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简爱读后感中英翻译 篇1





We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.

We remember her pursuit of justice. It’s like a companion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side.

We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God’s feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personality.

We also remember her striving for life, her toughness and her confidence…

中英文翻译 篇2

and ap, fD,p, ϕp, and τp are the amplitude, the Doppler frequency, the phase, and the propagation delay, respectively, associated with path p, p = 0,..., Np − 1.The assigned channel transfer function is

The delays are measured relative to the first detectable path at the receiver.The Doppler Frequency

depends on the velocity v of the terminal station, the speed of light c, the carrier frequency fc, and the angle of incidence αp of a wave assigned to path p.A channel impulse response with corresponding channel transfer function is illustrated in Figure 1-2.The delay power density spectrum ρ(τ)that characterizes the frequency selectivity of the mobile radio channel gives the average power of the channel output as a function of the delay τ.The mean delay τ , the root mean square(RMS)delay spread τRMS and the maximum delay τmax are characteristic parameters of the delay power density spectrum.The mean delay is


Figure 1-2 Time-variant channel impulse response and channel transfer function with frequency-selective fading is the power of path p.The RMS delay spread is defined as Similarly, the Doppler power density spectrum S(fD)can be defined that characterizes the time variance of the mobile radio channel and gives the average power of the channel output as a function of the Doppler frequency fD.The frequency dispersive properties of multipath channels are most commonly quantified by the maximum occurring Doppler frequency fDmax and the Doppler spread fDspread.The Doppler spread is the bandwidth of the Doppler power density spectrum and can take on values up to two times |fDmax|, i.e.,1.1.3Channel Fade Statistics The statistics of the fading process characterize the channel and are of importance for channel model parameter specifications.A simple and often used approach is obtained from the assumption that there is a large number of scatterers in the channel that contribute to the signal at the receiver side.The application of the central limit theorem leads to a complex-valued Gaussian process for the channel impulse response.In the absence of line of sight(LOS)or a dominant component, the process is zero-mean.The magnitude of the corresponding channel transfer function

is a random variable, for brevity denoted by a, with a Rayleigh distribution given by


is the average power.The phase is uniformly distributed in the interval [0, 2π].In the case that the multipath channel contains a LOS or dominant component in addition to the randomly moving scatterers, the channel impulse response can no longer be modeled as zero-mean.Under the assumption of a complex-valued Gaussian process for the channel impulse response, the magnitude a of the channel transfer function has a Rice distribution given by

The Rice factor KRice is determined by the ratio of the power of the dominant path to thepower of the scattered paths.I0 is the zero-order modified Bessel function of first kind.The phase is uniformly distributed in the interval [0, 2π].1.1.4Inter-Symbol(ISI)and Inter-Channel Interference(ICI)The delay spread can cause inter-symbol interference(ISI)when adjacent data symbols overlap and interfere with each other due to different delays on different propagation paths.The number of interfering symbols in a single-carrier modulated system is given by

For high data rate applications with very short symbol duration Td < τmax, the effect of ISI and, with that, the receiver complexity can increase significantly.The effect of ISI can be counteracted by different measures such as time or frequency domain equalization.In spread spectrum systems, rake receivers with several arms are used to reduce the effect of ISI by exploiting the multipath diversity such that individual arms are adapted to different propagation paths.If the duration of the transmitted symbol is significantly larger than the maximum delay Td τmax, the channel produces a negligible amount of ISI.This effect is exploited with multi-carrier transmission where the duration per transmitted symbol increases with the number of sub-carriers Nc and, hence, the amount of ISI decreases.The number of interfering symbols in a multi-carrier modulated system is given by

Residual ISI can be eliminated by the use of a guard interval(see Section 1.2).The maximum Doppler spread in mobile radio applications using single-carrier modulation is typically much less than the distance between adjacent channels, such that the effect of interference on adjacent channels due to Doppler spread is not a problem for single-carrier modulated systems.For multi-carrier modulated systems, the sub-channel spacing Fs can become quite small, such that Doppler effects can cause significant ICI.As long as all sub-carriers are affected by a common Doppler shift fD, this Doppler shift can be compensated for in the receiver and ICI can be avoided.However, if Doppler spread in the order of several percent of the sub-carrier spacing occurs, ICI may degrade the system performance significantly.To avoid performance degradations due to ICI or more complex receivers with ICI equalization, the sub-carrier spacing Fs should be chosen as

