第一号题: 口语答题:
You are a new teacher.Today is your first day in the school.Please introduce yourself to others.素养答题: 单项选择题:
A Spring Festival
B New Year’s Day C Dragon Boat Festival
D Mid Autumn day 答案 C
第二号题: 口语答题:
The word “traveling” has been so popular in recent years.It can enrich your mind, open your eyes…Can you talk about your unforgettable trip? 素养答题: 单项选择题:
B.Thanksgiving Day ] C.Christmas Day D.Mid Autumn day 答案 B
第三号题: 口语答题:
Many people like listening to the music.Do you like music?
素养答题: 单项选择题: 有这样一则笑话:有一次一个外宾对翻译说:“I wonder if I can go somewhere?”翻译回答道“Yes, you can go anywhere in China.”外宾不禁愕然。你知道这位翻译的问题出在哪里了吗? A 外宾的意思是他想马上离开。B 外宾的意思是他要上厕所。C外宾的意思是他想随便走走。D外宾的意思是想休息一下。答案 B
第四号题: 口语答题:
Why did you become a teacher of English? Do you like English? Why? 素养答题: 单项选择题:
D B,C 答案
第五号题: 口语答题:
A very famous idiom also says that “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” What is friend in your eyes? 素养答题:
用于安慰人或不含恶意的谎言,英语中叫 ______________lie。A.black
B.white C.green D.grey 答案 B
第六号题: 口语答题:
The weekend is a relaxing day.We can have a good rest and relax on weekends.What do you usually do on weekends? 素养答题:单项选择题:
现在的电视节目越来越丰富了,看看下面这是哪个栏目“Topics in focus”
A 焦点访谈
B 综艺大观 C 法治在线
D 新闻三十分 答案 A
Protecting the environment, everyone has the ideas on this hot topic.What do you think you can do to help the earth? 素养答题:
“hot spring” 的意思是_________。A 炎热的春天
B 今天很热 C 温泉
D 热水澡 答案 C
第八号题: 口语答题:
In the modern society, quite a few people believe that money is the road to happiness.Is that true? Do you think money is important? 素养答题:
英语中数字也有不同翻译,看看这个“in threes and fours”
三五成群,“one in a thousand”千分之一。那么 “in one or two words”的意思是__________。
A 一个两个单词
B 一个或者两个
C 三言两语
D 选择一个或两个 答案 C
第九号题: 口语答题:
Dream is a goal that you have not achieved yet, and something that you have worked hard for.You may have had a dream since you were a little child.What is your dream? 素养答题:
A build your dream
B believe your dream C beautiful your day
D build your day 答案 A
第十号题: 口语答题:
Internet is a part of our daily life.They are convenient, time-saving and full of information.Do you think it is good for your work and life? 素养答题:
经常可在报上见到“IT业”的提法,这里的IT是Information Test的缩写。答案错误
第十一号题: 口语答题:
Health is very important to everyone.Please talk about how to keep a healthy body? 素养答题:
英国的全称是The United Kingdom of Great Britain。
第十二号题: 口语答题:
There are so many latest and hottest things on TV to attract your eyes each day.Tell us what your favorite TV Program is and why you like it so much, please.素养答题:
我们都知道 black tea 译成红茶,black book译成黑皮书,那么black light 应该翻译成紫外线。答案正确
第十三号题: 口语答题:
In our life there are many things.Every day is so wonderful;Please talk about your unforgettable day.素养答题:
一般来说, 我们常接触到的图表类型主要分为饼状图、柱状图、曲线图及表格、流程图。因为流程图样式极少出现在口语竞赛赛题中因此我们在此不做详细介绍。表格与饼状图一样, 都是静态图, 其解题的切入点在于描述分配;曲线图和柱状图都是动态图, 其解题的切入点在于描述趋势。饼状图也叫圆形图, 是由圆形和圆形内的若干扇面构成, 通常用来表示总量和各个分量之间的比例关系。圆代表总量, 各个扇形代表分量, 通常扇形与扇形是通过颜色来区分的, 有时还附有有关数据信息说明。
这种图形单个一般较容易, 描述饼状图中的比例构成就是饼状图表描述的重点, 但应注意, 这种描述并不是对图形的简单重复, 对各项数据比例的描述应建立在归纳整理的基础上有条理地进行, 总而言之, 就是如何丰富多样地表达百分比和占有率。如上图中的各百分比可以这样表述:
Of the pollution source, more than half and up to 60%comes from cars;pollution from power plant and waste disposal make up the same 20%with industry, taking over the rest 40%—power plant pollution is about 14%, compared with industry, it is 6%less than, which is the percent of waste disposal in all.
