
2024-09-25 版权声明 我要投稿


现在进行时讲稿 篇1



肯定句:主语+be(is/am/are)+现在分词 否定句:主语+be(is/am/are)+not+现在分词 一般疑问句:be(is/am/are)+主语+现在分词

特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+相应be动词+主语+现在分词 下面我们对照着每一种的构成在例句中加深理解。


(1)直接+ ing


(3)双写辅音字母+ing 不规律的变化包括:

(4)以ie结尾变ie为y+ing(5)在结尾加k再加ing 那么到这里我们学习呢就先告一段落,接下来我们来做一些练习,加深大家的理解。

现在进行时讲稿 篇2



现在进行时表示现在或当前一般时间正在进行的动作, 可以表示有计划的未来。现在进行时由“be+v-ing”构成。


1.表示说话时正在进行的动作或发生的事, 常和now, righ now, at this moment等时间状语连用。

The water is boiling.You can make tea.水开了, 你可以沏茶了。

Don’t go out.It is raining hard outside.不要出去, 外面雨下得很大。


(1) —Have you handed in your schoolwork yet? (2007年辽宁卷)

—Yes, I have.I guess itnow.

A.has graded B.is graded C.is being graded D.is grading

(2) —I don’t suppose the police know who did it. (06江苏卷)

—Well, surprisingly they do.A man has been arrested and now.

A.has been questioned B.is being questioned

C.is questioningD.has questioned

(3) —I’m not finished with my dinner yet. (2010北京卷24)

—But our friends__________for us.

A.will waitB.waitC.have waitedD.are waiting

(4) Food supplies in the flood-stricken area__________.We must act immediately before there’s none left.【2012重庆】

A.have run outB.are running out

C.have been run outD.are being run out

解析:第 (1) 题句意为:“你的作业上交没有?是的, 交了。我猜想作业正在批改中”答案为C。第 (2) 题中, 时间状语为now, 可以判定答案在B和C中选择, 男子应该是被逮捕和审讯, 所以答案为B。第 (3) 题句意:“我晚餐还没有做好。但是我们的朋友在等。”表示正在等待, 言下之意为:“我们要加快点了, 朋友们在等呢!”答案为D。第 (4) 题句意为“洪水袭击地区的食物供应正在减少, 我们必须在消耗完之前马上行动。”答案B。

2.表示现阶段正在进行的动作或发生的事, 常和these days, this week, at present等时间状语连用, 这是现在进行时的“阶段性”特征。

John is losing hair.约翰近来脱发了。

It is snowing outside.外面在下雪。

Everyone is losing money these days.现在大家都在丢钱。


—I hear you__________in a pub.What’s it like? (2011江苏卷, 21题)

—Well, it’s very hard work and I’m always tired, but I don’t mind.

A.are workingB.will work

C.were workingD.will be working

解析:根据句意:“听说你在一个酒吧工作。感觉怎样?喔, 工作很辛苦人很累, 但我不介意。”将来时态和过去进行时都不合适, 因为问的是现阶段的事。答案为A。

3.现在进行时和非延续性动词的连用, 表示将来的动作。这些非延续性动词包括begin, start, have, go, come, leave, drive, move, arrive, take, get, stay, fly, finish, return, go off, see off, die, take off等动词。如:

My mother is coming to see me tomorrow.我母亲明天要来看我。

I am changing my hotel.我打算换旅馆。


I’ve won a two-day holiday to Florida.I__________my mum. (2001春季高考)

A.am taking B.have taken C.take D.will have taken

解析:该题正确选项为A, I am taking my mum意为我要带我妈妈去。

4.现在进行时和always, continually, continuously, constantly, forever等连用, 表示重复的动作或说话人表扬、批评、抱怨、或厌恶等感情色彩。如:

He is always finding fault with what I say.他老是对我说的话吹毛求疵。 (不满)

Jim is always coming late to class.汤姆总是上课迟到。 (批评)

She is always helping others.她总爱帮助人。 (表扬)

That old car of Tom’s is always breaking down.汤姆的那辆老爷车总是歇火。 (抱怨)

5.现在进行时常表示临时性、暂时性的动作, 有时暗示动作还没有结束。如:

She is writing a book, but I don’t know if she has finished it.她正在写一本书, 但我不知道她是否写完了。

His car has broken down.She is going to work by bike.她的小汽车坏了, 现在骑自行车上班。


(1) I don’t really work here;I__________until the new secretary arrives. (NMET 1994)

A.just help out B.have just helped out

C.am just helping out D.will just help out

(2) —Is this raincoat yours?

