总公司 Head Office 分公司 Branch Office 营业部 Business Office 人事部 Personnel Department
人力资源部 Human Resources Department 总务部 General Affairs Department 财务部 General Accounting Department 销售部 Sales Department
促销部 Sales Promotion Department 国际部 International Department 出口部 Export Department 进口部 Import Department
公共关系 Public Relations Department 广告部 Advertising Department 企划部 Planning Department
产品开发部 Product Development Department 研发部 Research and Development Department(R&D)秘书室 Secretarial Pool 销售部 SALES DEPT.会议室(1)CONFERENCE ROOM(1)
综合办 COMPOSITE OFFICE(几个部门的组合大办公室)总务部 GENERAL AFFAIRS DEPT.(人事食堂等事宜)
男洗手间 W.C.(男士头形图)女洗手间 W.C.(女士头形图)男更衣室 LOCKER ROOM(MALE)女更衣室 LOCKER ROOM(FEMALE)供应部 Supplies Dept.采购组 Purchase Section 业务部 Sales Dept.管理部 Admin Dept.电脑课 Computer Dept.工程课 Engineering Dept.市场部 Market Dept.各种企业的英文翻译:
个人独资企业:sole proprietorship enterprise/sole investment enterprise 国营企业:state-run enterprise 国有企业:state-owned enterprise 集体企业:collectively-run enterprise 乡镇企业:township enterprise 公营企业:public enterprise 私营企业:private enterprise
私营工商业:privately owned individual and commercial enterprise 公私合营企业:joint state-private enterprise 合作社企业:cooperative enterprise 合资企业:joint venture
外向型企业:export-oriented enterprise 劳动密集型企业:labor-intensive enterprise 技术密集型企业:technology-intensive enterprise
国有大中型企业:big-and-medium-sized state-owned enterprise 亏损企业:money-losing enterprise 联合企业:conglomerate 工业企业:industrial complex 生产型企业:production enterprise
1. Literal Translation
According to the Webster’s New International Dictionary (second edition) , literal translation is“of translations, transcriptions, etc., representing or following the letter or exact words, not free.”Literal translation is widely used in the field of English film titles translation.Here we take some film titles for example:
Original Sin《原罪》, Saving Private Ryan《拯救大兵瑞恩》, Schindler’s List《辛德勒的名单》, The Lord of Rings《指环王》, The Graduate《毕业生》, Artificial Intelligence《人工智能》, The English Patient《英国病人》.
From these film titles we can see that the biggest advantage of literal translation is that it keeps the linguistic styles as that of the original titles, making the translated Chinese titles to be similar with the English ones to the most extent.Besides, literal translation makes the target language film titles equivalent to the original ones both in their styles and in language habits.
2. Free Translation
Except the literal translation, free translation is also a major means used in translating English film titles.Because of the differences (including geographic difference, history difference, religion difference, etc.) between the languages of English and Chinese, some film titles can not be simply translated into Chinese literally.Under such circumstances, free translation is necessary.
According to the Webster’s New International Dictionary (second edition) , free translation is“departing more or less from faithfulness to the original, not literal or exact”.
The film Ghost was shot in 1990.It’s a beautiful love story between a human-being and a ghost.According to the plot of the film, we can translate it into《人鬼情未了》.If we literally translate it into《鬼》, it will mislead the audience that it is a horror movie.
Other film titles like Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》, The Rock《勇闯夺命岛》, Eraser《毁灭者》, Courage under Fire《生死豪情》, The Mask《变相怪杰》, It’s a Wonderful Life《风云人物》, The Gun《壮志凌云》, Stuart Little《精灵鼠小弟》, The Bone Collector《神秘拼图》, Waterloo Bridge《魂断廊桥》, etc., all adopt the means of free translation.
Free translation to the most extent depends on the translator’s ability to select words and to modify the film titles without losing their meaning.It is also a main method used in translating English film titles.
3. The Combination of Literal and Free Translation
The combination of literal and free translation can be used in the situation when applying literal or free translation does not achieve a best film title.
Here are some translated film titles used the means of the combination of literal and free translation, such as Scream《夺命狂呼》The Fugitive《亡命天涯》, Dr.Dolittle《怪医杜立特》, Seven《七宗罪》, The One《救世主》, A Knight’s Tale《骑士风云录》, Cats&Dogs《猫狗大战》, Chocolate《浓情巧克力》, Tomorrow Never Dies《明日帝国》, Rush Hour《尖峰时刻》, etc.
This means is probably applied to most of English film titles translation.The translator maximizes his imagination based on the literal meaning of original film titles and the plot of films, achieving a balance between original and target language.
4. Conclusion
Film title is the first impression on the audience.How to translate English film titles concisely remains a top priority to a translator Three methods of translating English film titles mentioned in this article should be adopted flexibly in the process of translation.Meanwhile the translator should maximize one’s imagination to make more creative translation.