(在污染源中, 来自汽车的污染超过一半多达60%, 电厂和废物处理的污染共占20%与工业污染数值一样, 共同划分了余下的40%;电厂污染有14%比工业污染少6%, 这6%恰是废物处理污染的数值。)
但一般题目中包含好几个饼状图, 而是否能将其描述准确, 就在于能否分清几个饼状图的关系。一般来说, 饼状图之间的关系有并列、从属、延续。
另外, 遇到饼状图很多应试者习惯逐个介绍各个数据, 而如果赛题是两个分别描述比例的饼状图, 两幅图中没有一个数据, 只有相对比例。这就需要仔细找出内容的不同以及相同内容在不同方面的分配比例, 甚至包括其一有而其二没有的内容。由此看出, 应试中不仅要善于找数据, 更重要的是要善于从数据或比例中升华出来, 找到规律和本质。
曲线图是动态图, 切入关键是把握好曲线的走向和趋势。曲线图的趋势说明, 即对曲线的连续变化进行说明, 如上升、下降、波动、持平。可以积累相关词汇如“fluctuate、rebound波动”“remain stable稳定”“increase/raise/rise/go up增加”“decrease/grow down/drop/fall减少”等。以时间为比较基础的趋势说明应抓住“变化”即上升、下降、或是波动。不以时间为比较基础的应注意对极点的描述, (曲线图的极点说明, 即对图表中最高的、最低的点单独进行说明) 对两个或两个以上的变量进行描述时应在此基础上进行比较, 如变量多于两个应进行分类或有侧重的比较。曲线图的交点说明, 即对图表当中多根曲线的交点进行对比说明。
对于曲线图的描述应先对整个曲线进行一个阶段式的总分类以把握, 使分析的层次清晰。接下来再分类描述每个阶段的具体趋势, 同时导入相关数据作为分类的依据, 而不要不做任何说明就机械性地导入数据。表格类题目的切入点也是描述分配, 主要考查应试者列举数字的能力、方法。应试者应通过观察表格内容举一些有代表性的数据来有效地说明问题, 而不需将每一个数据都分别说明, 只要突出强调数据最大值和最小值;结合横向纵向进行比较, 即介绍横向、纵向各个数据的区别、变化和趋势。
柱状图也是动态图表, 切入点也是描述趋势。柱状图分析注重“比较” (找出共性) 和“对比” (找出个性) , 也就是说需要横向总结所有柱状图表的共性特征, 也要分别描写各个柱子的个性特征。
柱状图主要有两种分析方式:其一是对不同时间段内的数据进行比较, 适合于数据代表的物体较少且时间界限明确的情况。另外是对单独数据的全程描述, 适合于描述数据对象很多且时间划定不清晰的情况。
C-Although the share price for HDC Union rose and that of Grant International peaked, the share price of the Lindel Group experienced a decline.
D-While the share price for Grant International fell, those for HDC Union and the Lindel Group increased by approximately the same amount.
E-Although HDC Union's share price decreased in value, Grant International's remained steady and the Lindel Group continued its recovery.
F-HDC Union equalled previous highs in its share price, and Grant International and the Lindel Group also demonstrated an increase.
