
2024-07-26 版权声明 我要投稿


实战口译文本 篇1

推动和谐社会建设 ——在“中国-瑞典企业社会责任高层论坛”上的演讲

Strengthening CSR for a Harmonious Society---Speech at the Sino-Swedish CSR High-level Forum



By Yu Guangzhou, Vice Minister of Commerce

April 14, 2008

尊敬的赖因费尔特首相,各位来宾,女士们、先生们: Your Excellency Prime Minister Reinfeldt, Delegates, Ladies and gentlemen, 下午好!Good afternoon.四月的北京,春意盎然,鲜花盛开。值此美好时刻,我们迎来了“中国—瑞典企业社会责任高层论坛”的召开。去年6月胡锦涛主席访问瑞典期间,商务部与瑞典外交部代表两国政府签署了《关于企业社会责任合作的谅解备忘录》,标志着两国在这一领域的合作正式启动,对促进两国经济的持续稳定健康发展具有十分重要的意义。今天,两国朋友们齐聚一堂,就企业社会责任开展深入交流,必将对两国企业社会责任建设产生积极的影响。

Here in Beijing in April, spring is high in the air and flowers are in full blossom.On this delightful day, we celebrate the convening of the Sino-Swedish CSR High-level Forum.Last June during the visit of President Hu Jintao to Sweden, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce and Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs signed an MOU on Cooperation in CSR on behalf of their respective governments, which officially kicked off our bilateral CSR cooperation and was vitally important for the sustained, steady and sound development of our economies.Today, we have Chinese and Swedish friends gathered here to discuss in greater depth on the topic of CSR, which I believe will positively shape our future CSR collaboration.企业社会责任运动自上世纪80年代兴起后,已经成为世界潮流。强调企业社会责任,就是要求企业对投资者负责的同时,对员工负责,对消费者负责,对商业伙伴负责,对环境和社会负责。国内外企业的成功经验表明,社会责任也是企业的品牌,是企业核心竞争力的组成部分,是企业长盛不衰的重要法宝。企业要生存和发展,就必须增强社会责任意识,积极履行社会义务。我们有理由相信,未来的企业竞争,将不再仅仅是产品的竞争、技术的竞争和人才的竞争,更是履行社会责任的竞争。“赠人玫瑰,手有余香”。企业在履行社会责任、促进社会和谐的同时,自身也会得到更大的发展。

Since the 1980s, CSR has gone from being a new term to a global trend.Putting emphasis on CSR means companies not only have to be responsible to their investors, but also to their employees, customers, business partners, and to the environment and society.International success stories also show that CSR is part of a company’s brand image and its core competitiveness.It is a vital source of sustained prosperity for business.So in order to survive and grow, it is imperative that companies should raise their CSR awareness and actively fulfill their social responsibilities.We have every reason to believe that future business competition will diversify from specific products, technology and talents toward CSR performance.As the proverb goes, “The rose is in her hand and the fragrance in mine”, companies benefit from their efforts to honor CSR and promote social harmony.随着社会主义市场经济的逐步完善,中国大多数企业的社会责任意识也在不断增强。它们恪守诚信,合法经营,努力为国内外消费者提供高质量的商品,注重节约,保护环境,努力履行社会义务。一些企业还主动发布社会责任报告,公开履行社会责任状况,自觉接受社会监督。当然,受经济发展水平和发展阶段的制约,中国经济增长方式还比较粗放,能源资源消耗多,环境保护压力大,少数企业还存在一些片面追求经济效益、忽视社会责任的行为。

As the socialist market economy gradually improves, there is also a growing sense of social responsibility among the vast majority of Chinese companies.They abide by the code of ethics and lawful operation and are committed to providing high-quality products for domestic and foreign consumers.They pay attention to conservation, environmental protection and CSR fulfillment.Some companies go even further by publishing their CSR reports to disclose their CSR performance and to voluntarily subject themselves to public scrutiny.Of course, constrained by the level and stage of its economic development, China still practices a rough-edged economic growth model, featuring high energy and resources consumption and high environmental costs.A handful of companies are still single-mindedly seeking profits and turning a blind eye to their social responsibilities.中国政府历来重视企业社会责任建设,尤其是近年来的工作力度明显加大。2007年,商务部联合环保部门下发了《关于加强出口企业环境监管的通知》,限制不履行社会环境责任的企业从事对外贸易;出台了《国家级经济技术开发区加强社会责任的若干意见》,要求开发区企业加强履行社会责任;还调整了加工贸易政策,禁止不履行社会责任的企业开展加工贸易。国资委出台了《中央企业履行社会责任的指导意见》,要求央企带头履行社会责任。今年1月1日中国开始实施的新《劳动合同法》,为建设和谐的劳资关系奠定了法律基础。相信在企业和政府部门的共同努力下,中国的企业社会责任建设将不断取得新的成就。

