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上海旅游景点英文介绍 篇1

Immersed in the distinguished heritage and pioneering track record in a leading global city, Shanghai University is situated in the heart of Shanghai.We combine educational achievement with

forward-looking courses, attuned to the latest city developments in science, technology and culture.Shanghai University is a member university of the national project 211 and is a research-intensive and comprehensive university.The university has witnessed continuous progress and advancement, have a clear and vibrant educational mission, with far-sighted objectives to cultivate talents with all-around development, global perspective and creative awareness.Shanghai University is also known for its vigorous international exchanges and cooperation.So far the University has established academic links and cooperation with dozens of foreign universities,including faculty and student exchanges.Currently, over 3,000 international students are studying on Shanghai University campuses.Shanghai University has made a medium and long-term strategic plan which has set greater goals for the development of the university.The plan aims at constructing a green, safe and informationalized campus and cultivating a university culture that is characteristic of persistent self-improvement, innovation, the spirit to pursue the best, an open and inclusive attitude to create a harmonious and active campus atmosphere.It also aims at creating a globalized campus to satisfy the needs of all kinds of students for their cultivation in sciences, culture, sports and arts.The university is striving to develop into a first-class comprehensive university in China with a high-level talents training system and a knowledge innovation system as well in proportion to the city’s position as a modern

international metropolis.

上海旅游景点英文介绍 篇2

1 接受美学概述

接受美学是西方文学批评理论。它的代表人物姚斯和伊塞尔认为文本美学价值的实现不可避免地需要读者创造性地积极参与。读者只有通过对作品不断地解读才能理解作品的意思。在作者、作品和读者的关系中, 读者的作用被放在突出重要的位置。正如姚斯在《接受美学论》 (Toward An Aesthetics of Reception) 中所言:“三者之间, 公众 (读者) 不是被动地做出反应, 其自身是历史构成的能量要素。如果没有接受者积极的参与, 文本的历史生命是无法想象的。通过思想仲裁过程, 作品进入不断变化中的经验视野, 永久性的转化发生了, 从简单的接受到批判的理解, 从被动到主动地接受, 从已知的美学标准到超越这种标准的新产品。” (Jauss 1982)

接受理论是一种文学批评理论。它以读者为中心, 认为文学作品意义的实现取决于读者。它关注读者对文本的接受情况以及读者和文本的关系, 并强调读者在阅读过程中的积极作用。这与以往以作者或者作品本身为中心的理论有很大的区别。

2 接受美学对翻译策略的启示

接受美学强调读者在文本解读中占据突出重要的地位, 译者在翻译过程中应该考虑这一点从而采取相应的翻译策略。在理解某一文本时, 目标语读者和源语读者应该具有相似或者相同的认知。翻译文本的选择、翻译策略的采用、翻译语言的斟酌, 都要以隐含读者的期待视野为中心, 以符合读者的阅读习惯, 满足读者的阅读期待。

旅游景点介绍的翻译并非是两种语言之间的简单转换, 而是一种跨文化的研究, 其读者大多数是外国游客, 因此其首要目的就是在翻译时兼顾中西方各方面的差异, 使译文符合读者的表达习惯和审美心理等, 让外国读者能够理解译文, 最终实现译文的可读性和可接受性。

景点介绍文本的英译可以分为五种类型加以考虑, 即读者的期待视野完全融合时;读者的期待视野通过读者的努力可以达到融合时;读者的期待视野在译者的帮助下可以达到融合时;读者的期待视野只能达到有限融合时;以及读者的期待视野扩大时。相应地, 译者可以采取直译、直译加注解、意译或者替换形象的策略来处理相关文本的英译。

3 从接受美学的角度分析延安革命纪念馆介绍文本的英译

1) 历史选择了延安, 延安铸就了辉煌。

History chose Yan’an, and Yan’an became a beacon.

从语法角度来说该句翻译没有问题, 而且考虑到“铸就辉煌”对英美读者来讲较为抽象, 即读者的期待视野只能达到有限融合, 译者有意识地将“铸就辉煌”转换为“became a beacon”, (成为灯塔) , 这样就易于被英美读者接受。但是如果改为“became a beacon of Chinese revolution”则表达就更明确了。另外“History chose Yan’an”改为被动句则更符合英文读者的阅读习惯。所以可改译为“Yan’an, as the beacon of Chinese revolution, was chosen by the history.”21935

2) 1935年冬, 随着全国抗日救亡运动高潮的到来, 中共中央制定了建立抗日民族统一战线的策略, 推动西安事变的和平解决, 促成第二次国共两党合作的实现。

In view of the rising movement of national resistance against Japan and national salvation in the winter of 1935, the CPC central committee formulated the policy of national united front against Japanese aggression and advanced the 2ndcooperation between Guomindang and the Communist Party by promoting the peaceful settlement of Xi’an Incident.

