to understand.above all, it should be objective.3)the summary of a novel or a play is usually written in the present tense, while that of nonfiction, in the tense of the original work: for example, the past tense should be used for a history, and the present for a scientific work.weekly report name day, month and year 1.achievements planned in the last report.make sure the information is presented in such a way understandable by the readers.it is not expected to have significant achievements every week.but you should achieve something at least every two weeks.3.activities list your main research related activities in the week.if you have some other major work, list them as well so that i can know your workload and difficulties.4.work planned next week 5.attachments list attachments included with the report.it is not necessary to have attachments every week.? must limit this report to one page.you can use smaller fonts or page margins if needed.? email your report to me.weekly report example from xxx to xxx 1.achievements ? ? ? 3.activities ? ? ? ? ? 4.work planned next week ? ? ? ? the results will be documented in a simple draft report 5.attachments ? ? inrush current plotted and my analysis list of papers read篇四:英文论文写作格式要求 精华 implicational meaning of the scarlet a in the scarlet letter by name a thesis submitted to foreign languages department in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of b.a in english university may, 2011 contents 1.introduction................................................................................................................1 3.different meanings of the scarlet a to various characters.........................................2 3.1 different meanings of the scarlet a to hester prynne..........................................2 3.1.1 a for “agony” and “anguish”......................................................................2 3.1.2 a for “able”, “admirable” and “angel”......................................................2 3.2 different meaning of scarlet a to dimmesdale....................................................2 3.2.1 “a” for “apostle” and “adam”....................................................................3 3.2.2 “a” for “arthur”...........................................................................................3 4.the influence of the scarlet letter “a” on various characters....................................3 4.1 hester prynne.......................................................................................................3 4.2 arthur dimmesdale..............................................................................................3 5.conclusion.................................................................................................................3 references....................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
目录页的要求 1)单独占一页,不加页码,目录用contents一词表示,目录中的字体用小四号times new roman字体,不加粗,1.5倍行距。2)目录页从introduction开始(前面加阿拉伯数字形式的序号1),其次为各级标题,conclusion前面也要加序号,最后一项为bibliography(前面不加序号)。3)中英文摘要和关键词均不出现在目录中。4)目录如有两页或更多,则双面打印,打印时加页码,页码形式为i, ii, iii„。implicational meaning of the scarlet a in the scarlet letter(论文题目:小二号,times new roman,与其后的内容之间不空行)name:xxx student id: xxx(学生姓名与student一词之间空五个空格。此行内容与摘要之间空一行。)abstract the novel the scarlet letter is the masterpiece of nathanial hawthorne;the well-known romantic novelist of america in the 19th century, in this book, the author uses a scarlet a as the focus and center of the book.this thesis, focus on different meanings of the scarlet a, its influence on the four main characters and their results, reveals various implications of the scarlet letter a.key words hawthorne;scarlet a;implication(摘要部分字数要求在200-250字之间,摘要部分的行距为固定值20磅,内容全部用五号,times new roman字体。其中,abstract一词加粗,其后空一格;key words是两个单词,加粗,其后空一格,关键词中除专有名词外,其他关键词一律不大写,关键词之间用分号隔开,最后一格关键词后没有任何标点。关键词这一行之后,论文的introduction部分之间空一行,行距为固定值20磅。)1.introduction(introduction 作为论文正文的第一部分,相当于一级标题,前面要加序号,序号样式为阿拉伯数字1,数字后面加句点,字体为小四号times new roman,加粗,标题1.introduction与后面的内容之间空一行,行距为固定值20磅。introduction 部分中的内容用五号times new roman字体,此部分的应包括以下及方面: 1)选题的目的和意义;
