足球后卫 毕业论文

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足球后卫 毕业论文(精选6篇)

足球后卫 毕业论文 篇1

摘要------------------------1 ABSTRACT------------------2 第一章绪论---------------1 1.1 课题来源及研究背景----------------------1 1.1.1课题来源10 3.2.1 阵形-----10 3.2.2 阵形因子-----------------------------10 3.2.3 阵形分类-----------------------------11 3.2.4 Agent阵形库------------------------11 I

3.3 基于阵形变换的防守模型--------------12 3.3.1.常用阵形变换方法-----------------12 3.3.2.一种新型的阵形变换方法--------13 3.4 小结------------14 第四章 基于SBD策略的后卫防守模型-----15 4.1 几种常见的后卫防守模型--------------15 4.1.1 盯人防守模型-----------------------15 4.1.2 角色防守模型-----------------------17 4.1.3 区域防守模型-----------------------18 4.2 基于SBD策略的后卫防守模型------19 4.2.1 SBD策略------------------------------19 4.2.2 防守型SBD策略--------------------19 4.2.3 基于SBD策略的后卫防守模型6)(3)当 n >_2时: OptDir=Ai+ MaxAng/2.0(4一 7)其中 i 值 由MaxAng对应的角决定。

计算 出 OptDir后,我方控球队员踢球的方向就确定了,图4-4是当n>_2时表示OptDir的示意图。当我方控球队员将球以OptDir方向踢出后,由于采用的是大力踢球策略,这样使球能够得到较大的速度,同时踢球方向的推倒过程又保证了球进入对方半场或踢到边线之前不易被对手截获。这样,在我方半场的对方球员回防之前,球被很快压入对方半场,我方山防守转向进攻,此时对方的防守相对较弱,增加了我方射门得分的机会。可见,当对手攻入我方半场时,在我方球员断球成功后应用SBDD策略,能够较好地达到破坏对手协作进攻的目的。


SBDD策略的具体应用中,扇形区域Sec(amin,amax,r)大小的确定是一个关键问题,在CSU YunLu2003中我们采用了实例学习[46】的方法来获得这三个量的值。

实例学习是人工智能中一类机器学习方法,这种学习方法也称为归纳学习(Learning by induction),是目前机器学习方法中最成熟的一种。通过实例学习就是从具体训练例子中推导出一般规则,学习活动的全过程可用两空间模型来说 明,如图4-5所示。

图 4一 5 两 空 间 模 型


在学习过 程中,我们以实际比赛中球在对方半场的时间t与整场比赛的时间 T的比值R=OT作为衡量Sec取值的性能指标。R越大表明球被压入对方半场的时间越长,而对应的Sec取值越合适。

3.SBDD策略的采用度d 在仿真比赛中,当球员得到控球权后,要采用某种策略来选择下一步动作,如传球、带球过人、下底传中等等。我们把一场比赛中控球队员执行SBDD策略的次数。与该球员控球时所采用策略的总数N的比值称为SBDD策略的采用度,用d表示,其中


SBDD 策 略具有较强的反协作能力,但由此也带来了一定的震荡性,即可能导致某段时间球在两个半场之间拉锯,从而造成球员体力消耗过大。我们从训练中发现这种震荡性与d的取值有关,而且d值越大出现震荡的可能性也随之增大。因此,在采用SBDD策略时一定要根据球队的自身特点来确定d的取值。

在 CSU_YunLu2003仿真球队中我们对己经实现的多种SBD策略进行了测试。测试比赛是在SoccerServer9.xx版本下完成的,先后对采用SBDD策略和不采用该略的CSU一 YunLu2003仿真球队作了长时间的训练,训练结果表明,SBDD策略是可行有效的。为了减少比赛随机性对结果的影响,我们取同一支球队作为对抗球队,表4-1中给出了部分统计的对比数据,用来说明SBDD策略的采用对比赛结果的影响。表 4一 1 S BD 策 略 的 采 用 时 比赛 结 果 的 影 响

