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状语从句专项翻译练习 篇1

1.Everything he said seemed quite reasonable.2.She made a list of all the articles there are on the subject.3.There is no difficulty we can’t overcome.4.Begin is really a devious sort of guy who will do these things.5.Last week I saw Modern Times with Charlie Chaplin playing the leading role, which I think

one of the most amusing films.6.Westminster Abbey, which is one of the oldest churches in Great Britain, contains the graves

of many famous Englishmen.7.Our teacher, who is getting old, will soon retire.8.My uncle, who will be seventy tomorrow, is still a keen sportsman.9.Envoys were sent who could strengthen our international position.10.Chinese trade delegations have been sent to African countries, who will negotiate trade

agreements with the respective governments.第三节 名词从句的译法

1.What she was afraid of was their taking her daughter abroad.2.Whatever I have is at your service.3.Whoever fails to see this will make a big blunder.4.Isn’t it strange that he should have left without telling us?

5.It is a consolation that she is still alive.6.That he will refuse the offer is unlikely.7.Everybody knows that matter takes up space.8.I promised him that I would give him more help.9.He has made it clear that the meeting will not be postponed.10.That is why we called off the meeting.11.The idea that one can do the work without thinking is wrong.12.I have no idea when he will return.第五节 状语从句的译法

1.She sobbed as she told us her miserable past.2.“Why did you ask me to come in the middle of the battle?” Mr.Bethune asked General Nieh

as soon as he entered.3.As the weather was fine, I opened all the windows.4.Now that everybody is here, let’s begin our discussion.5.What if anything happened to me?

6.We’ll come over to see you on Wednesday if we have time.7.But Prometheus also knew, powerful as Zeus was, once a god had given a gift, it could not be

状语从句专项翻译练习 篇2


英语的定语从句如果在意义上具有说明主句原因的含义, 在翻译时可以加上汉语表示原因关系的词语, 如“因为”等词, 并转译成汉语相应的从句。如:In Europe, as elsewhere multi-media groups have been increasingly successful groups which bring together television, radio newspapers, magazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one another.

这句话主要分为三个层次, 一个是主句In Europe, as elsewhere multi-media groups have been increasingly successful groups, 译为“在欧洲, 就像其他地方一样, 多媒体集团越来越成功。”

还有一个是从句which bring together television, radio newspapers, magazines and publishing houses译为“汇集了电视, 广播报纸, 杂志和出版社”。

另外一个还是定语从句“that work in relation to one another.”

首先看主句和第一个定语从句的关系, 我们可以得知“多媒体集团成功”的原因就是“它汇集了电视, 广播报纸, 杂志和出版社”, 两者之间是因果关系, 这里我们就把第一个定语从句译为主句的原因状语。而第二个定语从句显然是修饰前面列举的名词的, 因为定语从句短, 我们就把它放到所修饰名词前面, 译为“彼此相关的电视, 广播报纸, 杂志和出版社”。 (我们称这种方法为“前置法”, 因为该方法非常简单, 这里我们就不赘述了)

译文:在欧洲, 就像其他地方一样, 多媒体集团越来越成功, 因为它汇集了彼此相关的电视, 广播报纸, 杂志和出版社。

定语从句译为原因状语, 需要满足以下条件:

1. 定语从句所修饰的先行词出现在主语的位置上;

2. 与主句之间为因果关系成立。


英语的定语从句如果在意义上具有说明主句结果的含义, 在翻译时可以加上汉语表示结果关系的词语, 如“因此”等词, 并转译成汉语相应的从句。

The newly described languages were often so strikingly different from the well studied languages of Europe and Southeast Asia that some scholars even accused Boas and Sapir of fabricating their data.