由中央电视台与外语教学与研究出版社联合主办的“CCTV杯”全国英语演讲大赛,如今已经成功举办了12届。这项面对中国大学生的高水平赛事,掀起了学习英语的热潮,大学生们学得如痴如醉,如歌如泣。大赛选拔出的代表全国大学生英语演讲最高水平的选手不但获得了相关奖杯及证书等荣誉,还代表中国参加了“ESU Cultural Seminar”, “世界大专英语辩论赛”,“澳亚大专英语辩论赛”和“亚洲大专英语辩论赛”等国际比赛,在各国精英云集的赛场上展现中国当代大学生的风采。然而,这些精英们却只是千万英语学习者中的少数,大多数的英语学习者徘徊在英语的边缘,举步维艰,处于一种彷徨、忧郁、等待的状态中。他们花费了大学四年接近二分之一的课余时间来对付英语的各种考试,结果仅仅是把英语完成了笔治、目治或者耳治的语言,少数学生能把英语完成口治的语言,但是离演说的高级口治还有不小的距离。
世界一流大学之所以一流,不仅仅是某学科专业的一流教学研究,最根本的是一流的才智、创意、人格的通识教育(general education)。演讲正是通识教育中颇能体现学生综合素质的经典平台。在这个平台上,演讲这个龙头项目将会拉动相关学科的连锁性成长,因为,演说的语言只是内涵的语音流走形式,内涵当然是演说者的文化、知识、修辞技巧、思维境界、价值观念、心理内驱、人格魅力的有机整合。演说能力的美丑优劣在相当程度上与这些内涵相适应。因此,演讲及其教学的成功将是通识教育成功的重要元素。英语演讲当然如此,它与其他语言的演讲仅仅只是语种外壳的差异。
欧美许多大学的语文系和外国语文系以及与语言有关的系,都开设演讲课(public speaking )。然而,我国大学英语专业至今却未开设此门课程,或者少数学校也只是将英语演讲作为选修课。英语演讲的基础教学和研究非常的边缘化,与之相关的修辞、文化、才智、创意、、思维、人格的教学与研究也随之边缘化。边缘化的结果是,不仅学生的英语演说能力普遍缺乏,甚至教师中有英语演说教学和研究能力的人才也寥寥无几,如果再求有实际演说才能和魅力的可现场示范的师资,那可说是寥若晨星了。
【1】Lucas,E.S.The Art of Public Speaking(Eighth Edition)[M].Mc-Graw Hill Companies Higher Education,2004:266,273-281.
【2】任文,英语演讲课与能力素质培养[J]中国外语 2007,(6):66
【6】 袁雪芬.英语演讲教学的作用及价值[J].中南民族学院学报(人文社会科学版),2000,(7):128-130.
5.随着科技的不断发展,同学们沉迷于手机游戏,学习和生活受到很大的影响,我们应该如何正确的引导同学们使用手机? 6.如果师范生五项技能大赛里面可以放弃一项,你会选择放弃哪一项?(五项技能包括:粉笔和钢笔、说课和讲课、即兴演讲、班主任能力、个人才艺展示)
9.有人说:“比文凭重要的是知识,比知识重要的是技能,比技能重要的是素质”,你怎么理解? 10.11.谈一谈教学的细节有哪些?
Non-Majors of English-First Round
Paper 1 Making a Short Speech(3 minutes)Task:
Suppose you are a newly appointed manager of the Sales Department of your company, and this is the first time you meet your colleagues in this department.Please make a short speech to your colleagues to share with them your wishes for good teamwork and your sales plan for the next season.Q: What are your major responsibilities as a sales manager? What measures would you take to encourage good teamwork in your company? What strategies do you have in promoting sales?
Paper 2 Making a Short Speech(3 minutes)Task:
Suppose you are the Manager of the Human Resources Department of your company and you are now receiving the delegation from the P&G Company in America, who also takes charge of personnel in their company.Please make a welcome speech to the delegation.Q: what do you think are the major responsibilities of the manager of HR department of a company? Why should you be careful about when you are receiving visitors of different cultures? What kind of company would you like to work for and why? What information should you provide when you introduce a company?
Paper 3 Making a Short Speech(3 minutes)Task:
Suppose you are a member on the Organizing Committee of China Import and Export Fair.Now you are gathering the exhibitors for a meeting to discuss the coming fair.Make a short speech to provide detailed information about the venue, time, size, food & accommodation, transportation, fees, etc.of the exhibition.Q: What can the exhibitor do to attract more customers and visitors at a trade fair? What should the exhibitor pay attention to when attending a fair? As an organizer, how would you organize your exhibitors?
