
2024-07-01 版权声明 我要投稿


四级作文考题 篇1

(一)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The Reading Population in China.You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the chart and outline given below: 1.描述图中所示我国国民读书情况 2.分析读书率变化的原因 3.你的看法

The Reading Population in China



第一段:概括图表信息;第二段:详细分析原因;第三段:阐明自己的看法。 ●范文●

The bar chart illustrates the gradual decline in the number of Chinese people reading books between 1999 and 2005.According to the graph, in 1999, more than 60% of Chinese people practiced certain readings.The percentage dropped dramatically to 54% in 2001, and continued to decrease until 2005 by nearly 6%.Why do less and less Chinese people read books? The reasons may ①boil down to the following factors.For one thing, Chinese people, especially the young,are now experiencing an unprecedented competition.They ②are struggling hard to accomplish their daily work, leaving no time and energy for reading.For another, modern society provides various channels ③ranging from television to the Internet for people to effortlessly get whatever information they need.Nevertheless, we ④cannot afford to be blind to the problem of the decrease in popularity of books among people, especially the young generation.To my mind, ⑤nothing can equal the benefits ⑥derived from reading.In one sense, books are no less necessary to our mental life than air is to our physical life.People should ⑦make it a rule to do some reading each day.Time-consuming as it may be, reading will inevitably exert profound influences on ⑧a person, a community and a nation.◇第一段思路点评:


the decline in和下文的dropped to, continued to decrease等都是同义表达。表示下降趋势的词汇还有:fell to, went down to(动词表达);a fall in, a reduction in(名词表达)。

◇第二段思路点评: 层层展开,揭示原因。◇语言点提示:

①.boil down to=come down to=be ascribed to=be attributed to

②.struggle to do sth.的同义短语有:strive / endeavor to do sth.以及labor for sth.。③.range from A to B表示种类繁多,不胜枚举。



④.cannot afford to be blind to可转换为:can no longer turn our back upon, cannot wave aside 等。

⑤.Nothing can equal=Nothing can match/approach/parallel ⑥.derive„from的同义词组:issue/come from, be born of等。

⑦.make it a rule to do sth=do sth.as is one’s custom/habit,意思是“把做某事定为常规”。⑧.三个名词叠言层层递进,铿锵有力。作文实考题目预测

(二)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write A Brief Introduction to the University.You should write at least 120 words according to the following guidelines: 假设你是一名学生志愿者,要给来你们学校参观的外国朋友介绍学校情况。内容应包括学校历史、规模、教学现状以及未来目标等。

A Brief Introduction to the University ●审题概述●


●范文● Distinguished guests, Welcome to our university.Before you start to look around, allow me to give you ①a brief account of the school.Founded in 1927, our university is one of this city’s earliest universities of liberal arts.It ②is staffed with an excellent faculty, and ③has a total enrollment of over 10,000 students.In the past years, it has turned out numerous well-qualified students and ④found its graduates active in professions of all walks of life.Since its establishment, the university has always ⑤steered itself toward the objective that its students have an overall healthy development.⑥Not only does it provide the students with basic academic courses, but it manages to expose them to the up-to-date knowledge.Besides, students are free to participate in colorful campus activities and social practice, which ⑦are intended for broadening their mind and ⑧developing their potential talent.Currently, both our faculty and students are making every effort to improve the quality of our education ⑨in the direction of a first-rate university.Thank you.◇第一段思路点评: 热情大方,欢迎来宾。◇语言点提示:

①.a brief account of sth.等同于a short introduction to sth。



②.is staffed with可替换为:is equipped/armed with。

③.has a total enrollment of是enroll的名词化用法。英语中,名词化短语较普遍。④.用学校作主语的人性化表达很生动。



⑤.steer itself toward是修辞用法,意为:gear itself toward。⑥.Not only放在句首的倒装句,句式丰富多样。⑦.be intended for=aim for=be meant for

⑧.develop their potential talent的同义短语:bring their talent into full play或fulfill themselves。



⑨.in the direction of a first-rate university也可用以下表达:with a first-rate university as our goal。


(三)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition titled Practicing Tennis for Your Health.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese: 你是某网球健身俱乐部的宣传人员,需要向顾客介绍俱乐部的情况以吸收更多会员。内容应包括:

1.俱乐部简介 2.参加方法

Practicing Tennis for Your Health ●审题概述●



●范文● Dear friends, Welcome to our tennis club to practice tennis for body-building.①As is evidenced in many countries, health and fitness have become the primary concern of many people.This is the very place where you can ②lose weight and keep fit, ③a comfortable place where you can escape from constraints of routine work, and an interesting place where you can make new friends of various types.We provide different tennis practicing programs to ④meet your needs.If you are a beginner, our first-class coaches will train you ⑤in person until you master the tennis skills.If you are already a good player, our top-grade drillmasters as well as other excellent club members will satisfy you in your practice.⑥Armed with the latest tennis equipment and the best teaching team, our club is available any time ⑦upon demand.Dear friends, now all you need to do is just fill out an application form and get a membership card.Join us and we are here⑧for you, for your health and for your better life.◇第一段思路点评:


①As is evidenced是As引导非限制性定语从句的用法,此处也可用As is proved/shown。



②.lose weight的近义表达式:go on a diet。③.escape from=be free of=find an outlet for ④.meet your needs=satisfy your requirements ▲两句If you are„对偶句协调平衡,富有美感;同时first-class coaches和top-grade drillmasters是同义表达,避免了单调的重复。

⑤in person与in body和in the flesh都可表示“亲自”;这里也可用face to face。⑥.armed with=equipped with=furnished with ⑦.upon demand同义于whenever needed/necessary。

◇第三段思路点评: 简洁有力,呼应开头。◇语言点提示:

⑧for you, for your health „层层递进,琅琅上口。作文实考题目预测

(四)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition titled Should University Students Rent Houses Off the Campus? You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1.越来越多的大学生在校外租房居住 2.人们对此看法不同 3.我认为„

Should University Students Rent Houses Off the Campus? ●审题概述●




Recent years have witnessed an increasing trend in university students’ renting houses off campus.It is no surprise that ①an army of college students move into the neighborhood housing around university campuses.This idea of living off campus ②finds an echo among the students who believe it gives more freedom to them.As is natural, as far as school dormitories are concerned, students ③are confined to a small living circle.What’s more, student dormitories ④are hardly furnished with modern facilities such as TV sets and washrooms, which is simply inconvenient for the students.Not everyone, however, ⑤shares this feeling.Those who view this phenomenon the other way round maintain that this practice may ⑥result in the chaos of the universities’ disciplining their students, who are still ⑦in the passage into maturity.In addition, it may also add extra financial burden to those students’ families.As for me, I ⑧choose living off campus over staying on campus not only because it provides more freedom and allows more privacy, but because it helps present the world outside the ivory tower to the students.◇第一段思路点评: 从事实出发,引出论题。◇语言点提示:

①an army of的近义短语有:a multitude of和a great number of等。



②find an echo among与appeal much to以及is embraced by同义。③be confined to可用be restricted to替换。④be furnished with=be supplied / equipped with



⑤share this feeling即agree to this idea, approve of this viewpoint或be of the same opinion。⑥result in the chaos类似于lead to the disorder。

⑦in the passage into maturity可替换为:in a period of shaping themselves。



⑧choose A over B也可用prefer A to B和be partial to A。▲not only because„but because„平衡结构的运用很有韵律。


(五)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition titled should Teenagers Be Encouraged to Attend TV Shows? You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese: 1.越来越多的青少年出现在各种电视选秀节目中 2.人们对此看法各不相同 3.你的观点

Should Teenagers Be Encouraged to Attend TV Shows?





In the past two years, various TV shows ①have given magic birth to some idols of the young in China, among whom last year’s “supergirls” are unlikely to be neglected.②It is no exaggeration that their overnight success has become the talk of the whole society.Numerous teenagers are enthusiastically ③following their examples by attending TV singing contests.This trend ④gives rise to much discussion.It is assumed by some people that such TV shows make it possible for the common people to become superstars,which is otherwise an extremely tough task.However, others ⑤frown on young students’ participation in these programs.It is held that the primary concern of adolescents should be school activities rather than social activities.Besides, such TV shows may lead some teenagers to ⑥be under the illusion that there is a shortcut to success and ⑦be unwilling to work hard, which will ⑧exert a bad influence on the society.In my view, it is absolutely unadvisable for teenagers to appear on the TV shows, wearing grown-up clothes and grown-up expressions.They should ⑨put study above anything else because adolescence is a crucial age for their education.⑩What really matters in one’s life is not short-lived early success but real competency.◇第一段思路点评:


