
2024-06-07 版权声明 我要投稿


阿甘正传影评英文版 篇1

----the film review on the film “Forrest Gump”

Forrest Gump, the movie which I have watched for three times, is a film that surprised and moved me so much.It was based on the novel of Winston Groom while the hero is a famous actor—Tom Hanks.He performed so well all through the film that I enjoyed the warm human nature, the inspiration of belief and other virtues through any scene in it.The female, a kind of role, is very essential in the film as it acts in the real society.As the Chinese saying goes, women hold up half the sky.In the life of Forrest Gump, there are two women—one is his great mother, the other is his lifelong lover, Jenny.They accounted for Forrest’s whole life.At the beginning of the film, Mrs.Gump, Forrest’s mother, impressed me much.I think Forrest with an IQ of 75 was so lucky to own such a strong-minded and smart mother.She and her Forrest lived in Greenbow, Alabama, all on their own.She told Forrest he was no different than anybody else was though he braced his legs.Under her philosophical words, “life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get”, Forrest achieved marvelous success in his life step by step such as entering college, being awarded the Congressional medal of honour, being a gozillionaire and so on.She was just like any mother to love Forrest from the bottom of her heart and inspire him any time.In turn she was also proud of Forrest with happy smile in his college graduation ceremony and when he was awarded as a Vietnam War hero.Unfortunately, she was sick with a cancer and died on a Tuesday.At the end of her life, she still teached her son to accept death as a part of life and to pursue his own destiny.Though keeping far away in the heaven finally, I think this mother would still look at and bless her son.Jenny was Forrest’s lifelong lover.They met each other in the school bus.In the film Jenny did many bad things to Forrest.From their childhood right on up Jenny and Forrest were good friends.They came to school together and grew with each other’s accompany.Finally though they stayed far away from each other, Forrest

阿甘正传影评英文版 篇2

影片开头随风飘零的羽毛, 带领观众目睹了一个个美丽祥和的画面, 羽毛最后落在了阿甘脚下, 被他拾起放在一本书里, 从而引出了本片的主人公。阿甘的一生就像那片羽毛一样, 看似漫无目的地随波逐流, 却在每个人生转折的重要时刻都有新的挑战与之邂逅。看似不经意的人生转折, 却使阿甘踏上了一次次成功的旅程。而他成功的背后, 有着更深层次的原因。阿甘诸多成功的人生经历, 使观众备受启迪。


(一) 遵从主流文化的价值观。

阿甘成功的根源在于其遵从了美国主流文化的价值观。“作为美国主流文化的价值观源自三个传统:一是自我改善、劳动致富、自我约束和职业道德;二是个人主义、个人自由、机会均等、政府民治;三是自力更生、创新精神、乐观进取, 边远地区传统”。[2]

阿甘从小脊背弯曲, 就像他的医生说的:“His back is crooked as a politician. (他的背像政客一样弯曲。) ”身体天生的缺陷并没有让他和母亲自怨自艾, 母亲坚定的信念和阿甘本人不怕吃苦的精神, 使他通过自我改善, 战胜了身体上的缺陷。

母亲从小就教育他:“Never let anybody tell they are better than you Forrest.If God intended everybody to be the same, it had given us all braces on our legs. (如果上帝的旨意要人人平等, 他会给我们所有的人腿箍。) ”虽然这是母亲面对智商不高的阿甘采取的一种浅显易懂的安慰与教育方式, 但这种机会均等、人人平等的思想, 从他很小的时候就扎根到其价值观当中。虽然他的智商只有78分, 却同其他同龄的孩子一样, 从小学、初中、高中毕业, 在一次奔跑当中被选中, 顺利升入了大学, 最终成为一名橄榄球明星。

阿甘的另一个成功的壮举是他锲而不舍, 最终成为捕虾大王。从对捕虾一无所知, 买了艘旧船, 捕到的都是石头、废品之类的东西, 到成为成功的捕虾大王、百万富翁, 是同他自力更生、乐观进取的精神分不开的。正是具备了这些精神, 才使阿甘不惧困难、不怕失败, 最后获得了事业上的巨大成就。

(二) 亲情、友情、爱情成为阿甘成功的精神动力和情感依托。

与母亲的亲情, 与巴布的友情, 与珍妮的爱情, 深刻诠释了人间处处有真情。阿甘母亲对他的爱主要表现在对他人生观的确立方面。从小, 母亲就教育阿甘“You are no different.” (“你和别人一样”) 。面对别人异样的眼光和挑衅的言辞, 母亲总是挺起胸膛, 为儿子据理力争。面对智商只有78分的儿子, 母亲对他教育也有自己的一套, 正如阿甘自己说的:“Mama always had a way to explain things so I could understand them. (妈妈总有办法把事情说清楚, 让我也能听明白。) ”也正是在母亲的尊尊教诲之下, 阿甘最后成了一名著名的慈善家。

