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专四语法题答案 篇1

2.C句子的主语为solar power or fission power,谓语是may give, collected by satellite circling the earth是后置定语修饰solar power,其中circling the earth 又是现在分词短语修饰satellite,“环绕地球的卫星”,相当于the satellite which circles the earth。其他选择项均不符合句子语法结构要求。

3.C句中已给出频次状语several times,说明要用完成时态,同时句子的时态定位是现在时they are wakened,显然不能用过去完成时,所以选C。

4.C这是一个so„that结构表示结果状语的句型,A、D 可以排除。在that从句中又有条件从句,而且应该是虚拟语气结构,B中没有表示条件的连词,是错误的。C虽然也没有连词if,但采用了倒装结构,可以将if省略,又是had done,表示与过去事实相反的假设,时态、结构完全正确,因此是惟一正确的选择。

5.D这是一个含蓄虚拟句,意为“有些妇女完全可以不呆在家里,干一份工作挣得可观的工资,可是她们决定不工作,为的是照顾家庭”,所以选D。should have made意思是“本应该做而实际上没做”,与原句意不够贴切。

6.B相当于A light with no more power than the power that is produced by„。that代替power,表示相比较的事物,而D中没有比较对象,故不对;as表示原级比较,不与than用在一起,故A也不正确;C中缺少that的先行词,也是错误的。

7.C let alone,“更不用说„„”,在用法上相当于并列连词,因此要求填入与前面一样的结构,此处是不定式。

8.D句子要求填一个能够代替these refrigerators 的代词,故排除A、C。the others一般与另一部分相对而言,在此句中不对,所以选the ones。

9.A句子后半句是倒装句,主语是复数its soil and the water of its lakes, rivers and oceans,因为较长,所以后置,故选A。


11.C when引导时间从句:“纳粹上台的时候,他被赶出德国„„”then不是连词, 用在句中不符合句法要求;如果选B, 应为and then;before填入句中句意不通。

12.D句中要求一个能够引导of介词宾语从句的连接词, 所以只有what具有这个功能。

13.A前后两个句子是对比关系: increased和barely growing, 而even if表示让步“即使”;after表示时间;now that表示原因, 故只有whereas正确。

14.D句子讲的是 “人们期待到21世纪前10年时,国际性商业航空交通远远超过当今水平”, 人们现在就期待, 而不是将来期待, 所以A、B是错误的;另外, 表示到将来某一时刻为止已经完成的动作或出现的状态, 应用将来完成时, 按句意, 是指extend这一动作的完成, 所以应该在不定式上体现出来。根据上述分析, 选D符合句意要求。

15.C though 表示让步, 意为“虽然”,全句的意思是: “他的长相挺好, 身体虽然瘦小, 但有点儿运动员的样子。”somehow“不知怎么”、“不知什么原因”。as 可以引导让步从句,但句子结构要倒装, 不用于省略句, 因此在此处不合适。somewhat“有几分”、“有点儿”, 没有让步意味。

16.C动词advocate后接动名词而不接不定式做宾语。D虽然是动名词, 但用其完成式在语义上讲不通。

17.A pulling是现在分词在句中做horses的定语, 相当于which pull。

18.C had been left表示与过去事实相反的假设 “如果情况还像以前那样”。

19.A不定式to find out做结果状语,有意想不到的含义。不定式表示结果时, 用其一般式即可。

20.B no less than “与„„同样(重要)”。全句意为: “放松休息, 就像新鲜空气、纯净水、清洁的食品一样, 是健康的身心所不可缺少的。”

21.B to have a large fortune与to do well a bit of work„是并列不定式。另外,worth, worthy, worthwhile在用法上的区别是:(1)worth是介词, 后接动名词或名词,形成介词短语。接动名词时, 与主语是动宾关系,其形式是主动的,意义是被动的。如: The book is worth reading.(2)worthy是形容词, 置于be动词后或名词后面, 做后位修饰语, 其结构是: be worthy of doing sth., sth.is worthy to be done。(3)worthwhile是形容词,要与形式主语it并用:It is worthwhile to read the book.worth和worthy都不能用于这种结构。

