
2025-03-18 版权声明 我要投稿


country的形容词形式 篇1


country作“国家,国土”解时表示地理概念,侧重指疆土,即一个国家的整个区域,是可数名词。the country可作“全国人民”解。




country的形容词形式 篇2

形容词通过重叠形式表示特别的语法意义, 王力先生称之为“绘景法”, 它可以“使所陈说的情景历历如绘”。可是有不少人都觉得, 重叠形式的表达效果固然生动, 但带来的读音变化, 头绪纷纭, 实在“恼人”。本文对这类“生动”但“恼人”的音变现象进行讨论, 涉及AA式、ABB式和AABB式三类形式, 如:




有人把以上几种形式统称为重叠形容词 (或叠字形容词) , 有人称之为形容词重叠, 还有人称之为状态词。我们采纳吕叔湘先生的名称, 把它叫做“形容词生动形式”。因为这类现象既包括形容词的重叠, 如小小、飘飘缈缈等;也包括重叠后才成为形容词的, 如漫漫、懒洋洋、熙熙攘攘等。前一类有基本式, 属于构形重叠, 可以说是形容词重叠;后一类没有基本式, 属于构词重叠, 称为重叠形容词 (或叠字形容词) 较为恰当。《现代汉语词典》 (以下简称《现汉》) 第5版开始标注词性, 把ABB式处理为形容词的一个附类, 注为状态词。本文不对形容词生动形式进行语法探讨, 我们着重讨论其音变现象。

(一) AA式

普通话AA式有一种常见的音变现象———“单音节形容词×按照××的格式重叠。第二个音节读高平调, 同时儿化”, (1) 如:红红儿的hónɡhōnɡr·de, 小小儿的xiǎoxiāor·de、慢慢儿的mànmānr·de。一直以来学术界和教学界都接受这种观点, 人们常把AA式第二个A变读阴平调和儿化视为严格的规律。吕叔湘先生指出:“北京口语中第二个A一般读阴平调, 儿化。” (2) 粗略地看, 吕先生的表述与传统观点似乎并无二致, 但仔细研读, 有这么几点值得重视:一是指出音变是北京话现象, 二是指明音变是口语现象, 三是指出音变是常见 (也即一般) 现象。由此看来, 普通话水平测试中把“叠字形容词中AA式带上‘儿尾’读儿化韵时, 在朗读中没有变调的”处理为语音错误, 是值得讨论和分析的。

首先我们应该承认AA式带上“儿尾”读儿化韵时, 第二个A经常变读为阴平是客观现实, 但是我们又不能拘泥地认为儿化和变读阴平在任何情况下都是“有之必然、无之必不然的”的简单现象, 例如以下用例:

(1) 只见张姑娘两只眼睛揉得红红儿的, 满脸怒容, 坐在那里。

(2) 雪并不很大, 纤巧地落, 薄薄儿一层在地面, 却冷峻得钻心。

(3) 他眼睛小小儿的, 调皮地眨呀眨的。

以上三例读为“红红儿hónɡhónɡr、薄薄儿báobáor、小小儿xiǎoxiǎor”并不感到拗口, 如果一定变调读成阴平, 反而觉得别扭。经常使用的“好好儿”被认为是AA式儿化并变调的典型, 《现汉》第5版和第6版收录该条, 词性有二, 状态词和副词, 注音为hǎohāor, 但例句“那棵百年老树, 至今还长得好好儿的”, 读为“hǎohǎor”, 恐怕也不好算错。同样, “好好学习, 天天向上”, 读为“hǎohǎo”是正确的, 如果读为“hǎohāo”, 似乎也不能说一定不行。《现汉》还收录了一个词条“早早儿”, 注音为“zǎozǎor”, 第二个音节儿化, 但没有变调读阴平。虽然该条《现汉》词性标注为副词, 但视为状态词也是可以的, 如“他起得早早儿的”, 读为“zǎozǎor”或“zǎozāor”都是合乎语感的。这是怎么一回事呢?林焘先生其实有过很好的阐释:“一部分单音节动词形容词重叠时, 如果第二个音节同时儿化, 就必须变调读为阴平。”“一部分单音节形容词重叠但第二个音节不儿化和一部分单音节副词重叠时, 第二个音节可以变调读为阴平。例如‘圆圆的、小小的、大大的、常常、渐渐’。” (3) 我们往往片面理解规律, 只强调“第二个音节同时儿化, 就必须变调读为阴平”, 而忽略“一部分”的条件说明。儿化和变调读为阴平在多数情形下是“相形伴生”的, 因为它们都是口语现象, 总的风格基调是协调的。但语言又是丰富的、多样化的, 在口语色彩不那么突出的情形下, AA式音变规律会有所调节和变异。

