
2024-10-19 版权声明 我要投稿


中英文编辑自荐信 篇1

Dear Sir,

Professor Kenneth H. Chan, head of the Department of Metallurgy, has informed me that your agency is looking for an engineering graduate with the ability to write about technical subjects for non-technical readers.

The four years at Hong Kong University have given me a thorough foundation in such fundamental sciences as physics, mathematics, and chemistry, in addition to specialized courses in metallurgy. I have also taken as many courses in English and psychology as possible with the expectation that I would enter the field of technical sales or editing following my graduation this summer.

Fortunately, as my resume shows, I now have a mature interest in finding a satisfying job.

May I come in for an interview at your convenience?

Sincerely yours,






中英文编辑自荐信 篇2

1 中英新闻编辑工作角度的差异

整体来讲, 中英新闻编辑在同一新闻事件上的编辑, 在编辑的角度上往往存在很多的不同, 第一, 英语国家采用针对性强、注重细节的方针, 而我国的新闻倾向与宏观把握、整体布局谋篇。对新闻事件的报道, 不仅受到传播工具的制约, 而且要符合政府部门的宣传目标;第二, 对比中英文稿件, 可以发现中文稿件遵循了先有“因”, 再谈“果”的顺序。英文稿则从听众角度出发, 选择了听众最熟悉并对其最具吸引力的事实作为新闻导语, 然后再介绍事件的起因和具体情况, 先“果”后“因”。但总体而言, 中英文新闻编辑工作在组织篇幅的角度上存在着各自的特点, 我们在编辑或翻译英语新闻的时候, 多数受中文写作方式的影响, 用中文的布局谋篇习惯编辑和翻译英语新闻, 并且, 我们可能缺乏对英语新闻编辑方式的规律的认识, 很难写出符合英语新闻标准的新闻作品。所以, 新闻编辑难免会遇到中英文新闻编辑之间的差异, 但是若能熟悉中英新闻差异, 定能写出或译出更好的新闻作品来。

2 中英新闻编辑不同的写作手法

首先, 中国还处于社会主义初级阶段, 党执政的路线、方针、政策还要依靠舆论这一宣传阵地, 这就导致新闻为政府服务, 在很长一段时期内仍将是党和政府的宣传喉舌, 而西方国家舆论自由, 大多不受党和政府的制约, 追求新闻的真实性和客观性。中国强化了政治理论, 而国外加强了社会环境监督;其次, 我国的新闻编辑在不同阶段不断反映革命事迹、先进人物、进步思想, 从不同角度引导和鼓舞群众向先进模范学习, 以此促进社会主义精神文明建设, 时刻以构建和谐社会为目标。而英语新闻编辑在一定的时代背景下, 勇于报道贫困、战争、腐败、以及垄断行业、医疗卫生等争议性新闻, 多数充满了矛盾冲突。中国追求和谐, 而国外强调冲突;第三, 中文新闻编辑受写作思维惯性的影响, 喜欢把开篇写的很华丽, 绕来一大段话后在进入主题, 忽略了事实本身和细节, 带有主观色彩, 导致很多无用信息。而英语新闻喜好直接切入主题, 开门见山把最重要的新闻线索放在开篇, 然后辅以数据、论据、确保在有限的时间里, 完成沟通和交流的目的。中国注重文采, 而国外注重实际。第四, 英语新闻报道像写故事一样, 给读者客观、悬念、刺激感, 以平民视角、故事化为手段的新闻报道叙事风格在发达国家盛行。而中国新闻报道像写报告一样, 讲究准确、直观、详细。中国的经济已在世界上举足轻重, 世界上越来越多的国家要和中国交往, 产生的新闻事件必然要进入其他国家读者的视野。我们必须迎难而上, 改进中国新闻编辑方式, 在世界上争取中国的话语权。