2)国内外对该选题的研究状况综述,选择罗列主要研究者的主要文献及观点; 3)本论文的研究内容,方法,角度和意义; 4)本论文的结构,例如:this thesis consists of four parts, the first part introduces „., the second part studies „, the third part explores„, and the last part is conclusion.5)字数不少于500字。introduction前面的序号作顶格,此部分的内容,分段即可,无需用小标题的形式。introduction的内容之后,下一个标题之前,空一行,行距为固定值20磅。this novel is notable for its allegory and symbolism.(此部分内容的字体为五号,times new roman)3.different meanings of the scarlet a to various characters.(同标题2的要求)
3.1 different meanings of the scarlet a to hester prynne.(二级标题为小四号times new roman,行距为固定值20磅,与正文内容之间不空行。二级标题的序号左缩进两个空格,标题中的内容除第一个单词的首字母大写外,其余单词的首字母一律不大写,但专有名词除外。)hester prynne, the heroine of the novel, wears the scarlet letter a for seven years.(此部分内容的字体为五号,times new roman)3.1.1 a for “agony” and “anguish”(三级标题的序号之前向右缩进四个空格,字号为五号times new roman字体,行距为固定值20磅,与正文内容之间不空行,)chang ruifang writes “the implication of the scarlet letter is actually agony and anguish.”[1](此部分内容的字体为五号,times new roman)3.1.2 a for “able”, “admirable” and “angel”(同标题3.1.1的要求)as the story develops, the scarlet letter is a “hymn on the moral growth of the woman” [2](此部分内容的字体为五号,times new roman)3.2 different meaning of scarlet a to dimmesdale(同标题3.1.的要求)dimmesdale always has a scarlet letter in his heart, which represents “apostle”, “adam” [1] chang ruifang.analytical discussion on the implication of the scarlet letter a and its dual nature, 2001:75.[2] 常耀信.美国文学简史,2003:289.篇五:英文实验报告的格式和写法
英文实验报告的格式和写法【转】 2010-10-04 06:03 一份最标准的实验报告的格式: 1.abstract 2.introduction 3.method 4.results 5.discussion 6.conclusion 7.reference 分别来分享下近来学到的。abstract 摘要摘要,就是整篇文章摘出来的要。
一个abstract 的模板: 1 一两句话说明这个实验的主要理论依据,或者实验需要证明的假说。2 一两句话说一下这个理论或者假说的相关的研究。3 两三句话描述一下实验 4 两三句话概括一下实验结果 5 一句话说一个结论,解释一下这个实验的意义或结果的重要性
转一个别人的example: does a child’s focus correlate with barometric pressure? if so, does it correlate positively or negatively? tucker(1999)hypothesized a negative correlation, but this assertion has never been tested.our team used the misha cpt to measure the focus of a group of 150 third-grade students.we divided the students into three groups of 50 students.one group took the misha cpt when barometric pressure was low, another group took it when barometric pressure was neutral, and the final group took it when barometric pressure was high.the results found that children focused significantly better when barometric pressure was low than when barometric pressure was neutral or high.the results suggest that when diagnosing adhd, practitioners should give the cpt when barometric pressure is neutral.introduction introduction以实验目的为开头,解释一下这个实验需要证明的东西。具体实验目的视全篇实验报告长度而定,几段到几页都有的。
实验目的写完后介绍实验基本理论。介绍一下前人或者文献里的相近相关的实验,写一下他们的成果以及不到位的地方。(well, 如果是学校安排的每年都要
再转一篇我认为写得很好的introduction example introduction in this lab, we explore the theory of optimal foraging and the theory of central place foraging using beavers as the model animal.foraging refers to the mammalian behavior associated with searching for food.the optimal foraging theory assumes that animals feed in a way that maximizes their net rate of energy intake per unit time(pyke et al.1977).an animal may either maximize its daily energy intake(energy maximizer)or minimize the time spent feeding(time minimizer)in order to meet minimum the central place theory is used to describe animals that collect food and store it in a fixed location in their home range, the central place(jenkins 1980).the factors associated with the optimal foraging theory also apply to the central place theory.the central place theory predicts that