2. collect information
3. used to do
4. be used to+名词/doing
5. be used to do…/ be used for doing
6. get married/ tired/ paid/ hurt / lost / caught
7. play cards and Chinese chess
8. noise pollution / air pollution/ white pollution/ water pollution
9. take off
10. from time to time
11. have an interview with sb.
12. look up a word in the dictionary
13. if necessary
14. be in service/ be in use
15. on one’s own= by oneself
16. start / begin with
17. provide sth. for sb./ provide sb. with sth.
18. lose one’s way / get lost (be lost )
19. It must be fun.
20. go skiing/ hiking/ swimming/ sightseeing
21. take photos (of sb.)
22. dance to music
23. give sb. some advice on…
24. something interesting and special
25. make a video
26. hold a writing competition
27. write computer programs
28. come out
29. at the same time
30. a thirteen-year-old boy
31. fall asleep
32. play the role of…
33. sell out
34. Most of them is good
35. on the radio/ on the air
36. Do you mind telling me how to…?
37. in other words= that is to say
38. the host of charity show
39. Only if you sleep less during the day!
40. different ways of raising money
to raise money
41. give out
42. Will it be a success?
43. donate money to Project Hope
44. give something to people in need
45. make money by doing sth.
46. I wish (that) I could fly.
I wish (that) I were Yao Ming.
We wish you good luck.
I hope (that) you will like it.
I hope to pass all my exams.
47. set up
48. volunteer to do sth.
49. have some pocket money left
50. The good/ bad news is that…
51. perform operations on sb.= operation on sb.
52. be grateful to sb. for sth..= be thankful to sb. for sth.
53. be proud of…
54. All we need is enough money to carry on with our work.
55. improve the lives of children
56. treat them with kindness
57. leave a book at your place
58. support one’s family
59. care about other people
60. finish school
61. a helping hand
62. train for a charity walk
63. be known as = be famous as
64.be famous/ known for…
65. group themselves into a team of four people= form groups of four
66. team spirit
67. This will be an experience.(that) you will never forget
68 Its aim/ goal is to raise money for…
69. first-aid
70. give seats to the elderly (= old people)
71. pay attention to sth.
72. fill in the form
73. be willing to do sth.
74. theme park
75. remote control
76. all-time favorite CD-ROM
77. health care
(一) 牛津版初中英语教材与人教版教材语法项目的异同
同人教版教材不同的是, 牛津版初中英语教材在内容上, 编排了更为贴近生活、紧跟时代步伐的内容, 因此在语法上的编排也与以往人教版的教材有所不同。语法体系有所创新和改变, 这就使得教师在设计教案时感到无从下手, 因此就要求教师对牛津版教材的语法进行更细致深入的研究分析, 掌握更为合适的教学思路和教学主线。从整体上来看, 牛津版教材的语法项目与人教版相比, 只是多了间接语法这一项, 其他大项与人教版大同小异, 如果教师可以很好地理解把握人教版的语法内容, 掌握学习要点, 就能在教学过程中掌握主动性, 更好地把握牛津版教材的教学要点。
(二) 针对具体语法进行分析、比较
1. 时态方面:
牛津版教材与人教版相比, 在时态走线上基本一致, 只是“现在进行时”与“一般现在时”出现的先后顺序有所调整, 并且在牛津版教材中没有“过去将来时”。对学生们来说, 在小学就接触到了“现在进行时”和“一般现在时”, 所以顺序作出调整后, 接受起来并不困难, 主要是能够区分助动词的形式:do/does/is/are;动词的形式:work/works/working等。
2. 语态方面:
牛津版教材中, 被动语态比人教版教材出现的早些, 由于之前已经学习了五个基本时态, 时态的问题就不难解决了, 助动词的用法也熟悉了, 因此被动语态就比较容易学习了。在学习被动语态时, 语感对掌握被动语态是非常重要的, 因此提醒学生平时要加强语感练习。
