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新概念英语1教学案 篇1

【教学目标】理解指数函数的概念,能画出具体指数函数的图像; 在理解指数函数概念、性质的基础上,能应用所学知识解决简单的数学问题; 通过类比,回顾归纳从图象和解析式两个角度研究函数性质的方法; 感受数学思想方法之美,体会数学思想方法只重要













学生很容易得出y=2x和y =2x(xN)学生可能漏掉x的范围,教师要引导学生思考具体问题中x的取值范围。



x*师:在本章开头的问题中,也有一个与y =2x类似的关系式y1.073(xN且x 20)*

请思考以下问题①y =2x(xN)和y1.073*x*(xN且x 20)这两个解析式有什么共同特征?②他们能否构成函数?③是我们学过的哪个函数?如果不是,你能否根据该函数的特征给它起个恰当的名


目的:①让学生知道图象法不是研究函数的唯一方法,由此引导学生从图象和解析式两个角度对函数进行 研究;②对学生进行数学思想方法的有机渗透。(2)分组活动,合作学习师:下面我们就从图象和解析式这两个角度对指数函数进行研究.让学生分成两大组,每组再分小组,最后汇集结论写下来以便讨论(3)交流总结形成共识

0 < a <1

a >1


[来源:高考学习网 XK]






(0, +∞)

[来源:高考学习网 XK][来源:学*科*网][来源:高考学习网 XK]


在 R 上是减函数

在 R 上是增函数


1、已知指数函数 值.解: 因为

f(x)= a x(a > 0, a ≠ 1)的图像经过点(3,π),求 f(0), f(1),f(−3)的

f(x)= a(a > 0, a ≠ 1)的图像经过点(3,)所以 f(3)= π,a = π 解得 a = π,π,即
x 3

1 3

于是 f(x)= π 3,所以


f(0)= 1, f(1)= 3 π , f(−3)=


1 3

变式:(1)在同一直角坐标系中画出 y = 3x 和 y =()的大致图象,并说出这两个函数的性质;(2)求下列函数的定义域:① y = 2

5、课堂小结、师:通过本节课的学习,你对指数函数有什么认识?你有什么收获? 生:总结指数函数的性质,教师要引导学生谈谈对函数研究的学习,即怎么研究一个函数 【板书设计】 板书设计】


二、例题 例1 变式 1
x −2

;② y =()x

1 2


【作业布置】课本练习2.1A 组 5.业布置】

2.1.2-1 指数函数的概念学案
课前预习学案 一. 预习目标 1.2.通过预习理解指数函数的概念 简单掌握指数函数的性质

二. 预习内容

1.一般地,函数 2.指数函数的定义域是 3.指数函数 y = 4. 指数函数 y =

叫做指数函数.,值域 . . 时,在



(a > 0, a ≠ 1)的图像必过特殊点


(a > 0, a ≠ 1),当

时,(−∞,+∞)上是增函数; 在 当

三.提出疑惑 通过以上自我预习你还有什么疑惑请写在下面的横线上 课内探究学案 一. 学习目标 1.2.理解指数函数的概念能画出具体的指数函数图象 在理解指数函数概念、性质的基础上,能运用所学知识解决简单的数学问题

学习重点:指数函数概念、图象和性质 学习难点:对底数的分类,如何由图象、解析式归纳指数函数的性质 二. 学习过程 探究一 1.函数 y =(



− 3a + 3)⋅ a 是指数函数,则有(

A.a=1或a=2 B.a=1 C.a=2 D.a>0且 a ≠ 1

1 2.关于指数函数 y = 2 和 y =()2




新概念英语1教学案 篇2

四、升华和凝华 (学案 12)

【教学目标】1.知道升华和凝华的概念, 知道升华要吸热, 凝华要放热。

2.了解生活中的升华和凝华现象, 并能用物理语言进行解释。






现象:实验加热时, 碘由固态 _____ 变为气态;冷却时, 碘由气态 _____。

定义:_____ 叫做升华。_____ 叫做凝华。

升华需要 _____ 热, 凝华需要 _____ 热。

2.举例并分析:日常生活中的升华和凝华现象 (至少举两个例子) 。_____






戴眼睛的人从寒冷的室外进入暖和的室内时, 镜片上会出现一层小水珠。______

练习2:下列物态变化都吸热的是 ( )



3.辨一辨:冬天窗户上的“冰花” (PPT 展示图片) 属于哪种物态变化?