摘要:随着娱乐产业的不断发展, 电影已成为人们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。英文电影名称是否得到妥善的翻译, 将会影响电影的宣传。本文将探讨三种主要的翻译方法。
首当其冲便属《魂断蓝桥》。《魂断蓝桥》英文原名为"Waterloo Bridge”。直译“滑铁卢桥”。译为“魂断蓝桥”取意中国传统黄梅戏折子戏《蓝桥会》。《蓝桥会》讲了一个凄美的爱情故事,正合了Waterloo Bridge里男女主人公的不幸遭遇。因此,影片译为《魂断蓝桥》不仅体现了影片的主要内容,而且蕴含了中国文化。一举两得。
比如电影Lawrence of Aribia。中文译为“阿拉伯的劳伦斯”就不如意译为“沙漠枭雄”。因为对于中国观众来说。他们更多想到的可能就是英国小说家劳伦斯以及劳伦斯的情欲小说,再加上阿拉伯国家独特的宗教信仰,中国观众可能会联想到其他内容而偏离电影的本意。谁又能想到Lawrence ofAribia讲的是二次世界大战期间。一支反德军的空袭队在温汤将军的带领下在非洲沙漠中进行的一次次的战斗,面对敌军的重重包围,在敌军的枪林弹雨中激战与逃生,展开一幕幕惊心动魄的战争的故事?因此“沙漠枭雄”是很确切的描述,观众很快会联想到影片的战争题材。
又如,前面提到的Waterloo Bridge如简单地直译处理,就成了“滑铁卢桥”,观众很快会联想到拿破仑。怎么也不会和爱情联系在一起。
还有一部英文名为The ShawshankRedemption。这是一部所有影迷都交口称赞的绝对杰作,可惜译名混乱不堪。内地正版叫它“月黑高飞”,香港译法是“刺激1995"。“月黑高飞”虽然听着像武侠片。但意思上还可以理解:可“刺激1995"就因为它是1995年在香港上演,就无端地成了如此译名,简直是让人从心里觉得难受。如果看过这部电影,一定会觉得这是对伟大作品的亵渎。比较喜欢的译法是“肖申克的救赎”。首先它兼顾了“鲨鱼堡”的英语发音和自身含义,显得冰冷而神秘,其次忠实了“偿还、拯救”这一层意思,可以说相当到位。
中国故事“梁山伯与祝英台”译成英文Romeo and Juliet of China,西方人马上就能明白它的内容极其深刻和巨大的影响力。如果翻译成The butterfly Lovers或用汉语拼音音译,反而会让他们摸不着头脑。
电影“东邪西毒”译为Ashes of Time。真让人“念天地之悠悠。独怆然而涕下”。
可饱含中国文化含义的“霸王别姬”译成Farewell My Concubine让人匪夷所思。“唐伯虎点秋香”译成The Flirting Scholar恐怕连最无厘头的周星驰都会认为可笑。难怪有人把翻译比作婚姻,自然有信、达、雅的一对,也有强扭着不甜、磕磕绊绊过一辈子的。
对应英文介绍模板 公司英文名称)is a manufacturer of(主营产品)with well-equipped testing facilities and strong technical force.With a wide range, good quality, reasonable prices and stylish designs, our products are extensively used in应用的行业领域)and other industries.Our products are widely recognized and trusted by users and can meet continuously changing economic and social needs.We welcome new and old customers from all walks of life to contact us for future business relationships and mutual success!
