
2024-07-13 版权声明 我要投稿


沪版高中语文教材目录 篇1

(2010-10-05 02:07:29)转载▼

标签: 分类: 教育

上海语文教材 高中篇目 教育


作者:不详 时间:2009-2-8 16:16:47 来源:会员转发 人气: 3942



第一单元 生命体验

一 沁园春•长沙(毛泽东)二 跨越百年的美丽(梁衡)

三 *生命本来没有名字(周国平)第二单元 美好亲情 四 边城(沈从文)五 合欢树(史铁生)

六 *我们是怎样过母亲节的——一个家庭成员的自述(里柯克)第三单元 人我之间

七 最后的常春藤叶(欧•亨利)八 邂逅霍金(葛剑雄)九 一碗阳春面(栗良平)第四单元 诗歌及其欣赏 十 再别康桥(徐志摩)

十一 雪落在中国的土地上(艾青)十二 双桅船(舒婷)

十三 *地球,我的母亲!(郭沫若)

十四 *中国新诗的审美范式与民族心理(张同道)第五单元 树木花卉 十五 蒹葭(《诗经》)

十六 种树郭橐驼传(柳宗元)十七 病梅馆记(龚自珍)十八 *诗二首

咏史(郁郁涧底松)(左思)饮酒(结庐在人境)(陶渊明)第六单元 古代小说及其鉴赏 十九 促织(蒲松龄)二十 香菱学诗(曹雪芹)

二十一 群英会蒋干中计(罗贯中)二十二 *林教头风雪山神庙(施耐庵)

二十三 *中国古代小说的发展及其规律(吴组缃)写作


二、写出你独特的感受:文章的立意 口语交际



专题研究:流行语与社会文化现象 附录 文言实词及其活用 高一下

第一单元平民生活 一 老王(杨绛)二 项链(莫泊桑)三 *当炉女(臧克家)第二单元 杰出人物

四 回忆鲁迅先生(萧红)五 小溪巴赫(肖复兴)

六 *春天的故事(叶旭全 蒋开儒)第三单元 为理想而斗争

七 在马克思墓前的讲话(恩格斯)八 为了忘却的记念(鲁迅)

九 *我有一个梦想(马丁•路德•金)第四单元 小说及其评析 十 哦,香雪(铁凝)

十一 变形记(节选)(卡夫卡)十二 *微型小说两篇 《在柏林》(奥莱尔)《走出沙漠》(沈宏)

十三 *《药》评点(原作鲁迅 评点 吴中杰)第五单元 亭台楼阁 十四 阿房宫赋(杜牧)

十五 黄州快哉亭记(苏辙)十六 项脊轩志(归有光)十七 *诗词四首



第六单元 古诗及其赏析

十八 古诗为焦仲卿妻作

十九 梦游天姥吟留别(李白)

二十 律诗三首




二十一 *绝句三首




二十二 *诗赋论(袁行霈)









附录 文言虚词


第一单元 读书生活

一 读书示小妹十八生日书(贾平凹)

二 获得教养的途径(赫尔曼•黑塞)

三 *幼学纪事(于是之)

第二单元 书话与书评

四 白莽作《孩儿塔》序(鲁迅)

五 无韵之离骚——太史公笔法小议(资中筠)

六 *密室的生活——评安妮•弗兰克著《安妮的日记》(迈耶•莱文)第三单元 科学与艺术

七 爱因斯坦与艺术(赵鑫珊)

八 说数(沈致远)

九 *自然笔记(杨文丰)

第四单元 散文及其赏析

十 想北平(老舍)

十一 我所认识的蔡孑民先生(冯友兰)

十二 *草莓(伊瓦什凯维奇)

十三 *漫谈散文(季羡林)

第五单元 山水情思

十四 诸子喻山水

十五 秋水(节选)(庄子)

十六 前赤壁赋(苏轼)

十七 *游褒禅山记(王安石)第六单元 词曲及其赏析 十八 宋词四首 雨霖铃(柳永)踏沙行(秦观)苏幕遮(周邦彦)声声慢(李清照)

十九 窦娥冤(关汉卿)二十 元曲二首

〔双调〕寿阳曲•远浦帆归(马致远)〔中吕〕山坡羊•潼关怀古(张养浩)二十一 长亭送别(王实甫)

二十二 词的起源与特点(夏承焘 吴熊和)写作


二、“画眼睛”:写出事物的特征 口语交际



综合实践:中国的“世界遗产”之文化意蕴探究 专题研究:楹联的世界 附录 文言中的固定结构 高二下

第一单元 感悟自然 一 故都的秋(郁达夫)二 晨昏诺日朗(赵丽宏)

三 *瓦尔登湖(节选)(梭罗)第二单元 名利内外 四 守财奴(巴尔扎克)

五 关汉卿(节选)(田汉)六 别了,哥哥(殷夫)

七 *告别权力的瞬间(李辉)第三单元 文化的制约与创造 八 拿来主义(鲁迅)九 胡同文化(汪曾祺)

十 *唐诗过后是宋词(葛兆光)

十一 *经济全球化和文化多样性(于沛)第四单元 说明文、应用文阅读 十二 南州六月荔枝丹(贾祖璋)十三 走向21世纪的机器人(王磊)

十四 *关于文学名著阅读的调查(解放日报社会调查中心)第五单元 传统美德

十五 廉颇蔺相如列传(司马迁)

十六 谏太宗十思疏(魏征)十七 《新序》二则(刘向)十八 *训俭示康(司马光)第六单元 古代散文及其赏析 十九 过秦论(贾谊)二十 师说(韩愈)

二十一 石钟山记(苏轼)二十二 *劝学(荀子)

二十三 *古代散文学习漫议(张中行)写作


二、议论的角度:论证的思路 口语交际



综合实践:走进杰出的科学家 附录 文言中的特殊句式 高三上

第一单元 文学作品中的意境 一 雨巷(戴望舒)二 荷塘月色(朱自清)三 *荷花淀(孙犁)

四 *文学意境的特征(顾祖钊)第二单元 思想与精神的力量 五 《〈宽容〉序言》(房龙)六 《〈激流〉总序》(巴金)七 *新时期诗歌二首 相信未来(食指)


八 *人因为思想而伟大(帕斯卡尔)第三单元 品位与格调

九 世间最美的坟墓(茨威格)十 老人与海(海明威)十一 *谈白菜(李锐)

十二 *悼念一棵枫树(牛汉)第四单元 论说文及其解读 十三 未有天才之前(鲁迅)十四 简笔与繁笔(周先慎)

十五 *今天我们如何阅读经典(张汝伦)十六 *漫谈说理文(朱光潜)第五单元 家园亲情

十七 小雅•采薇(《诗经》)十八 归去来兮辞(陶渊明)十九 陈情表(李密)

二十 *诗词三首 月夜(杜甫)


第六单元 史传作品及其赏析 二十一 秦晋殽之战(《左传》)二十二 鸿门宴(司马迁)

二十三 *《苏武传》(节选)(《汉书》)二十四 * 伶官传序(欧阳修)

二十五 *史传文学:文与史交融的时代画卷(郭丹)写作

一 让论点站在坚实的基础上:立论与驳论

二 驳斥谬误与阐明真理同样重要:论据的选择与运用

口语交际 多向应对

(一):讨论与采访等(简单的口语应对活动)综合学习综合实践:中国古典诗歌中的意象 附录 常用修辞格 高三下

第一单元 文学作品中的典型 一 阿Q正传(节选)(鲁迅)二 哈姆雷特(节选)(莎士比亚)三 *套中人(契诃夫)四 *典型(傅道彬)第二单元 艺术与审美 五 画说(张大千)

