HUMANRESOUCESRECRUITMENT...TRAINING...ORGANIZATIONALDEVELOPMENT...COUELING Twelveyearsofdomesticandinternationalexperienceinexecutiverecruitmentstafftraininganddevelopment,budgetadministration,andemployeeaistanceprograms.Strongrecordofaccomplishmentsworkingwithseniormanagerstorecruithighlyqualifiedworkteamsandpersoel.Particularlysuccefuldi
rectingoutreach,persoel,andmarketingprogramsforhumanresources.Graduatedegreeiychologyandtrainingasasenior-levelychologistintheoccupationalfieldCAREERHISTORY&amACCOMPLISHMENTSEXECUTIVERECRUITER/DRAKEINTERNATIONAL.1990-PresentPRODUCTIVITYMANAGEMENTCOULTANTSydney,AustraliaandSeattle,WAWithmorethan800employees,DrakeInternationalprovidesexecutiverecruitment,staffing,sales,training,managementcoulting,andemployeeaementservicesiinecountries.ReoibleforexecutiverecruitmentandmarketinginthegreaterSeattlearea.*Namedoneoftopfiveexecutiverecruitersforthecompanyoutof70totalrecruitersworldwide.Billedover$190,000duringa12-monthperiod.*Administeredexteiveychologicaltestingandscreeningtoproectiveemployeestoeureagoodmatchbetweenalicantsandtheemployer.*SelectedbyseniormanagementtomarketandprovidetechnicaltrainingonabrandnewychologicalaementproductcalledTriage.LedmarketingefforttointroducetheproducttomajorcompaniesinthePacificNorthwestmarket.REHABILITATIONCOULTNT/ANDERS0NREHABILITATIONGROUP.1989~1990YCHOLOGISTMelbourne,Australia Andersorovidesworkrehabilitation,stremanagement,andotherhumanresourcesandychologicalservicestoindividualswhohavesufferedsomeworkinjury.Reoibleforychologicaltesting,couelingandtherapy,medicalandlegalreportwriting,businelaing,andliaisonwithcorporateemployers.*Succefullynegotiatedasignificantnumberofreturntoworkcontractswithcorporateemployers.*Namedactingmanagerforsixmonths.Duringthatperioddirectedday-to-daybusinefunctiowithnoproblemsorinterruptioiusineactivity.*Establishedanetworkofclientsanddevelopedstrongbusinerelatioforrepeatreferralbusine.Previousexperience(1986-1988)asClientServiceupervisorwithCommunityServicesVictoria,astategovernmentdepartment.Conductedtrainingprogramsandprovidedinformationonlegislationandpolicydevelopment.StartedcareerasYouthProjectsCoordinator(1983
With continually developing in variation and complex service marketing, people is the main role of marketing mix in 7Ps in service marketing that expressions like“the provider is the service”and“Employees frequently are the service”. (Zeithaml et al.2006) It exist the gap that between service standards and service delivery, which may infl uence the quality of service on the whole Service quality, which can be defi ned in many different ways, but a commonly accepted defi nition is“that it represents the discrepancy between customers’expectations and their perceptions of the service performance” (Jackie, 2004) , as perceived by a user depends on the size and direction of the gap between expected service and perceived service, which, in turn, depends on the nature of the gap on the service provider’s side, associated with the design, marketing, and delivery of the services. (Zenithal and Berry, 1985)
The purpose of lessening the gap which is the“discrepancy between development of customer-driven service standards and actual service performance by the company employees”is implementing the strategy which is human resource strategy for delivering servicer quality
2Main Body
2.1 Human resource strategy (also called Internal Marketing)
Human resource strategy is a method to consummate the important role of the employee in the service section.It is two definitions about the internal marketing in two ways that is“IM is the accumulation and application of functions and tools aimed at the formation and maintenance of a consistent, efficient, and effective and customer orientated workforce.These objectives are achieved through the communication with and attraction, retention motivation, education and management of suitable employees” (Mahnert and Torres, 2007) .
In term of competitor, the people are the most importan component.It is said from Lowell that“People are really what makes any company unique.Competitors can replicate product or services offerings, but what they can’t replicate are the people who comprise an organization’s personality and culture.That is where the real competitive advantage lies, and that is why employees need to be brought on board with a well-executed, internal branding program”
From the framework above, it is shown the human resource strategies aim to keep employee satisfaction and productivity and retention of employee in order to delivery high quality of service to customer.