活动:观察“霜”与“冰”的图片, 比较它们形状上的不同点。

小结:凝固而来的固态的水的形状是 _____;凝华而来的固态水的形状是 ______。


(1) 组织、指导学生分组讨论课本图2-38、2-39实例。

(2) 学生自学课本43页“生活物理社会”中的“人工降雨”, 学习过程中注意“人工降雨”的几种方法中涉及哪些物态变化的过程?

(3) 在运输食品的过程中常用干冰来为食品保鲜, 为什么?

(4) 舞台上经常用喷洒干冰的方法制造“白雾”以渲染气氛, 你知道为什么吗?


我们看以上的教学案的第一模块是:引入。它是用通过复习引入的, 一般我们还可以实验引入, 活动引入等等方法。引入的目的是引入课题。第二模块:体验。这节课是通过实验的方式。同样体验可以是观察图片, 活动, 举例等等方式。这个模块的目的是让学生获得丰富的感性认识, 自然的生成概念。第三模块:定义。无需多说, 由于前面丰富的感性认识与分析, 概念形成此时就水到渠成了。第四模块:应用。这节课是通过举例分析完成的。一般方法也是举例。但是还可以练习、实验、活动等其他方式。这块儿的目的是让学生加深对概念的理解, 以及达到知识迁移的目的。第五模块:深化。这节课是通过辨别冬天窗户上的“冰花”从而引出凝固与凝华而来的固体形状上的特点, 使学生更进一步理解凝华。这一板块的目的是深化概念, 使学生理解概念的内涵与外延。最后, 练习。本节课的练习包括两部分:升华与凝华在生活中的应用和课堂反馈。目的是让学生放慢对概念的遗忘。

另外, 在概念教学的教学案编制与实施时, 需要注意以下几点:

1.教学案不需要编制的过细, 不要把教师上课要上的每一句话都放在上面。比如这份教学案, 引入是复习引入, 但复习时怎样引入, 如何述说就没有必要放在教学案上。实践发现如果教学案编制的过细, 教师发挥的空间就很小。这样会导致一个后果:所有用这份教学案的教师上课都是同一个教学模式, 甚至上课所说的话都基本一样。用我们校长说的一句话就是:只要听备课组一个人的课, 就知道其他人是怎么上课的。

2.此教学案没有必要先发下去让学生预习。因为这个教学案上的思维难度不大, 课的容量也不大, 完全没有必要预习。也就是说不是每份教学案都需要预习。像这样的教学案如果先发下去预习了, 学生就没有期待了。没有期待即不能引起学生学习兴趣的课堂是枯燥乏味的, 教学效率当然不会高了。像这样的教学案上课前几分钟发, 发了让学生先大概看一下, 了解本节课的教学目标与上课流程就行。而有些课程容量大的课则需要将教学案事先发下去预习, 让学生把书上有的以及会的知识先填好 (可以用铅笔填) 。而对于难度大的教学案, 可以提前一天或是几天把教学案上的难点布置下去, 让学生提前思考 (教学案可以不发下去) 。

新概念英语1教学案 篇3

主备人: 周萍 审核人: 路惠玲

1. In 1985, there was little rainfall in Ethiopia, which led to destroyed harvests and killed cattle. (page 2, lines 1-2)[中文翻译]__1985年,埃塞俄比亚几乎没有降雨,导致收成损毁,牛畜灭亡

lead to

1)通向 _All roads lead to Rome. __条条大路通罗马.

2)导致 Reducing speed limits should lead to fewer deaths on the roads.


3)lead… to (some place)_领某人去某地________

The waiter led us to our table. _服务员领我们去桌子那儿。

4) lead…to do =_cause… to do____ 导致…做

例句What led you to believe this? __什么会使你相信这个_

5)lead the way 领路

在小孩的带领下,我们终于到达了那座村子_With the child leading the way, we reached the village at last._


1. 2.


2.The severity of this catastrophe shocked Bob Geldof, and Irish musician who organized a charity concert called Live Aid to raise money for famine victims in

Ethiopis. (page2, lines 2-4)

shock to one’s shock 令某人吃惊的事

1) v. to surprise and upset sb. 使震惊


The violence and bad language in the program _shocked _many _of_ _the_viewers.


I _was_ _shocked _ __at___the__ __news___that flu bird had ben found in our city.

2) n. 震惊的事

他的死使我们大家都大为震惊。His death was_a__ _great__ __shock__ to us all.