对应英文介绍模板(公司英文名称)is located in(公司所在城市)and is specialized in manufacturing(主营产品).With an experienced and professional team, we have exported our products to many countries and regions all over the world, especially(产品销往地).Our products enjoy a good reputation among our customers.We welcome customers, business associations and friends from all parts of the world to contact us and seek cooperation for mutual benefits.中文介绍模板
Established in ______(成立年份), ______(公司名称)specializes in the business of(主营产品).Located in ________(公司所在城市we enjoy convenient access to major transportation networks.Our company covers an area of ________(占地面积)and has around ______(员工人数)staff members.Furthermore, all our products are manufactured with advanced equipment and strict QC procedures in order to ensure high quality.Guaranteeing stable and timely supply, credible quality and sincere service, our products sell well in both domestic and overseas markets.If you are interested in any of our products, or wish to place a customized order, please contact us.We will do our best to meet your needs.中文介绍模板 ABC 公司成立于XX年,集研发与销售于一体。本公司占地面积为XX。倚仗丰富经验及勤奋刻苦的员工,我司可以满足客户的各类要求,并拥有XX的年生产量。我司主要生产XX且产品畅销XX我司对每个产品严格执行质量检查。我司将竭尽所能为贵司服务,期待成就双方间的合作及友谊。
_________(公司名称)was founded in ______(成立年份), integrating R&D and sale.Our company covers an area of __________(占地面积).With our abundant experience and industrious and hardworking staff members, we can meet various requirements from different types of customers.Our production capacity amounts to ______(年生产量)per year.We are mainly engaged in ______(主营产品), and our products sell well in ___(产品销往地).We conduct strict quality inspections over each batch / product.We will try our best to serve you and hope to become one of your friends and business partners
中文介绍模板 ABC 公司成立于XX年,是一家集产品研发,生产,销售和服务于一体的专业XX公司。我司座落于XX省 市,交通便利。我司员工经验丰富,致力于严格质检和周到客服,并能随时讨论客户需求保证客户满意度。近年来,我司引进了一系列先进设备如XXX。另外,我们还获得了XXX证书。我司产品不仅畅销国内大小省市,还出口到各个国家和地区,包括XXX 国家或地区。同时,我们也承接OEM和ODM订单。无论贵司是我们现有订目录中选取一款产品或是要寻求工程应用方面的帮助,欢迎随时联系我司客服中心,并告之贵司的采购要求。
_________Established in_________(成立年份),_________(公司英文名称)is a professional manufacturer engaged in the research, development, production, sale and service of _________(主营产品).We are located in _________(公司所在城市)and have convenient transportation access.Dedicated to strict quality control and thoughtful customer service, our experienced staff members are always available to discuss your requirements and ensure full customer satisfaction.In recent years, our company has introduced a series of advanced equipment, including_________(各种设备).In addition, we have attained_________(通过的认证名称)certificates.Selling well in all cities and provinces around China, our products are also exported to clients in such countries and regions as_________(产品销往地).We also welcome OEM and ODM orders.Whether selecting a current product from our catalog or seeking engineering assistance for your application, you can talk to our customer service center about your sourcing requirements
中文介绍模板 ABC 公司成立于XX年,坐落于XX我司致力于XX产品的研发和生产。我司拥有XX(数量)对熟练员工以及XX设备,因而能轻松满足贵司的要求。我司建有强大的销售网,产品在 XX地区深受客户好评。随着公司的迅猛发展,我司已获得XX证书以及各项荣誉称号如 XX 若贵司欲进一步了解我司,请随时联系我们。期待与您的携手合作。
________(公司英文名称)was established in _____(成立年份)and is located in ______(公司所在城市We are dedicated to the development and production of ______(主营产品).Our company employs_____(员工人数)skillful personnel and is equipped with _________(公司设备).Therefore, we can easily meet your requirements.Thanks to our powerful distribution network, our products are popular with customers in _____________(产品销往地).With rapid development, we have attained ___________(证书名称)certification and won many honorary titles, including _________(荣誉称号).To learn more about what we can do for you, contact us at any time.We look forward to establishing a good and long-term business relationship with you
ABC 公司成立于XX年主要从事XX产品的设计研发生产和销售。我们自主开发了XX款产品供你选择,每月可推出不低于XX款新产品以满足最新的市场需求。依靠丰富的经验和全方位的服务
我公司已是许多国外买家公认的值得信赖的供应商。我们拥有各种生产设备以及经验丰富资深的工程师他们能熟练运用XX等先进软件来达到客户提出的各种特殊要求。目前公司的年生产量为XX能轻易完成客户的大量订单。为保证产品质量我们的XX位QC人员严格控制生产加工的每个环节来料检查加工检查和最后的出厂检查。我们引进国内外先进的XX检测设备以保证我们的产品符合国际标准。我们的产品畅销于国内外市场 如XX国家或地区并得到广大客户的一致好评。如果您想从我们的强大的生产加工能力及全方位的服务中获利的话 请随时联系我们。我们诚挚的希望同所有的客户一起创造胜利并分享我们的成功秘诀!
_____(公司英文名称)was founded in _______(成立年份).We focus on designing, researching and developing, manufacturing and selling _______(主营产品).We have more than _______(设计数量)self-developed designs and molds for you to choose from.We release at least _______(数量)new products monthly to meet the latest market trends.With our rich experience and considerate services, we have been recognized as a reliable supplier for many international buyers.We operate our in-house facilities to work on your OEM/ODM projects.Our experienced engineers are adept at using(软件系统或设备), enabling us to meet your customized requirements.With an annual production capacity of _______(年生产量), we can fill your bulk orders with ease.To ensure quality, we have more than _______(人数)QC members to carry out strict inspection at each stage: incoming inspection(IQC), in-process inspection(IPQC)and final inspection(FQC).We have also introduced _______(检测设备), which allow us to make products that meet international standards.Our products sell well in domestic and international markets, such as _______(产品销往地), and are favorably appraised by clients.To benefit from our strong OEM/ODM capabilities and considerate services, contact us today.We will sincerely create and share success with all clients.中文介绍模板 ABC 公司成立于XX年,位于XX,拥有便利的交通是一家专业的高科技企业。我们主要生产先进的XX产品,并与业内的行家和制造商进行合作包括XX公司。此外我们还已获得XX公司的授权成为该公司在中国的主要经销商。我公司注重研发保证向客户提供高质创新的产品。此外我们采用严格的质量检控方法以确保产品质量的可靠性。凭借可靠的商业信誉,优质的售后服务以及现代化的生产我们已在全球的客户中赢得了很好的声誉。我们强调发展,每年都会定期向市场推出新产品。我们的产品畅销于国内外市场如XX国家或地区
并得到广大客户的一致好评。我们坚持质量优先服务至高信誉第一”的管理原则。我们诚挚的希望同所有的客户一起创造胜利并分享我们的成功秘诀!欢迎您联系我们了解更多信息 我们期待与您的合作!