In the whole human resource strategy consists of four aspects:1) enroll the right people, 2) enhance the deliver service quality, 3) offer the needed support systems, 4) maintain the best people.
·Hire the right people
Recruiting and hiring service personnel is one of ways to deliver service quality which is totally different with traditiona method of work in fi eld of service.One of the brand from Starwood hotels, Westin Hotel gain globally reputation on its value.The aim of Westin Hotel service is“A collection of forward–thinking services and amenities designed to restore harmony and inspire you to be your best” (Website of Westin Hotel) The stuff form Westin Hotel most from college and university who have high mark in relevant professional major to match the job demand.The manager posts the job information and requirements in the newspaper and on the internet commonly.The department of Human Resource wil establish a recruitment team which is to look all of application forms fi rstly, and sift from it to gain suitable applications basically.After that people of surviving applications will gain a chance to persona interview.In the process of whole interview, the recruitment team will test and evaluate their conducts, the capability of interpersona communication and communication skill and so on.The manage form Westin Hotel said that they may more focus on attitude and enthusiasm on the job which is most important, more than the professional skills.Consequently, the aim to pay higher wages and offer high welfare is to attract the right people who is positive and passion on the work.
·Develop people to deliver service quality
After hire the right people, it is must be provide to them tha training and work-orientation to make sure the better representation During the stuff stay in the carrier stage, the Westin Hotel provide variable training programs such as cuisine and beverage training service and communication skills training.The most special training in Westin Hotel is attitude training which is essential to new ones Moreover, training not only provide for employee on trail, bu also for the regular stuff who from different departments.In the meanwhile, the managers provide some suggestions for employees in the process on servicing, and help servant to solving the problem aim to increasing the productivity and gain the knowledge and experience in the real case of hotel.
The performance of frontline staff is concerned by the supervisors.It is encourage to the stuff judging by the own idea to handle the issue by themselves.However, if issue is out of control the manager will without doubt to help employee to handle together with them.This is an opportunity to comprehend with each other and foster tacit understanding in cooperation.
[1]Mahnert, F.Kai and Torres, M.Ann.“The Brand Inside:The Factors of Failure and Success in Internal Branding”Irish Marketing Review.2007, Vol.19, Issues1, 2, p.54-63.
[2]Jackie, L.M.Tam.“Customer Satisfaction, Service quality and Percieved value:An Interigative Model”Journal of Marketing Management.Sep2004, Vol.20, Issues7, 8, p.897-917.
【关键词】英语教学 英文影视 资料引入
1.英文影视资源的引入应该满足实际教学活动的需要。之所以要将英文影视资源引入到英语的教育教学活动中来,其终极目标是为了更好地完成相应的教学内容,达成既定的教学目标,因此,在选择和确定所要引入的英文影视资源的时候,一定要与实际的教学内容相符,当然,所选择的资源可以是某一精彩片段,可以是某个场景,或者是一段较为经典的对话等。但是,尤其需要注意的是,英文资源的引入只是为了更好地辅助教学,因此时间不要太长,否则,可能会起到相反的效果。例如,在进行“Family Album U.S.A”这部分的教学内容的时候,教师就可以选择一些迪士尼的动画片。此外,在选择英文影视资源的时候,最好是选择有字幕的,这样可以便于学生理解与记忆。
[1]文怡.英文影视资源引入中职英语教学初探[J].教育导刊, 2014,02.
[3]陈熠.充分利用影视资源 丰富英语课堂教学[J].青少年日记(教育教学研究),2013,04.
James V. Archenemy
2447 Rockford Mountain Lane
Durham, NC 27713
Phone – 234-593-3290
Email id – james.archenemy@freemail.com
Human Resources and Office Specialist
To secure responsible position that will challenge my abilities allowing me to fully utilize my problem solving, organizational, customer service and communication skills.
Well qualified Professional. Experienced in fast paced environments that depend on efficiency and accuracy. Exceptionally competent. Self-starter with strong Human Resources background. Recipient of American Bankers Association coveted Outstanding World-Class Customer Service Award.
Bank of America, MidAtlantic Consumer Bank, Personnel
January - Present
Responsibilities include but not limited to employee relations, benefits, payroll Specialist, database management, ensuring compliance of all legal and government reporting and policies for the divisions
Participate in recruitment efforts for exempt and non-exempt positions; schedule interviews, coordinate temporary staffing for the division
Serve as the point of contact for all personnel employee matters and provide guidance to associates
Coordinate and monitor leaves of absences in designated markets in the division
Ensure compliance and consistency of company policies, procedures and best practices
Track reviews and handle performance management issues with managers and associates
Salary Specialist that includes merit increase, salary adjustment and changes, transfers, leave of absence, etc.