22.A one 指代前面提到的具有泛指含义的可数名词单数, 在该句中指代another nation, 句中属于泛指,可见B是错误的。such指代前面讲过的整个情况,多用作主语。that 指物时常用来指代不可数名词, 指代可数名词时具有特指含义。

23.B whether 引导名词性从句做主语, 谓语动词应为单数。另外,remain一般不用被动式, 所以B为正确选项。

24.C这是there be句型的异化形式,即there be 句型中还可以用be以外的不及物动词,如live, stand, exist, come, remain等。

25.B要填入的成分在从句中做状语, 据此排除A、D。另外,respect要求介词in, 相当于in this respect “在这方面”, 故选in which。

26.D全句用的是一般现在时态, 说明一种情况, go 是非及物动词, 要填入的是with介词短语的一部分,应用动名词形式, 所以选going up。

27.B that引导宾语从句,see在句中的意思是understand。此句切不可从汉语角度理解成 “我怎么错了”或 “我为什么错了” 而错选了A或D。

28.C句子用的是过去时态„were glad„, 不定式完成式to have stayed表示这一动作发生在谓语动词were glad之前, 相当于:The members of the delegation were glad that they had stayed longer than originally planned.29.C句中不定式表示原因: “学生有机会用英语与美国人交谈,很受鼓舞。” 所以应用不定式完成式。如果句子用的是一般现在时are, 那么选A是对的。

30.A tolerate要求动名词做宾语, 只能选A。

31.C动名词being 做students 的逻辑谓语, 相当于„students„ being unable to understand what they read。整个动名词短语做of的宾语,所以只能选C。

32.D这是一个含蓄虚拟条件句,前半部分假设,后半部分真实,因此应选could have caught,意为“我本来能赶上火车的,可是那天早上我睡过头了”。区别这类含蓄虚拟条件句的关键词是but。

33.Ddidn’t have to do it“不用非得洗(碗)”,符合句意。

34.Bnot…any more than„“与„„同样不„„”。本句意为:“摄入的维生素超过了身体所需要的量并不能使身体更好地发挥作用, 就像往油灯中倒入过多的油不能使其更亮一样。” no more„than 与not„any more than同义, 但句中前半部分已有not, 此处再填no是错误的。

35.B此题测试的是平行结构问题, 即在并列或比较结构中,并列或比较的成分在语法形式上应一致。如该句中应为:He spends as much time idling about as he spends(much)time studying.句中does 代替spends, idling与studying平行。

36.D句子用的是just as„so„句型,后半部分要求倒装,所以应选D。

37.C where引导定语从句,在从句中做地点状语,相当于from the top floor。

38.D whoever引导名词性从句,并在从句中做主语,用来指人。they thought 是插入成分。

39.C in that“是因为”,引导原因状语从句,符合句意。by which表示手段;so that引导目的状语从句;provided that引导条件状语从句。

40.A made to do so是it is made to do so 的省略形式。unless是连词,应连接句子,所以除A以外的其他几个选项都是错误的。

41.B此处用过去完成时,是因为本句意指“到那次敲门,已经是第三次有人打搅我了”。句中用词was和that evening都说明指过去发生的事,到过去某一时刻为止已出现的情况用过去完成时。

42.A which在句中是关系代词,要引导一个句子,而B、C、D三个选项中都没有谓语,因此不是句子。本句意为:“政府同意提供服务设施,经费由居民在十年期间偿还。”

43.B there being 做介词of 的宾语,如果是介词for,则用there to be。

44.B此句是含蓄虚拟语气句,暗含的假设条件为:if they hadn’t happened to be short of hands。故应选B。

45.C may have done“(不管我们白天)可能做了些什么”,符合句意。should have done“本该做(但实际未做)”;would have done表示与过去相反的假设;must have done是对已发生的情况作肯定推测。