such that the effects due to Doppler spread can be neglected(see Chapter 4).This approach corresponds with the philosophy of OFDM described in Section 1.2 and is followed in current OFDM-based wireless standards.Nevertheless, if a multi-carrier system design is chosen such that the Doppler spread is in the order of the sub-carrier spacing or higher, a rake receiver in the frequency domain can be used [22].With the frequency domain rake receiver each branch of the rake resolves a different Doppler frequency.1.1.5Examples of Discrete Multipath Channel Models Various discrete multipath channel models for indoor and outdoor cellular systems with different cell sizes have been specified.These channel models define the statistics of the 5 discrete propagation paths.An overview of widely used discrete multipath channel models is given in the following.COST 207 [8]: The COST 207 channel models specify four outdoor macro cell propagation scenarios by continuous, exponentially decreasing delay power density spectra.Implementations of these power density spectra by discrete taps are given by using up to 12 taps.Examples for settings with 6 taps are listed in Table 1-1.In this table for several propagation environments the corresponding path delay and power profiles are given.Hilly terrain causes the longest echoes.The classical Doppler spectrum with uniformly distributed angles of arrival of the paths can be used for all taps for simplicity.Optionally, different Doppler spectra are defined for the individual taps in [8].The COST 207 channel models are based on channel measurements with a bandwidth of 8–10 MHz in the 900-MHz band used for 2G systems such as GSM.COST 231 [9] and COST 259 [10]: These COST actions which are the continuation of COST 207 extend the channel characterization to DCS 1800, DECT, HIPERLAN and UMTS channels, taking into account macro, micro, and pico cell scenarios.Channel models with spatial resolution have been defined in COST 259.The spatial component is introduced by the definition of several clusters with local scatterers, which are located in a circle around the base station.Three types of channel models are defined.The macro cell type has cell sizes from 500 m up to 5000 m and a carrier frequency of 900 MHz or 1.8 GHz.The micro cell type is defined for cell sizes of about 300 m and a carrier frequency of 1.2 GHz or 5 GHz.The pico cell type represents an indoor channel model with cell sizes smaller than 100 m in industrial buildings and in the order of 10 m in an office.The carrier frequency is 2.5 GHz or 24 GHz.COST 273: The COST 273 action additionally takes multi-antenna channel models into account, which are not covered by the previous COST actions.CODIT [7]: These channel models define typical outdoor and indoor propagation scenarios for macro, micro, and pico cells.The fading characteristics of the various propagation environments are specified by the parameters of the Nakagami-m distribution.Every environment is defined in terms of a number of scatterers which can take on values up to 20.Some channel models consider also the angular distribution of the scatterers.They have been developed for the investigation of 3G system proposals.Macro cell channel type models have been developed for carrier frequencies around 900 MHz with 7 MHz bandwidth.The micro and pico cell channel type models have been developed for carrier frequencies between 1.8 GHz and 2 GHz.The bandwidths of the measurements are in the range of 10–100 MHz for macro cells and around 100 MHz for pico cells.JTC [28]: The JTC channel models define indoor and outdoor scenarios by specifying 3 to 10 discrete taps per scenario.The channel models are designed to be applicable for wideband digital mobile radio systems anticipated as candidates for the PCS(Personal Communications Systems)common air interface at carrier frequencies of about 2 GHz.UMTS/UTRA [18][44]: Test propagation scenarios have been defined for UMTS and UTRA system proposals which are developed for frequencies around 2 GHz.The modeling of the multipath propagation corresponds to that used by the COST 207 channel models.HIPERLAN/2 [33]: Five typical indoor propagation scenarios for wireless LANs in the 5 GHz frequency band have been defined.Each scenario is described by 18discrete taps of the delay power density spectrum.The time variance of the channel(Doppler spread)is modeled by a classical Jake’s spectrum with a maximum terminal speed of 3 m/h.Further channel models exist which are, for instance, given in [16].1.1.6Multi-Carrier Channel Modeling Multi-carrier systems can either be simulated in the time domain or, more computationally efficient, in the frequency domain.Preconditions for the frequency domain implementation are the absence of ISI and ICI, the frequency nonselective fading per sub-carrier, and the time-invariance during one OFDM symbol.A proper system design approximately fulfills these preconditions.The discrete channel transfer function adapted to multi-carrier signals results in

where the continuous channel transfer function H(f, t)is sampled in time at OFDM symbol rate s and in frequency at sub-carrier spacing Fs.The duration

