
2024-09-09 版权声明 我要投稿


五年级英语句子中文 篇1


Nowadays, if we go on the street, we can find that fast food is everywhere, the reason why the fast food is so popular lies on that it is convenient. People can finish their meal quickly and spend more time to do work. Fast food indeed saves people a lot of time, but it is not good for our health, we should not eat it often.


PEP小学英语五年级上册 篇2

1.知识目标:①能听说认读单词flower,river ,grass,lake ,forest, path,sky ,cloud, mountain等九个单词. 





四会单词的学习以及在句型There is /are…中的操练。


grass, forest,path,以及mountain的发音。





1. Free talk

T:Hi ! boys and girls. Stand up,please.

Good morning, everyone!

T:How are you today?

T:Nice to meet you!

T: Do you like singing songs?

T: Let’s sing a song : Bingo.(播放录音唱)

T:Sit down,please.

T:Now,Group1,2,3,4,5.Let’s climb up the mountain. If you can pass the words, the sentences and the paragraphs, you are the winners. Let’s have some competitions. OK?Ss:OK!


1. T:Now,please look at the pictures.What are these? ( 课件: 风景名胜) 

T:Yes,they are beautiful places.Do you want to go there to have a look?

Now,look,who am I?(Teacher拿上旅游旗)

T:Yes,I’m Miss Guide. Would you like to go and see the beautiful places with me?


T: OK! Let’s go! Look. Where are we? ( 课件: 自然公园)

T: Yes , We are in a Nature Park.

2. 课件:T:nature park教读nature park


T:Look! What can you see?

T:It’s a river.教读单词卡。读,齐读,开火车或抽读。

T:River,river,there is a river.

T:Now,What else can you see?

T: Grass,grass,there is some grass.


T: Well, There is apath . Can you see it now?



T:Look,What’s this?Is this a river?


T:It’s a … .教读,lake, lake. I can see a lake. There is a lake. big lake , small lake教读,抽读。


T:Now,many trees are here.There is a forest now. 

There is a forest in the nature park.



T:(师拿出花 闻)Mm, how fragrant! What’s this?拿出卡片学生读。Flower.抽读,齐读。




① T:Now, boys and girls. Let’s play games.

T:Look at my cards carefully, 

Guess.What’s missing?

② Picking apples.

课件T: If you can read the word, please pick the apple and read the word. Or: He or she point at the word, you please read it out.师示范,请生点一个读一个。评比。

③ Find friends: 

Look at the pictures and the words, match them please.(所有單词都会的组前进一步)

④ Sentences: Now, boys and girls, look at another pictures. Try to say some sentences with the new words.

提示学生说There is a __________.(然后请生自由说句子, 注意用 There is/ are … or I can see…句式)

⑤ Chant 

T: Now , look at the screen, there is a chant. Listen to it carefully, then say it with me.

Flower, flower, there are some flowers.

River , river , there is a river .

Lake , lake , there is a lake.

Grass , grass , there’s some grass.

Forest, forest, there is a forest.

Path , path , there is a path. 


1. 小组活动(1)Page 70, Part 2 Compare with Picture 1, what difference in Picture A/B /C? Now, let’s see who has the fiery eyes?

Find out the differences:

Discuss in your group. 生说 There is a _____ in Picture A /B….


2. 口头作文:

T: Congratulations! Let’s go on. Now,look ! Where are we now? Yes ! We are in Jiangjin now.(师提示,引导读。) 

课件: 

There is a big river along our city. It's the Yangtze River. 

There is a Binjiang road by the river . There are many flowers , trees and some grass on it. There is a path to Aiping Mountain.

Marshal Nie Rongzhen said:"Jiangjin is a good place."

Welcome to our city -Jiangjin.

Well, boys and girls. Do you want to be a guide, and show everybody around the beautiful places in the world?OK! Have a try ,please.(请生来当小导游)

Take out your pictures,say something about your pictures in your group.请生说,评价,奖励

T:Congratulations.You did fairly well . All of you are the winners.


Well,so much for today .Thank you .

Please turn back and say:“Thank you . Goodbye!”


PEP Book 5 Unit 6 In a Nature Park Part

A Let’s learn

river grass path lake forest

flower mountain cloud sky

There is a / an ….

