一、Television Program and Their Effect on children
Television programs regularly entertain, educate, effect and even frighten the majority of our children.Most children are allowed to watch whatever program is on, with little thought on the effect that particular show will have on a child.Most programs can be classed as beneficial or harmful, according to what effect the program might have on a child.The beneficial television programs are mainly thouse that educate the young.There are often specials on animal life.A few regular children’s programs develop the child’s interest in school-type learning by stressing numbers and the alphablt, and that encourages him or her to be creative.The beneficial commercials, such as those on anti-smoking, anti-litter, and health, should be included in this category.On the opposite side are the shows, which are generally harmful to children.Many commercials, especially those sponsoring the children’s programs, are deliberately written to create a desire for an unnecessary product such as sugar coated cereals and candy.All adult programs that include violence or sex scenes can at best fill a child’s mind with confusing or misleading ideas, and could possib ly harden the child to violence.Thoughtful parents will definitely not allow their children to view the bad programs.A child’s viewing time should be limited to watching educationlly benefical programs.二、―The younger generaton knows best‖
Old people are always saying that the young are not what they were.The same comments is made from generation to generation and it is always true.It has never been truer than ti is today.The young are better educated.They have a lot more money to spend and enjoy more freedom.They grow up more quickly and are not so dependent on their parents.They think more for themselves and do not blindly accept the ideas of their elders.Events, which the older generation remembers vividly, are nothing more than past history.This is as it should be.Every new generation is different from the one preceded it.Today the difference is very marked indeed.The old always assume thaty they know best for the simple reason that they have been around a bit longer.They don’t like to feel that their values are being questioned or threatened.And this precisely what the young are doing.They are questioning the assumptions of their elders and disturbing their complacency.They take leave to doubt that the older generation has created the best of all possible worlds.What they reject more than anything is conformity.Office hours, for instance, are nothing more than enforced slavery.Wouldn’t people work best if they were given complete freedom and responsibility? And what about clothing? Who said that all the men in the world should wear drab grey suits and convict haircuts? If we turn our minds to more serious matters, who said that human differences can best be solved through conventional politics or by violent means? Who said that human differences can best be solved through conventional politics or by violent means? Who said that human differences can best be solved through conventional politics or by violent means? Why have the older generation so often used violence to solven their problems? Why are they so unhappy and guilt-ridden in their personal lives, so obsessed with mean ambitions and the desire to amass more and more material possessions? Can anything be right with the rat —race? Haven’t the old lost touch with all that is important in life?
There are not questions the older generation can shrug off lightly.Their record over the past forty years or so hasn’t been exactly spotless.Traditionally, the young have turned to their elders for guilance.Today, the situation might reversed.The old—if they are prepared to admit it — could learn a thing or two from their children.One of the biggest lessons they could learn is that enjoyment is not ―sinful‖.Enjoyment is a principle one could apply to all aspects of life.It is surely not wrong to enjoy your work and enjoy your leisure to shed restricting inhibitions.It is surely not wrong to live in the present rather than in the past or future.This emphasis on the present is only to be expressed because the young have grown up under the shadow of the bomb: the constant threat of complete annihilation.This is their glorious heritage.Can we be surprised that they should so often question the sanity of the generation that bequeathed it ?
三、How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities
With the development of modern industryu, more and more people are flowing into big cities.Accordingly, the housing problem in big cities is becoming more and more serious.People have offered many solutions to this problem.I think building satellite cities in the suburbs is more practical.The fresh air and beautiful secnery in the suburbs will be appealing to the city citizens, who suffer from air pollution, noises, etc.in the overcrowded city.With more people leaving the city, more space will be available for those remaining.The housinmg problem in big cities will thus be solved.四、Public Transportation
As part of domestic modernization, public transportation needs to be developed urgently in China.I can illustrate some examples.There does not only exist serious traffic jams but also crowded buses, underground and railways.Commuters find it hard to get to work on time due to overcrowded buses or tubes.Travelers could hardly get on buses in big cities during weedends owing to fewer buses and more people.When Spring Festival is drawing near, there is much greater –ressure on public transportation since it has to deal with a large number of travelers rushing home.And travelers need special arrangements to go home.In a word, public transportation has become bottleneck to the advanc of Chinese economy.To solve the above-mentioned problems, the departments concerned should carry out the following steps: to build more roads, highways or railways and to add buses or trains to the original lines.But ther funds have to be raised both from the government and the public.There are three sources for fund raising.One is to raise the fares for all kinds of all transportation vehicles.Another is to increase the prices for various vehicles on sale.The third is to raise the prices of petrol and diesel oil in addtion to the governmental funds.If all this money to raise the prices of petrol and diesel oiil in addtion to the governmental funds.If all this money collected is used to improve transportation services, the situation will be bettered and favorable.The third step to take is to introduce new technology in order to raise the efficiency of vehicles.For instance, the speed of trains can be increased as much as two times so that two times as many people can be held.In this way, the pressure on public transportation can be dramatically alleviated.So in a word, we need to introduce new technology to raise the speed of vehicles while having built even wider roads and added more efficient trains and huses.五、Human Education
The other day, a professor from Peking University gave a lecture ―Chinese Intellectuals and Written Cultural Text‖.In his lecture, he held that Chinese intellectuals have lost the written cultural text since the May 4th movement.His opinion set us thinking that the loss of traditional humane education resulted in a crisis of cultural education.With the rapid development of economy, the living standard of the Chinese people has improved a lot in terms of material wealth.In a period when economics take priority, people pay more aned more attention to profit.At present, moneymaking and pleasure seeking are becoming a popular fashion.On the other hand, there appears a barren field of spirit in today’s society.It has become unexpectedly hard to rebuild the paradise of traditional culture.Ideological confusion, moral decline and a chaotic cultural market, all this shows that it is the high time to have something done in order to tackle the problem of cultural orientation.Our times call for an ideal humane education.It is unwise to discard traditional Chinese culture as a whole.Some of the elements of this culture can be made use of in the reconstruction of our spiritual civilizaiton directly or wit5h some adaptation.Our attitude towards tradition should be ―discarding the dross and selecting the essence‖.The humane education of the past can serve as a supplement to our Marxist education.It should start from primary school.In this way, our children will get educated so as to be possessed of a perfect personality.The national morale will be deeply rooted in people’s mind, and will help push forward the growth of economy.To sum up, we can find it badly necessary to build up an ideal humane education.We should find an efficient way to develop our humane education and dig out5 more resources form traditional Chinese culture.六、Criticism on Television