Paper 4 Making a Short Speech(3 minutes)Task:
Suppose you are leading a project group specializing in the design of sports wear.Now you are having a meeting to discuss the designing of a new model of shoes for a famous manufacturer.Please make a short speech to your colleagues to illustrate the arrangement of the project.Q: How would you ensure efficient cooperation among different departments on a new project? What can be done to keep your team members well motivated? What do you think the most important to make a project?
Paper 5 Making a Short Speech(3 minutes)Task:
Suppose you are Director of Pubic Relations Department of the ABC Company.You’re meeting some famous importers from European countries, who have the intention of establishing business relations with you.Make a short speech to explain how your company maintains the quality control of the products.Q: Why is it important to control the quality of your products? How is your company to maintain your quality control? What is important : quality, price, when you purchase a product?
Paper 6 Making a Short Speech(3 minutes)Task:
Suppose you and your partners are new graduates from a small college and are planning to start your own business online to open up a store to sell some daily commodities.Make a short speech to your team and explain your plain about how to start the business.Q: What are the things you have to consider first before you start a business online / when you start your own business online?
Do you often shop online? Why do you do that? How does the online business/ shop change our life nowadays? How does the internet change the way we do business now?
Paper 7 Making a Short Speech(3 minutes)Task:
Suppose you will graduate from college soon.Now you are talking to the Student employment advisor about your career plan.Please make a short speech about it.Q: In what way, would you try to fulfill/ build your successful career?
What are your reasons for the choice of your job? What are your reasons for you to choose you career? What is your definition of a successful career? Paper 8 Making a Short Speech(3 minutes)Task:
Suppose you have started your own business and you know it’s very important to build business relationships.Please make a short speech about how to build business relationships.Q: what can you do to fin new business partners and customers? What do you take into consideration if you start a business? What o you think of business online?
Paper 9 Making a Short Speech(3 minutes)Task:
Suppose you are from a big sportswear company and is attending “ The 6th International Marketing Strategy Seminar”.Now you are required to introduce your company.Please make a short speech about it.Q:
Paper 10 Making a Short Speech(3 minutes)Task:
Suppose you and your partners are new graduates from a small college and are planning to start your own business online to open up a store to sell some daily commodities.Make a short speech to your team and explain your plan about how to start a business.Q: How would you try to maintain a good business relationship with your partners? What would you need to prepare for a business trip? Why is it necessary to make a business travel plan?
Paper 1 Task: Making a Workplace Interpretation(3 minutes)A: What line of business are you in?
B: 我公司是中国主要的家用电器生产商之一。A: Then what are your main products?
B: 我公司生产各种家用电器,包括冰箱、洗衣机、空调、电视机、电脑,等等。A: Do they sell well?
B: 我们每年光是在国内市场就销售这些产品达1000万台。A: Very impressive。When was your company founded? B: 1984年。
A: Then how many employees do you have now? B: 目前为止总共约3万人。
A: Really? I’m so eager to visit your company.Where’s your company locate? B: 广东东莞。我将很愿意安排你到我公司参观。
Paper 2 Task: Making a Workplace Interpretation(3 minutes)A: I learned from the ads that you manufacture and sell this kind of products。B: 是的。不知你是否对我们的产品感兴趣?如果是,那么你来对地方了。A: Sure。I do have strong interests in them。B: 那么我能些什么为你做呢?
A: I’d like to know more about the products,for example,the materials used,the design and of course the prices。
B: 这是目录和价目表。这种产品是东京设计的,100%纯棉制造,是今年夏天非常流行的款式和颜色。A: Really!Mm。。,how about the quality?
B: 完全可靠。质量上乘,手感柔软光滑。我可以向你保证没有别的产品能竞争过我们的。
A: Thank you for your introduction!B: 不客气。我保证你会对我们的产品满意的。
Paper 3 Task: Making a Workplace Interpretation(3 minutes)A: Hello!Are you Luo Shen from the Department of Psychology? I’d like to have a short interview with you.I’m Michael with the campus newspaper.B: 你好!当然可以。请吧。你想知道点什么?
