1有效护照,在签证到期后至少仍有三个月有效期,近期护照照片3张.2空白公文纸4张,要加盖单位的公章,并经领导人签字。退休人员提供退休证复印件。3 申请人经济状况证明(如近3至6个月的由银行出具的工资对账单、存折;存款证明不可以,定期银行对账单以及信用卡对账单均不可以)
在当前的教育考试制度下, 我们的教师、学生都普遍存在只重“结果”而忽略“过程”的现象。考完试, 老师和家长都围绕着标示“结果”的分数跟学生深入分析, 甚至做成图表进行跟踪评价, 却把那张承载“过程”的试卷晾在一边, 或者匆匆对一下答案。悲哉。其实, 我们剥夺了学生体验成功的乐趣, 发现、纠正错误的欢愉。
1.忽视课前准备, 评讲随意。在实际教学中有不少老师认为:明天讲试卷, 今天晚上不用备课。学生测试后不作试卷分析, 对于学生出错的原因、试题讲评的方法等也不作分析;上课时拿起试卷就讲, 漫无目的, 随意性太强, 想到哪儿讲到哪儿, 甚至把讲评课上成了批判大会, 这样的课堂简直是人间地狱。
曾经听过一节试卷讲评课, 一节课四十五分钟, 这位老师足足讲了四十分钟, 试卷还没讲完, 而学生却是一脸茫然。课后老师的一句话很经典:“这班学生真差劲, 讲了一节课, 累个半死, 学生木知觉也。”我又调查了班里的几个学生, 学生们这样说:“那些题太简单了, 讲多少遍了, 没意思!”“我就这道题不明白, 还没讲到就下课了!”从学生的话语中我们不难发现, 老师并没有对试卷进行认真的分析, 做好充分的课前准备, 不能想学生所想, 解学生所惑, 这样的课堂很难上出精彩。
2.时效性差。大部分学生考试结束后, 都急于知道自己的成绩, 情绪比较高涨, 而且对试题及自己的解题思路印象比较深刻, 此时讲评能够收到事半功倍的效果。而有的教师工作拖拉, 往往好长时间都批不完卷;批完以后, 统计分析工作又不及时;等到讲评时, 学生对试题内容已无印象。这极不利于学生及时修正错误, 巩固知识。
3.答案为本。有的教师讲评试卷时, 偏重于给学生核对答案, 而不重视对解题思路、方法、步骤和技巧的讲解。虽然学生知道了此题应该选什么, 但并不知道为什么要这样选。不进行教学的深化和扩展, 只是孤立地就题论题, 学生不能触类旁通。教学方法呆板, 把学生当成没有生命的知识容器, 只管往里灌, 而不管学生的主观反应如何。学生完全成了跟着老师走的盲从者, 忙着做笔记, 背答案。结果是老师卖命地备课、改卷、讲评, 学生拼命地做题、听课、记笔记, 但不管是学生还是老师都很难感受到发现知识的兴奋和主动学习的乐趣。
4.重词汇语法, 轻能力迁移。有些教师只专注于知识点讲解, 他们似乎擅长单项选择的讲解, 两节讲评课, 单项选择就占了一半多的时间。比如对于一些动词的搭配, 教师惯于详细罗列, 学生被动接受, 缺乏思维过程, 忽视了解题能力的培养。死记硬背的词语搭配在缺乏语境的情况下很容易遗忘。这种讲评只注重词汇、语法的讲解, 忽视阅读理解、书面表达等综合能力的培养。
5.缺乏情感交流。有些教师只专注于分析试卷上学生的失误原因, 忽视与学生的情感交流。殊不知高中课堂, 课堂容量增大, 学生学习的密度加大, 随之而来的压力有时难免让他们不堪重负。此时, 积极的情感交流会对学生的学习产生不小的促进作用。
6.缺乏验收练习。如果讲评课结束后没有后续的练习与巩固, 那再精彩的课堂也会是过眼云烟, 消失在学生的记忆中。学生在考卷中暴露的问题一般都是他们在学习过程中的薄弱环节, 不大可能通过一节讲评课就巩固好了。我在实践中要求学生准备“错题集”, 要求他们养成收集错题的习惯并且作为课前阅读材料。学生在课后忙着归纳收集错题, 老师也不能闲着。这时, 老师可以把这些典型易错处再编排成不同的题型, 放在日后的听写或者小测验中反复强化, 帮助学生与遗忘作斗争。