A lot of people believe that television has a harmful effect on chldren.A few years ago, the same criticisms were made of the cinema.But although child psychoilogists have spent a great deal of time studying his problem, there is not much evidence that television brings about teenager’s crimes.For people in the modern worlds share the views of parents a hundred years ago.In those days, writers for children carefully avoided any reference to sex in their books, but had not inhibitions about including scenes of violence.The evidence collected suggests, however, that neither the subject, nor the action in itself frightens children.The context in which cruely or violence occurs is much more important.A good guide to what is psychologically healthy for a small child is therefore provided by a television series in which a boy and a girl are supposed to be exploring distant planets with their parents.In each story, they encounter strange monsters and find themselves in dangerous situations but the parents are reassuring and sensible, as a child’s paprents should be in real life.There is an adult character who is a coward and liar, but both the children are brave and , of course, every story ends happily.In my view, children should be exposed to the problems of real life as soon as possible, but they cannont help seeing these through news programs.When they are being entertained, the healthiest atmosphere is one which the hero and heroine are children like themselves who behave naturally and confidently in any situation.七、he ony thing people are interesed in today is earing more money
Once upon a time there lived a beautiful young woman and a handsome young man.They were very poor, but as they were deeply in love, they wanted to get married.The young people’s parents shook their heads.―You can’t get married yet.‖ They said.Wait till you get a good job with good prospects.So the young people waited until they found good jobs with good prospects and they were able to get married.They were still poor, of course, they didn’t have a house to live in or any furniture, but that did’t matter.They young man had a good job with good prospects, so large organizations lent him the money he needed to buy a house, some furniture, all the latest electrical appliances and a car.The couple lived happily ever after paying off debts for the rest of their lves.And so ends another modern romantic fable.We live in a materialistic society and are trained from our earlist years to be acquistive.Our possessions, yours and mine are clearly labeled from early childhood.When we grow old enough to earn a living, it does not surpise us to discover that success is measured in terms of the money you earn.We spend the whole of ourlives keeping up with our neighbors, the Joneses.If we buy a new television set , Jones is bound to buy a bigger and better one.If we buy a new car, we can be sure that Jones will go one better and get two new cars: one for his wife and one for himself.The most amusing thing about this game is that Joneses and all the neighbors who are struggling frantically to keep up with them are spending borrowed money kindly provided, at a suitable rate of interest, of course, by friendly banks, insurance companies, etc.It is not only affluent societies that people are obsessed with the idea of making more money.Consumer goods are desirable everywhere and modern industry deliberately sets out to create new markets.Gone are the days when industrial goods were made to last forever.The wheels of industry must be kept turning.Built-in obsolescence provides the means;goods are made to be discarded.Cars get tinnier and tinnier.You no sooner acquire this year’s model than you are thinking about its replacement.This materialistic outlook has seriously influenced education.Fewer and fewer young people these days acquire knowledge only for its own sake.Every course of studies must lead somewhere.i.e.to a bigger wage packet.The demand for skilled personnel for exceeds the supply and big companies compete with each other to recruit students before they have completed their studies.Tempting salaries and ―fringe benefits‖ are offered to them.Recruiting tactics of this kind have led to the brain drain, the process by which highly skilled people offer their services to the highest bidder.The wealthier nations deprive their poorer neighbors of their most able citizens.While Mammon is worshipped as never before, the rich get richers and the poor, poorer.八、Communication and Language
One of the first things we think about when we hear the word communication language.There are thousands of languages spoken around the world today.In fact, linguistis say that there may be as many as 10000.Speaking with others is an important means of communication, but we can also communicate without using words, that is by nonverbal communication.Nonverbal communication includes voice quality, eyes movement, facial expression and body movements such as gestures and change in body position.But many people do not realize that everyone uses nonverbal communication.Sometimes, we ―say‖ more with our face and gestures that we do with our voices.Books, magazines, newspapers, radio, television, are other means of communication.Today we can also communicate over long distance with the help of communications satellites.Some scientists say that soon machines will be developed for sending message through the earth.The technology necessary to build these machines is very complex.But the language we speak every day is much more complex than the most modern communication technology.九、Cooperation Goes with Competition