(二) ABB式

ABB式“在北京口语中BB常读阴平调”。 (4) 长期以来, ABB式变调被列为普通话教学的必备内容, 这个本来不是一条严整规律的规律, 在教学和测试中一直被奉为圭臬。2006年人教版小学语文课本一年级上册《小小竹排画中游》“禾苗绿油油”, 注音为lǜyōu yōu;2011年印刷的教材, 注音改为lǜyóu yóu。人教社《教师教学用书》对此进行了说明:“绿油油的‘油’课文中注的是本音, 朗读时应读第一声。”同样, 《教师教学用书》对“黄澄澄、红彤彤、沉甸甸”注音和读音都进行了说明, 并提出教学建议。现摘录如下:“黄澄澄的‘澄’、红彤彤的‘彤’在词中均读一声。” (二年级上册) “红彤彤的‘彤’单独念时读‘tónɡ’, 在‘红彤彤’这个ABB结构的词组里发生变调, 应读作hónɡtōnɡtōnɡ。学生在朗读时应提醒他们读正确。” (四年级上册) “沉甸甸中的叠词要读一声。” (五年级上册) 《教师教学用书》的说明值得讨论。首先术语表述不够严谨, “词”“词组”“叠词”前后不一, 使用随意。如前所述, ABB式结构可以看作构词重叠, 因此称为重叠形容词 (或叠字形容词) 较为适宜, 称为“词组”不妥。另外, 教学指引的表述, 认为课文注音虽然调整为“本音”, 但朗读时还应当变调读为阴平, 这对教学有不小的误导。笔者孩子的老师让孩子们直接在课本上把“本调”用红笔改为阴平, 大概这样可以“言文一致”省却不必要的麻烦, 人民教育电子音像出版社小学语文课本的录音采用的也是变调的读法。问起教材注音的变化、教师指引的表述和示范录音, 人教社的编辑解释说这个问题是经过讨论研究的, ABB式叠字形容词注成本调和变读为阴平, 是为了和《现代汉语词典》一致。

考察《现汉》ABB式注音的变化, 对我们深化认识很有启发。《现汉》修订本 (1996年版) 凡例:“本词典一般不注变调。……但是一部分重叠式词语, 如‘沉甸甸、热腾腾’, 照实际读法注作chéndiāndiān、rètēnɡtēnɡ。”《现汉》第5版凡例:“ABB式形容词的注音, 根据实际读音分为三种情况: (a) BB注作阴平, 如‘黄澄澄、文绉绉’注作huánɡdēnɡdēnɡ、wénzhōuzhōu。 (b) BB注作本调, 注音后面括号内注明口语中变读阴平, 如‘沉甸甸、热腾腾’注作chéndiàndiàn、rèténɡténɡ, 注音后面括号中注明‘口语中也读chéndiāndiān、rètēnɡtēnɡ’。 (c) BB只注本调, 如‘金灿灿、香馥馥’注作jīncàncàn、xiānɡfùfù。”《现汉》第6版沿用了这种注音方式。《现汉》是一部为“推广普通话、促进汉语规范化”服务的词典, 在ABB式形容词的处理上采取共时描写的方法, 不同版本根据不同时期人们的实际发音, 对其注音方式进行了调整。《现汉》从1960年试印本到1996年修订第3版, 对ABB式形容词一般都作变调处理, 直到第5版才区分出三种不同的标注方法。尹海良对《现汉》第2版、第3版和第5版中BB本调不是阴平的ABB式词语进行了考察, 三个版本的词典所标注BB不变调的比例依次为9.09%、38.46%和65.85%, 变化相当明显。《现汉》对ABB式词语注音的调整是值得欢迎的, 反映了语言生活的实际变化, 对教学也是一种积极的引导, 可惜语言教学界对这种变化理解得还不够深刻和准确。人教社《教师教学用书》认为《现汉》注音方式的变化, 不过是《现汉》“一般不注变调”注音原则的具体落实, 没有注意到ABB式读音具体而复杂的语言事实和语言生活的变化, 过于强调“规律化”而没有根据语言实际“化规律”。

