肯定:主语+have/has + 动词的过去分词
否定:主语+have/has +not+ 动词的过去分词
一般疑问: Have/Has+主语+ 动词的过去分词…?
特殊疑问: 特殊疑问词+ have/has+主语+ 动词的过去分词…?
二 改错I have read the book yet.I haven’t read the book already.Have you read the book already?How long did you read the book?
三 新单词讲解
解析:“到期的” 这张票据已到期。2“应付给或应给与某人的”常与to连用。要付给你 一大笔钱 ;我们衷心感谢你。4 “预定的”“约定的”“预定要到达或发生”火车什么时候到? 5 “适当的”“合适的” 我们应当对这个问题给予适当的注意。6(due to 由于,因为)他因暴风雨而缺席;我的成功是因为努力工作。
四 填空.When I first(arrive)on this island, I(have)nothing.But I(find)the
ship and(make)a small boat.I(bring)back many things I can use—food and drink, tools, knives and guns.Although I(lose)everything, I(not lose)my life.So I will(not give)up and I will(wait)for another ship.I(cut)down trees and(build)a house.I(go)out with my gun almost every day to(kill)animals and birds for food.I’m even learning to grow fruits and vegetables.A few weeks ago, I(find)the marks of another man’s feet on the sand.Who else is on my island? How longthey(be)here? Not long after that, I(see)some cannibals(try)to kill two(man)from a(break)ship.One of them(die)but the other(run)towards my house.I(he)
(kill)the cannibals.This man now(live)with(I)and help(I).I(name)(he)Friday because that was the day I(meet)him.He is smart and Ialready(teach)him some English.五 填空.1Would you like something(drink)?
大家知道, 运用文本特征帮助解读文本, 是有效的学习策略之一。教材中的文本特征包括标题、插图、图形、表格、方框、说明、字体颜色等等。作为阅读的辅助手段, 文本特征可以帮助读者快速处理信息, 从而提高解读文本的效果。按照Field的观点, 文本特征主要有以下九大功能, 即:激活背景知识;概括主次要点;综合信息;强调重点;列清单组织信息;为重要观点提供视觉强化;用图片、表格等进行概念视觉化;提供补充信息;对主要观点进行摘要 (Field, 2007) 。文本特征这些功能决定了其能影响读者的阅读心理, 决定了是否有兴趣继续深入地读下去。因此, 解读文本, 一定要解读文本特征, 通过解读文本特征获取相关信息, 为解读文本内容做好铺垫, 同时可以根据文本特征寻求设计阅读教学活动的切入点。
鉴于文本特征所独具的价值和功能, 本文将以人教版《新目标英语》八年级下册第八单元Section B的2b阅读材料“A Country Music SongChanged Her Life Forever”为例, 探讨教师如何指导学生利用文本特征来解读阅读文本, 以达到有效解读文本的目的。
一、读前活动:利用文本特征, 走进文本解读
在文本阅读前, 如果对阅读材料的主要内容、文章结构有了一定的了解, 那么就会大大提高阅读的速度。因为根据现代图式理论, 人们的知识以图式的形式储存在人们的长期记忆中, 在处理外界信息时, 人们要利用这些图式进行预测、解释、组织并吸收这些信息。读者的阅读理解过程是对大脑图式自下而上 (bottom-up) 的资料驱动加工和自上而下 (top-down) 的概念驱动加工 (李爱军, 2011) 。所以阅读前, 首先要利用背景信息激活读者大脑中的背景知识, 从而激活大脑图式, 帮助学生理解。同时, 阅读前仔细查看阅读文本的特征是走进文本解读的第一步。因为利用文本特征进行预测、激活已有背景知识、猜测中心思想, 是阅读教学中有效解读文本的重要方法。
(一) 锁定标题, 导入文本话题
俗话说, 标题就是文章的题眼, 从标题中不仅能揣测作者的写作意图, 也能预测文章的主题和大致框架, 还能获得更多的文本隐含的信息, 为对正文的深入解读确定正确的方向。更重要的是, 它能激发学生参与自主阅读的激情和欲望。为了能够发挥导读作用, 作者总是将标题写得简洁明了, 力求用最少的文字表达最多的信息, 使读者通过阅读标题便能一目了然地了解文本, 抓住中心要点。把握好了标题就等于抓住了文章的主线, 而有了主线的引领, 在解读文本时就会准确把握方向, 学生在教师的指导下, 对文本的理解和感悟也能更为深入和透彻。因此, 阅读前, 教师要指导学生学会锁定标题, 根据标题去预测文本的内容。这样, 学生就能快速带着好奇和激情主动地投入到阅读中, 从而不断走近文本。
教学活动1: (细读标题, 预测主旨大意) Whatis this passage mainly about according to the title?