Established in_______(成立年份),_______(公司英文名称)is a professional high tech enterprise based in_______(公司所在城市), and enjoying convenient transportation access.We are fully committed to producing technologically advanced_______(主营产品)We have partnered with leading operators and manufacturers in the industry, including_______(合作公司).In addition, we are authorized by_______(其他合作公司)to be their main distributor in China., Our focus is on R&D, ensuring that we provide our customers with top quality and innovative products.In addition, we use stringent quality control measures to ensure the reliability of our products.With sound business credit, excellent after-sales service, and modern manufacturing facilities, we have earned an excellent reputation among our customers across the globe.We emphasize development, and introduce new products into the market every year.Our products sell well in domestic and international markets, such as_______(产品销往地), and are favorably appraised by clients.We pursue the management tenet of “Quality is superior, Service is supreme, Reputation is first”, and will sincerely create and share success with all clients.We welcome you to contact us for more information and look forward to working with you
成立于XXX,XXX公司是一家专业生产XXX的制造商。本公司坐落于XXX,享有便捷的交通优势。我司占地面积为XXX,且拥有如下精良设备: XXX,年生产量达到XXX。本公司持有出口证,产品远销XXX,并在国内外获得了广泛好评。本公司享有XXX荣誉。从原料选购、加工、检测到包装,我们对每个环节都执行严格品控。本公司采用XXX作为信条。我司热忱欢迎国内外客户前来开展合作、共创未来。
Established in ______(公司成立年份), ___________(公司名称)is a specialized manufacturer of
_________________(公司产品).Located in ____________(公司所在地), we enjoy convenient access to major transportation networks.Our company occupies an area of ___________(占地面积)and has such advanced facilities as____________________________(设备介绍).Our annual production capacity is ___________(年生产量).Holding a trade license, we export products to ______________(出口国家、地区).Our products gain wide praise at home and abroad.Our company has won _____________(荣誉、证书).Strict quality control covers every procedure, from material sourcing and processing through to testing and packing.Our tenet is
___________________________________(公司原则、信条).We warmly welcome customers at home and abroad to establish cooperation and create a bright future together with us.XXX,成立于XXX,坐落于XXX,专业从事XXX的生产与销售。本公司供应一系列产品以满足不断变化的市场需求且承接定制业务订单。我司年生产量为XXX,产品销往XXX。本公司信奉XXX倚赖于品质产品、卓越服务、合理价格和及时交付,我司正致力于拓展国际市场。请随时联系我司以做进一步了解。
Founded in ___________(公司成立年份), ___________(公司名称)is located in _________(公司所在地).We are a professional enterprise engaged in the manufacture and sale of _______________(产品介绍).We can supply a wide range of products to meet ever-changing market demands.Customized orders are welcomed.Outputting_____________________(年生产量)every year, our main markets include______________________(产品覆盖市场).Our company insists on the principle of__________________________(公司原则、信条).We are increasingly expanding our international market share based on quality products, excellent service, reasonable price and timely delivery.Please contact us at any time for more information.XXX是XX市最主要的进出口公司。我们公司主要生产和出口XX产品。我们的成功主要源于 XXXX。我们拥有一支高效的团队。能够根据客户的需求制作产品。我们的目标是XXXXX。我们的产品畅销XXXXX。我们的产品受到客户的广泛青睐。我们有XX个工厂。产品品种丰富,主要有XX,XX,XX,XX和XX。我们有能力研发新产品。我们真诚的寻求与客户的合作。
___________(公司名称)is one of the key(行业)enterprises in(地理位置).Our company specializes in the manufacture and export of(产品).The key of our success is(成功的因素).We have a highly efficient team to deal with inquiries from customers.Our goal is(目标).We are experienced in selling goods to(出口国家和地区)and enjoy a good reputation among clients.With(个数)factories, we can provide a wide range of products.In fact, our main series now include(产品种类).Moreover, besides standard products, we also provide an extensive range of customization services in order to cater for your special orders.We are seeking sincerely cooperation with all interested companies
Founded in ___________(公司成立年份), ___________(公司名称)is located in _________(公司所在地).We are a professional enterprise engaged in the manufacture and sale of _______________(产品介绍).We can supply a wide range of products to meet ever-changing market demands.Customized orders are welcomed.Outputting_____________________(年生产量)every year, our main markets include______________________(产品覆盖市场).Our company insists on the principle of __________________________(公司原则、信条).We are increasingly expanding our international market share based on quality products, excellent service, reasonable price and timely delivery.Please contact us at any time for more information.XXX是XX市最主要的进出口公司。我们公司主要生产和出口XX产品。