徐世荣先生在《普通话语音常识》中指出, ABB或ABBB式叠字形容词“除叠字本身为阴平调外, 其余各调的都可把后面两个字变为阴平调……如果念得缓慢些, 念清楚它的原调, 显得读字清楚, 不变也可以” (5) 。徐先生已经注意到ABB有不变调的情况, 并认为这和语速有关, 这在当时是难能可贵的。当然, “都可把后面两个字变为阴平调”的看法还值得商榷。其实从《现汉》注音来看, BB读音历来有必须读本调的用例, 上世纪60年代的《现汉》试印本和试用本, 对书面语色彩较浓的ABB式形容词不作变调处理, 例如:黑茫茫hēimánɡmánɡ, 明闪闪mínɡshǎnshǎn。这些音如果读变调显然是不正确的。

《现汉》第5版ABB式的具体词条的注音还有可商之处, 但三分法的处理, 应该说是一种相当务实和高明的方式, 但也遭到一些非议, 批评的意见主要有两方面:一是认为注音方式太复杂, 标准更难把握, 给教学造成不便;二是认为与“本词典一般不注变调”的原则不吻合, 自乱体系, 建议干脆只标本调, 不标变调。我们认为, 词典首先要反映语言事实, ABB的读音已经发生了变化, 《现汉》的调整反映了这种变化。《现汉》编者之一的李志江先生曾对北京市200名大中小学的学生进行问卷调查, 调查结果表明, 大多数北京的学生BB已不再改读阴平, 而以读本调为主。“词典一般不注变调”固然是一种注音原则, 但ABB的注音, 不同于上声变调和“一、不”变调, 上声变调属于音系变调, “一、不”变调属于词法变调, 它们的共同特点是规律性强, 可由音系规则或词法规则类推其音变, 因此《现汉》对这几种音变只标本调无疑是正确的。而ABB式的音变, 是词汇变调, 不可由规律预知, 需要学习者逐个学习, 《现汉》根据实际读音标注并不违背注音原则。一些词典所有的ABB词语都注“原调”的做法并不值得提倡。因为, 语言生活中毕竟还有BB必须读变调的现象, 如:文绉绉、骨碌碌、亮锃锃, 只能读为wénzhōuzhōu、ɡūlūlū、liànɡzēnɡzēnɡ。至于增加学习负担的忧虑其实也大可不必, 我们不同意BB一律变调的简单化处理, 也不同意“教师在教学中根据实际情况灵活处理, 不对学生作硬性要求, 可以按照学生的口语习惯来读, 不纳入考试的范围”的“逃避主义”做法。ABB式音变应该在教学中有所反映, 可以按照《现汉》的处理, 再多加一些解释, 告诉学生们ABB式有极少数BB是必须变调的;有少数两可的, 即在书面语色彩较浓的语境中读本调, 在口语色彩较浓的语境中也可以变调读为阴平 (注意:是可以变调而不是必须变调, 口语中不变调也是正确的) ;大多数BB不变调。如果简化教学, 可以引导学生只记忆极少数必须变调的词例, 其余的都不变调。

(三) AABB式

AABB式的音变, “在口语中BB常读阴平调, 第二个A读轻声, 第二个B常儿化” (6) 。AABB式的读音涉及到两个B和第二个A, 既有变调也有儿化, 显得颇为复杂。

首先讨论第二个A的读音。我们认为应当区分“轻声、轻音和轻读”, 第二个A应该轻读, 但不属于词汇层面的轻声, 而属于句法结构层面的轻音现象。从“仔仔细细、许许多多”第一个A读直上, 可以推知第二个A应该是有声调的音节, 只不过是一个音长较短的轻音而已。《现汉》对AABB式中A的读音有三种处理: (a) A注作轻声, 如“花花搭搭、坑坑洼洼”注作huāhuɑdādā、kēnɡkenɡwāwɑ。 (b) A注作可轻读音节, 也就是标声调, 同时在音节前加“·”, 如“哭哭啼啼、马马虎虎”注作kū·kūtítí、mǎ·mǎhūhū。 (c) A注本调, 如“花花绿绿、郁郁葱葱”注作huāhuālǜlǜ、yùyùcōnɡcōnɡ。其实, 第二个A可以只标本调, 原因就在于它不是词汇层面的轻声, 以上各例如果读慢一些, 读出声调, 语感是完全没有问题的。


