初一下Unit10 总结

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初一下Unit10 总结(共8篇)

初一下Unit10 总结 篇1

一 单元重点短语would like +nwould like to do sth.would like sb to do sth 2 take/have one’s order 3 what kind of …?what size bowl…?what size shoes ….? 5 a large/small/medium bowl of noodles 6 green teablack tea 7 orange juicearound the world= all over the world= in the world 9the number of +pl.10make a wish

11blow out the candlesblow them/it out12in/ at one go 13 get popularcut up the noodlescut them/it upcut down the treescut them/it down 15 a symbol of long lifebring good luck to the birthday person 17 something to eat/drink 二 重点句型

(一)would like(语气婉转)want1 A: Would you like some dumplings?

B: Yes, please/ Yes, I’d likeNo, thanks 2 A: Would you like to go to the movies?

B: Yes, I’d like/love toI’d like to, but I have to do my homework first.(二)there be 句型There ____(be)some orange juice in the cup._____(be)there any beef porridge in your restaurant?There is a busy street in my neighborhood.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)____________________________________________________________(三)饭店用语

-May I take your order? – YesWelcome to my restaurant.-How much are they – They’re 65 yuan.三 语法区别

(一)anysomeThere are some onions in the bag.(改为一般疑问句)______________________________________Sally has some good friends at shool(改为否定句)

______________________________________________特殊-Would you like ____(some/any)mutton noodles?-Yes, please(二)可数名词 和不可数名词

可数名词 使用时用复数或前面加a/an,可用一,二、三、、、等修饰不可数名词没有复数,用it代替名词作定语

初一下Unit10 总结 篇2

1. The stores were too ____(拥挤的).

2. That made me ____(感到) very sad.

3. Before I went to summer camp, I ____(讨论) it with my parents.

4. I had a ____(汇报) on my classmates’ vacation in class.

5. Every weekend we have some ____(活动) for students to take part in(参加).

6. The little backpack is a little e____. I can’t afford(负担) it.

7. The beef noodles are really d____ and we like to eat them.

8. I know the place well, so let me be your g____.

9. How a____ the weather is! We can’t swim today.

10. The movie m____ us feel very sad last night.


1. It’s ____. Please put on your raincoat.

A. crowdedB. expensiveC. rainyD. cloudy

2. My father ____ a doctor 20 years ago.

A. is B. hasC. wasD. were

3. “How was the party?” “It was ____ good.”

A. much B. manyC. greatD. pretty

4. Mary can play ____ violin but she can’t play ____ volleyball.

A. the; theB. the; /C. /; theD. a; a

5. I know she ____ a novel. It’s popular now.

A. writing B. wroteC. writeD. written

6. We had great fun ____ English.

A. learn B. to learnC. learningD. learned

7. I enjoy ____ a little longer in the morning.

A. sleep B. sleepsC. to sleepD. sleeping

8. Washington is the ____ of the USA.

A. sea B. capitalC. ocean D. beach

9. Did you find a boy ____ in the corner?

A. to cry B. criedC. cryingD. cries

10. Some Englishmen ____ our school the day before yesterday.

A. visit B. is visitingC. visitsD. visited

11. There are many ____ in the library.

A. kind of book B. kinds of book C. kind of booksD. kinds of books

12. The girl ____ Susan is my cousin.

A. call B. callsC. calledD. calling

13. Today the weather was cool, ____ they decided ____ football.

A. but; play B. or; to playC. so; to playD. and; playing

14. “Did you visit the Great Wall over the vacation?” “____.”

A. Yes, I did B. No, I did C. Yes, I didn’tD. Yes, I do

15. The policeman helped the boy ____ the hotel.

A. found B. findC. findsD. finding


We can use many kinds of energy.

Most energy(能量) in the __1__ today comes from__2__ coal and oil. But maybe this will not be so in the fature. We will get much of our energy __3__ water, the sun and the __4__. We will produce atomic(原子) energy, and leave coal and __5__ as raw(原始) material for cloth, plastics and other things. Some __6__ of the world are very dry. Very __7__ people live there, __8__ there is a lot of sunshine and wind. With __9__ atomic energy and energy from the sun and wind, we will be able to bring fresh water from far away or change sea water __10__ fresh water.

1. A. moonB. sunC. worldD. space

2. A. burningB. buyingC. boilingD. taking

3. A. inB. fromC. onD. to

4. A. moonB. cloudC. windD. snow

5. A. waterB. paperC. glassD. oil

6. A. schoolsB. placesC. hillsD. ground

7. A. fewB. littleC. a fewD. a little

8. A. and B. butC. thenD. so

9. A. cheapB. expensiveC. a littleD. good

10. A. to B. intoC. fromD. for



Can you make a telephone call? Of course you can make one in Chinese. But I don’t know if you can do it in English. Phone calls in English are quite different from calls in Chinese.