In our times, cooperation and competition spread over the world.Both of them speed up the wheel of economy and enrich the intelligence of mankind.It is possible to accomplish a complicated program by only one person now.As we know, the more cooperation a company depends on, the more efficient it will become in business.Furthermore, we can’t avoid competition in our exchanges.From time to time, we compare ourselves with others, expecting to catch up with others.This is the spirit of competition, by which we pursue the highest goal.It is only by competition in the market that a company can raise its reputation.Were it not for competition, say, all of us would not enjoy what we have achieved.十、he Rise of Intellectual Property Protection
说起造血干细胞捐献,还得追溯到2004年。那年正值中国红十字会的百年诞辰,中华骨髓库又恰好迎来第100 例造血干细胞捐献者,上海市红十字会在复旦大学医学院热热闹闹地举行了一场庆祝仪式。当时,我正在读大二,出于好奇,参加了这个仪式。当了解到红十字会开展造血干细胞志愿服务的艰难历程,以及许多志愿者感人的捐献事迹之后,我禁不住热血沸腾。仪式结束后,红十字会现场招募造血干细胞志愿者,我毫不犹豫地捋起衣袖,留下了血样,成为中华骨髓库(中国造血干细胞捐献者资料库)的一员。
A.in demand B.demande C.on demand D.demanding 30 I can’t understand how he can feel that his colleagues are always ready to denounce him.A.compliment B.criticize C.flatter D.challenge 31 Because of the bombing that killed six people, Washington has been urging the spokesman to______ terrorism more severely.A.charge B.censor C.blame D.denounce 32 The degree of downward slope of a beach depends o its composition of deposits as well as on the action of waves across its surface.A.sentiment B.sediment C.semester D.segment 33 Nobody at work is very happy, because last week’s sales figures were pretty _____.A.destroying B.depressing C.deceasing D.declining 34 I want to talk about all these points in_____ order of importance.A.declining
Sometimes a dictionary designates a noun as attributive, which means that it can be used to describe another noun or name its attributes.A.conveys
If you call the 911 emergency number, they will______ firemen, policemen, and paramedics immediately.A.assign
D.dispatch 37 The bus moved slowly in the thick fog.We arrived at our______ almost two hours later.A.designation
He was ______ to take over the duties and responsibilities of his father from an early age.A.deduced
My grandmother has been ill for two months, so her health has______.A.deteriorated
Smuggling is a ______ activity which might bring destruction to our economy;therefore, it must be banned.A.pertinent
The Coriolis force causes all moving projectiles on Earth to be _____ from a straight line.A.distracted
D.permeated 42 In ancient Egyptian paintings, royal figures were differentiated by making them several times larger than others.A.distinguished
The ______ of the occasion was spoiled when she fell down the steps.A.privacy
D.secrecy 44 Even if I won a million-dollar lottery, I would continue to live_____.A.subtly B.frugally C.explicitly D.cautiously 45 His wife says that he was more frugal in his youth than later years.A.listless B.robust C.thrifty D.gullible 46 To survive in the intense trade competition between countries, we must______ the qualities and varieties of products we make to the world market demand.A.improve B.enhance C.guarantee D.gear 47 Desperation, hunger, thirst, and resentment all make it more likely that people will______ a more powerful figure who promised them help and/or salvation.A.be prone to B.give in to C.live up to D.put an end to 48 She ______ at the thought of being parted from her family for so long.A.suffered B.grieved C.discriminate D.scared 49 It______ me to see him in such a bad health.He was such an energetic and strong young man only several months ago.A.depressed B.upset C.harmed D.grieved 50 I’m surprised they are no longer on speaking terms.It’s not like either of them to bear a _______.A.grudge B.hatred C.disgust D.curse 51 Participants in the Shanghai Cooperation Forum______ regional teamwork to promote investment and economic development.A.cursed B.echoed C.bounced D.hailed 52 The snow_____ my plan to visit my aunt in the countryside.A.confused B.bewildered C.conversed D.hampered 53 The trucks _____ heavy goods from factories to the ports.A.pull B.haul C.drag D.push 54 Cigarette smoking is a great health _____ and may lead to fatal diseases.A.opposition B.protagonist C.fault D.hazard 55 The manager stubbornly_____ the section director from reducing his staff despite the failing business of the company.A.hindered B.adapted C.imposed D.permitted 56 It must guarantee freedom of expression, to the end that all _____ to the flow of ideas shall be removed.A.prophecies B.transactions C.argument D.hindrances 57 Some birds______ when they look for animals to kill on the ground.A.hosed B.rolled