五年级英语重点句子整合 篇3

1. Who’s your math teacher? Mr. Zhao.

2. What’s he like? He’s thin and short. He’s very kind.

3. Who’s that young lady? She’s our principal.

4. Is she strict? Yes, she is.

5. Is she active? No, she isn’t. She’s quiet.

6. I have a new math teacher. Her class is so much fun.

7. What day is it today? It’s Monday.

8. What do you have on Wednesdays?

9. We have English, science, computer and P.E..

10. What do you do on Saturdays?

11. I often do my homework.

12. What about you? I do my homework too.

13. What would you like for lunch? I’d like some tomatoes and mutton.

14. What do you have for lunch today?

15. I have eggplant and tomatoes.

16. It’s tasty. It’s my favorite.

17. What’s your favorite food? Fish.

18. I don’t like grapes. They’re sour.

19. Are you helpful at home? You’re helpful.

20. What can you do? I can sweep the floor.

21. Just do it!

22. Can you set the table? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.

23.I have my own room now.

24. What’s it like?

25. There is a big closet, a new air-conditioner and a new mirror.

26. There are blue curtains.

27. Where is the trash bin? It’s near the table.

28. There is a forest in the nature park.

29. Is there a river in the park? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

30. There are many small houses in my village.

31. Are there any bridges in your village? Yes, there are.

32. Are there any tall buildings in your village? No, there aren’t.


1. When do you eat dinner? I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.

2. When do you get up? I usually get up at 12:00 noon.

3. What do you do on the weekend?

4. Usually I watch TV and go shopping. Sometimes I visit my grandparents.

5. I often play football. Sometimes I go hiking.

6. What’s your favorite season? Winter.

7. Which season do you like best? Fall.

8. It’s always sunny and cool.

9. I can play with snow.

10. Why do you like spring? Because I can plant trees.

11. When is your birthday? My birthday is in June.

12. Is your birthday in June, too? No. My birthday is in December.

13. It’s October 1st, our National Day.

14. Who has a birthday in October? Me.

15. What’s the date? It’s October 1st.

16. What are you doing? I an doing the dishes.

17.What is your father doing? He’s writing an e-mail.

18. This is Nina. Can I speak to your mom, please?

19. Please hold on. There’s a call for you.

20. I see the mother elephant.

21. What is she doing? She is walking.

22. What about the baby elephant?

23. What is it doing? It’s running.

24. What are the elephants doing? They’re drinking.

25. What is Mike doing? He’s watching insects.

26. What are you doing? I’m watching my classmates.

27. Where are they? They are in the woods.

28. Are they catching butterflies? No, they aren’t. /Yes, they are.

29. Where is Zhang Peng? He’s in the woods.

小学五年级英语句子复习(二) 篇4


1、见面打招呼:Hello!/ Hi!/ How do you do ?

2、问姓名:What’sname? – name is ChenJie./ What’s –ChenHua.What’sname?---name is Amy.3、介绍自己:I’m Sarah./ My name is Sarah.4、日常问候:Good morning!/ Good afternoon!/ Good evening!/ Good night!/ Good noon!

5、初次见面:Nice to meet you!/Glad to see you!

6、再见时应说: Goodbye!/ Bye!/ See you!

7、介绍新朋友:This is8、问身体情况:How are you? / How is he? / How is she?

回答:Fine, thanks./ Very well!/ I’m OK./ I’m fine./ I’m well.9、问颜色:What colour is it ? – It’s red..10、征求意见:May I have a look?/ Can I have some noodles? …--Sure.11、问喜欢什么:What do you like?---I like ______.12、多谢:Thank you very much!/ Thanks a lot!

回答:You’re welcome!/ That’s all right!/ That’s OK!/ Not at all!/ It’s my pleasure.13.问年龄:How old are you? = What’s your age(年龄)?----I’m ten.How old is she? = What’s her age?----She ‘s ten.14、问数量:

(可数名词的多少)How many +名词的复数+一般疑问句?

How many(不可数的多少)How much +不可数名词+一般疑问句?

How much do you drink?