If you want to ask for someone to answer the phone, don’t say, “Please ask Mr. XX to answer the telephone.” Instead, you should say, “May I speak to Mr. XX?” If you want to ask who is answering the telephone, you should say, “Who is that?”“Is that Mr. XX(speaking)?” instead of“Who are you?” If you want to tell the person on the line who you are, you must say, “This is XX (speaking)” instead of “I am XX.”

1. An English telephone call is____a Chinese one.

A. as good asB. better thanC. the same asD. different from

2. If you want to tell who you are on the telephone, you should say, “____.”

A. This is XXB. I am XX C. That is XXD. He is XX

3. If you want to know who is answering the phone, you should say, “ ____”

A. Who am I?B. Who is he?C. Who are you?D. Who is that?

4. If you want to ask Mr. Smith to come to answer the telephone, you must say, “____?”

A. May I speak to Mr. SmithB. Could I ask Mr. Smith to answer the call

C. Is Mr. Smith answering the callD. Are you Mr. Smith

5. The passage is about how to ____.

A. talk with an Englishman B. tell somebody something

C. make a telephone call in EnglishD. speak well in English


What is color? Why do some of the things around us look red, some green, others blue?

Colors are really made by reflected light(反射光线). We see colors because most of the things reflect light. Something is red, because it reflects most of the red light. In the same way, if something is green, it reflects most of the green light. If something reflects all light, it is white.

Some of the light is reflected and some is taken in(吸收) and turned into heat. The darker the color is, the less light is reflected and the more light is taken in. So dark-colored(深色的) clothes are warmer in the sun than light-colored(浅色的) clothes.

1. When something reflects light, we can ____.

A. see its colorB. see its heatC. not see its colorD. see nothing

2. Something looks white because it reflects ____.

A. some lightB. no light C. all lightD. less light

3. The dark-colored clothes are warm because ____ is taken in.

A. more lightB. less light C. more colorD. less color

4. In summer ____ clothes make people feel cool.

A. dark-coloredB. red-coloredC. green-coloredD. light-colored

5. Which is the best title(题目) of this passage? ____.

A. Dark ColorB. ColorC. Heat D. Clothes


Dear Sir,

I would like to get a part-time job(兼职工作) in your fast food restaurant. I read the advertisement(广告) in the newspaper on February 23, 2011.

I’m fourteen. I study in Center Middle School. I cleaned the tables in NBB Restaurant. I am a very good cleaner(清洁工). Mr Brown is the manager(经理) there. He can tell you something about me. I want to be a waiter in your restaurant. I can work on weekends.


Oliver Smith


Closeyoureyesforaminuteandimaginewhatlife would be like if you couldn’t see. Imagine having to read this page, not with your eyes but with your fingers. How do you feel, then?

With medical knowledge and skills today, two-thirds of the world’s42million blindpeopleshould not have to suffer(受苦).Unluckily,rich countries have this knowledge, but developing countries do not.

ORBISisaninternationalcharitableorganization(慈善组织).Itsgoalistohelpfight blindness all over the world. Inside a DC-8 airplane, there is a teaching hospital with television room and classroom. Doctors are taught the latest technology of helping the blind get sight again here. ORBIS is always trying to keep a closer relation among countries.

ORBIShelpsthosedevelopingcountriesbyprovidingsight-savingtraining.Ithastaught over 35,000 doctors and nurses. They continue to treat thousands of blind people every year. They have travelled around the earth 3 times, visited 76 countries and treated over 20,000 blind people. They need your help to continue their work and free people from blindness.

For just $38, you can help one person see; for $380 you can bring sight to 10 people; $1,300 helps train a doctor new skills; and for $13,000 you can provide a training program for a group of doctors who can make thousands of blind people see again. Your love can help them open their eyes to the world.

1题判断正(T)误(F);2~4 题简略回答问题;5 题将文中划线句子译成汉语。

1. Both rich and developing countries have the knowledge of helping blind people. ()

2. ORBIS’ goal is to ____________________________

3. How many doctors and nurses has ORBIS taught? ____________________________

4. What can you do for $380 according to the passage?____________________________

5. ____________________________


1. They went to Hainan Island on vacation. (对划线部分提问)

____ ____ they ____ on vacation?

2. It was rainy all night. (对划线部分提问)

____ ____ the weather all night?

3. They stayed at home last Sunday. (改为否定句)

They ____ ____ at home last Sunday.

4. I didn’t have any money for a taxi. (改为同义句)

I ____ ____ money for a taxi.

5. I found a little boy crying in the corner. (对划线部分提问)

____ ____ you ____ crying in the corner?


1. 看!我们教室的角落里有什么?

Look! What’s ____ ____ ____ ____ our classroom?

2. 上周日他们参观了长城,玩得很开心。

They ____ great ____ ____ the Great Wall last Sunday.

3. 昨天的天气怎么样?

____ ____ the weather yesterday?

4. 谁把那个小男孩弄哭了?

Who ____ the little boy ____?

5. 让我帮你找到它。

Let me ____ you ____ it.