C.hovered D.revolved 58 The full _____ of changes in computer technology will be felt within the next few years.A.affect B.impact C.action D.importance 59 The degree of economic growth is an ______ of the level of living.A.index B.advantage C.access D.aspect 60 The policeman tried to ______ the teenage driver to obey the traffic laws rather than fine him directly.A.induce B.abduct C.indulge D.lure 61 Since the package was______, the damage was paid for.A.ensured B.insured C.assured D.promised 62 The point at ______ at the meeting is whether they are to import the assembly line.A.argument B.controversy C.issue D.conflict 63 Lawyer have a terrible habit of using Latin and industry ______ to mystify people and themselves more valuable.A.inflections B.dialects C.accent D.jargon 64 As the cat lay asleep, dreaming her whiskers______.A.twitched B.twisted C.jerked D.jogged 65 The manager______ facts and figures to make it seem that the company was prosperous.A.beguiled B.besmirched C.juxtaposed D.juggled 66 The attack of the World Trade Center will leave a_______ impression on those who have witnessed the explosion.A.long B.forever C.lasting D.lively 67 His talent for music remained latent until his wife bought him a guitar.A.hidden B.sophisticated C.delicate D.profound 68 When a person dies, his debts must be paid before his _____ can be distributed.A.paradoxes B.legacies C.platitudes D.analogies 69 Now the public has an unprecedented chance to peer over the shoulders of archaeologists and historians and get a firsthand look at the_____ of the Mongols and their Asian predecessors.A.legacy B.bequest C.converse D.miracle 70 The farmer put up iron fences around the flower______ garden neighbor’s sheep should break in.A.on condition that B.now that C.lest D.but 71 _____ any one should think it strange, let me assure you that it is quite true.A.In order that B.Lest C.If D.Providing 72 After the concert, the clean-up crew found the ground______ with papers, bottles and cans.A.scrubbed B.used C.littered D.dispersed 73 I don’t understand why people_____ such a beautiful garden with cans and bottles.A.located B.provided C.protected D.littered 74 Please put your empty cigarette packets and paper bags in the______ bins provided.A.junk B.litter C.scrap D.deposit 75 Laura, who comes from a wealthy family, spends most of her time enjoying herself, but takes _____ pains with her lessons.A.little B.few C.a little D.a few 76 What he told me was a _____ of downright lies.A.load B.mob C.pack D.flock 77 A _____ refers to an animal that is born from its mother’s body, not from an egg, and drinks its mother’s milk as a baby.A.mammoth B.penguin C.mosquito D.mammal 78 He expected the House to pass the bill by a comfortable______.A.maple B.marble C.marsh D.margin 79 The tiger continued to ______ us by walking round and round our tent.A.trap B.transplant C.menace D.provoke 80 A______ of this approach is that the variables are visually presented in a style that can be understood by generalists and specialists alike.A.value B.merit C.factor D.worth 81 Americans are highly_____, and therefore may find it difficult to become deeply involved with others.A.moving B.mobile C.movable D.motional 82 The two psychologists had to modify the American Sign Language somewhat in order to accommodate the chimpanzees’ spontaneous gestures.A.change B.abort C.shorten D.enhance 83 The whole program is well designed, but some details need further _____by some experts.A.proofing B.modifying C.demonstrating D.polishing 84 A scientific law is liable at anytime to need_____, that is an eternal truth.A.modifying B.changing C.revising D.adjusting 85 The integration of staff for training has led to a good exchange of ideas, greater enthusiasm, and higher staff_____.A.moral B.mortal C.morale D.mores 86 Another popular misconception is the _____ that great talent is usually highly specifiC.A.notion B.dilemma C.domain D.analogy 87 On behalf of my company, I am______ to you and your colleagues for your generous help.A.subjected B.inclined C.available D.obliged 88 They were tired, but not any less enthusiastic_____ that account.A.on B.by C.for D.with 89 The Barbie doll comes with a whole range of_______ that you can dress her in.A.outlooks B.outlines C.outskirts D.outfits 90 Such an _____act of hostility can only lead to war.A.overt B.episodic C.ample D.ultimate 91 Furthermore, if I were to leave him, he would______, for he cannot endure to be separated from me for more than one hour.A.prevail B.preside C.perish D.persecute 92 There’s one girl at my school who everybody______ because she doesn’t wear what everybody else wears;they are horrible to her.A.picks out B.picks over C.picks on D.picks off 93 Players will be_____ against four others worldwide in a timed competition to answer trivia