3. 词类方面:
代词在小学阶段已经有了基础, 只要将人称代词与物主代词放在一起进行讲解就可以了, 不定代词可穿插在各单元中讲解;数词的讲解可以放在序数词之后, 容易拼错的序数词要让学生反复记忆;冠词、介词的讲解在整个初中英语教材中是贯穿始终的, 冠词的讲解从固定用法到习惯用法, 介词的讲解从方向、时间、位置到动词中的介词等;名词的单复数也在小学阶段就学习过了, 教师只要再加上不可数名词的讲解即可, 而名词的所有格要等学生掌握了物主代词之后进行讲解。名词的难点是名词与动词一致, 这可以通过加强学生的预感训练来解决;动词在牛津版教材中并没有归纳, 而学习英语的基础是掌握be动词, 所以教师可以适当变通, 提前讲解;非谓语的讲解相对来说是个难点, 教师可根据其出现的位置, 联系实际情况进行讲解。
教案是教师教学方式的呈现, 是教学过程中的重要环节, 是教师思维方式和思考成果的载体, 教案的优劣好坏要在实践的基础上来评判。能够最大限度地发掘教师的教学能力, 让学生在最短的时间内接受新的知识, 这样的教案就是好教案, 就是成功的教案。
(一) 教案要有针对性
教师在编写教案时, 要以了解学生为基础前提。教师要了解班上每个学生的学习个性, 熟悉不同学生的性格特征、接受水平的差异, 这样在备课的时候就会产生事半功倍的效果, 并以此来设计教案。在教案设计中针对这一点的体现是:制定有层次性的学习目标, 设计有梯度性的问题, 进行选择性练习。根据学生的不同特质, 有针对性地设计教案, 才能够发挥每个学生的特长, 增加学生学习英语的兴趣, 才能够提高教学质量。
(二) 教案要深刻、要创新
教案设计的是否深刻, 主要看教师对知识点的思考是否深刻。能够透过现象看本质, 抓住事物的内在联系, 把握教学进展, 这都是由教师的素质和特点决定的。在当代社会中, 中学生正值青春期, 个性鲜明、兴趣广泛, 同时求知欲强, 想象力也很丰富, 提出的问题也五花八门, 因此教师要考虑到这些因素, 联系教材内容, 设计出更有深度与创新性的教案, 这样才能形成自己独特的风格, 让学生在接受自己的同时更好地学习英语知识。
(三) 教案要体现教学过程中的反思
教师只有不断地反思自己的教学过程, 才能不断地提高自身的教学能力, 因此, 教师应在每节课或者每学期结束后, 根据自身的教学实践活动, 对自己的教学方法进行有意识、有目的的回顾、分析与反思, 不断地积累经验, 总结教训。而课后在教案的相应位置, 记录反思札记就是最简单易行的反思方式。同时, 将原有的教案做进一步的充实和修改, 对以后的教学工作也是有所帮助的。
【关键词】 教材结构 话题内容 实用 课堂教学设计
一、Welcome to the unit
如Project Hope, Project Green Hope, Save Chinas Tigers和Spring Bud Project,并复习设立这些机构的目的。
Part A提供一篇阅读文章,Part B和Part C内所有练习活动都围绕这篇阅读文章进行,其主要目的是帮助学生学习语言、文化等方面的知识,形成良好的阅读策略,提高阅读理解能力。但阅读这一块的课堂设计,甚至这一块示范课的课堂设计都存在几个误区。
Step 1 Read the new words and expressions of the part of Reading.
Step 2 Ask the students to listen to the tape of the text and answer two or three questions.
Step 3 Fast reading. Some true or false choices.
Step 4 Detailed reading. Answer more questions and fill in the blanks according to the text.
Step 5 Ask the students to retell the text, referring to some key words and expressions.
Step 1 Present the new words and expressions on the screen. Let the students get familiar with them.
Step 2 Make up sentences by using the words and expressions.
Step 3 Show the title on the screen. Let them guess what our text will be about. Show them some possible subjects.
Or :
(Step 3 Make them guess the title.)
Step 4 Discussion.
Give them each a piece of paper on which is the content of the text in disorder. Ask them to read each paragraph and discuss the subject or topic sentences without referring to the text. Classify the subjects. Put the paragraphs into a passage in the right order.
Or :
(Step 4 Hand out pieces of paper to them on which are some paragraphs related to the text and some para-graphs not related to the text. Let them tick off those not related to the text.)
Step 1 Play a piece of music to warm up.
Step 2 Show the title on the screen : An interview with an ORBIS doctor.
Discuss :What can an ORBIS doctor do?
Step 3 Show the students how serious blindness is and what an ORBIS doctor can do.
Step 4 Display pictures to show what an ORBIS doc?鄄tor can do.
Talk about the pictures and summarize the subjects concerning the background information and the ORBIS doctors personal experiences.
Step 5 Appreciation.