全球化背景下中西文化的相互渗透使中英新闻价值取向和文化选择的沟通展现在众多方面, 如今, 中国新闻题材广泛, 不仅仅是政府宣传的喉舌, 已经越来越关注民生、关注生态环境保护、高新科技发展等全球性的话题, 并且越来越多的运用实例进行客观报道。而国外的媒体也越来越多地重视中国文化在世界上的地位, 像我国靠近, 不断淡化冲突, 重寻和谐。中英新闻价值取向和文化选择的沟通将在未来发展中日益彰显。

3 中英新闻编辑对时效性认识的差异

英语新闻注重时效性, 而中文新闻则侧重时宜性。从理论上来说, 时效性指新闻报道和事件发生的时间差, 越短越好, 新闻越新越好, 这样才能激起强烈的社会效果。英语新闻编辑们都争取第一事件发表消息, 把时间看作金钱, 为社会创造了很多新闻财富。篇幅多以短小精悍为主、形式多样。最为著名的“快讯”是1981年美国里根总统在华盛顿希尔顿饭店前遭枪击, 记者在一两分钟内现场口述了新闻。我国同样追求新闻的时效性, 但因为受当时当地政府、集团的利益制约, 往往在新闻报道时机的选择上很慎重, 要不要发, 什么时间发, 激起的社会舆论会怎样, 对社会、对经济的影响, 都是需要考虑的因素。所以, 评价中国新闻编辑好与坏成了往取决于新闻发表的时宜性而胜过时效性。

4 中英新闻编辑的职能差异

总体而言, 新闻在一定时期内仍将是党和政府的喉舌, 在国家运作和整个社会宏观调控中担还肩负着重要的任务。宣传仍是它的基本职能。新闻如何选择、怎样编辑、何时发表、都必须依据国家的宣传目标和以构建和谐为主题的时代背景。如唐山大地震, 《人民日报》采只采用了新华社统稿对这一灾难进行报道, 对地震灾情的描写只言片语, 重点放在人与灾难作斗争上, 隐瞒了灾情。直到三年后才在地震学会成立大会上首次次披露唐山大地震的具体死亡人数。新闻变成了“旧闻”。而英语新闻则是信息内容的竟争, 传播事实, 交流信息, 将客观实在的信息摆在第一位。从中英新闻编辑比较, 英语新闻更重视新闻的真实性和客观性, 具有较强的舆论监督作用。如, 克林顿总统的丑闻遭到媒体轰炸式报道;尼克松总统, 因“水门事件”被美国媒体无情揭露, 导致最后下台。可见, 他们没有因为是总统而被舆论“豁免”。英语新闻编辑的特点大大体现了西方的新闻自由、言论自由, 这是中英新闻最明显的差别。

总之, 在新闻编辑方面, 中英新闻各有千秋, 两者互补, 我们应该取人之长, 补己之短。从“事实说话”, 考察中英新闻编辑工作观念的本质区别, 只有文化价值观的融合和超越, 才能带来新闻编辑工作观念性的变革, 也才能带来新闻编辑实践的真正创新。

摘要:新闻是当代人们对外界了解的便捷手段, 不同的文化背景、和社会环境等因素会影响到读者对新闻的理解。本文通过对中英新闻编辑工作角度的差异、写作上不同的表现手法、对时效性的认识、和中英新闻的职能所在进行分析, 最终得出中英新闻各有独到之处, 我们应取长补短, 即而提高新闻编辑的能力。