questions from the 1950s to present day.A.trifled B.wreathed C.instigated D.pitted 94 The criminal’s _____ for leniency was ignored by the jurors.A.protest B.demand C.plea D.defence 95 When the rent was due, the poor man______ for more time.A.pleaded B.squashed C.exerted D.cursed 96 The couple had been trying to satisfy all the needs of their only youngster, who had been ____ for more pocket money all the time.A.supposing B.pleading C.trailing D.devising 97 He told a story about his sister who was in a sad______ when she was ill and had no money.A.plight B.polarization C.plague D.pigment 98 In 1914, an apparently insignificant event in a remote part of Eastern Europe______ Europe into a great war.A.pitched B.imposed C.inserted D.plunged 99 In 1816, an apparently insignificant event in a remote part of Northern Europe______ Europe into a bloody war.A.imposed B.plunged C.pitched D.inserted 100 It is not too late, but_____ action is needed.A.right B.urgent C.hurry D.prompt
如果不幸你又选择了中科院作为博士考试的目标,嘿嘿,情况可以用“雪上加霜”来形容了。记得当年考硕士的时候,国家规定的词汇量大约是5700个(现在可 能有变化,但不会很大吧),英语六级的词汇量也差不多就这些(稍有出入,但变化不大)。而中科院的英语博士入学考试词汇大纲(以北京理工大学出版社的大纲 为准),包括的词汇量达到了近12000。这个数字达到了硕士英语大纲的两倍。虽然不能否认很多词汇之间有内在联系,可当我第一次拿到这个大纲的时候,我 从来没见过的单词多的是。废话少说吧。
第一,要有个权威的英语词汇大纲。我选择的是北理出版社的版本,其特点是综合了历年中科院英语博士入学考试试卷中出现过的词汇,比较全面,而且有一定的针对性。在看这本书之间,建议大家可 以先把六级字汇大纲,或者一些学者编写的硕士研究生入学考试字汇大纲上的所有词汇都记完。这个应该不难,大家都是过来人嘛,而且量也没那么大。第二,第一次如何看北理版本的大纲。
这本书上会有很多字汇以前没有见过,如何把这些词汇搞明白,相当有难度。在大学时期,大家都习惯拿着词汇表,从头背到尾,也有人喜欢把词汇分成几个大块,一块一块的往下记。这是个好方法,而且也比较有效果。但对大多数的博士考生来说,缺乏基本条件。因为我们这些人要么是已经工作了,日常杂事繁多,要么正在 准备硕士毕业论文,不可能拿出一上午,或者一下午的时间。我比较推荐的方法是“分而食之”。
1,拿出大约一周的时间,对大纲中的词汇进行甄别。自己已经知道的词汇放过,不会的词汇用红笔做个记号。然后把这些做了记号的词汇分别抄写到窄纸条上,并 附上其中文意思(如果不知道怎么读,还要注明音标),最好每个词一个小条。对于有派生的词汇,可以只抄下根词,余下的可以放在以后解决。把这些小条按照字 母顺序分成多个包,比如a开头的放在一起,有些词汇不多的,可以合并(大纲中,真正没有见过的词也就2000左右吧,因人而异,而派生、词组占了不少)。
2,在自己口袋里一次放一个包,大约会有30~60个单词吧。当你在忙于工作的间隙,或者散步的间隙…..(只要是有小的时间段就可以),从口袋里摸出一 个小条,快速的记下它是怎么拼写的,怎么读的,中文意思是什么,然后把纸条放在另一个口袋里。接着就可以在脑海里默记,做到会读,将来见到这个词了,能知 道它的大体意思(至少它是什么性质的词)。一般来说,半天就可以解决50个生词,而且不会误工作。就靠这个方法,我在3周内,不知不觉的啃掉了大约近2000个生词。(提醒一下,如果你在路上默记,安全第一,碰着树了,撞着墙了都没多大影响,和车车接吻可就麻烦了:))。这一步完成后,如果效果不是多好,可以重复,一般2个回合足够了。
1,每天对大纲中新记过的划红线词汇都要过目一遍。这个过程要快,一看到这个单词,就回想它的中文意思,想不出来没关系,可以参考大纲。切不可回复,非要 把它记清楚再看后边的,没这个必要,因为这个时候不会的词还多着呢,误了时间就是缩短了记忆的周期,等你把这个熟悉了,以前有点印象的词汇又失去了。注重 的是整个不熟悉词汇的过目频率,而不是哪几个单词。2000多个词,2个小时内必须扫过一遍。2,同样在那一天,要把大纲从头往后记忆。这时要轻松不少,因为很多词是熟悉的,而不熟悉的词可以再加深印象。
第三条的2款是否是多余的?非也,当全力记忆红线词汇时,以前熟悉的词也有一些在模糊,尤其是相当多的红线词汇与这些“熟悉词汇”之间,在意思,拼写,读法上比较容易混淆。这个过程,持续3周之后,整个大纲上的词汇,几乎没有你不熟悉的了,当然,汉语意思一时记不起来的还有不少。这些词汇属于那些“顽固词汇”类别,相信大家 都有这样的体会:有些词,只看过一遍,基本就记住了,而有些词(特别是拼写很类似的词汇),记了多少次,还是不大确定。建议此时专门找个小本子,把这些 “顽固词汇”特别抄录下来,每天都去对比光顾。由于这类词汇数量不多(顶多就200吧),特殊对待后,用不多长时间就记牢了。第四,一个半月过去了,大纲上的词汇基本搞定,但恰好这也是一个关键时刻。由于采用了强记的方法,表面上看大纲都熟悉了,所有的单词一看就知道它的意思,拼写甚至引申意义。但这个效果非常的不稳定,只要中断一周,很多词汇依旧让人头痛。不错,大家该猜到了,词汇进入巩固期了。
阅读理解在大家看来,是英语考试中最关键的部分,因为这部分所占的分数最多,在试卷中的地位举足轻重。有很多方面的书籍,介绍大家如何来提高阅读理解水平,却很少提到不同类别的英语考试试卷中,都有自己的出题特点。其结果是,大凡英语考试,大家都采用几乎一样的思考模式,这在相当程度上影响了具体类别考 试复习时的针对性。
很多参考书中,都提到在阅读时,不能读出声来,要快速的阅读。要达到这个水平需要相当的训练,可惜的是大部分考生由于各种原因,没有这样的条件。根据个人 的体会,阅读中,碰到的最大问题往往不是理解不了其中内容,经常让人头痛的是阅读过程中,会在一些关键地方碰到自己不认识的单词,大大影响了自己对文章的 领悟。所以第一个基本功还是词汇部分,我们不需要把大纲中所有的词汇都会拼写,因为除了写作之外,会认某个词与会写某个词没区别,即使是写作,用到的词也 都是常见的。学会用自己的呼吸来控制自己的阅读,进而提高阅读速度。这点可能不少朋友没有听说过吧,对,这是我自己体会后总结出来的。针对一个句子,大家要学着在吸气 的过程中,看明白前半部分的意思,而在呼气的过程中,看明白后一半的内容。开始训练时,大部分人达不到这个要求,没关系,重新吸气,呼气,直到这个句子看 懂。选择的文章不要太难,但也不能过于简单,仔细体会这个过程。我比较推荐的一个方法是:充分利用选择填空题目,在要填空的位置上,先写上正确的答案,然后尝试着在一个呼吸过程中看懂它所表述的意思。这不仅将来能提高选择填空的阅读速度,也提高了语感。当训练的差不多后,可以转入阅读文章了,把呼吸和大脑的思维连贯性统一起来。
这个问题,我也曾经问了自己很多次。经过尝试后,我总结的经验是没必要。说起来大家可能不相信,我觉得阅读理解,如其说是阅读,不如说是把文章的内容结构 搞懂:这篇阅读理解分了几个段落?每个段落中最重要的那个主旨句要表达的是什么意思?文章作者是以什么口气、什么态度来看待自己文章所描述的内容的?实际 就是从宏观上把握作者的意图。全面阅读有什么不好?第一个就是浪费时间,考试中的时间是最宝贵的,如果费了不少时间读懂了文章的某些内容(即使是比较重要的),可偏巧这在后边的题目中 又没有体现出来,不就是浪费时间和精力吗?第二就是使得人容易忘记其他部分的内容,当我们看第一段的时候,看明白它的内容了,可当你把最后一段也看懂之,第一段的内容你还能记得多少呢?这个问题在阅读理解进行到第三篇,第四篇的时候尤其突出,以至于头晕脑胀。相信很多人有这个感觉,英语考试过程中,觉得自 己脑力不够用,或者考试结束后有朦胧的倦意。这对后边题目的完成绝对是个巨大威胁。第三就是缺乏对整个文章的理解,由于在全面阅读过程中,人的精力集中在 具体句子的理解上,冲淡了整体的认识,而几乎每个阅读理解后的题目中,总少不了1个或2个关于文章整体概括性的题目,稍有偏差,就会出错。
带着题目返回文章中寻找答案。一般来说,阅读理解的题目是先问细节问题,再涉及文章中某一词是什么意思、某一复杂的句子在表达作者什么看法,最后是关于文 章整体的理解。由于“跳读”占用的时间比较少,记的也比较清楚,所以一看到问细节问题后,基本上就知道去文章中哪个段落中去寻找答案了。如果看到了关于文 章整体理解方面的题目,可以把各个段落中的主旨句联系起来判断,采用排除的方法,确定最佳答案。
最后,多多分析历年考试试卷,总结出相关“规律”(一种可以意会,而不可言传的经验)。我很想把自己总结的中科院英语博士入学考试试卷的具体规律写出来,可真的又不知道该如何写,只是在自己的感觉上觉得它就是这样。所以这点需要大家自己去意会,总结属于自己的“规律”。我在这里肯定的告诉各位:每个类别的 英语考试,都有自己的侧重点,都有自己特殊的规律。
1,每个段落的主旨句一般都在段的开头或者结尾,少部分在段的中间,这些句子的意思比较宽,覆盖了本段内容;在中科院英语博士入学考试中,每个阅读理解后 边有6个问题,一般来说,有3-4个是细节部分,1-2个是正文概括性的题目,1个是关于正文中某个词汇或者某个句子的问题(有些阅读理解后边没有)。
2,不幸的是,正文中比较长的,或者比较难懂的,或者有生词的句子,往往是题目中要涉及的。然而幸运的是这些句子虽然表面上看比较复杂、也很长。基本上不 是带有复杂结构的简单句,就是并列句,再不就是双重否定句(其他的可能性就不是很大了)。在“跳读”中,如一时不能理解它的意思可以暂时放过,一旦题目中 涉及到该句,切不可紧张,先分析结构,再层层理解。这时就考大家平时积累了,我强烈建议:在做模拟题的过程中,只要碰到这样的句子,就一定不要放过,摘抄 下来后,好好研究一番:这个句子是如何构成的?它采用什么句式?而实际上某一类别英语考试中,经常拿来考的比较难的句型,翻来覆去也就那么几种,无非是填 充了不同内容罢了,搞懂后就没什么神秘感。这种规律在其他试题类型中也存在,当题目类型确定后,命题小组的人就那么几个,成员相对比较稳定,每个人都有自 己的偏向性,作为一个小组,出的题目有偏向性不足为奇,关键在于大家通过自己的研究,发现它的偏向特征。