由表 4-1可以看出应用SBDD策略后,球在对方半场的平均时间比提高了25.5%,进球机会有了明显增加。

4.2.3 基于SBD策略的后卫防守模型

将防 守 型 SBD策略应用在后卫防守工作中,并取d一l.就是基于SBD策略的后卫防守模型的核心思想。上文提到在SBDD策略中,若d的取值过大,可能引起振荡,但由于后卫的战略位置比较靠近球门,他们断球后如果不迅速作出判断很容易被对方球员再次夺得控球权,另外在球员其它技能水平不高(如传球、带球)的情况下,即使判断及时,也可能在下一步动作中使我方球队失去控球权.因此,当后卫控球后只采用SBDD策略不仅可以缩短决策选择的时间,还能够弥补球队某些技能上的不足。而且通过实际比赛发现,后卫对SBDD策略采用度的大小对整个比赛振荡性的影响不是很明显。SBDD策略应用的前提是球员首先得到控球权,因此在后卫的防守过程中需要具有较强的断球技能。

4.3 小结

本章内容主要从智能体局部合作的角度出发,研究了后刃.的防守模型。在对己有防守模型分析比较的基础上,提出了基于SBD策略的后卫防守模型,这种防守模型打破了传统防守策略被动性的特点。基于SBD策略的后卫防守模型,主要解决了后卫断球以后的防守问题,采用这种防守方式的仿真球队,大大减小了门前危机,从而有效缓解了守门员的防守压力。SBD策略是后卫防守模型的核心,这是CSU YunLu2003的研究者在大量仿真实验的基础上提出的新思想,这个策略具有很强的适应性和可扩展性,能够有效瓦解对手有组织的协作。

第五章 总结与展望

5.1 论文总结


(2)在研究智能体局部合作的过程中,论文提出了反协作的SBD策略思想,并将该策略应用到后卫的防守工作中。在已有的后卫防守模型中,所采取的策略都是基于传统意义上的防守,研究的是在对方球员控球时本方球员应如何行动的问题,这类防守具有很大的被动性。而基于SBD策略的后卫防守模型,所采取的是一种积极的防守方法,主要解决了后卫断球以后的防守问题。该模型简单有效,在比赛过程中能够瓦解对手有组织的协作,从而大大减小了门前危机,并能有效缓解守门员的防守压 力。而且该模型对球队的底层技术要求不是很高,具有较强的适应性。(3)基于防线的守门员跑位模式是目前较为成熟的守门员防守方法,利用这种方法能够取得较好的防守性能,但必须处理好守门员体力消耗大的问题和足球越过防线的情况。论文在对基于防线的守门员跑位模式进行研究和分析的基础上,用设置临界线的方法解决了守门员体力消耗问题,并提出了可变防线的思想,研究了平行可变防线和交叉可变防线两种方法。可变防线的守门员防守策略打破了一条防线的限制,能够有效防止对手带球穿越防线,从而更好地发挥了守门员的防守作用。


5.2 后期工作展望






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//////////初始化程序 #include “stdafx.h” #include “CActionTranslator.h” #include “output.h” #include #include #include

using namespace zealot;/* * 类 CActionTranslator 的静态成员初始化 */ const char CActionTranslator::ROLE_NAME[][MAX_ROLE_NAME_SIZE] = { “VANGUARD”, “GOALIE”, “DEFENCE_MAN”, “KICK_MAN”,“WALK_MAN”, “AVOIDER”, };


“RETURN_GOAL”, “SHUT_ANGLE”, “DEFENCE_GOAL”, “ALERT”,“DEFENCE”,“RETURN_POS”, “PATROL”,“AVOID”, };/** * CActionTranslator::CActionTranslator()构造函数 * * 参数: * v_Role--机器人的角色 * 返回值: * 无 */ CActionTranslator::CActionTranslator(int v_RoleIdx){ m_Role =(ROLE)v_RoleIdx;

InitAction();} /** * CActionTranslator::~CActionTranslator()析构函数 * * 参数: * 无 * 返回值: * 无 */ CActionTranslator::~CActionTranslator(){ } 29

/** * CActionTranslator::Action()得到机器人的当前状态 * * 参数: * 无 * 返回值: * 机器人的当前状态 */ CActionTranslator::ACTION CActionTranslator::Action()const { return m_Action;} /** * CActionTranslator::ActionName()得到机器人的状态名(用于调试输出)* * 参数: * 无 * 返回值: * 机器人的当前状态名 */ const char* CActionTranslator::ActionName()const { return ACTION_NAME[m_Action];} /** * CActionTranslator::RoleName()得到机器人的角色名(用于调试输出)* * 参数: * 无 * 返回值: * 机器人的角色名 */ const char* CActionTranslator::RoleName()const { return ROLE_NAME[m_Role];} 30

