
2024-05-30 版权声明 我要投稿


期刊论文英文摘要 篇1


关于XXX问题的研讨 题目居中,三号黑体字


者居中, 其后标明工作单位,所在省、市,邮编,4号楷体字

摘 要:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX “摘要”两字5号黑体,其余5号宋体

关键词:XXXX XXXX(RS) YYYY “关键词”三字用5号黑体,其余宋体5号

××××××××× (英文题目)

×××(××××) 英文作者姓名(单位、所在省、市,邮编)

【Abstract】 (英文摘要)

【Key words】 (英文关键词)


一、XXXXXX 一级标题用4号黑体字(序号用一、二……依此类推)

1.XXXXXXX 二级标题用4号宋体字(序号用1、2……依此类推)

⑴xxxxxxxxx 三级标题用4号宋体字(序号用⑴、⑵、⑶……依此类推)


yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 正文用5号宋体

参考文献: 用5号黑体字


[2]Xxx、Xxx 译,《XXXXXXXX》,XX教育出版社,. 5号宋体

期刊论文英文摘要 篇2


主位结构由主位 (Theme) 和述位 (Rheme) 两个部分构成。主位与述位的概念最初是由布拉格学派创始人马泰休斯 (Mathesius) 所提出的, 后来以韩礼德 (Halliday) 为代表的系统功能学派接受并发展了这对术语。韩礼德认为, 主位是话语的出发点, 说明谈话的主题, 一般表示已知信息;述位则是对主位的描写和说明, 是叙述的核心内容, 一般表示新信息。主位与述位的划分有助于探索和揭示篇章的构成规律 (黄国文, 1988) 。


丹尼斯 (Danes) 是最早提出主位推进 (Thematic Progression) 理论的语言学家之一。所谓主位推进, 即语篇中前后句子的主位与主位、主位与述位、述位与述位之间的相互联系和不断变化。根据系统功能语言学理论, 不少语言学家都对主位推进作了大量的研究, 如韩礼德 (Halliday) (1967) , 汤普森 (Thompson) (2000) , 胡壮麟 (1987) , 黄国文 (1988) 等诸多学者的研究, 其中的六种类型很有代表性:

(1) 平行型:主位相同, 述位不同。可表示为 (其中T表示主位, R表示述位) :

T1 R1 T2 (=T1) R2 T3 (=T1) R3

例如:My brother (T1) //is in Australia (R1) .He (T2=T1) //has been there for six months (R2) .He (T3=T1) //is an engineer (R3) .He (T4=T1) //is working for a big firm (R4) .

(2) 延续型:前一句的述位或述位的一部分成为后一句的主位。可表示为:

T1 R1 T2 (=R1) R2 T3 (=R2) R3

例如:An English teacher (T1) //usually divides her time among three subjects:language, composition and literature (R1) .Mrs.Cox’s favorite subject (T2=R1) //is literature (R2) , and her most exciting literature classes (T3=R2) //are those on the literature of Black Americans (R3) .

(3) 集中型:主位不同, 述位相同。可表示为:

T1 R1 T2 R2 (=R1) T3 R3 (=R1=R2)

例如:A Chinese (T1) //is an Asian (R1) .A Japanese (T2) //is an Asian (R2=R1) .And an Indian (T3) //is an Asian (R3=R1) .

(4) 交叉型:前一句的主位是后一句的述位。可表示为:

T1 R1 T2 R2 (=T1) T3 R3 (=T2)

(5) 并列型:第一、三…句的主位相同, 第二、四…句的主位相同。可表示为:

T1 R1 T2 R2 T3 (=T1) R3 T4 (=T2) R4

例如:Americans (T1) //eat with knives and forks (R1) ;Japanese (T2) //eat with chopsticks (R2) .Americans (T3=T1) //say“Hi”when they meet (R3) ;Japanese (T4=T2) //bow (R4) .Many American men (T5=T1) //open door for women (R5) ;Japanese men (T6=T2) //do not (R6) .