《钱锺书英文文集》的编辑错误 篇3



这是最致命的,最令人痛心。大家知道,钱先生爱好,不示人以璞,爱反复增订旧作。本书的编者看来不怎么熟悉钱先生的作品,也不很了解钱先生作品的研究情况。全书一半篇幅是China in the English Literature of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries,来自国立北平图书馆英文馆刊《图书季刊》。这篇长文1945年计划出版单行本(1947年初王辛笛《中国已非华夏》称“最近已在美国由A. Knopf书店出版”),钱先生作了很多增删,如第一个脚注只保留了前三行,85页Before we proceed to seventeenth century references to China前有两页重大的增补:Very few seem to have notice that Leigh Hunt was really with the subject of China in European literature云云。题目也改为China in the English Literature of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries:Three Essays,并作了两页序文(Preface)。补订并非作于《图书季刊》本上,而是重新打印在十六开白纸上,用钢笔校改和润色。手稿本共二百三十六页,今存国家图书馆外文图书子库——实在应该珍藏于善本特藏部。三十多年后,钱先生又作了增订(1979年4月26日复姜德明书:“我上月起着手修改三十年前少作——一部用外文写的学术著作”)。钱先生曾说:“在写作上,我也许是一个‘忘本’的浪子,懒去留恋和收藏早期发表的东西。”为编文集的人可不能“忘本”啊。善本不用用废品,耽误读者犹可,埋没作者的学识文心最恼人。这册文集仅仅Chinese Literature一篇利用了钱先生增补本。钱先生屡屡坚拒搜集旧作,还和翻印《围城》初刊本的出版家打官司,并谓身后有为此者,他“不能如郑板桥之化厉鬼以击其脑,亦唯衔恨泉下”。

Opening Address to the First Sino-American Symposium on Comparative Literature发表在Cowrie 1984年第二期,也有不少修改,如Comparing the Literature and, inevitably,改本作“Comparing the Literature”(to borrow the title of Harry Levin's much anthologised essay), and inevitably,又如There are proverbially many ways of skinning a cat or dressing a calf's head,钱先生修订为There are proverbially many ways of skinning a cat, dressing a calf's head or catching a possum。改本优胜,固不待言。还有,这篇开幕词的日期被脱略。

Classical Literary Scholarship in Modern China中的Time does not permit me to do so,钱先生当时在赠我的本子上亲笔改为Time does not permit me to give a laundry list。钱先生的自存本一定还会有润色处。


此类错误当然产生于编者对钱著及其研究的陌生。序言表示愿意增补重版。The Art of Lying,发表于1932年《国立清华大学年刊》。1933年的《国立清华大学年刊》Epilogue也是钱先生的作品。

国立中央图书馆馆长蒋复璁请钱先生编辑英文馆刊,钱先生就在Philobiblon封面自己名位(Editor:C.S.CH'IEN)上面标示Director:CHIANG FU-TSUNG,并以他的名义写了四篇散文、两篇书讯:In the Beginning,Habent Sua Fata Libelli,Orientation Towards the Orient,The Minor Poet of the Southern Sung Dynasty,Hsuan-lan-t'ang Ts'ung-shu Second Series,Hsuan-lan-t'ang Ts'ung-shu Third Series。终刊号上的A Historical Sketch of Chinese Libraries则非钱先生所为。

The China Critic第七卷第二十号Unedited Biographies栏未署名的小品“George T. Yeh(叶公超)”,很可能出自钱先生手笔。钱先生序徐燕谋所编两部选本:Foreword to Modern English Selections for College Students,Foreword to Selected Modern English Essays for College Students,也未为收录。

不算书信,钱先生的英文作品想必还有一些——总感觉海外报刊会有钱先生文章。钱先生《休谟的哲学》“评者曾在一篇讲怀疑论的英文文章中,把休谟的意见概括为三点”云云,《补评英文新字辞典》“有位在中国大学当教授的美国人编了一本极畅销的教科书,我曾写篇书评”云云,这两篇犹待发掘。1935年11月出版的《清华同学会总会校友通讯》第二卷第九期介绍钱先生,有云:“其英文作品散见《中国评论周报》及《中国英文季刊》”。“中国英文季刊”不知英文名是什么,中文名叫“英文中国季刊”的The China Quarterly没有钱先生的东西。邵绡红《我的爸爸邵洵美》称钱先生曾主编China Daily Tribune(《自由论坛报》),尚待考证。


On“Old Chinese Poetry”应该作On“Old”Chinese Poetry,看正文就会了然。另外,这篇文章应排在Great European Novels and Novelists后面。

