From: Jiao Shou
Department of the SpECIAL CLASS GIFTED for YOUTHS
University of Science and Technology
Hefei, Anhui 230026, p.R.China
July 1, 1998
Dear Sir or Madam:
I take great pleasure in recommending Ren Ren, one of my favorite students, for admission into your distinguished graduate program.Mr.Ren was admitted in 1986 at 14 years of age into the SpECIAL CLASS for the GIFTED YOUTHS, my university`s unique program that caters to the intellectual needs of unusually talented Chinese youngsters.It was a rare privilege he earned with his nearly impeccable academic performance through the years of his elementary and secondary school.He impressed me almost as he entered into my university, a major cradle of china`s scientific and technological talents.At the time, members of the Gifted Class all had to spend half a month studying by themselves the principles of calculus and then take an exam so that we could evaluate their self-study capability.Mr.Ren scored the highest grade in that exam.He also exhibited a keenly whetted mind during class discussions.To my regret at the time, his English was not as good as his mathematics or physics.But I noticed he made a point of working especially hard in improving his English during his five undergraduate years with us.By now, he seems to be at least as proficient in English as most of his former classmates in the Gifted Class.In my experience with Mr.Ren, I was impressed with not only his extraordinary intelligence but also his ambitions and persistence.I am sure that Mr.Ren will be an outstanding student in any doctoral program that he may care to enroll in.So I would like to support him firmly in his quest recommendation into account when considering his application.I would greatly appreciate it you decide to accept him as he wishes.Yours sincerely
Jiao Shou
professor and Deputy Head
1 大学计算机基础课程教学现状
社会的发展使年轻人接触计算机的时间越来越早, 大部分学生在小学、中学阶段已经对计算机有了初步的认识, 有了一定的计算机知识。在大学阶段, 大学计算机基础是非计算机专业的基础课程, 是系统的、全面的计算机基础知识。大学计算机基础课程是理论性很强的课程, 是对计算机知识探索和延伸的基础, 但是目前这门课程在大学中没有达到相应的重视程度。为了提高这门课程的教学效率, 进而有效的提高学生的计算机和英语水平, 我们将进行全英文的教学探讨。
2 基于全英文的教学模式
2.1 教学对象的选择
推行全英文教学要考虑多方面的因素, 首先要考虑的就是教学对象的选择。大学生来自五湖四海, 入学之前所处地区的教育教学水平参差不齐。所以学生接触计算机的时间不一样, 计算机水平也是高低不同。虽然大学计算机基础课程是比较简单的理论课, 但是全英文教学难度有所提升, 要有选择性的推广。所以, 与之前的大学计算机基础课程在各专业一并推行的情况不同, 全英文教学可以首先在一本专业中进行。这类学生的学习能力相对较高, 对全新的教学方法更容易接受, 也更易于教学效果的反馈, 帮助老师完成全新教学模式的评估。
2.2 师资水平的提升
在大学计算机基础课程中实行全英文教学, 不单是对老师专业知识的考验, 也是对教师英语水平的挑战。对于大学计算机基础这门课程老师们已经是轻车熟路, 专业素养较高。所以在推行全英文教学的过程中, 对于老师的主要挑战就在英语。虽然老师们也都是重点院校毕业的高材生, 英语水平曾经十分过硬。但是英语在多年的教学过程中并未使用, 所以直接用全英文教授大学计算机基础也会十分生疏。所以, 老师要提前备课, 熟练掌握计算机方面的专业词汇, 提升英语口语水平。熟练的口语和专业词汇可以有效地提高教学效果, 也是全英文教学顺利推行的保证。
2.3 英文教材的选取
推行全英文教学, 要慎重选择教材。一本合适的教材可以使教学效果事半功倍。大学计算机基础是一门理论性很强的课程, 直接使用英文版本会使难度增大很多并且枯燥无味, 打消学生的兴趣。应选取一本英文表述相对简单并配有插图的英文教材, 学生容易掌握, 也可以增加学生学习的积极性。以图文并茂的形式会使教学简单容易, 易于老师们备课, 大幅提升教学效果。
2.4 教学模式的调整
传统的教学模式就是老师在课堂上讲授, 课余时间留给学生进行复习和预习, 不过这种模式并不适合全英文的教学方法。为了配合全英文的教学方法, 要对这种教学模式进行调整。由于同学和老师都是首次接触全英文的教学模式, 所以要把教学进度适当放慢。例如, 可以把以前一节课的教学内容分为两节课讲解。课堂上要给学生留出空余时间, 让他们相互讨论。学生有问题可以当场向老师提问, 增加师生互动。充分的讨论可以解决学生很多疑问, 查缺补漏。老师没有讲解到的知识点, 学生不清楚的问题都可以一并解决。鼓励学生利用课余时间预习课本, 并布置课下作业。这样, 在课堂上, 学生对老师讲解的新内容更容易接受, 而且解决了课下没有弄懂的疑问, 节约了时间, 提高了教学效率。
2.5 考核方式的改变
传统的考核方式是在课程结束以后, 以试卷的形式进行考察。这种方式不能很好地反映学生的掌握情况。为了能够全面的掌握学生的学习成果, 可以增加一次中期考试, 并把平时的小测验和课下作业完成情况纳入考查范围。这样在整个教学过程的每个阶段, 都可以很好地掌握学生的学习情况。同时, 老师们可以根据学生的学习状况对教学方法和内容进行相应的调整, 有利于保证教学效率。
此外, 老师们在备课和授课的过程中, 要充分利用多媒体设备。利用精良的课件, 可以极大地提高学生的学习兴趣。全英文的教学模式是一种全新的教学模式, 利用多媒体技术, 可以把知识点全方位的展示给同学, 有利于提升教学效果。同时, 老师们可以把自己制作的课件共享到网络教学平台上面, 方便其他老师借鉴和学生学习, 充分发挥网络教学平台的优势, 为全英文的教学模式创造更好的教学氛围。
3 结语