s is the total OFDM symbol duration including the guard interval.Finally, a symbol transmitted onsub-channel n of the OFDM symbol i is multiplied by the resulting fading amplitude an,i and rotated by a random phase ϕn,i.The advantage of the frequency domain channel model is that the IFFT and FFT operation for OFDM and inverse OFDM can be avoided and the fading operation results in one complex-valued multiplication per sub-carrier.The discrete multipath channel models introduced in Section 1.1.5 can directly be applied to(1.16).A further simplification of the channel modeling for multi-carrier systems is given by using the so-called uncorrelated fading channel models. Fading Channel Models for Multi-Carrier Systems These channel models are based on the assumption that the fading on adjacent data symbols after inverse OFDM and de-interleaving can be considered as uncorrelated [29].This assumption holds when, e.g., a frequency and time interleaver with sufficient interleaving depth is applied.The fading amplitude an,i is chosen from a distribution p(a)according to the considered cell type and the random phase ϕn,I is uniformly distributed in the interval [0,2π].The resulting complex-valued channel fading coefficient is thus generated independently for each sub-carrier and OFDM symbol.For a propagation scenario in a macro cell without LOS, the fading amplitude an,i is generated by a Rayleigh distribution and the channel model is referred to as an uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channel.For smaller cells where often a dominant propagation component occurs, the fading amplitude is chosen from a Rice distribution.The advantages of the uncorrelated fading channel models for multi-carrier systems are their simple implementation in the frequency domain and the simple reproducibility of the simulation results.1.1.7Diversity The coherence bandwidth of a mobile radio channel is the bandwidth over which the signal propagation characteristics are correlated and it can be approximated by

The channel is frequency-selective if the signal bandwidth B is larger than the coherence bandwidth.On the other hand, if B is smaller than , the channel is frequency nonselective or flat.The coherence bandwidth of the channel is of importance for evaluating the performance of spreading and frequency interleaving techniques that try to exploit the inherent frequency diversity Df of the mobile radio channel.In the case of multi-carrier transmission, frequency diversity is exploited if the separation of sub-carriers transmitting the same information exceeds the coherence bandwidth.The maximum achievable frequency diversity Df is given by the ratio between the signal bandwidth B and the coherence bandwidth,The coherence time of the channel is the duration over which the channel characteristics can be considered as time-invariant and can be approximated by

If the duration of the transmitted symbol is larger than the coherence time, the channel is time-selective.On the other hand, if the symbol duration is smaller than , the channel is time nonselective during one symbol duration.The coherence time of the channel is of importance for evaluating the performance of coding and interleaving techniques that try to exploit the inherent time diversity DO of the mobile radio channel.Time diversity can be exploited if the separation between time slots carrying the same information exceeds the coherence time.A number of Ns successive time slots create a time frame of duration Tfr.The maximum time diversity Dt achievable in one time frame is given by the ratio between the duration of a time frame and the coherence time, A system exploiting frequency and time diversity can achieve the overall diversity

The system design should allow one to optimally exploit the available diversity DO.For instance, in systems with multi-carrier transmission the same information should be transmitted on different sub-carriers and in different time slots, achieving uncorrelated faded replicas of the information in both dimensions.Uncoded multi-carrier systems with flat fading per sub-channel and time-invariance during one symbol cannot exploit diversity and have a poor performance in time and frequency selective fading channels.Additional methods have to be applied to exploit diversity.One approach is the use of data spreading where each data symbol is spread by a spreading code of length L.This, in combination with interleaving, can achieve performance results which are given for

by the closed-form solution for the BER for diversity reception in Rayleigh fading channels according to [40]

Whererepresents the combinatory function,and σ2 is the variance of the noise.As soon as the interleaving is not perfect or the diversity offered by the channel is smaller than the spreading code length L, or MCCDMA with multiple access interference is applied,(1.22)is a lower bound.For L = 1, the performance of an OFDM system without forward error correction(FEC)is obtained, 9

which cannot exploit any diversity.The BER according to(1.22)of an OFDM(OFDMA, MC-TDMA)system and a multi-carrier spread spectrum(MC-SS)system with different spreading code lengths L is shown in Figure 1-3.No other diversity techniques are applied.QPSK modulation is used for symbol mapping.The mobile radio channel is modeled as uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channel(see Section 1.1.6).As these curves show, for large values of L, the performance of MC-SS systems approaches that of an AWGN channel.Another form of achieving diversity in OFDM systems is channel coding by FEC, where the information of each data bit is spread over several code bits.Additional to the diversity gain in fading channels, a coding gain can be obtained due to the selection of appropriate coding and decoding algorithms.中文翻译 1基本原理





图1-2时变信道冲激响应和通道传递函数频率选择性衰落是权力页的路径均方根时延扩展的定义为 同样,多普勒频谱的功率密度(FD)的特点可以定义

在移动时变无线信道,并给出了作为一种金融衍生工具功能的多普勒频率通道输出的平均功率。多径信道频率分散性能是最常见的量化发生的多普勒频率和多普勒fDmax蔓延fDspread最大。多普勒扩散是功率密度的多普勒频谱带宽,可价值观需要两年时间| fDmax|,即

