三、Main task
Main task引导学生进行探究性学习,把英语听、说、读、写的训练从课堂内拓展到课堂外。首先提供与该单元话题有关的具体阅读材料,让学生受到启发,引起用英语开展某一活动的兴趣。然后根据所给的具体步骤,通过小组讨论、分工合作、调查访谈、信息检索、交流汇报等形式的活动,用英语去做一件事情,最后呈现学习成果,创造性地完成学习任务,培养综合运用语言的能力。Main task内容的实施,我的建议是:
充分理解和掌握文章中的语言知识,尤其是一些在后面Main task活动实施过程中可能运用于表达观点的句式,让学生为实施活动作好知识上和语言技能上的准备。
泰兴市姚王镇中心初中 任祥元
一、教学分析(Teaching analyses)
1.教学内容:9A Unit 3 Main task,该节课的内容是该单元的 meaning of the word “cause”)(2)T: Do you know how to help him? Elicit from the students the ways to deal with the problems.(on the blackboard)the cause of stress / how to deal with it
T: My son is a boy of your age.I think it’s easier for him to accept your advice.Encourage the students to help the teacher’s son using words.(3)T: Just now you gave my son a lot of advice, are they useful? Listen to my son’s response.(Play the recording)The teacher’s son’s words: Thanks for your valuable advice.I feel much better now.I decide to try my best to improve my maths.)(设计意图: 引导学生思考如何帮助处于压力中的人,引导学生学会找到解决任务的策略。这一任务设计切口较小,激活学生原有的经验及知识,任务较开放,学生可以从多角度回答,从而培养了学生的求异思维。能使各个学生充满自信地参与完成,并在完成任务的过程中体验到成功的喜悦。)Step3 Analyze the answers to the task to focus on language(1)Encouraging words:
Don’t lose heart.It’s not the end of the world.Don’t give up.I believe everything will be OK.Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.It’s common for teenagers to have stress.Nobody is perfect.Be confident!Nobody can be good at everything!(2)Specific advice:
You should listen to the teacher more carefully in class.Why not spend more time on maths? My advice is to ask the maths teacher for help.One way to deal with the problem is to do some extra maths homework.Read the maths problems more slowly and carefully.Be careful not to make mistakes when you do your maths homework.You can ask your friends for some advice on how to learn maths.(设计意图:通过任务聚焦,引导学生归纳、总结如何给他人提供建议。由语意的理解、交流转入语言功能、形式的操练,为学生更多的语言素材的积累,保证任务型英语课堂教学更扎实、有效。)Step 4 Cooperate to finish another small task T: Thanks for encouraging my son and giving him so much advice.I think you are like the Youth worker---Sigmund here, why not speak out your worries/ It’s a good chance for you to get some valuable advice.Come on!It’s common for speak out some of their problems and offer some useful advice.(设计意图:在师生合作学习、完成前一个小任务的过程中,学生们已经掌握了如何寻求帮助、如何提供帮助的功能。教师趁热打铁又布置了个任务链中的小任务,鼓励学生说出自己的一些成长中的烦恼,向其他同学求助。学生们学以致用,结合自己的经验,畅所欲言,多角度地提出自己的方法。在完成任务的过程中,学生们学会了合作,提高了英语运用能力,在完成任务的过程中,学生们学会了合作,提高了英语运用能力,在完成任务的过程中体验到了的喜悦。)Step 5 Analyze the causes of stress T: You are suffering from so much stress because of different causes.Luckily, you’ve got so much advice.Sharing stress is wonderful!So many causes are complicated.Can you divide them into several aspects? For example: Some students feel stressed because of too much homework, too many tests, less time for hobbies.In these situations, stress comes from schoolwork.Elicit from the students the different kinds of causes: 1 schoolwork 2 parents 3 friends 4 students themselves 5 teachers(设计意图:在学生们完成“说出烦恼,共商解决办法”小任务的前提下,利用图表引导学生进行压力原因的分类,此举有助于学生理清头绪,将知识进行分析、汇总、融合,同时也达到任务后学生聚焦语言的目的。)Step 6 Do a quiz(1)T: Old problems have gone, new problems will come.It’s natural.Next time when you have problems, what will you do? You have 3 choice answers.Circle the best answer and tell the reason, try to think of some other advice.A keep worries to yourself
B speak out worries
C feel ashamed(2)T: If you put a lot of questions like this with choice answers together and write
them on the piece of paper, we get a quiz.Mr.Wu has given his students a quiz to find out whether his students know how to deal with stress.Can you help them do the quiz?(Complete the quiz in the book)(3)Complete the quiz in pairs or in groups.(设计意图:通过教学设计引导学生了解quiz如何构成,为学生能自己设计quiz提供了素材。同时通过语境的设计也巧妙引导学生理解、学会运用了一些生词,为学生完成下一个任务提供了铺垫,降低了任务的难度)Step 7 Write a letter T: I can see sunshine on your face.Why are you so happy? Is it because you’ve share a lot today.Why not make more teenagers of your age know how to deal with stress when they meet the same problems? How can you make more teenagers know that?(1)Remind the students how to write a letter on stress? 1 introduction 2 mainbody(cause of stress and how to deal with it)
conclusion(2)What does a conclusion include?(3)Encourage the students to help Millie write a letter, swap their letters in pairs, check and correct each other’s mistakes.(4)Ask some volunteers to show their letters, encourage the others to make some comments.(设计意图:激发学生帮助Millie 写信告知同龄人如何克服压力的动机,引导学生回忆如何写信。由于有了前面多个子任务的铺垫,学生们学以致用,这项写作任务同时也是本节课、本单元的中心任务,对于大多数学生而言并不太难,学生通过合作和教师的帮助都能顺利完成。在此基础上,教师引导小组同学互评,教师也参与点评,这一形式学生容易接受,教学效果也较好)Step 8 Millie’s another problem
T: Everybody is happy now except Millie.Why? Guess
Nobody in your class has replied to Millie since you heard from her.She is afraid that you will not reply to her any more.Can you help her?