阿甘与巴布的交往成为影片的一大亮点, 尤其是巴布跟阿甘说捕虾的时候, 影片运用了几个场景来表现巴布不停地在跟阿甘讲述关于捕虾的事情, 阿甘虽然只是默默地在那里做事, 巴布也不管他是否听了进去, 阿甘却一点也没有表现出不耐烦的样子。两人间的这种默契, 正是他们两个成为好兄弟好朋友的原因之一。在越南的一场激烈的战斗中, 阿甘凭借自己的速度优势, 很快地撤退到了安全的地方。而当他猛然想到自己的好兄弟巴布时, 便不顾一切地冲回了伏击圈, 在救回了一个个伤员后, 终于找到了奄奄一息的巴布。巴布死后, 阿甘独自一人去实现巴布曾经的梦想, 并且在发达之后, 不忘老友的家眷, 使他们也过上了富人的生活。

而阿甘与珍妮的爱情并不是十分顺利。珍妮儿时所经历的家庭的不幸, 给她的性格增添了一份不安定的元素。她似乎总是在逃避与追求之间徘徊、在生与死之间选择。在备受打击与折磨后, 珍妮曾试图从桥上或高楼上跳下去, 但最终选择了生存。在人生经历不如意或是感觉疲倦的时候, 会回到阿甘那里寻求暂时的庇护。但阿甘对她的爱是矢志不渝的, 是忠贞不二的, 不管她做出在常人眼里怎样荒诞的举动, 不管他交往过多少男友, 阿甘时时刻刻都在想着她、等着她。这些都是因为珍妮在阿甘的成长历程中是仅次于母亲的重要人物, 每次人生的转折, 都能看到她的身影。在她第一次喊道“Run, Forrest, run (快跑, 阿甘, 快跑) ”时, 伴随着她喊声, 阿甘挣脱了腿箍;在她第二次喊“Run, Forrest, run”时, 阿甘无意间闯入了一场橄榄球的训练, 被教练相中, 顺利升入了大学。去越南之前, 除了母亲外, 阿甘唯一想见的人是珍妮, 也是这次珍妮第三次告诫阿甘:“If you are ever in trouble, just run, okay, just run away. (如果你遇到了困难, 一定要赶快跑。) ”也正因如此, 阿甘对珍妮的爱矢志不渝, 令人既欣喜, 又有一丝悲叹与感伤。

(三) 执着、信任与机遇成就了阿甘的美国梦。

阿甘的执着、心无旁骛, 带给他从未想到的成功。执着之一:奔跑。奔跑是阿甘人生成功的基石。影片中第一次出现阿甘奔跑的镜头是在一群小男孩儿骑着自行车追打他的时候, 在珍妮声嘶力竭地喊着“Run, Forrest, run”的情况下, 他不顾自己腿上捆绑着的矫正器具, 跑了起来, 跑着跑着, 竟然甩掉了这些器具, 从此无论到哪里都跑着去。第二次奔跑, 使阿甘进入了大学, 最后成为一名橄榄球明星, 受到了当时总统的接见。第三次奔跑, 是在越南与越共在遭遇战当中, 他为了撤退而奔跑, 而这次奔跑为他赢得了一枚宝贵的勋章。奔跑是这部影片执着与毅力的代名词, 是阿甘坚强不屈性格的外化, 是人生永恒的主题。执着之二:时刻不忘朋友的嘱托。虽然一开始, 他的捕虾事业十分不顺, 可他的执着与坚持造就了人生的辉煌。执着之三:对爱情的忠贞。

阿甘的另一成功的原因还在于他对人的信任。阿甘不是一个怀疑主义者。他对别人告诫他的每一句话都深信不疑, 并以之为自己的行为准则。

机遇在阿甘的成功中扮演了不可或缺的角色。上帝只眷顾那些有准备的人, 而阿甘恰恰是那个有准备的人。仅凭对好友的一句承诺, 阿甘花重金买了搜旧渔船开始了捕鱼船开始了捕虾事业。而一次次撒网、一次次的空手而归, 并没有让他放弃。正是这种执着的精神得到了阿甘信奉的上帝的眷顾, 在一次暴风雨后, 他的捕虾事业峰回路转, 成为了名噪一时的捕虾大王。而这次成功的副产品则是丹中尉与上帝的和平, 巴布一家过上了富人的生活。也可以说, 是机遇造就了他的成功。


一个并没有追求成功的人, 却凭着自己的傻劲儿、憨劲儿和执着的精神, 处处取得了成功, 实现了多数人的美国梦。影片对美国梦作了成功的诠释。大多数美国人都怀揣着一个梦想, 通过自身的努力奋斗, 获得成功。阿甘与他们不同的地方, 仅在于“无心插柳柳成荫”而已。

阿甘的成功还告诉我们:要树立正确的价值观;珍重亲情、友情、爱情;执着、勇敢, 对他人多一点信任, 少一些怀疑;当机遇来临时, 要好好把握。


[1]师琳, 唐依凡.析《阿甘正传》电影对白的语言特点及修辞方法[M].作家杂志, 2010, (9) :195.