经典的多普勒频谱与均匀分布的到达角路径可以用于简化所有的频道。或者,不同的多普勒谱定义在[8]个人频道。207信道的成本模型是基于一个8-10兆赫的2G,如GSM系统中使用的900兆赫频段信道带宽的测量。造价231[9]和造价259[10]:这些费用是行动的延续成本207扩展通道特性到DCS1800的DECT,HIPERLAN和UMTS的渠道,同时考虑到宏观,微观和微微小区的情况为例。空间分辨率与已定义的通道模型在造价259。空间部分是介绍了与当地散射,这是在基站周围设几组圆的定义。三种类型的通道模型定义。宏细胞类型具有高达500〜5000米,载波频率为900兆赫或1.8 GHz的单元尺寸。微细胞类型被定义为细胞体积约300米,1.2 GHz或5 GHz载波频率。细胞类型代表的Pico与细胞体积小于100工业建筑物和办公室中的10 m阶米室内信道模型。载波频率为2.5 GHz或24千兆赫。造价273:成本273行动另外考虑到多天线信道模型,这是不是由先前的费用的行为包括在内。

CODIT [7]:这些通道模型定义的宏,微,微微蜂窝和室外和室内传播的典型案例。各种传播环境的衰落特性是指定的在NakagamiSS)的不同扩频码L是长度,如图1-3所示的系统。没有其他的分集技术被应用。QPSK调制用于符号映射。移动无线信道建模为不相关瑞利衰落信道(见1.1.6)。由于这些曲线显示,办法,AWGN信道的一对L时,对MC-SS系统性能有很大价值。

中英文翻译复习 篇3


I took English,history,philosophy,typing and some other subject.2.很明显,上学是每一个孩子的梦想,而辍学则是一场噩梦。

Obviously, going to school is every child’s dream , an quitting school is their nightmare.3.考察对能否完成任务,没人会真的知道。

Whether the research team will accomplish the task ro not, nobody really knows.4.她是不是在说实话,没有人会真的知道。

Whether she is telling the truth or not ,nobody really knows.5.我最近几年里一直没有听到她的消息。

I haven’t heard from her in the past few years.6.将在到达后即刻告知。

Will be informed upon arrival.7.但是,资金成了叫人头疼的事。

However, money provse to be a big headache.8.对他们来说,掌握实用技能比记忆更重要。

To them, learning practical skills is even harder then memorizing knowledge.9.对她来说,取得实际工作经验比挣钱更重要。

To her , getting practical work experience is even more important than making money.10.这个公司的职员都有较好的个人素质。

The staff of this company have quite good personal qualities.11.她想毕业后到国外深造。我也想。

She wants to further her study abroad after graduation.So do I.12.这个消息使得这个老板很困惑。

The news makes the boss puzzled.13.多媒体教师在现代化学校中很常见。

Multi-media classrooms are very common in modern schools.14.学生赚取零用钱最常见的地方就是打零工。

The most popular way for a student to earn extra money is to a part-time job.15.年轻人要理解父母最好的方法就是与他们交流。

The best way for young people to understand their parents is to communicate with them.16.这次度假当然会很美妙,不过得有人接替我的工作。

It’ll be a wonderful holiday ,of course, but somebody has to take my job.17.历史是人民创造的。

History is created by people.18.他头一碰到枕头就会睡着。

He will fall asleep as soon as his head touches the pillow.19.然而,如果我们没有足够的勇气,这个计划将会彻底失败。

However, if we do not have enough courage, the plan may prove to be a complete failure.20.所以年轻人要养成习惯,不要事事依靠父母。

Therefore, young people should make it a rule not to depend ong parents for everything.21.如果你在大街上走失,不要迟疑快寻求帮助。

If you find yourself lost in the street , don’t hesitate to ask for help.22.这台计算机是昨天购买的。This computer was bought yesterday.23.如果你还没有下决心,为什么不跟朋友讨论一下这件事呢。

If you haven’t yet made up your mind, why not discuss it with your friends.24.It is the responsibility of the parents to make sure that the children receive good education.保证子女受到良好的教育是父母的责任。25.Please remain silent and keep the books closed.请安静,不要打开书。


Please remain seated an keep the windows shut.27.I would like to ask my supervisor to write a reference letter for me.我想请我的导师为我写一封推荐信。


I’d like to have a few friends over for a dinner party to celebrate my birthday.29.主人期望我们六点到。