retrieval costs increase linearly with distance of the resource from the central place(rockwood and hubbell 1987).central place feeders are very selective when choosing food that is far from the central place since they have to spend time and energy hauling it back to the storage site(schoener 1979).the main objective of this lab was to determine beaver(castor canadensis)food selection based on tree species, size, and distance.since beavers are energy maximizers(jenkins 1980, belovsky 1984)and central place feeders(mcginley and whitam 1985), they make an excellent test animal for the optimal foraging theory.beavers eat several kinds of herbaceous plants as well as the leaves, twigs, and bark of most species of woody plants that grow near water(jenkins and busher 1979).by examining the trees that are chewed or not-chewed in the beavers’ home range, an accurate assessment of food preferences among tree species may be gained(jenkins 1975).the purpose of this lab was to learn about the optimal foraging theory.we wanted to know if beavers put the optimal foraging theory into action when selecting food.we hypothesized that the beavers in this study will choose trees that are small in circumference and closest to the water.since the energy yield of tree species may vary significantly, we also hypothesized that beavers will show a preference for some species of trees over others regardless of circumference size or distance from the central area.the optimal foraging theory and central place theory lead us to predict that beavers, like most herbivores, will maximize their net rate of energy intake per unit time.in order to maximize energy, beavers will choose trees that are closest to their central place(the water)and require the least retrieval cost.since beavers are trying to maximize energy, we hypothesized that they will tend to select some species of trees over others on the basis of nutritional value.methods 这部分通常包括material 和 procedure两个部分。material:
详细的写出实验用到的材料,设备,器材。像下面这样是不够详尽的: chromatography light bulbs 比较一下下面的:
lc-10avp plus high-performance liquid chromatography 24 incandescent 60w light bulbs arranged in a 6*4 rectangular matrix(see figure 2)dell precision t7500(xeon x5550 2.66ghz, 6gb ram, 64 bit windows 7 professional)另外,如果实验对象中有人的话,介绍人数,群体背景。用subjects 来称呼。比如 subjects we tested 150 third-grade students chosen at random from a pool of 346 applicants from eight london public and private elementary schools.the students represented a fairly wide range of economic backgrounds.all agreed to participate in our study in exchange for a 25 pounds gift certificate from a local toy store.procedure 详细写出每一步步骤。不要虚构理想化实验,不要夸大某个过程
如实叙述即可。如果步骤比较多就用数字标出每一步。example: t = mr(g-a), where a is the acceleration of the mass.if the assumption holds that the only friction affecting the potentiometer was constant coulomb friction, then each mass would undergo a constant acceleration.the potentiometer measured voltage versus time for the masses as they dropped, but the measurement of interest to us was position versus time.for that reason, a ‘calibration’ was performed before we measured any data.in the calibration, the potentiometer’s initial voltage was measured.then the string was pulled a set distance(2 inches), and the voltage was recorded.this process of pulling the string a set distance and recording the voltage continued another two times(see appendix a for the results).to determine the relationship between voltage and position, the differences in the voltages were averaged and divided by the length.the resulting relationship was 0.9661 volts/inch.five different masses were used to test the assumption of constant acceleration.for each mass, the string was rolled up on the shaft, the oscilloscope was triggered, and the shaft was released.as each mass dropped, the oscilloscope collected the potentiometer’s voltage versus the time.after obtaining plots for each mass, we used the voltage-position relationship, mentioned above, to convert the data from the form voltage versus time to the form position versus time squared.the residuals of the data determined whether the assumption of constant acceleration was valid.results 实验的数据,公式,图表,计算过程,用一种对读者最友好的形式展示出来。实验的原始数据通常都是放在附录的,这里都是放处理过的数据。
