
2024-05-30 版权声明 我要投稿


六级作文:Being,shy 篇1


四级:本次听力短对话部分与上次相比没什么变化,话题都是围绕校园相关,主要还是以推理题(也就是听对话的弦外之音的题目)为主, 判断地点题等只是比较简单。 听力的第二部分采用了短文的形式,涉及到了药品,家庭子女以及个人兴趣等话题,这些话题大都是四级考试常考的,去年的阅读中出现了药品,而有关家庭子女问题在早期的短文中出现过类似话题。这也验证了考生在平时复习中研究真题的必要性。




阅读文章的整体难度较上一次的简单,但是在答题过程中,如果考生不能很好的把握细节的话,则可能在做题目的时候会有一些困难。比如有一篇文章中:”Humans should not try to avoid stress any more than they wouldshunfood, love or exercise,”…很多人可能对shun这个词不太熟悉,而考官也在这里考察了大家这个词,如果大家对句子的结构比较熟悉的话,那么很容易知道这里shun和avoid应该是一样的意思。另外我们发现在文章中直接引语很多,而问题中很多问题是需要我们定位到文章中出现的引语部分的,可以说,只要你能定位准确,基本上能够选对选项。比如在讲述乐事薯片的文章中,可能很多考生看到选项都觉得每个选项里的内容都很合理,但是是不是文章里就提到的,需要回到原文去查找,而不能想当然的按照自己的想法去选择。谈论子女教育的文章看似简单,但是问题都很有迷惑性,比如说前三道题目,看看都很简单,但是要真正选对可不是那么容易的,如:If a mother adds “but” to an apology, _____

A. she doesn’t feel that she should have apologized

B. she does not realize that the child has been hurt

C. the child may find the apology easier to accept

D.the child many feel that he owes her an apology

只要对… leaves the person who has been injured feeling that he should be apologizing for his bad behavior in expecting apology进行分析,则很容易得出正确选项D。过几天我将用超精解的方法来分析一下这次考试的文章。

六级: 难度与上次考试持平,四篇文章分别为是否应该为老年人生孙辈的问题,对美国梦的探讨 ,公众对科学家不信任问题,以及全球化和信息时代对经济的影响问题。文章题材都是议论文,我们多次提到的必须注意的新闻类文体,段落很多,细节很难把握,且篇幅都很长。 因为都是选自外刊,对原文改动很小,大量的复合词和大纲中词汇的同源单词已经长难句对考生构成了很大的挑战。


四级: 词汇的考察是越来越灵活,也逐渐趋向大学英语教学改革中的一个新要求,即今后在考察词汇的时候,大纲不限定该词所考察的词性以及词义,也就是说我们所学到的任何一个单词的任何一个意思都有可能会考察到。而且一些不怎么大家常见但是不一定常用的搭配也比较多,比如locate the factory.另外大家如果对去年谈论氢弹的阅读熟悉的话,那么肯定能够选对concern about这个选项。还有deposit作为押金的意思在一年的阅读中也出现过,谈论纽约州处理塑料问题的。

六级: 难度一般,基本上不会与争议题。一半以上题的答案都曾经考过,所以说对改革前的六级词汇复习而言,真题仍然是最重要的。



六级:本次考试改错部分较难,尤其是第五和第六题。第一题考查了定冠词,第二题考查了副词做插入语的使用, 第三题和第六题考查了逻辑关系,要求考生根据上下文推导语意,第四题、第九题和第十题考查了动词的使用,第五题和第八题考查了介词的使用,第七题考查了平行结构。虽然都是传统考点,但如果没有比较强的语法、词汇和阅读能力,大部分题目还是有相当难度的。



六级作文:Being,shy 篇2

一、四六级作文最忌汉语造句、英语表达。不妨想一想, 非英语专业的学生怎么可能用英语写出完全由汉语组句构思的锦绣文章呢?

二、英语单词背得越多未必越管用。记住:用活二千, 胜背一万!

三、切勿迷信“英文写作技巧”之类华而不实的说教。无数事实证明, 考生愈是关注写作技巧, 愈容易眼高手低, 其作文就愈可能扦格难通。

对于广大英语基础尚不扎实的大学生, 提高英语写作水平的最佳途径不是盲目背单词、背语法。相反, 应该从最基本英语词汇和表达式入手, 努力熟练使用它们。请看笔者所写两篇四六级英语作文, 从头到尾没有一个单词和表达式超出高中英语范围, 它们分别是2008年6月大学英语四级和2008年12月大学英语六级作文试题:

Recreational Activities

With the development of Chinese economy, we can choose from all kinds of recreational activities today, such as singing, dancing, sports and online games, which make our life really colorful.