学生反馈:从标题“A Country Music SongChanged Her Life Forever”来看, 作者想告诉我们乡村音乐如何永远改变了她, 这里可能要讨论的是两件事情:What is the country music? 和Howdid the country music song change her life forever, 同时也可以让我们了解主人公Sarah的过去和现在的状况。
其实, 标题可以起到提纲挈领的作用, 从标题导入引起学生对阅读内容的猜测, 给学生提供一个由题猜文的入口, 可以激活他们的背景知识, 引发学习需要。教授每篇文章时, 教师可以依据文本引导学生运用预测、质疑、推断等策略, 探究标题的含义和文本结构等。这样学生的注意力会快速集中, 从而顺利引出文本的话题。
(二) 善用插图, 激活文本背景
插图是对文字的图解, 不仅提供直观的视觉信息和教学媒体, 还给学生提供了想象的空间, 可以让学生结合自身的知识和生活经验, 对文本内容进行大胆推测或预测。教材阅读文本的插图能起到“导教”和“导学”的作用, 形象逼真的画面再现文本的主要内容。教师可以指导学生对图片信息进行提取, 有助于学生对阅读文本有粗略的了解, 快速把握文本内容主要脉络, 合理地对信息进行处理。所以, 教师要学会利用插图解读文本内容, 让学生走近文本。
1.借助插图, 导入文本话题。如《新目标英语》八 (下) Unit 8的Section B 2b阅读文本的插图是一个清纯少女在广阔的蓝天下悠然自地得弹吉他, 让学生了解文中主人公Sarah的年龄特征及爱好, 从弹吉他联想到乡村音乐, 结合文本标题, 可以让学生明白乡村音乐改变了Sarah的生活爱好。这就会自然而然地导入文本的话题, 也为进一步学习做好铺垫。
教学活动: (细看插图, 预测女孩个性) Whatcan you infer from the picture?
学生反馈:Sarah is a teenager and she likesplaying the guitar, I think she also likes countrymusic.
教师补充 :Yes, you are clever. Sarah likescountry music, but she used to be a problem girl.The country music song changed her life a lot.
2.借用插图, 预测文本内容。还可以让学生根据Section B 2b阅读文本的插图预测文本内容是关于音乐的。以此激发学生的求知欲, 提高课堂教学效率。
教学活动: (细看插图, 预测内容) What canyou predict from the picture?
学生反馈 :I think the passage is about thegirl and her music dream.
教师补充 :Yes, you are smart. The text isabout Sarah, the country music and Sarah’s dream.
二、读中活动:利用文本特征, 深入文本解读
在阅读过程中, 教师可以根据文章内容和结构设计相应的图示和框架图来指导学生运用已有经验, 了解文本结构、文本要点和故事发展情况等, 从而深入解读文本内容。本节课笔者指导学生直接利用课后的图表练习和问答练习, 加强理解文本内容。
(一) 借助表格, 帮助理解文本
教学活动: (快速阅读课文, 完成下列表格)
通过完成以上表格的任务, 学生可以快速了解文本的一些要点, 尤其可以掌握country music相关的知识点, 为文本理解奠定基础。这一文本特征可以综合文本信息, 使阅读材料更具视觉效果。
(二) 借助问答, 厘清文本结构
为了让学生进一步掌握文本的具体细节, 笔者要求学生完成课后2c任务 (如下表) , 通过分段回答问题, 学生可以深入了解文本的内容。同时仔细观察后可以发现:这个表格的设计充分关注了文本特征对学生阅读的影响。三个表格用了三种颜色, 不仅美观, 而且能体现排序作用, 帮助学生把握文本故事情节发展过程和文本结构。
教学活动: (再次细读课文, 回答下列问题)
First paragraph
1.Who is Sarah?
2.Where is she from?
3.What does she like?
Second paragraph
1.What is country music?
2.What is country music about?
Third paragraph
1.What is Sarah’s dream?
2.Who is Garth Brooks?