听说他的病很严重,我吃了一惊。It gave me quite _a_ _shock_ to be told he was seriously ill.

3.Geldof intended the concert to raise money for and public awareness of the famine.

(page 2, lines 6-7) _格尔多夫想通过音乐会为饥荒筹钱,并提高公众对饥荒的意识。

本句中有部分省略,完整的表达可以是Geldof intended the concert to raise money for the famine and to raise public awreness of the famine.

复习intend to do be intended to do /as /for intend … to do

1)I _intended_____ __to__catch the early train but I didn’t get up in time.

2)That remark _was__ _intended___ __as___a joke.

3)The book _was___ _intended___ ___for_____children.

4)我想让你接管公司 I _intended__ you _to_ __take_ __over_the company.

4. The concert also received so much attention around the world that it put great pressure on politicians and statesmen to do something about the famine. (page 2, lines 8-10)

复习receive received so much attention 受到关注功 be well received 受到好评

1) I like to ~ presents on my birthday._收到______

2) He was ~d into the army.__接受_________

3) He ~d a serious wound .__受到______

4) receive quests __接待__________

5) my speech was well received_得到好评__

5. on top of this, according to the United Nations, hunger and malnutrition claim ten million lives every year. In fact, hunger is the number one global health risk, killing more people than any disease. (page 2, lines 14-16)


1) 短语on top of 意思是“除…之外”,通常指不愉快的事。

2)The space shuttle columbia broke into pieces over Texas as it turned to the earth, _cauing________(cause) all seven astronauts dead.

3)The student was late for class again, _B___ the teacher angry.

A. having made B.making C.made D.to make

6.In trying to fight worldwide hunger, the United Nations set up the World Food Programme (WFP) in 1963. (page2, lines 17-18)



set about doing set an example to sb set aside set fire to

set sth on fire set off set out set up a set of tools.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 翻译_太阳从东方升起,西边落下

7.Today, some developing countries in Africa, Asia and South America stand at a crossroads. (page 2, lines 27-28)


at a crossroads 人生或发展处于关键时刻;在紧要关头

辞职之后,他的人生面临着抉择。_His life was at a crossroads when he quit his job.

8.There is a saying that goes Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a

man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.’(page3, lines 31-33)


句中go 意思是谚语、消息等,说法是……

_The story goes that he was once rich,but I don’t believe it.___


9.They are the result of teaching a man to fish so that he can fill his belly for a lifetime. (page 3, lines 59-60)__他们授人以渔的成果,让一个人可以一生填饱肚子。

Fill one’s belly 填饱肚子


Jack is not _particular_ _about_what he eats. He is happy so long as it _fills_ _his_ _belly_.


10.This should set alarm bells ringing because the bare fact is that, in order for everyone to survive, serious changes need to be made in global development. (page 14, lines 3-7)


短语set alarm bells ringing 敲响警钟

1)The company’s financial problems have set alarm bells _ringing__(ring) in big cities all over the world.

2)What my teacher said planning for the future set me_thinking____. (think).

11.This is a simple idea, but one which is hard to put into practice.(page 14, lines 20-21)

One 指代idea. 短语put …into practice

1)仔细地制定出计划后,我们将其付诸实施了。___After carefulling preparing for our plan, we put it into practice.__

2)I’m looking forward to a book , _A______ that concerns the problem of pollution.

A. one B. that C. it D. what

12.This is why many people are pushing for the use of alternative energ sources. (page 14. lines 51-53)这就是许多人强烈要求使用替代能源的原因。

Push for 不断要求、争取

They are__pushing__for___a quick solution to the problem.


13.In the hands of 在……掌握中

Out of hand 难以控制/控制=__out__ __of_ __control____

In hand =under control _在掌握中__________

整件事情现已由警方处理。The whole affair _is now in the hands of the police_____.

一切安排就绪。All the arrangements_are in hand.________________.

14.Take place, happen, occur, come about 和break out 用法区别

Great changes _have taken place____ in our hometown during the past ten years.

It_occurred_____ to me that she didn’t know I had moved into the new house.

I _happened____ to see him on my way home.

The Olympic Games of will_take place____ in Beijing.

After the flood, diseases_broke out__here and there.

Do you know how the air accident _came about___ ?