The host expects us to arrive at six.30.一旦你做出了承诺,你最好不要食言。

Once you have made a promise, it is better not to break your words.31.但是,西方人认为谈论别人的私事是不礼貌的。

However, all of all of us find being kept waiting for more than ten minutes unbearable.32.说起名片,你应该用双手递。

And when it comes to business cards, you should present them with two hands.33.请吃海参。趁热吃。

Help yourself to the sea-cucumber.Eat it while it’s hot.34.People live and die but life continues.人有生有死,但生活仍在继续。35.太阳升起又落下,但日子在继续。

The sun rises an sets, but days go on.36.如果想表达合作的意愿,你最好亲自去趟公司。

If you want to show your willingness to cooperate, you’d better go to the company in person.37.我们这座城市因其古建筑而世界闻名。

Our city is world-famous for its old buildings.38.Tank you very much for inviting me to your home on the weekend.非常感谢你请我周末到贵府做客。


Thank you very much for inviting us to your birthday party the day after tomorrow.40.Don’t spit in public places ,since that will be deemed ill-mannered.不要在公共场合吐痰,因为那样被认为是没有教养的。41.不然的话,顾客可能会失去对我们产品的兴趣。

Otherwise, it is likely that the customers will lose their interest in our products.42.有的家长孩子要啥就给买啥。

eviews中英文翻译 篇4

1.Descriptive Statistics 描述性统计

2.Test For Descriptive Stats 描述性统计量的检验

3.Distribution Graphs 分布图

4.One-way Tabulation 单维统计表

5.Correlogram 相关图

6.Unit Root Test单位根检验

7.Histogram and Statistics 直方图和统计量

8.Stats by Classification 分类统计量

9.Stats Table 统计量表格

10.Mean 均值

11.Median 中位数

12.Std.Dev.(Standard Deviation)标准差

13.standard error of mean均值标准误差

14.Skewness 偏度

15.Kurtosis 峰度



18.Simple Hypothesis test 简单假设检验

19.Equality test of Classification组间相等检验

20.Variance 方差

21.anova 方差分析

22.source of Variation 变异来源

23.CDF(Cumulative Distribution Function)累积分布函数



26.Kernel Density核心密度

27.Normal Distribution正态分布

28.Uniform Distribution 均匀分布

29.Exponential Distribution指数分布

30.Logistic Distribution 逻辑分布

31.Extreme value 极值

32.# of values 表示分组序列内的观测值的个数大于指定数目时,进行分组统计

33.Avg.count 表示各分组序列内的观测值的个数小于指定数目时,原分组合并

34.Max # of bins 表示序列的最大分组数


36.PAC(partial correction)偏相关


38.trend and intercept趋势项和截距项

39.N-way TabulationN维统计表

40.Equation specification 方程说明

41.estimation setting估计方法选择

42.LS(least squares)最小二乘法

43.TSLS(two-stage least squares)两阶段最小二乘法

44.ARCH(autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity)自回归条件异方差

45.GMM(generalized method of moments)广义矩阵法

46.BINARY(binary choice)二项选择模型

47.ORDERED(ordered choice)有序选择模型

48.CENSORED(censored data)删截模型

49.COUNT(integer count data)计数模型

50.Representation 方程显示的三种形式(1 Estimation Command估计命令 2 Estimation

Equation估计方程3 Substituted Coefficients带有系数估计值的方程式)

51.Estimation Output 估计显示

52.Actual, Fitted, Residual 真实的,拟合的,剩余的(残差的)

53.Standardized Residual Graph 标准的残差折线图

54.Covariance Matrix 回归系数估计值的方差-协方差折线图

55.Coefficient Text 模型参数的7种检验

56.Residual Test 模型残差的5种检验

57.Stability test 模型稳定性检验

58.Gradient and Derivatives 梯度与导数

59.ARMA Structure

60.Make Residual Series 生成估计方程的残差序列

61.Make Regressor Group 显示方程中所有解释变量和被解释变量的序列组

62.Make Model 生成方程的估计式

63.Update Coefs from Equation 更新方程的系数向量


64.coefficient 回归系数





69.Adjusted R-squared调整可决系数

70.S.E.of regression 回归的标准误差(即σ)

71.Sum squared resid残差平方和

72.Log likelihood 对数似然估计值(用于进行似然比检验等)

73.Durbin-Watson stat(序列相关性进行检验的统计量)

74.Mean Dependent Var(variable)被解释变量的均值

75.S.D.Dependent Var被解释变量的标准差

76.Akaike info criterion(AIC)赤池信息准则

77.Schwarz criterion(SC)施瓦茨准则(两个准则均要求增加的解释变量能够减少AIC和SC