学生反馈:通过第一段三个问题的回答, 让学生了解主人公Sarah的基本情况;第二段两个问题的答案让学生了解什么是乡村音乐和乡村音乐能带给人们哪些美好的回忆;通过第三段两个问题的回答让学生知道Sarah’s dream和音乐家Garth Brooks的一些信息。在回答问题的过程中, 学生可以详细地了解文本的具体内容, 理顺作者写作思路及文本结构。
三、读后活动:利用文本特征, 升华文本解读
在读后环节中, 教师指导学生再次回头关注文本特征, 可以使学生更好地深入理解文本的主旨大意和作者写作意图, 可以升华文本解读。
(一) 巧用插图, 突破文本难点
针对不同的教学内容、教学对象、教学环境等, 突破难点的方式很多。其中, 巧妙利用插图作为解决难点的突破口, 往往会将教学内容化难为易, 使学生学得轻松且愉快。
教学活动: (再看插图, 重新认识女孩) Whatdoes she look like from the photo?
学生反馈答案:She is a beautiful and outgoing girl and she is also full of sunlight等。然后让学生对比文章第一段句子:When Sarah was ateenager, she used to fight over almost everythingwith her family. 从中可以领悟Sarah的变化, 进一步认识到Sarah从桀骜不训的问题少女变成成熟文静的好少女与乡村音乐戚戚相关。
(二) 品读标题, 感悟文本内涵
标题是文本的点睛之笔, 是文章的灵魂, 也是作者对文本内容的浓缩、提炼和概括。在文本阅读结束后, 教师要再次让学生回到标题, 回忆并巩固文本的主要内容, 就会产生很好的阅读效果。同时教师也可以指导学生通过质疑、反思、重拟标题等活动, 将阅读提高到更高的层次, 升华对文本解读 (杨谢友, 2011) 。
教学活动: (再次细读标题, 感悟文本内涵) Why can the country music change her life?
学生反馈:根据学生的回答, 得到以下信息:The country music made a great difference toSarah. She used to fight over almost everythingwith her family, now she falls in love with thecountry music very much and knows the importance of the family and life, her dream is to go toNashville and see Garth Brooks sing live one day.I think music is the medicine of the breakingheart. (音乐是医治心灵创伤的良药, 这句话是笔者帮助他们翻译的。)
然后, 笔者进行补充:Music is the medicineof the breaking heart. I hope we should learn toenjoy music and love life. 通过此活动, 不但使学生在问题的引领下领悟了文本隐含的内涵, 而且让学生懂得热爱音乐和享受生活, 进一步实现教材情感目标教育。
教材中的阅读文本特征是一种重要课程资源, 在阅读文本解读中的作用不可小觑。通过本节课, 笔者发现, 如果教师在阅读教学的各环节中能有意识地开展基于文本特征的教学活动, 就可以加深学生对文本的理解, 优化阅读教学, 提高学生的阅读理解能力。所以, 在阅读教学中, 教师应有意识地关注文本特征, 揣摩编者意图, 挖掘文本特征的内涵, 最大限度地发挥文本特征在文本阅读中的教学价值。同时, 教师要巧妙地运用教材所提供的文本特征开展教学活动, 引导学生借助文本特征去解读文本, 深化文本理解, 提升阅读能力。
摘要:在英语阅读教学过程中, 如阅读前、中后各环节能围绕文本特征设计阅读教学活动, 可以充分发挥文本特征在文本解读中的引领作用, 加深学生对文本的理解和感悟, 提高阅读理解能力。具体方法有:利用文本特征, 走进文本解读, 深入文本解读和升华文本解读。
[1]Field, Mary Lee.Text Feature and Reading Comprehension[M].Beijing:People’s Education Press, 20007.
[2]刘道义, David Nunan等.新目标英语 (Go for it) 八年级下册[M].北京:人民教育出版社, 2013.
[3]王燕.利用文本特征设计阅读教学[J].中小学英语教学与研究, 2009, (6) .
[4]李爱军.运用文本特征, 提高初中生英语阅读能力[J].中小学英语教学与研究, 2011, (6) .
[5]杨谢友.充分利用文本特征, 提高学生阅读能力[J].中小学英语教学与研究, 2011优秀论文专刊.
1. I’ve never seen ____ beautiful picture.
A. suchB. a suchC. such aD. so a
2. ____ wasn’t easy to win the match.
A. ItB. ThatC. ThisD. They
3. Joy enjoys ____ dancing ____ singing.
A. both, orB. either, norC. neither, norD. neither, or
4. You’re sure ____ the game.
A. winB. to winC. winningD. won
5. You’d better give out food at a food bank, ____ you?
A. didn’tB. hadn’tC. weren’tD. won’t
6. ____ it was very late, he went on working.