阿甘正传影评 篇3





阿甘正传影评 篇4








----妈妈说,人生就象巧克力,你永远不知道你会尝到什么味道。 --妈妈说,你必须明白,你和你身边的人一样,你和他们并没有什么不同,没有。 --妈妈说,我只是告诉自己,当我做一件事的时候,我就要尽力去做好它。







在华盛顿的那一场,珍妮问阿甘为什么他对她这么好,土鳖一点的男人会拉着珍妮的手,含情脉脉的说因为我爱你。阿甘不是,他又摆出那个招牌一样的白痴表情,对这珍妮说: you are my girl(因为你是我的女孩)。为什么不是I love you ?为什么不是我爱你?因为我爱你已经无需多言,如果我爱你,而你不爱我,那么对于我来说这就不能承受,我可能会找另外一个女人去爱,但是因为你是我的女孩,所以我可以承受你的背叛,你的逃离,我也可以忍受孤独,忍受没有你的日子,重要的不仅仅是我爱你,而是因为从我看见你的那一刻起我就知道,你是我的女孩,你是我的姑娘。 如果有人仔细想想这句话,看看阿甘那张单纯的脸,那双眼睛,就能体会到什么是爱一个人,什么是喜欢一个人,什么是认识一个人,什么是放弃一个人。 我常常会遇到这样的事情,恋爱中的男女,不管他们究竟为了什么恋爱,不管他们付出了多少,在付出较多的一方经常会抱怨,说自己付出的太多,或者回报很少。于是第三个声音就会告诉你:不要把男人(女人)太当回事,你越把他(她)当回事,他(她)越不把你当回事。在我看来,这些都是懦弱的人,愚蠢的人,因为你们其实根本没有在恋爱。你们只是在爱情的称呼下自我陶醉,却在付出回报的时候露出了真正的不足。 因为爱情本来就是奢侈品,你不能因为孤独寻找爱情,你不能因为贫穷寻找爱情。爱情的价值在于当你的生活本来就已经很丰富的时候,突然你想找一个人来分享这一切,在你本来幸福的时候,爱情会让你更幸福。所以这个时候的你根本不需要从对方身上获得什么,你有的就是付出的欲望,这才是爱情。没有束缚,不要求回报,在爱对方的同时能够承受住他的背叛和逃离。这才是真正的爱情。爱一个人很容易,但是能想阿甘那样承受所谓的痛苦却非常难,因为这些不是爱,更像是对自我价值的证明。那个南阿拉巴马的傻子


阿甘正传观后感影评 篇5





第一次上校车,阿甘遇到了女孩珍妮。从此在他们的爱护下开始了一生的奔跑。当阿甘遭同学欺负时,珍妮告诉他:Run!Forest.Run!这句话却影响了阿甘一生。大学毕业后,阿甘糊里糊涂地参了军,并且参加了__。临别前阿甘向珍妮表白了,珍妮再次告诉他,不管遇到什么事,“Just Run”!在军队中,阿甘结交了喜欢从事捕虾黑人大兵巴布。来到越南,两人加入丹中尉的部队。丹中尉的排遭伏击损失惨重,阿甘依靠卓越的奔跑能力救出了几乎所有人