(6) 派生型:第一句的主位、述位作叙述后, 以后各句的主位从第一句的述位的某部分派生出来。可表示为:

T1 R1 T2 (=R1) R2 T3 (=R1) R3


主位推进是实现语篇衔接和连贯的重要手段之一。在多数语篇中, 往往是多种推进模式相互结合使用。这些语篇中, 各句的主位相互衔接, 向前推进, 形成一定的语篇层次, 它们紧密相连, 层层递进, 使得语篇主题进一步展开和深化, 最终形成一个语义完整、连贯的语篇。因此, 语篇连贯可以通过各种不同的主位推进模式来实现, 人们可以借助于此来分析语篇的内部联系和信息的分布情况。

摘要:在英语语篇的构建及发展中, 主位推进起到了重要的作用, 也正是借助于多样化的主位推进模式, 人们才能够构建出理想的语篇。因此, 本文从系统功能语法中主位推进的理论出发, 进行实例分析。



[1]曲雯.我国学术期刊英文摘要存在的问题辨析——以图情类CSSCI来源期刊为例[J].图书与情报, 2013, 02:132-137.

[2]姜玉宇.中英学术期刊英文摘要体裁分析[J].长春理工大学学报 (高教版) , 2009, 11:68-69.

[3]张玲.中国英语类学术期刊英文摘要中连接词用法的语料库分析[J].河南科技学院学报, 2011, 11:69-71.

[4]孙永泰, 刘立香.当前我国体育学术期刊英文摘要写作问题的计量分析[J].南京体育学院学报 (自然科学版) , 2011, 05:144-147.

[5]李平.学术期刊英文摘要语篇建构模式探析[J].鲁东大学学报 (哲学社会科学版) , 2007, 04:99-101.

[6]孙超平, 曩洪汉, 刘心报, 李一.对增强学术期刊英文摘要客观性的探讨[J].合肥工业大学学报 (社会科学版) , 2004, 01:125-129.

本期论文英文摘要 篇3

Abstract:Whether the bank operates well depends on the public confidence, i.e. the bank credit worthiness. In-creasing bank capital adequacy and maintaining the stable bank income inflow, the steady support and guaranteed quality,etc. are the means to raise and maintain the bank credit worthiness. In our country the bank capital adequacy has not yetbeen up to the international standards; the credit asset quality is low; the profit is yearly decreased, and the state creditworthiness guarantee has become the key factor of prudently operating the state bank. Posterior to the accession to WTO,with the opening up of banking businesses, the role of the state credit worthiness guarantee has been weakening and itswithdrawal is faced with a series of difficulties.

Key Words: guaranteed state credit worthiness; state bank; capital fund; guaranteed deposit system

论文英文摘要怎么翻译成英文 篇4
























Weibo is one of the most important social media tools nowadays, thepopularization of Weibo brings a new kind of network marketing - Weibomarketing. Enterprises use Weibo platform can carry out a series ofmarketing activities, in order to raise visibility and expand brand impact.

Weibo marketing has gradually become one of the indispensablemarketing channels of many companies. However, as a new kind ofnetwork marketing, Weibo marketing has some significant differencefrom traditional marketing.

In addition, the influence factors of Weibomarketing effectiveness has not been precisely defined, and marketingeffectiveness is difficult to scientific assessment. Therefore, the majorityof firms develop the Weibo marketing are blind,

and Weibo marketing isstill at the exploratory stage. How much benefit Weibo marketing canbring for enterprises, which is the enterprise most concern. However, thescientific studies about the influence factors and evaluation of Weibomarketing effect are in a state of scarcity.

This paper takes the hotels Weibo as the research object, and deeplystudies the influence factors and evaluation of the Weibo marketingeffect:

On the basis of summarizing those existing research on Weibomarketing, it is assumed that the decision-makers from different hotelshold tiie same degree of attention on Weibo marketing. Then,

this paperexplores the influence factors of hotels Weibo marketing effect from theWeibo users perspective, analyzes the Weibo users behavior guided byAISAS mode ,

tiirough the questionnaire survey to build the hotel Weibomarketing effect model with statistical software such as Excel and SPSS19.0.