六 你为什么会感到愉快——从生理学观点谈美与美感(朱光潜)七 *昆剧的故事(刘厚生)八 *音乐短章(纪伯伦)第三单元 走向社会

九 青年在选择职业时的考虑(马克思)十 生命的节日(季栋梁)

十一 *《傅雷家书》两篇(傅雷)第四单元 戏剧及其赏析

十二 《雷雨》(节选)(曹禺)十三 曹操与杨修(陈亚先)十四 *戏剧知识短文两篇 戏剧文学(谭霈生)

中国现代和当代话剧(黄会林 陈刚)第五单元 浩然正气

十五 《论语》七则(《论语》)十六 《孟子》二章(《孟子》)十七 *国殇(屈原

十八 *《指南录》后序(文天祥)十九 *左忠毅公逸事(方苞)第六单元 人生与艺术境界

二十 子路 曾晳 冉有 公西华侍坐(《论语》)二十一 兰亭集序(王羲之)二十二 *琵琶行(白居易)

二十三 *《秋声赋》(欧阳修)二十四 *文论十则

《人间词话》七则(王国维)板桥题画三则(郑燮)写 作

一 让文章鲜活起来:综合运用多种表达方式 二 文章不厌百回改:修改的方法 口语交际



沪版高中语文教材目录 篇2

一、利用教材目录, 构筑新的教学导航

第一讲:古代政治制度发展演变史 (教材第1、2单元) , 包括古代中国、古希腊、古罗马政治制度的发展;

第二讲:近代政治制度的演变 (教材第3、4单元) , 包括西方资本主义与近代中国对新制度的探索;

第三讲:社会主义现代化模式 (教材教第5单元)

(1) 苏俄经济三大政策:列宁的战时共产主义、新经济政策、斯大林模式

(2) 后斯大林时代的经济改革:赫鲁晓夫、勃列日涅夫、戈尔巴乔夫改革

第四讲:中国近、现代化 (第6、7单元)

(1) 近代中国自然经济的瓦解与近代化历程 (多元化的近代中国经济结构)

(2) 现代中国特色社会主义探索与创新

(3) 中国近现代社会生活的变迁

第五讲:战后世界经济格局 (第8单元) ———七个专业化名词

(1) 战后初期三大经济支柱:IMF, GATT, World Bank

(2) 90年代经济区域化:EU, APEC, NAFTA

(3) 全球化:WTO (20世纪世界市场的后续演变)

人类经济发展类型划分为两大模块:自然经济发展史和自由经济即商品经济发展史。自然经济的典型就是中国古代经济, 它缓慢发展, 自成体系, 为中国的古代农耕文明的发展奠定了物质基础, 同时也是专制主义中央集权政治制度的经济基础, 是决定东方儒家文化主流思想意识形态的社会存在形式。在资本主义发展问题上, 为了让学生形成一个关于资本主义经济种种发展表现的整体意识, 可以把显性知识与隐性知识统一, 以“显性知识”的形式告知学生来降低未来教学的难度。如此未来的教学就有规矩可循了, 所谓“纲举目张”也就变得简洁而科学了。

苏俄 (联) 的经济模式从时间和性质而言都是自成一体的, 它是另一种“现代化模式”, 在中国现代化进程中“斯大林模式”有着明显的影响。中国近现代化问题, 其发展本身就深受西方世界市场和前苏联社会主义建设的斯大林模式的影响。中国近代化是“世界资本主义体系”下的半殖民地经济, 是以资本主义世界市场前提下的商品销售市场和原料产地形式存在, 是资本主义世界市场的附庸。中国现代化建设开始的计划经济体制受前苏联“斯大林模式”的影响, 改革开放后“社会主义市场经济体制”则是合理运用“白猫”“黑猫”的“两手”理论, 探索出中国特色社会主义经济的建设路经。

二、利用教材目录, 建立树形知识结构, 构建历史知识体系

比如, 《中国近现代史》第一单元主题是列强的侵略与中国人民的反抗, 在学习时注意让学生把握有哪些侵略, 如鸦片战争、第二次鸦片战争、中法战争、甲午中日战争、八国联军侵华战争。又有哪些中国人的反抗, 如广东三元里人民抗英斗争、太平时天国运动、左宗棠收复新疆、义和团运动等。在学习前, 教师带领学生阅读目录, 建立一个整体概念, 在学习后, 再看目录, 这样构建知识体系就不难了。

《中国近现代史》第一单元主题是列强的侵略与中国人民的反抗, 第二单元主题是近代化的探索, 第三单元主题是新民主主义革命, 第四单元主题是抗日战争。当我们先学习了目录, 在进行系统学习的时候, 就等于是有一棵“大树”叫“中国近现代史”, 长了四个“树枝”, 我们的任务就是给它长满“小枝”和“树叶”, 这样学生就会有兴趣了, 学起来轻松, 容易掌握。当学生心中有一棵枝繁叶茂的大树时, 他们就会体会一个过程, 享受一份学习的快乐。

三、利用教材目录, 掌握历史发展的阶段性特征

例如, 《中国近代现代史》下册第二单元标题是“社会主义建设在探索中曲折前进”。在这一章节中, 1956—1966年中国历史的阶段特征得到了高度的概括, 即探索性、曲折性和前进性的统一。联系教材内容具体分析: (1) 进行了正确探索, 对前苏联经验的迷信得以破除, 制定了中共八大正确方针政策, 人民内部矛盾得到正确处理, 开展整风运动听取党外人士的批评与建议, 及时总结经验教训, 调整国民经济, 等等。 (2) 在探索过程中出现了错误并遭受了一定的挫折, 反右派斗争的严重扩大化在理论上产生不良影响, 中共八大二次会议的总路线忽视了客观规律, “大跃进”和人民公社化运动使“左”倾错误严重泛滥, “反右倾”斗争使“左”倾错误进一步发展。 (3) 道路尽管曲折, 但总趋势在向前蓬勃发展, 在十年的社会主义建设中, 其成就显著。因而我们不难得出一个更深层次的认识:党和国家的方针政策的制定必须结合和反映中国的具体实际, 才能推动社会主义建设事业的发展, 反之就会造成失误或遭受挫折。

四、利用教材目录, 结合教材内容进行横纵向整合

如“世界经济专题”下, 调整不适应生产力发展的生产关系“经济体制的变革”这一方面可以进行如下整合。

1. 美国面对经济危机:罗斯福新政 (国家干预经济的先河———国家垄断资本主义) 。

2. 前苏联社会主义建设逐渐形成高度集中的政治经济体制———斯大林模式;20世纪50—80年代一系列改革;由于高度集中的政治经济体制, 1991年苏联解体。

3. 中国:1949—1952年的土地改革被认为是“第一次经济体制改革”;1958年的“大跃进”和人民公社化运动是“不切合实际的经济体制变革”;1978年开始的改革开放逐渐走上“中国特色社会主义发展之路”。