1.以生为本, 激发兴趣。享受课堂是教与学的最高境界。在试卷讲评前我惦记着不同层次学生的优点, 相应给予表扬。表扬成绩最好的、进步最大的、见解最独特的、各大题得分最高的、能做好得分率低的题的学生, 这是试卷讲评的前奏曲, 也是warm-up。学生“动”起来了, 一切教学都会水到渠成。教师应该端正认识, 在收获教学成果的试卷讲评课上更应该积极探索各种新教法, 要从原来的“教”改为“诱”, 从原来的“教”改为“导”, 让学生产生浓厚的学习兴趣, 以愉快的心情主动地去学习。
2.及时阅卷。考试后教师应及时阅卷, 分析试卷。每一次考试都要明确以下内容:考查的内容是什么, 在高考考试说明中作何要求, 涉及教材的哪些知识点。只有教师对这些方面做到心中有数, 在讲评时才能使学生的知识得以巩固、扩展和提高。分析学生答题情况, 基础好的学生、中等生、中下生存在的问题, 以求在讲解过程中满足不同层次的学生需求, 关注每个学生上课的感受。在测试后尽快把错误统计表和答案发给学生, 鼓励学生自行发现错误原因和性质。要对学生的答卷情况做好记录, 记清哪些试题答得好, 哪些试题失分多;哪些是知识性失分, 哪些是技巧性失分;哪些是普遍现象, 哪些是个别现象。教师可对统计表进行归纳分析, 对不同的题目采取不同的讲评方法, 有所侧重。考试不仅检测学生对知识的掌握情况, 也是对教师教学方法的检验。因此, 教师应对自己的教学方法和教学内容进行反思, 特别是对学生考试中错误相对集中的试题, 要反思自己是否讲漏, 是否讲透, 找出教学中存在的薄弱环节, 剖析其中存在的问题, 进一步改进教学方法, 提高自身教学水平。
3.突出重难点。对考试中的易错点、易混点、创新点, 教师要重点讲解和分析, 并作系统化的整理。而对于学生自己能解决的问题, 如在讲到pick up、look up词组时, 应放手让学生自己去查阅或探究, 然后教师不失时机地创设生动语境, 让枯燥的词组灵动起来:Yao Ming is so tall, so I have to look up at him. There is not much remaining time, so he has to pick up speed. 让学生去欣赏、感受语言的魅力。一般而言, 讲评一份信息含量大的试卷, 我们要把重点放在阅读、作文及能力型新题上, 重在思维启迪和规律总结。而对于学生会做的题目, 要给学生一定时间去消化。对于创新性题目, 教师要认真备课, 讲评时要进行知识拓展, 要归纳方法, 不可淡化处理。为此, 讲评试卷时, 不妨从第二卷主观题开始或从试卷的创新题目突破。
4.突出理解差异。英语试卷的评讲过程要关注文化差异、理解差异。一旦有了文化差异的渗透, 有些问题自然迎刃而解。记得在评讲高三期末试卷一篇阅读理解时有这么一个精彩的句子:The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of every- thing. Live simply. Love generously. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God. 这本是文中的教授用心良苦暗示来看望他的昔日学生如何成为the happiest people的句子, 试卷中针对该句子进行设题。作为老师, 我是百思不得其解, 这么简单的句子会难倒我们聪明的学生。但走近学生, 你会发现世界上最远的距离是理解的距离。学生的翻译让你忍俊不禁。一个学生是这么翻译“Live simply. Love generously. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God. ”这个句子的:“简单地生活。慷慨地爱。和蔼地说话。让上帝休息吧。”新课程标准提到要扩大学生接触异国文化的范围, 帮助学生拓展视野, 提高对中外文化异同的敏感性和鉴别能力, 从而包容异国文化。“我的爱人”译为my husband或my wife , 而不是my lover。the first lady“第一夫人”代表州长夫人、总统夫人, 不代表有第二夫人甚至第三、第四夫人;pet student译为“得意门生”, 而不是“宠物学生”;“as strong as a horse”译为“壮如牛”等都彰显了中英文化的差异。
5.借题发挥, 触类旁通。讲评课上, 我努力避免“就题论题, 浅尝辄止”的做法, 常常借题发挥, 引导学生通过题目的表面, 抓住问题的本质, 进行开放式、发散式讲解。尤其针对一些重要的内容, 引申相关的知识点, 使学生的知识得到拓宽、加深, 形成系统, 完善其认知结构。
为加大学生思维的深度和广度, 讲评时对重要题目要进行变化延伸, 即对原题进行延伸拓展后再求解。这样学生对所研究的问题会有更加深刻的认识, 也加大了试卷的功效。在讲解时, 可以展现某题的各种解法, 着重分析各种解法的思路, 让学生分析比较各种解法的优缺点, 从中寻找出最佳的方法和一般的规律。
讲评时, 可通过改变或添加试题的条件或结论, 由浅入深, 由易到难, 层层递进, 既满足不同层次学生的不同需要, 又使学生加深对同类题型的理解, 形成规律性, 从而达到触类旁通、举一反三的目的。同时引导学生通过对某一问题的分析, 使与此相关的一块或一片知识得到复习巩固。在讲评中, 要注意在原有知识中渗进新的内容。对于同一知识点应变换角度去加以探讨, 同时注意与学过的知识进行分析比较, 再进行综合归纳, 使之系统化。
6.方法多样 , 灵动课堂。一份试卷, 不同题型有不同讲法。比如在英语考试中学生得分率较低的完形填空试题上, 我在讲评此类试题的时候, 有意识引领学生就此次考查点进行归纳总结, 得出此类题型的答题技巧和规范要领等。我通过研究发现, 我们可以从“整体把握”“联系上下文”“把握关键句”“深挖提示语”等几个方面指导学生解题。短文填词的讲解主要侧重答题规范化及词形变化。阅读理解的讲评我经常让学生事先备好课, 以备下节课轮流“登台献艺”。学生为了讲好讲透, 会主动合作探究, 仔细再阅读, 让课堂激情四射。知识的火花在这里迸发, 青春的烈火在这里燃烧, 友谊在这里得到升华。这样的课堂怎能不让学生乐不思蜀, 流连忘返?
7.老师下题海, 学生驾轻舟。一堂成功的讲评课离不开对题目命制的分析和精选相关的针对性练习题给学学生进行拓展训练, 实现知识的巩固, 并在下阶段不同形式的测试如听写、周练、月考中反复亮相。记住学生的好, 更要珍惜学生的“错”, 让学生避免在同个地方摔倒两次。因此, 要求老师要博观约取, 这样一来, 学生的解题能力在数次“考查—总结—巩固”的循环中就会逐步得到提高。只有我们老师多下工夫, 多积累, 多总结, 学生才能在学海中荡轻舟。相反, 如果老师总是就题论题, 学生一时间在老师的“游泳圈”帮助下, 可以在题海中游得很好, 但一去掉“游泳圈”, 除了较有天赋的学生能大胆地自己“划水”之外, 很多学生就会大呼“救命”。
总之, 上好试卷讲评课是一门艺术, 教师必须充分发挥自己的才智, 从多方面、多角度备课, 使讲评课成为学生精神享受的过程、培养综合能力的过程。
北京外国语1998 年基础英语试卷
Read the following passage: 1
ARCHIBALD MACLEISH: Bicentennial of What?