—No, mine__________there__________behind the door. (NMET 1997)

A.is hanging B.has hung C.hangs D.hung

解析:第 (1) 题正确选项为C, 句意为:“我实际上不在这儿工作, 我只是在新秘书未到的这段时间里帮忙而已。”第 (2) 题正确选项为A, 只要“我”的雨衣现在正在门后挂着, 就可以说明this raincoat不是“我”的, 完全没有必要说“我”的雨衣经常在门后挂着, 所以选项C不合适。

6.现在进行时表示一个渐进的或变化的发展过程, 有时含有“刚刚开始, 逐渐开始”的含义。例如:

I am remembering her more and more.我慢慢地记起她了。

I’m forgetting my English我的英语开始忘了。

The leaves are turning red.树叶渐渐地变红了。

适合于此种用法的动词有:bet/grow/become/turn/run/go变成, begin开始, forget忘记, remember记得, die死, finish完成, find发现, rise增强等。


Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology__________so rapidly. (NMET 2001)

A.is changing B.has changed

C.will have changed D.will change

解析:该题正确选项为A, Technology is changing rapidly.是说技术在飞速发展。



He is being foolish.他在装傻。

He is being honest.他表现得特别老实。 (其实未必老实)

I can’t understand why he is being so selfish.我不明白此时他为何如此自私。


He is polite.他很懂礼貌。 (通常的情况)

He is being polite for the moment.他现在倒是很懂礼貌的。 (平时不是如此, 只是现在如此)


某些动词, 如hope, want, wonder等与进行时连用时, 常探询式地表示一种愿望或态度。此用法在语言上显得含蓄、委婉, 如果改用现在时, 就显得不那么隐讳且稍欠礼貌。

I’m hoping to borrow some money.我希望借些钱。

I was wondering if you could help me.不知道你能否帮助我。




The computer works perfectly. (经常性)

The compouter is working perfectly. (暂时性)


He goes to work by bike. (经常性)

His car has broken down.He is going to work by bike. (临时性、暂时性)

2.一般现在时表示持续性、永久性的动作, 没有时间的限制;现在进行时表示短暂性动作。


The bus stops. (迅速停车)

The bus is stopping. (渐渐地停下来)


She lives in Nanjing. (永久性)

She is living in Nanjing. (短时间居住)

3.一般现在时是客观陈述, 不带感情色彩;现在进行时带有感情色彩。

Jane does fine.约翰干得好。 (客观陈述是一个事实)

Jane is always doing dine.约翰总是干得好。 (表扬, 称赞)

He always looks for faults.他吹毛求疵。 (他一贯如此———事实)

He is always looking for faults.他总是吹毛求疵。 (他有点讨厌, 表示不满、愤怒)





一般现在时与现在进行时讲解 篇3

1. 一般现在时态的构成:主语是I,we,you,they和名词复数时作谓语的行为动词用原形。主语是he,she,it和名词单数时,作谓语的行为动词的词尾变化如下:

2. 一般现在时态的肯定句、否定句和疑问句形式(以be和like为例):

3. 一般现在时态的用法:

表示现阶段经常性、习惯性的动作 。例如:

I get up at six every morning.

He plays tennis once a week.


My mother is a teacher. She teaches English in a school.


The earth goes around the sun.

4. 常用于一般现在时态的时间状语:

包括often,usually,sometimes,always,every day,never,in the morning 等。


1. ——May I help you,sir?

——Yes, I bought the TV the day before yesterday,but it ______.

A. didn’t workB. doesn’t work

C. won’t work D. can’t work

解析:电视虽然是前天买的, 但坏了是现在的状态, 应该用一般现在时态。选B。

2.______ the bus until it ______.

A. Get off, stopsB. Get off, will stop

C. Don’t get off, stopsD. Don’t get off, will stop


3.The 70-year-old man ______ exercises in the morning.

A. takesB. are taking C. took D. will take



1. 现在进行时的构成:am/is / are+ v-ing是现在进行时的构成形式。


2. 现在进行时的肯定句、否定句、疑问句形式:

3. 现在进行时的用法:


She is having a bath now.


You are working hard today.

Kate wants to work in Italy, so she is learning Italian.

The population of the world is growing very fast.

③与频度副词always、forever等词连用时, 表示某种强烈的感情。如:

He is always trying out new ideas. (表示欣赏、表扬)

④表示按计划即将发生的动作(仅限于go、come、arrive、leave、start、 fly、begin、stay 等动词)。如:

The party is beginning at 8 o’clock.

4. 常用于现在进行时态的时间状语: now、right now、 at present等。


1.I don’t think that it’s true. She’s always ______ lies.

A. tellB. tells C. tellingD. told

解析:always在这里应与现在进行时连用, 带有感情色彩, 表示讨厌。选C。

2. How ______ you ______ with the new job?

A. do, doB. do, get along

C. are, doing D. are, getting on


3.——Are these socks yours?

——No. Mine ______ outside on the clothes line.

A. are hanging

B. have hung

C. hang

D. hung

现在完成进行时教案 篇4

常德淮阳中学 肖祥法

Teaching aims:

1.Review the grammar—— Continuous Tense 2.Master the basic structure of the Present Perfect Continuous Tense 3.Figure out the difference between Present Perfect Tense and Present Perfect Continuous Tense Knowledge aims: Teaching key point: Master the basic structure and the significance of Present Perfect Continuous Tense Teaching difficult point: How to distinguish the Present Perfect Tense and Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Teaching Procedures: Step 1Greet the class as usual Step 2 Lead-in Ask some students the questions:What are you doing now? When did you begin to study English? Help the students answer: We’re having an English class.We began to study English about 6 years ago.You’re studying English now.You’ll go on studying English.So, we say:“You have been studying English for about 6 years”How long have you been studying English? 引出现在完成进行时

Step 3 New study 1.The basic Structure of the Present Perfect Continuous Tense


主语 + have/has + been + doing 划线识别题

Those cats have been screaming for two hours.We have been waiting for him for two hours.It has been raining all day.I have been living here since three years ago.He has been reading this book for a week.You have been singing all day.2.the significance of Present Perfect Continuous Tense 引例句:

It began raining two hours ago.It is still raining now.通过以上两句引出:

It has been raining for two hours.已经下了两小时的雨了。




常搭配时间状语: since + 时间点;for + 时间段;all day等。


Tom began playing games at 8 o’clock.He is still playing games now.Tom has been playing games since 8 o’clock.分析句子

It has been snowing all day.We have been waiting for you since 6 o’clock.They have been chanting for three hours.翻译


He has been sleeping all day.Lily 已经哭了一小时了。

Lily has been crying for an hour.你已经学了六年英语了。

You have been learning English for six years.现在完成进行时的意义



They have been building the bridge for two month.He has been playing basketball since he was ten.Maggie has been teaching English for ten years.翻译


He has been playing football for eight years.自从今年开始我一直坚持早起。

I have been getting early since this year.从昨天晚上以来我就一直告诉他别去。

I have been telling him not to go since last night.3.How to distinguish the Present Perfect Tense and Present Perfect Continuous Tense 现在完成时与现在完成进行时的区别


He has changed his idea.他改变了想法。


We have been studying here for two years.我们在这儿已经学习了两年了。




I have been learning/learned English for ten years.I have been living/lived here since three years ago.不同点:




He has sung for two hours.He has been singing for two hours.Step 4 Practice —I have got a headache.—No wonder.You ______ in front of that computer too long.A.work B.are working C.have been working D.worked —I’m sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final.—I think so.He ______ for it for months.A.is preparing

B.was preparing C.had been preparing

D.has been preparing Excuse me, Marcia, a reporter from Vanity Fair ______ all day.Could you speak to her now? A.phones B.has phoned C.has been phoning