目录是一本书的提纲, 学完一册课本后, 重读目录, 以目录为线索, 对获得的信息进行整理, 形成连贯、完整、系统的知识, 有助于从整体上把握书的基本内容和要点。如果把目录中的每个题目都变成问题设问, 用来自我检查学习效果, 就可以得知哪些内容已经掌握, 哪些内容还没有完全理解、掌握, 哪些内容还很模糊甚至已经忘记, 然后有针对性地再读有关章节, 加以弥补。这样的复习才能做到事半功倍。同时, 经过按目录顺序归纳, 该专题历史知识的内容一目了然, 便于学生进行知识间的横向联系, 有利于培养学生的综合归纳能力, 而且有利于回答综合性的材料解析和探究性试题。

沪版高中语文教材目录 篇3



高一上 学习在于思考、知识在于积累

十一 雪落在中国的土地上(艾青: 现代诗人,主要诗集有《大堰河》、《向太阳》、《旷野》、《北方》等。“自由体诗”诗歌艺术的集大成者。)

十二 双桅船(舒婷: 朦胧派代表人物(还有北岛、顾城))

十三 *地球,我的母亲!(郭沫若: 现代作家、历史学家 代表作:《女神》、《屈原》)

十四 *中国新诗的审美范式与民族心理(张同道)


十九 促织(蒲松龄: 字留仙,又字剑臣,号柳泉居士,世称聊斋先生。清代文学家。)

二十 香菱学诗(曹雪芹: 名沾,字梦阮,号雪芹、芹圃、芹溪,清代小说家,长篇名著《红楼梦》。)

二十一 群英会蒋干中计(罗贯中: 明末元初小说家 号湖海散人)

二十二 *林教头风雪山神庙(施耐庵: 元末明初小说家)

二十三 *中国古代小说的发展及其规律(吴组缃)



一 老王(杨绛: 剧作家、翻译家、散文家,代表作:散文《干校六记》、小说《洗澡》)

二 项链(莫泊桑: 代表作:《羊脂球》、《我的叔叔于勒》等)

三 *当炉女(臧克家)

第二单元 杰出人物

四 回忆鲁迅先生(萧红: 现代小说家,著有《生死场》、《呼兰河传》等)

五 小溪巴赫(肖复兴:)

六 *春天的故事(叶旭全 蒋开儒)

第三单元 为理想而斗争

七 在马克思墓前的讲话(恩格斯)

八 为了忘却的记念(鲁迅: 文学家、思想家、革命家)

九 *我有一个梦想(马丁•路德•金


第四单元 小说及其评析

十 哦,香雪(铁凝: 不回避苦难,但能看到苦难背后作为底色的善)

沪版高中语文教材目录 篇4


Unit 1

Part 1 Listening (听力部分) (30分)

I. 听录音,选出你听到的内容: (5分)

( ) 1. A.hen B.duck C.bird

( ) 2. A.hats B.hands C.has

( ) 3. A.jump B.run C.dive

( ) 4. A.sing B.swim C.is

( ) 5. A.white B.dive C.draw

II. 听录音,选出正确的应答句: (5分)

( ) 1. A. How do you do ? B. Fine, thank you. C. Thanks.

( ) 2. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I can. C. I can sing.

( ) 3. A. Yes, he can. B. Yes, she has. C. Yes, he is.

( ) 4. A. I can write in the classroom. B. Yes, I can. C. I like writing.

( ) 5. A. See you. B. Good morning. C. OK.

III. 听录音,根据读音规则,填入单词所缺的字母: (5分)

1.de 2.y 3.th teen 4.classm te 5.m t

IV. 听录音,填入短文中所缺的单词,每空一词: (5分)

We have a new . name is Jill. She’s ten years old. She near our school. She to school every day. She likes dancing and reading. And she can play well too.

V. 听录音,判断下列句子与短文内容是否一致,一致的用“T”表示,不一致的用“F”表示: (5分)

( ) 1. Jim is short and fat.

( ) 2. Jim and Tim are classmates.

( ) 3. They are not playing in the school.

( ) 4. Jim can ride a bicycle.

( ) 5. Tim a super boy.

VI. 听录音,根据短文内容选出正确的答案: (5分)

( ) 1. Sally likes to eat .

A.noodles B.rice C.bread

( ) 2. Sally and Sue are both years old.

A.11 B.13 C.15

( ) 3. Miss Fang teaches them .

A.Chinese B.P.E. C.English

( ) 4. Their English teacher is , and their Chinese teacher is A.Miss Fang ... Mr Li B.Mr Li ... Miss Fang C. Mr Fang ... Miss Li

( ) 5. - What are they doing? - They are now.

A. having an English lesson

B. having a Chinese lesson

C. having a P.E. lesson

Part 2 Grammar and Vocabulary (语法与词汇) (50分) I. 正确抄写下列句子,注意书写规范: (6分)

can alice paint yes she can

II. 写出划线部分单词的同类词: (8分)

1. Danny is a super boy, he can ride a bicycle, and .

2. I like oranges, and . I often eat them with my parents.

3. Some fruits are sweet; some are and .

4. Ten is between and .

III. 用所给单词的适当形式填空: (8分)

1. This is Eddie. (he) eyes are big.

2. - Is this your melon? - No, my melon (be) small.

3. - What (do) your mother do? - She is a teacher.

4. You have got a friend. He (have) got a balloon.

5. Look at my nice plant. (it) leaves are green and yellow.

6. - Whose kite is that? - It’s (they) kite.

7. My little sister is very happy. Because today is (she) birthday.

8. Jill (walk) to school every day.

IV. 选择正确的答案,将答案的序号填入括号内: (12分)

( ) 1. - Is this your book, Mark?

- No, book is new.

A.your B.my C.his

( ) 2. I’m hungry. Give me , please.

A.coke B.some juice C.a cake

( ) 3. Jim can swim, he can’t dive.

A.and B.but C.so

( ) 4. Mike like fish.

A.can’t B.doesn’t C.don’t

( ) 5. How old Kitty?

A.are B.has C.is

( ) 6. - is she?

- She is a good teacher.

A. Who B. What C. Where

( ) 7. Can Peter jump?

A. Yes, he can. B. Yes, he can’t. D. Yes, she can.

( ) 8. - Is that your pen? - No, it is pen.

A. Peter’s B.you C.my

( ) 9. Look this kite. It’s red and blue.

A.to B.on C.at

( ) 10. What Peter and Danny got?

A.have B.has C.do

( ) 11. - How old is your sister? - She’s .

A.fine B.five C.nice

( ) 12. Good morning, Sally. Nice to see you.

A. I’m fine, thank you. B. See you. C. Nice to see you, too.

V. 按要求改变句子,每空一词: (10分)

1. That is my bicycle. (改为一般疑问句)

that bicycle?

2. We like red balloons. (改为否定句)

We red balloons.

3. Marry can sing. Mary can dance too. (两句合并为一句)

Mary can sing dance.

4. Danny has got a blue skateboard. (改为一般疑问句)

Danny a blue skateboard?

5. Ride your bicycle in the playground, please. (改为否定句)

ride your bicycle in the playground.

VI. 根据图片内容,完成对话,每空一词: (6分


1. A: Is this your ?

B: Yes, .

2. A: How are you?

B: I’m . It’s my today.

Part 3 Reading and Writing (阅读与写作) (20分)

I. 阅读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否一致,一致的用“T”表示,不一致的用“F”表示: (5分)

Hello, I’m Sam. I’m a boy dog. I’m three years old. Kitty and Ben are my good friends. We play together. Look! I have two small ears and two big eyes. I have a long tail, too. I’m white and black. I like to eat bones. But I don’t like cats. I can run. I can jump. I can swim, too. But I can’t fly. Do you like me?