(1) BB可读阴平, 第二个B可儿化

漂漂亮亮 (儿) 干干净净 (儿)

(2) BB不可读阴平, 第二个B不能儿化

歪歪扭扭 团团圆圆

(3) BB不可读阴平, 第二个B可儿化

文文静静 (儿) 齐齐整整 (儿)

(4) BB只读阴平, 第二个B不可儿化

别别扭扭 糊糊涂涂

(5) BB只读阴平, 第二个B可儿化

利利落落 (儿) 马马虎虎 (儿)

“BB常读阴平调, 第二个B常儿化”, 这其实是一种似是而非的论断, 实际应用是相当复杂的。我们考察了张斌先生主编的《现代汉语描写语法》所附列的《形容词生动形式表》, 该表共收录AABB式454个, 其中BB读阴平的160例, 仅占35.2%, 如果减去BB本调就是阴平声的66例 (如:平平庸庸、稀稀疏疏、热热乎乎) , 变调比例仅为20.7%。该表BB可儿化的共72例, 仅占总数的15.9%。因此从统计看, 实在不好得出“BB常读阴平调, 第二个B常儿化”的结论。人们为什么会有“BB常读阴平调, 第二个B常儿化”的感觉呢?这恐怕和BB变调的单向性有关, BB如果产生变调, 只能是本调非阴平的 (阳平、上声、去声) 变为阴平, 绝无阴平变为非阴平的逆向变化。我们观察到, 第二个B儿化, 与BB读阴平调有很强的关涉性72个可儿化的词例, 有70个BB读阴平, 如暖暖和和 (儿) 、利利索索 (儿) 等等;儿化但不读阴平的只有2例, 即上面第 (3) 类所举的文文静静 (儿) 、齐齐整整 (儿) 。在语言生活中, AABB式的读音往往体现出多种可能性和选择性, 并非简单划一的规律性, 只有在科学分析的基础上, 我们才能对其规律有更加清晰的认识。

形容词生动形式音变的教学和测试实践, 带给我们许多思考:我们似乎很乐意向学生传授所谓的语言规律, 很乐意给这些规律戴上科学的光环, 好像唯有这样才显得我们的汉语体系多么严整、表达多么绵密。我们似乎很害怕告诉学生语言可以这样、也可以那样, 很害怕承认“两可”的语言现象, 好像这些东西与规范化、标准化格格不入。其实让学生感悟到语言是丰富多彩的, 也是可以自发协调和变化的, 这远比教几条僵化的规律更有意义。


[1]王力.中国现代语法.[M].北京:商务印书馆, 1985.

[2]张斌.现代汉语描写语法.[M].北京:商务印书馆, 2010.

重叠形式形容词作状语的语义指向 篇3

关键词:重叠式 语义特征 语义关系 语义指向





































































country的形容词形式 篇4


The conclusion of the book was disappointing.


The play was built up to be a masterpiece but I found it very disappointing.


Our defeat was expected but it is disappointing nevertheless.


Midfielder Elliott has shown disappointing form recently.

country的形容词形式 篇5

My grandparents live in the country. They are both farmers. My grandpa is a kind man. He often took me to the farm. There were many kinds of animals on it, such as sheep, horses, pigs and chickens and so on. I liked the sheep very much because its wool was as white as snow. I also liked to ride horse. The air in the country is clean. Its different from that of the city. I usually did some exercise in the open air in the morning. I was sure it was good for my health.

I made many friends in the country. They were all friendly to me. We often went fishing in the river behind my grandparents house. We often swam in the river in summer, and in winter we often made snowmen in the open air.

How unforgettable it is! I like the country.





ability的形容词形式 篇6


1、A gentle form of exercise will increase your ability to relax.


2、Almost everyone has some musical ability.


3、A woman of her ability will easily find a job.


4、His outstanding ability earned him a place on the team.