15.Phrases Fill in the blanks

1.令人吃惊的事 to one’s shock

2.组织一场慈善音乐会 organize a charity concert

3.受到关注 receive much attention

4.给……施加压力 put pressure on

5.从……转换成switch from …to

6.除此之外 on top of

7.在未来的几十年里 in the next several decades

8.增加到九十亿人increase to ni7ne billion people

9.敲响警钟set alarm bells ringing

10.污染环境pollute the environment

11.浪费自然资源waste natural resources

12.一种可能的解决方法one possible solution to this problem

13.付诸实践put into practice

14.处于危险之中be in danger

15.为许多重要的事提供能量provide the energy to many important things

16.在短期内in a short period

17.耗尽run out

18.更加关注保护环境be conscious of protecting the environment

19.被用来发电be used to produce electricity

新概念英语1教学案 篇4


1. 引入有关地点和交通的话题。

2. 讨论参观访问和交通方式。

3. 辨别方位。


1. 知道路 2. 确信 3.下去 4.恐怕

5.必须 6.上去 7.在 的北面 8.在 西北面


1.Follow me ,Eddie.

Follow 在这里表示“跟随”,是及物动词。形容词为following “接下来的,下一个的” ,the following week , the following day

He followed her up the hill.

词组follow sb. to do sth. 跟随某人做某事

Eg. 学生们经常跟随老师去购物。_______________________________________

Follow 有时做不及物动词,意为“随后就来”

You go first and I’ll follow. 你先走,我随后就来。

2. Are you sure ,Hobo?

在 be sure 中,sure 是形容词,“有把握,肯定”,做表语,后面还可以跟

(1) 从句:I am not sure why he wants it.

(2) of 或about 引起的短语。I am not sure of that. Are you sure about it ?

(3)to do sth. “一定会,肯定会“


3.Let’s go down here .

句中let’s 是let us 的缩写形式。“让我们----”,包括“听话者”在内,既提出建议,劝说对方一起做某事,疑问句尾用shall we ?

Let’s go home, shall we ?


Let us “让我们”, 不包括“听话者”,既提出请求请对方允许,而对方不 做,只有我们做,疑问句尾用 will you ?

Let us go home , will you ?

让我们休息一下, 好吗?__________________________________

4.They want some ideas about where to go and what to see.

句中where to go 与what to see是疑问词加不定式结构,在句中做介词about的宾语用。这种结构可以与should 构成的宾语从句互换。

He didn’t know how to get there. =He didn’t know how he should go there.



How to learn English well is a problem for us.

5. Let’s go on an outing.

句中go on “去”方向,旅行等。后接名词或 v-ing 形式。

They are going on a trip to the Great Wall next year.

词组go on with sth . =go on doing sth . 继续做同一件事

May I go on with my homework? = May I go on doing my homework?

Go on to do sth . 继续做另一件事

After he finished his homework, he went on to watch TV.

6. Look at the map and find the places they plan to visit .

句中they plan to visit 是一个省略了that 的定语从句,对前面的名词places 进行修饰。

This is the book I like very much.


7. The zoo is north of Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.

句中north of 表示“在 的北面”指“一个地方在另一个地方的北面”。也可用to the north of 结构表示。

Japan is east of China. = Japan is to the east of China.

当表示在一个大范围中的“北方,北面”时,要用“in the north of ” 结构。



east 东 west 西 south 南 north 北

southeast 东南 northeast 东北 southwest 西南 northwest 西北

north of = to the north of 在……北

The zoo is to the north of our school. 动物园在我们学校的北面。

[辨析] A在B东

A is in the east of B (A地包括在B地的范围内)

Taiwan is in the east of China. 台湾在中国的东部。

A is on the east of B (A地和B地相连)

Korea is on the east of China. 朝鲜在中国的东边。

A is to the east of B (A地不包括在B地的范围内)

Japan is to the east of China. 日本在中国的东面。

[拓展] eastern 东部的 western 西部的 southern 南部的 northern 北部的

in the north of = in the northern part of

The Great Wall is in the northern part of China. 长城在中国北部。

Exercises for this period

一. 选择填空

1.He _______ hand in his homework today.

A. haven’t B. don’t have to C. hadn’t to D. doesn’t have to

2. Do you know the answers to the _________ questions?

A. follow B. to follow C. following D. followed

3. Can you help me find _________ the museum?

A. the way B. the way to C. to the way D. the way to get

二. 用所给单词或词组的适当形式填空

1. It’s too late. Millie __________ (have to) go home quickly.

2. Don’t ________ (follow) me all the time. I’m too busy.

3. Daniel ________ (be) very afraid, because he can’t find the key to his house.

4. Let’s go _________ (shop) together.

5. _______(not be) late for class.