/** * CActionTranslator::ActionCounter()得到机器人的状态计数 * 也就是机器人处于当前状态的决策周期数 * * 参数: * 无 * 返回值: * 状态计数 */ int CActionTranslator::ActionCounter()const { return m_ActionCounter;} /** * CActionTranslator::InitAction()根据机器人角色初始化 * 机器人的状态 * * 参数: * 无 * 返回值: * 机器人的当前(初始)状态 */ CActionTranslator::ACTION CActionTranslator::InitAction(){ /* 根据机器人的角色确定机器人的初始状态 */ switch(m_Role){ case VANGUARD: // 前锋的初始状态是 SEARCH_BALL m_Action = SEARCH_BALL;break;

case GOALIE: // 守门员的初始状态是 SHUT_ANGLE m_Action = SHUT_ANGLE;// m_Action = ALERT;break;

case DEFENCE_MAN: // 后卫的初始状态是 RETURN_POS m_Action = DEFENCE;31


case KICK_MAN: // 助攻的初始状态是 RETURN_POS m_Action = RETURN_POS;break;

case WALK_MAN: // 不依赖视觉反馈, 走一套确定的动作 m_Action = WALK;break;

case AVOIDER: // 避障人员的状态一直是壁障 m_Action = AVOID;break;}

#ifdef CONSOLE_OUTPUT printf(“Role: %sn”, ROLE_NAME[m_Role]);printf(“Action Initialize to %sn”, ACTION_NAME[m_Action]);#endif // CONSOLE_OUTPUT

#ifdef WIN_OUTPUT pZealotDlg->m_editAction.SetWindowText(ACTION_NAME[m_Action]);#endif // WIN_OUTPUT

m_ActionCounter = 0;// 清零状态计数器

return m_Action;} /** * CActionTranslator::TranslateAction()根据视觉信息和机器人当前速度 * 进行状态跃迁, 并返回机器人的当前状态 * * 参数: * v_Memory--机器人记忆, 内含视觉信息 * v_Speed--机器人的当前速度 * 返回值: * 机器人的当前状态 */ CActionTranslator::ACTION CActionTranslator::TranslateAction 32

(const CMemory& v_Memory, const CSpeed& v_Speed){ char msg[20];

ACTION last_action = m_Action;

/* 根据机器人在球队中的角色采用不同的状态自动机, 来控制状态的跃迁 */ switch(m_Role){ case VANGUARD: VanguardAction(v_Memory, v_Speed);break;

case GOALIE: GoalieAction(v_Memory, v_Speed);break;

case DEFENCE_MAN: DefenceManAction(v_Memory, v_Speed);break;

case KICK_MAN: KickManAction(v_Memory, v_Speed);break;

case WALK_MAN: break;

case AVOIDER: break;

default: sprintf(msg, “Unknown ROLE : %d”, m_Role);ReportError(msg);break;}

if(m_Action == last_action){ m_ActionCounter++;// 累加状态计数器

} else { m_ActionCounter = 0;// 清零状态计数器

#ifdef CONSOLE_OUTPUT printf(“Action changed to %sn”, ACTION_NAME[m_Action]);#endif // CONSOLE_OUTPUT

#ifdef WIN_OUTPUT pZealotDlg->m_editAction.SetWindowText(ACTION_NAME[m_Action]);#endif // WIN_OUTPUT } return m_Action;} /** * CActionTranslator::VanguardAction()前锋的决策自动机 * * 参数: * v_Memory--机器人记忆, 内含视觉信息 * v_Speed--机器人的当前速度 * 返回值: * 无 */ void CActionTranslator::VanguardAction(const CMemory& v_Memory, const CSpeed& v_Speed){ static int kick_counter = 0;static const int NEARBY_DISTANCE = 50;// 距离球多远时停车, 进入该距离机器人将停车

static const int DRIBBLE_DISTANCE = 10;// 距离球多远时带球

static const int STOP_SPEED = 20;// 停车速度, 速度达到多少时算静止

static const float FACE_ANGLE = CVector2d::PI / 10;// 选择是否正对着靠近球的阈值角度

static const float KICK_ANGLE = CVector2d::PI / 4;// 带球时的射门条件(角度)static const int KICK_DISTANCE = 200;// 带球时的射门条件(距离)34

static const int KICK_TERM = 10;// 击球周期 CVector2d ball = v_Memory.Position(CSnapshot::BALL);// 球的位置 CVector2d enemy_goal = v_Memory.Position(CSnapshot::ENEMY_GOAL);// 对方球门位置