(设计意图:再次设计一个悬念,调动学生思考的积极性,既是对本单元先前所学知识的灵活运用,也为下个任务的设计埋伏下了伏笔。此任务设计源于教材,又高于教材,对教材的拓展、学生能力的提高起到了推波助澜的作用)。Step 9 Summary T: In this class, we talk about stress and how to deal with it.Sharing your worries with your friends and family members can help a lot.If we try our best, we can get support from our parents.We can get help from our parents.We can get confidence from ourselves.Happiness will surround us!Sunshine will be on our faces, in our hearts!(设计意图:艺术性的结课可感染学生,唤起学生激情,起到任务前后呼应的效果)Step 10 Homework
教材:江苏牛津初中英语 8B Unit 5 An interview with an ORBIS doctor 教师:张家港外国语学校 朱益春 苏州市评优课一等奖第一名 Good morning, everyone.It’s a great honor to be here to share my ideas with you.In the reading process, I will focus on students’ long-term development and enable them to use proper reading skills and strategies.In other words, students are guided to be efficient readers.My teaching plan includes 3 sections.They’re analysis of the reading material, identifying the teaching aims and teaching procedures.Section1.Analysis of the teaching material The selected teaching material is an interview with an ORBIS doctor.After reading it carefully.I found it has two unique characteristics.First, it’s an interview.Ss are not familiar with the text type.Second, it deals with an unfamiliar charity.Ss have little background knowledge about it.Section2.Identifying the teaching aims.Based on the analysis of the teaching material.I have chosen the following as the aims of my lesson.The first aim: teach Ss how to read an interview The second aim: help Ss get more knowledge about ORBIS The third aim: Ss are encouraged to be critical readers.Section3.Teaching procedures.In order to achieve the teaching aims mentioned above, I choose guided reading and Task-based reading as the main approach.My teaching procedures include five parts, they are: Be a keen reader, be a smart reader, be a sharp reader, be a critical reader and be a cultural learner.Part1.Be a keen reader.Reading begins before a book is opened.It’s important to activate Ss’ existing background knowledge and draw their attention to the topic of the text.This part consists of 3 tasks, they are: a short interview, a story introducing new words and predicting questions.In the first task, I’ll have a short interview with the monitor about eye problems of his classmates.With the task, I introduce the topic and get Ss to know the importance of asking questions in an interview.In the second task, I introduce some important new words by telling a story about a famous eye doctor.Then the third task.Before reading the material, Ss are encouraged to act as an interviewer and predict some questions which they will ask Dr Ma.With the predicting questions in mind, Ss will be eager to know what happens in the reading material.With the three tasks, I inspire students to be a keen reader.