46.A句中too late相当于too late to catch the train,所以选其他词不合适。

47.C rather than 表示对比,在意思上前后形成对照:take advantage of your generosity…rather than become appreciative of your kindness意为“利用你的慷慨,而不是理解你的好意”。另外,rather than在结构上起并列作用,使take advantage与become appreciative平行。

48.C the one替代the age,还原为:„but must write for the age in which he lives and the ages which are to follow。

49.B in which在定语从句中做状语,相当于in the balance of nature(many square miles of„)。

50.C that引导case的同位语从句,其他连接词都不合适。

51.B for连接一个原因分句,对前面的推测做原因上的解释。请考生记住:无论从逻辑推理还是从语法规则上看,只要前面是表示推测的句子,后面大都用for连接后一句,而不用其他连词。

52.D时间状语thus far“到目前为止”,与现在完成时连用,据此排除B、C。比较从句完整的结构应该是„than the thought which has been given thus far,可以把than 看做关系代词在从句中做主语,也可以把主语看做是省略了。

53.A题句由于主语较长,采用了倒装结构,可还原为:the nation-wide movement to support the Kampuchean people in their

heroic struggle against the aggression of the Vietnamese is of great significance。movement要求不定式做定语,其他选项均不符合语法规则。

54.A looking for„分词短语做came的伴随状语,如果选to look for做目的状语的话,不该有逗号。


56.D can’t have done 表示对已发生的情况作否定推测“一定不是/没„„”,根据句意只能选D。

57.A none but相当于no one but“只有”,通常接表示人的词;nothing but接表示物的词;none other than和no other than两者的意思都是“(不是别的)„„正是„„”,与本题全句意思不符。

58.A as在句中是关系代词,引导非限定性定语从句,其先行词是precautions,其他几个选项都不是关系代词,所以是错误的。

59.C unless“除非”,从主从句的逻辑关系上看是惟一正确选择。句意:“假如发生了水灾或地震,且火车、汽车又无法通至灾区,除非用飞机空投,否则那里的人们就会饿死。”

60.Bt o become在句中做desire的定语,意为“成为一个著名作家的愿望”,其他结构一般不做desire的定语。

61.B不定式to have been working„做主语scientist的补足语,用完成进行式表示:“这个科学家已对如此复杂的问题研究了大约十年,并且还要继续研究下去。”

62.C needn’t have done sth.表示做了不必做的事,此句意为:“你真不必写这么长的文章,老师告诉我们只写200个词,可你写了300个词。”

63.AB、C选项之所以错,主要是由于long的位置不对,应为:B.Being long used„;C Having long been used„。句子前半部分是状语,故D也不对。由此可见A是惟一正确的选择。

64.C other than 的意思相当于except,常用在否定词之后,如nobody other than„,nothing other than等。本句中与no在一起连用,意为“只有在英国„„”。it has been said是插入语。

65.A句中的第一个空白处需要一个引导名词性从句的关系代词,在从句中做write 的宾语;第二个空白处要填一个修饰way的定语从句的关系代词,因此只能选A。注意: 先行词是way, 引导定语从句的关系代词一定不能用how, 可以用in which, 可以用that, 也可以省略不用。

66.A before应该理解成“(几百年过去了,人们)才„„”;如果用after应该是„after centuries passed they took note of the fact„;如果用until, 应该是they didn’t take note of the fact that„until centuries passed。

67.A分词短语做伴随状语, my footsteps与echo的关系是主动的,因此用现在分词。另外, 分词做伴随状语表示与谓语动词的动作同时发生, 所以用其一般式。

透视语法填空题 篇2


Transforming Obstacles into Benefits

by Richard Stewart, Los Angeles, U.S.A.

One sunny day, a group of frogs were traveling through the woods and two of them fell into a deep pit(坑). Immediately, all the other frogs in the group 1(gather) around the pit and watched as the imprisoned(被困的) frogs tried to jump out. The pit was very deep, 2 the frogs on top started yelling at the two frogs in the pit to give up. When the 3(trap) frogs kept trying, the crowd yelled louder,“Give up. You're as good as dead.” After a while, one of the tired frogs took notice of all 4 the others were saying, and fell down and died.

