
2024-09-18 版权声明 我要投稿


漂亮标准的英文简历制作方法 篇1

Job intent ;________________

Name :________________ Sex :________

Date of birth on :____ __ __ days in the area :___________

Professional qualifications :__________________ :_______________

Marital status, current annual salary :_______________ :__________________


Residential Telephone: Company Phone :_____________

BP: _____________ phone :_____________

Personal Homepage:

Address :____________________________________________________

Zip Code :____________________________________________________

Educational Background:

The highest the highest academic qualifications :__________________________ School :_____________

Professional: _____________ Time :____ to ____ years ___ months ___ years on

The second the second academic qualifications :_____________ School: _____________

Professional: _____________ Time :____ to ____ years ___ months ___ years on

Education Description: (in this case can be stated: The refresher course, participation in school activities, positions, awards, published articles, please, where appropriate, increase or decrease based on personal circumstances)



Foreign language ability:

Foreign Language I: the basic skills test through a standard :_____________________ :__________________

Second foreign language: the basic skills test through a standard :______________________ :___________________


Work experience:

____ Years ____ months - ____ ____ in the company on _______________ _______________ _______________ sector work

____ Years ____ months - ____ ____ in the company on _______________ _______________ _______________ sector work

(Here should be the core content of the entire resume, candidates can focus on the narrative, and in accordance with the work of different individuals and focused with the specific content of work experience, especially with the job work experience relevant to the objectives; have to say most important, the most convincing proof of work experience and most of the profits for the company and related results; that tone to a firm and positive, strong; concrete work, the ability to prove that materials; writing experience, the general is to write the recent, and then the order in accordance with the age to write. recent work experience is very important. in each of the first work experience in the work of the date of writing, followed by work units and functions. In this section need to pay attention to point is that statements of individual qualifications and ability to experience, not too mention the needs of individuals, ideals, etc..)

Personal capacity:

(Such as computer capabilities, organization and coordination capacity, or other)


Personal Hobbies:

(Highlight their personality, work attitude or others for their own evaluation, etc.)


Other Description:

(Eg, awards, etc.)

__________________________________________________________________________ _

★ 最流行的英文简历

★ 日语翻译-英文简历制作

★ 简约型英文简历制作

★ 医学-英文简历制作

★ 日语翻译英文简历制作

★ 客户代表英文简历制作

★ 教师职业个人英文简历制作

★ 数据分析员英文简历制作

★ 英文简历制作销售助理

漂亮好看的标准简历表格范例模板 篇2


基本信息个人相片姓  名:性  别:男民  族:汉族出生年月:1973年11月20日证件号码:婚姻状况:已婚身  高:170cm体  重:60kg户  籍:四川资阳现所在地:四川资阳毕业学校:西北大学学  历:本科专业名称:行政管理毕业年份:1997年工作年限:十年以上职  称:求职意向职位性质:全 职职位类别:行政/后勤-行政经理/主管/办公室主任
职位名称:办公室主任;市场经理;总经理助理工作地区:四川资阳;待遇要求:3000元/月 不需要提供住房到职时间:可随时到岗技能专长语言能力:英语 熟练;教育培训教育经历:时间所在学校学历1993年9月-1997年7月西北大学本科1990年9月-1993年7月双流县中和中学高中培训经历:时间培训机构证书工作经历所在公司:成都康飞科技发展有限公司时间范围:2006年3月-2010年11月公司性质:私营企业所属行业:计算机业(硬件、网络设备)担任职位:IT-管理-项目经理工作描述:担任公司副总经理,主要负责公司行政人事、市场、财务、商务方面工作。全面负责公司注册成立及各项组建工作,建立健全了公司各项规章制度,完善公司管理机制,独立高效开展公司日常管理运营工作。电信增值业务及坚固笔记本电脑销售工作取得了骄人的业绩。离职原因:回资阳发展所在公司:四川万贯碧峰峡有限公司时间范围:1999年12月-2003年11月公司性质:私营企业所属行业:旅游业担任职位:行政/后勤-行政经理/主管/办公室主任工作描述:先后担任公司总经办主管、副主任、总经理助理职务,主要负责公司总经办日常行政事务并协助总经理开展各部门工作的部署、督导及协调工作。成功完成了公司ISO9002质量体系认证工作。离职原因:提升个人发展平台所在公司:四川宏志房地产开发有限公司时间范围:2003年11月-2006年3月公司性质:私营企业所属行业:建筑、房地产、物业管理、装潢担任职位:行政/后勤-行政经理/主管/办公室主任工作描述:任公司办公室主任,主要负责公司日常行政事务及各相关职能部门外联工作。全面参与了公司花水湾项目的报建,施工现场管理,建设、银行等主管部门的协调工作。离职原因:公司开发项目外因被流产。所在公司:西南财大出版社时间范围:1997年9月-1999年12月公司性质:事业单位所属行业:教育、培训、科研院所担任职位:行政/后勤-行政经理/主管/办公室主任工作描述:任第三编室办公室主管,主要负责作者来搞筛选、整理,校对,印刷协调,作者协调,学术会务组织等工作。离职原因:家庭需要回家其他信息自我评价:本人为人正直热忱,工作认真细致,责任心强,具备优秀的组织管理和协调能力、敏锐的观察和市场洞悉能力,十几年各行业丰富的工作经验,能快速适应并接收新工作,期待贵公司能提供一个施展自己才华的平台。发展方向:希望能任行政人事经理,并能提供良好的晋升空间。可从公司基层工作做起。其他要求:购买社保。联系方式