( ) 1. The boy’s name is Sam.

( ) 2. His eyes are small.

( ) 3. Sam can run and jump.

( ) 4. The dog can’t swim and fly.

( ) 5. The dog is white and black.

II. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案: (5分)

I’m Alice. I’ve got two friends. Rose is thirteen years old. She is tall. She can draw very well. She likes to drink orange juice. Emma is thirteen, too. She is very pretty. She can swim fast. She likes to eat sweets. We are in the same class. We are very happy.

( ) 1. My name is .

A. Rose B. Alice C. Emma

( ) 2. are thirteen.

A. Emma and Alice B. Rose and Alice C. Emma and Rose

( ) 3. Rose can very well.

A.swim B.eat C.draw

( ) 4. Emma likes to eat .

A.sweets B.oranges C.meat

( ) 5. Emma swim very well.

A.can’t B.can C.is

III. 阅读短文,填入正确的单词(首字母已给): (5分)

two big eyes, long ears and . They’ friend is Tim. Tim is a cute boy.

IV. 写作。以My new classmate为题写一篇短文,不少于三个句型,不少于5句话: (5分) Question 1: How is your new classmate?

Question 2: What can your new classmate do?

Question 3: What does he/she like to do ?

Unit 2

Part 1 Listening (听力部分) (30分)

I. 听录音,选出你听到的内容: (5分)

( ) 1. A.birthday B.today C.thin

( ) 2. A.three B.ten C.six

( ) 3. A.what’s B.how old C.how

( ) 4. A.ride B.sing C.run

( ) 5. A.bicycle B.pencil C.kite

II. 听录音,选出正确的应答句: (5分)

( ) 1. A. He’s eleven. B. No, he’s ten. C. I’m five.

( ) 2. A. Yes, they are my friends.

B. No, they are my classmates.

C. Yes, they can jump.

( ) 3. A. Apples. B. It’s an apple. C. They are apples..

( ) 4. A. Yes, I have. B. No, I haven’t. C. No, I can’t.

( ) 5. A.Thanks, Mum. B. Not at all. C. Goodbye.

III. 听录音,根据读音规则,填入单词所缺的字母: (5分)

2.dr 2.c nt 3.r d 4.g st 5.p nt

IV. 听录音,填入短文中所缺的`单词,每空一词: (5分)

Hello, my name is Danny. I’m a boy of . I can swim, I can’t dive. This is my Ann. Kitty is cat. It can run and . We like it very much.

V. 听录音,判断下列句子与短文内容是否一致,一致的用“T”表示,不一致的用“F”表示: (5分)

( ) 1. Mary is my classmate.

( ) 2. Mary can sing very well but she can’t dance.

( ) 3. Mary has a toy rabbit.

( ) 4. Jill is short and thin.

( ) 5. Mary and Jill like to drink juice.

VI. 听录音,根据短文内容选出正确的答案: (5分)

( ) 1. is twelve years old.

A. Susan B. Helen C. Alice

( ) 2. Helen swim very well.

A.can’t B.can C.is

( ) 3. Helen can pictures.

A.paint B.draw C.write

( ) 4. Susan is Helen’s .

A.sister B.classmate C.friend

( ) 5. Helen and Susan always go to the park every A. Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday

Part 2 Grammar and Vocabulary (语法与词汇) (50分) I. 正确抄写下列句子,注意书写规范: (6分)

can your sister paint a picture no she cant

II. 写出划线部分单词的同类词: (8分)

5. . But I can’t see a .

6. Don’t in the library. You can 7. high and well.

8. and three in my bag.

III. 用所给单词的适当形式填空: (8分)

9. Ginger is (Peter) cat. (he) cat is so clever .

10. I a red T-shirt. And my sister a T-shirt too. (has)

11. Alice can well. She likes very much. (dance)

12. My sister can run very fast. She is a good (run).

13. I (have) got two big (box) of chocolates .

14. - Can you (sing) the song Little Star? - No, I (can).

15. This is a wolf. (it) eyes are green. (they) are big.

16. (I) deskmate is Linda. (she) hair is long.

IV. 选择正确的答案,将答案的序号填入括号内: (12分)

( ) 1. That thin girl is friend.

A.I B.we C.our

( ) 2. It’s doll. name is Barbie.

A.her ... My B.my ... Her C.my ... My

( ) 3. Goodbye.

- .

A. Good morning. B.Thank you. C.See you.

( ) 4. - is she? - She is our guest.

A. Who B. How old C. How

( ) 5. Tracy draw a beautiful doll.

A.can B.has C.like

( ) 6. A dog jump.

A.can’t B.can C.is

( ) 7. - Danny, can your sister run fast? - Yes, can.

A. I B. he D.she

( ) 8. I can’t fly. But I swim.

A.can B.can’t C.like

( ) 9. - you have a cousin? - Yes, I do.

A.Are B.Can C.Do

( ) 10. My hair black and long. My eyes big and round.

A.are ... are B.is ... are C.are ... is

( ) 11. Let’s a birthday party tonight.

A.has B.to have C.have

( ) 12. That tall boy sandwiches very much.

A. doesn’t like B.doesn’t likes C.don’t like

V. 按要求改变句子,每空一词: (10分)

1. My sister has got some bread. (改为一般疑问句)

Has sister got bread?

2. Ben likes cats. (改为否定句)

Ben cats. (对划线部分提问)

How of water are there on the desk?


are they?

5. This is a large sandwich. (改为复数句)

are large .

VI. 根据图片内容,完成对话,每空一词: (6分


A: that man?

B: Mr Li, my P.E. teacher.

A: What can he ?

B: He can .

A: is he now?

B: He’s in the .

Part 3 Reading and Writing (阅读与写作) (20分)

I. 阅读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否一致,一致的用“T”表示,不一致的用“F”表示: (5分)

Hello, my name is Linda. Look! This is a photograph of my family. My father is tall and

strong. He is a policeman. He can run. This is my mother. She’s good. She’s a nurse. She can cook. And this is my brother. He’s a doctor. He can swim. But he can’t dive. This is me. I’m a pupil. I like singing.

( ) 1. This is a photograph of Linda’s family.

( ) 2. Linda’s father is a postman.

( ) 3. Her mother is a dentist.

( ) 4. Her mother can swim and dive.

( ) 5. Linda can sing s song.

II. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案: (5分)

Danny is Mike’s little brother. He is five years old. He likes to play toys. His favourite toy is Teddy Bear. He has got a new toy car. He can sing some songs. He can’t run fast. He likes to draw monkeys. Mike is eleven years old. Mike is in Grade Five. He is a good pupil. He likes English very much. He can play basketball very well. They have only one bedroom. They are happy.

( ) 1. is five years old.

A. Danny B. Mike C. Tom

( ) 2. Danny likes best.

A.toy cars B.Teddy Bear C.basketball

( ) 3. Mike is .

A.five B.eleven C.ten

( ) 4. Mike likes .

A. English B.Maths C.Chinese

( ) 5. They have .

A.two bedrooms B.no bedroom C.one bedroom

III. 阅读短文,填入正确的单词(首字母已给): (5分)

. It on the branch (树枝).

IV. 写作。以Supergirl为题写一篇短文,不少于三个句型,不少于5句话: (5分) Question 1: How is Supergirl?

Question 2: What can she do and what can’t she do?

