
2024-12-09 版权声明 我要投稿


英文介绍中国文化 篇1

Unlike western style music, traditional Chinese music was not meant to be danced to and was instead meant to ‘promote tranquillity’. Because of this, Chinese music does not tend to have any emphasis on beat or rhythm.

Here are some of the instruments common to traditional Chinese music

二胡 (èr hú) – a two stringed violin type instrument that is used to expressed sadness and to imitate birds and singing.

古筝 (gǔ zhēng) – an 18-23 stringed instrument that is plucked horizontally. It is usually played solo, by a female musician at an opera or concert.

琵琶 (pí pa) – 4 stringed instrument, similar to a medieval lute. The instrument was popular in Chengdu, the capital during the Tang Dynasty and is now most commonly seen in performances.

笛子 (dí zi) – a flute made from bamboo with around 6 finger holes. One hole was covered with paper to create a raspy noise.

中国风 (zhōng guó fēng) : “Chinese Style” Music

中国风 (zhōng guó fēng) means “China Wind” in literally. Zhongguo feng mixes elements of traditional Chinese music, Chinese opera and poetry with modern pop music. 中国风 (zhōng guó fēng) comes from 中国风格的 (zhōng guó fēng gé de)meaning ‘Chinese Style’and was first seen in , when Jay Chou 周杰伦 (zhōu jié lún), the Taiwanese Pop star released ‘East Wind Breaks’ 东风破 (dōng fēng pò). The song is a modern R&B song with the traditional instruments of the 二胡 (èr hú) and 琵琶 (pí pa). ‘East Wind Breaks’ uses a traditional element of Chinese music, known as the pentatonic scale. A pentatonic scale has 5 notes per octave, as oppose to a heptatonic scale that has 7. Heptatonic scales are more commonly found in western style music.

东风破 (dōng fēng pò) (East Wind Breaks)

Actually, Jay Chou周杰伦 (zhōu jié lún) and song writer Vincent Fang 方文山 (fāng wén shān), had been creating many traditionally influenced songs apart from ‘East Wind Breaks’ 东风破 (dōng fēng pò)..

When interviewed about ‘zhong guo feng’, 方文山 (fāng wén shān) said he was

always concerned about the subjects about nation, tradition and culture. When this cultural consciousness is combined with music, lyrics with so called “China Wind” element are naturally created.

英文介绍中国文化 篇2

This speech was not orally delivered but was written in a pamphlet and distributed among the public, aiming at fighting against the licensing order issued in 1643 which instituted pre-publication censorship upon parliamentary England.According to the licensing order, authors should have a license approved by the government before their work could be published.It is quite unfair and violates the freedom of press.

John Milton gave a nearly perfect refutation to the parliament with his most eloquent words and rhetorical flourishes.As a famous English poet and polemicist, Milton has a deep personal conviction as well as a passion for freedom and self-determination, which can be easily found in his poetry and prose.He is also a responsible servant who cares the urgent issues and political turbulence of his day a lot.Taking the description of him given above into consideration there is thus no surprise for the appearance of this magnificen speech.

Areopagitica is full of biblical and classical references which greatly strengthens Milton’s argument.And this particular feature is of course closely related to Milton’s writing style and Calvinis Presbyterians that comprised parliament at that time.The whole book displays a flow of ideas and thoughts with solid examples and rigid reasoning.

Before coming to the major part of this book review:comment ing on some of the quotations picked up from the book, I would like to first point out some of Milton’s methods or sparkling points o his getting the facts straight, that is, in other words, his reasoning process and framing angle.

1 The Reasoning Process and Framing Angle of Aer opagitica

In order to clarify his point, Milton didn’t go to the topic di rectly.On the contrary, he was brilliant enough to argue for himsel from different perspectives and nearly all of them are convincing a well as interesting.For example, he called for people to read al kinds of books and acquire varied knowledge, this, of course, includes those so called“bad books”and according to him, even“bad books”themselves have benefits:they can enhance people’s ability of distinguishing good from bad, right from the wrong.So it is quite reasonless for parliament to apply license order and eliminate the ideas they dislike.