在延安革命纪念馆中没有将抗日战争翻译成“Anti-Japanese War”, 这一点是难能可贵的。因为“Anti-Japanese War”回译过来就是“反日战争”, 容易使外国游客引起误解, 用较为中性的“resistance against Japan”或者“against Japanese aggression/invasion”就相对客观一些。

在翻译红色旅游景点的文本时, 对重要历史背景、历史事件的处理很关键。例如上文中的西安事变, 如果直接翻译成“Xi’an Incident”, 对读者来说比较陌生, 也达不到通过参观了解历史知识的目的。译者应该采取直译加注解的方式, 帮助读者达到视野的融合。所以上段文本的英译可改为“...by contributing to the peaceful settlement of Xi’an Incident, which was a forced remonstration launched by a group of patriotic soldiers in December 12th, 1936.”3

3) 通过普遍、直接、平等、无记名的民主选举, 建立起各级民主政权。

Political administrations at all levels were established throughpopular, direct, equal and democratic election, using secret ballots.

英美读者对延安时期的民主选举很感兴趣。所以应该详细、准确传达当时的选举情况以及参政议政方式。本段的翻译基本上与英美读者的期待视野相融合, 或者通过读者的努力理解可以达到视野融合, 能使他们认识到当时的民主程度以及亲密的干群关系。需要注意的一点是, “无记名选举”的表达方式应该是“in a way of secret ballots”。

4) 从1947年7月起, 我党领导全国军民在军事上转入战略反攻的同时, 还开展了土地改革、整党、新式整军、工商业、统一战线等方面的工作, 制定了相关的基本政策。经过辽沈战役、淮海战役、平津战役三大战略决战和渡江战役等战略追击战役, 推翻了蒋家王朝在大陆的统治, 成立了中华人民共和国。

To win nationwide victory, beginning in July 1947 the CPCCentral Committee started to carry out land reform, rectification forthe Party and the army as well as the work in the fields of industry, business and the United Front while switching to strategic offen-sives militarily.After the decisive battles in Liaoxi-Shenyang, Huai-Hai and the Beiping-Tianjin campaigns and others like thatof forcing the Yangtze River, Jiang’s regime was overthrown andthe People’s Republic of China was founded.

上段译文中第一句话显然是中式英语, 而且主语应该是“The Communist Party”而不是“the CPC Central Committee”。另外随着中西方跨文化交际活动的不断展开, 英美读者的期待视野也在逐渐扩大, 他们已经接受了很多专有名词约定俗成的译法, 例如将“蒋介石”译为“Chiang Kai-shek”, 将“国民党”译为“Kuomintang”, 将“平津战役”中的北京译为“Peking”。上述种种如果按照译文中的方法写出, 可能会让英美读者不知所云。

延安革命纪念馆的英文介绍材料洋洋洒洒, 以万余字计。这些英文介绍材料能使英美读者基本了解中国共产党在延安时期的政治、经济、文化以及边区建设等情况, 从接受美学的角度讲, 其英文介绍材料也有意识地关注读者的接受程度以及接受效果。然而从细微处分析, 某些地方的英文表达不生动、不确切、不地道, 甚至是错误的, 需要作出改进。除了上述例子之外, 还有很多其他需要注意的地方, 比如说“艰苦奋斗的工作作风”应该是“the style of work diligently in defiance of difficulties”而不是“the style of plain living and hard work”, “延安时期”的表达方法应该是“Yan’an Times”或者“Yan’an Period”, 而不是“Yan’an Time”等。

4 结论

作为景观名称和景观介绍的文本, 其主要目的是让前来参观旅游的“普通游客看懂并能从中获取相关的自然、地理、文化、风俗等方面的知识” (方梦之, 毛忠明2005) , 所以如何选择翻译策略、准确地传达信息就显得尤为重要。接受美学作为一种文学理论被引入到翻译实践中, 为我们评判旅游文本提供了一种新的角度。