Question 3: How about her friend?

Unit 3

Part 1 Listening (听力部分) (30分)

I. 听录音,选出你听到的内容: (5分)

( ) 1. A.birthday B.today C.thin

( ) 2. A.three B.ten C.six

( ) 3. A.what’s B.how old C.how

( ) 4. A.ride B.sing C.run

( ) 5. A.bicycle B.pencil C.kite

II. 听录音,选出正确的应答句: (5分)

( ) 1. A. He’s eleven. B. No, he’s ten. C. I’m five.

( ) 2. A. Yes, they are my friends.

B. No, they are my classmates.

C. Yes, they can jump.

( ) 3. A. Apples. B. It’s an apple. C. They are apples..

( ) 4. A. Yes, I have. B. No, I haven’t. C. No, I can’t.

( ) 5. A.Thanks, Mum. B. Not at all. C. Goodbye.

III. 听录音,根据读音规则,填入单词所缺的字母: (5分)

3.dr 2.c nt 3.r d 4.g st 5.p nt

IV. 听录音,填入短文中所缺的单词,每空一词: (5分)

Hello, my name is Danny. I’m a boy of . I can swim, I can’t dive. This is my Ann. Kitty is cat. It can run and . We like it very much.

V. 听录音,判断下列句子与短文内容是否一致,一致的用“T”表示,不一致的用“F”表示: (5分)

( ) 1. Mary is my classmate.

( ) 2. Mary can sing very well but she can’t dance.

( ) 3. Mary has a toy rabbit.

( ) 4. Jill is short and thin.

( ) 5. Mary and Jill like to drink juice.

VI. 听录音,根据短文内容选出正确的答案: (5分)

( ) 1. is twelve years old.

A. Susan B. Helen C. Alice

( ) 2. Helen swim very well.

A.can’t B.can C.is

( ) 3. Helen can pictures.

A.paint B.draw C.write

( ) 4. Susan is Helen’s .

A.sister B.classmate C.friend

( ) 5. Helen and Susan always go to the park every A. Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday

Part 2 Grammar and Vocabulary (语法与词汇) (50分) I. 正确抄写下列句子,注意书写规范: (6分)

can your sister paint a picture no she cant

II. 写出划线部分单词的同类词: (8分)

9. . But I can’t see a .

10. Don’t in the library. You can 11. high and well.

12. and three in my bag.

III. 用所给单词的适当形式填空: (8分)

17. Ginger is (Peter) cat. (he) cat is so clever .

18. I a red T-shirt. And my sister a T-shirt too. (has)

19. Alice can well. She likes very much. (dance)

20. My sister can run very fast. She is a good (run).

21. I (have) got two big (box) of chocolates .

22. - Can you (sing) the song Little Star? - No, I (can).

23. This is a wolf. (it) eyes are green. (they) are big.

24. (I) deskmate is Linda. (she) hair is long.

IV. 选择正确的答案,将答案的序号填入括号内: (12分)

( ) 1. That thin girl is friend.

A.I B.we C.our

( ) 2. It’s doll. name is Barbie.

A.her ... My B.my ... Her C.my ... My

( ) 3. Goodbye.

- .

A. Good morning. B.Thank you. C.See you.

( ) 4. - is she? - She is our guest.

A. Who B. How old C. How

( ) 5. Tracy draw a beautiful doll.

A.can B.has C.like

( ) 6. A dog jump.

A.can’t B.can C.is

( ) 7. - Danny, can your sister run fast? - Yes, can.

A. I B. he D.she

( ) 8. I can’t fly. But I swim.

A.can B.can’t C.like

( ) 9. - you have a cousin? - Yes, I do.

A.Are B.Can C.Do

( ) 10. My hair black and long. My eyes big and round.

A.are ... are B.is ... are C.are ... is

( ) 11. Let’s a birthday party tonight.

A.has B.to have C.have

( ) 12. That tall boy sandwiches very much.

A. doesn’t like B.doesn’t likes C.don’t like

V. 按要求改变句子,每空一词: (10分)

1. My sister has got some bread. (改为一般疑问句)

Has sister got bread?

2. Ben likes cats. (改为否定句)

Ben cats. (对划线部分提问)

How of water are there on the desk?


are they?

5. This is a large sandwich. (改为复数句)

are large .

VI. 根据图片内容,完成对话,每空一词: (6分


A: that man?

B: Mr Li, my P.E. teacher.

A: What can he ?

B: He can .

A: is he now?

B: He’s in the .

Part 3 Reading and Writing (阅读与写作) (20分)

I. 阅读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否一致,一致的用“T”表示,不一致的用“F”表示: (5分)

Hello, my name is Linda. Look! This is a photograph of my family. My father is tall and

strong. He is a policeman. He can run. This is my mother. She’s good. She’s a nurse. She can cook. And this is my brother. He’s a doctor. He can swim. But he can’t dive. This is me. I’m a pupil. I like singing.

( ) 1. This is a photograph of Linda’s family.

( ) 2. Linda’s father is a postman.

( ) 3. Her mother is a dentist.

( ) 4. Her mother can swim and dive.

( ) 5. Linda can sing s song.

II. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案: (5分)

Danny is Mike’s little brother. He is five years old. He likes to play toys. His favourite toy is Teddy Bear. He has got a new toy car. He can sing some songs. He can’t run fast. He likes to draw monkeys. Mike is eleven years old. Mike is in Grade Five. He is a good pupil. He likes English very much. He can play basketball very well. They have only one bedroom. They are happy.

( ) 1. is five years old.

A. Danny B. Mike C. Tom

( ) 2. Danny likes best.

A.toy cars B.Teddy Bear C.basketball

( ) 3. Mike is .

A.five B.eleven C.ten

( ) 4. Mike likes .

A. English B.Maths C.Chinese

( ) 5. They have .

A.two bedrooms B.no bedroom C.one bedroom

III. 阅读短文,填入正确的单词(首字母已给): (5分)

. It on the branch (树枝).

IV. 写作。以Supergirl为题写一篇短文,不少于三个句型,不少于5句话: (5分) Question 1: How is Supergirl?

Question 2: What can she do and what can’t she do?

Question 3: How about her friend?


Unit 1

班级 姓名 成绩

Part I Listening (30分)

I. Listen and choose. (听录音,选出听到的单词) 5分

( ) 1. A.hair B.cherry C.chair

( ) 2. A.great B.grape C.green

( ) 3. A.plum B.plant C.plan

( ) 4. A.sweet B.sweater C.swing

( ) 5. A.taste B.best C.desk

II. Listen and choose. (听录音,选出听到的句子) 5分

( ) 1. A. Now taste it. How does it taste?

B. Now smell it. How does it smell?

C. Now touch it. How does it feel?

( ) 2. A. - What do you have ? - I have strawberries.

B. - What do you have ? - I have berries.

C. - What do they have ? - They have berries.

( ) 3. A. Those grapes are sour.

B. These grapes are sweet.

C. These apples are sweet.

( ) 4. A. Do you like the red skirt or the green one?

B. Do you like the red shirt or the green one?

C. Do you like the red shoes or the green ones?

( ) 5. A. - What is it? - It’s watermelon juice.

B. - What’s this? - It’s watermelon juice.

C. - What is it? - It’s strawberry juice.

III. Listen and choose. (听录音,选择最恰当的应答句) 5分

( ) 1. A. They’re apples. B.I like apples. C. It’s an apple.