《牛津英语》中没有突出音标教学,但为了帮助学生掌握单词,改变学生从一开始学英语就处于被动的学习地位的现状,我们必须进行音标教学。那么,我们如何在新形势下教学音标? 我认为可采用先集中后分散的教学原则。这里所说的集中,即首先运用3个左右的学时集中识记音标,这期间穿插一些日常英语用语和简短易学的英语歌曲,内容基本上跟教材相符;其次,用2-3周的时间进行字母、音素和音标的教学,教学的重点要放在了解字母、音素、音标三者之间的内在联系,明确各自在拼读单词中的作用,完成48个音素、音标及其相应字母、字母组合的教学,使学生初步过发音、拼读开口关。同时,结合教材生词表上的单词练习拼读,掌握用音、形、义相结合的正确方法识记单词(可以是生词表上部分单词,特别是一些有读音规律的单词),从而使学生初步形成独立拼读的能力,使学生的英语学习从一开始就进入积极主动的学习状态。然后是分散教学,即按照教材所编的教学任务施教。以达到在教学中进一步分散巩固前面所学的字母、音素和音标,确实形成熟练的拼读能力,并进一步学习和掌握单音部分的其它学习内容。
本课的教学内容是译林版《牛津初中英语》7AUnit 4My day Reading部分。Reading部分主要围绕Millie给Tommy写的一封电子邮件展展示Millie的一天学校生活。学生在了解Millie学校生活的同时也能习得描述学校生活的方法。因此教师师应应紧紧紧紧联联系系学学生生在在校校的的生生活活实实际际,,参参照照课课文文中中所所学学词词汇汇和和句型介绍自己的一天学校生活的。
1.听懂、会说并会读单词及词组first each other practise wish have a good time chat with best wishes.
2.能初步运用句型Our school starts at eight in the morning from Monday to Friday .Usually we do morning exercises first.We always have a good time at school.
Step 1: Warming-up and pre-reading
1.T: Good morning,boys and girls.You have come to our school for one month,do you like our school?
T: Why do you like our school?
2.T:I love our shool day,too.T introduces own school day.呈现from...to...chat with...
3.T: So today our topic is “School life”.Millie is writing an email to her friend Tommy.But what does Millie talk about in her email? Let's find out!
4.Play the video and students follow it .Read the text loudly( 可个读、分组读、齐读等)
Step 2: Post-reading
T: Open your books,please.Here're some exercises for you. Please finish them quickly.
(生快速的完成Part B部分,教师带领学生核对答案)
2.Retelling the text
T: After we know this passage quickly,let's tryto retell. There are some key words for you.And I will divide you into four groups.Each group can try to retell one part.And three minutes for you.Go!
Part 1
Sunshine Middle School
Part 2
starts at eight from Monday to Friday do morning exercises lessons begin at 8:15
Part 3
after class chat with friends play in the playground
Part 4
go to the library in the afternoon Reading Club read books play volleyball practise
Part 5
have a good time
Step 3: Introduce school life
Important points:
We go to school from ...to...
Our school starts at...
We have lessons in...
After class,...chat with...
...have a good time...
Step 4: Summary
T: OK,let's review what we have learned today.If we want to introduce our school life,we can talk about the lessons,the people and the activities.
Step 5: Homework
1.Reading the text fluently.
2.Telling your friends about your school in English.
3.Writing your school life in your note book.
T: Ive a wonderful song, would you like to share it with me ?
T: Boys and girls, shall we begin our class now? We know every one of us has many friends and we also have many animal friends. I think animals are usually very friendly to us , we should love them and protect them. If the animals live in the wild , we can call them wild animals. Now , look at the screen ,can you tell me what they are?
Step Ⅱ. Pre-reading
T: Can you tell me which is your favourite wild animal?
And can you tell me which is my favourite wild animal?
T: Do you know why I like giant pandas best ? Because giant pandas are very lovely. They look like white mice when they were born. They look like bears when they grow up. They are friendly , too. They like eating bamboo leaves and shoots. They seldom eat meat or hurt other animals. But its a pity that there are not many giant pandas in the world . Theyre in danger . Hunters catch them and kill them for their fur . And farmers cut down trees and forests. So they have nowhere to live. We should take actions to protect them.
StepⅢ. While-reading
T: Here is a story of Xi Wang, a very lovely giant panda. Would you like to read it with me? Now open your books, turn to P.60. Read it quickly and answer the following questions .
Step Ⅳ.Post-reading
T: Now please read the passage together . Then finish the exercises on P. 61 Part B And Part C.
T: Now , Weve known the giant pandas very well , They are very lovely and we love them very much . But there are fewer and fewer pandas in the world . Theyre in danger . Do you know why? Now, work in groups and find out “What problems can a giant panda meet in its life?”
Then ask some able students of each group to talk in front of the class. After it . finish the Note-making 2 on the screen.
T: Discuss with your partners: What other problems will the giant pandas have? What actions can we take ?And can you have a face to face interview about pandas?
Step V. Summary
Teacher makes a summary that we should take actions to protect giant pandas.
Step VI. Homework
Write an artide about “whats the relationship between wild animals and human beings?”