15、问地点、方位:用疑问词Where.Where is you bike? It’s under the tree.16、问来自哪里:(be from = come from)

Where are you from? = Where do you come from? – I’m from China./ I come from China.Where is he from?= Where does he come from? – He’s from China./ He comes from China17、问谁是:用疑问词who

Who is that girl? – She is my sister.18.、问谁的(即问所有格)用疑问词whose

Whose book is this? It’s mine.Whose is that skirt? It’s Amy’s.19、让某人去干某事。Let sb do sth.Let’s go shopping./Let me clean the board./ Let him clean the door.20、问这是什么: What is this/ that? – It’s a desk.,What are these/ those? –They’re hens.21、问时间:What time is it? = What’s the time?--It’s 6:40.do you get up? –

22、该….的时候:It’s timefor +名词/动名词.It’’s time forup1

It’s time to +动词It’’s time to get up.23、轮到某人干某事: It’s one’s(即所有格)turn to do sth.It’It’

24、问你想要什么: What would you like? I’d like some apples.25、问天气:What’s….like? / How’s…..What’s the weather like? = How is the weather? It’s sunny.26、问价钱:How much.How much is your bike? It’s 100 yuan.27、问码数:What size

What size do you want? Size 7.28、问需要帮助: Can I help you? = What can I do fou you?

29、问职业:What are you ? = What do you do?I’m a teacher.What is she?= What does she do ?She is a teacher.30、问想干某事:want to do sth.I want31、let 引导的句子回答用Good idea / Great!/ OK!

32、肯定句变否定句时,some要改为any,and 要改为or,too 要改为either.I have some books.----I don’t have books

I have a sister and a brother.------I don’t have a sister a brother.I like music, too.------I don’t like music ,33、问怎么啦? What’s the matter with you?= What’s wrong with you?


Four hundredFive thousand



(1)A: ________________B: Hi!

A: Are you a new student?B: Yes, _____________.A: ________________________?B: My name is Ke Xiaolan.A: ________________________!B: Nice to meet you too!A: _________________ are you in?B: I’m in Class2 Grade 5.A: Oh, I’m in Class2 Grade 5, too.We are _______________.B:Let’s go to the classroom.A: OK!

(2)A: _____________________, Miss White!B: Good morning, Amy!

A: ______________________?B: I’m fine.Thanks.____________?A: I’m fine, too.(3)A: I have a new schoolbag.B: Really? _______________ is it?

A: It’s purple and white.B: _______________________?

A: Srue, here you are.B:Oh, It’s nice.___________________ is it? A: It’s 15 yuan.B: ____________ books are there in the schoolbag? A: Many books.(4)A: ____________________?B: Yes.I want a pair of sneakers ________ my son..A: _______________ do you want?B: White!

A: _________________?B: Size 8.A: ___________________ this pair?B: They are nice.Can I_________ it on?

A: Sure!Are they ____________?B: Yes, They fit him well.___________ are they?A: They are 55 yuan.B: It’s too expensive.Can I take them on 45 yuan.A: OK!Here you are!B: I’ll _________ them.Here is the ___________.A: Thank you!B: ____________________________!

(5)A: Happy Birthday __________ you, Amy!B: Thank you very much!

A: ______________________, Amy?

B: I’m eleven.Please come to my birthday party this evening.A: ________________?

B: At 7:00 in the evening!

A: OK!________________!

B: Bye!

(6)A: Here are many fruits._____________________?

B: I like apples.Because an apple a keep a doctor away.____________________?A: I like bananas.They are yummy.I’m hungry.Can Ihave some bread?

B: Sure, ______________.A: Thanks.__________________.B: I’d like some bread, too.Let’s eat together.(7)A: ____________________________?

B: It’s sunny and hot.A: I want _________ go shopping.Would you like to go with me?

B: Sure.(8)A: Look at the farm.It’s so big.B: Yes.____________ sheep can you see?A: One hundred.B: _________ those goats?