The Mutual Illumination of Italian and Chinese Literature应作The Mutual Illumination of Italian and Chinese LiteratureA Big Theme: Some Small Instances,集中把A Big Theme: Some Small Instances另立作小标题了。

Correspondence: To the Editor of Philobiblon似乎未安,因为作者本人就是Philobiblon的Editor,Editor改作Reader庶几名正,作To Mr. Paul E. Burnand亦可。

把Information Provided by G. Dudbridge(杜德桥提供的资料)作为标题,好像不妥。此篇非注莫解。

A Speech by Qian Zhongshu。不懂干吗单单在这篇题目上加署作者姓名。又“(即1932年9月16日)”宜植诸脚注。

Critical Notice是Philobiblon的一个栏目,编者将那里的三篇书评分别标目为Critical Notice I,Critical Notice II,Critical Notice III。如依此例一以贯之,发表在The China Critic书评栏中的Great European Novels and Novelists,Myth, Nature and Individual,A Critical Study of Modern Aesthetics,亦当标目为Book Review I,Book Review II,Book Review III。Book Note I,Book Note II,原文都作A Book Note。


编者注了文章的来处,可几乎没有确切的。第一篇的注是“From Tsinghua Weekly(《清华周刊》),XXXV(1931),pp.93~99”。《清华周刊》是中文刊物,必欲用英文名,合该如此这般:“《清华周刊》(Tsing Hua Weekly)”。之后两篇亦误。“XXXV”是卷次,第三十五卷,为什么不进一步标明期号呢?

第四篇注的是“The Chinese Critic(《中国评论家》),VI,1933”。首先,Chinese是China的错误。其次,The China Critic的中文名叫 《中国评论周报》,由蔡元培题署,就影印在封面上。再次,上文还肯注明文章所在的页码,这次连页码都省去了。27页的注甚至连卷次都不标。以下五篇皆误。

“Quarterly Bulletin of Chinese Bibliography(《中国图书季刊》)”(82页)。这个刊物的中文名是《图书季刊》。

“Chinese Year Book(《中国年鉴》),1945”(281页),应作:“The Chinese Year Book 1944~1945(《英文中国年鉴 1944~1945》),1946”。



整理古旧籍最忌讳的就是自作主张改动原文。China in the English Literature of theEighteenth Centuries中的许许多多段落都是编者擅自分割的,如146、149、150、151、155、158页等处。304页将德文Januar改成英文January。52页竟将两处and易为“和”。11页otherwise是either的妄改。



错字。如8页 campanion 是companion之误。24页infalllible是infallible之讹。32页co是to之谬。40页prelaces是prefaces之舛。72页Wen Yuen Ning系Wen Yuan-ning之讹变。364页itsef为itself之讹。404页Do Sanctis乃De Sanctis之误。325页“pp.206,305”应作“p.206,p. 305”。397页“干”、“鸾风”、“缘”、“老人”是“千”、“鸾凤”、“绿”、“老大”的错误。


脱文。如331页注4脱首字See。282页Ezra前原有The truculent“American”Poet。

符号错误。如41页See后衍冒号,283页“of a group”衍引号。70页“已别”云云不可施加括号,而240页的中文均应在括号内。

未作斜体者,如9页Selections from the Works of Su Tung-P'o,64页out,304页Zeitgeistes,352页epistrophe。误作斜体者,如18页Spring-time,20页Fairyland Visited,42页The。




中英文-自荐信 篇4

Sincerely yours,敬啟者:





中英文摄影工作自荐信 篇5

Dear Sir,

I am a graduate student in the Film Department of San Francisco State College。 Right now I am hunting for a job 。 I think you might be able to help me。

As an undergraduate, I had a double major of physics and communications。 I am interested and have a solid backbround in both the mechanical and the communications sides of photegraphy。 In my graduate studies, I am following up both areas with equal enthusiasm。