Also, there is no doubt that Milton has a good logic in his speech.He not only provided harmfulness of licensing order through all of his speech but also talked about the feasibility of applying pre-publication censorship and the real beneficiaries of this regulation.As he said, there are too many books, magazines or pamphlets published in England every day, and it is definitely impossible for the limited inspectors to go through all these publications and make a final decision of prohibiting which one.If they just scan the book for a few seconds and have their final say, they are very irresponsible for the reader.Let alone many books demands deep reading and thinking and we can’t assure the inspectors are qualified enough to make judgments on these books.What’s more, the implementation of the licensing order may provide facilitation measures for the monopoly of some booksellers;they may use this opportunity to crack down on their competitors.So in a word, if we put aside its bad effects, it is still infeasible and harmful in reality.

In addition to his spectacular reasoning process and framing angle which in fact have a positive effect on our development of critical thinking, there are a great deal of thought-provoking quotations that deserved further exploration.In this book-review, there are three major quotations that interested me most listed here.And I relate all of these three quotations to our Chinese culture and intellectual history.

2 Destroying Culture for the Sake of Censorship is“a kind of massacre.No blood but more brutal.”

In the beginning of his speech, in order to stress the disastrous effect of implementing licensing order, Milton gave the parliamentary members these words:

...as good almost kill a man as kill a good book;who kills a man kills a reasonable creature, God’s image;but he who destroys a good book, kills reason itself, kills the image of God;as it were in the eye.

This analogy put a good man and a good book into comparison.Milton evaluated which result is worse, killing a good man or a good book?In the common sense and in most contexts in our daily life, a person’s life is of highest value.However, if we broaden our horizon and put this question into the long history of human beings and even the future development in the next few generations, it is no doubt that those things that can move ahead the civilization and the overall advancement of human culture should be in the top priorities.If we use a cross-culture thinking pattern to view this point, this self-evident truth is apparently being upheld at home and abroad.For instance, in China’s history, we all know that Emperor Qin once burnt books and buried literatus in pits.The great damages he did to Chinese culture and intellectual history was not those people he killed, although they had good qualities and a lot o knowledge, the most unbearable thing he did was to burn thou sands of books which spilt over a wide varieties and can promote a well as enrich China’s culture a lot.This damage can never be rem edied.Just like what John Milton had said, it was a kind of massa cre.No blood but more brutal.

3 The Freedom of Press is Widespread in Free Countries While the Authoritarian Counties are Known for their Censorship and Licensing Order

Great minds think alike.There are a lot of similar things be tween China and western world if we refer to some of the brillian ideas that Milton put forward in this small pamphlet.When speak ing of the licensing order’s history, Milton raised a great deal of ex amples including past history in England and other countries a well as the Greek and Athens mythology.And this is also suited to China’s history, in addition to the above cross-culture example The original words of Milton are as followings:

...yet best and wisest commonwealth through all ages and occa sions have forborn to use it, and falsest seducers and oppressors o men were the first who took it up, and to no other purpose but to ob struct and hinder the first approach of reformation.

The main idea of these words is that throughout the history the adopters of licensing order are always those oppressors in auto cratic context, while in a real democratic country and especially when an enlightened monarch is in charge, the speech is alway free and the whole country is open to different ideas and thoughts As Milton has already given the examples of western world, as a Chinese reader of this speech, I cannot help associating this with Chinese history.There is an idiom in China shares the simila meaning with what Milton said:be frightened into complete silence but to exchange their hatred with eyes.The idiom comes from a sto ry in Chinese history.During the period of Emperor Zhou Li Wang because of his cruel administration, people complained a lot.In or der to get people in control, Emperor Zhou sent a lot of spies to keep an eye on people and if someone says some unpleasant word about emperor, he will be caught by spies and be severely pun ished.So at that time people couldn’t express their true feeling when they meet each other and could only exchange their hatred with eyes.Three years later, people could not bear it anymore and rallied tighter to overthrow the dynasty.So when Emperor Zhou died, people called him Zhou Li Wang.Li, refers to cruel in Chi nese.What Emperor Zhou Li Wang did functioned the same as the licensing order, they both restricted people’s freedom of speech So, in my opinion, the licensing order not only nourishes in the au tocratic country but can also result in the extermination of the coun try which applies it.