An address at the Bicentennial commemoration of the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia
It is a common human practice to answer questions without truly asking them and the American bicentennial is merely the latest instance.Everyone knows what the Bicentennial celebrates: the 200th anniversary of the adoption, by the Continental Congress, of the Declaration of
Independence.But no one asks what the Bicentennial is because no one asks what the Declaration was.The instrument of announcing American independence from Great Britain? Clearly that: but is that all it was? Is it only American independence from Great Britain we are celebrating on July 4,1976——only the instrument which declared our independence? There have been otherdeclarations of unilateral independence from Great Britain which no one is likely to remember for 200 years, much less to celebrate.“All men” are said in that document to be created equal and to have been endowed with certain unalienable rights.All governments are alleged to have been instituted among men to secure those rights —— to protect them.Are these, then, American rights? Doubtless——but only American? Is it the British Government which is declared to have violated them? Unquestionably——but the British Government alone? And the revolution against tyranny and arrogance which is here implied ——is it a revolution which American independence from the mediocre majesty of George III will win or is there something more intended? —— something for all mankind? ——for all the world? In the old days when college undergraduates still read history, any undergraduate could have told you that these are not rhetorical questions: that they were, from the beginning, two opinions about the Declaration and that they were held by(among others)the two great men who had most to do with its composition and its adoption by the Congress.John Adams, who supported the Declaration with all his formidable powers, inclined to the view that it was just what is called itself: a declaration of American independence.Thomas Jefferson, who wrote it, held the opposite opinion: it was a revolutionary proclamation applicable to all mankind.“May it be the world”, he wrote to the citizens of Washington a few days before he died, “what I believe it will be: to some parts sooner, to others later, but finally to all, the signal of arousing men to burst the chains…” And he went on in reverberating words: “The mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs for a favored few, booted and spurred, ready to ride them by the grace of God.”
Moreover, these two great and famous men were not the only Presidents of the Republic to choose between the alternatives: A third, as great as either, speaking in Philadelphia at the darkest moment in our history —— bearing indeed the whole weight of that history on his shoulders as he spoke —— turned to the Declaration for guidance for himself and for his country and made his choice between the meanings.Mr.Lincoln had been making his way slowly eastward in February 1861 from Springfield to
Washington to take the oath of office as President of a divided people on the verge of Civil War.He had reached Philadelphia on the 21st of February where he had been told of the conspiracy to murder him in Baltimore as he passed through that city.He had gone to Independence Hall
before daylight on the 22nd.He had found a crowd waiting.He had spoken to them.He had often asked himself.Mr.Lincoln said, what great principle or idea it was which had held the 2 Union so long together.“It was not,” he said, as though replying directly to John Adams, “the mere matter of the separation from the mother country.”
It was something more.“Something in the Declaration,” they heard him say.“Something giving liberty not alone to the people of this country but hope to the world.” “It was that which gave promise that in due time the weights should be lifted from the shoulders of all men.”