阿甘正传 英文观后感 篇6

The Review of Forrest Gump Actually, there were some of friends have recommended this movie to me in the past few years.It can not arouse my interest at all when I heard the name of movie.I thought it must be boring which mains tell about the life of a person.But when I had the first class of Mr.Sheng, he said, there is movie he had watched more than ten times.It has been having a very great effect on his life.It is Forrest Gump.After that class I made a decision to watch it.I am feeling very deep after watching and I understood why this movie can makes my teacher watch so many times.“Don’t ever let anybody tell you that they’re better than you, Forrest.If God intended everybody to be the same, he’d have given us all braces on our legs.” Mrs.Gump said.These sentences give me a deep thought at the beginning of the movie.It wants to tell us: Don’t ever let anybody tell you that you can’t when you want to do something.Everyone is unique just as there is no the completely same leaves in the world.When I was six years old, I always ask my mother, why I can’t run as fast as others.﹙Because my body was very impotent at that time ,the doctor told my mother not to let me do the strenuous exercise﹚ I remember my mother always answered, “we’re all different ,so we play different role to do different things in our life and we must learn to accept our own uniqueness”.Be you, just the way you are, in the unique way only you know how.“Life is like a box of chocolate.You never know what you’re going to get.” Mrs.Gump said.It means that all the impermanent of the affairs of the human life and the vicissitudes of life are arranged by density.And they are also the true meaning of life.So after we faced all kinds of the difficulties, and then we will taste the splendid among them.Forrest Gump exactly is in accordance with these teaching to step by step to tread with the miracle of the life which belonging to himself.From the IQ only have 75 point and have to go the special school, to the master sportsman of football team, to the hero of the Vietnam War, to the captain shrimp boat, to the racing the America.Forrest Gump use a body of birth defects to achieve a lot of things which many persons who never do it with intelligence throughout their life.The life is so original so that we can’t predict it, and always beyond your expectation.This is not a God to us as a joke, or is this kind of life was unpredictable and volatile random, will never let you make less than expected, can not be refined.At the beginning and ending of the movie, there is a scene gives me a deep impression: In the widest blue sky, a light and white feather is flying ,and then it slowly land at the Forrest Gump’s foot who is sitting on the bench to wait for the bus.I think, it is a gift from God, a special gift, making who has the lower IQ than able-bodied person belong a simple, pure and beautiful heart which many persons don’t have in contemporary society to experience an extraordinary life.In my opinion, I think the one half of the extraordinary life of Forrest Gump was created by his mother, anther was created by himself.In our potential consciousness, people always think this kind of person can’t be successful in doing anything.But, the God is fair.He makes everyone is equality, all men have the chance to be succeed.If Forrest Gump doesn’t have such smart and loving mother, he would never to be such successful.The education given by his mother and non-life Forrest Gump general touch, perhaps on the Forrest Gump of life from his mother taught him the first word of it began.These make me strong feelings.The education which given by parents is very important to the children’ growth.In my life, the one I have to mention is my father.He pays a lot of me.My father is always strict with me.I was very afraid to my father when I was young.I always thought why my father can’t as tolerant as others.He always says, “Efficiency comes from diligence.In shortage in the play transportation into success, was destroyed by the idler.” But now I am very thanks to my father, because without he gives much thought to my growth, I think there would be on me today.He always teaches me a lot of ways of doing things and how to become a good person.My father is a successful businessman.He has achieved lots of accomplishments in his line by his clever mind and hard-working.He influences me deeply.I appreciate my father from the bottom of my heart.We can learn a different kind of attitude of life from Forrest Gump.We should live as him.He always can accept quietly regardless of what will face next step, and try to do everything what should do instead of blaming everyone and everything but himself or giving up as hopeless.He just tries his best, and never stops his step.When is comes to this type of topic, it would makes me recall lots of things.Two years ago, I was about to have a nervous breakdown when I know I was fail to apply for the college which I want to go to study.After lost sleep many days and think better of, I decided to make a backing tracking.And selected the school which at other province.I thought it would be a completely life for me and I would learn more things.It was my first time to away from home such far on my own.Though I was fear more than expectant, but finally I was came to this city – Guilin, which has always enjoyed the reputation of being a “The landscape is the best of haven”.But is the completely strange city to me.I met more and more difficulties slowly.For example, I hate eating spicy and sour;language exchange was not convenience made me don’t like to talk to new classmates(because I comes from Guangdong Province);it is my first time to get accommodation I school, so I don’t know how to adapt the habits of others and so on.At that time, I became more and more silent and didn’t want to talk to other people;sometimes I would cry and lost my temper for no reason.After a long time of debauch, I became to realize I should not live that way any longer if I didn’t want to ruin myself.I began try to change myself and made myself struggle to adapt to the new circumstance after that.Life always has many things to bring you down.But what can really bring you down is your attitude and mentality.So when we are facing all kinds of difficulties, we should have earnest attitude and common mind like Forrest Gump, and making great efforts and keeping our resolve.Furthermore, in our daily, we should learn more by ourselves and enhance our possessiveness.Don’t be easily caught your attention and insist on your goal till the end.And try your best to do everything.If we can do these, we will get the things what we want and will be succeed in the future.

《阿甘正传》英文观后感 篇7

Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person cant be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!

In the contention of the best picture of the 67th Oscar Award in 1995, filmHave got six Grand Prixes , such as the best picture , the best actor , the best achievement in directing , adapting drama , the best achievement in film editing and the best visual effect bestly ,etc. at one blow . The film was passed to a intellectual disturbance person the description of life has reflected every aspect of U.S.A.s life, important incident of social political life make and represent to these decades such as U.S.A. from one unique angle.