延安革命纪念馆作为全面介绍延安精神的重要文博场馆, 其英文介绍材料对于正确而恰当地传达意义、传播文化等起着至关重要的作用。从接受美学的角度看, 尽管其介绍材料的英文翻译文本中有些许瑕疵, 但是基本考虑到了英美读者的期待视野, 达到了信息交流、增长见识的作用。因此, 以读者为中心来考虑红色旅游景点介绍文本的英译是切实可行的, 如此不仅可以恰当地重现原文的意义, 更加有效地宣传中国红色文化, 而且可以为其它文本的英译提供一定的启示作用。


[1]Jauss, Hans Robert.Toward an Aesthetics of Reception[M].Translation from German by Timothy Bahti.Minneapolis:Uni versity of Minnesota Press, 1982.

[2]陈刚.旅游翻译与涉外导游[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 2006.

大学旅游管理专业英文自我介绍 篇3

my name is **, ** is a student in College, Department of Tourism tourism management major, graduating. Thank you for taking the time to read my cover letter. ** College is a beautiful environment, strong teachers University, has a long history (teaching cases, papers, courseware, teaching) and excellent tradition in such a reputation for rigor, known for educating school under cultivation, both in knowledge, and in terms of personal qualities, I benefited from.

In school, we have the following courses, travel regulations, the outline to tourism science, tour guide duties, basics of Hubei tour, national guide basic knowledge courses.

As well as computer and Putonghua training. This will not only enrich their own or develop their own variety of skills. Most importantly, rigorous style of study and correct learning attitude shaped my simple, stable, innovative character.

In addition, I also actively participate in various social activities, seize every opportunity to exercise their own. * Year of College, I deeply feel that working with other students, benefit me in the competition; to challenge the practical difficulty, let me grow up in frustration.

Grandparents taught me diligence, responsibility, kindness, integrity; ** training at the University I am being pragmatic and pioneering style.

《上海之吻》英文影评 篇4


Don’t be fooled by the marketing of this one: Heroes hottie Hayden Panettiere--who shot this before she rocketed to fame on the cult hit TV show--is all over the DVD cover, posed like she’s bouncing through a standard inane romantic comedy.But nothing could be further from the truth of this smart, shrewd coming-of-age drama.Smart aspect No.1: It’s not Panettiere’s 16-year-old high-schooler who needs to do some growing up but her friend Liam Liu, a 28-year-old gadabout who’s struggling as a would-be actor, and also as a young man caught between two cultures.In Los Angeles he’s can’t get past being seen as Chinese, but in Shanghai--where he travels when a grandmother he never met bequeaths him her house--he’s singled out as American.Smart aspect No.2: The romance here is primarily one of Liam discovering himself, and finding that he might actually like who he turns out to be.Chinese-American screenwriter David Ren, a first-time filmmaker who codirected with Emmy winner Kern Konwiser, is clearly working through some of his own issues here, but seldom has “write what you know” resulted in so wise and melancholy a movie, and one entirely free of self-indulgence, self-pity, or cutesy self-deprecation.Oh, and Ken Leung(Inside Man)won a Special Jury Prize for Acting at the San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival for his performance as Liam, and Panettiere won Best Actress at the Newport Beach Film Festival, and both notices are well-deserved, too.Extras include a making-of featurette, cast and crew interviews, audio commentary with the filmmakers, deleted scenes, and more.

英文版家乡介绍,自我介绍 篇5

It’s really a great honor to have this opportunity to introduce my hometown to you.My hometown is Qiqihar ,the second largest city in Heilongjiang province.It’s well known as crane city,because it is the homeland of red-crowned crane.All the year round ,there are so many different kinds of birds living in the Zhalong Nature Reserve.It’s true that my hometown is the paradise of birds.Besides my hometown isfamous for producing green food, which is more tasty and nourishing than the ordinary food ,and it is also good to our health.I have lived in my hometown more than twenty years , and I love it so much.So if you want to come here , don not hesitate it any more.I promise you will have a good time!