___________(公司名称)is one of the key(行业)enterprises in(地理位置).Our company specializes in the manufacture and export of(产品).The key of our success is(成功的因素).We have a highly efficient team to deal with inquiries from customers.Our goal is(目标).We are experienced in selling goods to(出口国家和地区)and enjoy a good reputation among clients.With(个数)factories, we can provide a wide range of products.In fact, our main series now include(产品种类).Moreover, besides standard products, we also provide an extensive range of customization services in order to cater for your special orders.We are seeking sincerely cooperation with all interested companies
Enterprise History
Since our establishment in _______(成立年份), we have developed from a small enterprise into
a comprehensive group, integrating the R&D, manufacture and sale of _______________(产品系列).Enterprise Strength
We staff _____(员工人数)personnel, including _____ professional engineers with high education and _________skilled workers with strict training.We also boast complete production lines, ranging from _______ to ________(生产设备), which ensure high productivity and efficient production.Meanwhile, backed by stable material suppliers, we produce up to ______(月产量)units monthly, _____(出口百分)percent of which are for export.Enterprise Markets
Selling well throughout the domestic market, our products are also warmly welcomed by clients
in _________________________(出口国家).We are looking forward to cooperating with more clients worldwide for common development and mutual benefits.Contact us today to benefit from what we offer.中文介绍模板
要求。此外,我们所有的产品在走货前都经过严格的检验。我们的产品已获得了 XX证书。
A Company You Can Trust :
Located in________(公司所在城市), _________(公司英文名称)is a professional manufacturer of _____________(公司主营产品).We have ____(从事XX行业的年数)years of experience
in ___________(所从事行业)and have a good reputation in this field.Our products have won praise from customers worldwide.Quality and Safety:
We have implemented a strict and complete quality control system, which ensures that each product can meet quality requirements of customers.Besides, all of our products have been strictly inspected before shipment.Our products have attained ____________(通过的证书名称)certification.Your Success, Our Glory:
In employers’ eyes, a job hunter’s resume is worth 30 points and the cover letter is worth 20 points.So writing good cover letters is almost as important as writing resumes.When you prepare to write a cover or application letter, you could refer to the following checklist.I.Attention(Opening Paragraph)
A.Capture the reader’s attention in a businesslike way.Choose an option:
1.Summary opening.Present your strongest, most relevant qualifications, with an explanation of how they can benefit the organization.2.Name opening.Mention the name of a person who is well known to the reader and who has suggested that you apply for the job.3.Source opening.When responding to a job ad, identify the publication in which the ad appeared, and briefly describe how you meet each requirement stated in the ad.4.Question opening.Pose an attention-getting question that shows you understand an organization’s problem, need, or goal and have a genuine desire to help solve or meet it.5.News opening.Cite a publicized organizational achievement, contemplated change, or new procedure or product;then link it to your desire to work for the organization.6.Personalized opening.Present one of your relevant interests, mention previous experience with the organization, or cite your present position or status as a means of leading up to a discussion of why you want to work for the organization.7.Creative opening.Demonstrate your flair and imagination with colorful phrasing, especially if the job requires these qualities.B.State that you are applying for a job, and identify the position or type of work you seek.II.Interest and Desire or Evidence of Qualifications(next several paragraphs)