答案中一般有三种类情况,一是正确回答了问题;一是部分回答了问题,但意思不完整或者有偏差;一是干扰型,拿一些与正文无关的内容来扰乱考试者的思路。基 于这一点,我才强调一定要在阅读过程中,掌握作者的写作结构,写作心态,与具体细节相互结合,一般就不难排除错误,给出正确答案。
答案中有些选项一看就知道是错误的,这些项往往语气非常肯定,后者所囊括的范围过于宽广。因此,提醒大家在阅读时,如果发现有了有表露作者口气、心态的词 语,一定要多加留心,这些词语从一个侧面反映了作者的写作意图,与重要段落的主旨意相互呼应,就成了回答文章整体概括性题目的依据。
B,选项与正文内容相比较,要把握仔细(语气,重要的形容词侧重); C,主要采用排除的方法做不很确定的题目; D,每个段落的主旨句有关键作用;
说了这么多,关键还是自己去实践,做错了题很正常,无论如何一定要搞清楚自己为什么错了,思考命题人是如何设置“陷阱”来套自己的,而自己是犯了什么错误 才掉进去的,要如何做才能避开它。正是在总结自己错误的过程中,才能总结出自己的经验。这些偏向性,往往都是在发现错误的过程中显现的。考试心得之三:翻译与写作部分
我在考试时,最先下手的就是写作,最后做的才是选择填空。因为我能在22分钟内,写出一篇高质量的作文,字数一般都在250以上。节省了大量的时间放在阅 读理解上,而最后做的选择填空题目,每个题目才0.5分,一分钟做4个都不成问题(即使是完全凭感觉),就是错了一半,对我也没多大影响,大量的时间花在 阅读理解上,值!!前提是考试前一定要问监考的人员,是不是一定要按规定提前30分钟收答题卡。一般来说,是不会收的,我所经历的英语考试中,从来没有收过。
有不少人喜欢在考试前猜测题目,这个嘛,能猜到的可能性非常小。更多的人是担心出的题目我能不能有足够的素材去论述。没必要有这样的担心,写作的题目肯定 是大家都有一定了解的,比如说中科院近几年的写作题目:以前的工作经历对寻找新工作有作用吗?为什么大陆到现在也诺贝尔奖获得者?科研道德,最近的题目是 学生侮辱老师。如何来写作?为了叙述方便,我在此把一篇高质量的作文分成三个阶段: 一是构造作文的轮廓;
我总结的有两种,一是三段结构,大约240词左右。第一段是总论,第二段是个人论点,第三段是总结。另外一种,是针对能力比较强,对语言使用非常熟练的,四段结构,就是在第一种结构的二、三段之间,表述自己的看法。270词左右。一般情况下,推荐使用保守的第一种结构,比较稳妥,而且也很为大家熟悉。(我 也只是在六级考试中,使用了四段结构,因为时间非常充分)。
一扩展:第一段,以扩展为主,就是对作文的题目进行具体化,联系到我们的社会实际中,初步表明你对作文题目所涉及问题的态度(是赞同,还是否定,或者过度 到下一段中,放在第二段第一句来说明)使得它有80个词左右。提醒一下:很多作文,即使题目完全不一样,扩展的筐架,甚至一些常用句型可以一样。
二论述:在这段中,要明确的给定几个理由,分析第一段所提问题的原因。一般来说就是三点(firstly, secondly, thirdly),每一点要观点清楚,表述完整。随后对这点理由进行自己的分析,论证该理由的正确性或者必要性。需要注意的是,这三点的字数不能相差太 大,基本都是30词以上,该段总起来大约110词左右。
三表述个人见解并总结:表述个人见解,实际就是对第一段所描述的问题给出解决办法(如果你觉得可以多写,就按四段结构),一般不分firstly, secondly, thirdly,采用两个句子说明就可以了,但这两个句子之间的衔接一定要做好。也可以对第一段所描述的问题进行评论,而不给出解决办法(如有可能,还可 以放在第二段中,看考生个人理解了)。在总结中,一个诀窍就是,一定要采用积极向上的表达方式,不可悲观失望,这个总结非常能代表你对题目的总体态度,对 阅卷老师也有一定的影响。切记:悲观的总结态度不可取。
1,扩展题目(心里这么想的:随着中国经济的飞速发展,财富的增加,社会也开始变化了,学生在学校里不尊重老师,辱骂老师的情况开始增多,甚至在“天之骄 子”的大学,这种情况也不少见。而在三十年前,这是不可想象的。不幸的是这种情况现在已露泛滥趋势,对我们国家的未来很有危害,因而成为广大社会个阶层关 注的焦点,分析这个现象,并找到其中根源就显得非常必要了。
a, 经济发展,人们生活富裕,即使没有好的教育背景,也可以过个好生活,所以对学历不大看重,对有些学生来说,不尊重老师似乎对未来没多大影响(之后可以举例,或者进一步论述…)
b, 现在的学校,尤其是中学和大学,越来越忽视对学生道德品质的教育,采取的措施不够,不能在发现苗头后就立刻制止,结果造成现在情况…..c, 我们的老师,是不是也要为此负上一定责任呢?(是的,学生还小,有的不大懂事,但作为老师,要时刻注意个人形象,当学生为自己的朋友,尊重学生,引导学 生。经济飞速发展也让神圣的校园受到冲击,掌握一定知识的不少老师开始了社会兼职,只把少部分精力投入到教学中,引起学生不满…)
3,这种对社会具有很大负面影响的现象,我认为是暂时的(随着社会认识的深入,学校反省的力度加大…),因此我非常有理由相信不久的将来(这类不文明的情 况会越来越少,并最终在学校,学生,老师,社会等各个方面的努力下得到完满解决,我满怀信心的期待这这一天能早日到来。)
括号中的内容存在于大脑之中,有了这个简短的提纲做提示,再加上自己平时练就的句型,就能一气呵成,顺利的写到250字左右。恩,这里又提到了平时练就的 句型,不错,这就是平时积累的结果,我将在下边一一列出,大约有170多条吧。要写好作文,这些东西是最好用的武器。我经常在写作的时候,表达一个意思,有好几种方式可以利用,往往为到底用哪一个最好而发愁。
1,在写作的时候,一定要注意卷面整洁,作文当中不要出现涂抹的痕迹,写单词的时候,词汇之间要有足够的间距,词汇书写清晰,标点符号使用规范,写的作文 能让评分老师不费劲就能一看到底。呵呵,千万别忘记了,考试的时间一般都是气温比较冷,而我们这些考生习惯了用电脑,手写的少。如果能养成这个好习惯,写 作得19分是完全有可能的。2,一定要写到250字左右,这也是一个窍门。当你写的字数大约就200字多一点的时候,评分老师有可能认为你的字数不够,那你可就亏大了。如果你写到了250字,错判的情况无论如何不会出现,而且老师会觉得你的写作水平很高,得高分是理所当然。3,翻译,也存在类似的情况。
请注意,这些句型不是一成不边的,完全可以根据需要灵活处理 1.increase one’s chance of doing „„
2.couldn’t choose but do„..;Have no choice but do „„ 3.according to „..4.what’s more important is that „„.5.cherish a deep love for „„..6.it is too much of a good thing that „„ 7.run the risk of doing „„.8.due less to„„than to „„
9.find it is difficult not to do „„..10.still up in the air.11.swallow the bitter medicine it has prescribed for himself.12.an air man.13.move at a snail’s pace
14.pull the throne out of one’s eyes.15.too impatient to wait to show his true color.16.sharpen the(one’s)competitive edge by doing „„ 17.spare no efforts to do „„ 18.frankly speaking „„
19.somebody have(has)the last say on something.20.swallow a bitter pill.21.if„„, „„.will not be the last.22.seeing is believing.23.original—flavored.24.learn from each other’s strong points to offset one’s own weaknesses in cooperation.25.new initiatives unprecedented in the history of „„ 26.to do„„make no difference other than to do„„ 27.„„be hailed as„„
28.something should be carefully treasured.29.draw a blueprint for„„ 30.in the shadow of„„
31.it is no exaggeration to say that„„ 32.in response to „„
33.we will not hesitate to do„„at any price.34.should not only „„ but should also „„ 35.a racketing increase.36.open one’s arm to embrace „„ 37.date back.38.go from bad to worse.39.make joint efforts.40.keep rubbing salt to „„
41.„„ turn out to be the toughest nut to crack.42.specific to „„
43.give a shot in the arm to „„ 44.eat one’s own bitter pill.45.unremitting efforts.46.increase(reduce)by „„ to „„
47.the issue at the core of „„ is that „„ 48.an earth—shaking change.49.something, which „„, is regarded as secondary at best.50.the rapid strides somebody has made in doing „„, may have„
2007-12-12 14:46 资料 个人空间 加为好友 消息
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金214.75 币: 帖30 子: 流0 B 量: 注2007-11-23 册: 状离线 态: 专点击查看 辑: 51.as the new millennium draws near, „„ 52.it will grow with each passing day.53.keep a close eye on „„