①give birth to的同义表达还有:turn out, bring forth等。②It is no exaggeration that„也可用:It is safe to say that„。overnight success=sudden/unexpected success

③follow their examples也可表示为try to duplicate their success。



④give rise to=lead to=result in=become the source of

⑤frown on的类似表达有:be unhappy with, be opposed to和object to等。⑥be under the illusion that„也可表示为:have a wrong impression that„。⑦be unwilling to=be reluctant to

⑧exert a bad influence on的同义短语有:have a negative impact/effect on和work negatively on等。



⑨put study above anything else的类似表达:give priority to study和place the highest value on study等。

⑩what really matters=what is the most important=what really counts 作文实考题目预测

(六)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write A Proposal for Blood Donation without Repayment on behalf of the Student Union.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese: 1.献血与健康的关系 2.无偿献血的意义

A Proposal for Blood Donation without Repayment ●审题概述●


●范文● Dear fellow students, On behalf of the Student Union, I, the president, am earnestly ①calling for your active participation in our blood donation without repayment campaign.It is the duty of everyone in the society.Probably some of you ②are concerned for the physical fitness if some blood is gone.While it is true that loss of too much blood is dangerous to one’s health, ③it doesn’t follow that donating a little blood is also harmful.As a matter of fact, donating a certain amount of blood helps promote metabolism.I do hope you will cherish the opportunity to ④volunteer in our joint efforts in serving the society.If your little ⑤blood can pull back someone on the way to death, ⑥will there be anything that can make you even happier? If you are healthy and ⑦ready to contribute to the noble cause, you may go to the blood donation center in our school hospital which will be open at every weekend from now on.Your kindness and generosity are really appreciated.Yours sincerely,Li Ming

The Student Union ◇第一段思路点评:


①your active participation in类似于your share in。



②表示担忧的短语还有:are anxious for或are uneasy about等。

③it doesn’t follow that„也可用it doesn’t necessarily mean that„或it is not to say that„。



④此处volunteer in亦可代之以throw/fling yourself into。⑤blood can pull back„拟人用法使行文跳出平淡。

⑥will there be„反问句式优于there will be nothing„自然留白,引人思考。



⑦ready to contribute to的替换短语还有:willing/happy to play your part in。作文实考题目预测

(七)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of children attending training courses.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.1.许多中小学生报名参加各种各样的培训班 2.家长和学生选择培训班时所考虑的主要因素 3.孩子参加培训班的益处和可能产生的弊端

On Children Attending Training Courses ●审题概述● 一看到作文题,很多人会想到中小学生成天穿梭于形形色色的培训班,周末和寒暑假几乎成了他们的“第三学期”。这些孩子没有机会享受人生中最美好的童趣时光。在谋局布篇时,我们可将这些素材梳理整合,然后按提纲组织文章。语言运用上,要强调逻辑性,并注意灵活使用短语和句型,可适当运用修辞手段。



Every weekend sees Beibei, my neighbor and a primary school girl, rushing from a remedial English class to a piano training class.①Beibei’s case is far from rare.As it is, numerous school children ②dedicate themselves to various training courses on weekends as well as during vacations.When deciding what courses to attend, people ③are often inclined to choose those remedial courses,hoping that they may lead the children to ④score high, perform well and rank first at school.⑤Along with the supplementary courses of school lessons go the artistic training courses which are believed to help child ⑥hold superiority over his peers.The boom in training courses has both positive and negative sides.These courses contribute to the children’s preparations for their future careers to a certain extent.However, since most children enroll in the courses ⑦not out of their own interest, but out of their parents’ need, they are driven to study mechanically rather than to learn willingly.It may ⑧rob them of joy and fun to a point where they can see no childhood happiness, an experience ⑨no less essential than study.So ⑩it is vital that school children’s spare time be arranged in a sensible way.◇第一段思路点评: 生动实例,导入主题。◇语言点提示

①.此句可改写为:Beibei’s case is anything but unique.②.dedicate oneself to=occupy oneself with=commit oneself to

◇第二段思路点评: 层层分析,深入探讨。◇语言点提示:

③be inclined to do sth.=tend to do sth.=be apt to do sth.④运用修辞手法,层进短语极具震撼力。

⑤倒装结构的拟人化使用,既保持句子平衡,又增添形象性。⑥hold superiority over sb.=have/gain an edge over sb.◇第三段思路点评:


四级作文考题 篇2


1 2016年大学英语四级考试听力新题型

大学英语四级考试自1987年底开始实施第一次以来, 规模日益扩大, 每年6月、12月各一次。随着社会和科技的不断发展与完善, 各方面新的形势对我国高校大学生英语听力能力有了新的变化和更高的要求, 根据以前的各种经验和时代的进步, 我国教育部大学英语四、六级考试委员不断地对考试试卷试题进行着与时俱进的各种改革, 从作文类型的多样化到各种难度及长短不同的阅读理解, 段落翻译的出现到占比重35%的听力部分的修改。2016年6月大学英语四级考试四级听力试题的调整为下:1.取消短对话, 原题型为短对话八题, 每题1分。2.取消短文听写, 原题型短文听写单词加句子共10题。3.新增短篇新闻 (3段) , 每段设置2~3个小题, 共7题, 每小题1分, 新闻长度130~190词。4.长对话 (2段) 由原来的共7题调整为共8题, 每小题1分, 对话长度不变。5.短文理解 (3段) 题型不变, 分值由原来的每小题1分调整为每小题2分。6.考试时间由原来的35分钟减为25分钟。

从这次大学英语四级考试改革的新题型来看, 整套试卷只改革了听力部分, 充分说明了在大学英语的学习中听力的重要性。改革后的考试题型听力部分取消了学生们公认的难度较大的主观题复合式听写, 但是增加了第一次出现的同样有难度的客观选择题——新闻听力, 新闻听力部分新闻内容一般来自国内外传媒节目中某些为学生所熟悉的新闻报道或短评等, 题材比较多样化, 涉及文化、教育、体育、经济、自然、科技等多个方面, 难度因为听力范围的扩大和分值的变化而增加。

2 大学英语四级考试听力理论基础

在高校大学英语教学这一教育传播的过程中, 老师和学生们都认为适当的外语水平测试应力求高信度和高效度, 所以大学英语四级测试对学生英语掌握应用能力的可信度的测试也是有目共睹, 并且具有可信性和可行性。大学英语四级考试的听力部分, 以听为基础, 是一个主动积极的对信息进行认知加工过程, 是对口头信息的接受和解码, 是一种最基本的交际行为。在国内学者的现代语言教育学研究中, 大部分认为以理解语篇内容为目的语言输入, 是形成交际性听力乃至整个语言学习是否成功的关键, 如果要对学习者进行达到一定目的的语言方面的听力培养, 就要求传授者对学习者进行强化性训练。而大学英语听力教学的本意是使学习者获得直接听取信息的能力, 即交际意义上的能力。基于这样的理论基础, 大学英语视听说课程可以从视听说各个方面不断地加强学生听力水平的提高, 适应大学英语四级考试听力改革的新要求。

3 大学英语视听说课程与英语听力的密切联系

学生英语听力与视听说课程的联系密切, 在目前的大学英语听力教学中听音和辨音是大学英语教学的基本训练要素, 学生语音与国际标准发音的差异与其对英语这门语言的理解和运用在很大程度上决定着其对各种听力资料的理解和运用。国内高校传统的听力课程由于我国高校部分英语教师教学任务繁重, 科研压力较大, 学生相对来说数量较多, 不同学生英语学习基础不同, 目的不一, 导致教师虽然课程计划和方案比较充足, 但总的来说听力课程音频资源和视频资源较为缺乏, 难以保障学生英语听力学习的积极性和可持续性。而新的大学英语视听说课程正好弥补了这一缺陷, 根据四级考试听力改革后的题型, 教师在大学英语视听说课堂上应从多方面着手为学生即将进行的听力理解做好准备, 开展各种不同的课堂活动, 对即将听的内容做出针对性的预测, 提出一些与之相关的启发性问题, 或者提前介绍给学生有效的背景知识。而且要给学生介绍正确可行的听力技巧, 告诉学生在即将开始的听力理解过程中该如何操练, 帮助学生形成正确的听力理解习惯, 提高学生的听说效率和准确度。这样持之以恒, 不断地反复地进行练习, 学生就会自己根据材料自动选择正确有效的听力技巧, 从而达到听力理解能力提高的目的, 适应四级听力新改革的高要求。