Anyone else, any modern President certainly, would have said, as most of them regularly do, that his hope for the country was fixed in huge expenditures for arms, in the possession of
overwhelming power.Not Mr.Lincoln.Not Mr.Lincoln even at that desperate moment.His hope was fixed in a great affirmation of belief made almost a century before.It was fixed in the commitment of the American people, at the beginning of their history as a people, to “ a great principle or idea”: the principle or idea of human liberty —— of human liberty not for themselves alone but for mankind.It was a daring gamble of Mr.Lincoln’s —— but so too was Mr.Jefferson’s Declaration —— so was the cause which Mr.Jefferson’s Declaration had defined.Could a nation be founded on the belief in liberty? Could belief in liberty preserve it? Two American generations argued that issue but not ours —— not the generation of the celebrants of the 200th anniversary of that great event.We assume, I suppose, that Mr.Jefferson’s policy was right for him and right for Mr.Lincoln, because it was successful.But whatever we think about Mr.Lincoln’ view of the Declaration, whatever we believe about the Declaration in the past, in other men’s lives, in other men’s wars, we do not ask ourselves, as we celebrate its Bicentennial, what it is today, what it is to us.Our present President has never intimated by so much as a word that such a question might be relevant —— that it even exists.The Congress has not debated it.The state and Federal commissions charged with Bicentennial responsibility express no opinions.Only the generation of the young, so far as I am informed, has even mentioned it, and the present generation of the young has certain understanble prejudices, inherited from the disillusionments of recent years, which
color their comments…
Express your view that the nation brought into being by hat great document was, and had no choice but be, a revolutionary nation, and you will be reminded that, but for the accidental discovery of a piece of tape on a door latch, the President of the United States in the Bicentennial year would have been Richard Nixon.And so it will go until you are told at last that the American Revolution is a figure of obsolescent speech;that the Declaration has become a museum exhibit in the National
Archives;and that, as for the Bicentennial, it is a year-long commercial which ought to be turned off.Well, the indignation of the young is always admirable regardless of its verbal excesses —— far more admirable, certainly, than the indifference of the elders.But, unfortunately, it is the
indifference of the elders we have to consider.And not only because it is a puzzling, a paradoxical,indifference but because it is as disturbing as it is paradoxical.Does our indifference to the explicitly revolutionary purpose of the Declaration - our silence about Mr.Jefferson’s interpretation of that purpose —— mean that we no longer believe in that
2purpose —— no longer believe in human liberty? Hardly?...But if this is so, if we still believe in the cause of human liberty, why do we celebrate the anniversary of the document which defined it for us without a thought for the meaning of the definition, then or now? Why have we not heard from our representatives and our officials on his great theme?
Is it because, although the Republic continues to believe in human liberty for itself, it no longer hopes for it in the world? Because it no longer thinks such a hope “realistic”?...So far, indeed, is Mr.Jefferson’s revolution from being obsolete that it is now the only truly revolutionary force in the age we live in.And not despite the police states but because of them.In 1945, when e had driven the Nazis out of Europe and the Japanese out of the Pacific in the name of human freedom and human decency, we stood at the peak, not only of our power as a nation but of our greatness as a people.We were more nearly ourselves, our true selves as the inheritors of Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln, than we had ever been before.And yet within a few years of that tremendous triumph, of the unexampled generosity of our nuclear offer to the world, of the magnificence of the marshall Plan, we were lost in the hysterical fears and ignoble deceits of Joe McCarthy and his followers and had adopted, as our foreign policy, the notion that if we“contained” the Russian initiative, we would some how or other be better off ourselves than if we pursued our historic purpose as Jefferson conceived it.The result, as we now know, was disaster.And not only in Southeast Asia and Portugal and Africa but throughout the world, Containment put us in bed with every anti-Communist we could find including some of the most offensive despots then in business.It produced flagrantly subversive and shameful plots by American agencies against the duly elected governments of other countries.And it ended by persuading the new countries of the postwar world, the emerging nations, that he United States was to them and to their hopes what the Holy Alliance had been to us and ours 200
years before.I.Explain the following in your own words:
1.All governments are alleged to have been instituted among men to secure those rights - to protect them.2.In the old days when college undergraduates still read history…
(1)What isthe implication of this statement?
(2)How do you know?
3.… who had most to do with its composition and its adoption by the Congress.4.May it be to the world, what I believe it will be: to some parts sooner, to others later, but finally to all, the signal of arousing men to burst the chains…
5.The mass of mankind has not been born with saddles… by the grace of God.6.It was that which gave promise… from the shoulders of all men.37.It was a daring gamble… which Mr.Jefferson’s Declarationhad defined.(1)What does “daring gamble” refer to?
(2)What was the cause the Declarationhad defined?
8.Our present president … that it even exists.9.…you will be reminded… would have been Richard Nixon.10.… regardless of itsverbal excesses
11.So far is Mr.Jefferson’s revolution from being obsolete…but because of them.12.And it ended by persuading… to us and ours 200 years before.II.What is the message the speaker wants to put across?
