
2024-08-25 版权声明 我要投稿


ic后缀的单词50个 篇1

lunatic n 疯子(lunat月亮+ic…月亮的盈亏引起精神病)

ascetic n 苦行者(ascet练习+ic…练习苦行)

psychotic n 精神病 人(psych精神+ot+ic)

ninic n 模仿者(mim模仿+ic)

stoic n 坚忍克己之人(来自古希腊斯多噶哲学派,主张以苦为乐

logic n 逻辑(学)(log词语,思想+ic)

rhetoric n 修辞学(rhetor修辞学大师+ic )

5个以ics为后缀的单词 篇2


According to official statistics the disease killed over 500 people.


The statistics offer further support for our theory.


Although not essential, some prior knowledge of statistics is desirable.


It is unwise to put too much store by these statistics.

ject后缀的单词10个 篇3


Both of them died in abject poverty


The pilot ejected from the plane and escaped injury.


The media cannot be ejected because there is no media in the drive.

10个aster后缀的单词 篇4


The coal miner was so seriously injured that he might not live till morning.


The child was still living when the doctor arrived.



en后缀的单词5个 篇5


dampen v 使潮湿;使沮丧(damp潮湿)

hearthen v 鼓励(heart心)

broaden v 加宽(broad宽)

sweeten v 变甜(sweet甜)


wooden a 木制的(wood木头)

woolen a 羊毛制的`(wool羊毛)

golden a 金(色)的(gold金子)

waxen a 蜡制的(wax蜡)

oaken a 橡木制的(oak橡树)


warden n 看守人(ward守卫,保卫)

vixen n 泼妇(vix雌狐)

citizen n 公民(city城市)

heathen n 异教徒(heath荒野;灌木丛)

maiden n 少女(maid少女)

chicken n 小鸡(chick小鸡)

5个er后缀的单词 篇6


The angler waited long but the fish would not bite.


The angler made a good catch.


To be a good angler, one must be patient.


As we descend, we take note of the angler fish.

ette后缀的单词20个 篇7

etiquette n. 礼仪礼节

flannelette n. (内衣用的) 棉织法兰绒

gazette n. 报,公报,报纸

georgette n. 一种极薄的透明细纱,乔其纱

layette n. 新生婴儿所用的全套衣服用品

lorgnette n.长柄眼镜

marionette n. 木偶

marquisette n. 薄织物之一种

mignonette n. 木犀草,灰绿色,有花样的`手编花边

novelette n. 中篇小说

omelette n. 煎蛋

palette n. 调色板

ator后缀的单词10个 篇8

incubator n. 孵卵器,早产婴儿保育箱

cultivator n. 耕者,栽培者,耕田机

arbitrator n. 公断人

administrator n. 管理人,行政官

navigator n. 航海家

commutator n. 换向器,整流器

manipulator n. 机械手

accelerator n. 加速者,加速器,油门

narrator n. 讲述者

gladiator n. 角斗士,与野兽博斗者

educator n. 教育家

liberator n. 解放者,释放者

excavator n. 开凿者,打洞机,开凿机

testator n. 立遗嘱之人

separator n. 区分者,从事分离的人,分离器

lubricator n. 润滑器

agitator n. 煽动者

predator n. 食肉动物

rejuvenator n. 使返老还童的人,返老还童药,

moderator n. 调解人,仲裁人

speculator n. 投机商

perpetrator n. 为非作歹者; 作恶者,作案者,犯人

syndicator n. 辛迪加组织者

rotator n. 旋转机

investigator n. 研究者,调查者,审查者

orator n. 演说者,演讲者,请愿人,原告,

perambulator n. 摇篮车,勘查者,路程计

conspirator n. 阴谋者,谋叛者

vibrator n. 振动的人,振动器,振动滚筒

evaporator n. 蒸发器,干燥器

indicator n. 指示者,指示物

commentator n. 注解者

oscillator n.摆;钟

refrigerator n.冰箱,冷藏库

spectator n.参观者,观众

senator n.参议员;评议员

operator n.操作人员,接线员

equator n.赤道,天球赤道

creator n.创建者

elevator n.电梯;升降机

generator n.发电机;发生者

insulator n.隔离者;绝缘体

percolator n.过滤器

respirator n.呼吸器

tend后缀的单词20个 篇9

He refused to attend out of sheer perversity.


She agreed to attend but jibbed at making a speech.


There are no compulsions on students to attend classes.


Mandela will attend an outdoor concert in his honour.