5、These results are a further proof of his outstanding ability.


6、I have serious reservations about his ability to do the job.




1、A viral illness left her barely able to walk.


2、We aim to help the less able in society to lead an independent life.


3、The older child should be able to prepare a simple meal...


4、I have some information you may be able to use.

hurry的形容词形式 篇7


She hurried away without saying goodbye.


He picked up his bags and hurried across the courtyard.


She was hurried into making an unwise choice.


She shoved the book into her bag and hurried off.

country的形容词形式 篇8


similarity n. 类似;相似

tourism n. 旅游业

entertainment n. 娱乐

exchange n. 交换

crowded adj. 拥挤的

polluted adj. 受到污染的

smart adj. 漂亮的; 整洁的; 时髦的

homeless adj. 无家可归的

unfortunate adj. 不幸的; 遗憾的

vast adj. 巨大的; 庞大的; 浩瀚的



at the top of 在……顶端

at the bottom of 在……底部

make effort 努力

be connected with 与……有联系;与……有关

be close to 接近;靠近

up to 直到……;至多……

make progress 取得进步

reduce to 减至

increase by 以……的幅度增加

move out of 脱离;摆脱

be willing to do sth 乐意做某事

as much as 和……一样;多达……

measure vt. 测定;测量;评估

educate vt. 教育;培养;训练

hunger n. 饥饿

income n. 收入

human n. (与动物等对比的)人

goal n. 目标

position n. 位置

transport n. 交通工具

development n. 发展

figure n. 数字

freeway n. 高速公路


charity n. 慈善团体

inhabitant n. 居民

location n. 位置;所在地

poverty n. 贫穷

index n. 指数

expectancy n. (根据概率得出的)预期数额

household n. 一家人; 家庭

industrial adj. 工业的



disease n. 病;疾病

medium adj. 中等的;中间的


We are making progress but we need to make greater progress.

Although developed countries gives some financial help, they need to give much more.

In the last ten years in China, 150 million people moved out of poverty. However, the challenges are still great.

invest的形容词形式 篇9


Training for Entrepreneurship: the Investable Option of the Vocational College of Agriculture in Serving “Agriculture, Countryside and Farmers”

The individualism to spread unchecked is the investable result which we takes utilitarian as the guiding.

poison的形容词形式 篇10


The poisonous heavy metal is one of the major pollutants.


Some plants are poisonous and should be handled with care.

country的形容词形式 篇11

The China (Ningxia) International Investment and Trade Fair and the 3rd China-Arab States Economic and Trade Forum was held from Sept. 12 to 16 in Yinchuan, the region’s capital, highlights the point.

Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang, and foreign leaders including President of Central Africa Francois Bozize, President of Micronesia Emanuel Mori and Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea Michael Thomas Somare attended the opening ceremony.

“China and Arab states enjoy broad prospects for cooperation and the two sides need to expand the scale and upgrade the level of their cooperation,” Li was quoted as saying by Xinhua.

“China is a stable market for products from Arab countries. The Chinese side is encouraging its companies to engage in manufacturing sector and infrastructure construction in Arab countries,” he added.

Li called on China and Arab countries to expand cooperation in finance, oil and gas and renewable energy.

Since ancient times, Ningxia has been a bridge between China and Arab states which are connected by the Silk Road. Entering the new century, the Sino-Arab relations have seen a strong momentum of development. The exchanges of two sides in various areas are continuously expanding, among which, the economic and trade cooperation is the most active element.

Data shows that Sino-Arab trade volume surged to $195.9 billion, up 34.7 percent year on year in 2011. The Arab states have become China’s seventh largest trade partner.

Bozize said Central Africa and China enjoy a broad prospect of bilateral relations.“The two sides are expected to enhance cooperation in all fields and speed up pragmatic cooperation in agriculture, infrastructure construction and mineral resources, and therefore

to further promote the development of bilateral relations,”he said.

Now Ningxia is developing at fast pace in its golden period. The 12th Five-Year Plan has seen a good beginning in Ningxia. In 2011, the GDP of Ningxia reached RMB 206 billion, up 12 percent over the previous year.

According to Li, the Chinese government has recently approved the establishment of a new economic inland pilot zone in Ningxia and a comprehensive bonded area in Yinchuan, through which the Silk Road traversed. The pilot zone and bonded area are aimed at boosting the country’s domestic demand and deepening the opening-up of China’s western inland area, Xinhua reported.