But amazingly, 5 second frog kept jumping as hard as she could 6 the negative remarks. Finally, with one brave leap, she made 7 out of the pit!

This amazing result came out because the second frog was 8 and unable to hear what the others had been saying. She thought they had been cheering her on the entire time they were yelling!What she had 9(mistake) perceived(理解) as encouragement inspired her to try harder and succeed against all odds(不顾一切). And that made all the10



1. gathered 考查时态。根据本句后面watched和tried可以得知,此处用一般过去时。

2. so 考查并列连词。前后为因果关系。

3. trapped 考查过去分词作定语。trap意为“使陷入”,与frogs构成了被动关系。

4. that 考查定语从句。当表示物的先行词为不定代词时,其后定语从句要用关系代词that引导,that在定语从句中通常作主语或宾语。

5. the 考查冠词。序数词前通常用定冠词the,另根据上下文可知,这里指第二只青蛙。

6. despite 考查介词。despite,“不管,尽管”。

7. it 考查固定搭配。make it,“成功”。

8. deaf 考查形容词。根据后面“unable to hear what the others had been saying”可得知青蛙是聋子。

9. mistakenly 考查副词。

10. difference 考查名词。make a difference,“有影响,起作用”。












(一) 加强记忆,积累词汇。


(二) 夯实基础,攻克语法。


(三) 强化读背,培养语感。


(四) 及早训练,探寻规律。



Skill Comes from Practice

During the Northern Song Dynasty, there was a skilled archer(射手). One day he drew a big crowd 1 he was practicing on the drill ground. He shot so 2(accuracy) that the on-lookers cheered with excitement. He became very 3 (pride) of his skill. But among the crowd an old oil peddler(小贩)only nodded his head indifferently. This 4 his pride.

“Can you do this? ” he asked the old oil ped-dler.

“No, I can't.”“5 do you think of my skill?”

“Just OK, but 6 special. You've gained your accuracy from long-lasting practice. That's all.”

“What can you do, then? ”

7 old man said nothing. He put a gourd(葫芦) bottle on the ground and covered its mouth with a copper coin.

He then scooped(舀) out a large spoon of oil from his big jar, held it high and began to fill the bottle. Now, a thread of oil came down from the spoon into the bottle just through the hole of the 8. Everybody 9(look) on watched with amazement. But the old man said,“This is nothing special, I can do this because I have practiced it a lot.”And

10 these words, he left.

专四语法题答案 篇3


Do you want to travel on your own? Being(16)_____ exchange student is(17)______ good way.Exchange students can live in a foreign country and learn(18)______(it)language and culture.Students go to a high school(19)______ live with a host family, often for six(20)_____(month)to a year.These programmes(21)_____(be)very good for students.They can learn a lot about a(22)______(difference)culture.They can also learn to be more independent and(23)______(feel)more confident(自信的).Being an exchange student helps you(24)______(make)friends with different people.Besides, it can help improve your understanding of(25)______ world.Exchange students share their own culture with people in the new country as well.答案

16.an 17.a 18.its 19.and 20.months 21.are 22.different 23.feel 24.make 25.the


Niu Lang was a cowboy.One day, 5._______ cow told him that he would meet a fairy girl(仙女)and advised him to take 6._______ girl’s clothes away when she was swimming in the river.Niu Lang 7.______(do)as the cow told him.In this way, Niu Lang 8._______(meet)the fairy girl, Zhi Nv.They fell in love and got 9._______(marry).10._______(luck), Zhi Nv’s grandmother Wang Mu learnt about it and was very angry.She 11.______(take)her back and made a river in the sky to separate(分开)them.12.______(final)Wang Mu was deeply moved by their love 13.______ decided to let them meet 14.______ July 7th every year.答案

