
2024-08-17 版权声明 我要投稿


没关系的英文 篇1


首先登录Http://www.zelo.com主页,想知道Andy的含义么?在页面中Enter Name下面的文本框中输入Andy后,单击后面的Find It按钮(如图1),我们查查刘天王的底细先。结果出来了,是“Manly,Courageous”,大体意思是“有男子汉气慨的,勇敢者”。心动了吧,来给自己也起一个吧。


单击页面左侧的SEARCH按钮,弹出Search for A Name窗口,来为自己起个英文Name吧!这里有三个限定范围的选项:1.Gender(性别):Male为男性,Female为女性;2.Origin(来历):这儿一般不用填;3.Starting Letter(开头字母):用户Name中的第一个字母,

笔者选了Male项并确定开头字母为J,然后单击下文的Find Names按钮就会弹出一长串Name供我们选择,选个Jacob吧(原因在下文自有分晓),中文意思是“抓住关键”。


没关系的英文 篇2

With the development of economy and society, the frequency we contact with the outside world is becomingincreasingly high. And the world is becoming a so-called global village. There are more and more opportunitiesfor people to use foreign languages. Sometimes we cannot communicate well with a foreigner as a native speak-er does. (People here are all monolingual speakers.) It is because English has deep cultural background, whichis quite different from Chinese culture in many aspects. This essay will talk about language use between inter-cultural relationship, especially between native Chinese and English speakers in spoken language.

Intercultural relationship refers to an individual relationship exists in different cultural backgrounds throughcommunication. This research will help us have a better understanding about the language differences whichcaused by different culture backgrounds and avoid some misunderstandings.

2. Literature Review

Intercultural communication refers to language activities between people with different cultural backgrounds.Intercultural communicators may use their mother tongue. The key to distinguish whether it is an interculturalcommunication is to make sure whether both sides are belonging to different cultural backgrounds. An Americansociolinguist has pointed out that“when communicating with a foreigner, the pragmatic failures caused by cul-ture conflicts will be paid more attention by the other side, and the pronunciation and grammar errors are rela-tively easy to be accepted, because they are generally unaware of the relativity of cultural differences and prag-matic.”That is to say, expressions considered acceptable in one culture may be difficult to understand and ac-cept in another one, thus affecting the verbal communication. Saussure pointed out that language can be regard-ed as a piece of white paper, thought is in front, and followed with sound. Sapir, a linguist, said that there isan environment for language communication. (Language, Edward Sapir) When we are in intercultural communica-tion, we usually find that the speakers tried their best, but the listeners still puzzled about what they mean.Wang Zongyan called it“no effect or opposite effect communication”. It is because people from different cultur-al backgrounds share different habits and ways of speaking.

In the activities of cross language communication, the problems which need to be solved by the communica-tors are caused by different cultures and backgrounds. The key point is how to achieve the intentions in across cultural context. But whether you can understand the intentions depends on the cultural origins, historicaltraditions, local customs, and many other knowledge of the target language. The relationship between languageand thought is a question argued as a core topic in the philosophy of language as well in the study of intercul-tural communication. German linguist, philosopher Karl Wilthel Von Hamboldt argues, “Every language containsa unique world view, and each language sets a circle around its subordinates. It is possible to come out of theoriginal circle only if people get into another language circle at the same time.”That is to say, each languagecontains a unique way of thinking. People who speak different languages have different thinking patterns.

The differences between Chinese and Western individuals in thinking patterns are relative. With the commu-nication increased among different cultures, Chinese and Western ways of thinking are mutually influenced andpenetrated; the differences of thinking mode are also shrinking.

3. Study

When a Chinese talks with an English speaker, there are so many misunderstandings that we need to payattention to. But indeed they can be divided into two parts, one is culture, the other is thinking pattern. Any-one who has contacted with foreign cultures and behavior patterns will know that even though someone may begood at grammar, if he/she is not familiar with the social and cultural rules of the speech community, misunder-standing may occur, thus lead to pragmatic failures in communication. It is because the speech acts which devi-ated from the standard of behavior are accepted by the local. In other words, if a man wants to become an ef-fective communicator of a particular language, it is not enough to have pragmatic competence only, the social lin-guistic competence and its appropriateness in language use is also critical.