A: No, __________.They are lambs.(9)A: _______________ are you from?B: I’m from China.I’m a ___________.A:____________ your math teacher come from?B: He comes from USA.二、选择题。(15’)

()1.What’s _____ name ?A.heB.hisC.him

()2.What’s wrong ____ you?A.toB.withC.for

()3.Don’t drink _____ eat in the computer room.A.andB.orC.to

()4.-Are there ____ apples on the table?-No, they aren’t _____ apples there.A.some, anyB.any, someC.any, any

()5.Let _____ clean the board.A.heB.hisC.him

()6.I want ________ the table.A.setB.to setC.setting

()7.I can see six _______ hens.A.hundredB.hundredsC.a hundred

()8.It’ll _______.A.rainyB.be rainC.be rainy

()9.How’s the weather ______?A.likeB.to likeC./

()10.It’s ____ turn to do housework.A.AmyB.Amy’sC.you

()11.It’s time _____ school.A.forB.toC.at

()12.It’s time ____ get up.A.forB.toC.at

()13._____ coat is this? It’s ChenJie’s.A.WhoB.Who’sC.Whose

()14._________ people are there in you family?A.How manyB.How much

()15._______ water do you drink?A.How manyB.How much

三、句型转换。(20’)划线提问)_______ _____ ________ name?

2.What’s the boy’s name?(同义句)________ the _________ _______ the boy? 划线提问)________ is she? 划线提问)________ _______ is she?

5.How old are you?(同义句)________ your _________? 划线提问)________ ________ is _______ sweater?

7.She is from China.(同义句)She ________ _______ China./ She is a __________.划线提问)________ ______ Miss White _________? 划线提问)______ __________ can you see in the sky? 划线提问)_______ _____ ______ ______ you drink?

11.It’划线提问)________ _______ ______ ________? 划线提问)_______ _______ are your pants?

13.Can I help you?(同义句)______ _______ ______ _____ _____ ______?

14.What’s wrong with you?(同义句)______ ______ ________ with you?

15.It’s time for school.(同义句)It’s time ______ ______ ______ school.16.I’m late for school.(同义句)I go to school __________.划线提问)_________ is _______ father?

18.What is she?(同义句)________ ________ she do?

19.These are goats.(一般疑问句并否定回答)_____ _______ goats? No, _____ _____.划线提问)_________are those?


1.绵羊 _________2.骑马 _________________3.西红柿___________ 4.黄瓜 ______

5.胡萝卜________ 6.色彩鲜艳的 __________7.美丽的 ___________8.便宜的_____

9.昂贵的______________ 10.一双拖鞋 _______________11.运动鞋 ____________

12.凉鞋 _____________14.天气预报 __________________15.下雨的 ___________

16.有风的__________17.多云的_________ 18.下雪的________ 19.温暖的_______

20.英语课___________________ 21.早餐_____________ 22.起床___________

23.睡觉________________24.运动场 _____________25..花园 ___________

26.教师办公室_____________________ 27.图书馆 ___________28.饭堂 ________

五年级下册英语句子及单词 篇5



















★ 五年级英语作文上册

★ 五年级英语上册教案

★ 五年级上册英语教学计划

★ 英语作文五年级上册

★ 五年级上册英语作文

★ 五年级英语上册学科教学计划

★ 五年级上册英语期末试卷及答案

★ 小学五年级英语上册教学计划

★ 五年级上册英语期末考试卷

五年级英语句子中文 篇6

【关键词】小学英语 交际用语 生活化 方法探索






1.用现代化手段再现生活情境。作为现代教育者,就要经常利用图片、实物、收录机、幻灯机、录像机等辅助工具,利用情景和设置情景进行教学。如在教Animals时的课堂上响起了“哞哞”“汪汪”, “咪咪”等动物叫声和英语朗读声,学生们会有声有色地模仿。 而放出这些动物相应的单词录音时,他们又兴致勃勃地大声跟读“cow”,“dog”“,cat”,伴随而来的是一片欢笑声,整个教室洋溢着愉快的气氛。声象的结合,语言和情景的交融,使学生仿佛进入了语言活动的真实情景,收到了很强的临场效果。







2.创设情境,促进学生学习习惯的养成。教学中教师可以模拟真实情景,创设接近生活的真实语言环境,这有利于学生理解和掌握对话内容。例如,在学生进教师办公室交作业本这段对话中,可让学生模拟表演对话情景:一边敲课桌模拟敲门声,一边说May I come in? 然后双手递上作业本说Here’s my workbook. 简单的表演既容易又很逼真,学生兴趣很浓,表演时全身心投入,神态惟妙惟肖,对内容的理解便不感到困难。