A. AlthoughB. BecauseC. SinceD. As
7. Her parents are ____ teachers.
A. allB. bothC. everyD. but
8. There’re a lot of ____ on the hill.
A. cowB. sheepC. pigD. dog
9. ——____ do you have an English party?
——Once a month.
A. What timeB. How longC. How soonD. How often
10. We have lived here ____.
A. ten years agoB. for ten yearsC. in 1985D. before 1985
11. It’s really ____ of you to help me.
A. happyB. goodC. fineD. nice
12. I enjoy ____ to American country music. What about you?
A. listenB. to listenC. listeningD. listenning
13. The twins ____ about the problem when their teacher saw them
A. talkedB. were talkingC. talkingD. talk
14. Next year, my family would like to go to Hainan ____ a holiday.
A. onB. forC. toD. with
15. ——Please help me move the table in.
——But there isn’t enough ____ for it.
A. placeB. floorC. roomD. ground
16. ——People now can know what is happening in the world quickly.
——You’re right. With the help of computers, news can ____ every
corner of the world.
A. getB. arriveC. returnD. reach
17. ——Which of the following can you often see on a medicine bottle?
——I know, sir. It’s ____.
18. ——May I call you Johnson?
A. Thank you, sir. Here you areB. Of course, if you like
C. That’s OKD. I’ve no idea
19. ——You’ve left the TV on.
——Oh, so I have. ____ and turn it off.
A. I’ll goB. I goC. I’ve goneD. I’m going
20. Mr. Green says that he will travel back ____ England ____ a holiday.
A. to, forB. for, toC. in, duringD. at, on
A: Hello, Jimmy!It’s a fine day, isn’t it?
B: Yes, I think so. I would like to __1__ the school volunteers.
A: What would you like to do?
B: I love to __2__ ping pong.
A: Well, you could help __3__ a ping pong team for little kids.
B: Don’t __4__ __5__. Become a volunteer today.
A: That’s a good idea.
1.____ 2.____ 3.____ 4.____ 5.____
1. I’d like to ____ a food bank.
2. He looks sad. Let’s ____ him ____.
3. We need to ____ some ideas.
4. We can’t ____ making a plan.
5. I can’t decide which bike to ____.
Once there was an old man in a town. He always forgot __1__ things. So his wife always had to say to him, “Don’t forget this!”
One day he went on a long trip (旅行) alone. Before he __2__ home, his wife said, “Now you have all these __3__. They are what you need for your trip. Take care of your things during the trip.” He went to the station, bought a ticket and __4__ the train with it.
About half __5__ hour later, the conductor began to see the tickets. He came to the old man and __6__, “Will you please show me your ticket?” The old man looked for his ticket in all his pockets, but he could not find __7__. He was very worried. “I can’t find my ticket. I really bought a ticket __8__ I got on the train,” said the old man.
“I believe(相信) you bought a ticket. All right, you don’t have to buy __9__ one,” said the conductor kindly. “But how can I know where I’m going? I can’t __10__ my station!”the old man said sadly.
1. A. a lot ofB. a kind ofC. a piece ofD. a pair of
2. A. gotB. leftC. wentD. moved
3. A. moneyB. clothesC. ticketsD. things
4. A. had onB. went onC. got onD. passed on
5. A. aB. anC. theD. this
6. A. sayB. saidC. saysD. saying
7. A. itB. thisC. thatD. ticket
8. A. whenB. tillC. beforeD. after
9. A. otherB. the otherC. the othersD. another
10. A. forgetB. getC. rememberD. see
Peter’s uncle lived in the country. Once Peter went to stay with him for a few weeks. Whenever(无论何时) they went for a walk or for a drive in the car and they passed somebody, his uncle waved(挥手). Peter was surprised and said, “Uncle George, you know everybody here. Where did you meet them all? ”
“I don’t know all these people,” said his uncle.
“Then why do you wave to them?” asked Peter.
“Well, Peter,” answered his uncle, “When I wave to someone and he knows me, he is pleased. He continued his journey with a happier heart. But when I wave to someone he doesn’t know me, he is surprised and says to himself, ‘Who’s that man? Why did he wave to me?’ so he has to think about during the rest of his journey, and that makes his journey seem shorter. So I made everybody happy.”