III.Translate the following passage into English:
The Impact of Interest on People’s Success
As is known to all, the success of a person needs the right guidance and interest is undoubtedly the best teacher. Even Albert Einstein, the world-renowned physicist, said, “I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” So it is high time that people explore and cultivate their own interest.
Passionate curiosity can be developed in one’s childhood or in one’s sixties, but once it is ignited, it can change people’s way of study, work and living. On the one hand, interest makes one’s pursuit of knowledge successful and enjoyable. For instance, the pianist Langlang, who plays piano with great love, is awarded a lot of prizes at home and abroad. On the other hand, curiosity helps to resolve difficulties constantly. A worker with curiosity is more likely to dig into the essence of the problem and thus accomplish more creative tasks.
I would like to end up with the famous educator Herbert Spencer’s words which I can’t agree more, “If the interest and enthusiasm among us are cultivated smoothly in the first place, most people will become talents or geniuses.”
1. C. Attend the concert.
2. D. None of the passengers were injured or killed.
3. A. An article about the election.
4. A. The restaurant was not up to the speaker’s expectations.
5. C. He has many things to deal with right now.
6. D. More students have to appear to make their voice heard.
7. B. The speakers like watching TV very much.
8. D. The woman will be able to attend the classes she wants.
9. C) Export bikes to foreign markets.
10. B) The government has control over bicycle imports.
11. A) Extra costs might eat up their profits abroad.
12. C) Conduct a feasibility study.
13. B) Anything that can be used to produce power.
14. D) Oil production will begin to decline worldwide by 2025.
15. B) Start developing alternative fuels.
36. J) philosophy
37. I) mirrors
38. B) constrained
39. D) explore
40. L) sneaking
41. K) potential
42. O) violent
43. F) interacting
44. A) assess
2012—2013 学年第《 英语Ⅳ 》课程试卷答题卡A卷
《 英语Ⅳ 》课程试卷答题卡A卷
一、单项选择(每题 1 分,共 10 分)
6-10: BADDB
二、完形填空(每空 1 分,共 20 分)
1—5DDABC6—10B A C C C
11—15 AADCC16—20DDCDA
三、阅读理解(每题 1 分,共 30 分)
(四)1-5: DCBAB
(五)1-5: CCCDA
四、英译汉(请将最佳答案写在答题纸上)(每题 2 分,共 10 分)
3.公司发言人说,不管怎样,至今还没有人把胡子看得比工作还重要。正如一个新来的 “演职人员” 所说: “你必须相信你这份工作的意义,不然的话日子不好过。
五、汉译英(请选出最佳答案):(每题 2 分,共 10 分)
六、作文:(共 20 分)略