基本信息个人相片姓  名:性  别:女民  族:汉族出生年月:1988年12月19日证件号码:婚姻状况:未婚身  高:161cm体  重:49kg户  籍:四川资阳现所在地:四川资阳毕业学校:四川财经职业学院学  历:专科专业名称:市场营销毕业年份:2011年工作年限:职  称:求职意向职位性质:全 职职位类别:职位名称:工作地区:待遇要求:元/月 不需要提供住房到职时间:可随时到岗技能专长语言能力:教育培训教育经历:时间所在学校学历培训经历:时间培训机构证书工作经历其他信息自我评价:发展方向:其他要求:联系方式

英文简历标准 篇3

Chinese Name:Guoqiang Zhang

English Name: Eddy Zhang


Sex: Male

Born: 6/12/82

University: Beijing University

Major: Marketing

Address: 328#, Beijing University

Telephone: 1398****451

Email: ****@163.com


Job Objective:

A Position offering challenge and responsibility in the realm of consumer affairs or marketing.


- Bejing University, College Of Commerce

Graduating in July with a B. S. degree in Marketing.

Fields of study include: economics, marketing, business law, statistics, calculus,psychology, sociology, social and managerial concepts in marketing, consumer behavior, sales force management, product policy, marketing research and forecast,marketing strategies.

1994-2000 The No.2 Middle School of Xi“an.


Social Activities:

2000-2004 Secretary of the Class League Branch.

1994-2000 Class monitor.

Summer Jobs:

Administrative Assistant in Sales Department of Xi”an Nokia Factory. Responsible for public relations, correspondence, expense reports, record keeping, inventory catalog.

Provisional employee of Sales Department of Xi“an Lijun Medical Instruments & Equipment (Holdings) Company. Responsible for sorting orders, shipping arrangemeents, deliveries.


Internet-surfing, tennis, travel.

English Proficiency:

College English Test-Band Six.

Computer Skills:

Microsoft office, Adobe Photoshop, etc.


References will be furnished upon request.

标准中英文简历 篇4








最快入职时间:马上 个人工作风格和专业突出技能:


XX有限公司2010年7月-2012年11月 公司介绍:







1,2。。离职原因 教育背景





2003年11月-2004年6月,青岛大学,培训课程:计算机应用,所获证书:二级 2003年9月 – 2006年6月,青岛大学,培训课程:英语,所获证书:CECT4 2012年3月-至今,青岛理工大学,培训课程:CAD,NX6.0





Recommend Resume



Civil state:Married





XX Co., Ltd2010/07--2012/10

Position:Purchasing Specialist/Staff

Job Description:

Purchasing materials: 1,2,3,4.。。


1,2,3,4, Qingdao University2003/09-2007/07

Major:Advertisement/Bachelor degree Degree:Bachelor degree

2005/09--2007/03,Qingdao University ,Training Course:PHOTOSHOP7.0 2003/11--2004/06,Qingdao University ,Training Course:Computer training

2003/09--2006/06,Qingdao University ,Training Course:English training/CECT4 2012/03-2012/9,Qingdao Technological University,Training Course:CAD,NX6.0

Compensation(before Tax)

符合标准财务会计英文简历 篇5

Name: XXX

Sex: Female

National: Han

Political features: members

Academic qualifications (degree): Undergraduate

Profession: Accounting

Contact Tel: 12345678

Mobile: 13901111234

Contact Address: Dongcheng District, Beijing on the 10th Street XX

Post Code: 100007

Email Address:www.wdjl.net

Educational background

Graduate institutions: Beijing Financial Institute 1993.9 - .7 Accounting

Business and special

* Title Assistant Accountant, familiar with the national financial system and related policies and regulations