在全球化进程中, 科技发展日新月异。为了跟上时代发展的步伐, 教育教学也要做出改变。在大学计算机基础课程中开展全英文教学, 是一项进步的探索。社会的发展需要越来越多的综合型人才, 大学计算机基础的全英文教学, 可以培养集英语和计算机知识于一身的高素质大学生, 使得教学水平不断提升。同时, 在提升教学效果和学生素质的同时, 对老师的教学水平要求也会越来越高, 对老师也是一种促进。在大学计算机基础课程中实行全英文教学是一种全新的探索, 必然也会出现很多问题。这就需要我们有一种坚持不懈、迎难而上的精神, 不断改变、不断进步, 为提高教学水平贡献力量。
摘要:为培养出高水平的国际化人才, 以适应全球化的发展趋势, 笔者以大学计算机基础为例, 从教学现状、学生水平、师资水平、教学条件等方面, 探讨基于全英文模式的大学计算机基础课程的教学改革。
[1]朱晔.物流与供应链管理全英文教学的关键问题研究[J].教育教学论坛, 2012 (31) :18-20.
[2]曾圆圆, 项慨.C++全英文课程理论与实践的新方法[J].教育教学论坛, 2012 (38) :71-73.
[3]牛振东, 刘辉.计算机科学与技术全英文培养建设方案[J].计算机教育, 2012 (5) :21-24.
[关键词] 反抄袭检查 错误档案 作业评阅
文献[1,2,3]中提出了一些基于计算机网络的作业发布与提交系统的设计与实现方法。然而,已有的研究工作都仅仅关注作业的发布与提交环节,而对于如何利用计算机辅助进行作业评阅这一问题则缺乏研究。利用计算机实现辅助评阅可以提高评阅的效率,增强评阅的准确度,并可以利用计算机对于学生的答题错误进行长期的跟踪分析,以发现教学中的薄弱环节,以及对学生进行个性化的教育。本文以大学专科英语教学为实际背景,提出了一种计算机辅助的作业评阅方法(Computer Aided Review,下文简称为“CAR方法”)。在CAR方法中,由计算机辅助完成正确性检查、反抄袭检查这两项关键的作业评阅子任务;同时,利用计算机建立学生答题错误信息库,对各个学生常犯的错误进行统计分析。针对共性错误,加强专题训练,以弥补教学中的薄弱环节;针对个性化错误,加强个别训练,实现个性化的教育。通过在教学中实际应用的结果表明,CAR方法可以有效的降低教师作业评阅的工作量,增强作业评阅的效率,提高教学工作的针对性。
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Dear sir,After reading your advertisnemt for a secretary in todays newspapwer,I want to ask for ia。
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Dear Sir/Madam ,I’m writing to apply for the position advertised in notice board in school.I will be graduating form CCIT in July next year.My studies have included courses in Analog circuit, Digital circuit ,English.With the experience, I have ever been an English tutor, practiced office software operation and the theory of win-win negotiation.During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice.Not only have I passed CET-4, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English.My ability to listen, speak, read, write is out of question.I welcome the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss my qualifications and you needs.Thank you for your time and consideration
I enclose my resume and look forward to having the opportunity to answer question you may have regarding my application.I’m free for interview at any time.Yours sincerely,Guiying You
Guiying You
Chengde Petroleum College HeBei 067000
Professional Objective:
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hello!i am honored to have the opportunity to you goes to my profile. participate in social occasion, in order to better play to their talents, i wish all the leaders to make a few self-recommendation.my name is tan xx, graduated from the jiangxi college of foreign studies. i majored in business japanese, good performance in school. in professional writing skills with good listening and speaking, by many teachers and students praise and recognition. actively participate in school activities. do want to apply for your japanese translation of this position.accompanied by youthful passion and thirst for knowledge, the knowledge i have completed college tour, a better university life, to develop a scientifically rigorous way of thinking i am, i created a more positive and optimistic attitude towards life and the pioneering spirit of innovation. classroom expansion of a broad range of internal and external social practice, a solid foundation of knowledge and a broad perspective, so i understand the community; in continuous learning and work to develop a rigorous, pragmatic style of work and solidarity of excellent quality, so i am confident that their entirely on the job in setting, dedication, more business! i believe my skills and knowledge is your organization needs, i sincerely desire, i can do for the unit tomorrow to give