Present your key qualifications for the job, highlighting what is on your resume: job-related education and training;relevant work experience and related activities, interests, and qualities.A.Adopt a mature and businesslike tone.1.Eliminate boasting and exaggeration.2.Back up your claims of ability by citing specific achievements in educational and work settings or in outside activities.3.Demonstrate knowledge of the organization and desire to join it by citing its operations or trends in the industry.B.Link your education, experience, and personal qualities to the job requirements.1.Relate aspects of your training or work experience to those of the target position.2.Outline your educational preparation for the job.3.Provide proof that you can learn quickly, are a hard worker, can handle responsibility, and / or get along well with others.4.Present ample evidence of the personal qualities and the work attitudes that are desirable for job performance.III.Action(closing paragraph)
1.Request an interview at the reader’s convenience.2.State your phone number(with area code)and the best time to reach you, to make the interview request easy to comply with8), or
计算机/互联网/通讯 Technology/Internet
首席技术执行官 CTO/VP Engineering
技术总监/经理 Technical Director/Manager
信息技术经理 IT Manager
信息技术主管 IT Supervisor
信息技术专员 IT Specialist
项目经理/主管 Project Manager/Supervisor
项目执行/协调人员 Project Specialist / Coordinator 系统分析员 System Analyst
高级软件工程师 Senior Software Engineer
软件工程师 Software Engineer
系统工程师 System Engineer
高级硬件工程师 Senior Hardware Engineer
硬件工程师 Hardware Engineer
通信技术工程师 Communications Engineer
ERP技术/应用顾问 ERP Technical/Application Consultant 数据库工程师 Database Engineer
技术支持经理 Technical Support Manager
技术支持工程师 Technical Support Engineer
品质经理 QA Manager
信息安全工程师 Information Security Engineer 软件测试工程师 Software QA Engineer
硬件测试工程师 Hardware QA Engineer
测试员 Test Engineer
网站营运经理/主管 Web Operations Manager/Supervisor 网络工程师 Network Engineer
系统管理员/网管 System Manager/Webmaster 网页设计/制作 Web Designer/Production
技术文员/助理 Technical Clerk/Assistant
销售 Sales
销售总监 Sales Director
销售经理 Sales Manager
区域销售经理 Regional Sales Manager
客户经理 Sales Account Manager
渠道/分销经理 Channel/Distribution Manager
渠道主管 Channel Supervisor
销售主管 Sales Supervisor
销售代表 Sales Representative / Executive
销售工程师 Sales Engineer
医药代表 Pharmaceutical Sales Representative 保险代理 Insurance Agent
销售助理 Sales Assistant / Trainee
商务经理 Business Manager
商务专员/助理 Business Executive/Assistant
销售行政经理 Sales Admin.Manager
销售行政主管 Sales Admin.Supervisor
售前/售后技术服务经理 Technical Service Manager
售前/售后技术服务主管 Technical Service Supervisor 售前/售后技术服务工程师 Technical Service Engineer
售后/客户服务(非技术)经理 Customer Service Manager 售后/客户服务(非技术)主管 Customer Service Supervisor 售后/客户服务(非技术)专员 Customer Service Executive 经销商 Distributor
市场/公关/广告 Marketing/PR/Advertising
市场/广告总监 Marketing/Advertising Director/VP
市场/营销经理 Marketing Manager
市场/营销主管 Marketing Supervisor
市场/营销专员 Marketing Executive/Communication 市场助理 Marketing Assistant / Trainee
产品/品牌经理 Product/Brand Manager
产品/品牌主管 Product/Brand Supervisor
市场通路经理 Trade Marketing Manager
市场通路主管 Trade Marketing Supervisor
促销经理 Promotions Manager
促销主管 Promotions Supervisor
促销员 Promotions Specialist
市场分析/调研人员 Market Analyst/ Research Analyst 公关/会务经理 Public Relations Manager
公关/会务主管 Public Relations Supervisor
公关/会务专员 Public Relations Executive
媒介经理 Media Manager
媒介人员 Media Specialist
企业/业务发展经理 Business Development Manager 企业策划人员 Corporate Planning
Prison Break《越狱》这部美剧的受关注程度, 可以说是去年最热的一部电视剧, 既然要把它放到中央电视台来播就不能太低调, 特别是名字一定要改, 而且越狱这个词也不符合我们央视黄金段的规定, 既要符合规定又要老百姓记住, 通俗易懂, 还要扣主题, 所以各种中国特色的片名就诞生了, 像《将逃跑进行到底》《监色生死恋》等等。
我们翻译电影名称有时从剧情, 角色的名字, 地点等来平白直译的, 像matrix其实有.1.母体;基础2.[生]子宫3[地]基质;脉石4.[印]字模;纸型5. (唱片的) 原版6.[数]矩阵共6种意思, 而矩阵, 这是电信和计算机领域的专业词汇从剧情所涉背景来看, 这个名字是相当好的。结合一下《黑客帝国》地剧情, 其实很容易理解.想起这个名字主要是因为主角Neo在Matrix里是个hacker的缘故吧.