本句可以分为两层, 第一层是主句“The newly described languages were often so strikingly different from the well studied languages of Europe and Southeast Asia”, 译为“新近被描述的语言与已被充分研究过的欧洲语言和东南亚语言明显不同”;第二层就是定语从句“that some scholars even accused Boas and Sapir of fabricating their data.”译为“有些学者甚至指责博尔斯和萨皮尔的资料是编造出来的”;根据上下文及两个层次的分译, 我们可以看出正是因为两种语言明显不同, 才导致有些学者“指责博尔斯和萨皮尔……”, 也就是说, 定语从句在逻辑关系上就是主句的结果状语从句, 所以我们把关系代词译为“因此”。

译文:新近被描述的语言与已被充分研究过的欧洲语言和东南亚语言明显不同, 因此有些学者甚至指责博尔斯和萨皮尔的资料是编造出来的。

定语从句以为结果状语从句时, 应符合以下条件:

1. 定语从句所修饰的先行词出现在宾语的位置上, 可以是动词宾语也可以是介词宾语;

2. 与主句之间为因果关系。

将定语从句译为原因状语和结果状语在定语从句的翻译中占很大比重, 只要各位同学掌握了其中的规律——译为原因状语从句时定语从句所修饰的先行词多数出现在主语的位置中, 而译为结果状语从句时, 先行词则多出现于宾语中, 并加以练习, 就一定能娴熟地掌握定语从句的翻译从而解决难长句的翻译技巧。


[1]张剑, 曾鸣.2010历年考研英语真题解析及复习思路.世界图书出版社, 2009.

[2]张培基.英汉翻译教程.上海外语教育出版社, 1994.

状语化定语从句的理解和翻译 篇3

1. 译成结果状语从句


Copper,which is used so widely for carrying electricity,offers very little resistance.

[试译] 铜的阻力很小,因此被十分广泛地用于输电。


英语的定语从句如果在意义上具有说明主句原因的含义,在翻译时可以加上汉语表示原因关系的词语, 如“因为”等词, 并转译成汉语相应的从句。

The strike would prevent the docking of ocean steamships,which require assistance of tugboats.

[试译] 罢工将使远洋货轮无法靠岸,因为它们需要拖船的帮助。

3 译成条件状语从句

英语的定语从句如果在意义上具有表明主句条件的含义,在翻译时可以加上汉语表示条件关系的词语, 如“如果”等词, 并转译成汉语相应的从句。

Anybody who commits the land power of the United States on the continent of Asia ought to have his head examined.

[试译] 如果谁要把美国的地面部队派遣到亚洲大陆,那他就应该检查一下他的脑子是否正常。

4 译成让步状语从句


Although we have suffered heavy losses by assisting the French and during the Dunkirk evacuation,we have managed to husband our air fighter strength in spite of poignant appeals from France to throw it improvidently into the great land battle,which it could not have turned decisively.

[试译] 在援助法国和敦克尔克大撤退中,我们损失惨重,但还是设法保存空战实力,我们没有因为法国的强烈呼吁而草率投入地面战斗。即使当时我们这样做,也是回天乏术,败局已定。

5 译成目的状语从句


Chinese trade delegations have been sent to African countries,who will negotiate trade agreements with the respective governments.

[试译] 中国贸易代表团前往非洲各国,(以便)届时将与非洲各国政府进行贸易协定谈判。

6 译成转折状语从句

英语的定语从句如果在意义上具有表明主句转折的含义,在翻译时可以加上汉语表示转折关系的词语, 如“但是”等词, 并转译成汉语相应的从句。

She was very patient towards the children,which her husband seldom was.

[试译] 她对孩子很有耐心,可她的丈夫却常常不是如此。

7 成递进状语从句


The fact that the new alliance was locally generated and sustained should be a strong inducement to the US whose interests already dictate such support.

[试译] 新联盟是在当地形成并且得到了当地政府的有力扶持,这一情况对于美国来说应该具有很大的诱惑力,更何况美国自身的利益也要求它对新联盟给予支持。

8 译成时间状语从句


Congress,which had met to continue its protests to the Crown,found itself raising an army and selecting George Washington as its commander in chief.