4 There is no Clear Line between Good and Evil.Milton Called for an Inclusive Attitude towards all Books

In terms of his logical composing of refutation towards licens ing order, I have already talked about his brilliant ideas of the grea use of bad books.As this is one of the most important arguments in the speech, I would like to dig deeper into it.Milton actually said a lot about the relationship between“good books”and“bad books”.I just picked up one sentence from them:

Though all the winds of doctrine were let loose to play on the earth, so Truth be in the field, we do injuriously, by licensing and prohibiting, to misdoubt her strength.Let her and Falsehood grapple;who ever knew Truth put to the worse, in a free and open encounter?

There are no clear divisions between good and bad:the bad books may have some brilliant ideas or sayings in it and a good book is not one hundred percent good.Bad books can help people figure out what is evil while good books can help people find out what is kindness.So in a word, they are closely related to each other and are interdependent in this real world.This thinking method has something in common with China’s Daoism because one of the representative signs of Daoism is the Yin-Yang image:the white and black patterns are integrated with each other perfectly.It is the so called“harmony”we Chinese people believe and it is the most ideal status we all admire, too.What’s more, in fact, Milton brought about the idea of the use of bad books to introduce a key idea:to absorb everything critically.The way to achieve this is to read all kind of books without licensing and acquire all kind of knowledge.We can also find similar examples in Chinese history.Deng Xiaoping once used a figurative saying“Flowers of every kind are in bloom”to describe this idea.One of the most significant incidences of this idea happened in December, 1916, when China’s famous educator Cai Yuanpei, the headmaster of Peking Uni versity at that time, put forward the idea of establishing a fair, inclu sive studying atmosphere in Peking University.Here he specifical ly referred to introducing new ideas of the May Fourth Movemen as well as keep some Confucianism.Not long after the implementa tion of the new policy, Peking University became the famous and outstanding high education institution in China.

There is no point in fearing about the deteriorating effects o bad books, all we have to do is to help people distinguish the good from the bad and just like another old Chinese saying that when fac ing bad books, we had better“discard the dross and select the es sence”.

Nearly 400 hundred years have passed since the publication of Milton’s Aeropagitica.Although there is still some censorship in China now, journalists and the public never give up the efforts o fighting for the freedom of speech.Currently, with the rise of nonpartisan newspaper, especially with the rapid developments of In ternet and social media, the entitled right of delivering ideas and thoughts freely has been more and more guarantied.Just to make a joke, if John Milton lived until now, he would show a big smile face towards the great progress that have been made in the freedom o press and at the same time be greatly surprised by the rapid change of books and media nowadays.


[1]John Milton.Aeropagitica[M].Nu Vision Publications, 2010.

我向欧洲人介绍中国文化的经历 篇3






在一些欧洲国家的中国文化节上,从中国请来的著名书法家就像摆地摊的,先让翻译人员把欧洲来宾一家老小的名字译成汉字,然后把汉字名字分别写在一条宣纸上。有的书法家还把它当作小商品出售,一个名字十欧元。书法摊位旁边就是兜售萝卜粉丝馅春卷的,十欧元四个。一张书法等于四个春卷。欧洲人也看不懂哪位书法家真才实学,哪位滥竽充数。我在旁边目睹此景,心如刀绞。我的经验是,要避免铺天盖地讲一大串, 让他们心生畏惧甚至抵触。应找一个缺口,激活听众的想象力,剩下的让他们回家自己琢磨去。最好选择一个地球人都关心的问题作为切入点,比如身体健康。我的一个讲座是这么开头的:



再谈书法与文创。中国古代有很多文人,既是书法家又是文学家,比如王羲之。他撰写的《兰亭序》堪能与他的绝代书法平分秋色。按东晋时候的平均年龄,他也算长寿的。容我斗胆设想一下:海明威要是每周一三五写《老人与海》,二四六习书法,也许就不会开枪结束自己的生命, 英年早逝?




我认识一位荷兰女华侨。有一年夏天她与其荷兰男友去北京旅游。这位老兄向中国人问个事儿的时候,总是暴跳如雷、不耐烦地打断人家:你们说一句话就够,Yes or no。他的潜台词是:别的我不想听!这位女华侨一从北京回到荷兰,就要跟男友吹灯拔蜡,因为她觉得,那家伙对她娘家人——中国同胞太不礼貌了!