1. The Class 1, Grade 7 students are planning a trip.

_______ _______ the Class1. Grade 7 students _______?

2. They like climbing the hills.

_______ _______ they ________ _______?

3. There are three boys on the playground.

______ _______ the playground?

4. He has lots of good friends in Beijing.

______ _____ good friends _______ ______ ______ in Beijing?


1. Let’s enjoy Beijing opera here. (改为同义句)


2. Be late for school .(改为否定句)___________________________________

3. I think we can go there by understand. (改为否定句)


4. She goes to the zoo by bus .(对划线部分提问)_______________________________

5. The Sunnyside Garden is north –west of the zoo.(改为一般疑问句)


6. Siman walks to the supermarket. (改为同义句)_________________________________

7. They go to the restaurant by bike. (改为同义句)


The second period

Title: Reading



1) walk to school 2) go out of

3) live near each other 4) turn left

5) push … into 6) jump out of

7) in the end 8) get a call


( ) 1. Justin, Paul and Susan lived in the same building.

( ) 2. Justin and Paul ran to Hill Building at once.

( ) 3. Three men in police uniform told them about the robbers.

( ) 4. Paul opened the door of the van with a knife.

( ) 5. They took different routes.

( ) 6. Justin went along 6th street.

( ) 7. They met at the police station at last.

( ) 8. The robbers tried to run away but failed.



1. 写出下列单词或词组:

1) 住在.…..附近_______________ 2) 出小汽车__________________

3) 立刻_______________________ 4) 开走______________________

5) 尽力开门___________________ 6) 乘汽车____________________

7) 沿着6号街直走_____________ 8) 向右拐进4号街___________

9) 停在交通灯处_______________ 10) 最后_____________________

2. 回答下列问题:

1) How Justin and Paul know there were robbers in Hill Building?

2) Who are the three men in police uniform? What did they do when they saw the twins?

3) How did the twins get out of the van?

4) Why did the three robbers get to the police station before Justin and Paul?

5) What do you think of the two boys?


1. It is their friend, Susan.

句中Susan 是前面名词friend的同位语。一个名词或代词后面有时可跟一个名词,或起类似作用的其他东西,对前者作进一步解释。说明它指的是什么,是谁等,叫做同位语。

This is Mr. Zhou, principal of our hospital.


Mr. Black, _____________________, loves us very much.

2. Let’s drive to Hill Building.

drive to Shanghai = go to Shanghai by car/ in a car 开车去上海

[拓展]ride to school = go to school by bike/on a bike 骑自行车上学

fly to England = go to England by air/plane 坐飞机去英国

walk to school = go to school on foot 步行去学校

take a bus to school = go to school by bus 乘车去学校

3. They get out of their car at once.

At once “立刻,马上”,意思与 right away 相同。

You must stop talking at once.

他立刻告诉了我那个消息。He told ______________________________.

从火车,大汽车,船,飞机获马上下来多用get off, 而从出租车或小汽车上下来常用 get out (of),其反义表达分别为get on 和get in (into)


He ______________the car, and ________________it at the taxi rank.

4. Three man in police uniform are running out of the building.

In police uniform 是介词短语做定语修饰three man ,译为“穿警服的三个人”

当表示某人穿什么衣服显得怎么样可用以下两种形式。You look cool in the red coat. 或

The red coat looks cool on you.


The girl is in a sweater today.

The woman in white is Mrs Green.

[拓展]wear 动词,意为“穿,戴”,表示状态。

put on 动词词组,意为“穿上”,表示动作。

He is wearing a red coat.


Please put on your coat. It’s very cold outside.


5.Paul tried to open the door but fails.

Try (not ) to do sth.试图(不)做某事

We try to learn English well.


Fail 在句中表示“没有成功”“失败”,是不及物动词。词组 fail in sth .(在某事上失败),fail to do sth. (未能做某事)。He failed in the English exam. = He failed to pass the English exam.

6.It works.


It’s a good idea, but it won’t work.

This medicine really works and I feel much better. (这种药很有效,我感觉好多了)

7.Shall we take different routes?

句中route “路线”, 是名词。 Take different routes “走不同的路线”

Which route do I take to Beijing?

8.I will turn right into Seventh Street and turn left into Park Road.