their youth and blood!the 21st century calls for comprehensive talent, i cheerful and lively, wide range of interests; open-minded, steady work; the collective interest, strong sense of responsibility; others with sincerity, work initiative seriously, rich professionali in the three years of school life, i am good grasp of professional knowledge in school has spare capacity in the case, i read a lot of professional and extra-curricular books, so i know i have been convinced that the belief is: only trying to do, i will succeed!written submissions are not advertisements, not a pass. but i know: a young, through continuous learning to improve yourself, you can prove himself in practice. dear leaders, awarded if you appreciate that i can, i will dutifully with concrete actions to prove to you: your past, i have no time to participate; but for your glory, i would like to dedicate my life to hard work and sweat !once again extend my most sincere thanks!sincerely,salute!self-nominations were: xxin january xx xx xx day
Carbondioxidegasfloodingisapromisingtertiary oilrecoverytechnology, notonlyontechnicalandeconomicgrounds, butalsofrom anenvironmentalpointof viewduetoCO2sequestration.AccordingtothestatisticsofOilandGasJournalin 2006, thereare 94CO2enhancedoilrecovery (EOR) projectsin thewhole304EOR projectsintheworld.Everyyear, morethan12million tonsoilwasprovided derived from CO2flooding, accountingfor 15%ofthetotalEORproductionoil.SomeoftestblocksofCO2floodinginJilin, Daqing, Shengli, Jiangsu have been carried outin China, butrelatedresearchaboutCO2floodingisstill laggingbehindtheforeign.ForCO2flooding, animportantjobistopredictaccuratetemperatureandpressureprofilesininjectionwellandtooptimizetheinjectionparameters, whichinturncanprovideatheoreticalbasisforaninjectionsystem design.
CO2intheinjectionwellborewillbealiquid, gas orsupercriticalfluid, and differentphasestateshas differentfluidphysicalproperties.ExistingrelatedressearchareofteninaccurateforpredictingthetemperatureprofileinCO2injectionwellbecausetheydonot considertheeffectsofphasechangeininjectionwellboreandstillusetheconventionalgasstateequationto calculatedensityofCO2[1—3].Consequently, apresssure-temperature calculation model is developed, which modelincorporates the effects ofCO2phase changeininjectionwellbore.Basedonthecalculation resultsofthatmodel, thesensitivitiesoftheinjection parametershavebeenanalysedinordertooptimizethe iinjectionparameters.
1 The pressure-temperature calculation modelconsideringCO2phasechangein
1.1 Modeloftemperaturedistributioninwellbore
WhereTfiswellbore (tubing) fluidtemperature, K;yisvariablewelldepthfrom surface, m;JtisJouleThompsoncoefficient;Hisfluidenthalpy, KJ/Kg;Cpm isheatcapacityofwellborefluid, J/ (Kg·K) ;Q is heatflowratefrom ortothewellbore, KJ;gisaccelerationduetogravity, m/s2;θispipeinclinationangle from horizontal, degrees;visfluidlinearvelocity, m/s.
Theheatflowratefrom formationtotheoutsideof
WhereKeisformationconductivity, J/ (s·m·K) ;W is massflow rateofinjectionfluid, Kg/s;TDisdimensionlesstemperature;Teiisundisturbedformation temperatureatanygivendepth, K;Twbiswellboreinterfacetemperature, K.
Theheatflowratefrom theoutsideofthecement tothefluidinwellbore (tubing) isdydQ
Where Utois overallheattransfercoefficient, W/ (m 2·K) ;rtoisoutsideradiusoftubing, m.
CombiningEq. (2) andEq. (3) resultsin
CombiningEqs. (1) and (4) can.becombined toyield
1.2 ModelofpressuredistributioninwellboreAccordingtoMomentum conservation:
Wherefisfrictionalresistancecoefficient;rtiisinside radiusoftubing, m.