第二天看电视时,我发现那节目把对我的采访给剪掉了。我去咨询一位媒体专家,问他俺说错啥了?他说我的回答过于复杂,应该说Yes or no, 赞成或反对,就齐了。








看完儿童节目《芝麻街》之后,睡觉的时间到了。可白天在外上班的爸爸对孩子说话没妈妈有分量,所以四个调皮鬼赖在游戏机前不走。爸爸说,再不休息明早你们就起不来床,上学校迟到了怎么办?老大说,安娜老师说了,投票最公平。然后他鼓动弟弟妹妹们道,同意接着打游戏机的举手。 结果四比一,爸爸败北。
















介绍中国结英文演讲稿 篇4

people’s daily life, by the time tang, it upgrade from original practical use to be used on clothes for decoration, most of which a nice and elegant butterfly knot on women’dresses

when times come to ming and qing dynasty,the Chinese knot are coming into its peak.So many Chinese knots of different styles and colors have permeated into people’s lives at almost all aspacts , appearing on the curtain, closet, necklace as well on the wall and doors of shops。In that period, it was also combined with other fortunate stuff to delived blessings for people.chinese knot,had really become a part of Chinese people’s lives and a special stand for Chinese culture.Chinese Knot has so rich and profound meanings.1.Firstly, knot”is associated with many words like Combinition, unity, ,marriage, close relationship…… which show us the feeling of warm and intimacy.at the same time ,it presents the strength that unite every one.2.Secondly,The pronunciation “jie” is the partial tone of Chinese characters “ji”, which involves various nice and beautiful blessings to people.such as happiness ,wealth ,joy, Longevity and so on.There are many Chinese knots named accordance with their unique characteristic forms,相应地,delivering the warmest regards, best wishes or finest ideal.For example, Pan chang knot means relying on each other and never separated  Double coin knot means plentiful money and treatures  round brocade knot(团锦结):having a promising future in career or other

3.thirdly,a Chinese knot contains the Philosophy idea of back and forth.Every knot is weaved by a single rope from start to finish.However complex and confusing it looks, it came from the process of countless cycle and can be reduced to the simple 2-D lines.Chinese knots, catching the track of chinese developing history

中国文化相关词汇英文翻译 篇5

元宵节:Lantern Festival 刺绣:embroidery 重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival 清明节:Tomb sweeping day 剪纸:Paper Cutting 书法:Calligraphy 对联:(Spring Festival)Couplets 象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters 人才流动:Brain Drain/Brain Flow 四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle 战国:Warring States 风水:Fengshui/Geomantic Omen 铁饭碗:Iron Bowl 函授部:The Correspondence Department 集体舞:Group Dance 黄土高原:Loess Plateau 红白喜事:Weedings and Funerals 中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day 结婚证:Marriage Certificate 儒家文化:Confucian Culture 附属学校:Affiliated school 古装片:Costume Drama 武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie 元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling(Soup)一国两制:One Country,Two Systems 火锅:Hot Pot 四人帮:Gang of Four 《诗经》:The Book of Songs 素质教育:Essential-qualities-Oriental Education 《史记》:Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian 大跃进:Great Leap Forward(Movement)《西游记》:The Journey to the West 除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival 针灸:Acupuncture 唐三彩:Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/The Tang Tri-colored pottery 中国特色的社会主义:Chinese-charactered Socialist/Socialist with Chinese characteristics 偏旁:radical 孟子:Mencius 亭/阁:Pavilion/Attic 大中型国有企业:Large and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises 火药:gunpowder 农历:Lunar Calendar 印/玺:Seal/Stamp 物质精神文明建设:The Construction of Material Civilization and Spiritual Civilization 京剧:Beijing Opera/Peking Opera 秦腔:Crying of Qin People/Qin Opera 太极拳:Tai Chi 独生子女证:The Certificate of One-child 天坛:Altar of Heaven in Beijing 小吃摊:Snack Bar/Snack Stand 红双喜:Double Happiness 政治辅导员:Political Counselor/School Counselor 春卷:Spring Roll(s)莲藕:Lotus Root 追星族:Star Struck 故宫博物院:The Palace Museum 相声:Cross-talk/Comic Dialogue 下岗:Lay off/Laid off 北京烤鸭:Beijing Roast Duck 高等自学考试:Self-taught Examination of Higher Education 烟花爆竹:fireworks and firecracker 敦煌莫高窟:Mogao Caves 电视小品:TV Sketch/TV Skit 香港澳门同胞:Compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao 文化大革命:Cultural Revolution 长江中下游地区:The Mid-low Reaches of Yangtze River 门当户对:Perfect Match/Exact Match 《水浒》:Water Margin/Outlaws of the Marsh 中外合资企业:Joint Ventures 文房四宝(笔墨纸砚):The Four Treasure of the Study:Brush,Inkstick,Paper,and Inkstone 兵马俑:cotta Warriors/Terracotta Army 旗袍:cheongsam 光棍节:Single day 相亲谎言:Blind date lie 北京精神:Beijing spirit 鱼疗:Fish pedicure 白名单:White list 后窗文化:Rear window culture 垃圾时尚:Trashion 放养老公:Free-range husband常见中国传统文化专用词汇英文翻译