The Chinese government has consistently attached great importance to the CSR initiative and has intensified its efforts in recent years.In 2007, MOFCOM joined the former CEPA in issuing the Circular on Enhancing Environmental Surveillance on Exporting Enterprises, to restrict socially irresponsible enterprises from conducting foreign trade.It promulgated the Opinions on Strengthening CSR at State Economic and Technological Development Zones, to urge enterprises based in development zones to better fulfill their CSR.It also adjusted its processing trade policy to ban CSR-neglecting enterprises from doing processing trade.In parallel, SASAC published the Guidelines on CSR Fulfillment by Central-level Enterprises, demanding a leadership by central-level enterprises in CSR implementation.The new Labor Contract Law which became effective on January 1, 2008 laid a legal foundation for a harmonious employer-employee relationship.I believe through the joint efforts in public and private sectors, CSR will continue to make new progress in China.个人认为,今后中国企业的社会责任建设要贯穿“一条主线”,突出“三个结合”,实现“四个和谐”。

As I see it, CSR among Chinese enterprises should follow through “one main thread”, focus on “three alignments” and achieve “four harmonies”.——贯穿“一条主线”,就是要始终贯彻落实科学发展观。要在科学发展观的指导下,把加强企业社会责任作为转变经济发展方式的重 要抓手,把企业的经济效益和社会效益结合起来,眼前利益和长远发展结合起来,局部利益和整体利益结合起来,企业发展和员工成长结合起来,走出一条经济效益好、社会效益高、资源消耗低、环境污染少、消费者权益得到充分保障、员工利益得到充分维护的有中国特色的企业社会责任建设道路,推动社会主义和谐社会建设,实现经济社会可持续发展。

On following through the “one main thread”.It means sticking to the scientific outlook on development.Guided by this outlook, we should use CSR as a major enabler for transforming the economic growth model, for balancing business profits with social benefits, immediate interests with long-term development, partial gains with overall interests, and business growth with employee development.The aim is to embark on a road of CSR with Chinese characteristic, featuring high economic and social productivity, low resource consumption and pollution, effective protection of consumer and employee rights and interests and to move ahead with building a socialist harmonious society and to achieve sustainable socio-economic development.——突出“三个结合”,一是政府倡导和企业实践相结合。政府要创造环境、营造氛围,积极引导,加强监管,规范企业承担法定社会责任,倡导企业承担道义性社会责任,惩戒企业严重违反社会责任的行为。企业要发挥主体地位,树立现代经营观念,对社会负责,自觉接受社会监督。二是国外经验和中国国情相结合。要加强国际交流与 合作,充分借鉴包括瑞典在内的其他国家的先进经验,推动中国企业社会责任建设健康发展。同时,要立足中国国情,充分考虑经济社会发展水平和企业承受能力,防止盲目追求不切实际的高标准,避免对企业和社会造成冲击。三是重点突破和全面推进相结合。要抓薄弱环节,抓关键环节,抓影响全局的环节,尤其是高耗能、高污染、劳动力密集型以及容易出现安全事故的行业和领域。同时,要以点带面,循序渐进,不断总结经验,促进企业社会责任整体水平的提高。

On focusing on the “three alignments”.First is the alignment of government advocacy with business practice.The government needs to create incentives, give positive direction and strengthen supervision.They should require enterprises to take on mandatory social responsibility, encourage them to take on moral social responsibility and penalize enterprises against severe anti-CSR practices.Companies need to play a central role, update their operational philosophy, be responsible to the society and discipline themselves under the public eye.Second is the alignment of international best practice with China’s national conditions.International exchanges and cooperation must step up to fully internalize the best practices of countries such as Sweden and push forward CSR compliance among Chinese enterprises.At the same time, China needs to proceed from its national conditions, take into full account the level of its socio-economic development and the capability of companies, and refrain from pursuing over-ambitious targets to the detriment of business and the society.Third is the alignment of critical breakthroughs and comprehensive progress.We need to target weak yet critical linkages which may affect the overall outcome, especially industries and sectors which have a high level of energy consumption and pollution, which are labor-intensive and prone to safety incidents.At the same time, we should start with small steps, build on existing experience, and gradually enhance the overall performance of CSR.——实现“四个和谐”,一是企业与员工之间的和谐。要促进劳资关系的协调,充分发挥人力资源潜能,保障员工分享企业经营成果,实现员工职业生涯与企业发展壮大的有机统一。二是企业与企业之间的和谐。要构建健康的商业伙伴关系,既要立足竞争,又要重视合作,形成诚实守信、公平竞争、共同发展的良好市场环境。三是企业与社会之间的和谐。企业要切实增强社会责任意识,充分履行作为社会“公民”的应尽义务,既努力为社会和谐服务,也为企业自身发展营造良好的社会环境。四是人与自然的和谐。要把企业发展模式切实转变到依靠技术进步、产品创新和资源节约上来,通过节约发展、清洁发展和安全发展,建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会,实现人与自然的和谐共处。