(1)Turn left ,向左转。Turn right ,向右转。这里left ,right 都是副词。也可以说成turn to the right /right.

Turn left at the traffic lights.

(2)left 也可以用作名词,“左边”或用作形容词“左边的”

He sits on my left.

Most people write with their right hands, not their left ones.

9. Paul stops talking.

Stop doing 表示停止做某事,指停止正在干的事

我必须停止看电视了 ,因为我有许多家庭作业要做。____________________________________________

Stop to do sth. 表示停止正在做的事去做某事。

He stopped to watch TV.



10. He is surprised to see the three man in the police station.

Surprised 是过去分词做表语。“感到惊讶的,震惊的”,be surprised to do sth. /be surprised at sth.

I’m surprised to hear the bad news. = I’m surprised at the bad news.

Surprised “感到震惊的,惊讶的”,用于修饰人,表示因…… 而震惊,惊讶,含有被动意义。Surprising “令人震惊的,使人惊讶的”,用于修饰物,含有主动意义。类似的还有interested-interesting, excited-exciting, bored-boring

The surprising news made us surprised.

We are excited to hear the exciting news.

Exercises for this period

一. 翻译下列词组

1. at lunchtime________________ 2. walk to school_________

3. go to work by bike______________ 4 . go out of__________

5. live near each other_______________ 6. try to remember___________

7. turn left___________ 8. jump out of_________

9. stop crying___________ 10. be surprised___________

11. at last_________ 12. make a telephone_________

二. 翻译下列句子


The robber _______ ______ ______ the building.


_______ _______ _______ the different routes?


The children _______ _______ to see their parents.


The two robbers _______ _______ _______ _______ ________ and ran away.


They _______ _______ and had a rest.


( ) 1. I don’t like this coat. Would you please show me ________.

A. other B. the other C. the others D. another

( ) 2. The earth goes ________ the sun.

A. over B. across C. from D. around

( ) 3. My clock doesn’t ________. Can you mend it for me?

A. more B. walk C. use D. work

( ) 4. Jack, with his friends, _________ see Mr Li tomorrow.

A. is going to B. are going to C. go to D. will goes

( ) 5. After he heard the _________ news, he was very __________.

A. surprised, surprising B. surprised, surprised

C. surprising, surprising D. surprising, surprised

The third period

Title: Read (Part C) Vocabulary

1. 重点词汇: straight, zebra crossing, entrance, correct, corner, road, hotel, cross

2. 语言目标: Turn left. Cross the road. The entrance is on your left.



1.Zebra crossing 2.Straight on

3.No smoking 4.Dangerous

5.Turn left 6.No parking

7.Slow 8.No photos


1.I tell the police about the robbers.

Tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事

He told me about his country.

Tell sb. sth . 告诉某人某事

I told him my name .

Tell sb.(not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不)做某事



2.straight on 直行

straight adv. 直的,径直地 sit straight 坐直

go straight along the street

adj. 直的 a straight line 一根直线

on adv. 意为“继续”,一般可放在动词后,表示动作的延续

walk on 继续走 move on 继续移动 work on 继续工作

3..cross the road 穿过马路

cross v. 穿过 = go/walk across

across prep. 穿过 go across the street

[辨析] across 强调在事物的表面横穿过

go across the bridge 过桥

through 强调在事物的里面穿过

go through the tunnel /door/forest 穿过隧道/门、森林

4.the corner of the road 路的拐角

at the corner of the road 在路的拐角处

in the corner of the street 在街道的角落里

round the corner of the street 绕过街道的拐角

Exercises for this period


1. Millie and I live _______ each other in a building.

2. The thief pushed the door and ran _______.

3. Every morning, my grandma walks _______ the street in the park.

4. You want to go to the office? OK, just turn right _______ the Park Road, then you can see it.

5. The car stopped _______ the traffic lights, because the red light is on.

6. Don’t jump ______ ______ the window, it’s too dangerous!


1. When the light is green, you must cross the road _______ (赶快)

2. _______ (突然), a boy rushed out, the driver had to stop the car.