1. Once Peter went to stay with ____ in the country.
A. his motherB. his grandfather
C. his brotherD. his father’s brother
2. His uncle waved to ____ when they passed him.
A. his friendB. someoneC. nobodyD. everybody
3. Did Peter’s uncle know them all? ____.
A. No, he didn’tB. Yes, he didC. No, he didD. Yes, he did
4. Why did he wave to them? ____.
A. He wanted to make them surprised
B. He liked to do so
C. He wanted to play a trick on them
D. He wanted to make them happy
5. Can you please everybody? ____.
A. Yes, of courseB. Sorry, I can’t
C. Yes, I canD. No, I can’t
In the world, soccer or football is the most popular sport. This is because many countries have wonderful teams for the World Cup. The World Cup is held every four years.
To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup, children from different countries and more than 60 children from Japanese schools came together and spent three weekends drawing a big picture called “Dream(梦幻) World Cups” in Japan. The children drew animals, flowers and people playing soccer under a blue bright sky. They wished each football team good luck by drawing the flags(旗帜) of all the countries that will take part in the World Cup in Japan and South Korea. The picture was put up in a park near a playground in Yokohama. Some football teams will have games there.
Are you a football fan(迷)?The World Cup makes more and more people interested in football. Teenagers(青少年) like playing and watching football. Many of them love some football stars so much that they get the pictures of their favorite players on the walls of their rooms. That is the way to show their love for the World Cup as children in Japan.
1. If a country wants to take part in the World Cup, she must have
A. many football fansB. a very good team
C. many football playersD. a big playground
2. The next World Cup will be held in ____.
A. 2010B. 2007C. 2008D. 2009
3. From the passage, in the picture children drew many things except
A. people playing footballB. pictures of some football stars
C. a sunny skyD. flowers
4. In “Dream World Cup”, the children drew the flags of some countries
A. to show their love for their own country
B. to tell the people their stories
C. to show their good wishes for the football teams
D. to show their new ideas about football
5. Many teenagers own the pictures of some football stars because ____.
A. they are interested in football
B. they are football fans
C. they think their favorite players are great
D. all of A, B and C
A good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in the year. You may fail in an exam if you are lazy and then work hard only a few days of the year before the exam. If you are taking an exam, don’t only learn rules of grammar. Try to read stories in English and speak in English whenever you can. A few days before the exam you should start going to bed early. Do not stay up late at night studying and learning things. Before you start the exam, read carefully over the question paper. Try to understand the exact meaning of each question before you pick up your pen to write. When you have at last finished your exam, read over your answer. Correct any mistakes which you see and make sure that you have not missed anything out.
() 1. The best way to pass an exam is not to work hard all the
year around.
() 2. You should read lots of English stories whenever you can.
() 3. You should go to bed early every night.
() 4. You should read over the question paper very carefully before
you begin to answer it.
() 5. You should check your answers when you finish the paper.
() 1. Nice to meet you, Tina!
() 2. Happy birthday to you!
() 3. Happy New Year to you all!
() 4. Could you tell me how to mend
the bike, please?
() 5. Let me have a look at your new
photos, please.
() 6. Thank you very much for the delicious
food at the party.
() 7. Excuse me. Where is the nearest bank?
() 8. Who won?
() 9. Are you free later today?
() 10. Shall we go to the park after school?
请以“Madame Curie”为题,写一篇120字左右的英语短文。
1. Madame Curie是世界著名女科学家。1867年出生于波兰,卒于1934。
本单元的主题是谈论如何提出建议,比较物品和礼物的质量。5月21日有一个老师参加讲座,我只是教单位的自检(自检)部分,有一个短的文章和一些测试练习。对于文本的内容我做了以下安排:第一,学生听磁带,感觉的文本。二,学生阅读文章,理解文章的效果。三,听文字,重复文字。第四,讨论:什么礼物是最好的礼物?五,写作,写给他们的父母给生日和理由。我在c0702类第一次尝试这个内容,课后我发现班生都很顺从,总是由我领导。我要求做他们做什么,学生总是处于被动,但这种学习不利于学生的长期发展。我总是觉得 这个类的学生参与面不广,回答问题不活跃,参加讨论的学生少,可以说学生在点数少,他们似乎没有什么可说的,写作部分越差,可以写几句话很少,我个人认为这个班没有达到原来的教学目的和适当的教学效果。
针对这种情况,我重新调整了课程计划,第二天在c0705班级学习班,这一次,我做了很好的教学效果和反应。我根据教学目标和教学内容做了如下调整:首先,在本课中,我使用任务类型教学方法,首先热身审查以前学习的单词,短语和句子。我做ppt课件,使用26张图片,让学生评论常见的礼物,用一个简单的句子:这是什么?这是一个/ an...这些是什么?他们是..允许学生练习本单元和以前学习的礼物。问学生:你觉得怎么样?让学生根据单位学习的句子和比较描述的单词答案:它/他们是c 堆/昂贵/特别或:它/他们不是有趣/特别/原始足够。所以他们熟悉词和句子。然后,我给了另一个任务;假设你的母亲或父亲生日,你不知道该送什么礼物,你问你好朋友,让他/她的建议。在这一步,我给了20个不同的图像供学生选择,同时提供了基本的句子: A:我应该得到什么...她/他的生日? B:怎么样...A:哦,那是/他们...因为任务清晰,学生有一个明确的目标,他们的热情非常高,使用以前的评论内容,他们很快就会对话,参与,效果显着。
你收到了一些礼物 他们认为什么是最好的礼物?为什么?