“While further opening the coastal regions to the east, China will also boost its opening to the west at the same time, and special economic zones, pilot zones and key border ports are being established to serve as vanguard,” he explained.

Li said opening to the west is a significant part of China’s all-round opening up policy and China is speeding up construction of a number of bridgeheads for opening to the west in Western China.

As the country’s only provincial-level autonomous region for the Hui ethnic group, the Hui people accounted for over one third of the region’s population. The Muslims in the region and those in the Arab countries are closely related with same religious belief and similar customs. Therefore, Ningxia enjoys unique advantages in building a Sino-Arab cooperation platform.

“The approval of the pilot zone is to give Ningxia innovation space in terms of policies and encourage Ningxia to try first. The region, with the impetus of innovation, will absorb successful experience from the coastal areas and try to pave a new way of the inland area’s opening up,” said Wang Zhengwei, chairman of Ningxia.

According to Wang, Ningxia is to accelerate the construction of the Yuehaiwan Central Business District, the consulates area, the perpetual site of the China-Arab States Economic and Trade Forum, and other landmark buildings. Also, Ningxia aims to build a Muslim financial center by establishing the bonded area and the exchanges of major international commodities and halal products. Meanwhile, Ningxia is to strengthen cooperation with Arab countries in key areas like energy, goods trade, service trade, investment, culture and tourism by means of efficient and flexible open policies and pragmatic approaches to cooperation.

Sino-Arab investment has expanded from oil and light industry to mechanical manufacturing and auto assembly. Cooperations among service factors such as finance, tourism and aviation have also been enriched with many achievements, said Qiu Hong, China’s assistant minister of commerce.

The annual state-level event is jointly sponsored by China’s Ministry of Commerce, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, and the government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

The event attracted more than 7,000 domestic and overseas officials, exhibitors, purchasers and investors from 71 countries and districts, including Libya, Jordan, Iraq, Qatar and other developing countries such as Thailand and Malaysia, according to the organizing committee. The scale and level of this year have been further enhanced, compared with the previous sessions.

With the theme of “deepen cooperation and seek for common development,” the forum incorporates 31 parts, including a trade fair, seminars on energy, agriculture, business, finance, infrastructure, halal and cultural exchanges, and Arabic ethnic performances.

The event first adopted the mechanism of “the guest country of honor”. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) became this year’s guest country of honor and brought a delegation of 113 members, a 78-member government delegation and a woman’s soccer delegation.

The number of the contracts signed at the forum reached 124, with the total investment of RMB 218.7 billion. The projects include high-tech, energy, chemical industry, modern agriculture, infrastructure, logistics, culture and tourism. Among them, the deals worth over RMB 100 million account for 92 percent.

analyse的形容词形式 篇12

1. analysis  ,是可数名词,它的.复数形式是 analyses .

2. analyse, 是动词,它的三单形式也是analyses.(注意发音)

country的形容词形式 篇13

Unique ecological features make a green Ceylon

"International Union for Conservation of Natural Resources identifies Sri Lanka as a hot area for biodiversity. Hot areas for biodiversity are very rare in the world and Sri Lanka is one of them. It shows the significant position of ecological diversity especially the biodiversity of Sri Lanka in the world. The unique ecological features of Sri Lanka are due to its geographic locations. It's in the middle of the India Ocean, so the weathers and every aspect of live are influenced by the ocean." Speaking of the ecological environment of Sri Lanka, Ambassador Kohona was proud and eloquent.

Sri Lanka has a large area of rainforest. The rainforest makes the country not only green, but also inhabits many wild lives, including 7000 wild elephants. In addition, Sri Lanka is a developing country, and is well-known in the world for its tea. Among its various teas, the most famous one is the Ceylon tea. The tea of Sri Lanka possesses long history and world famous reputation, and is also been exported in large amounts. Hundreds of mountains are covered in tea trees, and the tea plantations have also become enchanting scenery there. Coconut, rice and rubber are also the main cash crops of Sri Lanka, so there are many lands covered in coconut palms and rubber plants. All those green plants can not only bring economic profits, but also give the land of Sri Lanka a green embrace.