Participate in recruitment effort for exempt and non-exempt personnel; coordinate advertisements and position postings;
Monitor personnel hiring and terminations and ensure accuracy of data input and systems access for associates
Prepares and compile data for staffing and diversity related reports and distribute to management
Maintains employee confidence and protects operations by maintaining personnel data confidential and accurate
Communicates with executives and line management to gather and convey relevant information to associates
Washington Hospital Center, Recruitment & Employment, Human Resources
February - January 2005
Provided direct support for recruitment in a 6,000 employee healthcare organization that include recruitment efforts
Processed over 100 new hires on a monthly basis that include assigning employee numbers, scheduling pre-employment physicals, background and reference checks, verification of education and credentials/licensures
Ensured that the employment process is in compliance with hospital philosophy, policies and procedures and Federal and District of Columbia laws and coordinates and facilitates new hire orientation
Recruit candidates for various department positions and ensure that the application process meets standards
Duties included maintaining long-term customer relationships and act as primary liaison between employees and outside vendors
Verified identification and the authorization to work in the United States for new employees, requisition employees, and rehires
Screened resumes and applications and conduct preliminary interviews for entry-level and nursing positions to identify qualified applicants
Generated monthly queries for management review; administer HR tracking system for new hires and terminations
Coordinated and participate in job fairs/open houses and maintain calendar for upcoming events
American Bankers Association (1995-), Administrative Manager, Membership
February -November 2002
Managed the administrative processes that include supervising support staff, compose correspondence, departmental calendars, office supplies, expenditures, and technical support and vendor relations
Managed departmental $3M budget; forecast changes and monitor all monthly expenses
Managed logistics for executive committee meetings that include but not limited to facility, attendees, agendas and travel arrangements and attendees for events
Developed and coordinated members and nonmembers membership invoice mailings and track payments for membership dues
Ensure adequate phone coverage for the department
Sr. Human Resources Partner
November 1995 -January 2001
Assisted the Association of 500 employees with staffing and recruitment processes; administered pre-employment test, screened resumes, scheduled interviews, employment verifications, completed background and reference checks Processed personnel actions that included salary adjustments, merit increases, transfers, leave of absence, pension Calculations, metro check deductions and benefits programs
Coordinated new employee orientation and ensure that new hires paperwork is completed accurately
Updated the vacancy announcements, bulletin board, ABA web pages, job line and external web sites
Composed and submitted job ads to various recruitment sources and tracked monthly advertisement expenses
Managed the internal temporary staffing pool and youth employment programs for various internship positions
Scheduled and interviewed candidates for administrative positions
Formulated and assembled personnel policies and procedures to various department in the Association
Scheduled and coordinated blood drives and influenza shot programs for the Association
MCI Telecommunications Corporation (1987-1995), Accounts Payable Analyst, Marketing Analysis
October 1994 -August 1995
Researched financial reports on the Accounts Payable database system Processed invoices and reconciled accounts
Maintained overdue invoice reports, discrepancy ledger accounts and tracked purchase orders
Developed and maintained a filing system to track invoices more effectively and managed accounting related projects
Executive Secretary/Administrative Assistant, Marketing
August 1987 -September 1994
Assisted the Director of Marketing with the daily operations of the department and provided administrative support to Director and staff that include composing correspondence, office supplies, travel arrangements, technical support and vendor relations
Coordinated logistics for executive committee meetings, calendars and travel arrangements
Tracked departmental expenditures that include but not limited to purchase order management, petty cash and vendor payments
Maintained specialized database system on workstation occupancy
Supervised temporary employees on special projects and provided administrative and project management support to department
National Coalition, Receptionist/Word Processor
December 1986-August 1987
Provided receptionist and word processing support to staff
Typed correspondence and developed presentations, travel arrangements, meeting planning and coordinate fundraising events
Performed clerical duties assigned that included distributing mail, filing, faxing and Xeroxing
Georgetown University Hospital, File Clerk, Medical Records
January 1985-December 1986
Retrieved medical records requested by physicians and filed lab work in patients records
Transcribed physicians diagnosis on patients care by using a Dictaphone
Performed duties assigned by Office Manager
Thomson Education Direct
May - Present
Human Resources Management
American University
January - June
Society for Human Resources Management - Certificate Program -May 1997 Management Practices, Selection & Placement, Training & Development, Health/Safety & Security, Employee & Labor Relations, Compensation & Benefits
Strayer Business College
January 1992 -December 1992
Business Specialist
Basic Supervision, Business Writing, Dale Carnegie-Effective Speaking & Human Relations, Time Management, Speed-Reading, Stress Management, Myers Briggs, Interviewing People, Management Skills, Project Management, Medical Terminology, Telemarketing, CPR Certification, SHRM -Professional Membership
Microsoft Suite, Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Publisher, WordPerfect 6.1, Lotus Notes, HTML/Web Site Design, HRIS Systems, Database Management Systems, PDS/Client Server
Professional References Available Upon Request
1234, West 67 Street,
Carlisle, MA 01741,
(123)-456 7890.