Gone with the wind《飘》《乱世佳人》。《乱世佳人》用其背景来翻译。一个“飘”字, 把原文“随风逝去”的意思简单明了地表达出来, 1936年, 随着《飘》这部小说的出版, 玛格丽特米切尔立刻家喻户晓。此书当时轰动全美, 一直到现在仍畅销不衰, 赢得众多读者, 使其成为“飘”不去的“乱世佳人”。书中描写了两位性格截然不同的女主角坚韧顽强, 勇于面对困难不退缩的生活态度, 特别是斯佳丽不懈的拼搏奋斗, 给人以极大的心灵震撼和精神鼓舞。《乱世佳人》也恰当地传递出那战火纷飞的年代, 颠覆传统的年代, 主人公对命运的难以把握和无止境的痛苦与无奈。
Forrest Gump《阿甘正传》。这部荣获奥斯卡6项大奖的经典影片被译为《阿甘正传》, 而不是音译为《福雷斯特.甘普》是中西文化交融的范例。此名由来于鲁迅的《阿Q正传》, 同时点出了这部人物传记题材, “甘”又照顾可原片名, 点出主人公姓氏。家喻户晓的阿Q精神, 一提起来让人忍俊不禁的笑。他是个穷人, 遇到很多不如意的事情时, 总以他乐观向上, 积极进取的心态去面对。影片《阿甘正传》中“阿甘”, 其性格就类式于阿Q, 于是观众就有欲望去欣赏影片。
Spiderman《蜘蛛侠》。2002年上映的Spiderman, 在台湾翻译为《蜘蛛人》这就远没有大陆的《蜘蛛侠》来的传神。《蜘蛛侠》中此“侠”字, 感受到中国武打片中“侠气冲天”“侠人扶贫”的肝胆, 更有“白眉大侠”“令狐大侠”的气息, 他们之所以称为侠士, 因有路见不平, 拔刀相助的英雄气概。现代人, 他们无刀, 但心中有千万把“刀”。当然, 我们所说的现代“侠士”, 很少亲眼看见, 想要更多的出现, 于是人们期盼在电影中表现出来。人们就把它搬上银幕, 中国有“大侠”, 于是外国有了“蜘蛛侠”。如:Batman《蝙蝠侠》的翻译也是如此。
Ghost《人鬼情未了》。初看Ghost有中恐惧感, 想有个“鬼”题目的电影, 一定是恐怖片, 但电影是围绕感情铺张的, 毫无恐惧感。描述了一段动人的人和鬼之间的荡气回肠的爱情故事。背景于二十世纪八十年代, 美国社会悄然兴起了道德复兴运动, 这股浪潮迅速波及到了好莱坞, 于是敏感的电影人迅速推出了一批既能迎合大众心理, 又能顺应时代潮流的电影作品, 如《人鬼情未了》。让不知道情节的观众有想法去看, 它让故事情节和题目紧密相连, 达到翻译想要的效果。所以一经放映, 很多观众排队买票, 也许这就是名片配好的名字的效应吧。
但有些翻译看了不知所云, 比如把Rebecca《瑞贝卡》翻译成《蝴蝶梦》。其娓娓动听, 但不懂庄子的“庄生小梦迷蝴蝶, 望地春心托杜鹃。”的诗句的人, 就会觉得莫名其妙了, 蝴蝶在哪?更不会梦了。
电影翻译中要有文化意象的重构, 修润等方法, 要考虑两国语言, 文化以及在交往中的知识融会贯通。东西方文化的差异的存在, 电影翻译中许多英语词语若直接硬译, 会令广大中国观众无法接受与认同。我们要站在本国观众角度去观赏影片, 两国知识以及文化都贯通忠实全影片去翻译影片题目。因此译文既要译的传神, 更要让人易懂, 让人有回味无穷的感觉。
摘要:电影翻译基本上必须遵循三大原则:信息传递原则, 美学欣赏原则和文化重构原则。
[文章编号]1006-2831(2013)08-0208-3 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-2831.2013.03.053
1 . 语篇类型,功能与翻译目的
2 . 归化策略和异化策略以及韦努蒂关于归化/异化翻译观点的转变
3 . NBA球队名称的归化翻译取向
从NBA球队队名的语篇功能和翻译目的来看,大多采取归化的翻译策略。主动向受众的文化背景靠拢,译为中国观众所熟悉的意象以争取中国球迷的支持不失为一个好方法。例如TORONTO RAPTORS中,raptors本意为“凶猛的禽”,如鹰、鹫等,具有速度快、灵活性好、观察力敏锐等特点。然而西方文化中龙的形象常常是邪恶诡异的,在队名中以猛禽指龙的可能性不大。将其译为多伦多猛龙队,就是运用了归化翻译策略,以中国传统文化中龙的吉祥、勇敢、强大、霸气的特点来表现TORONTO RAPTORS的内涵,“猛”字恰好地体现了球队队员的强壮和势不可挡。而有些媒体译为暴龙队或恐龙队则令人联想到恶龙残暴、血腥的一面,不容易获得球迷好感。DALLAS MAVERICKS中mavericks意为“小牲口,不受驯服的动物”,引申意为“特立独行的人,反传统的人”。直译为“小牲口队”显然不妥,可是如果忽略mavericks的本意,译为“独特队”又显不够贴切。在中国,常见的牲口有牛、马、驴、骡等许多。但是考虑到其引申义,则不难想起mavericks与中国谚语“初生牛犊不怕虎”的相通之处。