"These are the crucial factors that create the unique ecological features of Sri Lanka", said by Ambassador Kohona.

The surging wave of ecological tourism

Tourism is another leading industry in the development of Sri Lanka. In recent years, the wave of ecological tourism has engulfed the country.


Sri Lanka is an important gathering place for whales and of course a perfect place for watching whales. It has become a key attraction in the tourism of Sri Lanka. Apart from whales, many people are attracted by the crowds of elephants and rich cultural heritages in Sri Lanka. Moreover, Sri Lanka has a history of over 2,500 years.

In 1970s, Sri Lanka built a park for the orphan elephants that lost their mothers, so it's also called "Elephant Orphanage". People expected the elephants can eventually return to the jungles. However, once the elephants got used to staying with people, it's not easy for them to go back to the natural habitats. Speaking of this, the Ambassador said regretfully, "Some elephants even propagate in the park. Thus, to some extent, the fostering plan is not very successful." But the Ambassador also pointed out that China has made a huge success in feeding of Giant Panda, and Sri Lanka could use some experiences from China in the future.

The Ambassador also mentioned that the culture of Sri Lanka has played an important role in the protection of wild animals, because Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country, which respects life and various living entities. In Sri Lanka, most of the animals will not face the fate of extinction, because people wouldn't kill them. In colonial times, hunting is an entertainment for the colonialists. They would kill elephants, deer, and other animals. Sri Lanka is now independent, and has made many strict policies in protecting animals.

Nevertheless, Sri Lankan now faces the problem that people and animals cannot coexist in peace. Wild animals may go out of the jungles sometimes into farmers' houses for rice, bananas and sugar canes. The government of Sri Lanka is trying to figure a way out to reduce the occurrence of this phenomenon. It's very challenging for the government. "It's because elephant has a very strong sense of smell. Even though the rice is hidden in the house, it can still smell it and tries to get into the house. Sometimes children of farmers staying in the house may get hurt or even be killed by the elephant. Therefore, we would build electrified wire netting in natural parks and farmers' residence to separate human from animals", the Ambassador told the reporter.

Unfortunately, the popularity of tourism has also done some harm. "If many people come, they will consume our resources like clean water and food, and may leave a lot of garbage. Some new alien species of plants will be planted to cater to the appetites of foreigners," said the Ambassador. However, in general, tourism is quite beneficial. "It not only brings economic income for the country, but also creates many employment opportunities for the local residents. Moreover, it gives the tourism industry a chance to develop in an environment-friendly way."


Global warming requires enhanced international cooperation

When it comes to the influence of global warming to Sri Lanka, an island country, the Ambassador answered, "global warming is not the 'biggest' problem, but we have to admit that it is indeed a problem."

Global warming does influence Sri Lanka. If the climate pattern changes, forests and water resources will be influenced directly or indirectly. In addition, climate change and global warming will also influence the cultivation of rice, sugar cane and cotton. Especially to the poor, the influence will be more apparent.

The influence of global warming on Sri Lanka can also be felt by the industry of fishing. In Sri Lanka, many people's lives depend on fishing and their lives are likely to be interrupted by global warming. Some scientists believe that the warmer sea changes the habitats of fish, so some species of fish that usually live in a certain area may disappear gradually.

In fact, to most of the countries in the world including Sri Lanka, global warming is a problem. "China is also confronted with this problem. For example, the Huanghe River no longer has floods as it used to do because there are water shortage in many places." As a China hand, the Ambassador acutely pointed out that China is also faced by the global warming problem. "Global warming is a problem faced by the whole world. Sri Lanka should pay attention to it. Specifically, Sri Lanka should pay close attention to the various possibilities of climate change since there have already been some early-stage signs."

The cooperation between Sri Lanka and China has been strengthened along with the economic globalization, but the Ambassador said the cooperation so far "mainly focus on industry and construction business. China helped us build a new international airport, many roads and bridges, and a main electricity center. Although they all belong to the field of industry, we have strict legislation to guarantee all these projects meet the standards of environmental protection before they are built. In the future, I believe there will be more opportunities to develop, study and protect our natural environment together."

For the future, the Ambassador said they will continue to cooperate with international organizations like International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and NGOs like World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in order to make unremitting efforts to protect the ecological environment of Sri Lanka.