Eq. (7) canbewrittenas
1.3 Modelforpredicting fluid phase behaviorinwellbore
Therearethreecommonlyusedequationsofstate (EOS) topredictCO2phasebehavior.Thesearethe Redlich-KwongEOS (RK) , theSoavemodifiedRedlichandKwongEOS (SRK) , andPeng-RobinsonEOS (PR) [7].CO2densityandphasebehaviorwerecalculatedinthepressurerangeof (5—35) MPa, temperaturerangeof (253—393) K.predictionsofthethree EOS were tested againstactualdata[8]to determine whichcalculatedtheCO2densityandphasebehavior mostaccurately.Theresultsinthefollowingtable 1:
Intable 1SCFrepresentSupercriticalFluid
WhereρcalisCalculationofcarbondioxidedensity;isactualcarbondioxidedensity, kg/m 3;isnumber ofsamplesselected.
Resultsintable 1showsthatthetotalaveragerelativeerrorofRKis 6.12%, SRKis 6.84%andPRis5.97%.consequentlythePREOSwasselectedforuse inthispaperandCO2Densitypredictionsareshownin fig.1:
Eq. (5) , Eq. (6) andPREOSform ourcalculationmodelforpredictingtemperatureandpressureprofilesin CO2injection wellbore.The modelcan be solvedbynumericaldifferencemethodandtheparametersin the modelcan be obtained in the reference[6].
2 Exampleapplication
Basedonourmodel, anexamplewascalculated andtheresultswereshowninfigs.2and 3.Theparametersincalculationareasfollows:wellheadinjection temperature 263K, wellhead injection pressure12.9MPa, wellhead injection volume 40t/d, well depth 2 400m, geothermalgradient 0.032 9K/m, surfacetemperature 293K, insidediameteroftubing0.062m, insidediameterofcasing 0.161 7m, wellborediameter 0.24m, tubingandcasingthermalconductivity56.5J/ (s·m·K) , cementthermalconductivity14.0J/ (s·m·K) .
Temperatureandpressurepredictionsofourmodel areshowninFig.2andFig.3foratypicalwell.Fig.2showsthatthemaximum relativeerrorgeneratedis1.48%andtheaverageerroris 0.68%intemperature prediction.Fig.3showsthatthemaximum relativeerrorgenerated is 2.05%and the average erroris1.11%in pressure prediction.Contrastcalculation andtestdataagreewell, whichindicatethatourmodel isvalid.
3 Sensitivityanalysis
Themodeldevelopedwasusedtostudythevariationinestimatedfluidtemperatureandpressureforvariousconditionsofwellheadinjectiontemperatureand injectionvolume.
Fig.4 showsthesensitivityofwellheadinjection temperaturechangetowellborepressureprofileinthe rangeof 253K to 333K.ItshowstheBHP (Bottomholepressure) dropwiththeincreaseinwellheadinjectiontemperaturewhenwellheadinjectionpressureis unchanged.Therefore, inordertoachievegreaterBHPinalowinjectionpressure, itshouldbetoreducewellheadinjection temperatureassoaspossible.Fig.5showsthesensitivityofwellheadinjectiontemperature changetowellboretemperatureprofile.Itshowswellheadinjectiontemperatureaffectthewellboretempera-tureprofile, butaswelldepthincreases, theimpactof ratedecreases.
Fig.6 showsthesensitivityofwellheadinjection volumechangetowellborepressureprofileintherange of 10to 60t/d.ItshowstheBHP risewiththeincreaseinwellheadinjectionvolumewhenwellheadinjectionpressureisunchanged.Fig.7showsthesensitivityofwellheadinjectionvolumechangetowellbore temperatureprofile.Itshowswellheadinjectionvolume affectthe wellbore temperature profile.The bottomholetemperaturedropwiththeincreaseinwellheadinjectionvolume.Butaswelldepthincreases, theim-
4 Conclusions
(1) Based on thepredictionsofthethreeEOS weretestedagainstactualdatainthepressurerangeof (5—35) MPa, temperaturerangeof (253—393) K, thePeng-RobinsonEquationofStateisastableandaccuratemodelforthebehaviorofCO2intheliquid, gas andsupercriticalstateandthePREOSwasselectedfor useinourmodel.
(2) A pressure-temperaturecalculationmodelis developedinthispaper, whichmodelincorporatesthe effectsofCO2phasechangeininjectionwellbore.The modelwastested through aexampleand theresults showsthatthemodelcalculationsareingood agreementwiththetestdata.
(3) A sensitivityanalysisshowsthatthewellhead injection temperature and volume affectsignificantly thewellboretemperatureandpressureprofiles.
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[6] Wu Xiaodong, Wang Qing, He Yanfeng.Temperature-pressure field coupling calculation model considering phase behavior change in CO2 injection well borehole.Journa (of the University of petroleum, china edition of natura (science) , 2009;33 (1) :73—77
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