But every coin has two sides.Recreational activities may bring about benefits and harms at the same time.For sure, taking such activities after hard work can help people relax and get refreshed, and some activities, especially sports, can also make people better in communication and cooperation.However, things will bear good results only when they’re done within a certain limit.When we have too much fun, we are no longer relaxed but become tired instead, and we won’t have enough time and vigor for the incoming work or study.

Therefore, in my opinion, recreational activities should be taken in a proper way, especially for us collegestudents, who should learn to strike a balance between study and fun.We all know that“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”, but Jack would not be a better one when things go so far as to become“No work and all play”.

How to improve student’s mental health

As you may have noticed from the press, there is an increasing number of university students who commit suicide because they are unable to handle obstacles in their life.For sure, that’s chiefly because of their mental weakness.Thus, it’s now an urgent task of the whole society to help students improve their mental health.

As far as I’m concerned, I believe this can be achieved with efforts of both the university and the students themselves.From the part of the university, firstly, courses related to mental health should be opened to students so that they can learn more about how mentality can impact their life and how to improve their mental health in scientific ways;secondly, related university departments should appoint professional mental staff to serve students when they find it hard to cope with mental difficulties, so that the university can keep track of students’negative thoughts and timely clear them up.

And as we students play the vital part in improving our own mental health, we have to seek out some ways to stay optimistic and confident.We must remember that without the bitterness of failure, we will never know how sweet the success is;we must remind ourselves that it’s not trouble itself that troubles us, but we make ourselves troubled by it.To achieve success, we must believe in ourselves in the first place.

In a word, since mental health is important for the future of university students, related departments and students should strive together for better mentality of students, who are the tomorrow of our nation.

以上两篇作文在完成试题规定的要求方面, 可以说无可挑剔。其所使用的词汇、句型和语法知识均未超出高中英语课本的程度。细心的读者或许注意到, 这两篇简笔英语作文中没有一个大词, 没有一个难词。一些较难又是关键性的词汇, 比如“纵情玩乐”、“物极必反”、“适可而止”、“心理咨询医生”、“抑郁症”、“心理承受能力”, 等等, 在这两篇作文中都被巧妙地以英语基本词汇表达出来了, 而且丝毫没有影响对主题的阐述。

大学英语四六级作文最忌写得生涩滞重, 许多人之所以无法写得轻松, 不是不愿意写, 而是因为自己心理词汇网络中根本就没有可供驱遣的有用表达。其实, 区区百来字的英语小作文别说使用高中英语, 就是使用初中英语来写, 也不是一件太难的事。不妨再来看看笔者前几年所写的一篇四六级真题作文:

A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus

January 10th, 2005

Dear Mr.President,

I am lucky to be a student of this famous university.But I don’t think I am happy with the canteen service on campus.Firstly, the quality of the dishes is poor.They taste bad.The cooks often forget to put salt.Sometimes, however, they put too much salt.One of my classmates even found a dead fly in the soup yesterday.I really don’t want to go to the canteen for meals.Secondly, the price is too high.Most of my classmates are complaining about it.We pay more money there but we don’t get better food.That’s not fair.Finally, it’s dirty and noisy in the canteen.Tables are dirty.Chairs are dirty.Dishes look ugly.We find it hard to enjoy meals there.By the way, the canteen workers are not very polite.Some of them are even rude.Can our university do something to improve the canteen service?Thank you!

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

该文中涉及食堂饭菜质量、价格、环境、服务的所有抱怨均采用不超出初中英语程度的基本词汇和句型表达, 比如:poor, taste bad, forget to put salt, put too much salt, the price is too high, tables are dirty, chairs are dirty, dishes look ugly, not polite, 等等;而它们的表达效果比起装腔作势的大词长句来, 一点也不逊色。

阐释道理型六级作文写作策略 篇3




Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise to put all your eggs in one basket. You can give examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise to jump to conclusions upon seeing or hearing something. You can give examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise to judge a person by their appearance. You can give examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.






An old saying goes “never put all your eggs in one basket.” It warns us not to risk losing everything by pinning all our hopes on one action. I believe there is a lot of truth in this saying.



As an old saying goes, “Act in haste, repent at leisure.” The saying warns us against jumping to conclusions upon seeing or hearing something. Let me tell you a story to illustrate this point.