如果有大量的计算,至少要列出其中一个sample calculation.results部分的开头最好重复一下实验目的。
如果结果很多,最好分成不同的section example: results overall, beavers showed a preference for certain species of trees, and their preference was based on distance from the central place.measurements taken at the study site show that beavers avoided oaks and musclewood(fig.1)and show a significant food preference(x2=447.26, d.f.=9, p<.05).no avoidance or particular preference was observed for the other tree species.the mean distance of 8.42 m away from the water for not-chewed trees was significantly greater than the mean distance of 6.13 m for chewed trees(t=3.49, d.f.=268, p<.05)(fig.2).the tree species that were avoided were not significantly farther from the water(t=.4277, d.f.=268, p>.05)than selected trees.for the selected tree species, no significant difference in circumference was found between trees that were not chewed(mean=16.03 cm)and chewed(mean=12.80 cm)(t=1.52, d.f.=268, p>.05)(fig.3).discussions 对于results中描述的实验数据,在这个部分中进一步诠释,解释每个结果的含义,为后面conclusion做准备。
来华留学生这个群体以青少年为主, 这个年龄的人群本身的心理成长特征正处在一个阶段向另一个阶段过渡的时期, 发展具有不稳定性、可塑性[1]。此外, 留学生处在异国, 想象和现实的反差, 政治制度、社会意识形态之间的反差, 不同文化传统、宗教信仰、民族特性及生活习惯之间的差异都容易导致他们产生适应不良、焦虑、抑郁等不良情绪。这些生理、心理、个性特点更影响他们发展的不平衡、不稳定, 使他们极易受到外界环境的各种因素影响[2]。
在管理过程中, 我们发现留学生随着入校时间的推移, 学生适应能力、医学知识的增加、自我调节能力的提高, 心理健康状况会有不同的变化。因此, 对不同年级留学生进行心理测评, 分析不同年级留学生主要存在哪些方面心理问题, 对产生的问题进行分析, 并采取对症措施进行心理干预 (对症为留学生进行咨询、疏导, 并进行各种行为指导及治疗;学校除了组织各种健康有益的活动外, 有计划的开设与心理相关的课程) , 是管理留学生的重要任务, 也是高校开展心理健康教育的重要组成部分。
1 研究对象
整群抽取新疆医科大学国际教育学院2007~2011级临床本科留学生 (分别为1~5年级) 542人为调查对象。
2 调查方法
防御方式问卷 (Defense Style Questionnaire) , 简称DSQ。是由M、Bond (加拿大) 于1983年编制的一种自评问卷。后来分别于1986年和1989年两次修订。该问卷改变了以往了解防御机制的方法主要是依靠会谈和自传分析的方法, 能够较全面、省时地收集较标准的资料, 便于比较和研究[3]。该问卷包含88个项目, 每个项目均采用较为细致的1~9级评定方法 (完全反对;很反对;比较反对;稍微反对;既不反对也不同意;稍微同意;比较同意;很同意;完全同意) , 此处之程度, 完全由评定者自己的体会, 即是否赞同条目对自己行为的描述, 并无硬性规定。全部项目可概括为4个因子, 即:不成熟的防御机制、成熟防御机制、中间型防御机制和掩饰因子。因子分值越靠近9, 即应用某类机制的频度越大, 其掩饰度则越小。此问卷测试的是习惯化的行为方式, 评定的时间范围应适当延长 (本次测评中, 我们的要求学生填写一年内的感受) 。
该问卷的目的是能够收集较为完整、连续的心理社会成熟程度指标, 适用于研究成年人的防御机制。防御机制不管是在疾病中可能是种病理心理机制, 还是在缓解内心痛苦, 减少应激时是种中介机制, 在理论和实践中, 都是极其重要的[3]。
3 质量控制
为保证调查的客观性、准确性, 调查员是留学生管理干部 (大部分有医学背景) , 并对调查员进行了集中培训, 统一要求、统一标准和进度, 统一指导语。
调查员组织全部留学生在课堂上完成问卷, 留学生个人做出独立的、不受任何人影响的自我评定。调查员组织全体学生集中在一起, 当场发放、当场收回。当天调查完后, 第二天在各班随机抽样3%进行重复调查, 观察两次调查结果。在本次调查中, 结果一致。
4 防御方式问卷量表 (DSQ) 测试结果
调查发出问卷542份, 收回537份, 有效问卷509份, 有效回收率为93.9%。需对88个项目进行填写, 每个项目均采用较为细致的1~9级评定方法 (完全反对;很反对;比较反对;稍微反对;既不反对也不同意;稍微同意;比较同意;很同意;完全同意) , 程度完全由学生自己体会, 也就是说:是否赞同条目对自己行为的描述, 并无硬性规定。平均填表时长38分钟。
我校留学生防御方式问卷调查, 见表1。
留学生防御方式与生活事件应激强度的相关分析 (见表2) 。
5 讨论
根据表5的结果显示, 测试者中68.24%的学生成熟防御机制占第1位。22.34%的学生掩饰因子占第1位。7.31%的学生中间型防御机制占第1位, 只有2.11%的学生不成熟防御机制占第1位。测试者中各种防御机制的频度次序依次为:成熟防御机制, 掩饰因子, 中间型防御机制, 不成熟防御机制。说明留学生在受到内在或外在刺激引起情绪波动时, 大多数学生都能采用较为合理的防御机制来调节心理平衡 (或者说有意愿自我调节) , 这是一个好现象, 这对留学生心理健康发展是有利的, 说明我校留学生在学习医学专业期间, 对内在或外在的刺激引起情绪波动时, 自我调节和平衡能力与国内学生相当。
从留学生防御方式与生活事件应激强度的相关分析 (表2) , 不成熟防御方式与人际关系、学习压力、健康适应等成正相关;中间型防御方式与健康适应因子成正相关。防御方式、生活事件应激强度之间是相互影响的[4]。
本次调查通过防御方式问卷DSQ测试, 通过专业软件进行统计、分析, 并结合青少年生活事件量表ASLEC多元线性回归分析, 认为留学生超过半数学生 (68.24%) 都发生过负性生活事件, 根据他们自身的成熟度和心理调节能力, 结合他们医学专业知识增加, 他们也有意愿进行心理调节, 这为管理者提供良好的基础保障。
[1]Araujo K, Ryst E.Adolescent defense style and life stressors[J].Child Psychiatry Hum Dev, 2001, 30 (1) :19-28.
[2]陈慧, 车宏生, 朱敏.跨文化适应影响因素研究述评[J].心理科学进展, 2003, 11 (6) :704-710.
[3]汪向东, 王希林, 马弘.心理卫生评定量表手册[J].中国心理卫生杂志, 1999, 13 (增刊) :102-105.
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