1.中国意念词(Chinesenesses)八卦:trigram 阴、阳:Yin,Yang 道:Dao(cf.logo)江湖(世界):the jianghu World(the traits’ world)

e.g.You can’t control everything in a traits’ world.(人在江湖,身不由己)道:Daoism(Taoism)

上火:excessive internal heat 儒学:Confucianism 红学(《红楼梦》研究):redology 世外桃源:Shangri-la or Arcadia 开放:Kaifang(Chinese openness to the outside world)大锅饭:getting an equal share regardless of the wounded 伤痕文学:scar literature or the literature of the wounded 不搞一刀切:no imposing uniformity on...合乎国情,顺乎民意:to conform with the national conditions and the will of the people 乱摊派,乱收费:imposition of arbitrary quotas and service charge 铁交椅:iron(lifetime)post’s /guaranteed leading post 脱贫:to shake off poverty/anti-poverty 治则兴,乱则衰:Order leads to prosperity and chaos to decline

2.中华民族的喜庆节日(Chinese Festival)国庆节:National Day 中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day/Festival 春节:Spring Festival 元宵节:Lantern Festival 儿童节:Children’s Day 端午节:Dragon Boat Festival 妇女节:Women’s Day 泼水节:Water-Splashing Day 教师节:Teachers’ Day 五四青年节:Youth Day

3.中国独特的传统饮食(Unique Traditional Chinese Foods)馄饨:wonton 锅贴:guotie(fried jiaozi)花卷:steamed twisted rolls 套餐:set meal 盒饭:box lunch/Chinese take-away 米豆腐:rice tofu 魔芋豆腐:konjak tofu 米粉:rice noodles 冰糖葫芦:a stick of sugar-coated haws(or apples,etc.)火锅:chafing dish 八宝饭:eight-treasure rice pudding 粉丝:glass noodles 豆腐脑:jellied bean curd

4.中国新兴事物(Newly Sprouted Things)中国电信:China Telecom 中国移动:China Mobile 十五计划:the 10th Five-Year Plan 中国电脑联网:Chinanet 三峡工程:the Three Gorges Project 希望工程:Project Hope 京九铁路:Beijing CKowloon Railway 扶贫工程:Anti-Poverty Project 菜篮子工程:Vegetable Basket Project 温饱工程:Decent-Life Project 安居工程:Economy Housing Project 扫黄:Pom-Purging Campaign 西部大开发:Go-West Campaign

5.特有的一些汉语词汇 禅宗:Zen Buddhism 禅:dhyana/dhgaya 混沌:chaos

道:Daosim/the way and its power 四谛:Four Nobel Truth 八正道:Eightfold Path 无常:anity 五行说:Theory of Five Elements 无我:anatman 坐禅:metta or transcendental meditation 空:sunyata 虚无:nothingness 双喜:double happiness(中)/a doubled stroke of luck(英)小品:witty skits 相声:cross-talk 噱头/掉包袱:gimmick/stunk 夜猫子:night people/night-owls 本命年:this animal year of sb.处世之道:philosophy of life 姻缘:yinyuan(prefixed fate of marriage)还愿:redeem a wish(vows)

6.具有文化特色的现代表述 大陆中国:Mainland China 红宝书:little red book 红色中国:socialist China 四化:Four Modemizations 终身职业:job-for-life 铁饭碗:iron rice bowl 大锅饭:communal pot 关系户:closely-related units 外出打工人员:migrant workers 关系网:personal nets/closely-knitted guild 五讲(讲文明、讲礼貌、讲卫生、讲秩序、讲道德):the Five Merits focus on decorum,manners,hygiene,disciplines and morals 四美(心灵美、语言美、行为美、环境美):the Four Virtues are golden heart,refined language,civilized behavior,and green environment