Rebecca Zhang, a top student in my department, has had the blues. She was turned down again at the job interview last week because of her plain looks. Zhang’s case is hardly unique in today’s society, where a person is often judged by his or her appearance.

需要提醒考生的是,用故事法开头时须注意以下三点:第一,故事要动人,能吸引读者的注意力,因此最好选择那些可喜、可愕、可悲、可叹的事件;第二,故事要简短,毕竟它只是一个引子;第三,故事讲完后要迅速地过渡到文章所讨论的话题,此时可以使用一些起过渡作用的句型,如the story is not rare/alone/isolated或sb.’s case is far from unique等。






It is obvious that if we put all our eggs in one basket and then drop it, we will break all the eggs. Similarly, if we pin all our hopes on one course of action and it fails, then we will be in a tight corner. So the surest way is to put our eggs in several different baskets for safekeeping. A cousin of mine makes a good example. Although he was set on going to Harvard University, he applied to several American universities to avoid having all his eggs in one basket. This strategy worked well for him, for he was eventually admitted to the University of Chicago.



Legend has it that Llywelyn, a Prince in north Wales, had a faithful dog called Gelert. One day the prince went hunting with his men and told the dog to stay at home and look after his baby son. On his return, he was greeted by Gelert, jaws dripping with blood. He was alarmed and searched for his son but there was no sign of him. Llywelyn concluded that Gelert had savaged his baby. Mad with grief, he killed the dog. Then he heard a child’s cry coming from outside. He ran out of the house and found the baby lying on the ground unhurt. Near him was a dead wolf. Thus his hasty conclusion led to an egregious mistake.


备受新闻媒体关注的人物也可以成为考生写作时的例子。以题目三为例,考生要论证“不能以貌取人”这个观点时,就可以举出英国苏珊大妈(Susan Boyle)的例子。在2009年的《英国达人》选秀比赛中,相貌平平的苏珊大妈以美妙的天籁之音震惊全场,最后取得决赛第二名的成绩。这件事曾被全球媒体广泛报道,成为人们热议的话题,因此以苏珊大妈为例来证明“人不可貌相”再合适不过了。请看下面的参考范文。

But it is unwise to judge a book by its cover. Consider Susan Boyle. When she walked onto the stage of Britain’s Got Talent on April 11, 2009, everyone’s first impression of her was unfavorable. In fact, many in the audience, even the show’s judges, laughed at or made fun of her plain appearance. But once she began to sing, they changed their minds. She finished second in the final and became one of the top-selling artists with her album I Dreamed a Dream. Susan’s story is a compelling reason why looks shouldn’t be overrated.






Putting all eggs in one basket is a sure recipe for disappointment or even tragedy. Thus, it is advisable that we not invest all our time, money, or energy in only one option in any endeavor.


Though such an extreme example is rare, there are circumstances in our daily life where it is tempting to rush to conclusions. So let’s always keep a cool head and think twice before arriving at any conclusions.


Looks can be deceptive. Therefore, we should always resist the temptation to judge others based on their physical appearance. Anyway, who says an ugly duckling cannot turn into a beautiful swan?


四六级作文 篇4












顺境与逆境(FavorableCircumstancesandadverse Circumstances)

勤奋(diligence;painstaking work)

谨慎和坚毅(prudence and determination)

热情和乐观(, enthusiasm and optimism)

博学和求知(learnedness and seeking knowledge/pursuit of knowledge)绝望和坚持(Frustration and perseverance)



创新(creation and innovation)


自满和谦逊(self-satisfied and modest)

合作(cooperation)等:注意替换主题词就可以了.All in all, by cooperation among each other, we will be able to explore a wider world and reach further horizon.Furthermore, whatever difficulty or situation we are confronted with, those who have the spirit of cooperation and team work are

nearer to success.Just as John Adams, the second U.S.president quoted from the ancient Greek Aesop’s Fables,“United we stand, divided we fall.”


(可以把独立换成考场上需要你写的主题词,比如,the spirit of impendence等)





1.资源保护(Energy and Resource Saving)环境保护(Environmental protection)低碳环保(low-carbon life)旅游对环境的影响(2.人口增长(The growth of China’s population)

3.社会保障问题(Social security fund)

4.假冒伪劣产品问题(Counterfeits and unqualified products)食品安全(food safety)

5.消费者权益保护问题(The protection of consumers rights and interests)

6.社会诚信的缺失(Honest is the best policy.It pays to be honest.)