4.精心组织,英语交际内容要有德育渗透。教师要在教学的语境中、练习的活动中、模拟的交际中,向学生渗透德育。在学习“What’s wrong with you?”这个交际用语时,可以设计病人在医院看病的情景。有助于培养学生关心他人,互助友爱,文明礼貌等思想品德和行为规范的形成。





五年级英语句子中文 篇7



滑稽的,可笑的________ 要求严格的,严厉的________ 有礼貌的________________ 工作努力的,辛勤的___________

有用的,愿意帮助的_____________ 聪明的,聪颖的_____________

羞怯的,腼腆的,怕生的________ 知道,了解___________

我们的_____________他(宾语)__________ 女士 _______

将要____________有时,间或____________-机器人____________ 完成,做好______________

会说,会讲,用(某种语言)说话__________ 句子:


不,他不年轻。_______________ 她什么样?__________________


第二单元unit2 星期一_________________

星期二_________________ 星期三_________________ 星期四_________________

星期五_________________星期六_________________ 星期日_________________


洗_________________ 洗我的衣服_________________ 看_________________

看电视_________________ 做_________________


看,读_________________ 看书_________________


踢足球_________________ 烹饪,烹调_________________ 时常,常常______________公园_________________、疲倦的_________________ 体育运动______________ 做体育运动_________________ 应当,应该______________ 每一个,每个__________ 一天,一日 _________________ 工作计划_________________

句子: 星期四你有什么课?________________________________________________ 我有数学、英语和音乐课。________________________________________________ 你经常在这个公园里看书吗?________________________________________________ 不,我不经常在这里看书。________________________________________________Unit3 三明治________________蔬菜沙拉________________ 汉堡包________________ 冰激凌_____________茶,茶水______________新鲜的,刚摘的________________ 健康的 ______________ 美味的_____________ 辣的,辛辣的________________ 含糖的,甜的____________ 喝,饮_____________渴的,口渴的________________ 特别喜爱的____________ 食物__________ 亲爱的_________洋葱___________ 句子:


_______________________________________________ 请给我一个三明治。_______________________________________________ 你想喝什么?_______________________________________________ 我想喝点水。_______________________________________________ 你最喜欢吃什么食物?_______________________________________________ 面条,面条很好吃。_______________________________________________ 第四课

唱,唱歌_________ 歌曲__________ 唱英文歌曲_____________ 弹琵琶____________ 功夫___________


跳舞 ____________


漫画__________________ 画漫画___________ 烹调,烹饪_________ 游泳___________

打篮球___________ 乒乓球___________ 打乒乓球___________


we’ll=___________ 聚会,派对___________ 下一个_________ 挺好的,了不起的__________ 学习,学会___________

任何的,任一的,___________ 问题___________ 没问题___________

要,想要___________ 邮寄,发送__________ 电子邮件___________


孩子们,你们能为联欢会做些什么?______________________________________ 我会唱英文歌。

__________________________________________________ 约翰,你会武术吗?____________________________________________ 是的,我会武术。_____________________________________________________ 第五课

时钟,钟___________ 植物___________

瓶子___________ 水瓶___________

自行车___________ 照片,相片___________ 正面___________在……前面___________在……中间___________

在(或向)……上面___________ 祖父祖母,外祖父外祖母___________

他们的___________ 房屋,住宅___________ 大量,许多___________ 花,花朵___________ 搬家___________ 肮脏的___________ 处处,到处___________ 老鼠___________ 住,居住___________ 自然界,大自然___________


(这里)有张大床。__________________________________________ 这里有这么多幅画。__________________________________________ Unit 6 森林,林区___________ 河,江___________ 湖,湖泊___________ 高山,山岳___________山丘,小山___________ 树,乔木___________ 桥___________ 建筑物,房子,楼房___________ 村庄,村镇___________

aren’t=___________ 划船___________


房屋,房子,住宅___________ 兔子___________ 高的___________ 句子:
