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傲慢与偏见英文解析 篇1

always finding rich husbands for her five daughters。 The appearance of Mr。 Bingley and Mr。 Darcy makes the family’s life different。 The two gentlemen attend a ball。 Then Mr。 Bingley makes a good impression, while Mr。 Darcy appears proud and refuses to dance with Elizabeth。 Soon after, Darcy finds himself fond of Elizabeth, but he tries to hide his feeling。

Later the cousin Mr。 Collins visits the family。 He wants to choose Jane as his wife。 However, she is engaged with Mr。 Bingley。 Then Collins thinks Elizabeth is also a good choice, while he is refused again。 At the same time, Elizabeth meets Mr。 Wickham, a militia officer who says Darcy has cheated him。 This increases Elizabeth’s dislike of Mr。 Darcy。 Mr。 Collins recovers from the refusal and bees engaged to Elizabeth’s good friend, Charlotte。 Mrs。 Bennet is very disappointed as Mr。 Bingley also breaks the relationship with Jane。


傲慢与偏见英文解析 篇2

Mr.Collins married Charlotte just for his dignity.To illustrate my point, let us see the following paragraph, “My reasons for marrying are, first, that I think it a right thing for every clergy in easy circumstances to set the example of matrimony in his parish.Secondly, that I am convinced it will add very greatly to my happiness;and thirdly, which perhaps I ought to have mentioned earlier, that it is the particular advice and recommendation of the very noble lady who I have the honor of calling patroness.”Thus, their marriage is a kind of trade.They had neither mutual attraction nor common interests.

Lydia and Wickham’s love shows an immoral marriage Their marriage is based on property rather than love.Lydia and Wickham attracted each other by appearance and youthful ignorance;even so, Wickham had no intention to marry Lydia and wanted to marry a rich woman to get a lot of money.Luckily, Darcy gave Wickham a lot of money to ensure that he would marry Lydia.However, both characters appear to be somewhat miserable with their married life

happy couple in the novel, both of them had mutual interests, good characters and the most important thing was they love each other.However, they both had little independence, lacked self-confidence and even believed the rumors without analyzing the fact.Though got married, There are still a lot of things had in store for them;nobody can assure that if they could surmount all the obstacles.Therefore though the combination of Jane and Bingley is near perfect;it still lacks the elements of solid foundation that made the marriage of

marriage we know that love can not be brought on by appearance, and must gradually develop between the two people as they get to know one another.Darcy and Elizabeth are amongst the few

novel, this kind of exposure is not ruthless, not sentimental, not moral indignant, but it is sarcastic, through her characters described, she disclosed that the marriage base on love is perfect and can last

[3]、Matthew J.E essays on Jane Austen’s works[M].London;

[4]、朱虹.奥斯丁研究[M].北京:中国文联出版社, 1985.

[5]、李桂梅.略论现代中国婚姻基础[J].伦理学研究, 2006, 第一期.

[6]、刘炳善:英国文学简史[M].河南人民出版社, 1998.

[7]、王佐良:英国文学史[M].商务印书馆, 1996.



[1]、Jane Austen.Pride and prejudice[M].Oxford:Oxford University press, 1970.

[2]、Helen Leroy.Jane Austen[M].Sutton publishing limited, 1997.

[3]、Matthew J.E essays on Jane Austen’s works[M].London;Oxford press, 1986

[4]、朱虹.奥斯丁研究[M].北京:中国文联出版社, 1985.

[5]、李桂梅.略论现代中国婚姻基础[J].伦理学研究, 2006, 第一期.

[6]、刘炳善:英国文学简史[M].河南人民出版社, 1998.

[7]、王佐良:英国文学史[M].商务印书馆, 1996.

蔡英文对外政策解析 篇3



















傲慢与偏见读后感英文 篇4

My favorite book, Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austin, is a famous fiction set in England in the early 19th century.The two main characters who both had significant identities met at a party, but failed to leave nice impressions on each other due to their different social backgrounds and values.It was the conflict at the beginning that gave them more and more chances to get in touch with each other.It’s just what I appreciate in the fiction, that a love story was presented in an interesting way.What’s better, the writer used simple but meaningful language styles to reflect some kinds of deep messages from the society, such as the value of money and the inequality between the rich and the poor.