学生非常兴奋,互相交谈,表达自己的观点,谈论自己的经验和见解。然后,我请他们在阅读时读磁带,读了两遍,我给这篇文章的五句话判断错了,他们很快就找到答案,所以我很高兴。对于文章的内容,我给学生们讨论这个话题,现在,许多学生喜欢送礼物给他们的朋友做他们的生日。你认为乐趣给予对学生有好处。为什么什么样的礼物是最受欢迎的?为什么? X K b1.c om 让他们先分组讨论,每个小组,然后推荐一个同学用下面的句子来报告他们的意见。报告:我们认为有趣的给予是...对于学生喜欢...我们认为a /...是最受欢迎的,因为...学生得到这个任务,非常兴奋,兴奋地表达他们的意见,我希望团队领导可以相互学习,并希望这组观点是最独特的,最有说服力的观点,有兴趣的学生在学习中达到了高潮,温暖和谐的气氛,虽然学生都很活跃,匆匆,但似乎没有混乱的教室。在听小组组长报告每一组意见时,他们不禁鼓掌,不能点头,使用他们的知识学习,雄辩,以下的学生欣赏无尽的领导。新课程标准也提倡这项活动的设计:教师应该根据课程的整体目标,结合教学内容,创造性地设计以封闭学生的实际教学活动,吸引和组织他们的积极参与学生可以通过思考,沟通与合作等,更好地学习和运用英语,完成学习任务。
第二个问题:请按照句子和第一个字母提示,用适当的词语完成以下句子。第三个问题:以括号中的动词的适当形式完成句子。第四个问题:根据中文提示完成句子,这个词每一个空。每种类型的问题到五个问题,从所选词到写词然后写短语,反过来增加难度,反映主题的梯度。虽然有点最困难,但绝大多数学生都可以做到,他们有信心,举手示意,正是学生的名字大声说出来,不要指出学生的名字似乎有点失落。全班结束后,老师受到了讲师的好评,我们相信学生参与了广泛的使用英语表达自己的观点,强烈的学生能力得到主动 很好玩,他们的新想法独特,活跃的教室氛围,突出强调的难点,一个很好的时间实现教学目标。课后,我问学生,他们觉得教会学到了很多,掌握了学到的知识点,收获了很多。然而,讲师还给出了一个建议,审查步骤有一点时间,图片可以更少和精细。让学生在对话中练习,更自由地玩,而不是坚持坚持老师对图片的内容。我非常同意这个建议,认为缺乏审慎,需要更多的反省。
( )1.Please peel the bananas and ________.
A.cut up it
B.cut them up
C.cut it up
D.cut up them.
( )2.---Can you _____a banana milk shake?
---Sorry,I can’t.
( )3.After adding some salt into the soup,cook it for ___10 minutes.
D.the other
( )4.The problem is very difficult, but he worked it out____.
( )5.Now it’s time _____lunch. Let’s go.
A.to have
C.for have
( )6.Thanksgiving is an important day in_______.
( )7.Please fill the cup _____some tea and give it to me.
( )8.______the table with a piece of cloth in order not to make it dirty.
( )9.There are ______on the table.
A.two cups of yogurt
B. two cup of yogurt
C. a cup of yogurt
D. two cups of yogurts
( )10.I want to watch sports news.Please ____ the TV.
A. turn on
B.turn off
C.turn down
D.turn up
( )11.Add some honey ____the hot tea,please.
( )12There is ____turkey on the plate, could you please get some more for us?