In intercultural communication, misunderstandings due to cultural barriers are very common, and sometimesmay hurt others. Talking in good faith may make one awkward. Also, polite manners may be misinterpreted asabsurdities. Therefore, studies on cultural differences have become important which can not be ignored. Thereare some differences in language use between Chinese and English speaking countries in appellation, greeting, praise, apology and so on, and both languages are with a strong sense of national characteristics. The followingswill explain the language use in intercultural relationship by illustrating the examples.

3.1 Address

There are some differences in address when communicating with an English speaker. Chinese pay attentionto kinship relationship, following the crucial principle“respect for seniority, prudent reserve between sexes andparticular distance”. In China, when younger generations call the elders, they use“grandpa”, “grandma”insteadof calling their first names directly. But in English speaking countries, they can call their names (whomeverthey are) directly to show intimate. In China, in some occasions, we can call people by their family names fol-lowed by their professions. For example, when we call a teacher whose name is Jia Miaomiao, we say“JiaLaoshi” or “Jia Jiaoshou”. But the teacher can be called by his last name “Miaomiao” directly in Englishspeaking countries. In China, people also call a doctor“Jia Boshi”, and a master“Jia Shoushi”. There are stillmany obvious differences in identity and status in address. It can not be separated from the deep structure ofChinese culture.

Due to different cultural patterns and psychological factors, In China, people use“old+family name”to ad-dress a middle-aged man to show their respect. But in English speaking countries, “old man”is tabooed, be-cause“old”means frail without competition. This is due to cultural differences between China and Englishspeaking countries.

3.2 Greeting

When Chinese meet each other, they always say“Have you had your dinner yet?”or“Where are you go-ing?”. Its real implication is to show their concern about each other. The signs are not used to show its literalmeanings, but they are just forms of greeting. But if a Chinese talks to an English speaker this way, the Eng-lish listener may think that the speaker would like to invite him to dinner, or want to pry into his private af-fairs. The source of this misconception is not because of Western people are not familiar with the meaning ofChinese language symbols, but because they fail to grasp the cultural connotation of Chinese culture.

3.3 Praise

It is very common that English speakers use“Thank you”to respond praises. On the contrast, Chinese re-spond praises in a totally different way. Chinese would deny the praise first, and then lower themselves. Thereare more examples of language communications similar to those ones. We should pay more attention to the phe-nomenon of the culture behind the language, and understand the differences in cultural custom, in order toachieve the success in intercultural communication.

3.4 Others

In verbal communication, things people need to grasp are not only the elements of language, but also thecultural backgrounds and the situations of both sides. For example, in English the animal“dog”is used to de-scribe a good person, such as“lucky dog”. If a Chinese understands it, the conversation will be easy and flu-ent to carry on.“Dragon”is the symbol of Chinese nation, but it is difficult for a foreigner to understand if heis not familiar with Chinese culture. There are also many differences in the use of colors.

Passive voice is widely used in English, but Chinese rarely use it. Also, It is very common to use conjunc-tions, prepositions and clauses in English, but it’s different in Chinese.

There is a big gap between Chinese and English in taboos. English are much affected by individual value, and pay much attention to private issues, such as age, income, marital status, religious belief, and political per-suasion which should be avoided in general. But in China, topics can cover everything among friends and col-leagues. Western people do not like the number“13”, so when dating or ordering the date time and room, itshould be avoided. Just like“4”in China.

Speech acts always happen instantly and change according to the circumstances. The valuable things in oneculture may seem to be invaluable in another one. Therefore, it is necessary to study and grasp the speech actin intercultural communication, and to make the intercultural communication successful. Thus, it is necessary forus to know the background of such language first, including cultural traditions, custom and habits, social norms, ideologies, language behaviors etc.

4. Conclusion

没关系的英文 篇3

关键词:英文歌曲 高职英语教学 关系



在讲课文的导入部分时,根据这个单元的课文内容和语境,选择较适合的英语歌曲进行搭配,当然这些歌曲也是同学们所喜爱的和耳熟能详的。例如:讲Wealth,Success or Love这篇文章时,我会搭配Backstreet Boys 的歌曲As Long As You Love Me,其旋律琅琅上口,而且也体现了本文的主旨 Love is the most important of all,让同学们能够更易理解课文的内容; 讲Michael Jordan and Me时,我会选择R.Kelly专门为乔丹写的,并由他亲自演唱的歌曲I Believe I Can Fly,在教同学们唱的时候,注意其中的一句歌词If I can see it,then I can do it.If I just believe it,there’s nothing to it.I believe I can fly,从中让同学们理解努力奋斗的含义,学习Michael Jordan 的拼搏精神。在选择学唱的英语歌曲时,还要注意由浅入深,因材施教,对大一的新生们就选一些节奏较缓,旋律轻柔抒情的音乐,比如Enya,Celine Dion,Shania Twain等的音乐,她们的音乐很适合精听,学生也比较容易模仿,她们的音乐有一部分为纯音乐,可以陶冶情操,另外一部分则为英文歌曲,可以学唱。另外还有一些属于Pop(流行)音乐范畴的抒情慢歌,也是不错的选择,Backstreet boys,Westlife(西城男孩)等组合团体的歌曲是最好的,他们的歌曲绝大多数都是这类风格,琅琅上口,也可以利用学生们对其偶像歌手的崇拜心理。