7.中国古代独特事物(Unique Ancient Chinese Items)宣纸:rice paper 衙门:yamen 扣头:kowtow 孔子:Confucius 牌楼:pailou/pai-loo 武术:wushu(Chinese Martial Arts)功夫:kungfu/kung fu 中庸:the way of medium(cf.Golden Means)中和:harmony(zhonghe)孝顺:to show filial obedience 孝子:dutiful son 家长:family head 三纲:君为臣纲,父为子纲,夫为妻纲:three cardinal guides ruler guides subject,father guides son,husband guides wife 五常:仁、义、理、智、信:five constant virtues:benevolence(humanity),righteousness,propriety,wisdom and fidelity 八股文:eight-legged essays 多福多子:The more sons/children,the more blessing/great happiness 养儿防老:raising sons to support one in one’s old age

中国礼仪文化的起源介绍 篇6

















浅析文化翻译(英文) 篇7


1 The Definition of Cultural Translation

Domestic and international scholars define a variety of definitions of cultural translation.The definition of Mr.ZhangJin is one of the most comprehensive:Translation is community processing and communication tool of the two language-communities.Its purpose is to promote the political progress,economic progress and cultural advancement of the language-communities.Its mission is to intact translate the original works,which contained the logic images or art images in the real world,from one language to another language.The standards of translation must be clear and realistic,otherwise it will not be able to play the role to be played or its meaning can not be achieved.

2 The basic principles of translation

2.1 Context:The Basis of Understanding and Translation

Firstly,we need understand the translation context and understand differences of cultural.According to the teleology of translation,translation is a study of the scope of human behavior.Human’s communication is constrained by the language environment,while the environment of language is also rooted in cultural habits.Therefore,the translation must be impact by the language culture and the purpose of language culture.Thus,it can be seen that different cultural contexts determines the extraction of word meaning in translation and also shows the translator's judgments and understanding of different cultures,while there are many differences of Chinese and western’s,such as geographical environment,religious beliefs,ethnic customs and historical background and so on.These differences also constitute translation contexts.In translation,the translator must understand discourse cultural items of different ethnic and social cultural;correctly understand the cultural semantics;carefully analyze the cultura factors which imply in the words and easily rise to conflicts.According to the specific texts or contexts,it represent the cultura implications without violation of the expression of the source language,to achieve the purpose of the faithful,truly achieve communication and transplant between the two cultures.

2.2“Cultural Conveyance”:A Basic Principle of the Trans-lation

“Cultural conveyance”is a basic principle of the translation Translation we not only consider differences of language,but also closely monitor differences of the cultural,the good or bad dea of cultural differences often is the key to success or failure o translation.Considering the linguistic,we can get a way of translation,but the cultural,we can get another way,the after translation may be better.For example:

The so-called“cultural conveyance”is to try to save the“foreign”flavor of the alien culture,so that our readers can expand cultural horizons,access to knowledge and enlightenment.

Our translators should be especially vigilant,do not use with a strong Chinese cultural characteristics of the words as a means of interpretation in order to avoid the“Chinese taste”instead o“foreign flavor”causing“cultural distortion”.

3 The Effect of Cultural Differences on English-Chinese Translation

3.1 The Influences of Different Lifestyle

As the geographical features of the western countries and the western nations often life with ocean,thus whether it is in real life or the history English words have a lot of information o navigation.The continental-based Chinese language is difficult to find the corresponding form with western language.For the Chinese,the understanding of these expressions would be more difficult.For example:able seaman(一级水平),be left high and dry(陷于困境),give sb.or something.a wide berth(远远地躲开)etc..These proverbs which are on behalf of island culture are more related with navigation.In traditional Chinese culture,the continental-based is main part,the words example:“树”,“蝼蚁之穴”,“路”,“前车之覆”and so on.These reflect the landbased culture.