/**后卫队员的决策自动机 * CActionTranslator::DefenceManAction()后卫队员的决策自动机 * * 参数: * v_Memory--机器人记忆, 内含视觉信息 * v_Speed--机器人的当前速度 * 返回值: * 无 */ void CActionTranslator::DefenceManAction(const CMemory& v_Memory, const CSpeed& v_Speed){ static const int FIGHT_OUT_DISTANCE = 150;// 出击距离(距球多远时出击)

CVector2d ball = v_Memory.Position(CSnapshot::BALL);// 球的位置

/* 后卫的状态机 */ switch(m_Action){ case DEFENCE: // 处于待命状态时

if(ball.Valid()&& ball.Norm()< FIGHT_OUT_DISTANCE){ m_Action = ACCESS_BALL;// 距球较近时出击 } break;

case ACCESS_BALL: /* 不再发生状态跳转 */ break;} } 35

附录二 :论文

Local Multiresolution Path Planning_

Sven Behnke

International Computer Science Institute

Berkeley, CA, 94704, USA behnke@icsi.berkeley.edu Abstract.Grid-based methods for finding cost optimal paths are popular because oft heir flexibility and simple implementation.However, their computational complexity becomes unfeasible for real-time path planning ifthe resolution of the grid is high.These methods assume complete knowledge about the world, but in dynamic environments where sensing is done on board the robot, less is known about far-away obstacles than about the ones in close proximity.The paper proposes to utilize this observation by employing a grid of variable resolution.The resolution is high next to the robot and becomes lower with increasing distance.This results in huge savings in computational costs while the initial parts ofthe paths are still planned with high accuracy.1 Introduction Path planning is an important subtask of the robot navigation problem, which is to find a path from a start configuration to a target state and to traverse it without collision.The navigation problem can be decomposed into three subtasks: mapping and modeling the environment, path planning, and path traversal with collision avoidance.Manya pproaches to path planning have been described in the literature [7, 8].Theyca n be grouped into local and global methods.Local path planning methods do not attempt to solve the problem in its full generality, but use only the information available at the moving robot to determine the next motion command.One well known local path planning technique is the potential field method [6].Here, the robot follows the gradient of a force field.The field is generated bya ttractive potentials from a start position towards a target and by repulsive potentials that point awayf rom obstacles.The potential field method has a low computational load and generates smooth paths that staya way from obstacles.However, the greedygrad ient descent mayget trapped in local minima.It is hence most useful in environments where local minima are unlikely.Furthermore, it can be used for fast reactive obstacle avoidance.In contrast, global methods assume complete knowledge about the world.The frequentlyrel y on the concept of free space, the configurations the robot _ This work was supported by a fellowship within the postdoc program of the German Academic Exchange Service(DAAD).36