我们在学唱英语歌曲的时候,不难发现在歌曲中有很多我们常用的语法和重要句型。学生们在学完一首英语歌曲时,常常都能记住其中的英语歌词,在记住歌词的同时,也能记住一些常用的重点句型。例如:在歌曲“I Swear”这首歌词中有这样的句子:I swear like a shadow that is by your side。同学们可以在这个句子中注意到like的用法,作为介词“像,如”的意思以及定语从句的用法,shadow作为先行词,that引导的定语从句。


平时同学们在学习英语时,对一些单词在句子中的重读、弱读、连读等不是很清楚。学习英语歌曲可以增强语感,在唱英语歌曲时,自然而然地就纠正了平时一些发音的错误,这也是我们平时所忽视的地方。如歌词follow me around中的“e”和“a”要连读(元音音素+元音音素连读)以及it’s like I live a thousand lifetimes(前者不连读,因为it’s like 和后面的从句属于两个不同的意群)。英文歌曲对提高学生的语言技能有着积极的作用,有助于学生形成良好的听力、正确的语音语调、富有情感的表现力。





没关系的英文 篇4

Charles J. Weiss

3483 University Drive

Chicago, IL 60610

Phone: 312-790-9020

Email ID: charles_weiss@mail.com


Public relations/event planning position


B.S., Mass Communication – Public Relations Emphasis May

University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah

3.6 major GPA, 3.3 cumulative GPA, Public Relations Student Society of America member.

Achieved 4th-year level of Spanish conversation and literature knowledge.

Created personal Web site of multiple pages, graphics, and links at www.no.such.page.

Collaborated with 3 classmates to create tri-fold informational brochure for Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Salt Lake. Interviewed administrators, volunteers, and club participants to determine desired messages. Wrote copy to communicate key concepts of club’s fun, diversity, and community.


Public Relations Intern Jan.-April

Hot Shot PR Agency, Provo, Utah

Wrote press releases on new product introductions for XYZ Bakery and ABC Engineering, resulting in products being featured on KSTU Fox and KTVX ABC TV morning news shows.

Researched construction, outdoor sports, and needlecraft trade journals for potential story pitches.

Development Intern April-Nov.

Voces y Votas, Salt Lake City, Utah

Helped plan “Abr Agency” fund-raising event for city’s largest Latino political action organization. Solicited businesses for door prizes, resulting in 12% increase in dollar value of prizes and 5% increase in number of prizes over previous year.

Volunteer Publicity Chair Sept. -May 2003

Church Sorority, Salt Lake City, Utah

Publicized monthly social and educational meetings. Produced all fliers, posters, newspaper ads, annual brochures for campus-wide distribution. Created theme for each year’s activities and appropriate tag lines for each event. Annual attendance increased 2% over each previous year.


Team Coach Jan. 2001-present

Discover Card, West Valley City, Utah

Supervise 8 customer service representatives who sell credit cards. Monitor calls, give regular one-to-one feedback, establish individual and team goals. Create motivational competitions.

Promoted 3 times in 2 years. In current position since May 2003.

Coached team 4 times to monthly “Top Team” award (of 7 teams) in May-Sept. 2003 period.

Created tracking system to repair incorrect balance transfers that was implemented company-wide.