On this basis, this paper puts forward tiie Weibo marketing effectevaluation index hypothetical model, and then use AHP to build acomplete evaluation system ,

this system takes the hotels Weibomarketing comprehensive effect as the goal layer, influence effect,communication effect and transformation effect as the criterion layer,takes Weibo influence, brand influence ,

interaction effect, fans value,actual trading volume and customer satisfaction as the sub-criterion layer,and takes 14 indexes such as Weibo influence index, brand hot degreesand brand search as the index layer.

Finally, this evaluation index system is applied to Ningbo HowardJohnson Plaza Hotel and Ningbo Riviera Hotel. Through the observationand data collection of the hotels Weibo, measure the hotel Weibomarketing effect index with the comprehensive index method.

The resultsshow that these two hotels have little effect about Weibo marketing:

1. Both hotels did not make full use of Weibo to launch various marketingactivities, Weibo marketing is still at a low level, and Weibo marketingdid not make the hotel brand awareness has obvious improvement;

2.Those hotels are not ideal about the number of transmission, commentand praise by Weibo users. Among their fans, the ratio of certified fans islow, while the ratio of active fans proportion is relatively substantial,

andfew interactive activities are organized. So, how to attract a large numberof fans, and enhance the fans value is an urgent problem;

3. The actualtrading volume is not optimistic. Although there is a higher satisfaction,customers release very few consumption experiences by Weibo during theinvestigation period.

To some extent, both hotels reflect the problemsexisting in the hotel industry to carry out the Weibo marketing, thus, fortheir marketing situation, this article also brings up some suggestions andcountermeasures:

1. Accurate positioning, step by step;

2. Grasp thefrequency and the best time on releasing information;

3. Showpersonalized content;

4. Online and offline marketing activities arecombined together;

5. Increase effective fans, pay attention to interactwith fans.

摘要中英文 篇5


1174326778 2013/7/16 10:59:40

实习心得 在6月29号到7月18号这段日子里,装备三个班分两组每组四天半到金属结构厂参观学习,在校期间,通过录像学习和小组讨论,同学们认真完成实习报告。在本次实习过程中,金属结构厂为同学们展现了许多活生生的知识,是书本所不能给与的。同学们看到了巨大的罐体,椭圆风头及球罐的制作过程,看到了手工焊埋弧焊及气体保护焊机器及工人操作,参观了无损检测车间,看到了本学期刚刚学过的射线检测,磁粉检测以及当前流行的TOFD等无损检测方法。通过分组讨论及学习,使同学们进一步提高团结协作的能力,并在小组中追求提高自身素质,总而言之,我相信本次实习,使每一位同学获益非浅,感谢学校及老师给我们的这次实习机会。


英文摘要论文 篇6


























As a necessary tool in life and work, computer brings great convenience, but at the same time might be harmful to peoples health.

Firstly, improper use of the computer may affect peoples health directly.

Computer radiation may induce eye diseases.

Long time use of computers will bring about much discomfort in the wrist, neck and waist.

Overconcentration on the computer as well as frequent quick movements of hands and eyes may also exert heavy burdens on the body and the mind, leading to dreaminess, neurasthenia, and even mental diseases.

Secondly, unrestrained use of computers or the internet may lead to Net Syndrome, which is characterized by sleep disorder, depression or loss of appetite.

Thirdly, ozone released by computers may contribute to respiratory problems, even lung diseases.

Then how should we reduce the health risks related to computers and the internet? The key lies in proper use.

To begin with, computer users should enhance their self-awareness of health care.

They are suggested to take a 10-minute break every one hour, exercise regularly and have routine physical and mental checkups.

What’s more, a good working environment should be created by using proper lighting and keeping the room ventilated.

Finally, computer users are supposed to replenish nutrition through carrot, cabbage, orange, milk, eggs and meats, which are rich in vitamin A and protein.

