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外研版小学三年级下册英语期末测试题 篇1

一、看图,补全单词。(8分)s c s c p sw ter sh s Tr sers dre sk t c t


1、Colins coat

2、Thank you very much!

3、Youre welcome!

4、whose shoes

5、two sweaters

6、nice shoes

7、Alices skirt

8、How beautiful



1、A:Whose socks(is are)these? B:They(is are)my socks.2、A:(Is are)it Li Shans skirt? B:No,it(is are)Liu Meis.3、A:Who(is are am)he? B:He(is are am)my teacher.4、A:What(am is are)this? B:It(am is are)a sweater.5、A:(Is Am Are)you Alice? B.:Yes,I(Is Am Are).五、从B栏中找出A栏的答语,将序号填在括号内。(15分)A栏 B栏


1、Whos this? A.Its Li Shans skirt.()

2、Whose skirt is it? B.They are Kittys socks.()

3、Whose socks are these? C.This is my mother.()

4、Whats this? D.This is a pen.()

5、Is this your sweater? E.No,it isnt.六、看图完成句子。(12分)

1、A:Whose is this?

2、A:Whose are these? Jacks B:Its.Colins B:They are.3、A:Are they Kevins shoes? B:No,.七、选择合适的词填空。(每个单词只用一次)(12分)

外研版小学三年级下册英语期末测试题 篇2




一、听音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)()1.A.like B.love C.list()2.A.four B.fifteen C.fifty()3.A.this B.that C.those()4.A.took B.take C.taken()5.A.short B.shorts C.small()6.A.well B.good C.better()7.A.kind B.cake C.kid()8.A.after B.before C.behind()9.A.sad B.angry C.tired()10A.toliet B.kitchen C.living room 二.听音,选择你所听到的句子。(10分)()1.A.There are thirty children in the playground.B.There is a cap in the desk.()2.A.What time does Jim get up? B.What time does your school start?()3..A.Is Daming feeling hungry? B.Is Lingling feeling thirsty?()4.A.Don’t shout,please!

B.Don’t walk on the grass.()5.A.We met John in the park.B.We went to the zoo.三.听音,现在正确答语。(10分)

()1.A.No,she didn’t.B.No,she don’t.()2.A.I dropped my ice cream.B.I bought some bananas.()3.A.It’s raning.B.It is a hot dog.()4.A.They went there by plane.B.They saw monkeys there.()5.A.You can catch the ball well.B.You ‘re a fantastic goalkeeper.四、听录音,根据录音内容判断下列句子正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。(10分)


1、Amy came back from China.()

2、Let’s buy one kilo of noodles.()

3、That T-shirt is Sam’s.()

4、This girl is blind.She can’t see.()

5、John feels very happy.笔试部分(70分)


()1.apple A.catch B.along C.place()2.think A.those B.mother C.healthy()3.book A.school B.food C.cook()4.class A.cat B.nice C.rice()5.year A.pear B.dear C.chair 六.按要求给下列单词分类(5分)

A.ran B.fifty C.with D.took E.near F.eighty G.for H.met I.visited J.fourteen 1.数词:___________________________________________ 2.动词过去式:_____________________________________ 3.介词:____________________________________________ 七.根据汉语提示,完成句子。(10分)

1.What do you do(在操场上)________ _______ ________? 2.I found the milk ______ ______ _______.(在厨房里)3.How many ________(蜡笔)did you buy? 4.Where did Tom lose his ________(尺子)?

5.There are ________(60个)children in the classroom.6.It’s __________.(危险的)八.选择题(10分)

()1.Please _______ the books,Sam.A.gives out B.give out C.give to()2.Thirty girls and fourty girls are_______girls.A.seventy B.seventeen C.eighty()3.I didn’t win the game ,I feel _______.A.pleased B.happy C.sad()4.Yesterday I went to ______ school.A.Sam’s and Jim’s B.Sam and Jim C.Sam and Jim’s()5._____ did you do at nine o’clock on Saturday?-----:I read a book.A.Where B.What C.How()6.I want three ______ of sweets.A.box B.boxs C.boxes()7.I can play football _____.A.good B.well C.bad()8.The first thing _____ some bread A.is B.are C.were()9.Lingling is good at ______.A.sing B.singing C.sings()10.They ______ lots of places last Friday.A.visits B.visit C.visited 九.按要求完成各题(10分)

1.hour(同音词)__________ 2.that(复数)_________ 2.we(宾格)____________ 4.meet(过去式)_____________ 5.run(过去式)_________ 6.ring(过去式)__________ 7.lose(过去式)__________ 8.win(过去式)__________ 9.swim(过去式)____________ 10.past(同音词)__________ 十.选词填空。(5分)

went many whose useful dangerous 1 Be careful!It’s ________ here!2 Yesterday he _______ to the zoo.3 How ______ apples do you want? 4 _____ hag is this? 5 Dogs can help people.They are very ________.十一.将问句和答语连线。(5分)

1.How do you feel? A.Seven 2.Can you run fast? B.Yes, I did.3.Did you wash your coat? C.I feel tired.4.Is it Jimmy’s sweater? D.No, I can’t.5.How many days are there in the week? E.No, it isn’t.十二.口语应用(10分)


1、早上到学校后,和老师和同学打招呼时,说: A、Goodbye.B、Good morning.C、Good evening.()

2、想证实这是否是对方的包,你问: A、Is this your bag? B、What’s this? C、Is this your cat?



A、Have a seat.B、How much do you want? C、How are you?


4、经过了一天的学习,你非常的累,你会说: A、I’m very happy.B、I’m very,very tired.C、I’m bored.()

5、看到别人球打得好,说: A、You can play basketball well.B、Can you play football well.C、No,I can’t.十三、读对话,判断后面的陈述是否正确,若正确,在相应的括号里划“√”表示,反之,划“×”表示。(10分)

John:I like my village.It’s beautiful(美丽的).There are many rivers and bridges in the village.The water is clean.The air is fresh.The sky is blue.The clouds are white.Chen Jie:I like my city.There are many tall buildings and roads in the city.And there is a big bookstore(书店)in the city.I can buy(买)books in it.John:Are there any rivers in your city?

Chen Jie:No, there aren’t.But there is a bueatiful lake.Are there any mountains near your village?

John:Yes, there are.There are many mountains.Chen Jie:Are there any monkeys in the mountain?

John:No, there aren’t.()1.John’s village is very beautiful.()2.There are many cars and buses in John’s village.()3.There aren’t any rivers in Chen Jie’s city.()4.There is a bookstore in Chen Jie’s city.()5.There are many monkeys in the mountain.五年级英语上册期末检测试题










七、1.in the playground 2.in the kitchen 3.crayons 4.ruler 5.sixty.八、1--5:BACCB 6--10:CBABC

九、1.our 2.those 3.us 4.met 5.ran 6.rang 7.lost 8.won 9 swam 10.passed

十、1.dangerous 2.went 3.many 4.whose 5.useful

十一、1-C 2-D 3-B 4-E 5-A


外研版小学三年级下册英语期末测试题 篇3


1.a new book一本新书2.have got(第三人称单数形式has got)拥有3.about animals关于动物的4.a good book一本好书5.about sports关于运动的6.a nice book一本不错的书

7.a new dress一条女连衣裙8.a new coat一件新上衣9.a new sweater一件新毛衣

10.a blue T-shirt一件T恤衫11.go to school上学12.by bike骑自行车

13.by bus乘公共汽车14.go to work 上班15.by car开车

16.walk to work步行去上班17.each day每天=every day18.walk to school步行去上学


1.I`ve got a new book.It`s about animales.我有一本新书。它是关于动物的。【I`ve got=I have got;have got=have拥有、所有,常译为“有”,其第三人称单数形式是“has got”。这个句型结构是“某人+have got/has got+某物”某人有某物。“about animals”关于动物的。about….是”关于….”】再如:I`ve got a new bike.我有一辆新自行车。练习:我有一支钢笔。

它是关于运动的。es, I have.大明,你也有一本书吗?是的,我有。【have的一般疑问句是只把“have”提在句首。got在原来位置不动。肯定回答是“Yes,…have.”,否定回答是“No,...haven`t.”.】再如:Have you got a pen?Yes,I have./No, I haven`t.你有一支钢笔吗?是,我有。/不,没有。


3.Has Sam got a sweater?Yes,he has.萨姆有一件毛线衫吗?是的,他有。【这是have got第三人称单数句子的一般疑问句,它用“has got”,把“has”提在句首,“got”也是放在原位不动。一般疑问句第一个词是什么,回答就用那个词回答。】再如:Has Tom got a new sweater,too?No,he hasn`t.汤姆也有一件毛衣吗?不,他没有。练习:艾米有一个洋娃娃吗?是的,她有。汤姆有一件蓝T恤衫吗?不,他没有。

4.She goes to school by bike.她骑自行车上学。【“by bike”是“by+交通工具”在这儿译为“骑自行车”。它不是动词短语,是表示她是以什么样的方式上学的,所以把它放在句末。再如:by car开小车;by bus乘公共汽车;by ship乘龙船 等等。】再如:He goes to school by bus.他乘公共汽车上学。


5.Sam hasn`t got a bike.萨姆没有自行车。【hasn`t got 是“has got”的否定形式,在has后面加not,has not got=hasn`t got(缩写形式)。那么“have got”的否定形式是缩写为】再如:Ms Smart hasn`t got a car.斯玛特女士没有汽车。练习:我父亲没有汽车。我没有自行车。【walk to work步行去上班=go to work on foot.】再如:Lingling waiks to school.玲玲步行去上学。练习:我妈妈步行去上班。

7.How do you go to school each day?I go to school by bike.你每天怎么去上学?我骑自行车上学。【“how”怎么样?是询问采取什么样的方式上学,是对后面句中的“by bike”的提问。“each day”每天=every day】再如:How does Mum go to work each day?She goes to work by bus.妈妈每天怎样去上班?她乘公共汽车上班。练习:爸爸每天怎么样去上班?他步行去上班。对划线提问 对划线提问

外研版小学三年级下册英语期末测试题 篇4


1. A. Yes, it is. B. Thank you. C. No, it isn’t.

2. A. Good idea. B. By bike. C. Enjoy yourself.

3. A. I agree with you. B. I’m sorry. C. I can spell them.

4. A. He was late for school. B. He’s from England. C.He’s 12 years old.

5. A. It’s very interesting. B. That sounds great.

C. You should read a lot of books.


6. When did the man begin to study English?

A. Last year. B. This year. C. This morning.

7. What should the man do in class?

A. Speak more English.

B. Write down the mistakes.

C. Speak more English and write down the mistakes.

8. Who thinks understanding the TV programmes in English is easy?

A. The man. B. The woman. C. Both of them.

9. When does the man watch English films and listen to English songs?

A. On Saturdays. B. On Sundays. C. At weekends.

10. Why is the woman good at English?

A. Because she likes English.

B. Because she is from England.

C. Because she practises it every day.


11. What did Lingling’s teacher give her last year?

A. Some books. B. Some magazines. C. Some advice.

12. You should check you spelling if you want to learn English well.

A. with a book B. with a classmate C. with a dictionary

13. Where should you write down the mistakes?

A. In the English books. B. In the exercise books. C. In the notebooks.

14. How often should you check your vocabulary book and read English books?

A. Every week. B. Every day. C. Every hour.

15. What else is good for you to learn English?

A. Listening to English songs.

B. Listening to music.

C. Listening to pop songs.


16. Don’t be afraid of new words. You can in the dictionary.

A. look at them B. look for them

C. look them up D. look them over

17. —Have you bought for Linda’s birthday?

—Not exactly. Just some flowers.

A. something unusual B. anything unusual

C. unusual something D. unusual anything

18. Stay away from junk food, please! It’s bad for us, for children!

A. recently B. especially C. probably D. immediately

19. —How was the food in the town?

—Terrible, we still had a good time there.

A. or B. so C. but D. because

20. — is the population of your city?

—About two million.

A. How B. What C. How many D. How much

21. This place is not big enough for Lucy’s birthday party. We should find a one.

A. big B. small C. bigger D. smaller

22. —When did your uncle Shanghai?

—The day before yesterday.

A. arrive in B. get C. reach to D. arrive at

23. The football team played well, but they didn’t the competition.

A. score B. beat C. succeed D. win

24. —Sorry. I have taken your book by mistake.

— .

A. That’s right B. Not at all C. All right D. Never mind

25. —Remember this, John. careful you are, mistakes you will make.

—Thanks, Miss Rose.

A. The more; the less B. The more; the fewer

C. The less; the fewer D. The more; the more

26. Sorry, I took your MP3 by mistake. I’ll be careful next time.

A. most B. more C. much D. less

27. — is the library from our school?

—It’s quite near. Just go the road.

A. How far; cross B. How long; across

C. How far; across D. How long; cross

28. It took me two weeks reading the novels written by Guo Jingming.

A. finish B. to finish C. finishes D. finishing

29. —What do you think of the film you saw yesterday?

—Oh! It’s one of films I’ve ever seen.

A. interesting B. more interesting

C. most interesting D. the most interesting

30. —We’ll go for a picnic if it this Sunday.

—Wish you a lovely weekend.

A. will rain B. doesn’t rain C. won’t rain D. rains

31. —Does the soup nice?

—Yes. It’s hot, but really delicious.

A. sound B. feel C. look D. taste

32. —Miss Li, could you give me on English learning?

—Certainly. First you should speak English every day.

A. any advices B. many advices C. some advice D. some advices

33. —Happy birthday to you, Mary!

— .

A. Thanks a lot B. The same to you C. You’re welcome D. It’s kind of you

34. —Is that girl Susan?

—It be her. She left for Beijing yesterday.

A. needn’t B. can’t C. need D. must

35. —Mum, must I stay there the whole day?

—No, you .You come back after lunch, if you like.

A. mustn’t; can B. needn’t; must C. needn’t; may


What do the people usually do on weekends? Some people like to 36 at home, but others like to go out for a walk or play football. Mr Smith 37 hard in a factory during the 38 . On weekends, he 39 does the same thing. On Saturdays, he washes his car and on 40 he goes to a village (村庄) with his family by car. His uncle and aunt 41 a farm (农场) there. It isn’t a big one, but there is always 42 to do on the farm. The children help with the animals and give them some 43 . Mr and Mrs Smith help in the field (田野). At the end of the day, they are all 44 and Mr Smith’s aunt always 45 them a big meal.

36. A. play B. stay C. look D. go

37. A. works B. does C. makes D. studies

38. A. days B. years C. weekdays D. months

39. A. usually B. sometimes C. hardly ever D. never

40. A. Saturdays B. Sundays C. Thursdays D. Fridays

41. A. find B. has C. bring D. have

42. A. much B. many C. any D. most

43. A. cakes B. rice C. food D. fruit

44. A. hungry B. angry C. funny D. happy

45. A. does B. puts C. finds D. gives

四、阅读理解(每小题2分,满分20 分)


Do you like playing soccer? If you do, you may want to join the school soccer team. Read on and see how to join the school soccer team.

The first step is to know the information about the team. You can find more information by asking these questions. How many students are there in the soccer team? How many new players do they need? How often do they play soccer?

The second step is to practice. Practice soccer with your friends or your family. Only good players can join the school soccer team. So you need to practice your skill.

The third step is to study hard. If you always get bad grades in the exam, your teachers and parents won’t let you join the soccer team.

The last step is to relax. Don’t be too nervous. You can take a deep breath and keep smiling. Believe in yourself and you can be the best player.

46. Which is not the suitable question according to the second paragraph?

A. How often do they play soccer?

B. Can I join the school team?

C. How many students are there in the soccer team?

D. How many new players do they need?

47. Which step is about studying hard?

A. The first step. B. The second step.

C. The third step. D. The last step.

48. If you always get bad grades in the exam, won’t let you join the soccer team.

A. your teachers and parents B. your classmates and friends

C. your parents and friends D. your teachers and classmates

49. What does the underlined word “skill” mean in Chinese?

A.锻炼 B.技能 C.实践 D.方法

50. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. It’s about how to join the school soccer team.

B. It’s about how to be a good soccer player.

C. It’s about how to get good grades in the exam.

D. It’s about how to make more friends at school.


Maybe you are an average (一般的) student. You probably think you will never be a top student (尖子生). However, anyone can become a better student if he or she does his or her best. Here are some tips (技巧) to help you.

Plan your time carefully. You should plan your time for such things as eating, sleeping and dressing. Then make a good, regular time for studying, but don’t forget to set enough time for entertainment (娱乐).

Keep your study quiet and clean. The study should have a desk, a chair and some study materials (资料), but no games, no radio and no television! When you sit down to study, you can put your heart into it. Make good use of your time.

Listen to everything that the teacher says. Listening carefully in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.

After you get home from school, go over your notes. Review the important points. If you know what your teacher is going to discuss next day, read the material. It will help you study better.

Develop a good attitude (态度) to tests. The purpose (目的) of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. It helps you know what you are not good at. The world will still go on even if (即使) you fail (不及格) in a test, so don’t be too worried.

51. How many tips are mentioned in the passage?

A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.

52. What does the underlined word “study” mean in Chinese?

A.学习B.研究 C.书房 D.教室

53. Which is a good place for studying?

A. A clean and beautiful place.

B. The place with a computer.

C. The place with a television and a radio.

D. A quiet place with a chair, a desk and some study materials.

54. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The test is the most important for a student.

B. After class, you should review what you have learned.

C. You should listen to your teacher and take notes carefully in class.

D. When you plan your time, you should think of the time for eating, sleeping and so on.

55. What’s the passage mainly about?

A. How to become a top student.

B. How to plan your time.

C. How to study English.

D. How to take notes.


56. Can you show me how (use) the washing machine?

57. —I can’t work out the difficulty problem.

—Why not (ask) your brother for help?

58. You don’t need (remember) all the new words.

59. When he heard the crying, he ran out of the room (quick).

60. It is a good way (learn) English grammar.


61. I am (有点) tired, so I want to have a rest.

62. Please _________ (注意) your handwriting.

63. China (以……而有名) the Great Wall.

64. you (为……做准备) the party?

65. Who will (参加) the game?



李扬的问题(problems) 1.当别人说英语时,他有时听不懂




你的建议(advice) 1.尽量听大意(main idea)而不是每个单词




Dear Li Yang,

I know it’s not easy for you to learn English, but I have some advice that may help you.