B.a little
D.a few
( )13.People celebrate the Mid-Autumn Day(中秋节) by ___
mooncakes under the full moon.
C.to eat
( )14. All the ingredients ;(烹调的原料)are in the bowl. Please mix .
A. it up
B. up it
C. up them
D. them up
( )15. Please turn___ the light when you leave the room.
A. off
B. on
C. up
D. down
( )16.How many ________ do we need?
A. cups of coffee
B. cups of coffees
C. cup of coffees
D. cups coffee
( )17. —______ bread would you like?
—Three pieces of ________.
A. How many, breads
B. How many, bread
C. How much, breads
D. How much, bread
( )18. Then cut up ___onion and ___ tomato.
A.a, a
B.an , an
C.a, an
D.an, a
( )19. Put some ____ and chicken ____ on the sandwich.
A.meat, piece
B. meats, pieces
C. meat, pieces
D. meats, piece
( )20.How ___news did you read last night?
A:How 1 you make a cheese sandwich?
B:Well, 2 put some butter on a piece of bread.
A:How 3 butter? B:About one spoon.
A:OK!What else?
B:Next,cut up some tomatoes and 4 lettuce.
A:How many tomatoes?
B:Maybe two is 5 .Put the tomatoes 6 the sandwich.
A: 7 good. What’s next ?
B:Next,put some 8 on the sandwich.
A:How much cheese?
B:Not too much,but you can put more if you like.
A:OK!I know.Is that all?
B:No. Then put some 9 on the cheese.
A:It must be delicious!
B:Yes! 10 ,put another piece of bread on top.
( )1.A.much B.do C.does D./
( )2.A.first B.next C.then D.last
( )3.A.many B.much C.to D.make
( )4.A.a B.an C.two D.some
( )5.A.bad B.delicious C.enough D.good
( )6.A.on B. of C.to D.out
( )7.A.sound B.That be C.Not D.Sounds
( )8.A.cheeses B.cheese C.bread D.vegetables
( )9.A.cheeses B.potato C.lettuce D.lettuces
( )10.A.First B.Last C.Final D.Finally
Every country has its own way of cooking. American people have their way of cooking, don t they?
Most people in the United States like fast food. But if you think that American people don t like cooking, you are wrong. It s true that most Americans take fast food as their breakfast and lunch. But they also think cooking is interesting. Parents see the importance of teaching their daughters how to cook. And most Americans say that home-cooking meal is the best.
Americans have their own way of cooking. For example, baking (烘烤) is the most popular way of cooking in America. We can see ovens (烤炉) in most American families. American cooks pay attention to the balance of food. In order to plan a big meal, they try to cook meat, a few vegetables, some bread and often some sweet food in different colors on the plate, so the food is healthy and looks beautiful, too.
( )1. Most Americans _______.
A. like home-cooking meal
B. cook food in the morning
C. don t like cooking
D. don t like home-cooking meal
( )2. It s true that most Americans _______.
A. take fast food as their dinner
B. only like sweet food
C. cook meat as their breakfast
D. have fast food as their breakfast
( )3. _______ is the most popular way of cooking in the U.S.A.
A. Baking
B. Frying.
C. Boiling
D. Steaming
( )4. How does a cook make the balance of food in America?
A. He tries to cook a lot of meat.
B. He tries to make the food delicious.
C. He tries to cook meat, vegetables, bread and sweet food for a big meal. D. He tries to cook a lot of sweet food.
( )5. Which is right according to the passage?
A.The meal looks beautiful because the food on the plate is in different colors.
B. American people do not like to cook food at home.
C. American parents do not like to teach their children to cook.
D. American people don t think home-cooking food is the best.
The British like simple food. They usually add only salt and pepper to their food. The British often get their meals ready very quickly, because many women go out to work, and they do not have much time to spend in the kitchen. In supermarkets there are a lot of food in tins(金属盒) and packets.1Just cook the food for a few minutes, and the meal is ready. On Sundays, there is usually a bigger, better lunch. It is usually a big piece of roast meat with potatoes and green vegetables, and after that, some dessert.
3.So many British women do not spend long in the kitchen, and their husbands(丈夫) do not spend a long time at the dinner table. Some people think that the British eat only when they are hungry. Some families eat their meals in front of the TV. The mealtime is not a time for family to talk to each other as it is in many other countries in the world.
( ) The British women don’t spend much time in the kitchen because they don’t like to do so.