因此,选择小牛犊为mavericks所指,译为达拉斯小牛队最能体现球队敢于拼搏、勇于挑战的精神。一些媒体将其译为达拉斯牛仔队则属于异化策略翻译,以美国西部牛仔充满活力、敢于闯荡的形象诠释球队的精神内涵。WASHINGTON WIZARDS中的wizards指“巫师”。巫师在西方是具有神奇魔力的形象,使用咒语和魔药,负责传示神谕,能够预言,有正义与邪恶之分;然而在中国,人们提起巫师总是联想到装神弄鬼、助纣为虐的形象,特指掌握邪恶力量的坏人。因此,译为巫师队容易招致反感。相比之下奇才一词则好得多。在中国,人们把能力出众的人称为人才,历史上就有著名的“四大才子”。对于具有某一方面特殊才能的人则称为奇才以显示其优秀以及与众不同。可见,将WASHINGTON WIZARDS译为华盛顿奇才队很好地运用了归化的策略,把球队名称内涵巧妙地融于中国文化之中,容易与受众产生共鸣,为受众所认可。
4 . NBA球队名称的异化翻译考量
异化翻译策略是指在译文中尽量保存语篇的原汁原味,即异国风情,以期达到让受众了解源语篇所属语言的文化价值的目的。当某些NBA球队队名与球队的历史发展紧密相连,例如反映球队所在区域或纪念特殊历史事件时,若勉强采用归化翻译策略就不合时宜,甚至可能导致“四不像”的尴尬局面。此时,异化翻译策略就更有助于中国球迷正确理解球队文化,领略异国风情。采用异化翻译时,要注意两点。首先,异化不是简单的直译,而是翻译过程中文化诠释方法上的一种选择;其次,异化翻译常常需要加以注释,帮助受众了解源语篇语言的历史和文化。例如Boston Celtics,球队名称源于波士顿社会人口结构特点。波士顿有许多爱尔兰移民,其中不少移民是凯尔特人。因此,译为波士顿凯尔特人能够准确地反映球队历史,这种以先祖命名的方式稍稍加以解释也能使中国球迷理解起来毫不费力。在福建闽南地区,有整片的村落住宅依然题有“鲁国公堂”、“渤海流芳”等字样以示自己为山东渤海一带移民的后人。尽管他们移居至福建已历三代,却仍然以先祖的归属地标榜自己,中国人民的这种“认祖归宗”的情结与Boston Celtics这一队名的意义有异曲同工之处。还有著名的L.A. Lakers译为洛杉矶湖人队。在中国是没有“湖人”这个概念的,之所以采用异化策略,坚持译为湖人队是因为1948年加盟NBA时,球队还在明尼阿波利斯,一座被称为万湖之地的城市,于是便有了Lakers,意为在湖边生活或工作的人。1960年,球队搬迁到了洛杉矶,冠以新的城市名却没有更改队名,即L.A. Lakers。在中国,人们熟知“山里人”和“渔民”这样的概念,因此,要受众理解“湖人”的意义并不困难。这样的异化翻译处理既成功地向中国球迷展示了球队独有的历史底蕴和文化归属,又能较容易地为中国球迷理解和接受,顺利实现了预期的语篇翻译目的。正符合了韦努蒂后期的观点:异化的翻译需要结合归化的语言才能完美地展示给受众,正确地为受众所理解和接受。And this means that the linguistic and cultural differences of the foreign text can only be signaled indirectly by their displacement in the translation through a domestic difference introduced into values and institutions at home(Venuti, 2004). 将New Orleans Hornets译为新奥尔良黄蜂就稍显曲折。NBA球队有以动物名作为队名的传统,在中国的文化中黄蜂虽不如灰熊、公牛、雄鹿等动物那样能使中国受众立刻将动物特征与篮球运动特征联系起来,但在蜂类中黄蜂也称得上骁勇的大个子,且蜂类擅长的就是群体进攻,译为黄蜂队也算恰如其分。相传在南北战争期间,夏洛特附近的黄蜂群帮助驻扎在当地的南军打跑了北军。从那时开始,黄蜂就被视作夏洛特的庇护神。将Minnesota Timberwolves译为明尼苏达森林狼则是陌生化策略的运用。Timberwolves原意是灰狼,即我们所说的大灰狼。中国受众立刻联想到的恐怕是大灰狼与小红帽中的经典大灰狼形象,狡诈、阴险,被聪明的小红帽识破诡计后惨遭猎人猎杀。译者对直译的灰狼形象进行陌生化处理,译为森林狼或木狼,强化了源语篇文化中灰狼居住在森林里,健壮而善于奔跑的动物形象,更容易获得中国球迷的认可和好感。由此可见,异化翻译的过程中,说明性的注释和对译入语境传统文化的考虑都是必要的。
Venuti, L. The Translation Studies Reader[C]. London: Routledge, 2000.