A: I hear you’re going to start an online business.How is it going? B: 我还在制定计划,要考虑和准备的事情太多了。A: What line of business are you going into? B: 心里咨询方面的。我们的网站就叫happyeveryday.com。
A: Ah, sounds interesting!Have you encountered any problems so far? B: 可以说是困难重重,眼下最头痛的是如何为我们的新业务募集到足够的资金。你知道,我们几个合伙人都是几个穷学生。
A: Well, finance is the biggest problem for almost all business starters.I hope the article I’m going to write will be of some help to you.B: 谢谢你的美意!我们坚信一句话:车到山前必有路!
Paper 4 Task: Making a Workplace Interpretation(3 minutes)A: 早上好!请坐。我是人力资源部的总经理。
B: Good morning.Thank you for giving me the chance to have this interview.A: 我们收到你的简历,你申请的是销售经理的职位。请你先谈谈你的教育背景好吗?
B: Four years ago I graduated from college.My major is Business Administration.I am especially interested in marketing.A: 你的简历表明你出生在青岛,你在上海的公司工作了四年。
B: Yes, I worked in a company as a sales representative first, and then I transferred to a foreign company to work as a sales manager.A: 很好。那从以前的工作里学到了些什么?
B: I have learned a lot about business know-how.I also learned how to coordinate interpersonal relationships.In addition, I just found how significant teamwork is.I like working on a team.A: 说到团队合作。你更喜欢在小团队还是大团队工作?
B: I prefer to work on small teams.In a small team members know each other well and can cooperate with each other more efficiently.A: 很好,这些都是我们追求的品质。我们很高兴录用你。欢迎加入我们公司。B: Thank you so much!
Paper 5 Task: Making a Workplace Interpretation(3 minutes)A: 史密斯先生,很高兴邀请您来到我们公司跟员工们座谈。请您跟我们分享贵公司成功的秘诀吧!
B: My pleasure.After so many years of hard working in the business world, we have come to the conclusion that the so-called secret is nothing but business ethics and integrity.A: 商业道德和诚信?能讲得更具体点吗?
B: It means that whenever and whatever, business should be done with honesty.A: 这就是你们公司从一个只有三个职员的公司发展成今天的跨国公司的原因?
B: Yes, and ever since the establishment of our company, we have always been bearing this principle in mind and putting it into practice.A: 真是好样的。据我所知,现在许多公司把赚钱放在第一位,有些甚至不惜欺骗顾客。
B: That’s true, but i’d say they’re short-sighted and will suffer from their dishonesty in the end.A: 我完全赞成你的说法!再次感谢您!
B: It’s been my pleasure talking to you all.Thank you.Paper 6 Task: Making a Workplace Interpretation(3 minutes)A: Hi!I am David Anderson, sales representative from P&G Company.Are you the respresentative from the ABC Company? B: 你好, 安德森先生!是的,我是ABC公司外贸部的李华。这是我们的翻译小菊。欢迎来到广州!A: Thanks for coming all the way to the airport to pick me up!
B: 不客气。那我们这边走吧。公司的车在马路对面的停车场,我们现在一起去吧?
A: Sure。
B: 飞机旅途还好吗?是从温哥华直飞的航班吗?
A: Yes,thank you.The flight was very good and the service on board was excellent.It took just over 13 hours non-stop from Vancouver.B: 真是路途遥远啊!有没有在飞机上好好睡上一觉? A: i don’t sleep well on planes;so i am a little tired.B: 咱们直接去酒店吧,我们已经在花园酒店给你定了房间。你可以先休息一会儿,然后我们吃个简单午餐。
A: Good.It’s very thoughtful of you.B: 这是你的日程安排。吃完午饭后,我们去参观工厂,再跟生产部经理开个会。晚上你将和我们主人共进晚餐。A: You: No problem!