( ) 2. A.Yes, it’s a cherry. B. It’s a cherry. C. No, it’s a cherry.

( ) 3. A. It’s big. B. It’s smooth. C. It’s sour.

( ) 4. A. It’s apple juice. B. I like orange juice. C. Yes, I like apple juice.

( ) 5. A. They have some books. B. They don’t like biscuits. C. We have apples.

IV. Listen and fill in the blanks. (听录音,填入所缺的单词) 5分

1. I have some . They are big and sweet.

2. Do you like or apples?

3. How about having some ?

4. Please have a .

5. Is there a or a cherry on the table?

V. Listen and choose. (根据听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) 5分

( ) 1. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. It’s sweet.

( ) 2. A. It’s a cherry. B. It’s a strawberry. C. It’s a banana.

( ) 3. A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Yes, I do.

( ) 4. A. The red apple. B. The green apple. C. Both of the two apples.

( ) 5. A. No, she doesn’t. B. Yes, she does. C. She likes purple grapes.

VI. Listen and judge (听短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,用“T”或“F”表示) 5分

( ) 1. Miss Fang has some fruit.

( ) 2. The plums taste crunchy and sweet.

( ) 3. The grapes are soft and sweet.

( ) 4. The watermelons taste nice and sweet.

( ) 5. Mrs Fang’s favourite fruit is strawberry.

Part II Reading and writing (70分)

I. Read and choose (选出划线部分发音不同的单词) 5分

( ( ( ( (

II. Read and write (按要求写单词) 6分

1.melon (同类词) 2.strawberry (复数形式)

3.soft (反义词) 4.me (所有格)

5.those (单数形式) 6.think(现在分词)

III. Read and choose. (选择最恰当的答案) 10分

( ) 1. - What’s that? - It’s apple juice.

A.a B.an C./

( ) 2. There is some in the fridge.

A.fruit B.fruits C.grapes

( ) 3. One for you and one for .

A.he B.him C.his

( ) 4. Do you want the big apple the small one?

A.and B.or C.for

( ) 5. What she have?

A.do B.is C.does

( ) 6. - your bag? - It’s nice too.

A.How B.What C.How about

( ) 7. Do you have a ?

A.glass water B.glass of water C.water

( ) 8. I’m . Can I have some orange juice?

A.thirsty B.hungry C.tired

( ) 9. The fox can’t eat the grapes a tall vine.

A.above B.over C.on

( ) 10. - How does it ? - It’s rough.

A.smell B.taste C.feel

IV. Fill in the blanks (用所给单词的适当形式填空) 5分

1. The strawberries are nice. I like (they).

2. Those (sweet) are for my grandmother.

3. How (do) the big grape taste?

4. Tom, please (have) some chocolates.

5. The red apples (be) big and sweet.

V. Rewrite the sentences (按要求改写句子) 10分

1. Close your eyes. (改为否定句)

2. The plums taste sweet. (改为一般疑问句)

3. I have a cup of coffee. (用she替换I)

4. 划线部分提问)

5. Are these plums? Are these grapes? (用or连成一句)

VI. Read and match (给问句配答句) 5分

( ) 1. Is it a pen or a pencil? A. It’s sour.

( ) 2. How does the lemon taste? B. Yes, I do.

( ) 3. How do the pineapples feel? C. It’s a pen.

( ) 4. Is it apple juice? D.They’re rough and hard.

( ) 5. Do you like grape juice? E. Yes, it is.

VII. Read and judge. (阅读短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,用“T”或“F”表示) 10分

It is Friday afternoon. The Wangs are at home. They are all very busy. They are getting things ready for tomorrow’s picnic. Mr Wang wants some Cokes. He likes eating Cokes. Mrs Wang

wants some apple juice and some bread. Eddie doesn’t like Cokes or juice. They are too sweet for him. He likes milk and crisps. He has a nice kite. He likes flying the kite in the park. Wendy likes sandwiches. They are soft and nice. Grandma and grandpa don’t like sandwiches. They want some soft bananas.

( ) 1. The Wangs are at home on Friday afternoon.

( )

( )

( )

高中英语各版本教材目录 篇5







Unit 1 Good friends Unit 2 English around the world Unit 3 Going places Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences Unit 5 The silver screen Unit 6 Good manners Unit 7 Cultural relics Unit 8 Sports Unit 9 Technology Unit 10 The world around us Unit 11 The sounds of the world Unit 12 Art and literature 人教版高一下学期

Unit 13 Healthy eating Unit 14 Festivals Unit 15 The necklace Unit 16 Scientists at work Unit 17 Great women Unit 18 New Zealand Unit 19 Modern agriculture Unit 20 Humour Unit 21 Body language Unit 22 A world of fun 人教版高二上学期

Unit 1 Making a difference Unit 2 New media Unit 3 Art and architecture Unit 4 A garden of poems Unit 5 The British Isles Unit 6 Life in the future Unit 7 Living with disease Unit 8 First aid Unit 9 Saving the earth Unit 10 Frightening nature 人教版高二下学期

Unit 11 Scientific achievements Unit 12 Fact and fantasy Unit 13 The water planet Unit 14 Freedom fighters Unit 15 Destinations Unit 16 The United States of America 新郎爱问共享资料



Unit 17 Disabilities Unit 18 Inventions Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice Unit 20 Archaeology 人教版高三学期

Unit 1 That must be a record!

Unit 2 Crossing limits Unit 3 The land down under Unit 4 Green worlds Unit 5 Getting the message Unit 6 Going west Unit 7 A Christmas Carol Unit 8 Learning a foreign language Unit 9 Health care Unit 10 American literature Unit 11 Key to success Unit 12 Education Unit 13 The mystery of the Moonstone Unit 14 Zoology Unit 15 Popular youth culture Unit 16 Finding jobs 高中英语教材新课标人教版单元标题

新课标人教版高一上模块1、2 模块1 Unit 1 Friendship 模块1 Unit 2 English around the world 模块1 Unit 3 Travel journal 模块1 Unit 4 Earthquakes 模块1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandel--a modern hero 模块2 Unit 1 Cultural relics 模块2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games 模块2 Unit 3 Computers 模块2 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection 模块2 Unit 5 Music 新课标人教版高一下模块3、4 模块3 Unit 1 Festivals around the world 模块3 Unit 2 Healthy eating 模块3 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note 模块3 Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars 模块3 Unit 5 Canada – “The True North”

模块4 Unit 1 Women of achievement 模块4 Unit 2 Working the land 模块4 Unit 3 A taste of English humour 模块4 Unit 4 Body language 模块4 Unit 5 Theme parks 新课标人教版高二上模块5、6 模块5 Unit 1 Great Scientists 模块5 Unit 2 The United Kingdom 模块5 Unit 3 Life in the future 新郎爱问共享资料