5.a 6.the 7.did 8.met 9.married 10.Unluckily 11.took 12.Finally 13.and 14.on


My grandparents(16)______(move)to the countryside six years ago.They(17)_____(live)there for six years.They like the life there because there is fresh air.They loved travelling when they(18)____(be)young.So far, they(19)_____(visit)many countries, such as Japan, France, America and Thailand.In the past, my parents and I often(20)_____(go)back to the countryside to visit them.But we(21)____(not see)them since last year because my parents(22)____(busy)with their work and I(23)____(work)hard on my studies.My grandmother once(24)_____(call)us.They have missed us so much.In fact, we have also missed them.So we(25)_____(decide)to go back this Spring Festival since we received that call.I’m sure we’ll have a happy new year.答案

16.moved 17.have lived 18.were 19.have visited 20.went 21.haven’t seen 22.have been busy 23.have worked 24.called 25.have decided


“You’ll think twice about plucking your eyebrows(拔眉毛)16.______ you find their important role,” says Greg Foot.They are one of 17._______ most expressive(有表现力的)parts of our bodies.18.______ your eyebrows, you can tell your feelings to other people.19._______ is that their only purpose(目的)? Over several thousand 20._______(year), we have lost lots of body hair, so it’s strange that hair still 21._______(remain)on our brows.Some scientists say that eyebrows mainly work as 22.______ special form of protection for the eyes.In fact, their job is so 23._______(importance)that some researchers are sure that if we didn’t have 24.______(they), we’d have evolved(进化)some other facial features to 25.________(do)the same task.答案

16.when 17.the 18.With 19.But 20.years 21.remains 22.a 23.important 24.them 25.do


My name’s Jim Brown.I’ve taught in China(16)_____ 5 years.I don’t like to write letters,(17)_____ I enjoy(18)_____(get)letters from my family and other people.They always say you have to write letters if you expect to(19)_____(get)some.But that isn’t(20)_____(truly).I hardly ever write to anybody.However, I always get lots of mails.I hear from my brother in Germany two or three(21)______(time)a month, and I get letters regular(定期地)from my sister in Paris and from(22)______(friend)in Britain and Canada.My cousin Harry(23)_____(work)in an airline company and travels all around(24)_____ world.He writes to me very often too.A friend of Harry’s writes to me simply(仅仅)(25)______ he learns that I collect stamps.答案

16.for 17.but 18.getting 19.get 20.true 21.times 22.friends 23.works 24.the 25.because


It is widely agreed that the brain is one of(6)______ most important parts of the body.Its main function(功能)is to store(储存)information.This ability is called memory.(7)________ good memory means a lot,(8)________ how do people have a good memory? First, enough sleep would be very(9)________(help).The scientists find out if you are lacking in sleep for a long time, your memory will slow down(10)________(quick).Second, try to relax(11)________(you)regularly(定期地).Think about the happy things,(12)_______ this will keep you away from all the terrible(13)________(memory).If they are all gone, you can easily pay attention to your study.At last, the memorizing methods also play(14)_______ important role in memorizing(15)_______(thing).If you often see a thing, you can keep it in your long-term memory.答案

6.the 7.A 8.but 9.helpful 10.quickly 11.yourself 12.and 13.memories 14.an 15.things


There’re many methods to have(6)_______ good memory, such as associating, creating images, developing(7)_______ interest in the subject(8)_______ having a break or rest.Some people have(9)_______(good)memory than others(10)_______ they are better at(11)_______(create)images.When things come to their brain, they will recall swiftly(敏捷地).(12)______ addition, building a connection helps people connect one thing with another.A study shows that practice can improve(13)______(we)memory.For example, we develop our abilities to solve Maths(14)_______(problem)by doing a lot of exercises.More importantly, we should(15)________(have)a break or rest after learning for a long time because having a rest helps our brains to make new connections.答案

英语专四考试真题及答案 篇4

Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks.Mark the best choice for each blank on your answer sheet.