* Level 6 in English, familiar with a variety of English business letter writing format

如何制作高水准的英文简历 篇6





6. YRIS Your resume is scanned, not read.(“YRIS”)。一方面简历要写得好,另一方面招聘人员看简历只是扫描式的,最初看也就是5秒钟左右,写得不好就扔了。首先你应明白两点:第一,要了解招聘人员的工作性质。第二,要熟悉行文格式、专业写作。另外,YRIS还说明写的内容千万不要多,而且要控制在一页内,因为没有人会认真看您的简历。











英文简历制作 篇7

Sex: FEMale

Born: 6/12/86

University:zhongshan University

Major: Marketing

Address: 388#,zhongshan University



Job Objective:

A Position offering challenge and responsibility in the realm of consumer affairs or marketing.


20xx-20xx Bejing University, College Of Commerce

Graduating in July with a B. S. degree in Marketing.

Fields of study include: economics, marketing, business law, statistics, calculus,psychology, sociology, social and managerial concepts in marketing, consumer behavior, sales force management, product policy, marketing research and forecast,marketing strategies.

20xx-20xx The No.2 Middle School of Xi”an.

Social Activities:

20xx-20xx Secretary of the Class League Branch.

20xx-20xx Class monitor.

Summer Jobs:

20xx Administrative Assistant in Sales Department of Xi“an Nokia Factory. Responsible for public relations, correspondence, expense reports, record keeping, inventory catalog.

Provisional employee of Sales Department of Xi”an Lijun Medical Instruments & Equipment (Holdings) Company. Responsible for sorting orders, shipping arrangemeents, deliveries.


Internet-surfing, tennis, travel.

English Proficiency:

College English Test-Band Six.

Computer Skills:

制作高水准的英文简历-个人资料 篇8

1. 名称 有四种写法:Personal, Personal Information, Other Information, Additional Information。无论是教育背景、工作经历,还是个人资料,既可以首字母大写,也可以全部字母大写,还可以全部字母小写。哈佛商学院的标准格式却是全部字母小写,这在主流商业社会中已沿用多年。另外,名称可以写在最左侧,也可居中。

2. 语言 有几个层次。Native speaker of指母语;从严谨的角度讲,Fluent in显得更流利;English as working language显得非常不流利,但可靠性更强; Some knowledge of 会一些,没有把握的千万别写。在面试中,语言是最轻松的,一旦被考倒,他会认为你在撒谎,甚至认为通篇简历都有很多撒谎的地方。

3. 电脑 中国人最爱用“熟悉”(familiar),无论中文还是英文简历。“熟悉”是一个很弱的字眼,说明你不熟练,不常用。如果几个软件,有的熟练,有的熟悉,建议只写软件名。完全没把握的,一点儿不熟悉的,千万不要写。不要以为没有电脑,就不会考你,他也会考你一两个关键用法。如果真的用的很多,不妨用“Frequent user of”。

4. 资格证书 最需要注意的是,有些人将注册会计师笼统地翻译成CPA,但全世界各国都有自己的CPA,有些是互不承认的,所以一定要写上国别,写明考取年份。有一些业余爱好,能显示出一定素养的内容,也可以写上,如钢琴考级。TOEFL、GRE和GMAT,最好哪个都不写,因为外资公司一般都希望新聘雇员不要很快就离开,如果他们知道您要出国的话,当然不愿充当无谓的跳板。但也有例外,如一些美国的大型咨询公司,如McKinsey, BCG,Bain, A T Kearney, Booz Allen等,以及华尔街的投资银行。他们会在北大清华这类学校招聘应届毕业生作Analyst(级别相当于科员),三年之后自动期满,一般都会去美国读MBA,若知道您已把TOEFL与GMAT考完,他们就不再担心您会在工作期间,利用业余时间去听课了。要知道,这类公司每周平均要工作100小时左右。

5. 爱好与特长




英文简历制作及点评 篇9

-beijing University of *****

Bachelor of Food engineering GPA: 4.69 Ranking: 1/512

2008- ****University

Master of Food Science GPA: 3.58

Honor and Certificate

New TOEIC Scored 950 in Nov, 2008

First prize in the National English Contest for College Students in May,

First prize in the English Vocabulary Contest for College Students in Hunan

Excellent graduate of Hunan Province in May,

National scholarship during 2004-2005

First class scholarship (top 31%) of SCUT during 2007-



University Experience

 Convenient Food Innovative R&D Competition 2008.3—2008.9

 Led our team, which is consisted of 8 postgraduates,enter the final competition

 Took charge of the conception ,planning and implementation of the product

 Student Almond Product Innovation Competition 2008.4—2008.9

 Led my team,Food Fantasy,enter the final competition and won 1000 RMB fund while 160 competitors existed all over the country