[试译] 代表大会原先已经集合,决定继续向英皇提出抗议,而现在则发展到募集军队,并且推选乔治.华盛顿为总司令了。

9 译成空间状语从句

英语的定语从句如果在意义上具有表明主句递进的含义,在翻译时可以加上汉语表示空间顺序关系的词语, 如“在??”等词,并转译成汉语相应的从句。

Can you answer a question,which I want to ask,and which is puzzling me?

[试译] 我有一个问题弄不懂,相请教你,你能回答吗?


状语从句专项翻译练习 篇4


1.If you ________(feel)tired, you _______________(have)to have a rest.2.Where _______ he _________(see)the film if he ________________(have)time?

3.If there __________(be)fewer trees, there _______________(be)more pollution.4.He _____________(dress)more casually if he ________________(not work)on weekends.5.If Marcia _____________(live)alone, she ___________________(keep)a pet parrot.6.Lana ________________(buy)a new dress if the old one ____________(be)out of style.7.The twins ______________(fight)if they_______________(argue).8.If the telephone ___________(ring), answer it.9.Peter _____________(send)me a beautiful souvenir if he ________________(tour)Spain.10.If Mr Green ___________(say)I am hard-working, my parents _____________(feel)glad.11.I ____________(go)to the beach if it________________(not rain)this week.12.__________they __________(have)a match if the P.E.teacher _____________(be)busy?

13.He ___________(write)a letter to his grandparents if he __________(get)his report card this week.14.If she ____________(get)up late, she _____________(not catch)the early bus.15.Don’t go out tomorrow if it__________(rain).二、根据汉语意思完成句子

1.如果你请求他,他会帮你的If you ________him, he _________ __________you


If she___________________a little earlier, she’ll have time to eat breakfast at home.3.如果你参加聚会,你将会过得很开心。

If you__________ the party ,you_________ _________ a great time.4.如果明天下雨,我们将不去野餐

If it __________tomorrow, we _________ ___________ for a picnic.5.如果你经常听英文歌,你将会喜欢英语

If you often __________ __________English songs, you________ _________English.6.如果他到的晚了会发生什么事情?

What _______________ if he _____________ late?


If you__________ _________, you ___________ good _____________.8.他如果看电视太久了,他的父母会不高兴。

If he _________ TV too much, his parents __________ __________ unhappy.9.如果我们为他组织生日聚会,大家都会来的。

Everyone ________________ if we _____________ a birthday party __________ him.10.如果明天不下雨,我会和你一起去公园的。

If it ____________________ tomorrow, I ______________ go to the park _________ you.11.如果她起得晚了,就会旅游迟到的。

She;__________________________ the trip if she ___________________.12.如果他有空,他会帮助你的。

If he _________________, he _________________you.13.如果Tom考试不及格,他就没有机会上高中了。

Tom _________have the ________to go to the high school if he ___________ the exams.14.你如果抄同学的作业就不能学好各门功课。

You _________ _________ good at all the subjects if you _________ the other students’homework.1


1.If you _____ to the party, you’ll have a great time.A.will goB.wentC.goD.going

2. I ______ her the answer if she _______me.A.can tell, will askB.will tell, will askC.would tell, askD.will tell, asks

3.– What are you going to do tomorrow?

--We’ll go to the library tomorrow if it ___.A.isn’t rainB.rainC.won’t rainD.doesn’t rain

4.—Do you know when he will come back tomorrow?

--Sorry, I don’t know.When he ____ back, I’ll tell you.A.comesB.will comeC.comeD.may come

5.What will you do if you _____ to the old folk’s home visit?

A.goB.wentC.goingD.will go

6.If I eat ____ food, I’ll be very fat.A.too manyB.many tooC.too muchD.much too

7.I’ll give the book to him if he ___ here next Sunday.A.will comeB.comesC.is comingD.came

8.There ____an English film in our school tomorrow.A.is going to haveB.will haveC.is going to beD.has

9.When my mother returned last night, I ____a book.A.readB.am readingC.was readingD.am going to read

10.What ____ you ____ when it began to rain?