Recently, I was excited to hear that you have set up a special laboratory for the testing of photography equipment。 There is nothing I would like better than to work in that lab。 I could help examine equipment and also help you devise tests。Please let me know whether I have any chance of getting employment with you。 If you need any more information, please let my know。 I will send whatever your require。

Thank you in advance for your consideration and courtesy。

Sincerely yours,





医药学毕业中英文自荐信 篇6


Hello!Thank you for taking the time to read my letter of recommendation, below, I to a simple self-introduction.I am chongqing three gorges pharmaceutical college school student#39;s department of 2008 Olympic nursing.Ordinary me, optimistic, positive and uplifting, have a strong sense of responsibility and mission.While at university, I always with diligence rigorous attitude to study hard, system solid mastery of the theoretical knowledge and professional skill, and at the same time, use after school time, I widely with a lot of books, not only enrich themselves, but also to train a wide range of skills.Two years of campus life form good learning and work habits.I deeply felt, and excellent students work together, make me benefit in competition, To the actual difficult challenge, let me grow up in defeat.Review two years of campus life, I not only learned all kinds of knowledge, and learned how to become a man of value.I love own specialty, see ourselves for hard and sweat for the patient#39;s health and a smile, is my biggest joy.I sincerely look forward to in your under the leadership for the expensive unit business branches, and in work continuously learn and progress.I believe, I can, I will!

Enclosed personal resume, looking forward to your interview.I wish your esteemed courtyard business is thriving!







实用的英文自荐信(中英对照) 篇7

Respected company leaders:


I was about to Nanning Vocational and Technical College graduate students in an accounting profession.From the “Nanning Information port” The newspapers and magazines, it was learned that your company would hire accounting positions.I am your companys development has been very concerned, and accounting have great interest in this work is very happy to develop your company do something modest.I am honored to have the opportunity to you brought to my personal data.In the two years of university life, I have a good grasp of professional knowledge, learning of cost accounting, management accounting, financial management, computerized accounting, auditing, science and other professional courses.I seriously study, specialized courses average performance of 80 points or more, ideological and moral good moral character issued by the college has received outstanding awards, in-school period, I made the Ministry of Education Examination Center two certification computer certification, English B level qualified Certificate, Accounting Certificate.photographic Association, served as Deputy Secretary-General post.I grid bright, passionate work, get teachers and students alike.I can skilled use of office software on the computer has a certain degree of operational capability, a skilled five-stroke input method.Two years in my spare time in the off-campus part-time.And through the work of learning responsibility to make me feel important.Life of the wind and rain so I have a hard-working spirit.Honesty and trustworthiness is my character.Because I know that accounting treatment is not careless sort of, not to cook the books.Serious and responsible in their duties.Respected corporate leaders, if I can Receives your common sense, I will dutifully take concrete action to show you: your companys past, I came for and participation;but your companys future, I am willing to sacrifice the hard work of my life and sweat!I look forward to your good news.After once again my most sincere thanks!












英文自荐信 篇8

November 7, 2008

Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to inquire an opportunity for English teacher in your school.I will graduate from Sichuan College of Education for B A degree, and I major in English teaching.I believe that my outstanding record at college as well as some teaching experience has prepared me for the job.During the past four years of undergraduate studies, being a diligent student, I have made a solid foundation and grasped the principal of my major.I pass the CET-4 and CET-6, Because of my excellent performance, I won scholarships every year.Besides the education, I am in charge of the department of publicity of the college.Since I was young, I’ve learnt calligraphy.With this specialty and outstanding leadership, I’ve done very well as the member of the department of publicity, and won Excellent Cadre of the college.In order to accumulate teaching experience, I once became a part-time English teacher of Qionglai First English Training centre.Now, I am teaching there too.I’m confident that an amiable, ambitious, dedicated and responsible person with a combination of solid educational experience and practical teaching experience can make an immediate contribution to your university.Becoming a teacher has been my dream since I was young.Please give me a chance to become one member of your university.Thanks for your consideration.Yours sincerely,**

英文自荐信 篇9


Thank you for your busy schedule to read my. Liaoning Institute of Technology I am a 200 English language and culture tend to professional students, will graduate in July this year. House as a result of the teachers who is from an early age I was a good family education, but also for the cause of teachers has always been filled with great enthusia, eager to look forward to your leadership, for this glorious and great cause plus licking bricks watts, and continuous learning in practice and progress.