can take without collision [9].It is convenient to shrink the robot to a point while growing the obstacles accordinglyto obtain the free space.Roadmap path planning methods inscribe a graph into the free space that contains all possible paths.For instance, a roadmap defined bya visibility graph [10] can be used to find the shortest path around polygonal obstacles.Another possibilityto define a roadmap is to use Voronoi borders [11] as graph edges in order to find a path that stays far away from obstacles.To rapidly explore high-dimensional configuration spaces planners have been proposed that randomlysa mple configurations and connect samples in free space by simple local paths, therebycr eating probabilistic roadmaps [5].One disadvantage of these methods is that onlya binaryr epresentation(occupied/free)of the configuration space is possible.Another class of global planning methods decompose the free space into cells.Exact cell decomposition results in cells of different simple shapes as required by the shape of obstacles.Approximate cell decomposition methods use predetermined cell shapes, sizes, and positions to approximate the free space [1].Popular approximate cell decompositions include uniform coverage with square cells and quadtree representations [4] that use smaller cells next to the obstacle borders.Once the decomposition is determined, dynamic programming can be used to find an optimal path.This requires to fill out a data structure, e.g.a multidimensional table, that contains solutions for all possible subproblems.If the resolution of a decomposition is high or the state space has manydimensio ns this can still be computationallydema nding.The computational efficiencyo f path planning is essential for online-problems [2], where paths are planned and executed in real time, for on board planning, where the computational resources are limited, and for planning in dynamic environments, where frequent replanning is required.All three of the above constraints are present in manyl eagues of the RoboCup competition.On the other hand, in dynamic environments a detailed path from the start to the target has little chance of execution.Obstacles move unexpectedlyas the robot traverses the path and hence continuous replanning is required.Furthermore, due to limited local sensing capabilities, far-awayo bstacles can be determined onlywith reduced accuracy.These observations motivate the local multiresolution path planning method proposed in this paper.The idea is to use high resolution to represent the configuration space in close proximityto the robot and to lower the resolution with increasing distance from the robot.This concentrates the planning resources to the begin of the path, the part that must be traversed first and where the information about obstacles is most reliable.While the computational load is reduced dramatically, the immediate movement of the robot can still be planned with high accuracy.The paper is organized as follows.The next section describes grid-based path planning and details its extension to the multiresolutional case.In Section 3, the traversal of planned paths and the effects of the initial robot motion are covered.The paper concludes with a discussion of the experimental results and indicates possibilities for future work.37

PlanPath(target, obstacles, N){ grid = eval = ClearGrid();q = InitPriorityQueue();while(!q.empty()){ p = q.pop();if(target == p)return previous;for(n∈ N(p)){ if(eval(n)== 0)best = ∞;else best = eval(n);new = p.cost + grid(p)·n.l0 + getGrid(n, obstacles, grid)·n.l1;if(new

of a fixed component, which represents the radius of the obstacle ro plus the radius of the robot rr, and a variable component rd that increases linearly with distance from the grid center.The far-awayob stacles are modeled larger, because their position can be sensed with less accuracyf rom the perspective of the robot and because theym ight move before the robot gets close to them.Each obstacle is also characterized bya height h is inverselyp roportional to the squared radius to keep its integral constant.The cost increase of a grid cell that is caused bya n obstacle depends on their distance.It is constant if the distance is smaller than the radius and decreases linearlyto zero at three times the radius.To compute the cost of a grid cell, the contributions from all obstacles are added to a uniform base cost.The cost function is a simple and flexible wayto express uncertainty.Obstacles with noncircular shapes could be included into the cost function in an analogous way.2.3 Non-Uniform Resolution It is not necessaryt o represent the entire grid with a high uniform resolution.Since far-awayob stacles cover a larger area, a coarser resolution suffices there to approximate them.This is illustrated in Figure 2(b).Here, the resolution is high in the center of the grid and decreases towards the outside.This corresponds to the situation shown in Figure 2(c).Multiple low-resolution grids of size M ×M are stacked concentrically.The inner part of a gridis not used, but the next grid level is placed there, until the highest resolutionis reached.To cover the same area as a uniform N ×N grid with the same inner resolution, only K = log2(N/M)+ 1 levels of size M × M are needed.If N is large compared to M, this lowers the number of grid cells substantially.In the following experiments, I use N = 256, M = 16, and K = 5.Hence, the flat grid has 64 times as manycel ls as the multiresolutional grid.The connectivitywithin cells of the same level of this multiresolutional hierarchyi s set to the 8-neighborhood.Care must be taken at the borders between resolution levels to connect the neighboring cells.Figure 3 illustrates the connectivitythat is used for the experiments.Except for the corners, each high resolution cell connects to two adjacent low resolution cells and each low resolution cell connects to four high resolution cells.2.4 Heuristics The A∗ algorithm [3] is an efficient and well studied best-first search algorithm.It uses a heuristic function to guide the search.This function is an optimistic estimate of a path’s total cost.Since each grid cell has at least the base cost, the remaining part of the path from a grid point to the target cannot be less expansive than the Euclidean target distance weighted bythe base cost.Hence, the sum of the accumulated cost of the best path to a grid point plus this heuristics can be used to determine the expansion order.As can be seen in