讲评课是分析学生的试卷答题情况, 改正试卷中普遍存在的错误, 帮助学生牢固掌握所学知识的一种课型。我们发现大多数学生不喜欢那种不分重难点、眉毛胡子一把抓的讲解课。多数学生不主张讲评课让教师一讲到底。随着学生思维能力的提高、自我分析评价意识的加强, 这一点显得更为突出了。那种教师包办、内容空泛的讲评学生很不欢迎, 这样的课只会造成课堂气氛沉闷, 学生参与意识淡漠, 难以达成学习目标。有些教师逐题仔细地讲解, 逐题翻译, 采用“填鸭式”教学法, 实行“满堂灌”;有些教师只是报一下答案, 或将答案写在黑板上, 让学生自己比对。这都背离了讲评课的宗旨。
另外, 英语讲评课中还存在下列一些问题:
1. 教师对学生的得失分率、共同错误等缺少必要的统计。
2. 教师对学生出错的原因缺少准确的分析, 对解题
思路和策略点拨不到位, 不能帮助学生总结规律和方法。
3. 教师一讲到底, 学生没有足够的时间去反思、讨论和巩固。
目前, 一些教师对讲评课不重视, 有些教师对讲评课缺乏准备, 有些教师没有讲评课教案, 他们只把上课内容写在题目上或者写在试卷上, 教学方法也不太恰当, 效果不是很好。
1. 统计。统计学生各试题得失分人数以及共同错误, 以了解学生对知识的掌握情况。
2. 分析。
针对各个题目的得分率, 总结学生哪些方面比较好, 哪些方面不太好, 也就是对学生在听力、单选、阅读、写作、词汇、语法等方面的学习情况进行分析。
3. 确定目标。
根据英语学科的特点, 教师应从下列几方面确定教学内容和教学目标:听力理解方面;词汇、句法和语法方面;阅读理解的掌握情况;学生对不同阅读短文的理解情况;书面表达能力方面。
4. 教学内容。
把握题目的知识考查点和能力考查点, 对出题意图分析要到位, 突出解题的重点和思维策略, 归纳解题方法。指导学生解题方法, 查缺补漏, 提高学生做题能力。
5. 巩固练习。
巩固练习的设计要突出重难点和考点, 题目要简洁, 要多样化, 可以是单选题、完形填空题、句型转换题、翻译等。通过巩固练习来提高学生的应试能力。
1. 分析失分率较高的题目及失分原因。
2. 分析该题型的命题特点。
3. 讲解该题型解题的方法和技巧。
4. 培养学生的解题逻辑推理能力。
1. 在一份试卷改完发下去后, 留一些时间让学生结
合做题情况先自我评价一下, 看自己整份试卷各题型的得分情况, 了解自己的做题能力情况, 分析各题型的失分情况, 看自己是因基础知识掌握不牢而失分, 还是因解题技巧没掌握而失分, 并做好记录, 以便复习时巩固。这有助于学生英语自主学习能力的培养和提高。另外, 试卷的讲评应放在考试后第一时间进行, 因为这个时候学生对于试卷上所考查的知识点是非常熟悉的, 考试后学生不仅想知道考试分数, 还急于知道正确的答案, 求知欲极强。对教师来说, 刚批改完卷子, 对学生存在的各种问题也比较熟悉, 因而这时讲试卷, 效果是非常好的。
2. 整理错题集。
让学生把经常做错的题目专门记在一个本子上, 经常复习, 避免同一题目错多次, 不断巩固, 久而久之, 就会熟悉相关题目, 能够灵活解题。
3. 在课堂中, 教师不能一讲到底。
要合理地分配好时间, 在进行必要的讲解和练习后, 把一部分时间留给学生, 让他们自主讨论和研究, 趁热打铁, 并趁机解决个别学生还存在的问题。这样既活跃了课堂气氛, 又调动了学生参与的积极性。
4. 辅导后进生。
教师在课堂面对的是全体学生, 不可能顾及每一个学生。一些后进生尽管听了讲评课, 仍对某些题目弄不懂。所以, 必须在课后对后进生学习情况及时加以了解, 并进行个别辅导, 以便强化上课效果, 提高教学质量。
5. 多鼓励, 多表扬。
“好学生是夸出来的。”试卷讲评课上, 对优秀的学生, 教师要鼓励其再接再厉, 向更高的目标进军。对于学习较为落后的学生, 要肯定他们的进步, 找出其闪光点加以表扬鼓励, 帮助他们增强自信心。
第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)
第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
1. The winning of hosting_____2014 Youth Olympic Games is_____victory not only for Nanjing residents, but for_____people of the whole Chinese nation.
A. the; a; theB. a; the; aC. a; a; theD. the; the; a
2. My daughter volunteered to work in a remote mountain village in West China last year, which is still_____on foot now.
A. accessibleB. availableC. appropriateD. responsible
3. —I haven’t seen you for a long time. What are you busy doing?
—I have been_____my French because I will go to work in France this summer.
A. speeding upB. lighting upC. making upD. polishing up
4. The French Revolution was successful in_____society of inequality, which had a great effect on many other countries, particularly_____in Europe.