On the “four harmonies”.First is the harmony between employers and employees.We need to harmonize the employer-employee relationship, fully unlock employee potential, ensure employees’ legitimate share in business profits and enable employees’ career advancement alongside business expansion.Second is the harmony among enterprises.We need to build a healthy business partnership that is both competitive and collaborative.We need to foster a level playing field that respects honest and ethical business practices, fair competition and common development.The third is the harmony between business and the society.Companies need to increase their CSR awareness and behave as fully responsible social citizens.They should work toward social harmony and a business-friendly social environment.The fourth is the harmony between man and nature.We need to transform the business growth model into one that is powered by technological advances, product innovation and resource conservation, build a resource-conserving and environmentally-friendly society and achieve the harmony between man and nature through economical, cleaner and safer developments.女士们,先生们,Ladies and gentlemen 中瑞两国政府高度重视企业社会责任领域的合作。瑞典作为发达的市场经济国家,在企业社会责任建设方面拥有丰富经验;中国作为快速发展的新兴经济体,正在积极开展企业社会责任建设。今天上午,双方共同启动了社会责任合作网站,举办了培训班开班仪式。我衷心地希望,中瑞政府相关部门和企业界按照两国高层领导人达成的共识,不断加强交流与合作,相互学习和借鉴,把企业社会责任建设不 断推向前进。

The Chinese and Swedish governments both attach great importance to their bilateral CSR collaboration.Sweden as a developed market economy is tremendously experienced with CSR.China as a fast-growing emerging economy is actively pursuing CSR.This morning, China and Sweden launched a joint CSR website and training program.I sincerely hope the consensus of senior Chinese and Swedish leadership will be acted upon by both governments and businesses, through intensified collaboration and mutual learning, so as to take the CSR endeavor forward.预祝论坛圆满成功!谢谢大家!

实战口译文本 篇2

口译是讲话人, 听讲人和语言构成的整体, 缺一不可。语言是一种有规则的系统结构, 既然是体系, 就有其在文化, 逻辑和句法等层面的标准和规范。另外, 格雷斯认为人们交谈的过程当中也是遵守一定准则的, 即合作原则的四标准。此外口译是翻译的一种, 近一个多世纪以来, 严复的“信、达、雅”已经成为翻译的标准。也就是说, 规范的口译表达应该是符合语言层面, 会话层面和翻译准则层面标准的。

2 口译中的欠规范表达

然而, 口译过程包括“听—记忆—重组—译出”。我们知道这是一个充满困难和挑战的过程。对译员来讲, 最困难最有挑战的部分就是如何平衡正确理解原语以及用易于理解的目标语正确的将原话译出之间的关系。此外语言是文化的载体, 而各种文化又有着不同的渊源和历史, 所以文化间的对应空白是不可避免的。所以在现场紧张的气氛下, 译员碰到一时难以找到对应语的情况比比皆是。于是情急之下, 欠规范表达在口译中屡屡出现。这些现象可以分为四个方面, 一是口译表达中的低层级化;二是习语的欠规范性和欠规范翻译;三是口译中非精确表达;四是中国英语的应用。

2.1 口译表达中的低层级化

低层级化并非低级化, 话语可按照它的语言结构和措词来分等级。这类低层级化又可以分为原语言说话者本身语言的欠规范和口译思维和行文不具备书面语那样高度组织性和口译时的简化表达, 通常表现在语言质量上, 结构松散, 组织欠佳, 这些都违背了格雷斯的合作原则。

口译人员有时会遇到这种情况, 对方一说起话来便是长篇大论, 滔滔不绝, 有时候说的话完全不着边际。有时即习性使得原语言说话者语言结构无序, 这也是日常口语的特征之一。也有可能在思维不够严密, 个人情绪或者其他客观原因导致了这种松散, 冗长甚至带有大量不符合语法和逻辑的话语, 或者夹杂有大量习语, 俚语或多余成分。在这种情况下, 口译人员可以礼貌的等待对方把话说完, 但没必要将对方所说的话全部翻译出来, 这样不但浪费时间, 也会令交谈另一方感到空洞、冗长。

为了保证双方交流的流畅, 口译人员必须尽快地将源语译成目的语, 因此, 要求口译人员在这种情况下出口成章几乎是一种近似苛刻的要求。情急之下的口译的直接结果是扩大语义对应幅度和格式限度。


译:What’s your favorite place in Hongkong?