科技期刊中摘要的种类 篇7

摘要大致分为3种类型:报道性摘要、指示性摘要和报道—指示性摘要。医学科研论文中多用报道性摘要, 也就是上世纪80年代后出现的结构式摘要, 这种摘要就是在行文中用醒目的字体 (黑体) 标出目的、方法、结果和结论4个要素, 使读者能找到所需的内容。⑴报道性摘要:是指明一次文献的主题范围及内容梗概的简明文摘, 内容较具体, 应提供论文中全部独创内容和作为结论依据的主要数据, 反映尽可能多的定量或定性信息, 是一篇较完备的短文, 字数通常为400字左右。⑵指示性摘要:是指一次文献的陈述主题及取得的成果性质和水平的扼要笼统的文摘, 仅介绍论文主要论述或解决了什么问题, 而不写具体结果和具体论点, 较为简要, 通常不超过200字, 多用于综述性、资料性或评论性文章。⑶报道—指示性摘要:以报道性文摘的形式表示一次文献中信息价值较高的部分, 而以指示性文摘形式表述文摘的其余部分, 摘要的详简程度介于上述二者之间, 字数通常在300字左右。


英文摘要 篇8

Education Institutions

Xie Xiaoshan and Zhu Zulin

Using the research instruments of questionnaire survey, interview and literature review, this study set out to analyze factors influencing blended teaching quality at higher education institutions. In light of the findings in relation to teacher, student, teaching support system, teaching outcomes and its evaluation, specific measures are discussed with the aim of maximizing the positive impacts of these factors and minimizing their adverse effects on blended teaching quality.

Keywords: higher education institution; blended teaching; teaching quality; influencing factors

A New Approach to Distance Education for Corporate

Training: A Case Study

Li Wenfei

With the advancement and popularization of information technology (IT) and network technology, IT-mediated professional training is in increasing demand. As a provider of corporate training in Guangzhou, South China, Guangzhou Radio and Television University (GZRTVU) has offered IT-mediated training since 2010. GZRTVU provides its training courses via a specially-designed website in an attempt to develop a new approach to distance education for corporate training, including learning support, learning resources development and learning management. It is found that the sustainability of distance education for corporate training depends on whether the training courses can cater both for corporate requirements and employees’ learning needs.

Keywords: distance education; corporate training; IT-based training

An Analysis of the Guiding Principles of Modern Community Education

Wang Hong and Yang Dong

Guiding principles for community education come from community education practice. Informed by the development of community education in Shanghai, it is argued that there is a close non-linear relationship between community education and external factors such as economic development, social construction and educational development and that key issues influencing community education include such internal factors as demands, leadership, specialized institution, staff, learning resources, informatization, and socialization.

Keywords: community education; development; guiding principle

e2M2:An Assessment Tool for E-education Informatization

Based on Maturity Model

Li Qing, Wang Yu, Gou Xuerong, and Liu Hongpei

Despite the rapid progress of e-learning in higher education, a scientific system to evaluate the informatization of education institutions is yet to be developed. This article presents an assessment tool based on maturity model. The development of such a tool is informed by the survey results of education informatization at 12 online education schools and feedback from expert reviews.

Keywords: education informatization; assessment index; online education; maturity

Creating a Virtual Learning Community for Normal University

Students and In-service Teachers

Zhao Chengling, He Qing, Wan Liyong and Liao Weiwei

This article reports on an attempt to establish a virtual learning community for normal university students and in-service teachers so that the two cohorts could learn from each other to improve their competence in educational technology. It first analyzes the status quo of educational technology training for normal university students before proposing a model for these students and in-service teachers to form a virtual learning community. It then elaborates on the possible benefits that such a virtual learning community may bring about. Findings from a case study, covering interview feedback, participation, and social networking, serve as empirical evidence of the feasibility of such a community. Suggestions are discussed in relation to the establishment and development of virtual learning communities of this kind.