 President of liaison Department in Student Union 2005.9—.7

 Successfully cooperated with sponsors such as Dawn Glass,and Charm Creating in extracurricular activities

 Planed and organized a uniting activity among 7 universities in Changsha

 President of entertainment Department in my institute 2004.9—2005.7

 Successfully held two huge evening parties and a singing competition

 Society Experience

 Volunteer of 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games 2008.11—present

 Arranged the conference room where the mayor attended

 Successfully led a team of 13 people finish a survey about 10 uncivilized behaviors of Guangzhou residents sponsored by OCA,and was covered by 6 medias like Xinhuanet,163,Sohu,etc

 China mobile Audio & Video club in Guangzhou 2008.9—2008.10

 Promoted 139 mailbox of Guangdong Mobile

 Sold the A&V products of Beijing Yixun Cooperation

 Changsha branch company of Carslan 2005.9—2006.1

 Took in charge of Carslan’s business in campus as a sales representative

 Achieved over 1,000 RMB sales volume per month


Skills and Hobbies

Fluent oral English and proficient in MS Office

点评:1、量化的数据提高简历的含金量,如:校特等奖学金(Top 0.3%) ,不仅是特等,更强调很小的比例,进一步体现人选的竞争优势;






项目经理个人英文简历制作 篇10

Name: xxx

Sex: Male


Contact Tel:

Place of residence are:

Nationality: Canada

Education: Bachelor

:***** University graduate school

Profession: E-technology and computer applications

Job direction: the project manager or related position

Work experience

More than eleven years experience in IT working in the field, including the bottom of device software development, application software development, as well as experience in the development of intelligent electronic devices

Successful multi-country (China, the United States, Canada) project development and management experience

Deep experience in organization and management team, gifted learning ability can be quickly integrated into any work environment challenging

A wide range of software, hardware, network application and development of knowledge, including those based on ERP, client / server architecture, database management software project development

Proficient in Windows, Linux and FreeBSD and other operating systems, and based on these operating systems and application software development

Remarkable in both Chinese and English verbal and writing skills, good at using Chinese and English to do a variety of technical presentations and live scenes technology exchange

Canadian citizen, is willing to work according to the needs of the domestic or international travel

Job skills

Software Development Language: C / C + +, Assembly, Java, Visual Basic, Pascal, MS SQL, PowerBuilder and InstallSheild

Operating System: DOS, Windows 95/98/NT//XP/, Linux and FreeBSD

Development of debugging tools: MASM, MSVC1.5, CodeView, Windows 98/NT/2k/XP DDK, VC + + 6.0, VB 6.0, gcc, gtk / gdk, gdb, KGDB, DDD, KDevelop, QtDesigner, SoftICE, WINdbg, VMware, UltraEdit, Microsoft Visual SouceSafe 6.0, CVS, MS SQL Server, logic analyzers, IDE analyzers, oscilloscopes, multimeter

Work history

********** Technology, Inc.

Software Project Manager

With customers to discuss product requirements and provide technical solutions; the coordination of cooperation between different team, the distribution of the team

Members of the task; maintenance, upgrades of existing software version.

************ Corporation

Software project manager from 2003 to

Duties: to discuss product requirements with customers to provide technology solutions and coordinating cooperation among the different team, the allocation of tasks of the team members; iSCSI-based storage devices network technology R & D Linux drivers; for Gigabit Ethernet Linux driver development; the use of gdb, KGDB and DDD debugging tools such as Linux device drivers; KDevelop and Qt Designer with the development of Linux software testing; assessment of a new generation of data storage equipment.

Project experience:

1. Project ********* Time: July 2000 ~ March 2003

Pricing is responsible for MS SQL Server and various pharmacies, hospitals, Access database design and development work and the preparation of the client software to print statements and invoices.

2. Project ********* Time: December 1999 ~ August 2000

Responsible for project-based Client / Server and TCP / IP application development, the realization of wide-area network, local area network data transmission credible.

3. Item ********** Time: June 1999-December 1999 involved in the project of LAN / WAN design, implementation, maintenance and systems integration program to write.

4. Item ********** Time: July 1998 ~ June 1999

Participation in development projects in enterprise logistics management software, and is independent of the realization of inventory management module.

Training history

Attended by MCSE, MCDBA, MCSD, MCP + Internet, MCP and other internationally recognized certification of IT technology.

Personal characteristics