2.2 口译中的非精确表达

精确的口译表达是口译人员所应追求的目标。特别是在专业性很强的涉外口译中, 熟悉基本专业知识和大量专业术语是口译人员能够进行精确口译所需具备的一项基本功。术语的精确运用能让内行人一听即明, 对顺利完成口译任务起到极为重要的作用。但是在执行口译任务重仍然难免碰到一些不曾知道的术语, 这个时候又不能像笔译一样可以求助于字典, 因该如何是好?遇到这种情况, 口译人员通常只有另辟蹊径来达到成功突围, 通常采取意译的方法, 也就是说, 不知道某个专业术语的专业译法, 根据该术语的含义选择具有这种含义的词语进行翻译, 或者对要译的术语加以形容。

比如, “冲洗液”这个专有名词“drilling f l u i d”, 在对钻探工程专业术语知之甚少的口译员来说, 可以在情急之下译成“a kind of washing liquid to protect the core” (一种保护岩芯的冲洗液) , 并可以再追加一句“What do you call it?”在这类无法精确翻译的情况下, 采取这种非精确释意法是一种很巧妙的方法。翻译人员应该具备这种另辟蹊径的灵变性。无论如何, 只要能变着法子让对方明白彼此的意思, 口译的主要目的就算基本达到了。

3 欠规范表达的可接受性

尽管上述表达在语法, 逻辑, 句法和语用等层面的欠规范表现, 但仍然是可以接受的, 实例证明, 这些欠规范表达不会给交谈双方带来理解上的任何不便, 同时也使口译过程流畅, 挽救了许多尴尬场面。其实其可接受性可以从以下几个方面加以理论支持。

3.1 语言的共性

尽管各国语言不同, 但它们之间还是存在着一些共性, 因为不同的国家或民族对自然、社会、工作和生活都有着共同或相似的认识, 所以也能够以不同的方式表达一种相似或相同的信息。人类语言的共性可以归为以下三点:第一是意识共性, 也就是对自然现象、物体、事件和状态的共性认识;第二是思维共性, 这种共性包括对对应物的相似思维;第三是结构共性, 不同人类语言在结构组织上总有相同或相似之处。就是这些共性使得同一语言环境下的不同说话者和听者能够懂得与标准或习惯性语言表达不太符合的译语。

3.2 顺应理论与口译

语用学的顺应理论认为, 语言的使用是一种社会行为。既是社会行为, 它和人类生活中的认知、社会以及文化因素紧密相关。因此, 顺应理论从认知、社会和文化的角度对口译的语言使用进行跨学科研究。Verschueren提出, 使用语言的过程是一个进行选择的过程。选择可以在任何的语言层面上同时发生, 包括语音、语调、词汇、句式、篇章等等;说话人不仅选择语言形式, 同时还选择使用策略;选择的过程中是一个意识的行为;选择发生在话语产生和理解两个层面上。译员作为交际双方的中介, 他必须根据发言人与听者的语言在理解的基础上选择合适的语言表达习惯, 使译语再现原语的所有意义。

按照Verschuern的理论, “选择”包含三个重要的内容:变异性、商协性和顺应性。变异性指人类语言是可以选择的, 口译的语言只有选择才能合适的表达原语意义。商协性则要求口译的语言选择不是机械的转译原语, 而是在高灵活的原则和策略下做出的, 使译语合适现场环境、双方的可接受性等。就语言的顺应性而言, 译语要策略的进行选择, 并顺应双方交际的目的。从语言的顺应性出发, 我们可以从三个方面解释译语的选择。即译语要顺应语境因素, 顺应原语的语言结构成分, 顺应口译的动态过程, 而且这一顺应选择是有意识的认知过程。

译语顺应的语境成分有物理世界, 包括时间和空间等;社会世界, 包括交际双方依存的关系、权力关系和平等关系;心理世界, 涉及交际双方的个性、情感、信仰、欲望、动机等的心理状态。译语必须顺应语境, 使译语得体, 体现语境的文化、风格、文化因素等影响, 这要求译员根据交际环境、语境、交际者的情况、交际目的、双语文化差异等因素理解原语, 用译语合切地转达和再现原语的信息和语用效果。

综上所述, 欠规范的口译表达不但使口译效率大大提升, 减小了口译难度, 挽救口译中的冷场局面, 而且它的存在和可接受性是有理论依据的。然而, 新的问题产生, 即, 如何给可接受的欠规范表达一个全面而又系统的特征总结, 并以此与纯粹的误译区分开来。