A.do, doB.were, doingC.are, doingD.did, do

11.I’ll wake you up when he ____back.A.willB.is going to comeC.comesD.come.The volleyball match will be put off(推迟)if it

A.will rainB.rainsC.rained

13.I’ll go to meet you,if I__________free then.A.would beB.will beC.am

14.Be careful, if you____________want to make mistakes.A.won’tB.don’tC.didn’t

15.Work hard if you_________to get a good mark.A.wantedB.wantingC.want

16.There is going to_______sports meeting next week.If it ________, we’ll have to cancel it..A.be;will rainB.have;will rainC.be;rains

17.If he_________, I_________go swimming alone.A.doesn’t come, will goB.won’t come;will goC.will come;won’t go

18.If you _________a chance to study in a foreign country, just take it.A.gettingB.getC.will get

英语状语从句 篇5


例题 I didn’t manage to do it _____ you had explained how.A.unlessB.untilC.whenD.since 分析 时间状语从句在复合句中作状语,表示主句动作发生的时间。引导这种从句的词有after, before, as, when, while , till , until, since, once;连接副词immediately 等;起连接作用的短语as soon as, by the 不能用形容词such.例如:

● Soon there were so many deer that they ate up all the wild roses.4.so+ adj.(adv.)+that+从句●The boy is so old that he can go to school.5.so + adj.+ a(an)+单数名词

●He is so good a student that we all like him.time, hardly…when, no sooner…than等。例如: ● I was writing a letter when he came in.● She did not go to bet until she(had)finished her homework.● It is nearly six years since we began to learn English.● Once you begin, you must go on.● By the time I arrived at the station, the train had left.时间状语从句中谓语动词的时态用法,应注意下面两点: 1. 要用一般现在时替代一般将来时,例如: ● I’ll let him know when he comes.2.要用一般过去时替代过去将来时,例如: ●He said he would wait here until I came back.例题的意思是:“直到你说明怎么办之后,我才设法把这件事做好。”根据题意,须由until 引导此例的时间状语从句,所以正确答案应为B。


例题 When you read the book , you’d better make a mark _____ you have any questions.A.at whichB.at whereC.the place whereD.where

分析 地点状语从句在复合句中作状语,表示主句的动作发生的处所或方向,这种从句通常用连接副词where,wherever(无论在哪里,无论到哪里)引导。例如: ● Where there is oppression, there is struggle.例题的意思是:“你看书时,最好在有问题的地方做一个记号。”此复合句中的从句是个地点状语从句,须用连接副词where 引导,所以正确答案应为D。


例题 She told us _____story that we all forgot about the time.A.such an interestingB.such interesting aC.so an interestingD.a so interesting

分析 结果状语从句在复合句中作状语,表示主句的动作所引起的结果。这种从句由such…that, so…that, so that等引导。其用法举例如下: 1. Such +a(an)+(adj.)+单数可数名词+ that+从句

● He left in such a hurry that he forgot to lock the door.2.such+(adj.)+复数可数名词+从句

●He had such long arms that he could almost touch the ceiling.3.such+(adj.)+不可数名词+that+从句

●He made such rapid progress that he did very well in the mid-term exam.在“such+ adj.+ n.+that+ clause”这个结构中,其中名词由many, much, few, little 修饰时,须用副词so,例题中的结果状语从句由“such+ an + adj.+单数可数名词+that”引导。属于第一种情况,所以正确答案应为A。


例题 I hurried____ I wouldn’t be late for class.A.sinceB.so thatC.as ifD.unless 分析 目的状语从句在复合句中作状语,表示主句的动作发生的目的。这种从句用连词so that, in order that 等引导。目的状语从句的谓语动词中常有情态动词may/might, can/ could, will/ would 和should.例如:

● He is working hard so that he may pass his examination.例题中有一个目的状语从句,所以正确答案应为D。


例题_____he comes, we won’t be able to go.A.WithoutB.UnlessC.ExceptD.Even 分析 条件状语从句在复合句中作状语,表示主句的动作发生的条件、假定等。条件状语从句通常由连词if, unless和起连接作用的短语so/ as long as(只要),so far as(就…),suppose(that)(假定)等引导。例如:

● If it rains tomorrow, we’ll stay at home.● He will not come unless he is invited.● Suppose he is absent, what shall we do?