Until I took Dr Offutt’s class in DeMatha High school , I was an underachieving student,but I left that class (31)_______never to underachieve again.He not only

31. A.concerned




Taught me to think,he convinced me,(32)________by example as

32. A. as much

B. much as

C. as such

D. such as

Words that it was my moral (33)_______to do so and to serve

33.A. work

B. job

C. duty



(34)_____of us could know how our relationship would

34.A. Both

B. Neither

C. Either

D. Each

(35)_______over the years .When I came back to DeMatha to

35. A. evolve

B. stay

C. remain

D. turn

teach English, I worked for Dr Offutt,the department chair.Mydiscussion with him were like graduate seminars in adolescent(36)______,classroom management and school leadership.





After several years,I was (37)_______department chair,





and our relationship(38)________again. I thought that it might

38.A. moved

B. altered

C. went

D. shifted

be (39)______chairing the department ,since all of





my (40)______English teachers were

40.A. older



D. /

(41)_______there,but Dr Offutt supported me

41. A. /




(42)_______.He knew when to give me advice

42. A.through


C.at the beginning

D.all the way

(43)_______curriculum,texts and personnel,and when to

43. A.for




let me (44)______my own course.

44. A.chart




In ,I needed his (45)______about leaving DeMatha





to become principal at another school.(46)_______he had asked

46.A.Even if




me to stay at DeMatha,I might have .(47)_______,he encouraged





me to seize the opportunity.Five years ago ,I became the principal of DeMatha.(48)________,

48.A.Once again




Dr Offutt was there for me,letting me know that I could (49)_______

49.A.count in

B.count down

C.count out

D.count on

him. I have learned from him that great teachers have an inexhaustible(50)________of lessons to teach.




英语专四阅读理解材料例题及答案 篇5

On January 10, 1962, an enormous piece of glacier broke away and tumbled down the side of a mountain in Peru. A mere seven minutes later, when cascading ice finally came to a stop ten miles down the mountain, it had taken the lives of 4,000 people.

This disaster is one of the most “devastating”examples of a very common event: an avalanche of snow or ice. Because it is extremely cold at very high altitudes, snow rarely melts. It just keeps piling up higher and higher. Glaciers are eventually created when the weight of the snow is so great that the lower layers are pressed into solid ice. But most avalanches occur long before this happens. As snow accumulates on a steep slope, it reaches a critical point at which the slightest vibration will send it sliding into the valley below.

Even an avalanche of light power can be dangerous, but the Peruvian catastrophe was particularly terrible because it was caused by a heavy layer of ice. It is estimated that the ice that broke off weighed three million tons. As it crashed down the steep mountainside like a gigantic snow plough, it swept up trees, boulders and tons of topsoil, and completely crushed and destroyed the six villages that lay in its path.

At present there is no way to predict or avoid such enormous avalanches, but, luckily, they are very rare. Scientists are constantly studying the smaller, more common avalanches, to try to understand what causes them. In the future, perhaps dangerous masses of snow and ice can be found and removed before they take human lives.

1. The first paragraph catches the reader’s attention with a _____

A. first hand report

B. dramatic description

C. tall tale

D. vivid world picture

2. In this passage “devastating” means ______.

A. violently ruinous

B. spectacularly interesting

C. stunning

D. unpleasant

3. The passage is mostly about ______.

A. avalanches

B. glaciers

C. Peru

D. mountains

1. A) 文章的第一段就像一个新闻报道,报道了在秘鲁发生的雪崩的灾难性后果,一下子就吸引了读者的注意力。

2. A) 根据语境线索可判断出词义为A。

3. A) 通读全文可知,文章主要是讲述雪崩的形成。










语法填空原创题四篇 篇6


Two monks(修道士)were on a journey. One day,they came to a deep river. At the edge of the river,a young woman sat weeping 16 she was afraid to cross the river without help. She begged the two monks 17 (help)her. The younger monk turned his back. The members of their Order(修道会) 18 (forbid)to touch a woman.

But the older monk picked up the woman 19 a word and carried her across the river. He put her down on the far side and continued 20 journey. The younger monk came after him, 21 (scold)him and scolding him for breaking his vows(誓言). He went on this way for a long time.

Finally,at the end of the day the older monk turned to the younger one. “I only carried her 22 the river. You have been carrying 23 all day.”