Adobe Photoshop, QuarkXPress, HTML, Excel, PowerPoint, Word

Digital, 35 mm, video photography

Associated Press style, proofreading, editing text from multiple contributors into coherent whole

没关系的英文 篇5


任何一门语言, 最根本上首先是一种言说的工具。然而长期以来, 在我国英语的学科教学中, 过于强调语法知识的考查, 使得作为一门语言学科最该重视的工具性功能难以得到彰显。语言是要言语出声的, 缺乏足够的言语实践量无法形成语感, 也就无法掌握及运用语言。很多学生考试可以拿高分, 但让他们开口用英语表述自己的见解时, 却明显缺乏自信, 羞于用英语与别人进行交流。为此, 笔者在教学中主动借助现代媒体的传播优势, 利用英文电影, 有意识有策略地引导学生进入真实生动的英语语言情境, 品尝丰富地道的原产地语言, 在实际教学中起到了显著的效果。


提出“语言输入假设”理论 (Input Hypothesis) 的美国语言学家Krashen认为, 输入是语言习得的首要条件, 语言习得是通过理解信息而产生的。在语言学习的过程中, 感受性语言行为 (即听和读) , 在语言学习中起主导作用。并且在语言输入过程中, 所输入的语言信息必须是真实的。观看电影就是一种输入的过程, 它把大量的英语语言搬到了课堂上。我们没有英语听说的语言环境, 但可以通过英语影视剧来创造一种“习得听说”的英语语言环境, 演员的对白加上其动作、神态和手势等, 还有背景声音的烘托, 也可以使学生如身临其境般学到纯正地道的英语。

加拿大多伦多大学安大略教育学院资深教授Swain认为, 尽管“可理解的输入”对语言学习是必不可少的, 但理解性输入本身还不足以导致成功的语言习得, 成功的二语学习者不仅需要“可理解的输入”, 更需要“可理解的输出”。因此教师可以在观看电影后给学生布置一些练习来增加学习的可理解输出, 如角色扮演、片段配音、回答问题等, 帮助他们能够流利地说出或使用英语, 切实提高他们的英语水平。


(1) 教学环境方面

目前的中职教学环境比较单调封闭, 普遍仍是传统教学环境, 大部分英语课堂还是教师一支笔、一本书、一言堂、一板书的形式, 缺乏让学生创造使用口语的氛围和场景。这种封闭的教学环境使学生失去实践机会, 没有可供练习口语的真实语境。

(2) 教师方面

我校英语教师普遍年纪较轻, 不少是刚毕业走上讲台的青年教师, 不熟悉教学法, 缺乏教学经验, 并且教学任务较繁重, 没有过多时间进修和培训, 提高自身的教学水平。整堂课基本都是教师一个人唱独角戏, 一堂课下来老师口干舌燥, 学生却仍然一知半解, 学习效率不高。

(3) 学生方面

对英语缺乏兴趣, 积极性很差。大部分学生认为学了英语根本没有用处, 进而丧失学习的积极性, 从而影响他们的英语听说能力的提高。还有的学生英语基础较薄弱, 入学成绩都没及格, 他们往往将英语学习看成负担, 并对英语课有较为负面的排斥心理。


(1) 英语教学改革的需要

教育部对英语教学和考试进行了改革, 从重视英语的考试分数转变为重视英语的听说读写综合运用能力。《课程标准》明确要求英语教学要以听、说、读、写技能训练为主线, 创设与实际生活和实际工作相关的教学情境, 以任务驱动的方式引导学生观察、体验、探究, 在运用中学习语言。电影教学以其集声、形、貌于一体的特点在英语教学中的运用正体现了这一点, 是推进英语教学改革的必然选择。

(2) 促进教师进步的需要

英语教师是中职英语教学的主力军, 他们的教学水平和教学能力直接关系到英语教学活动能否成功开展。英语教师必须确立新的教学理念, 学习探讨在教学的各个环节上使用多媒体来改进英语教学的方法和手段以取得最佳的教学效果。教师要认真思索如何让学生通过看电影提高他们的听说能力, 这样也会促进教师的不断进步。

(3) 激发学生学习动机的需要

学生学习效果的好坏取决于学生的学习兴趣, 而学习兴趣的强烈与否又取决于学生的学习动机。英文电影让学生以直观的形式了解英语国家的文化, 提高文化认识, 弥补文化缺失, 也可以陶冶学生的情操, 培养学生正确的人生观和价值观, 观看英文电影能激起他们的学习动机。