( ) The mealtime is a time for family to talk to each other in many countries in the world.
4.回答问题:When do British people usually eat a big lunch?
1.Many foreign ___________(旅行者)come to China every year.
2.______________(西瓜)are my favorite fruit in summer.They taste so good.
3.She doesn’t like pure(纯的)milk,please give her some ____________(酸奶)。
4.My friend ____________(提供)us a delicious lunch last Sunday.
5.--What did you have for breakfast?
--I had some ______________(三明治).They tasted good.
6.---When do people c______________ Thanksgiving in America?
---On the fourth Thursday in November.
7.If you have a cold ,you will go to the doctor and the doctor will take your
t _______ first.
8.In a ,the leaves(叶子)on trees turn yellow.
9.English people are from E .
10.There is a h ___in the window,so I feel a little cold.
六、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。( 10x1=10)
1.They often give thanks by ___________(have)a big meal at home.
2.—What are you doing? I am _________(peel) a banana.
3. Put ___________ (they) on the piece of bread ,please.
4.Spring Festival (春节)is one of the most important ____________(tradition) festivals in China.
5.The boy _________(mix)the chips with some sugar and ate them happily.
6. How _______ (many) yogurt do we need?
7. Next you need _______ (cut) up three bananas.
8.Please enjoy the rice _________(noodle) .
9.My brother usually ___________(dig) a hole before he plants a tree.
10. ______ (one) peel some pears, then cut them up.
七、句型转换. (10x1=10分)
1.Cut up the tomatoes .(变为否定句)
________ cut up the tomatoes.
2.She needs two spoons of honey.(对划线部分提问)
How ________ honey ______she need?
3.She needs two spoons of honey.(对划线部分提问)
How ______ _______ of honey _____she need?
4.I would like an apple.(用a tomato 改为选择疑问句)
________you like an apple ______a tomato?
5.You must turn off the light.(改为祈使句)
________ ________ the light ,please.
Your mother needs two __________ ________ vegetables.
Can you tell us ______use the ___________ _____________?
_______ ________her favorite bood,she went to the bookstore on foot.
My desk mate is a clever boy _____ is good at English.
Put eggs,meat and lettuce in the pot of hot soup,_______ _______ _________.
Here is one _______ ______ ________turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner.
How to plant a tree
2. F , T
3.去掉do not
4.On Sundays.
五、1.travelers 2.watermelons 3.yogurt 4.served 5.sandwiches
6.celebrate 7.temperature 8.autumn 9.England 10.hole
六、1. having 2. peeling 3. them 4. traditional 5. mixed
6. much 7.to cut 8.noodles 9. digs 10. First
七、1. Don’t 2. much ,does 3. many spoons, does 4.Would , or
5. Turn off
八、1. plates of 2. how to ,popcorn machine 3. To buy 4.who
5.one by one 6.way to make 或者 way of making
一般将来时的被动语态 【教材典句】
1.… we will be fined by the police.„„我们会被警察罚款。
2.Will the show be held at your school?展览会在你们学校举行吗? 3.Who’ll be invited to the show? 谁将被邀请参加这次展览? 以上三句均是一般将来时的被动语态,下面我们来学习一下一般将来时的被动语态。
1.肯定式:will/be going to+be+done。
Apple trees will be planted tomorrow.苹果树要在明天栽。
These trees are going to be cut down.这些树将要被砍伐。
2.否定式:will not/be not going to+be+done。
The meeting won“t be held tomorrow.明天不举行会议。
The problem isn’t going to be discussed at the meeting tomorrow.这个问题将不在明天的会议上讨论。
3.—般疑问句及其回答:含 will 的句子,把 will 提前;含 be going to 的句子,把be 提前。回答用 Yes 或 No。
—Will the work be finished in two hours? 这项工作会在两个小时内完成吗? —Yes, it will.是的,它会被完成。
—Are these trees going to be cut down? 这些树将被砍掉吗? —Yes, they are.是的,将被砍掉。
This work will/is going to be done at once.这项工作将立即被做。
The new film will be shown next Thursday.这部新电影将在下周四上映。
If I am given enough time, I will go to Japan for my holiday.如果我被安排足够的时间,我将去日本度假。
If you speak in class, you will be punished.如果你在课堂上讲话,你将会被惩罚。
一般将来时变被动语态的歌诀 将来时,变被动,will be 后“过分”用。
宾变主,主变宾,by 短语后面跟。
其他形式如“打算”,be going to 最常见。