● As long as we don’t lose heart , we’ll find a way to overcome the difficulty.例题的选项中只有unless 可以引导一个条件状语从句,所以正确答案应为B。


例题 _____, he doesn’t study well.A.As he is cleverB.He is as cleverC.Clever as he isD.As clever he is

地点状语从句 篇6


Where there is a will there is a way. 我们中文通常翻译成有志者事竟成,只要你 will有意愿,那就肯定能够找到道路。

Where there is a will there is a way。那好,前面这个where there is a will就指的是在有信念的.一个地方,或者在有信念的一些地方。there is a way。好,这就是一个标准的地点状语从句,通常是用where来引导的?我们再看一遍这个例句:Where there is a will there is a way. 。

高考英语状语从句语法 篇7



as, when, while的区别





Since everybody is here, let’s begin.

Now that they have taken matters into their hands, the pace of events has quickened. 因为


so that; so…that都可以引导目的状语从句和结果状语从句,区别在于:

1. 当它们引导目的状语从句时,从句的谓语里常有can, could, may, might, will, would等词;

2. 而当引导结果状语从句时则没有上述这些词,而且从内容上看主句和它们引导的结果状语从句有因果关系,主句为因,从句为果。

I’ll run slowly so that you can catch up with me. 目的

He ran slowly so that I caught up with him. 结果

He always studies so hard that he may make great progress. 目的

He always studies so hard that he made great progress. 结果


no more than 只不过(嫌少的意思)

not more than 不多于(客观的说明)

I have no more than two apples. 嫌太少了

They have learned no more than two thousand words. 才学了词,太少了。

并列句和状语从句 篇8



D.as if 2.The little boy won’t go to sleep ____ his mother tells him a story.A.or




3.The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day, ______ accompanied by an adult.A.once



D.unless 4.______ you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge.A.However to face the challenge

B.What a serious problem C.However serious a problem

D.What serious a problem

5._______ our manager objects to Tom’s joining the club, we shall accept his as a member.A.Until




6.______ they decide which college to go to, students should research the admission procedures.A.As



D.Once 7.John thinks it won’t be long ____ he is ready for his new job.A.when



D.since 8.---Our holiday cost a lot of money.---Did it? Well, that doesn’t matter ______ you enjoyed yourselves.A.as long as


C.as soon as


9.The girl had hardly rung the bell ______ the door was opened suddenly, and her friend rushed out to greet her.A.before




10.The engineers are so busy that they have zero time for outdoor sports activities, _______ they have the interest.A.wherever


C.even if

D.as if

11.Just use this room for the time being, and we’ll offer you a large one _____ it becomes available.A.as soon as


C.as far as


12.The old man asked Lucy to move to another chair ________ he wanted to sit next to his wife.A.although



D.if 13.Tom was about to close the window ________ his attention was caught by a bird.A.when



D.till 14.Tim is in good shape physically _______ he doesn’t get much exercise.A.if

B.even though


D.as long as

15.Because of the heavy traffic, it was already time for lunch break _____ she got to her office.A.since




16.Today, we will begin ________ we stopped yesterday so that no point will be left out.A.when



D.what 练习二

1._______ well prepared a gymnast is, he still needs a lot of luck in performing.A.Whatever


C.No matter


2._______ the activities might seem childish, in reality they require a lot of strength and determination.A.When



D.Once 3.Too high house prices can be brought under control, ______ the authorities introduce a series of regulatory policies.A.even if

B.as if

C.so that

D.provided that

4.A small car is big enough for a family of three ______ you need more space for baggage.A.once



D.unless 5.It is morning _____ we have four classes, not afternoon.A.when



D.why 6.How can you keep fit ______ you smoke so much? A.as




7.It’s really dangerous to work on the roof.______ , you should take care of yourself.A.Therefore