(1) 选取适当的影片

课前教师要选择合适的电影, 如果只是随意单纯地给学生放映电影, 那就无异于电影放映员了。教师在选片时要体现自己的教育思想, 又让学生易于接受。

教师在选取影片时首要考虑教学的情感意义。在英语教学中应该渗透一些内容健康向上、催人奋进的情感因素, 使所选的影片对学生起到激励、鞭策和引导等积极作用。如曾获奥斯卡大奖的影片《阿甘正传》充满了亲情、友情和爱情, 可以激励学生坚韧不拔、积极向上, 学生也许会获得意料不到的成功和喜悦。其次在选择片段时, 要从学生的角度出发, 正确估计学生的语言水平和理解能力, 难度要有层次性。中职学生因认知水平及学习习惯的不同, 英语水平参差不齐, 因而教师所选用的材料亦要注意循序渐进、由易入难, 使学生的听说水平成阶梯型提高, 否则就很容易挫伤学习的积极性, 降低学习的效果。

(2) 角色扮演

根据语言教学的目的和要求, 在英语课堂教学中创设模拟真实的语言情境, 让学生扮演不同的人物角色, 不但能激发学生的兴趣, 还能激发学生的学习动机。如Freaky Friday , 笔者先告知学生剧情概要, 讲述的是单身母亲苔丝 ·科尔曼和自己的女儿安娜对各种事情的意见都不一致, 两人总在斗嘴。后来吃了两块神奇的饼干后, 母女两人分别进入了对方的身体, 开始对对方的观点都有了一些新的认同。笔者节选了一段母女之间很简单的对话, 如下:

笔者先将写有语言点和文化点注解的讲义发给学生, 让学生观摩片中情景, 然后让几组学生模仿剧中人的语气、声调、发音, 接着请几组学生上台分角色表演, 最后在所有同学的参与下评出最佳女主角, 如果学生语言水平较高, 可以让他们自己发挥想象力, 配以简单的服装、道具和场景对精彩片段进行再创造。

(3) 摘抄名言佳句

笔者建议每个学生准备一本笔记本, 在看电影的时候, 不要只看热闹, 要把有用的句子、经典的话记下来, 课后进行整理。看 (听) 只是语言交际的输入, 我们决不能忽略它的输出——说, 对于比较有用的表达方式要不断诵记、反复操练, 这样才能将听与说有效地结合起来。

许多优秀影片里都有一些富有哲理的经典句, 如在《乱世佳人》一片中, 一向争强好胜的郝思嘉即使处在夫离子亡的境地中, 还是对未来充满了憧憬, 她积极乐观地说:“Tomorrow is another day!”那么笔者建议学生在他的朋友失意沮丧的时候, 就可以鼓励他说:“It’s not the end of the world. Just like Scarlett Hara said, ‘Tomorrow is another day!’” 鼓励学生经常“卖弄”他所学到的句子, 不知不觉中学生的口语能力和写作能力都会得到提高。

看电影学英语有它的优势, 但是也不可避免地存在很大的局限性。因此教师要因势利导, 充分发挥看电影学英语的优势, 努力激活学生已有的认知结构并精心设计新的语言输入, 并且力求探索输入与输出二者的最佳结合点, 帮助学生将看到的内容进行提炼和升华, 使之内化为学生自身的能力, 切实提高学生的听说能力。


[1]Krashe, S.Principles and practice in Second Language Acquisition[M].Pergamon Press, 1982.

[3]杜彩云, 张春伏.利用英文原版影视片进行公共英语教学[J].文教资料, 2006 (8) .

[4]李丹.浅论英语电影在听说教学中的辅助作用[J].新西部 (下半月) , 2006 (12) .

[5]罗永勤.论英语角色扮演教学中的师生角色[J].新课程研究教师教育, 2009 (8) .

巧妙提取英文词汇表的纯英文单词 篇6







英文的时间表达 篇7

一、 直接表达法

1. 用“基数词+o’clock”来表示整点,其中o’clock也可以省略。

如:two (o’clock) 2点钟

eleven (o’clock) 11 点钟

2. 用“基数词(按钟点)+分钟”直接表示时间。

如:eight twenty five 8点25 分

three O nine 3点零9分

二、 间接表达法

1. 如果分钟的时间少于30分钟,可用“分钟+past+钟点”表示,其中past是介词,表示“过”。

如:ten past five5点10分

seven past nine 9点7分


如:twenty five to four 3点35分 (差25分钟到4点)

twelve to six 5点48分 (差12分钟到6点)

三、 两种特定的时间表达法

1.当分钟是15分钟时,可直接用名词quarter (一刻钟)表示。

如:a quarter past seven 七点一刻

a quarter to twelve 11点45分

2.当分钟数是30分钟时,可直接用名词half (一半)表示。

如:half past nine 九点半

half past two 三点半


如:thirteen past six a. m 上午6点13分

four o’clock p. m 下午4点