Keywords: educational technology competence; normal university student; in-service teacher; membership heterogeneity; virtual learning community

The Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process in

Web-enhance Course Evaluation

Wang Yajie

The theory of analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is used in the study to construct the evaluation system of Web-enhanced course. The relative indexes on Web-based course effect are studied and the hierarchy model is established. MeanWhile, the different evaluations of experts are treated seriously in building the matrix based on the comparative of every two factors at different levels. The Weights of these factors in the Whole evaluation system of Web-enhanced course are get through processing data of matrix. The implementation in Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture shows that the Web-enhanced course evaluation system is objective and scientific.

英文摘要的写作要求 篇9

本文的目的或要解决的问题(what i want to do?)2)解决问题的方法及过程(how i did it?)3)主要结果及结论(what results did i get and what conclusions can i draw?)4)本文的创新、独到之处(what is new and original in this paper?)5.3 英文摘要各部分的写作根据《ei》对英文摘要的写作要求,英文摘要的写作并没有一成不变的格式,但一般来说,英文摘要是对原始文献不加诠释或评论的准确而简短的概括,并要求它能反映原始文献的主要信息。5.3.1 目的(what i want to do?)目的。主要说明作者写作此文的目的,或本文主要解决的问题。一般来说,一篇好的英文摘要,一开头就应该把作者本文的目的或要解决的主要问题非常明确地交待清楚。必要时,可利用论文中所列的最新文献,简要介绍前人的工作,但这种介绍一定要极其简练。在这方面,《ei》提出了两点具体要求:1)eliminate or minimize background information(不谈或尽量少谈背景信息).2)avoid repeating the title or part of the title in the first sentence of the abstract(避免在摘要的第一句话重

复使用题目或题目的一部分)。5.3.2 过程与方法(how i did it?)过程及方法。主要说明作者主要工作过程及所用的方法,也应包括众多的边界条件,使用的主要设备和仪器。在英文摘要中,过程与方法的阐述起着承前启后的作用。开头交待了要解决的问题(what i want to do)之后,接着要回答的自然就是如何解决问题(how i did it),而且,最后的结果和结论也往往与研究过程及方法是密切相关的。大多数作者在阐述过程与方法时,最常见的问题是泛泛而谈、空洞无物,只有定性的描述,使读者很难清楚地了解论文中解决问题的过程和方法。因此,在说明过程与方法时,应结合(指向)论文中的公式、实验框图等来进行阐述,这样可以既给读者一个清晰的思路,又给那些看不懂中文(但却可以看懂公式、图、表等)的英文读者以一种可信的感觉。5.3.3 结果和结论(what results did i get and what conclusions can i draw?)结果和结论部分代表着文章的主要成就和贡献,论文有没有价值,值不值得读者阅读,主要取决于你所获得的结果和所得出的结论。因此,在写作结果和结论部分时,一般都要尽量结合实验结果或仿真结果的图、表、曲线等来加以说明,使结论部分言

之有物,有根有据;同时,对那些看不懂中文的英文读者来说,通过这些图表,结合英文摘要的说明就可以比较清楚地了解论文的结果和结论。也只有这样,论文的结论才有说服力。如有可能,在结尾部分还可以将论文的结果和他人最新的研究结果进行比较,以突出论文的主要贡献和创新、独到之处(回答what is new and original in this paper)。5.3.4 如何提高英文摘要的文字效能《ei》很看重英文摘要的文字效能。为了提高文字效能,应尽量删去所有多余的字、句。在这方面,《ei》提出了两个原则:1)limit the abstract to new information(摘要中只谈新的信息)。2)trive for brevity(尽量使摘要简洁)。就目前来看,由于大多数作者在英文写作方面都比较欠缺,因此,由作者所写的英文摘要离《ei》的要求相距甚远。有的作者写出很长的英文摘要,但文字效能很低,多余的字、句很多;有的作者写的英文摘要很短,但也存在多余的字句。总而言之,就是文字的信息含量少。因此,《ei》中国信息部还对英文摘要的写作提出了以下几点具体要求。5.3.5 关于英文摘要的句法关于英文摘要的句法,《ei》提出了以下三个一般原则:
