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04-《英语教学法》期末考试试题 篇1

Part I.Fill in the blanks with correct information: 30%

1.TEFL is the abbreviation of_________________________.2.The grammar-Translation Method focuses on ______________, ________________ and


3.The Threshold Level, edited by van Ek, is a good example of ______________ syllabus.4.The study of the relationship between language and society, including the social functions

language fulfils in a society is called____________.5.Language acquisition means mastering a language ____________.6.According to Chomsky‟s ___________________, language is not learnt merely by copying

what is said or written;learners have to be given the chance to experiment with language, try out things for themselves, generate their own sentences and have the opportunity to make mistakes.7.List three language teaching methods that belong to the Humanist School__________,_________, and _____________.8.List five types of syllabus: ______________, _____________, _______________,_____________, __________________.9.In Taba‟s model of curriculum processes, the first stage is _______________, the second stage

is _______________ and the third stage is_______________.10.Knowing how to make correct sentences is only one part of what we mean

by__________________.11.Linguistic forms are related to __________________ functions.12.CLT is the abbreviation of __________________.13.Spoken language and written language exist to fulfill _________________-and

demonstrate________________.14.The goal of Communicative Language Teaching is to develop______________________.15.Authenticity is also a characteristic of _________________.Part II Decide whether the following statements are true or false.Write T for true and F for false.20%

1.According to the Grammar-Translation method, the syllabus is designed around grammatical

structures.2.The main aim of a functional-notional syllabus is on communication.3.Drills alone cannot meet communicative needs in real life.4.The chief advantage of Community Language Learning is that students can say whatever

comes to their mind, not caring for their own language proficiency level.5.A textbook with such course design as Unit 1 Entertainment, Unit 2 Sport, Unit 3 Religion,etc.is based on a situational syllabus.6.Students have to grasp the relationships between communicative functions and sentences

structures so as to communicate properly in real life.7.Spoken language differs from written language in terms of communicative functions as well

as linguistic characteristics.8.The language is natural, so the authenticity of language is most important in CLT.9.By saying that the teacher is an assessor we mean that he only makes correction and grading

but not gives feedback and advice.10.Communicative activities concentrate on the content as well as the language form.Part III 50%

Design a reading lesson with three stages as required.Imagine that you would teach this text to a senior middle school class;think about the pre-reading activities you might design for it.Sustainable development: China‟s choice for the 21st century

What will the earth look like in the 21st century?

As acid rain, ozone depletion, and soil erosion destroy the earth‟s environment and as the negative effects of economic development, such as decreased forest coverage, over-exploration of marine resources and shrinking farmland become more obvious, people have grown concerned about their future living space.In 1987, Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland introduced the term „sustainable development‟ in her report entitled Our Common Future to the World Environment and Development Council.The United Nations Environment and Development Conference held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992, accepted the new term and passed the framework document called “Agenda 21”.The conference was a milestone and marked a shift from traditional development and life styles to the start of sustained development in the global economy.It proved that development and environmental protection had finally achieved equal importance.It is universally acknowledged that the problem of environmental protection and improvement will be solved only when it is considered in the context of development.At that very conference, Chinese Premier Li Peng, on behalf of the Chinese government, vowed China would seriously fulfill its international obligations.Two years later, in July 1994, China enacted Agenda 21 of China and the Plan for Priority Projects in China’s Agenda 21.It is of great international and historic significance for China, with the world‟s largest population and its long history, to carry out a strategy of sustained development, remarked Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN Environment and Development Conference.DATA

The Key Points of Agenda 21 of China

Following are the main points of the Agenda.Part One: Overall Sustainable Development Strategies.This part emphasizes capacity building for sustainable development.It includes setting up China‟s system of sustainable development, improving education, developing science and technology, and establishing an information system for sustainable development.Part Two: Social Sustainable Development.This part includes population control, consumption by inhabitants, social services, poverty elimination, health, sanitation, sustainable development of human settlement, and disaster relief.The key aspects are to control China‟s population growth and improve population quality.Part Three: Economic Sustainable Development.This part includes economic policies for sustainable development, such as sustainable development of agriculture and the rural economy;sustainable development of industry, transportation, and telecommunications;and sustainable

energy production and consumption.Part Four: Rational Resource Use and Environmental Protection.This part includes the protection and sustainable use of water, land and other natural resources;the protection of bio-diversity;the prevention and control of desertification;the protection of the atmosphere;and the environmentally sound management of solid wastes.Pre-reading activities

Activity 1

Specific steps:

Reasons for your design:

Activity 2

Specific steps:

Reasons for your design:

While-reading Activities

Activity 1

Specific steps:

Reasons for your design:

Activity 2

Specific steps:

Reasons for your design:

Activity 3

Specific steps:

Reasons for your design:

Post-reading activities Activity 1

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Reasons for your design:

Activity 2

Specific steps:

04-《英语教学法》期末考试试题 篇2

有研究发现, 母语为汉语的学生在英语学习中有51%的错误来自母语的干扰。 (束定芳, 庄智象, 1996:52) 母语对英语学习的影响一直是困惑师生的问题。在高中英语教学实践中我们发现, 学生在参加各类测试时书面表达中母语负迁移的情况尤为突出。怎样利用母语知识, 促进正迁移, 减少负迁移, 是值得我们认真研究的。国内外各语言学流派对迁移问题众说纷纭, 说法不尽相同, 但对我国高中生英语写作中母语迁移的问题仍有一定的指导意义。

本文试以母语迁移的理论为基础, 结合我们的教学实际, 通过对学生英语考试中低分书面表达的分析, 力求寻找减少英语学习中母语负迁移的途径, 增强写作教学的实效, 从而提高学生测试时书面表达的成绩。

2. 国内外主要迁移理论

心理学家很早就注意到迁移的问题, 并提出了各种理论, 使我们对迁移的认识逐步深入。早期的形式训练说支持题海战术的教育模式已不符现代教育需求, 被逐步遗弃。20世纪初由教育心理学家桑代克提出的共同因素说认为, 两种学习之间具有共同成分或共同因素时才会产生迁移, (张大均, 2003:136) 这个理论使得迁移问题成为教育心理学研究的焦点之一。心理学家贾德和苛勒分别提出了概括化理论和关系理论, 强调认识两种学习间的共同原理或内在关系可促进迁移。结构主义教育理论的代表布鲁纳认为简约的学科基本结构应该有利于学生的学习迁移。

到20世纪50、60年代行为主义语言学发展的鼎盛时期, 其研究者相信外语学习者的错误主要来自母语负迁移的干扰。因此, 他们认为通过两种语言的分析对比 (contrastive analysis) 就可预测学习者的学习困难。但后来的EA (错误分析) 研究发现学习者的外语错误只有一部分是由母语知识的干扰引起的, 另外一部分是由于认知因素 (过度概括、过度使用类推规则等) 所致, 还有一部分难以确定其真正原因。 (束定芳, 庄智象, 1996:5)

现代学习理论中至少存在三种有价值的观点。一种是由奥苏伯尔首先提出的认知结构迁移理论, 认为是“为迁移而教”, 实际上也就是塑造良好认知结构问题, 注重设计“组织者”, 通过“组织者”来增强新旧知识之间的可辨别性, 充分利用先前学习对后来学习打下的坚实基础。第二种是由安德森提出的产生式迁移理论, 提出两种技能学习产生迁移的原因, 是两种技能之间产生式的重叠。最后一种是认知策略的迁移理论, 认为学习者的自我评价是影响策略迁移的一个重要因素。

近年, 我国教育界对迁移的研究也颇具成效。像文秋芳等人的研究使得母语在外语学习中的作用得到了更全面而深刻的认识, 其中具有一定普遍意义的是:母语对外语学习既有消极作用, 也有积极作用, 两种影响交织在一起, 共同作用。迁移在表层和深层都会发生, 表层多为负迁移, 而深层多为正迁移。外语学习提高外语水平是关键, 同时也要继续提高汉语水平。 (王立非, 文秋芳, 2004)

这些迁移理论都从不同侧面反映了学习迁移某种实质性特点, 虽然母语到底是如何影响外语学习的至今仍无定论, 但教师完全可以在教学活动中合理利用迁移知识, 充分体现传统迁移理论和现代迁移理论的某些优点。

3. 高中生书面表达中的主要迁移现象

3.1 分析材料及对象

本文选取了2006-2007学年度第一学期本校的高一英语期末考试的书面表达作为分析素材。学生在考试时不能借助任何帮助手段, 又迫于时间的压力, 因而所写的书面表达作文在一定程度上是学生英语写作水平的直接反映, 其中的母语迁移问题也有集中的表现。

此次书面表达题沿袭了近年来高中英语写作题的常见模式, 即以表格形式给出写作的内容要点, 并要求发表个人观点, 属半开放式作文。原题如下:

高中阶段学习比较紧张, 正确的学习方法尤为重要。下表显示了两位学生不同的学习方法, 请简述并发表你的观点, 词数在120左右。文章开头已给出。

Li Hua and Wang Hai are two students of Senior One.Both of them work hard but they have different learning methods.

笔者根据需要收集了一些学生的答题卷, 得分基本在10-14之间 (25分为本题满分) 。得分低于10分的试卷很多都是未能完成写作内容或实在不成文的, 多缘于时间不够或英语基本知识的过渡欠缺, 此次暂不做分析。而10-14分的作文未能达到15分的及格分, 得分较低的很大一部分原因是和母语负迁移相关联的。如果分析原因并进行针对性的训练, 书面表达的成绩应该有所提高。

3.2 主要错误类型及与迁移的关系分析

3.2.1 谓语动词的词形错误

谓语动词的各种形式变化错误是学生书面表达最主要的出错之处。动词的单复数、时态、语态的错用误用现象十分突出, 具有普遍性。

笔者选取了几个典型的句子, 如下:

(1) *Li Hua listen to the teachers carefully in class.

(2) *Wang Hai often sleep in class...

(3) *I think a student who want to get good marks should do like Li Hua.

(4) *Li Hua spends less time doing (her) homework and went to bed early.

(5) *He often feels sleepy during class so he didn’t catch a lot of main points.


(1) 、 (2) 、 (3) 句中, 学生忽视了动词的第三人称单数现在式 (third person singular present tense form) , 句子中的listen, sleep和want都应该加-s。这里说“忽视”, 是因为学生不可能不知道这里动词加-s的规则, 但是此类错误却普遍大量的存在。尤其是像 (2) 、 (3) 句主谓之间插有副词或关系代词之后, 这样的错误就更多。 (4) 、 (5) 句出现了明显的时态错误。这样的句子往往是学生不假思索写出来的, 自身也没意识到动词应该注意词形变化, 只是觉得怎么顺就怎么写, 完全是“跟着感觉走”, 往往只是一味使用先入为主的词形, 形成了定势的思维。

教师对学生英语作文的批改很大一部分就是在改动词词形的错误。动词的单复数、时态和语态也一直是教学的难点和重点。细细想想, 应该说英汉两种语言的巨大差异是造成此类错误大量涌现的不可回避的主要原因。譬如, 英语中时间意义的表达是通过动词的时和体来加以反映, 而汉语中不存在时、体等句法现象, 汉语则依靠表示时间的副词 (如“曾经”、“正在”、“已经”、“将要”) 作状语, 或利用虚词“了”、“着”、“过”等作补语这一语法手段来体现, 动词本身无任何变化。因此, 学生在英语写作中受汉语影响而缺乏动词词形变化的意识。

从这些得分较低的学生作文来看, 谓语动词词形的错用比比皆是, 有的甚至通篇基本都是此类错误, 使得文章看起来十分混乱, 让人觉得这些学生的语言基本知识实在不过关。如果在日常教学中加强针对谓语动词词形变化的相关训练, 增强学生这方面的意识, 减少写作中的这类错误, 这些学生的书面表达成绩有望得到明显的提高。

3.2.2 遣词造句的错误或不当

学生作文中有时会出现一些匪夷所思的句子, 例如:

(1) *After class, he often asks teachers for difficult questions.

(2) * (Wang Hai) can’t write all the note (s) . (-s是笔者加的。)

(3) *...and he should stay up, which lead him can’t concentrate during the lessons.

(4) *...in order that he can keep strong energy.

句 (1) 本意是想表达“向老师请教疑难问题”, 可短语ask sb.for sth的意思是“request that sb.gives sth.or does sth.”。这样一来, 句子意思就成了“向老师讨要难题了”。句 (2) 的思维路径显而易见:王海“漏掉了许多要点”就说明他没记笔记, “记”就是“写”, 所以似乎是顺理成章地用了一个搭配“write all the note (s) ”。句 (3) 中大胆地使用了刚学过的非限制性定语从句, 本应该成为文章的一个亮点, 只可惜从句部分“lead him can’t concentrate”明显是“导致注意力无法集中”的逐词翻译, 汉语兼语句式的表达方式在英语写作中留下了生硬的痕迹。另外, 此句中情态动词“should”用得也不恰当, 应该用“has to”才比较准确。句 (4) 为了表达“旺盛的精力”, 不顾英汉词意、词性的差异, 硬是套上了“strong energy”, 实为误用。

高中生的心理发展已相对成熟, 他们十分希望能用英语表达出自己丰富的思想, 但往往由于他们接触的英语材料有限, 积累的英语知识不足, 导致很多英语表达只能演化成汉语思维的翻版, 结果造成词不达意, 或生搬硬套, 或冗余累赘, 错误百出。这样看来, 要提高英语书面表达的成绩一方面要训练英语思维的养成, 克服汉语思维的负面影响;另一方面也要让学生多读、多看、多积累, 丰富自己的英语语言储备。

3.2.3 篇章构建的汉化

我们的学生似乎更多地关注是否把要点内容都写出来了, 很少会把心思花在篇章布局上。英语文章多以主题句提领各个段落, 脉络清晰、意思明了。然而, 阅读所有这些学生作文几乎找不到任何段落的主题句或上下文的承接语。基本上都是写完了李华的学习方法就接着马上介绍王海的情况。如果能在段落前加上一句:“Wang Hai has a different way of learning.”那么文章的层次就会清楚多了。

另外, 学生作文的句与句之间、句子内部也存在诸多结构问题。英语属印欧语系, 汉语属汉藏语系, 两种语言相距甚远, 英语结构紧凑, 汉语结构松散。英语句子中如果少了连接词如or, but, if, so, because, when, although, so that等, 所要表达的意思就支离破碎了, 而汉语如果没连接词, 只从句子本身的意思就可以把概念或关系表达清楚。

这里选取了一小段学生的书面表达, 并且照原样保留了语言上的错误。

Wang Hai thinks he often feels sleepy in class and has lost many important knowledge.He spends a lot of time on homework, he often stays up for studying.He can’t pay attention on studying.

从结构上来讲, 明显看出受汉语句法结构的影响, 重意合而省略了必要的连接词。一共三句话, 只有第一句中用了一个“and”, 除此之外没用其他的连接成分。其中, 第二句尤其不符合英语的句子结构, 如果后半句前面加上一个“so”就会使句子逻辑关系清楚了。另外, 为使行文顺畅地道, 句与句之间最好适当地使用besides, because of that等成分。

4. 对英语教学的启示与建议

母语负迁移现象是中介语体系前期阶段的一个重要特征。学生在尝试使用英语表达思想时, 由于英语语言知识的不完善, 其思维方式或多或少总是受汉语的影响, 这在整个英语学习过程中是不可避免的。我们的英语教学必须采取有效的应对措施, 帮助学生在作文中逐步抹去母语负迁移的痕迹, 从而提高英语书面表达能力。以下是几点相关的建议:

4.1 以背诵活动形式增加英语语言输入。

高中阶段往往因为繁重的学习内容和巨大的考试压力而忽视了背诵活动。但是, 背诵是一种有意识的语言输入活动。通过有意识的背诵输入, 学生可以逐步积累写作中所必需的语言知识, 以及篇章构建技巧, 在此基础上就能加强对写作过程中的母语负迁移的监控和修正, 逐步摆脱母语思维的干扰, 大量减少上述所提及的遣词造句和篇章构建的问题, 从而达到更好地使用英语表达的目的。

4.2 加强对比分析, 讲透语言要点。

汉语对英语的负迁移有时就是由它们彼此之间的某些相似之处引起的, 因此教师要采用对比分析的方法, 比较英语与汉语的异同, 揭示新旧知识之间的联系与区别。为了避免汉语的干扰, 可以多进行一些汉译英的练习, 通过英汉两种语言表达方法的对比, 感悟英语思维的特点, 培养用英语思维的习惯, 减少硬译的现象。

4.3 强化书面表达专项训练和个别辅导。

有研究表明, 限时作文有利于训练学生用英语思维, 有利于改变学生不良的英语写作习惯, 因此教师应善于使用“限时作文”这种训练和检测手段, 并且勤于对学生的写作进行个别跟踪辅导, 逐步纠正他们的写作思维习惯, 从而提高他们的写作水平。

5. 结语

基于以上对这次考试书面表达的分析, 可以看出母语负迁移可以导致学生在英语书面表达的多个层面产生错误。本文所涉及的谓语动词的词形变化、遣词造句和篇章结构的处理只是较突出的几个方面, 具有一定的代表性, 但并不全面。实际上, 母语负迁移存在于更多方面, 如:冠词、代词的使用, 被动的使用, 词序的调整和句子的平衡, 等等。许多细微之处都能折射出母语思维方式的强大影响力。探索和了解学生书面表达过程中母语负迁移的因素, 并制定相应的教学策略是非常必要的。


[1]束定芳, 庄智象.现代外语教学-理论、实践与方法[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1996.

[2]张大均.教育心理学[M].北京:人民教育出版社, 2003.

[3]胡春洞.英语教学法[M].北京:高等教育出版社, 1990.

[4]薄冰, 何政安.薄冰英语语法[M].北京:开明出版社, 2003.

[5]王立非, 文秋芳.母语水平对二语写作的迁移:跨语言的理据与路径[J].外语教学与研究, 2004, (3) .

[6]王文宇, 文秋芳.母语思维与外语作文分项成绩之间的关系[J].外语与外语教学, 2002, (10) .

[7]郭伟华.英汉语差异及汉语在英语学习中的负迁移[J].Sino-USEnglish Teaching, 2006, (3) .

04-《英语教学法》期末考试试题 篇3


Abstract:This paper studied the backwash effect of college English final oral examination with descriptive research method. Data randomly collected from 70 college English learners through questionnaires showed that college English final oral examination brought strong backwash on the studying attitudes towards English, but weak backwash on the studying contents and methods, and although most of students and teachers thought that college English final oral examination is helpful to improve the students' spoken English, the current English teaching contents and forms are not suited for improving spoken English. It also advanced some suggestions to promote its positive washback in future practice.

Keywords: backwash; college English; college English final oral examination












表1 对五项基本技能的认识

Table 1 The cognition of five basic English skills


表2 学生对英语口语学习的态度

Table 2 The attitudes towards oral English learning



表3 英语期末口试对英语学习内容和方法的影响

Table3 The influence of English final oral examination on English studying contents and learning methods


表4 英语期末口语考试对英语水平的影响

Table 4 The influence of English final oral examination on English level



表5 英语期末口语考试对英语口语学习态度的影响

Table 5 The influence of English final oral examination on attitudes towards oral English learning



表6 英语期末口试对英语口语教学的影响

Table 6 The influence of English final oral examination on oral English teaching












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[29]陈纪梁,陶伟. 谈大学英语口语考试及其反拨作用[J].山东外语教学,2001():82-84

[30]王永,刘瑾. 大学非英语专业英语口语测试的研究和实践[J] 东莞理工学院学报,2010(6):112-116

[31]贾绍东,杨云升. 大学英语期末大规模口试探讨[J]. 中国大学教学,2005(1):54-56

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七年级英语期末考试教学反思 篇4





04-《英语教学法》期末考试试题 篇5

1.A. They are studying.B. They are my friends.C. They are busy.

2.A. No, it isn’t.B. It’s a hat.C. Yes, there is.

3.A. Yes, he does.B. No, he doesn’t.C. Sorry, I don’t know.

4.A. Excuse me.B. You are welcome.C. Sorry, Ms Clark.

5.A. They are cute.B. Pandas.C. How about you?


6.A. The United Kingdom.B. France.C. America.

7.A. Across from the supermarket.B. Behind the supermarket.C. Next to the supermarket.

8.A. He is an actor.B. He is a teacher.C. He is a waiter.

9.A. He’s doing some reading.B. He’s cleaning the house.C. He’s doing his homework.

10.A. China.B. Japan.C. Australia.


11. I am .

A. a bank clerkB. an English teacherC. a reporter

12. My vacation was days .

A. fiveB. sixC. eight

13. I stayed with during the vacation.

A. my familyB. my friendsC. interesting people

14. It was on October twenty-fifth.

A. cloudyB. rainyC. windy

15. We stayed at home and watched a on TV on Oct. 25th.

A. talk showB. sitcomC. soap opera

第二部分 笔试(55分)


16. My grandmother often tells me my uncle.

A. forB. aboutC. inD. at

17. I have a small house an interesting garden.

A. atB. inC. ofD. with

18.―Mum, I’m hungry. ―OK. I’ll cook for you.

A. something deliciousB. delicious something

C. nothing deliciousD. anything delicious

19.― ―He’s a reporter.

A. Who is he?B. What does he do?C. What is he?D. Both B and C

20. The man had for breakfast.

A. two bowl of porridgeB. two bowls of porridge

C. two bowls of porridgesD. two bowl of porridges

21.―Can he speak English? ―Yes , but only .

A. a littleB. a fewC. fewD. little

22.―Where do you work?

―In a , People give their money to me or get their money from me.

A. bankB. supermarketC. hospitalD. post office

23.―Mum, I am very tired.

―Oh, I think you can listen to music to yourself.

A. sleepB. cleanC. relaxD. play

24. It’s time for class. Stop , Please.

A. talkB. to talkC. talkingD. talks

25. Mary has hair.

A. short curly blondB. curly short blondC. blond short curlyD. short blond curly

26.―What animals do you like? ―I like dogs, too.

A. otherB. anyC. someD. many

27.―Would you like with us? ―Sure. I like very much.

A. swimming; swim B. to swim; swim

C. swimming; swimming D. to swim; swimming

28.―Does Victor sit you in the classroom. Nancy? ―Yes, I sit behind him.

A. next toB. across fromC. on the right ofD. in front of

29.―Let’s go out to play basketball! ― . The TV show is boring.

A. I’m sorryB. No, thanksC. That sounds goodD. You’re welcome

30.―How’s it going? ― . I’m the last in the English test.

A. Pretty goodB. Very goodC. TerribleD. I’m going to Shanghai


Today is Saturday. Lisa doesn’t go to school. She goes to Center Zoo 31 her sister Sally. The zoo is not near their house. 32 they go there by bus. At about eight thirty they get to the zoo. In the zoo, they see lots of interesting 33 . At eleven thirty, they feel kind of 34 . They have lunch in a small restaurant near the zoo. After 35 , they go to the supermarket. Sally wants to 36 some bananas for her grandfather. Near the supermarket they 37 a little girl crying(哭泣). She tells them she can’t 38 her mother. Lisa is very 39 . She talks with the girl and knows her mother’s 40 number. Then Lisa calls her mother. Two minutes later, her mother arrives. This girl is very happy to see her mother. Of course, Lisa and Sally are very happy, too.

31. A. andB. butC. withD. or

32. A. BecauseB. AtC. ForD. So

33. A. foodB. vegetablesC. fruitD. animals

34. A. boringB. hungryC. interestingD. friendly

35. A. lunchB. breakfastC. classD. school

36. A. sellB. buyC. lookD. enjoy

37. A. listenB. seeC. look forD. call

38. A. missB. letC. findD. play

39. A. cleverB. uglyC. difficultD. beautiful

40. A. ID cardB. busC. taxiD. telephone



Many people like to read the Guinness Book of World Records(《吉尼斯世界记录大全》),and some people want to be in it! How do people get their names in the book? They do something new and different, such as(比如)making the world’s(最大的)cake with more than(多于)54,000 eggs.

For many people, it is fun to make world records. It’s exciting . But who eats the cake? While(当……时候)some people are making world records, others don’t have enough food to eat. Hunger is a very serious(严重的)problem in many places. How many old people do not have enough(足够的)money to buy good food? How many children go to bed without(没有)dinner? The answer is“too many”.

41. How do people get their names in the Guinness Book of World Records?

A. They do something new and different.B. They do something new and interesting.

C. They only have a large cake.D. They only make a large cake.

42. How many eggs are there in the world’s largest cake?

A. 54,000.B. More than 54,000.C. Less than 54,000.D. We don’t know.

43. What’s the Chinese meaning of the word“problem”?


44. Are there any children go to bed without dinner in the world?

A. Yes, there aren’t.B. Yes.C. No.D. Yes, there’re 54,000.

45. What should we do when some poor people don’t have any food?

A. We do nothing.B. We can make world records.

C. We are poor(穷的), too.D. We can give them some food.


Hey , I’m Mary. I like animals. I have a parrot(鹦鹉). Her feather(羽毛)is green. So I call her Ms Green. Ms Green is only two years old. She’s not big. She’s very clever. She can say“hello”and“goodbye”to people in Chinese and English.

Ms Green likes dancing. She dances every morning. Ms Green likes to eat fruit. Her favorite fruit is bananas. Ha, she only likes healthy food.

Ms Green also likes walking. After dinner I take a walk near my house with her. Ms Green is good with kids. She always says“hello”to them. When I go to school, she plays with my little sister Susan. Susan likes singing. And now Ms Green can sing.

46. From this passage we know Ms Green is Mary’s .

A. sisterB. cousinC. parrotD. toy

47. Ms Green likes best.

A. vegetablesB. bananasC. applesD. oranges

48. After dinner Ms Green often takes a walk .

A. in the parkB. in the zooC. near Mary’s schoolD. near Mary’s house

49. Susan .

A. doesn’t go to schoolB. doesn’t like Ms GreenC. is only two years oldD. likes fruit and vegetables

50. Ms Green every morning.

A. watches TVB. eats bananasC. dancesD. sings


An old woman opens her windows and looks out. What a sunny day! But she is surprised that there is a man in the front of the garden. The old woman looks at him and says,“He is eating grass. Why?”She goes out into her garden and says to him,“Are you very hungry? Why don’t you go to work and get some food?”The man looks at her and says,“I don’t like working. I just like eating. Now I’m hungry. I have nothing for my breakfast. You see, I’m eating grass. Can you give me some food?”

The old woman says,“Come to the back door of my house.”The man is very happy. He thinks he can get food from the old woman. So he goes with her. The old woman opens the back door and says to the man.“Look, the grass here is longer(更长的)than that in the garden. Just enjou it here!”

51. What’s the man doing in the garden? He is there.

A. working hardB. opening the windowsC. eating some foodD. eating the grass

52. What does the man have for breakfast?

A. Some food.B. Nothing.C. Vegetables.D. Fruits.

53. How does the man feel(感觉)when the old woman asks him to the back door?

A. Sad.B. Sorry.C. Interesting.D. Happy.

54. What does the woman ask him to do?

A. She asks him to work for her.B. She asks him to the back door and eat food.

C. She asks him to the back door and eat the grass thereD. She gives him some food at the back door.

55. What do you think of the man? He is .

A. happyB. sadC. lazyD. sorry


Many years ago there was an old woman. She had no children because she did not like children. But she loved cats. She had mother cats and baby cats. She had black cats and white cats.①The children came to her house to play with the cats. More and more cats came to the old woman’s house.②There were too many cats. The old woman couldn’t feed them all. Then she had an idea.“The children love my cats,”she thought(想).③So she gave each child a cat. Then she was very happy. And the children were very happy, too. And the cats were pleased, too, because they each had a room.


She have children because she children.




The old woman was happy, because she his cats the children.

60. Did the old woman love cats?(回答回答问题)


61. The old woman is too weak to look after (she).

62. Next Friday is our grandfather’s (seventy)birthday. Let’s have a party.

63. How (care)the girl is doing her homework and she often gets good results.

64. After a few (month)rest he got better.

65. He is an (help)boy because he always thinks of himself.


In North America, most students go to school o 66 the school buses. Some students also walk or r bikes to school. In other parts of the w 68 ,things are d 69 .In Japan, most students t 70 trains to school, although o 71 also walk or ride bikes. In China, it depends w 72 you are. In big c 73 , students usually ride bikes or take buses to school. And in places where there are rivers and lakes, like Hongshanhu, Hubei a 74 Kaishandao, students usually go to school by b 75 . That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus.

66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74.



A: Hi, Peter, 76

B: Well , I am watching TV.

A: Do you like watching TV?

B: Yes , very much. I often watch TV at home.

A: 77

B: No, they don’t. They say I can watch TV if I finish my homework.

A: How lucky you are! 78

B: No , the soap opera is boring . I often watch the talk show.

A: 79

B: The sitcom? I also like it very much. And I like the news show.

A: I also like it. 80

B: Yes , you are right.

76. 77. 78. 79. 80.



参考词汇:clean my room打扫房间,do my homework做家庭作业,visit my friend看望朋友,get up起床,read a book看书,go to the movies看电影

第一部分 听力

一、【答案】1~5 A C C C B


1.What are they doing?2.Is there a hat under the bed?

3.Did your father go to Australia on vacation?4.Don’t run in the hallways.

5.What animals do you like?

二、【答案】6~10 C A C C A


6.W:Do you know the with glasses?

M:Yes.He is Tom and he is from America.

Q:Where is Tom from?

7.W:Excuse me.Is there a post office near here?

M:Yes.It’s across from the supermarket.

Q:Where’s the post office?

8. W:Where does your uncle work,Alan?

M:He works in a restaurant.He is a waiter.

Q:What does Alan uncle’s do?

9. W:Let’s play baseball,peter?

M:Sorry,but I’m doing my homework.

Q:What is Peter doing?

10. W:How was your vacation,Nick?

M:Great.China is an interesting country.

Q:What did Nick go on vacation?

三、【答案】11~15 C C A B C


I’m a reporter. l am very busy every day. I have to meet interesting people and ask them questions.Sometimes I have to go to other cities and visit people.This year I had a short vacation.It was from October 20th to October 27th.I was very happy and I stayed with my family. We had a good time. We went to the beach and to the movies. It was rainy on October 25th,so we stayed at home and watched a soap opera on TV.

第二部分 笔试

四、16~20 B D A D B 21~25 A A C C A26~30 A D D C C

五、31~35 C D D B A 36~40 B B C A D

六、41~45 A B C B D 46~50 C B D A C 51~55 D B D C C

七、56.didn’t;disliked 57.孩子们到她家来跟猫玩。

58.有太多的猫。 59.gave;to 60.Yes,she did.

八、61.Herself 62.Seventieth 63.carefully 64、months’ 65.unhelpful

九、66.on 67.ride 68.world 69.different 70.take

71.others 72.where 73.cities 74.and 75.boat

十、76.what are you doing? 77.Do your parents mind it?

78.Do you watch the soap opera?79.What do you think of the sitcom?

80.I can learn many things from it.


关于六年级英语期末考试试题 篇6



























