Paper 7 Task: Making a Workplace Interpretation(3 minutes)A: 史密斯先生,请过来坐这个位子。
B: Thank you for inviting me to dinner, Mrs/ Mr.Wang.Is this seat special? A: 是的,在圆桌上,这个位子是最重要的客人坐的。
B: Well!I feel so honored and flattered.Thank you ever so much!A: 不客气,您是我们今天最尊贵的客人。请先喝茶,再吃点餐前小菜。B: The cold dishes first!Do you mean there’re more dishes to come? A: 当然!这只是个开始。啊哈,汤来了,请尝尝。
B: It’s really delicious!Tell me, Mrs./ Mr.Wang.How come it tastes so extraordinary while there is nothing in it but just clear water?
B: The main dishes!But i’m nearly full now!A: 您一定是在开玩笑吧,还有8道主菜呢!史密斯先生,您想喝点啥,红酒还是中国茅台?
B: Please call me Jack.I hear Chinese Maotai is very strong, but i’d like to try some.A: 太好了!来,各位,为我们的合作愉快,干杯!B: Yes, and good health, everyone!
Paper 8 Task: Making a Workplace Interpretation(3 minutes)A: 怀特先生,早!这是我根据我们上次会谈中双方达成的协议修改的合同草稿。B: Morning, Xiao Wang.You are so efficient!A: 谢谢!请您过目,看是否一切正常。B: I think we should add a term here like this: If one side fails to observe the contract, the other side is entitled to cancel it, and the side breaching the contract is to bear the loss.A: 没问题。您觉得这一条怎么样?
B: This clause is fine,but the time of payment should be prolonged to two to three months。
A: 通常我们的惯例付款时间是一个月,但考虑到我们之间的友谊,就定两个月吧。
B: No wonder everyone speaks highly of your commercial integrity!
A: 谢谢您的夸奖。你知道,我们奉行一条一贯的原则:尊重合同,诚实守信。B: Great!I’m sure our business partnership will be further developed。
Paper 9 Task: Making a Workplace Interpretation(3 minutes)A: 早上好!我是南沙区工商局局长陈威。
B: I’ m Jason Thomas from Sunny Investment Management Company.Nice to meet you.It’s quite busy here.A: 是啊,我们每天都接待好多像你这样对在中国投资感兴趣的外国人。我想你肯定有问题要问,我会尽力帮忙。
B: Yes, I do.I am considering making some investment in Nansha.A: 我觉得你的这个决定很明智。现在越来越多的跨国公司来这里投资。
B: Nansha seems like a nice place with a very friendly investment environment.A: 确实如此。政府给外商提供一流的服务,而且这里的交通十分方便。不仅如此,还对外商提供很多优惠政策。
B: There are quite a number of things that I would like to know.Could you tell me something about taxes first? A: 因为要鼓励外资投入,外资企业可以享受低税收政策。税率从原来的30%下降到目前的15%。
B: That’s really good news for me.A: 此外,外资企业若投资电子、软件、物流、金融行业会有更多的税收优惠。B: I’m considering electronics and software.A: 好,祝你成功!
Paper 10
Task: Making a Workplace Interpretation(3 minutes)A: 早上好!您是来自加拿大BLC进出口公司的格林先生吗? B: Yes, I’m Jack Green.Here is my business card.A:谢谢!我是白云纺织品贸易公司的李华,这是我的名片。
B: Nice to meet you Mr.Li.So you are a manufacturer of cotton goods, which comes within the scope of our business activities.A: 对,我从你们的宣传册上了解到这一点,所以我来找您看看我们之间有没有开展一些业务的可能性。B: That’s great!Could you give a general idea of your products? A: 我们生产各种各样的棉织品,款式新颖、色彩丰富、尺码齐全。您愿意仔细看看这本小册子吗?