Figure 4, the use of this heuristics can substantiallylo wer the number of visited grid cells.The altered expansion order mayal ter the path found onlyi f two paths have the same costs.The figure also compares the algorithm for the flat and the multiresolutional grid representation.One can observe that the produced paths are verysimilar.39

In particular, the start of the multiresolutional path is as detailed as the path produced using the flat grid.2.5 Runtime

The different cell numbers between the flat and the multiresolutional grid result in different runtimes.Figure 5 displays how this difference grows with the problem size.The runtimes represent the measured average running time of the path planner to random targets with random obstacles.A 1GHz Athlon processor has been used for the measurement.The algorithm has been implemented in C++.At the leftmost data point, where K = 1 and N = M = 16, both representations are identical.As N gets larger, K is adjusted accordingly.One can observe that the runtime grows approximatelyexp onential with K when a single resolution is used and grows, after some cache effects, approximatelylinear when multiple resolutions are used.This corresponds well to the growth of the cell numbers.For K = 8 and N = 2048, the flat search needs on average 4.55s while the multiresolutional search needs only4.70ms on average.3 Continuous Planning and Execution In a dynamic environment, a planned path cannot simply be executed.Since the obstacles move, the plan must be updated as the robot follows its trajectory.Furthermore, in order to make consecutive plans compatible, the initial robot motion must be taken into account.3.1 Initial Condition One simple wayt o account for the initial velocity of the robot is to place an additional obstacle behind it, as shown in Figure 6.This obstacle favors paths that initiallyco ntinue in a similar direction the robot is already moving.The larger the robot’s initial velocity, the more severe a sudden change in direction would be and hence the more pronounced this obstacle must be.3.2 Partial Execution and Replanning Figure 7 illustrates how two different initial conditions lead to two different paths.The figure also shows, how the robot generates a trajectoryb y moving along the initial segment of the path.The path is continuouslyu pdated.As the robot comes closer to initiallyfa r-away obstacles, their radius decreases, since their position can now be determined with greater precision and theyare less likelyt o move.Hence, the robot passes these obstacles closer than originally planned.Figure 8 shows some additional trajectories that have been generated in an environment with more obstacles.The trajectories are smooth, relativelyshort, and staya wayf rom obstacles.Hence, they are suitable to reach the target fast while avoiding the chance of collisions.4 Conclusions The paper proposed a local multidimensional path planning algorithm.In contrast to quadtree algoritms [4] that focus the computational ressources at the obstacle borders, this algorithm represents the configuration space next to the robot with higher resolution than far-awayfr om it.This leads to the use of fewer grid cells, as compared to a representation that is based on a uniform grid.These savings result in substantiallylo wer runtimes.40

The coarse approximation of far-awayob stacles was motivated by the limited precision of robot-based sensing for far-awayob jects and by the larger obstacle movements that are possible before the robot comes close to them.If these conditions are met, the generated paths have simular qualityas the ones generated using a grid of uniformlyhig h resolution.Since the runtime of the multiresolutional path planner is verysho rt, it can be used for continuous replanning.This is not wasteful, since onlythe initial part of the path that is executed immediatelya fter planning is planned in detail.An example with a two-dimensional configuration space has been presented.The generated trajectories facilitated the fast movement towards the target while at the same time minimizing the chances of collisions.So far, the obstacles were static and the kinematics of the robot has not been included in the configuration space.Since the running time of the planner is only a few milliseconds long, it would be feasible to increase the dimensionality of the configuration space and still replan at a high rate.One could e.g.explicitly model time or the orientation of the robot.This will be subject to future research.References 1.R.Brooks and T.Lozano-P′erez.A subdivision algorithm in configuration space for findpath with rotation.In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence(ICAI), pages 799–806, 1983.2.James Bruce and Maria Manuela Veloso.Real-time randomized path planning for robot navigation.In Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS ’02), October 2002.3.P.E.Hart, N.J.Nilsson, and B.Raphael.A formal basis for the heuristic determination ofm inimum cost paths in graphs.IEEE Transactions on Systems Science and Cybernetics, SSC-4(2):100–107, 1968.4.S.Kambhampati and L.S.Davis.Multiresolution path planning for mobile robots.IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation, RA-2(3):135–145, 1986.5.L.Kavraki, P.Svestka, J.C.Latombe, and M.Overmars.Probabilistic road maps for path planning in high-dimensional configuration spaces.IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 12(4):566–580, 1996.6.O.Khatib.Real-time obstacle avoidance for manipulators and mobile robots.International Journal of Robotic Research, 5(1):90–98, 1986.7.J.-C.Latombe.Robot Motion Planning.Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, 1991.8.J.-C.Latombe.Motion planning: A journey ofrob ots, molecules, digital actors, and other artifacts.International Journal of Robotics Research, 18(11):1119–1128, 1999.9.T.Lozano-P′erez.Spatial planning: A configuration space approach.IEEE Transactions on Computers, C-32(2):108–120, 1983.10.N.J.Nilsson.A mobile automaton: An application ofart ificial intelligence techniques.In Proceedings of the 1st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 509–520, Washington, DC, 1969.11.C.O’Dunlaing and C.K.Yap.A ’retraction’ method for planning the motion of a disc.Journal of Algorithms, 6:104–111, 1986.41