It is not hard to notice that without honesty/credibility, hardly can individuals ororganizations make money, take profits, let alone obtain wealth in the long term, especially in this fiercely competitive modern world, I argue.我认为,不难发现,要是没有诚信在这样一个竞争激烈的现代社会中,从长期来看个人和组织是很难赚到钱,赚到利润的,更不必说获得财富了。

7.知识产权保护问题(Intellectual Property protection.No plagiarizing)

8.微博和微信的强势崛起(The rise of the WeiBo,Wechat)

9.传统文化的传播(traditional Chinese culture)

It is my view that national culture as priceless spiritual treasure should be preserved

and cherished.Meanwhile, there are good reasons to advocate international culture.While global economic integration has fostered thorough cultural interchanges, it is multiculturalism that essentially makes the society and its people diverse,colorful, vigorous and open-minded.Nevertheless, certainly, when we are confronted with a different culture, we should be sensible enough to absorb its essence and to resist its dark side.Only in this way can we promote cultural development positively and make our world dimensional, colorful and vigorous.孝敬父母(caring parents)(filial piety)

Only in a reasonable, prosperous and healthy atmosphere can we hope to witness the ideal scene in which our parents can enjoy their life to the uttermost.10.提高学生的身体素质(physical exercise build a strong body and relieve pressure andkeep a pleasant mood)

11.大学生的就业(sticking to our own choice of following our parent’s arrangement)

Only in a reasonable, prosperous and healthy atmosphere can we hope to witness the ideal scene in which our graduates can enjoy their careers to the uttermost.12. 大学城的建造(the construction of university town)

Only in a reasonable, prosperous and healthy atmosphere can we hope to witness the ideal scene in which our students can enjoy their study to the uttermost.先谈社会话题:


The general public is supposed to enhance their awareness that

大众需要提升对于„的意识是,In view of the complexity of such a topic, we must treat it socially, economically and culturally.考虑到话题的复杂性,我们必须从社会,经济和文化角度来对待这个话题。

In a sense, it is not why sth.exists in today’s world but what we should do to cope with it.总之,不是讨论为什么在今天的世界会存在这种话题,而在于我们应该怎么去应对他。文章最后一定能用到的表达:

英语六级作文 篇5

With the development of the network communication, social network websites has become more and more popular.Quite a few people register in different kinds of these websites, such as QQ, Renren, Kaixin and so on.Searching online for new information from these websites has become routine work for many people, who share their laughters and tears with the virtual friends made online.As every sword has two sides, paying attention to the social network websites has both advantages and disadvantages.Deferent people hold deferent opinions.Some are quite in favor of searching these social network websites, thinking that it is a great and free way to relax themselves and express their inner feelings.However, others hold a totally deferent idea.In their opinion, it is a bad habit to spend time chatting with strangers and argue that people are easy to get addicted to the social network websites, which will surely influent their life as well as work.In my view, it will do good to people on condition that they properly use the social network websites.In a reasonable range, people, who chat with the friends made in the same social network websites can get much comfort or cheer to encourage themselves to get over the trouble.What is more, it can enable people to learn new knowledge on local traditions or alien culture.As long asusing these websites properly, people can harvest many benefits.

英语六级作文 篇6

Directions : For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The Importance of Reading Classics. You

should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese :




The Importance of Reading Classics

It is widely acknowledged that classic reading is of great importance to personal growth of people. According to a recent survey conducted by China Daily,a high proportion (86.5 percent) of readers admit that reading classics helps them deepen the understanding of life.

However, people in contemporary society seldom enjoy and appreciate those classics, which stems from various factors. To be^in with, due to the quickening pace of modern life, a great many people fail to devote enough time to reading classics. What’s more, a growing number of young people prefer to gather information from Internet, television news reports and magazines. As a result,classics lose the support of the youth.

As college students, we should know that classical works present the precious accumulation of wisdom and knowledge beyond the limitation of time and space. Therefore,it may be safe to say that reading classics is a good way to promote our nation and ourselves as well. (158 词)


毫无疑问,第一段的Chinu Daily和数据将吸引阅卷老师的眼球, 同时使用了 conduct, a high proportion of, deepen the understanding of life等好词及短语和admit后的宾语从句,将形成良好的第一印象。


如本范文第一、二、三段篇幅对比和画线部分模板词句所示, 问题分析型的整篇构思清晰明了。各段落首句皆为段落中心句 (即题目所给提纲),完全符合“黄金3原则”的谋篇原则。