54.in the ear of knowledge—based economy.55.reform and opening policies.56.fall victims to.57.put a brake on something.58.it make no difference other than to do „„ 59.be serious about doing „„ 60.„„ is an unparalleled wonder.61.„„, without a doubt, „„
62.„„.has mirrored the phenomenon that „„ 63.close relations with „..64.massive and profound influence on „„ 65.he attach much importance to „„.66.he urged branches to step up efforts in granting loans to ensure a healthy development.67.foreseeable.68.people from different walks of life.69.overwhelming priority.70.it is believed to have a positive impact on „„ 71.start at the threshold of the new century.72.production of this machine will mark a new milestone in our cooperation.73.achievement only tell of the past.74.it is my sincere hope that „„ 75.we are moving in the 21st century.76.he likened the blast to earthquake.77.trans—century.78.take unprecedented initiatives in doing „„ 79.crystal clear.80.in the ear of knowledge explosion.81.we will have increasingly colorful and beautiful prospect.82.in the name of.83.something is in the basic interest of „„ 84.spiritual world.85.a variety of trees.Various trees.86.blue skies, cleaning water and beautiful surroundings.87.regard more as „„ than as „„ 88.I suggest the following action.89.to conclude ,as any tool the internet in itself is neutral, it can be used for good and bad purposes.90.it is up to sb to do sth.91.step—by—step approach.92.this thing make a new phrase in our life.93.the market, backed by the Chinese government, will achieve development.94.our investment in Chinese echoes the company’s strategy to adapt to the global changes.95.put „„ at a prominent place.96.China is making every efforts to ensure steady and healthy development.97.to secure a firm foothold in the next century.98.Guanzhou is going all out to develop its industry.99.it is an unstopped tide of history.100.should strive hand in hand to do „„
2007-12-12 14:47 资料 个人空间 加为好友 消息 zmdjs 铜虫
金214.75 币: 帖30 子: 流0 B 量:
编辑 引用 举报该帖 注2007-11-23 册: 状离线 态: 专点击查看 辑: 101.„„ is conductive to „„ 102.make due contribution to.103.long—cherished dreams of prosperity.104.something means a lot more it appears.105.outstanding achievements.Painstaking(persistent)efforts.106.we have every reason to do „„
107.it is our unshakeable will to do „„
108.„„ become more and more important as time goes by.109.at this important historical moment.110.lift themselves out of poverty and backwardness.111.remove all obstacles and difficulties.112.work out a blueprint for „„
113.„..have far—reaching effects on „„ 114.„..is of epoch—making significance.115.turn a new page in my life.116.a clear—cut example.117.put somebody to the edge of bankruptcy, 118.under the rule of law.119.genetic engineering.120.a healthy cycle of development.121.the coming society will be a network civilization.122.make better—informed decisions.123.he couldn’t be called an artist in real sense.124.accumulate rich knowledge about „„ by doing „„ 125.my horizons was broadened by the Beijing trip.126.with „„,someone do have an edge over his competitor.127.facing the sound conditions in China, the still throw stones at China like a blind man feeling a giant elephant.128.the report does mind taking the trouble to do „„ in a bid to do „„ 129.the key point at issue is that „„
130.the u.s.government must immediately put an end to do „„ 131.we also lag significantly behind coastal provinces.132.regarded „„ as nothing more than empty threats.133.exert one’s utmost efforts to do „„
134.with the sovereign integrity at stake, no cost will be too high.135.make unremitting efforts in further developing „„
136.no matte how rationally principled and beautifully worded.137.we should not be so hasty as to “kill the hen to get the eggs”.138.pay a higher, or even more tragic price.139.serve the interests of „„
140.we should cast our eyes on doing „„
141.this opportunity is one that should not be missed.142.no time can be lost in doing „„ 143.on the brink bankruptcy.144.„..will be a stimulus to further the city’s development.145.put much energy into „„
146.„„ become well—known domestically and internationally.147.have paved a smooth way for „„
148.„..is the precondition and basis for „„ 149.in its true sense.150.it is by no means a simple slogan for us to say that we „„
2007-12-12 14:47
151.play a constructive, positive role in doing „„ 152.we are moving in the direction of „„
153.our long—cherished dreams of prosperity and dignity are increasingly tangible in real life.154.it is unthinkable that „„
155.so long as they do not cease to develop this lethal weapon, the world peace is virtually unattainable.156.technology innovation is a must if we want to be success in the market.157.it will become another turning point in our career.158.it is by no means a wise choice to do „„