足球后卫 毕业论文 篇2



现代足球裁判规则不断修定, 也是鼓励足球的进攻, 也是让足球向在高强度、高速度、高技巧发展;这样能给球迷带来一种更高层次的激情, 现代足球已不满足于抢截防守, 还要恰如其分地传送组织反击。第十七届世界杯1/4决赛美国与德国的比赛进行到2分多钟时, 2号观察到身后有防守队员追来, 其摆脱的空间越来越小, 于是将球传给中路接应的7号队友刘易斯, 7号接球前观察到边了插上的队友21多多万, 于是将球传到边路给了21号, 使其下底传中给对方造成了一次极有威胁的进攻。后卫组织和助攻, 能给对方一个措手不及的反击。

就第15届世界杯入球分布, 前锋攻入85个球, 占总数的60.3%, 前卫攻入46球占总数的32.6%, 后卫攻入9球, 占总数的6.4%, 第16届世界杯, 前锋攻入95球, 前卫攻入55球, 后卫攻入17球, 分别占总数的55.6%、32.2%和9.9%;从数据中可以看出后卫的进球数有增长的趋势, 其中典型的是冠军法国队7场比赛进15球, 其中后卫进4球, 而且都是关键球。由此可以看出后卫给本队进攻得分的机会越来越大, 培养后卫进攻意识是一个重要的战术训练之一。



作为后卫其主要的任务防守进攻队员突破自己的防线获得射门的机会, 但现代足球的发展来看, 后卫的助攻或抢断后的组织进攻时, 主要帮助本队队员能有效地利用场地的宽度和深度, 制造更多的空间进行整体配合, 获得更多的得分机会。后卫进攻技战术的运用, 头脑要清醒, 目的要明确本身的特点及对方的技战术特点, 不是盲目地进行无效的进攻。


足球进攻并不是一人或两人的事, 快速进攻的威力还在于全队同步行动, 以制造多进攻点, 多点进攻要灵活机动, 可边可中, 可长可短, 使对方防不胜防。在此过程要队员积极默契配合。在进攻是要注意换位、补位, 保持攻守平衡。


足球比赛是对抗激烈的项目, 情况是瞬间万变, 后卫在比赛过程必须洞察场上情况的变化, 并预见未来情况可能发展, 准备好多种相应的对策。


在比赛场上, 正确行动来源于正确判断的基础上。判断准确是正确发挥进攻技、战术的前提, 必须把一切行动建立在仔细观察和准确的判断的基础上。预见与判断有联系又有区别。预见是估计可能发生的情况, 判断是根据已发生的情况采取的行动。


运动员的行动的合理性表现在多方面, 在进攻时, 该传就传、该运就运、该射就射, 一气呵成, 在进攻时要量力而行;要掌握时机;失球时要迅速回位;防守三区尽量不运球, 进攻三区敢于冒险渗透, 运突在于创造射、传机会或人数优势;不原地接停, 迎上并迅速扩大视野角度的控传技术, 尽可能高, 尽可能快地使用争顶、远射和补射等技术;根据球对手和同伴的位置及合理地选择, 突然性地套边跑, 身后跑或斜线跑。