傲慢与偏见的阅读心得英文 篇5

The article describes a number of daughters Bo Nate story。 Ji-an eldestdaughter, gentle kind-hearted, beautiful Keren, Bentley and rich kids at firstsight, but at the crucial moment has brought a twist。 Second daughter,Elizabeth, Qingli intelligent, ambitious, assertive, consistent with theproperty of the nobility million youth met Darcy。 Can be as arrogant Darcyeccentric, Elizabeth for his prejudice are serious, they love but refuse torecognize the obvious, but also continue to hurt each other with words, butfortunately dispelled the last mistake, married lovers。

Reading this novel, I have benefited greatly。 In our people, there are manyvery modest, but there are some arrogant people。 These arrogant people whosometimes annoying, they have eyes in the head long, others are dismissive。Indeed, the arrogance is a shorting in the environment to develop acharacter。

Chinese children from an early age by their parents as holding typical“little emperors。” If so has been from small to large, how could it notarrogant? So I think that we should not be arrogant people who have prejudices,but the more soul-searching myself, to see if they have not arrogant, aftertheir own things to learn to no longer allow parents to worry about, tired。

傲慢与偏见英文解析 篇6

Pride and Prejudice is a novel written by Jane Austen in 1813.At that time,English writers loved to write sad stories which seemed a little affected and contrived,but Austen overcame the tendency,her novels are close to life.For example,Pride and Prejudice describes the life in countryside and the love stories happen among the people there.Just because the book is easy to understand and everyone can find some similarities with the characters,it can be popular in all these years,even be adapted into several movies and TV series.The novel took place in Longbourn,where the poor squire,Mr.Bennet,lived with his vulgar,gossipy wife and five daughters of different personalities.Jane was the eldest and the most beautiful one,she got over all the difficulties and finally married Mr.Bingley;Lydia,their youngest sister with a wild character,married Mr.Wickham because of a sudden impulse,but luckily their married life wasn’t so bad.However,the relationship between Elizabeth and Mr.Darcy is the most impressive one.At first Mr.Darcy was a very proud man,therefore Elizabeth had a prejudice against him,especially when she heard from Mr.Wickham that he occupied the money which should not belong to him,and then she knew it was he who separated the lovers,Jane and Mr.Bingley.So she rejected his proposal which seemed proud as well.Mr.Darcy was so sad and wrote a letter to her to explain that two things wasn’t all his fault,in order to show his sincerity,he tried to be modest and even spent a lot of money to help Lydia.After that Elizabeth began to see Mr.Darcy through her own eyes and gradually fell in love with him.The novel has a prefect ending,they got marry and lived happily together.There are many famous lines in Pride and Prejudice,such as this one from Chapter 5,”Vanity and pride are different things,though the words are often used synonymously.A person may be proud without being vain.Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves,vanity to what we would have others think of us.”The words are raised by Mary when they talked about Mr.Darcy.Everyone has self-esteem,or we can call it pride.We are tend to be careful and defensive when our importance seems to be threaten by someone new,like early Mr.Darcy.If we just stick to this and refuse to make any change,we may be hated and lose our true love forever.And meanwhile,we are easy to judge people by appearance and believe in what others say about him,then we treat the imagination as evidence.Prejudice prevents us from seeing and listening the truth.But the story also tells us love can overcome all these obstacles,as Elizabeth and Mr.Darcy,Elizabeth made Mr.Darcy a less pride creature,while Mr.Darcy made Elizabeth realize her prejudice.This is the power of love.

傲慢与偏见英文解析 篇7

Though his life short and rough,Edgar Allan Poe left people a huge of legacy---his poems,essays and short stories make him an outstanding poet and writer.His poems are distinctive for the musical and rhythmical beauty,in which love,the purest and truest beauty in his view,displays in a sad and melancholy tone.

His famous poem,Annabel Lee,is a memory of his wife who died very young.Allan Poe conveys his deep affection for his wife and the deep pain for her young death.However,this poem reveals a somber hint.The following lines in the poem,


That the wind came out of the cloud by night,

Chilling and killing my ANNABEL LEE.

And so,all the night-tide,I lie down by the side,

Of my darling,my darling,my life and my bride,

In her sepulcher there by the sea---

In her tomb by the sounding sea.

Words like"night","sepulcher","tomb","chilling",and"killing"evoke a mirthless feeling and create gothic atmosphere At night,tied people disarm their defense to expose the weakness;at the same time,it is the time to produce mystery and illusion.Against the background with sepulcher and tomb,death comes to the sight and develops.

2 Illustration and Discussion

Death constitutes an important theme in Allan Poe's poems Death makes people feel painful and somber and also creates horrible atmosphere to impress people charnel and grisly.In his view,death may not be the end of life since there is conflict between life and death.The conflict,death and life interdependence and inter-contrast,represents Poe's perspective of the interchangeability of death and life.The horror for death derives psychologically,which is somber different from ghastly.In his poem,the Rave,Allen Poe takes the sentimental horror to develop his poem.