Letting go can be difficult. Letting go of people,ideas, 24 (expect),desires;letting go of bad habits,false beliefs and unhealthy relationships ... the list goes on. Every day,every moment presents an opportunity to create ourselves again,to ignore the baggage of the past,open ourselves up to the possibility of the moment and take action to create 25 amazing future.

(原创作者:汕尾市陆丰市东海龙潭中学 许炳杰)


Eight-year-old Frank had looked forward for weeks to this particular Saturday. His father had promised to take 16 fishing if the weather was suitable. There hadnt been any rain 17 weeks and as Saturday approached,Frank was confident of the fishing trip. But when Saturday morning dawned,it was raining 18 (heavy)and it appeared that it would continue all day.

Frank wandered around the house, 19 (look) out of the windows and complaining (抱怨) more than a little. “ 20 would have been better to have the rain yesterday than today,”he complained to his father, 21 was sitting by the fireplace,enjoying a good book. His father tried to explain to Frank how badly the rain 22 (need), how it would make the flowers grow and bring much needed water to the farmerscrops. But Frank insisted. “It just isnt right,”he said over and over.

Then, about three oclock, the rain stopped,and they were off to the lake. 23 it was because of the rain or for some other reason, the fish were biting hungrily and the father and son returned 24 a full string of fine,big fish.

At supper, when some of the fish were ready,Frank said, “If I?complained 25 (early)today it was because I couldnt see far enough ahead.”

(原创作者:茂名市电白区茂港一中 杨开云)


Bill Gates was a very clever boy. His favorite subjects at school were science and maths. When people asked him 16 he wanted to be in the future,he always said,“A scientist.”

When he was 13 years old, Bill started to play with computers. At that time, computers were very large machines. Once he was interested in 17 very old computer. He and some of his friends spent lots of time doing 18 (usual) things with it. In the end, they worked out a software program 19 the old machine. Bill sold it 20 4,200 dollars when he was only 17.

In 1973,Bill went to Harvard University. At Harvard,he developed the BASIC language for the first microcomputer. In his third year,he left Harvard to work for a company 21 (call)Microsoft. Bill began this company in 1975 with his friend Paul Allen. They 22 (think)that the computer would be a very important tool in every office and in every home, 23 they began developing software for personal computers. They improved the software to make it 24 (easy) for people to use computers.

In 1999,Bill wrote a book called Business the Speed of Thought. In the book he told people 25 computer technology could solve business problems in new ways.

(原创作者:江门市新会梁启超纪念中学 唐金妹)


Around twenty years ago I was living in York. Though I had a lot of experience and a Masters degree, I could not find 16 (satisfy)work.

I 17 (drive)a school bus to make ends meet and living with a friend of mine, for I had lost my flat. I had attended five interviews with a company and one day between bus runs they called to say I did not get the job. “ 18 has my life become so hard ?”I thought painfully.

As I pulled the bus over to drop off a little girl,she handed me an earring, 19 (say)I should keep it in case somebody claimed (认领) it. The earring was painted black and said “BE HAPPY”. At first I got angry. Then 20 hit me that I had been giving all of my attention to 21 was going wrong with my life rather than what was right! I decided then and there to make a list of fifty things I was happy 22 . Later, I decided to add more things to the list. That night there was a phone call for me from a lady who was a 23 (direct)at a large hospital. She asked me if I would like to give a one-day lecture on stress(压力)management to 200 medical workers. I said yes.

My day there went very well, and before long I got 24 well-paid job. To this day I know that it was because I changed my way of thinking 25 I completely changed my life.

(原创作者:广东肇庆中学 董军权)



16. because 17. to help 18. were forbidden 19. Without 20. his 21. scolding 22. across 23. her 24. expectations 25. an


16. him 17. for 18. heavily 19. looking 20. It 21. who 22. was needed 23. Whether 24. with 25. earlier


16. what 17. a 18. unusual 19. with 20. for 21. called 22. thought 23. so 24. easier 25. how