B: Certainly, thanks!Well, they really look very impressive.A: 这些产品都是用优质材料制作的,我深信在你们市场上一定很受欢迎。B: Do you hav the latest catalogue and price list? A: 这就是。您如果有什么疑问,随时可以跟我联系,希望我们能成为生意伙伴。B: So do i.I’ll get in touch with you later.专业组:
2011 Guangdong Advanced Career English Oral Contest For English
Majors—First Round
Paper 1 Part 1 Making a short Speech(3 minutes)Task:
Suppose you are a programmer in a software company and you felt stressed, but you have successfully overcome it.Now you are asked to make a short speech about how you handle it to your colleagues at a meeting.Paper 2 Part 1 Making a short Speech(3 minutes)Task:
Suppose you are a salesperson specializing in selling air-conditioners.Now you are asked to describe your products an service to your potential customers.Paper 3 Part 1 Making a short Speech(3 minutes)Task:
Suppose you are planning to attend a trade fair as an exhibitor now you are asked to make a short speech to tell your staff how to make preparations before hand.Paper 4 Part 1 Making a short Speech(3 minutes)Task:
Suppose you can not tolerate a coworker’s behavior or get along well with him /her, how would you take measures to solve the problem? Please make a short speech to present some suitable approaches.Paper 5 Part 1 Making a short Speech(3 minutes)Task:
Suppose you are a new employee in a big company.Pease make a short speech about how you would adapt to the new environment.Paper 6 Part 1 Making a short Speech(3 minutes)Task:
Suppose you are a college graduate and you have decided to start your own business online.Please make a short speech about your business plan and present it to your friends for advice.Paper 7 Part 1 Making a short Speech(3 minutes)Task:
Suppose you are the assistant manager of the Sales Department.Please make a short speech about the results of your market survey on the products and services of your company.Paper 8 Part 1 Making a short Speech(3 minutes)Task:
Suppose you are going to organize a conference for the sales managers in your field to exchange their expertise an views on promoting products and services.Please make short speech to your staff about how to make preparations for the meeting.Paper 9 Part 1 Making a short Speech(3 minutes)Task:
Suppose you are the boss of a company which has specialized in exporting wooden furniture for 20 years.You are going to make a short welcome speech to your new staff who have just graduated from colleges.Paper 10 Part 1 Making a short Speech(3 minutes)Task:
Suppose you are competing for the position a project team leader.Please make a short speech to introduce yourself, your strengths for the job and your plan of how to do the job.Debate Paper 1 Task: Having a Workplace Debate(5 minutes)Work pressure will bring work efficiency.Party A: Yes Party B: No
Paper 2 Task: Having a Workplace Debate(5 minutes)The social responsibility of a company means more than profits.Party A: Yes Party B: No
Paper 3 Task: Having a Workplace Debate(5 minutes)The simple process of modern administration means efficiency in work.Party A: Yes Party B: No
Paper 4 Task: Having a Workplace Debate(5 minutes)The closer you are with your boss, the better.Party A: Yes Party B: No
Paper 5 Task: Having a Workplace Debate(5 minutes)Online business will never replace the traditional mode of doing business.Party A: Yes Party B: No
Paper 6 Task: Having a Workplace Debate(5 minutes)In the business world, it’s always better to tell the truth than to tell a lie.Party A: Yes Party B: No
Paper 7 Task: Having a Workplace Debate(5 minutes)High quality of products is more important than low prices.Party A: Yes Party B: No
Paper 8 Task: Having a Workplace Debate(5 minutes)
Paper 9 Task: Having a Workplace Debate(5 minutes)The rising house prices can help stimulate Chinese economy.Party A: Yes Party B: No
1.Job interview
2.On optimism
3.Chance and choice
4.Hard work and success
5.Expectation and reality
6.Creative thinking in education
7.Climate and agriculture
8.Competition and co-operation
9.School rules and regulations
10.Rapid economic growth and environmental protection
11.Limited national resources and energy saving
12.Cleaning up the advertising marked
13.Speaking Contest and my English study
14.Mobile phones and global communication
15.State education assistance loans
16.Holidays and tourism
17.On pet-dog keeping
18.On the construction of garden-like cities
19.Value our precious water supply
20.Do more to add to the meaning of Teacher’s Day
21.The greener the better
22.Let kids enjoy holidays.23.Importance of communication
24.Dogs are better than cats
25.Three keys to a happy life
26.Exams are/are not good forms of assessment
27.Everyone should be a volunteer
28.The most successful person I know
29.Clothes make the man/woman
30.The best things in life are free
31.What I would do if I knew I could not fail
32.The greatest gift we can give others is...33.Good versus Evil
34.Bottles versus cans
35.The worst/best book you ever read
36.How to become a millionaire