第一段:描述现象,引人该段中心“阅读经典书籍对人的成长 至关重要”。而后“一句话”数例为具体展现。

第二段:开门见山展现段落中心“现在愿意阅读经典书籍的人 越来越少有几个原因”,接着分层次给出两个原因支 持段落中心。

第三段:直接展现段落中心“我们大学生应该怎么做”,并简要 阐明其对大学生的好处,不作更深层次的展开。


1.be widely acknowledged 被广泛承认

2.be of great importance to对 很重要(优于经常用的bevery important to)

3.stem......... from来自于,源于

六级作文 篇7

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a composition on the topic OnlineGames. You should write at least 120 words, andbase your composition on the outline below:





Online Games

As a product of modern computer and theInternet, online games have become very popular among college students. A great manystudents have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from these games. But as we see,some students lacking self-discipline are too much indulged in these games so that their healthand academic performances are affected. This phenomenon has caused much worry fromthe teachers and parents.

However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train theability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate theirimagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring collegestudents much pleasure and release their pressure greatly.

历年六级作文题目 篇8







From the table, we can see that in the past 10 years, the number of people in a given city who have gone traveling abroad has increased considerably。 Especially in the recent 5 years, the figure has been more than tripled, surging from 40,000 to 120,000。

There are several reasons for the change。 Firstly, with the development of economy, more and more people bee better off。 And their ability to finance their trip abroad is growing。 Secondly, tourism has greatly developed over the decade。 Travel agencies offer not only domestic packages but also travel specials abroad。 In addition, individuals today are expected and encouraged to go outside to widen their horizon and to face the real world of globalization。 In this way they hope to keep themselves informed of what is going on around the world。

From the changes reflected in the table, we can predict that the number of individuals going out of the country will boost。 This encouragingly and inevitably facilitates the cultural exchange between ours and the rest of the world and this trend will be irreversible。



The Importance of Reading Classics







The Importance of Reading Classics

It is widely acknowledged that reading the classics is both important and beneficial to the character development and personal growth of the young people。 To me, nothing can bring more joy and happiness than reading those masterpieces created by great figures like Confucius and Cao Xueqin。 I believe works like The Dream in the Red Chamber and The Legend of Three

Kingdoms can drastically elevate one’s aesthetic taste and deepen the understanding of the glorious history of Chinese culture。

However, the modern society is full of temptations。 Compared with TV soap operas, sport events, and video games, classical literary works are old fashioned and time consuming。 In bookstores, “Fast-food” reading materials are replacing classics, and young writers with sensational and “cool” remarks win the support of a large number of fans。

As the salt of this world, we college students should be fully aware of the important role the classics play in broadening one’s vision。 Therefore, we should start reading and studying the treasuries our ancestors left and absorbing the essence of those classical works。 We should also advocate to the public the importance of classics so that an increasing number of general people can enjoy the pleasure of reading。



Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below。

1、 有人做好事期望得到回报;

2、 有人认为应当像雷锋那样做好事不图回报;

六级作文 篇9




① It is widely accepted that ______。 ② What’s more, ______。 ③ However, ______。

④ On the one hand, some people hold the view that ______。 ⑤ On the other hand, a great many people insist that _______。

⑥ From my perspective, however, ______。 ⑦ Therefore, ______。

① 紧扣题目论点,引出相关话题。

② 论述一些人对某一事物或现象的看法。

③ 用However转折,引出不一样的观点。

④⑤ 具体阐述两种观点,论述条理清晰,资料充实。

⑥ 表述自我的观点。

六级阅读考试作文 篇10














六级作文哲理谚语 篇11

Taking a look around, we can find examples too numerous to list. The best illustration might be English study. Without a good command of pronunciation, we can never hope to speak in an understandable way. Similarly, if we do not learn to spell properly and to acquire a basic grasp of grammar, we will never succeed in writing good compositions.

(或Actually, history abounds with examples of haste making waste. A well-known Chinese fable goes that a farm tried to help the shoots grow by pulling them upward, only to find that they died soon. Another case in point is the so-called Great Leap Forward movement in China in 1950's and 1960's. At that time, the Chinese people were so eager to develop their economy that they took some improper measures, only to hinder the expansion of economy.)

(或Here I can think of no better illustration of the proverb than the experience of my own. At the age of 11 or 12, I began to learn to ride. Eager to ride as well as others, I started by sitting on the saddle at the very beginning. Predictably, I often fell from over the bike. Lots of time had been wasted before I realized that I should do it step by step. I tried to slide by standing on one pedal. Then I began to ride the bike from under the cross bar. Finally, I succeeded. )