上海玉佛寺英文导游词 篇6


Ladies and gentlemen, today we are going to visit a famous Buddhist temple---the Jade Buddha Temple.Before visiting the temple, I’d like to say a few words about the religious situation in Shanghai.Our constitution stipulates that every Chinese citizen is ensured the freedom of religious belief.There are four major religions in practice in Shanghai, namely, Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, and Christianity, which is sub-divided into the Catholic Church and the Protestant Church.When it comes to Buddhist temples in China, they are usually classified into three sects, i.e.temples for meditation, for preaching and for practicing Buddhist disciplines.The Jade Buddha Temple is a temple for meditation, and is well-known both at home and abroad.The temple was first built during the reign of Emperor Guangxu of Qing Dynasty, when a monk named Hui Gen went on a pilgrimage to Burma and brought back five jade statues of Sakyamuni.On his way back to Mount Putuo via Shanghai, he left two jade statues here, one in sitting posture and the other, reclining.He had a temple specially built as a shrine for these two statues in 1882.later the temple was partly destroyed by fire and in 1928 a new temple was completed on the present site.Just opposite the temple gate, there stands a giant screen wall.Various designs, such as dragon, phoenix, elephant, crane and peony are carved on it.In Chinese legend, all these things are considered the symbols of fortune, wealth, longevity and auspiciousness.Chinese people used to set up a wall in front of the house so as to keep the evils away.Now ladies and gentlemen, please turn around.Here we can see the temple gate.It is also called the Sanmen Gate, or say, the Gate of Three Extrications.The door in the middle is called the Door of Emptiness, to its right is the Door of Non-phenomenon, and to its left, the Door of Non-Action.Sanmen Gate is also called the Mountain Gate because most famous temples in China are found deep in mountains.But the Sanmen gate does not open except on the first and the fifteenth of every lunar month.Now this way to the entrance.Ladies and gentlemen, the first hall is the Heavenly King Hall.We will use the rear door, please follow me.(in the Heavenly King Hall next to the southern entrance)

Here we can find the statue of a fat and smiling monk with bared belly.He is Bodhisattva Maitreya.His smile is so contagious that you will smile with him and forget all your worries.So he is also called the Laughing Buddha.According to Buddhist scripture, he is now practicing Buddhism in the Tusita Heaven.After 4000 years, which is equal to 5.67 billion years on the earth, he will become successor to Sakyamuni under a Long Hua Tree in Hualin Garden.Hence another name the Future Buddha.But this statue we see here is not the real image of Bodhisattva Maitreya, it is just his incarnation..it is said that During the Five Dynasties Period, 1000 years ago, there lived in Fenhua in Zhejiang Province a monk named Qi Ci, who always carried a wooden staff with a cloth sack on his shoulder.He often went around towns and in streets to beg alms.Therefore he became known as “the Cloth Sack Monk”.He always smiled and laughed, looking as happy as ever.When he was dying, he left the message saying that he was the incarnation of Bodhisattva Maitreya.So his image is enshrined in the Buddhist Temple as the incarnation of Bodhisattva Maitreya.(on the eastern side of the Heavenly King Hall)

On the two sides of the hall are enshrined four statues.They are so-called Four Heavenly Kings.In the Buddhist legend, there is in the center of the world a highest mountain called Mount Sumeru.Halfway on it is a mountain called Mount Ghandara with four peaks.On each peak lives a Heavenly King protecting the Buddhist heaven.The first one is the Southern King---King of Developing Merits.His duty is to educate all living creatures and develop king-heartedness.He is holding a sword in his hand which can emit a ray to chop off the enemies’ heads.The one next to him is the Eastern King---King of Protection for Buddhism.He is holding in his hand a pipa, which is somewhat like a guitar.With this pipa, he offers music to the Buddha.Meanwhile this pipa is a magic weapon.It can send out a musical rhythm to defeat the enemy by tormenting brain and causing him to lose combatability.Now ladies and gentlemen, please come over to this side.(on the western side of the Heavenly King Hall)

The first one on this side is the Northern King---King of Virtue.He is so called because of his virtue.He is holding a parasol-shaped stela in his hand.The parasol can be opened into a canopy in Buddhist processions.It is at the same time a magic umbrella.Once it is opened in the battle field, the sky turns dark and a wind-storm rises, defeating the enemy with a dizzy spell and then it closes up capturing all the enemies.Next to him is the Western King---King of Far Sight.He observes the world with his penetrating eyes.He is holding a dragon-shaped silk rope.The rope is actually a net, with which he converts people to Buddhism just like catching fish with a net.This dragon also has a magic power.It can spurt water from its mouth and drown the enemy in floods.(in the Heavenly King Hall next to the rear door)