从以往教育部对大学英语四级考试听力题型的不断改革来看, 大学英语视听说课程为学生构建了全新的数字化教学环境, 是实现学生听力提高的前提和保障。有效地利用大学英语视听说课程有助于提高教师听力教学的质量与效率, 经过系统、科学整合与编排的视听说课程总共分为四个级别。大学英语视听说课程第一级是对于简单的基本词汇基础知识的加强巩固过程, 内容相对简单明了, 容易让学生产生学习英语尤其是对自己听力的自信心, 更加激发学生对于这门课程的兴趣, 减少语言类课程的枯燥乏味。二级的听说内容较一级有所加深, 词汇量稍微扩大, 给予学生一步一个脚印加强巩固英语听说习惯的方法, 当好的习惯养成之后, 学生的知识与能力会随之提高。三四级的内容相对来说较前面两级难度更加深, 部分题型与大学英语四级考试的词汇和语法挂钩, 而且有些内容让教师可以针对学生的个体不同水平进行不同的指导, 节省了教师和学生的时间和精力。总的来说, 大学英语视听说课程在某种程度上通过资源共享, 丰富了课堂听力教学形式, 提高了听力教学效率。教师根据教学要求随时调整教学内容, 充实听力教学课堂, 可以实现大学英语听力教学评价的科学化、个性化, 提高了学生听力自主学习及终身学习的兴趣和意识。

4 对大学英语视听说课程的教学提出的建议

在多媒体、多模态环境下, 全国高校采用相应的针对大学英语视听说课程教改的网络视听说教学资源库, 与各种学习网站和多媒体教室结合起来共同为教师和学生构建了与时俱进的信息化教学环境。遵循了教学和自主相结合、科学文化与基础文化相融合、共建与共享的原则, 探索英语学习的新方法, 实现学生在网络上不定时不定点的学习和教师的远程指导, 提高大学英语课程多方面的学习成果。要达到这样的效果还要求大学英语视听说课程与其他教学手段相结合, 加强学生的视听说能力和网络自主学习能力, 适应来自于新题型的挑战。针对新一轮的题型变化, 大学英语视听说教学应该改变旧观念, 在教学过程中进一步处理好考试和教学的关系, 教育的最终目的不是为了应付考试, 而在于培养学生的英语实际应用能力。

随着网络技术和信息科技的发展, 大学英语网络视听教学的功能将会得到更加全面的运用, 最大化地为学生的英语学习服务, 让学生在听力层面上更好地达到四级考试听力改革的新要求。我国部分高校在大学英语课程上已经不断地进行了改革和创新, 从其产生的效果来看, 大部分的学生在经过大学英语视听说四个级别的自主学习后, 学习兴趣变得浓厚, 在学习中的自觉性得到了很提高, 在其相应的大学英语四级考试中, 听力部分分数有一定程度的上升, 四级整体成绩也得到相应的提高。


[1]俞静.大学英语视听说的“移情”实证研究[D].上海外国语大学, 2009.

[2]刘贤, 李志坤.多模态话语分析理论指导下的大学英语视听说课堂教学探索[J].语文学刊:外语教育教学, 2014 (3) .

[3]曹丽丽.多模态视角下的大学英语视听说教学实验研究[D].吉林大学, 2016.

作文2014考题 篇3









考题作文600字 篇4



小升初作文考题 篇5

2. 《难忘的小学生活》《我拥有一个小秘密》 要求:(1)两题任选一题写一篇记叙文; (2)做到中心明确,内容具体,注意细节,有真情实感; (3)文中的地名、校名、人名一律不写真名; (4)行文要层次清楚,语句顺畅,书写整齐,不写错别字。

3. 题目(1)《_____变了》提示:写某一个人或某一事物的变化,如《王小虎同学变了》、《李大伯变了》、《我家变了》、《家乡变了》等。

4. (2)《在路上见到的一件事》提示: a.可以写在上学或回家路上见到的一件事。 b.内容可以是好人好事,也可以是应该揭露和批评的坏人坏事。还可以是其他事情。 c.要把事情的过程写清楚,还可以写写你对这件事的看法。要求: (2)文章要有具体内容,有真情实感、有中心、有条理、有重点,语句通顺连贯,选词用语恰当,书写工整规范,正确使用标点符号。 (3)全文应写450字以上