模块5 Unit 4 Making the news 模块5 Unit 5 First Aid 模块6 Unit 1 Art 模块6 Unit 2 Poems 模块6 Unit 3 A healthy life 模块6 Unit 4 Global warming 模块6 Unit 5 The power of nature 新课标人教版高二下模块7、8 选修模块7 Unit 1 Living well 选修模块7 Unit 2 Robots 选修模块7 Unit 3 Under the sea 选修模块7 Unit 4 Sharing 选修模块7 Unit 5 Travelling abroad 选修模块8 Unit 1 A land of diversity 选修模块8 Unit 2 Cloning 选修模块8 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions 选修模块8 Unit 4 Pygmalion 选修模块8 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors 新课标人教版高三学期模块9、10 选修模块9 Unit 1 Breaking records 选修模块9 Unit 2 Sailing the oceans 选修模块9 Unit 3 Australia 选修模块9 Unit 4 Exploring planets 选修模块9 Unit 5 Inside advertising 选修模块10 Unit 1 Nothing ventured 选修模块10 Unit 2 King Lear 选修模块10 Unit 3 Fairness for all 选修模块10 Unit 4 Learning effectively 选修模块10 Unit 5 Enjoying novels


必修1 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High Module 2 My New Teachers Module 3 My First Ride on a Train Module 4 A Social Survey--My Neighbourhood Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications Module 7 Revision 必修2 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits Module 2 No Drugs Module 3 Music Module 4 Fine Arts – Western, Chinese and Pop Arts Module 5 Newspapers Module 6 Films and TV Programmes Module 7 Revision 必修3 Module 1 Europe 新郎爱问共享资料



Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries Module 3 The Violence of Nature Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia Module 5 Great people and Great Invention Module 6 Old and New Module 7 Revision 必修4 Module 1 Life in the future Module 2 Traffic Jam Module 3 Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication Module 4 Great Scientists Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Nature World Module 7 Revision 必修5 Module 1 British and American English Module 2 A Job Worth Doing Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema Module 4 Carnival Module 5 The Great Sports Personality Module 6 Animals in Danger Module 7 Revision 外研版第五册综合选修6 Module 1 Small Talk Module 2 Fantasy Literature – Philip Pullman Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships--Friendship Module 4 Music Module 5 Cloning Module 6 War and Peace Module 7 Revision 选修7 Module 1 Basketball Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year Module 3 Literature Module 4 Music Born in America Module 5 Ethnic Culture Module 6 The World’s Cultural Heritage Module 7 Revision 选修8 Module 1 Deep South Module 2 The Renaissance Module 3 Foreign Food Module 4 Which English? Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe Module 6 The Tang Poems Module 7 Revision 选修9 Module 1 Bernard Shaw’’s Pygmalion 新郎爱问共享资料



Module 2 DNA-the Secret of Life Module 3 The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors Module 4 Languages of the World Module 5 The First Americans Module 6 Why Do We Need Dictionaries Module 7 Revision 选修10 Module 1 Pride and Prejudice Module 2 Australia and New Zealand Module 3 Slavery and the American Civil War Module 4 The Magic of Film Module 5 High-tech Living Module 6 The Maple Leaf Country Module 7 Revision 选修11 Module 1 The Boston Tea Party Module 2 The Long Walk to Freedom Module 3 Ernest Hemingway Module 4 Sherlock Holmes Module 5 The Last Laugh Module 6 The Unitde Nations Module 7 Revision



模块1 Unit 1 School life 模块1 Unit 2 Growing pains 模块1 Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good 模块2 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained 模块2 Unit 2 Wish you were here 模块2 Unit 3 Amazing people 牛津版高一下学期

模块3 Unit 1 The world of our senses 模块3 Unit 2 Language 模块3 Unit 3 Back to the past 模块4 Unit 1 Advertising 模块4 Unit 2 Sporting events 模块4 Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world 牛津版高二上学期

模块5 Unit 1 Getting along with others 模块5 Unit 2 The environment 模块5 Unit 3 Science versus nature 模块6 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you 模块6 Unit 2 What is happiness to you? 模块6 Unit 3 Understanding each other 模块6 Unit 4 Helping people around the world 牛津版高二下学期

模块7 Unit 1 Living with technology 模块7 Unit 2 Fit for life 新郎爱问共享资料



模块7 Unit 3 The world online 模块7 Unit 4 Public transport 模块8 Unit 1 The written world 模块8 Unit 2 The universal language 模块8 Unit 3 The world of colours and light 模块8 Unit 4 Films and film events 牛津版高三上学期

模块9 Unit 1 Other countries, other cultures 模块9 Unit 2 Witnessing time 模块9 Unit 3 The meaning of colour 模块9 Unit 4 Behind beliefs 模块10 unit 1 building the future 模块10 unit 2 people on the move 模块10 unit 3 protecting ourselves 模块10 unit 4 law and order 模块11 unit 1 careers and skills 模块11 unit 2 getting a job 模块11 unit 3 the secret of success 模块11 unit 4 the next step 第一轮复习





模块1 Unit 1 Lifestyles 模块1 Unit 2 Heroes 模块1 Unit 3 Celebration 模块2 Unit 4 Cyberspace 模块2 Unit 5 Rhythm 模块2 Unit 6 Design 模块1 复习

模块2 复习


模块3 Unit 7 The Sea 模块3 Unit 8 Adventure 模块3 Unit 9 Wheels 模块3 复习

模块4 Unit 10 Money 模块4 Unit 11 The Media 模块4 Unit 12 Culture Shock 模块4 复习


模块5 Unit 13 People 模块5 Unit 14 Careers 模块5 Unit 15 Learning 模块5 综合或复习

模块6 综合或复习

模块6 Unit 16 Stories 新郎爱问共享资料



模块6 Unit 17 Laughter 模块6 Unit 18 Beauty 北师大版高二下学期

选修模块7 Unit 19 Language 选修模块7 Unit 20 New Frontiers 选修模块7 Unit 21 Human Biology 选修模块8 Unit 22 Environmental Protection 选修模块8 Unit 23 Conflict 选修模块8 Unit 24 Society 北师大版高三学期

选修模块9 Unit 25 Going Global 选修模块9 Unit 26 Emotions 选修模块9 Unit 27 Behaviour 选修模块10 Unit 28 Health 选修模块10 Unit 29 Education 选修模块10 Unit 30 Relationships 选修模块11 Unit 31 Personal Preferences 选修模块11 Unit 32 Modern Living 选修模块11 Unit 33 Truth and Lies


必修模块1 Unit 1 Being a Teenager Unit 2 Friendship Unit 3 Men and Women Different Roles in Society Unit 4 Movies from the East, Views from the West Unit 5 Literature:The Dream Keeper Unit 6 Learning through Travel Unit 7 To Your Good Health Unit 8 New ideas and Inventions 必修模块2 Unit 1 School Life Unit 2 Family Unit 3 Keeping Safe Unit 4 Let’s Talk Music Unit 5 Experiencing Literature Unit 6 Planning a Trip Unit 7 Culture and Cultural Diversity Unit 8 The Story of English 必修模块3 Unit 1 What Kind of Learner Am I Unit 2 Food for Thought Unit 3 The Computer Unit 4 Attitudes towards our Elders Unit 5 Literature for Identity Unit 6 Geography Unit 7 New waves of Technology Unit 8 Protecting the Environment 必修模块4 新郎爱问共享资料