The Statue facing the rear door is Bodhisattva Skanda.He is always dressed in armour with a worrior’s club in his hand.Originally he was one of the eight heavenly generals under the Southern King of Developing Merits.Later he has been enshrined here because of his bravery.He is also a god of message, a fleet-foot runner, so when visitors come to the temple, he will immediately report to the Buddha in the Grand Hall.Now ladies and gentlemen, that’s all for the Heavenly King Hall.Please follow me and look out the threshold and the steps.Now we can see a giant tripod in the courtyard.It is actually a giant incense burner.It was donated by some Buddhist laymen who believed that by donating something the Buddha they can help purify the souls of their dead relatives from sins and relieve them from purgatory.Now this is the main hall, known as the Grand Hall or Grand Hall of the Great Sage.It is the main structure in every Buddhist temple, where the statue of Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism is enshrined.(in the Grand Hall)

Ladies and gentlemen, in the middle of the hall is the statue of Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism.On his right is Medicine Buddha and on his left is Amitabha Buddha.Each is seated on a lotus blossom and has a back halo.Sakyamuni’s original name was Siddhartha Gautama.He was a contemporary of Confucius.He was born to a warrior’s family in the Himalayan foothill in ancient India, or say, in present-day Nepal.He spent his youth in great luxury.But he renounced the human world at the age of 29 in search of an ultimate solution to the problems of human sufferings.After six years of spiritual discipline he got enlightened at the age of 35.he spent the remaining 45 years of his life teaching his religion and establishing a community for monks to continue his work.He was entitled “Sakyamuni”, which means “the great sage of the Sakya Clan”.He died at the age of 80.On his chest there is a sign that resembles a swastika but it has nothing to do with Hitler’s fascism because it is in an inverted order.It is actually a religious talisman used in ancient orient, symbolizing the concentration of happiness and auspiciousness.The Medicine Buddha is responsible for the Eastern Bright World.Since he can relieve people of all pains and sufferings, he is called the Medicine Buddha.He is holding a wheel, which signifies the unremitting effort of converting people to Buddhism just like turning a wheel.Amitabha Buddha is in charge of the Western Paradise.He is holding a golden lotus blossom stand with which he extradites Buddhist believers to the Western Pure Land, therefore he is also called the Buddha of Guidance.In front of the Medicine Buddha is a hollow wooden fish.It is actually an instrument used by the monks to accompany the chanting of their prayers.But do you happen to know why it is in the pattern of a fish? Now let me tell you about it.The monks think that fish is the most diligent animal in the world because it never closes its eyes, therefore the image of the fish is used to advise people that they should practice Buddhism as diligently as the fish.On both sides of the hall stand 20 Heavenly Gods, all protectors of Buddhist laws.They all bend slightly as if they are listening attentively to Sakyamuni’s preaching.The first one on the right side is Brahma, the chief god of Brahmanism in ancient India.It was believed in ancient India that all living creatures in the world, including gods and men, were created by him and he was thus honored as the Great Creator.Next to him is Yamaraja, the God of Hell, who is in charge of the nether world.The fourth one on this side is Goddess of Loving Children.There is an interesting story about her.It is said that before she became a goddess she was a wicked woman.She herself had many children, 500 in all, including 3 sons and 497 daughters.Her favorite child was her youngest son named Ai Nu, now standing by her side.As she always ate the children of other people, Buddha decided to convert her.One day, he hid Ai Nu in a jar.When the woman found her child missing she looked for him everywhere but could not find him.Then Buddha came up to her and said, “If you are worried when your child is missing, what about other mothers whose children you have eaten?” From then on she began to discipline herself and finally became a goddess.This is the Emperor of the Solar Palace, or say the Chinese Apolo, opposite him is the Chinese Diana, the emperor of the Lunar Palace.The last statue on this side is the Dragon King.(at the back of the Grand Hall)