8.I’m not sure whether I will have anything else to do tomorrow.______ , I will try every possible means to come to the party.A.Even though


C.If so


9.The police helicopter managed to land on the roof and rescued all the people _______ the fire burnt up to the top of the building.A.after




10._____ the Customs Office, he will have to declare this sort of things he carries with him to the customs officer.A.No matter who will come through

B.Who comes through C.No matter whom comes through

D.Whoever comes through 11.Your article must be sent by e-mail _____ it can meet the deadline.A.or else

B.so that

C.in case

D.for fear 12.You can imagine ________ one feels ______ everybody dislikes him.A.when, if

B.if, when

C.if, how

D.how, if 13.Why not stay at home _______ the road is so slippery after the heavy snow? A.since that

B.after that

C.then that

D.now that

14.I have heard these sons and daughters say they never fully appreciated their mothers ______ it was too late to tell them.A.as



D.when 15._________ , I could not memorize the test.A.However hard did I try

B.However hard I tried

C.However I tried hard

D.However I had tried hard

16.I don’t think Maria will be disappointed at the news, but I will see her _______ she is.A. as if

B.so that

C.in case

D.even though

17.During the reconstruction of the city, many modern tall buildings went up ____ old shabby houses were torn down.A.where

B.in what

C.in which


18.Many people cannot learn any lessons from the mistakes ________ they get hurt somehow.A.whether



D.when 练习三

1.---What should we do since we can’t make a compromise after lengthy talks?---_______ you apologize and take back what you’ve said _____ it is all over between us.A.Not only, but also

B.Either, or

C.Neither, nor

D.Whether, or 2.---Some Chinese students find it difficult to understand native speakers when in London.---Exactly, _______ they’re learned a lot about grammar and known many words.A.if only

B.now that

C.as if

D.even if

3.It was on my way home _____ my father made the promise ______ I can do well in next exam he will buy me whatever I want.A.that, that

B.where, that if

C.that, if

D.that, that if

4.Napoleon’s story proves that to be a hero has nothing to do with size, with a smart mind and a brave heart.A.and



D.but 5.---My son is addicted to drugs.He isn’t hopeless, is he?

---Yes, _______ he mends his ways and starts all over.A.if


C.even if

D.unless 6.---When shall we go planting trees in the hill?

---______ it begins to rain, so they don’t need watering.A.Not until




7.You can’t complain of being lonely ____ you don’t make any effort to communicate with others.A.when



D.once 8.---Did Jack come back early last night?

---Yes.It was not eight o’clock _____ he arrived home.A.before



D.until 9.______ I have some sympathy for them, I don’t think they are right to do so.A.As




10.He is a nice listener, ______ he feels the time is right he will give you his thoughts.A.until

B.after which


D.and when 11.His children are well-behaved, _____ those of this sister’s are very naughty.A.and




12.We missed our train, and _______ the next train was delayed, ______ we had to wait for two hours.A.on top of that, so B.as a result, then

C.what was worse, however

D.because, therefore 13.How long do you think _____ the computer company launches a new model? A.it will be before

B.will it be until

C.will it when

D.it will be that

14.Many people believe we are heading for environmental disaster ______ we basically change the way we live.A.but



D.once 15.If I were rich, I should help them out.______ , I can do nothing.A.As is often the case

B.As is it

C.As the case is often

D.As it is 16.Young ______ he is, he knows a great deal about advanced technology.A.as



D.yet 17.Stop making so much noise _______ my neighbor will start complaining.A.or else

B.but still

C.and then

D.so that

18.You can’t attend the party tonight because it is stormy.____, you still haven’t got over your high fever.A.Therefore



D.Thus 19.How long do you suppose it is _______ he arrived there ? A.when




20.This study shows that _____ languages may differ;the order in which young kids learn the parts of speech appears to be the same across different languages.A.since



D.but 参考答案:

一.1—5CBDCB 6—10 DCAAC 11—16 ACABCB 二.1—5 DCDDA

6—10 CABBD 11—15 BDDCB

16—18 CAB 三. 1---5 BDDDD