The Raven describes a young man who lost his beloved wife wants to run away from the harassment in reality.However,he runs to a grisly environment in which he does not extricate himself from the pain,but feels a deep sorrow.In this poem,Allan Poe deliberately chooses a raven to come in the stormy night to the lonely young man when he is in the deep grief for the memory of his dead wife.Ravens,the self-invited guests of graveyard and tomb,are ominous symbol.The dark colour of the feathers and the sore and unpleasant sound consist of the essential part of gothic atmosphere.In the poem,the young man opened the door with great expectation only to find darkness outside.Seemingly he feels that the soul of his dead wife is knocking the door."Nevermore"is the only cry that the raven can make,said Poe.But it is the repeating nevermore enforces the answer to the poet's quest.Nevermore echoes the sadness lingering in the mind and heart of the poet,and brings even more pain to him.It is the pain and torture the poet suffers that fetches him to the peak of beauty,which reflected in Poe's work The Philosophy of Composition.(1846)

The death theme in Annabel Lee and the mysterious and somber atmosphere created in The Raven both indicate the influence of Gothic novel on Allen Poe.Gothic novel first appeared in the 18th century Europe with the publication of works like Castle of Otranto(1765)and Monk(1796).The first writer of such fictions is generally accepted as the author of Castle of Otranto Horace Walpole.Gothic novel developed against the 18th-century rationalism with scenes of mystery,horror,and wonder.The atmosphere of a Gothic novel is usually dark,tempestuous,ghostly full of madness,outrage,superstition,and the spirit of revenge and the theme of death,violence and revenge is repeatedly applied in such kind of fictions,and even in present-day movie culture,which may suggest a kind of inheritance of the Gothic concept.To the 90s of 18th century,Gothic novel evolves into two types:the horrors and the sentiments.The former specifies in the creation of a kind of morbid evilness;whereas the latter turns to describe the sentimental emotion of human being in the face o death and horror.Both of these two kinds have had influence on American literature,hence Allen Poe's poetry.

Allan Poe had suffered many mishaps in his whole life.He lost his father when he was only two years old and then his beautiful mother died from the strain of overwork.After that his stepmother's died and the death of his young wife became the last straw on the camel's back.Which finally blew him so heavily that death penetrates into his works.Thereafter death remains as a flashing topic and a frequent theme lives through his literature writing.

Most Allan Poe's poems are filled with the sentimenta beauty.The description in Annabel Lee,when lying in the tomb beside his beloved dead wife,conveys to us the most sorrowfu beauty.While in The Raven a horrifying mournful memory fo love is effectively delivered as the young man would rather give up the living world to go to the unknown world after the raven whose eyes are as wicked as an evil spirit in the nightmare.In his work Allan Poe raised the horror story to a level far above mere entertainment through their skillful intermingling of reason and madness,eerie atmosphere and everyday reality.He invested their specters,doubles,and haunted houses with a psychologica symbolism that gave his works a haunting credibility.

3 Conclusion

There are many descriptions of death in his poems,which constructs mysterious and grisly gothic atmosphere.In Annabe Lee,the poet wishes lying down beside his dead wife in her sepulcher;in The Raven,the lonely young man would rather go to"another world"to seek for a"bereaved lover".(The Philosophy of Composition.1846)The dedication to these dead beauties is filled with dismal beauty in the somber tone,which indicates his clinging to death and palingenesis.As such,the boundary between life and death vanishes.Poetry surpasses the boundary between life and death to be the undying in his soul,so to achieve the freedom of his spirit.The repeated application of the topic death,combining with other gothic features and symbols,Poe effectively implemented his philosophy of"writing is methodical and analytical"(Wikipedia 2010)so as to achieve the"Unity of effect"(Composition.1846)Allan Poe's work,though full of pain,pathos,loses,and horrors,implies his inside desire and pursuit to surpass the death;and his yearning to warmth and love.Wrapped up in the gothic air is a strong yearning to life.


[1]Gothic Novel.Encyclopdia Britannica.Encyclop dia Britanni-ca Online.13Nov.2006[DB/OL].http://search.eb.com/eb/arti-cle-503832.

[2]Matthews,Brander.The Oxford Book of American Essays[C].NEW YORK:OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS,1914/NEW YORK:BARTLEBY.COM,2000.

[3]The Philosophy of Composition[EB/OL].[2010-06-10]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.