Ladies and gentlemen, behind the statue of Sakyamuni there is a giant mural sculpture.In the middle is the statue of Bodhisattva Guanyin.Guanyin was originally named Guanshiyin but later abbreviated into Guanyin because the character “shi” was one of the characters in the Tang Emperor Li Shimin’s name and was considered a forbidden name.Guanyin often takes the image of a goddess in order to convert women to Buddhism.Actually he can incarnate into 32 images to convert people from all walks of life and relieve people from all kinds of sufferings.Any living creature in trouble needs only to recite his name and he will respond to the cry and readily come to help riding on the head of a huge turtle.That’s why he is described as a Bodhisattva of Great Mercy.By her two sides are her two disciples, San Cai the boy and Long Nu the girl.Above Guanyin is a statue of Sakyamuni when he was doing ascetic practices in a forest.A monkey on the right is offering preaches to him and a deer on the left is giving him milk to drink.Now a few words about San Cai, the boy and Long Nu, the girl.It is said that when San Cai was born, a number of treasures came with him, hence his name.By the way, “Can” in Chinese means “wealth”.He was later converted by Bodhisattva Manjusri, the Bodhisattva of Great Wisdom, and went on a pilgrimage to the south in search of teaching.He was going to call on 53 teachers and then met Guanyin, hoping to obtain the guidance to buddhahood.There are altogether 53 statues on the mural sculpture, excluding the 18 arhats.They were all supposed to be San Cai’s teachers.He came to them one after the other.Guanyin was his 27th teacher.Long Nu, the daughter of Dragon King, was a genius.At the age of 8 she often attended lectures by Manjusri.Later she met the Buddha and attained buddhahood.Below are 18 arhats, all disciples of Sakyamuni.According to Buddhist scripture, Sakyamuni asked them to stay permanently on the earth to help convert people to Buddhism.Arhats have three characteristics, namely, they can rid of all worries, they should be supported and offered by all people, and they enter nirvana once for all and never incarnate again.(in the Hall of the Reclining Buddha)

Ladies and Gentlemen: in the middle of the hall we can see a jade statue of the reclining Buddha.This is Sakyamuni in his deathbed, or say, entering nirvana.We can see him looking slightly upward and reclining on his right arm.Some may ask why he looks so calm and carefree.It is said that in his entire life-time he had taught 500 disciples, therefore, he felt no worry because he firmly believed that his disciples would carry forward his principles and preach his doctrines to emancipate mankind.This statue, 96 cm long, is carved out of a single piece of jade.It was brought from Burma together with the other statue in sitting posture.The carving was exquisitely done with delicate features and a slender figure, it is considered a rare Buddhist relic, which contributes to Jade Buddha Temple’s reputation.Now ladies and gentlemen, over here we can see four pictures on the wall of the hall which describe the life story of Sakyamuni.The first one, “Tonsure”, describes Sakyamuni having his head tonsured and clothes changed into a monk’s robe when he came a monk at the age of 29;the second, “Enlightenment”, after six years ascetic practice he became enlightened and attained buddhahood at the age of 35;the third, “Preaching”, Sakyamuni is preaching to his first five disciples;and the fourth, “Nirvana”, Sakyamuni entered nirvana at the age of 80.(before entering the Jade Buddha Chamber)

Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to visit the last main structure on the axis---the Jade Buddha Chamber.It is located on the second floor.Please do not take pictures or video tape-recording in the chamber.(in the Jade Buddha Chamber)

Ladies and Gentlemen, the statue in front of us is the Jade Buddha in sitting posture.Since Buddhism is a leading religion in China, there are a great number of statues of Sakyamuni all over the country, and most of them are made out of stone, clay, or wood, but a jade statue of the Buddha of this size is rare.It is 1.92 meter in height and 1.34 meter in width.The jewels on his head, arms and feet are all genuine ones.They were donated by Buddhist believers.The statue was carved out of a single piece of jade.It is soft in luster, even in color, pure and flawless in texture and exquisite in workmanship.This statue reflects Sakyamuni’s getting enlightened.We can see that his left hand rests on his left knee showing his great determination of deep meditation while his right hand stretches out onto the ground indicating that he had devoted himself to the emancipation of all mankind and this could only be witnessed by the great earth.When monk Hui Gen found the jade in Burma, he had it excavated under the permission of the Burmese King and had the Tibetan artisans carve it into a Buddha Statue, so it is a crystallization of the friendship of different nations.This statue looks life-like, with gentle and soft features and is considered a precious relic of Buddhist art.This is the reason why the temple enjoys a high reputation.In the cabinets on both sides are kept a complete set of Buddhist scripture, Da Zang Sutra, which was block-printed in 1870.this set of scripture covers Sakyamuni’s teachings by moth, Buddhist doctrines, and Buddhist theories.(in the courtyard in front of the Abbot’s Room)