3.2 The Influences of Differences of National Emotional Psychological and Cognitive Styles

There are many different aspects between China and Western such as the emotion,the psychology,the cognitive style etc.These differences result in a number of words having different cultural connotations in the two kinds of cultures of Chinese and Western.The lack of understanding of the cultural meaning of these terms,communication and translation can cause errors.English nation's thinking is individual and unique,and the Chinese is holistic,integrated,and general.In the language,English words are concrete,while the Chinese words are vague.For example the word“说”,in English there are“say,speak,tell”etc.With these words the language is simple and accurate,also richly varied and vivid.The Chinese often tend to generic,it adds adverb modifiers before“说”,such as“语无伦次地说”,“低声地说”,“嘟嘟囔囔地说”.

3.3 The Influences of Different Values of Chinese and West-ern Cultures

Values generally considered to be the core of the specific culture and way of life.In the two languages,the values wil cause a lot of obstacles for language understanding and translation,this case is enough to cause translators attention.Confucianism dominated Chinese culture.Owing to ethnic kin and social relations,the Confucianism’s expression is very clearly and strictly,not the slightest ambiguity and sloppy.While for the English nations who respect for the Protestant and individua cultural values,this kinship is much more lenient.For the two languages,English words such as uncle and aunt are generally used to express non-immediate elders,for the next generation only with nephew and niece,while peers ages brother and sister usually to be used,and even men and women almost said thecousin,which in Chinese is not allowed.

Due to the close relationship between language and culture,Chinese and foreign cultural similarities and dissimilarities restrict the language’s exchanges in a certain extent,the cultural differences of Chinese and Western way of life,national feelings,cognitive styles and values will arise significant impacts on translation.Only by correctly handling to the cultural factors,we can accurately translate and promote the bilingual language and cultural exchange.

4 Acceptation Differences on Translation

Acceptation difference is difference betweens the cultural information of the original language words and the corresponding cultural information of the target language words.This difference is further divided into acceptation conflicts and the difference of associative meaning.

The words have the same literal meanings but the semantic of the words are different or even opposite,the acceptation conflicts will appear.Such words are likely to cause a wrong understanding or lead to misinterpretation.For example:

Pull somebody’s leg


Accurate translation:开某人玩笑

Move heaven and earth


Accurate translation:想方设法

Translating the words like the above,we should pay attention to that if the original language and the target language have the same semantic meaning or there is the discrepancy we should do the appropriate conversion or adjustment.

Another form of acceptation difference is the different associative meaning,including that the specific words are differences in different national psychology associations and different pragmatic meaning and so on.

The content of culture is coverall;it is inextricably linked with language.Different languages represent different characteristics of national cultures.The activities of inter-language translation are actually a kind of cultural exchange.Correctly understanding the cultural image and significance of the original language,we can retain,represent and communicate in the target language;this is not only a goal of language translation,but also the need for cross-cultural communication.In specific activities of translation,cultural factors related to the translation strategies which adopted by translators and to the translation purpose which the translator want to achieve,but also it affects results of the translation.


[1]Nida E A.Language structure and Translation[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign language Education Press,1982.

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[3]Steiner,George.After Babel[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign lan-guage Education Press,2001.

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蔡英文的“中国政策”走向 篇8




具体而言,与陈水扁时期相比,蔡英文的政策将有两个新的特点。其一,其法律手段将不再主要强调 “台独”的法理性,而是转向“公投”等“民主机制”的建构上。蔡英文称,“美方认为问题的核心在于台湾民主机制的健全与否”,“台湾是民主社会并有多元意见,民间对国家前途有不同程度的关切,因此如何透过好的民主机制反映出来,讓人民可在自己的民主机制当中维护自己的最大利益,这是核心”。蔡英文指称,美方朋友有共识,那就是“保护台湾利益最主要靠台湾人民”;“社会对于主权流失有集体忧虑,民进党的民调也显示,超过五成的民众担心台湾已经走在错误的道路上,证明台湾社会有共同的警觉心”;“只要人民有警觉,共同监督,台湾就不会很快崩毁”。其二,在岛内民意的引领上,蔡英文的重点将放在把“台湾主体意识”引向“台湾共识”。以“台湾主体意识”为核心内容的“台湾共识”一旦型塑完成,则其所谓纳入“台湾共识”的“一中各表”、“台湾前途选项开放”等,就自然而然地成了无用的摆设,其功能不过是包装“台独”、欺骗民众而已。