观看多届世界杯及各种联赛进行统计后分析, 后卫进攻大体是下面几种形式:当后卫截获球后, 在可能情况下要利用中长传将球传到对方成威胁的地域发动有效地快速反击;接守门员发球, 一旦守门员得球后, 边后卫应该及时拉开, 接应守门员的发球, 加快由守转攻的速度, 迅速组织进攻, 迅速将球直接给空当的中场或直接传到前锋的位置, 给对方施加压力;参与中场的组织进攻者, 边后卫很容易与同伴配合, 在侧翼接应球后, 要像前卫一样也组织进攻, 以加强中场力量和优势;担当临时边锋, 当前方边路地区出现明显空当时, 应及时插上, 冲当边锋角色实施带球突破“二过一”传中射门。


运动员在比赛时所采取的每个动作都要受到意识的支配, 影响后卫意识的因素有很多, 这些因素有主、客观因素。主观因素有:专业技术水平和文化知识水平, 智力意志品质, 对本队的打法及分析临场的变化作出的选择;神经类型;性格气质;自信心;注意力;意志力等。客观因素有:教练员的训练水平, 教练员在训练中对进攻意识灌输的方法手段可以促进或制约后卫的意识发展, 另外还有管理水平;同伴的知识水平;训练的环境场地、器材及训练时间、训练内容等因素。




加强足球理论知识的学习。让其在理论学习中, 充分了解足球运动的基本知识和规律, 深刻理解规则及裁判法, 提高他们的思维能力和丰富的想象力。


准确性的判断是足球意识的重要内容之一, 练习方法:一是场上获得球后迅速面向前场, 观察全场寻找快速反击的机会。在整体进攻训练中, 在无球的情况下随时注意控球队员的意图, 养成正确跑位的习惯。控球队员时刻注意同伴的跑位及时进行有效地进攻。二是根据临场比赛的变化, 贯彻教练员的意图, 如:在练习各种基本动作时要抬头看教练的指示, 眼观六路, 耳听八方, 完成既定的作战方案。

4.3、加强基本技术学习, 提高训练与实践运用相结合的能力

4.3.1、传、接、运球技术是足球运动的关键, 除了要求队员掌握基本动作要领外, 还要在实践中灵活运用。

4.3.2、善于创造、扑捉时机及时大胆果断地抢截传球。在局部进攻战术意识的培养中可以通过大量的 (1) “二打一”; (2) “两人套、三人套”; (3) 掩护, 以及“三打二”的练习方式, 从非对抗逐步过渡到半对抗和完全对抗的形式;在盯抢、半场攻守练习比赛中, 教练员可以根据实际情况对队员提出必须完成局部进攻战术的具体次数。让后卫运动员在大量局部进攻战术的运用练习和比赛中对局部战术有所了解, 并在多次的成功与失败中总结经验, 从而提高后卫运动员在比赛中发现、利用和创造局部进攻战术意识和能力。


后卫进攻意识对足球运动员有着特殊的意义。进攻意识不是短时间灌输就可以立竿见影的, 而是在长期的训练比赛中磨练出来的, 因此, 从青少年儿童开始, 就要有意识地培养和潜移默化地对其施加影响, 在长年累月的训练比赛中不断积累、不断深化。从理论上讲清楚进攻意识的原理和比赛中的作用, 在实践中鼓励他们应用并指出运用过程中的得失。同时教练员根据现代足球比赛的规律, 不断学习, 认真研究、设计培养进攻意识能力的“应用训练”方法、手段和要求。

后卫运动员大脑对比赛场上有关进攻的各种信息的分析、判断、决策思维认知活动是形成洞察力的关键。提高洞察力必须从小培养, 必须将进攻的训练贯穿到阶段、全年、多年的训练计划中去, 按照循序渐进的原则, 依照从个人到局部再到整体的步骤, 合理地安排。只有在千百次的成功与失败中磨练, 不断地积累经验, 使运动员深刻理解比赛场上的进攻面, 才能达到量变到质变的飞跃, 使得认识进攻的思维过程得以简化、思维速度得以加快, 从而在比赛中反应出较高水平的进攻意识, 才能争取获得比赛的胜利。


[1]张乾伟, 余吉成.论一次性出球在第十七届世界杯足球比赛中的作用.成都体育学报.2003、第29卷63.

[2]袁野, 魏日昂, 任小龙.论足球运动员的战术意识.沈阳体育学院院报.2001.4.


足球后卫 毕业论文 篇3





















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