D.phoned 翻译


I have been calling you since last night。


I have been waiting for you for two hours.我已经工作一整天了。

I have been working all day。




现在完成进行时的形式:主语 + have + been doing 现在完成进行时的意义:1.过去发生的动作一直持续到现在 2.在一段持续的时间内动作的多次重复 现在完成时与现在完成进行时的比较:






Step 6 Homework



1.Tom ______ in the library every night over the last three months.A.works B.worked C.has been working D.had been working 2.Now that she is out of a job, Lucy ______ going back to school, but she hasn’t decided yet.A.had considered B.has been considering C.considered D.is going to consider

3.I won’t tell the student the answer to the math problem until he ______ on it for more than an hour.A.has been working B.will have worked C.will have been working D.had worked

4.Cathy is taking notes of the grammatical rules in class at Sunshine School, where she ______ English for a year.A.studies B.studied C.is studying D.has been studying 5.—I have got a headache.—No wonder.You ______ in front of that computer too long.A.work B.are working C.have been working D.worked 6.—I’m sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final.—I think so.He ______ for it for months.A.is preparing B.was preparing C.had been preparing D.has been preparing 7.Excuse me, Marcia, a reporter from Vanity Fair ______ all day.Could you speak to her now? A.phones B.has phoned C.has been phoning D.phoned 8.Over the past decades, sea ice ______ in the Arctic as a result of global warming.A.had decreased B.decreased C.has been decreasing D.is decreasing 9.—Why, Jack, you look so tired!

现在进行时初三作文 篇5


比赛的高潮从这里开始,每个人都悬着一颗心期待着终场哨的响起。篮球场上,篮球成了最受瞩目的焦点。一颗球牵动着一群人的心,带动着人们为它奔跑。加时赛开始了,场上气氛略带不安,躁动的心等待着欢呼的瞬间。篮球传到一班队员的手中,展开大举进攻,队友的团结掩护带球手,十班队员不甘示弱,穷追不舍,正与传球之间带着极大的危险,投球,好样的!一片欢腾,一班领先两分。球落到十班队员手中,受到了刺激,略微凶猛,冲到篮框下,准备投球。不愿刚领先的分数再次被拉平,一班队员猛然跳起,试想将球打落,谁知打手犯规,十班被判罚球。   果然不负众望两球全进,比分再次被扳平,28:28。十分钟很快过去,由于比分相等。决定再次加时。这无疑是给同学们心上压上一块大石,气氛凝重的让人透不过气。这对选手无疑是压力,给场外同学相当于是晴天霹雳。矿泉水一罐罐被消灭,手中的水瓶被同学们给捏变形,而紧张依旧没有减少,反而越发的激动。   第二次加时赛开始了。赛场上成白热化状态,僵持之势。一班24号选手带球进攻,十班队员紧随其后,传球,一班20号队员接到球,带球上篮,进球!又是一阵欢腾。十班1号抢过球,马上开始进攻,焦点聚集在他的身上,一个漂亮的姿势投篮,技术真不赖,比分又被扳平。球再次回到一班队员手中,只见,24号带球突出重围,正要投篮,十班1号跳起,打手犯规,一班被判罚球。二球只进一球,一班领先一分。开始进入倒计时,不能把到手的胜利丢了,十班队员正要投球,一班队员跳起,想将球打落,措手不及,打手犯规。时间已完,这意味着这一罚球,将决定着胜与负,两球都进,十班获胜,只进一球,将进行第三次加时,两球都没进,一班获胜。


现在进行时讲稿 篇6

1.Look!Some children______(play)gameson the playground.


正确答案是:are playing.

2.Look!My mother______(buy) a gift for mynext-Wednesday birthday.



3.Look!Someone______(come) here.Whowas it?

解析:此句的意思是“看,有人来过这儿!会是谁呢?”这里,“看(look)”的对象是有人来过这儿所留下的痕迹,而不是“来这儿”这一动作,显然,“来这儿”这一动作发生在“看(look)”之前,即过去。“Who was it?”——这人是谁呢?这一句话进一步暗示答题者“有人来过”这一动作发生在过去,因此,此题应用一般过去时态。


4.Look!The mountains______with theheavy snow.How beautiful!

A.are covering B.are covered

C.cover D.covered



5.Look!They______.There is nobody in theroom.

A.have been away B.are leaving C.left D.leave

解析:此句意思为“看,他们都已经走了,房间里没人了!”这里“看(look)”的对象是他们已离开这一状态,而不是离开这一动作。语境中提到“There is nobody in the room”指的是现在房间里没有人了,强调的是过去发生的“离开”这一动作对现在造成的影响,即现在房间里没人了!所以,此题要用现在完成时态。



--I think so.The sky is covered with the darkclouds.

A.rains B.is raining C.is going to rain D.is rainy

解析:根据下文语境可知,此题意是看下雨前的前兆,乌云遮盖了天空,即将下雨,用is going to+do表即将要发生的事。




(2)当看(look)现在某一状态时要用一般现在时态——“be+ad j.”。

现在进行时课堂 篇7


现在进行时表示现在或现阶段正在发生或进行的动作或者存在的状态。由“助动词be(am, is, are)+动词的现在分词(v-ing)”构成。其中的am, is, are在人称和数上与主语保持一致。如:

He is doing his homework now. 他正在做家庭作业。






Yes, 主语+am/is/are.

No, 主语+am not/isn’t/aren’t.




Steve is playing soccer now. 史蒂夫正在踢足球。


Look! They are swimming in the river. 看!他们在河里游泳。


Look at the picture!The children are skating on the lake.



Lily is writing. Tom, what are you doing?




She is working now.→She isn’t working now.

2.由肯定句变一般疑问句时,要将be提到句首。肯定答语为:Yes, 主语+be.,否定答语为:No, 主语+be+not.。如:

Are you playing basketball now?

→Yes, we are. (No, we aren’t.)



He is listening to the teacher.→Who is listening to the teacher?


She is watching TV.→What is she doing?


We are cleaning the desks now.→What are you cleaning now?


I am writing now.→When are you writing?


go, leave, come等表示位移的动词,通常用现在进行时表示将要发生的动作。如:

I am coming, Mum.(我马上就来了,妈妈。)


1. 我正在做家庭作业。

I doing my homework.

2. 吉姆正在穿衣服。

Jim is puting on his clothes.

3. 看!他们在做游戏。

Look, they play games.

4. 这些日子你在做什么?

What do you do these days?

5. 现在我想和你一起去。

Now I am wanting to go with you.

6. 别担心,我就来。

Don’t worry. I come.

7. “她正在打扫教室吗?” “是的,她正在打扫教室。”

——Is she cleaning the classroom?

优秀现在进行时教学设计 篇8


1.能够听懂会说“What is she/ it doing ? She/ It’s running / ……” 并能在情景中运用。


1.本课的教学重点是句型“What is she/ it doing? She/It’s running/ ……”.。2.本课的教学难点是在实际情景中正确运用所学对话。



2.教师准备若干动物卡片和动作卡片。3.教师准备Zoom 和Zip的头像。4.学生准备动物卡片和动作卡片。四:教学步骤 Step1: Warm—up(1)Greetings.(2)T: This class I will divide you into 2groups, this group is zoom /zip group(分别同两组同学打招呼).(3)T: Before class , Let’s warm-up ,clap your hands and chant.(设计意图:用chant引入,愉快了英语学习气氛,同时也帮助学生进一步感知现在进行时。)Step2: Preview

T: Stand up and do as I do.Walk walk walk I’m walking now.Run run run I’m running now.Jump jump jump I’m jumping now.Fly fly fly I’m flying now.Swim swim swim I’m swimming now.(设计意图:通过作动作,不仅复习了上一课时的知识,提高了学生学习英语的兴趣,也为下一步做Let’s try做了铺垫。)Step3: Presentation(1)T: I’m walking now,(出示幻灯片),Look at these animals what are they doing ? Do you want to know what are they doing? Ok, Let’s listen and match.播放录音连线

Check answers.(2)T: Do you like nature park?

Ss: Yes.T: I like nature park too, Let’s go to nature park today。(播放自然公园的图片)。

(设计意图:通过进入nature park引入新课,学生会比较感兴趣。)

T: We are in the nature park now.Look at it, what can you see in the nature park?

S;I can see a bird.T: What is the bird doing?

S: The bird is flying.T: Yes.The bird is flying.What is the bird doing? We can say: What is it doing? It’s flying.板书并领读

T:What else can you see in it?

S: I can see a tiger.T: What is it doing?

S: It’s walking.T: Here comes two elephants , Look at the big one ,she is mother elephant, the small one is baby elephant.What is the mother elephant doing?

S: It’s walking.T: Yes.The mother elephant is walking.We can say: What is she doing? She is walking.(板书领读)What about the baby elephant ?

S: It’s running.(设计意图:通过对自然公园里动物的观察,师生一问一答交流中引出本课主句型 :What is she /it doing? She/it’s …….出示陈洁放风筝的图片:

T: What is she doing? Who can answer?(哪一组的同学先回答上来,他们组就上一个新的台阶。)She is flying kites.Zoom group asks : What is she doing? Zip group answer: She is flying kites.出示鸭子游泳的图片练习What is it doing? It’s……

(设计意图:通过对两副图画的讨论,练习并巩固本课主句型。)出示张朋弹钢琴的图片: T: What is he doing?

S: He is playing the piano.(区分she和he 的使用。)(3)Practice the sentences.用自己准备的图片在小组内交流。

(设计意图:学生之间互相操练本课的主要句型,提高练习的密度。)(4)Show practice.看看哪组表现的好。

(5)T: Amy and Chen Jie is go to nature park too, Let’s listen What are they talk about?(仔细听录音,培养学生的听力。)

(6)Listen and repeat.(模仿磁带的声音,有利于学生形成良好的语音语调。)(7)Read the dialogue with partner.(学生结对朗读,培养合作精神。)Step4 Consolidation and extension(1)出示一幅自然公园的图片

T: I’m happy to see this beautiful park.Look at the duck, What is it doing? S: It’s swimming.Talk about the nature park in groups.运用所学句子,展示讨论的结果。

语法讲座之现在完成进行时 篇9

1 定义 现在完成进行时表示动作从过去某一时间开始,一直延续到现在,可能还要继续下去。

2 现在完成进行时的构成


3 现在完成进行时的基本句型

肯定式 疑问式 简略回答

I have been working. Have you been working? Yes, I/we have.

No, I/we havent.

He/She/It has been working. Has he/she/it been working? Yes, he/she/it has.

No, he/she/it hasnt.

We/You/They have been working. Have they been working? Yes, they have.

No, they havent.

注: 现在完成进行时基本上没有否定结构

4 现在完成时的语法作用

(1)在强调指出动作还未结束,还要继续下去。如:Ive been reading this book for two hours, but I havent finished it. 这本书我已读了两个小时了,但我还没读完。

Ive read this book.我已读完这本书了。


She has always been working like that.她一贯是这样工作的。


Theyve been building a ship.(在进行)他们一直在造一艘船。


Weve been seeing quite a lot of each other recently.最近我们经常见面。




Weve been living here for ten years.

Weve lived here for ten years.我们在这儿已经住了十年了。


The students have been preparing for the exam.(还在进行)学生们一直在准备考试。

The students have prepared for the exam.(已经结束)学生们为考试作了准备。

(3)有些表示状态,感情,感觉的动词如:have, exist, like, hate, hear, know, sound等动词不能用于现在完成进行时,但可用于现在完成时。如:

Theyve known each other since 1970.自从1970年起他们就相互认识了。



1.Even though they ___ for twenty years, the two neighbours are not on good terms.

A. have been lived side by side B. had been living side by side

C. have been side by side living D. have been living side by side

2.I havent seen Mary these past few days, Im afraid she ___ herself for some time.

A. hasnt been feeling B. hadnt been feeling C. isnt feeling D. wasnt feeling

3.She ___ on this essay for twenty minutes but she has written only about a hundred words.

A. will be working B. worked C. has been working D. will have worked

4.---Hi, Tracy, you look tired. ---Im tired. I ___ the living room all day.

A. painted B. had painted C. have been painting D. have painted

5.---Hi, Joan, I have seen you for weeks. What ___ recently?

---Carrying on some research on wildlife.

A. have you been doing B. have you done C. were you doing D. did you do

6.You must be tired now since you ___ for five hours.