在描述每项工作内容时,最好能用“1、2、3、4”标注出来,而不要有太多的修饰和成段成段的描述,也不要把你所在部门的职责全部写成你的个人的工作内容,纵使你是部门总监,你的工作内容与部门职责也是有区别的。最忌讳的就是直接到网上百度一段相应岗位的职责,然后直接黏贴在自己的简历上,这样千篇 一律的.描述,凭什么招聘官选择你?差异性在这显得尤其重要,所以在工作描述这一项,要凸显出你的个人价值,你的业绩是什么?你的贡献是什么?这才是足以吸引招聘官的内容。
3、有的放矢设计简历,拒绝千篇 一律
姓名: 性别:
出生日期: 出生及户口所在地: 贴照片处
第一学历: 现工作地点:
联系电话: 联系邮箱(QQ号,微信号):
/ --/ XX大学 XX专业 本科/其他
求职意向: 求职岗位:
期望行业: 到岗时间:
工作性质: 目标地点:
期望薪水:月薪 (税后)
/ -至今 XXXXX公司
所属行业 :
1、/ 起:XXX项目
1、 / -/ XXX机构 XX课程 XX证书
Introduction:The sectors if ESSQ management-environments, safety and security and quality-have become increasingly important development and improvement approaches.The systems approach also ensures certain consistency in operations, it helps organisation to learn from their operations and exploit their results.At the same time, it creates possibilities and freedom for operations and inspiration.The systems approach has evolved greatly during the last couple of decades, and the latest views truly offer organisations a good and sensible framework that the companies can exploit in an innovative way in their operation.
Integrated ESSQ management systems and maturity
When building their management systems, companies often use standards designed for different sectors, because customer interface and interest groups often require standardized certification.In addition, an integrated management system must include general management components:procedures, planning, applying and implementation, remedial measures and audits by the management.These components are in compliance with the“Apply the Plan-Do-check-Act” (PDCA) cycle.Focusing on processes instead of structures and systems emphasises that modern organisations must operate in an innovative way in their striving for continuous improvement.
According to Karapetrovic and Willborn (1998) , the implementation of integration always leads to an efficient system-no matter at what level integration is carried out.According to Beckmerhagen et al. (2003) , general advantages of an integrated management system are:simplification of the requirements of standards and management systems, decreased audit and registration costs, decreased paper work, decreased costs related to the interpretation and implementation of standards, harmonisation of documentation of management systems, balancing and allocating processes and resources to different operational areas, several smaller business advantages, elimination of parallel and overlapping operation and improved efficiency.
Although the systems approach can be considered as a wider entity, it is usually considered to consist of quality, environmental and safety systems.The systems approach is based on the process approach of which ESSQ matters from certain viewpoints.The integration of the aforementioned sectors is becoming increasingly necessary for companies regardless of their location, size or field of industry.Focussing on one sector only will lead to problems in other sectors.Companies utilise several different maturity models suitable for different sectors;there is no uniform model that could be used for examining the entire entity.The most popular model, which is also suitable for different sectors, is the EFQM model, which examines the operations and procedures of organisations from the viewpoint of business.The Toddlergrade maturity model developed by the case company offers a simple solution:it is easy to use, it allows rapid assessment of a company's maturity level and it can be applied to different levels of organisations as well as organisations of different sizes and operation in different fields of industry.
Beckmerhagen, I.A., Berg, P., Karapetrovic, S.V., &Willborn, W.O (2003) .Integration of management systems:Focus on safety in the nuclear in-dustry.The international Journal of Reliability Management, 20 (2) , 209-227