Honesty, integrity, diligence and pragmati is the principle of my many years of school life, I formed a good style and advanced ideas, concepts, and have a unique way of thinking, harmonious interpersonal relationships. University life and to further strengthen the cultural knowledge of my self-cultivation, and create a good psychological quality, and effectively I have a down-to-earth style of life and the principle of self-regulate.

prerequisite of its browser. Mentorship in the strict lessons and personal efforts, I have a solid foundation of professional knowledge, to master a number of skills. In each semester of the exam have achieved excellent results and one-time in September 20xx through the four English professional examinations, and achieved good results, can ease the use of computer software, familiar with WORD, ExCEL and other office software. Participate actively in the schools, the activities of the Organization Department of the School Games a success on many occasions.

At the same time, I am very focused on all aects of their quality, ability to train and actively participate in various social activities, seize the opportunity to exercise their own. Weekdays, I tutor after school hours engaged in work, so far the whole three years, as it has in the travel guides, and has been widely praised, leave alone to do during the course of English. Therefore, a large number of professors have a certain degree of social experience and practical ability. Also, because of language, literature and love of learning in Japanese is also a slight contribution.

Near that your school just a few years from a number of provinces, municipalities prescribed in the school come to the fore, is no accident, but by virtue of the leadership and vision Gaucho staff have a

英文自荐信:会计 篇10


Dear Sir,I have seen your advertisement in the for an accountant, and should be grateful if you would consider a short account of my character and capabilities.For the last two years I have been employed as a junior accountant by a firm of import and export merchants where the wide field of work to be covered has given me a good all-round knowledge of accounts.To supplement my practical knowledge, I have taken an evening course in the Hong Kong polytechnics.I feel that you could safely entrust a set of books to my care.You will find enclosed a testimonial from the Head professor of Hong Kong polytechnics who has kindly offered to provide you with any further details you may require.I trust that you will consider this application favourably and I wish to assure you that I should make every effort to be worthy of the confidence you may place in me.Yours faithfully

财会英文自荐信 篇11

I was born in the beautiful scenery of the border town-Linjiang, 97 years with outstanding results, I went to the Jilin University of Technology School of Economics and Management, then opened a new chapter in my life.I have been as a school class party branch secretary of the corporation, a busy train and exercise not only my ability to work and more training to solve the problem of my ability, so that the problems faced when I can calm analysis, careful thought, and this all for me the choice of professionals have had a profound impact.I do a good job at the same time, but also actively participate in school activities and to encourage students to participate, for their advice;in everyday life, I was able to closely unite the students, I believe that the collective force is strong, only we拧成一股绳, in order to do a good job.The needs of socialist modernization is a comprehensive quality management personnel, so I have to learn professional knowledge, the main English and computers, in English, I am training to strengthen my listening, speaking, reading and writing ability;in the computer, the I start from the basic knowledge to further grasp the various functions of the OFFICE, but also self-learning of basic knowledge of the INTERNET can be used flexibly.professional after the elections, in order to broaden their own knowledge, I also participated in the study Accounting mastered basic accounting software applications and EXCEL applications.In order to study their own expertise to jest ǎ  Mao Wei Liang薓unloading a few cases of BA-related teaching materials, such as strategic management, corporate governance, financial management, capital operation and so on, and apply it in their practical work.“Sea diving with width, height鸟飞days”, I hope you can give me an opportunity to display their talent, I will work hard, study hard and expertise to live up to my expectations of the company.