Unit 1 What shapes our Identity? Unit 2 Using the Internet Unit 3 New Discoveries in Science Unit 4 The Olympic Games Unit 5 Literature for Happiness Unit 6 Confucius and Today’s Society Unit 7 Teenagers, Fashion and Advertising Unit 8 Celebrities and Role Models 必修5 Unit 1 Exploring Learning Resources Unit 2 Managing Your Time Unit 3 The Story of Success Unit 4 Literature for Truth Unit 5 Words and How We Use Them Unit 6 Teenagers and Television Unit 7 Studying Abroad: What You Need to Know Unit 8 Planning Your Career 选修6 Unit 1 Achieving Your Best Unit 2 Relieving stress in Your Life Unit 3 Chinese Experiences Unit 4 What’s Being Gifted? Unit 5 Great Scientists Unit 6 The Great Wall Unit 7 Family Festivals Unit 8 Science Fiction 选修7 Unit 1 Health Matters Unit 2 Global Warming Unit 3 Qi Baishi and chinese painting Unit 4 Self control Unit 5 Literature for self-under-standing Unit 6 Exploring chinatown Unit 7 Sherlock Holmes Unit 8 Rules Are Rules!选修8 Unit 1 Educational Exchange Unit 2 The Changing English Language Unit 3 The Rise of Bioengineering Unit 4 George Washington Unit 5 Literature: Poems by and for the People Unit 6 Manners, Customs and Cultures Unit 7 Caring for Each Other Unit 8 Humankind and Nature 选修9 Unit 1 Growing Up Unit 2 Literature For Love Unit 3 Organtic Food and Farming Unit 4 Weather 新郎爱问共享资料



Unit 5 Misunderstandings Unit 6 Ludwig Van Beethoven Unit 7 The Story of Troy Unit 8 Technology and Modern Way of Life 选修10 Unit 1 Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement Unit 2 Travelling in China Unit 3 Cloning Unit 4 Earthquakes Unit 5 Chinese Medicine Unit 6 Literature of Dilemma Unit 7 Fables, Legends and Myths Unit 8 What Can We Do to Protect Our Environment?



Ⅰ、Unit 1 Our Schools Unit 2 Teachers Unit 3 Schoolmates Unit 4 Sports Unit 5 Music Unit 6 Films Unit 7 Food and Health Unit 8 Houses and Living Unit 9 Clothes and Fashion Ⅱ、Unit 1 Learning English Reading Unit 2 Dictionary Unit 3 The Story of Helen Keller Unit 4 Confidence Unit 5 Honesty Unit 6 Helping People Unit 7 Holidays Unit 8 Food Unit 9 Travel 重庆大学版高一下学期

Ⅲ、Unit 1 Friends and Friendship Unit 2 Between Parents and Us Unit 3 Motherly Love Unit 4 Dreams Unit 5 Wishes and Ambitions Unit 6 Perseverance Unit 7 Art Unit 8 Drama Unit 9 Poetry Ⅳ、Unit 1 Project Hope 新郎爱问共享资料



Unit 2 Three Gorges Unit 3 Countries and Regions Unit 4 Plants Unit 5 Animals Unit 6 Man and Pets Unit 7 Neighborhood Unit 8 Workplace Unit 9 Living Today 重庆大学版高二上学期

Ⅴ、Unit 1 History of the Olympic Games Unit 2 Famous People in the Olympics Unit 3 Beijing 2008 Unit 4 The Planet We Live on Unit 5 History and People Unit 6 Antarctica and the Environment Unit 7 The Internet and Our Life Unit 8 Magic Internet Unit 9 Computers and the Web Ⅵ、Unit 1 The Coqui in Hawaii Unit 2 Troublesome Travelers Unit 3 Seeking Advice Unit 4 A Good Heart to Lean on Unit 5 I Have a Dream Unit 6 A Day’s Wait 重庆大学版高二下学期

Ⅶ、Unit 1 Getting Along with Parents Unit 2 Getting Along with Others Unit 3 History Unit 4 Civilization Unit 5 Stress and Memory Unit 6 Dreams Reading Ⅷ、Unit 1 Names Unit 2 Non-verbal Communication Unit 3 Going Home Unit 4 Man of Virtue Unit 5 Wonders of Our Body Unit 6 Experiencing the Wonders 重庆大学版高三学期

Ⅸ、Unit 1 Chicken Soup for the Soul Unit 2 Eternal Love Unit 3 Holidays and Festivals Unit 4 The Delights of Books Unit 5 Traveling Worldwide Unit 6 Entertaining Us 新郎爱问共享资料



Ⅹ、Unit 1 About English Unit 2 Life as a Poem Unit 3 Mass Media Unit 4 Manners Unit 5 Speaking Skills Unit 6 Beauty of Nature Ⅺ、Unit 1 Movie and Music Unit 2 Space Unit 3 World of Mysteries Unit 4 Popular Culture Unit 5 How to Do Things Unit 6 Job and Interview 高中英语教材上海新世纪版单元标题


Unit 1 occupations Unit 2 Success stories Unit 3 English manners Unit 4 Holidays and festivals Unit 5 Animal friends Unit 6 Cartoons and comic strips Unit 7 Metropolises Unit 8 Hacking Unit 9 Personal hygiene Unit 10 School education Moudle 1 综合Moudle 2 综合Moudle 3 综合高一下册

Unit 1 travelling around China Unit 2 travelling around the world Module 1 综合

Unit 3 English is changing Unit 4 A cushion or a kiss Moudle 2 综合

Unit 5 Classical and popular music Unit 6 Going to the Cinema Module 3 综合Unit 7 Newspapers Unit 8 Magazine Module 4 综合高二上册

Unit 1 Eating Around the World Unit 2 Global Drinks Unit 3 Sports Heroes Unit 4 Sports Around the World Unit 5 Animals 新郎爱问共享资料



Unit 6 The Environment Unit 7 Shopping Experiences Unit 8 Advertising Moudle 1 综合Moudle 2 综合Moudle 3 综合高二下册

Unit 1 Words and their stories Unit 2 Using body lauguage Unit 3 On the friendship Unit 4 Moving stories Unit 5 Great scientists Unit 6 Amazing achievemtns Unit 7 Enjoying the classics(1)Unit 8 Enjoying the classics(2)Unit 9 Adventures Unit 10 Disasters Moudle 1 综合Moudle 2 综合Moudle 3 综合Moudle 4 综合Moudle 5 综合高三上册

Unit 1 Our Common Home Unit 2 Limited Ocean Moudle 1 综合

Unit 3 Short Stories Unit 4 Drama Moudle 2 综合

Unit 5 Wonders in Architecture Unit 6 Moudle 3 综合Unit 7 Unit 8 Moudle 4 综合高三下册

Unit 1 Two Generations Unit 2 Growing up Unit 3 Our Space Unit 4 Space Exploration Unit 5 Future Educations Unit 6 Career Preparation Moudle 1 综合Moudle 2 综合Moudle 3 综合



Unit 1 Body language 新郎爱问共享资料



Unit 2 Care for your hair Unit 3 Places of interest Unit 4 What should I do?

Unit 5 Surprises at the studio Unit 6 food for thought 高一下册

Unit 1 The phantom of the opera Unit 2 Two geniuses Unit 3 The weird world of plants Unit 4 Job hunter Unit 5 Points of view Unit 6 Friend or enemy 高二上册

Unit 1 Sporting events Unit 2 Continuous learning Unit 3 Contemporary style Unit 4 Big businesses Unit 5 Technology all around Unit 6 Space exploration Module 1 综合Module 2 综合Module 3 综合高二下册

Unit 1 Suffering to be beautiful Unit 2 The many meanings of color Unit 3 Get the facts on wolves Unit 4 Father and son Unit 5 Green Orchids Unit 6 The Vincent Van Gogh Exhibition 高三上册