3. Walk _______ (沿着) the road, and turn right. On the _______ (另一个) side of the road, you can see the hospital.

4. Did you _______ (收到) your father’s letter last month?


1. To get to the park, turn left when you come to the __________(十字路口)。

2. Don’t ______________(横穿) the street.

3. This sign tells us that we can go ______________(径直) on.

4. My brother works in Sunshine _______________(宾馆).

新概念1英语教案5、6课 篇5

掌握生词,熟练用This is /He’s/She’s/It’s „„来介绍某人 对各国版图有大概印象,熟记各国首都及名车

二、Teaching Method 教学方式:PPP 歌曲A Beautiful Morning及供学生填词的练习卷 音频 小丸子图片 玩具娃娃

三、Grammar/ Key sentences/ structure 语法/重点&难点句型: “This is……”

“Nice to meet you.”

He’s/She’s/It’s+国籍.What make is it?

It’s + 品牌名.Is it a French car?

Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.选择疑问句Is it a French car or an American car?

四、Teaching Progress 教学过程(教学例子): 第一节 Step 1 :Review & Lead-in 引入(10mins)

1.Review the words and key sentences of L3-4.Recite P9together.2.Dictation & check the answers.3.Introduce“小丸子” to the student。

“Good evening, class.Let me introduce a pretty girl to you.OK, now look at this picture.This is Xiao Wan zi.She is Japanese.”当大家初次和小丸子见面时,应该怎么说呢?“Nice to meet you.Right, so today we’ll learn lesson5 Nice to meet you.”

Step 2 : Presentation 1.New words and expressions learning.(P10)(10mins)

由于Mr.Miss good morning new student nice too meet too 都比较常见,所以简单教授,并且采取卡片反应法训练,如迅速展示单词卡片,让学生快速说出中文,看到中文就快速说出英文,分组加分。重点操练国籍单词French German Japanese Korean Chinese Swedish English American Italian(滚雪球,听节奏读单词)补充首都名 Paris Berlin Tokyo Seoul Beijing Stockholm London New York Rome

2.Key sentences.(15mins)(1)大家思考下我刚才介绍小丸子时,用了哪两个句型。对了,是“This is +人名、称呼”这是某某人和“She’s +国籍adj” 她是„„,如果是男的,我们就用“He’s +国籍”好,现在大家用这两个句型来介绍自己周围的同学。


采用学生竞猜的方式,选择一个玩具娃娃,说“This is „„.He is from **(某个首都名),要求学生快速反应,说出He is **(对应国籍形容词)”)如“This is Xiao Qiang.He is from Paris.”学生必须快速说“He’s French.”看哪位同学说得又快又准。

(2)当我们在非正式场合初次见到同学或新朋友时,可以用“Nice to meet you.”,同时我们也可以用“Glad to meet you.”或者“Pleased to meet you.”,如果是正式场面,则用“How do you do?”

游戏“听音猜人”训练“Nice to meet you.”猜的同学面对黑板,让班里一位同学站起来说“Nice to meet you.”,猜的人要根据说话人的声音判断是谁,然后提问“Is he/she ***”全班用英语回答,规定提问的问题不超三次,猜到了则奖分。

(3)Close the book and listen to the audio, then answer the question “Is Chang-woo Chinese?” “No, he doesn’t.”(2mins)

(4)Open the book and follow to the audio and practice every sentence one by one.(5mins)

复习常用语Good morning.Good afternoon.Good evening.Good night.He is= He’s

She is= She’s


单词 general总体的 manager经理 head头 Imp./Exp.Department进出口部主任 market市场 director指挥 RD Department Manager研发部经理


(6)Recite without the pictures.(8mins)

第二节 Step 3 :

1.Lead-in 五一大家有没有去广场看车展呢?It is said that there are many cars in the car show.Can you name the cars in English? First , let’s learn some new words : make Volvo Peugeot Mercedes Toyota Daewoo Mini Ford Fiat 拓展:奥迪Audi 雷克萨斯Lexus 悍马Hummer 大众Volkswagen别克Buick 保时捷Porsche 法拉利Ferrari 现代Hyundai 日产Nissan 起亚Kia 雪铁龙Citroen 本田Honda 兰博基尼Lamborghini 马自达Mazda(10mins)2.Make dialogues in P11.(可结合P12最后的练习)(准备5mins, 展示10mins)

Eg: 8.Is it a French car? No, it isn’t.Is it a Swedish car? Yes, it is.What make is it? It’s a Volvo.10.Is it Japanese or German? It isn’t Japanese.It is German.3.Listen to the song “A Beautiful Morning”, then fill in the blanks.(15mins)


五、Assignment 作业

1.new words 中1英2(包括补充的单词)抄写并完成P12 B部分的偶数题