A. That sounds fun.

B. It was pretty boring.

C. I have a wonderful time there.

D. It was the best weekend I’ve ever had.

E. Nothing much.

F. How about you?

G. What else did you do?

A: Hi, Ann! How was your weekend?

B: It was great. __1__

A: Really? __2__

B: Well, on Saturday it was my little brotherMike’s birthday. My family all went to the Adventure Park.

A: What did you do? Did you go on many rides?

B: Yes, we went on lots of rides, the roller coaster ride(过山车), the big wheel and lots of others. My brother and I went on the roller coaster ride twice!

A: Wow!__3__

B: Well, when we came home from Adventure Park, we had a big birthday dinner for mybrother. We had delicious food and a big cake. Then on Sunday morning we played in the yard. In the afternoon we went to a movie.

A: That sounds like a good weekend.

B: __4__ What did you do on the weedend?

A: I didn’t do anything much. I stayed at home and watched TV most of the time. On SundayI did my homework. __5__



提示词语:May 1st, Tuesday, sunny, go to New York City, visit Central Park, go shopping, supermarket, crowded, go to the zoo, animals, interesting, go back home, seven o'clock, tired

unit10新目标英语七年级下 篇3

1.-中心大街有超市吗?是,有。/-不,没有。–Yes, ’t.2.附近有一些餐馆吗?Are there any restaurants near here?

3.附近有一些旅店。There are some hotels in the neighbor hood.4.-请问这儿附近有医院吗?-有,在饭店和超市之间。

-Excuse me.Is there a hospital around here/near here/in the neighborhood?

–Yes.It’s between the restaurant and the supermarket.5.在树下有一只猫和两只狗There is a cat and two dogs under the tree.(就近原则).6.-你在做什么?-我在看书。-What are you doing?-I’m reading a book.7.我知道那在哪儿。I know where it is.(宾语从句,陈述句语序)

8.我刚来这小镇。I’m new in town.9.在第一个十字路右转然后餐馆就在你左边,刚好在公用电话对面。Turn right at the first

crossing and the restaurant is on your left, just across from the pay phone.10.它离这儿不太远,我可以跟你一起走。It’s not too far from here.I can walk with you.11.太感谢你了!--不客气-Thanks so much!

-No problem=You are welcome.=That’s all right=That’s Ok.=It’s my pleasure=Not al all

12.我喜欢周末在哪里消磨时光。I like to spent time there on weekends.13.我喜欢看猴子们爬来爬去。I love to watch the monkeys climbing around.14.他们看起来像打架时候的我和我的朋友们。They look like my friends and me when we

fight.15.为了到达那里,我经常走出去并且在大桥街上右转。To get there, I usually go out and turn

right on Bridge Street.16.我常在公园运动因为我爱干净空气和阳光.I often exercise at the park because I love the

clean air and sunshine.17.生活中最好的事物是免费的。The best things in life are free/don’t need money.18.为了到达公园,你只需要穿过中央大街。To get to the park, you just have to cross the

Center Street.19.我住在一个吵闹/安静的的社区。I live in a noisy/quiet neighborhood.20.超市的对面是一个大公园。Across from the supermarket is a big park..(倒装句)=There’s

a big parkacross from the supermarket =A big park is across from the supermarket..21.这家图书馆很安静并且我喜欢在那里阅读。The library is quite and I enjoy reading there.22.当我看书时,时间过得很快。When I read books, time goes quickly.23.你可以很容易就到图书馆。You can get to the library easily.24.我经常在我家附近的一家超市购物。I usually go shopping at a supermarket near my house.25.在上学期间我很忙,但是周末有空闲时间。I’m very busy on school days, but I have some

free time on weekends.26.我喜欢和爷爷奶奶一区度过每个星期天。I like to spend time with my grandparents on

初一下Unit10 总结 篇4

一.语言目标(Language Goal)

谈论人们在干什么(Talk about what people are doing)


以人们的日常活动(everyday activities)为话题,学会谈论人们正在做什么;能就发生的事做现场报道。


1.What are you doing?你正做什么?

I’m doing my homework.正在做家庭作业。

2.Do you want to go swimming? 你想去游泳吗?

Yes, I do./ That sounds great.想去/听起来不错。

3.When do you want to go?你想什么时候去? At three o’clock.三点钟Let’s go at three o’clock.我们三点钟去吧


clean(打扫,擦)wait for(等候)talk(讲话,谈话)about(关于)









talk to / with sb.和某人谈论

如:I want to talk with / to him.我想和他谈谈。talk about sth.谈论某事如:Let’s talk about it later.咱们一会儿再谈这事吧。


talk show 访谈节目have a talk 听报告give a talk 作报告


Professor Smith is going to give us a talk on how to learn English well.1


wait等候、等待 wait是不及物动词。如:Wait a minute, please.请等一会儿。

如果后面跟名词,必须与for搭配成动词短语wait for。

We are waiting for the bus.我们还在等公汽。

wait on 服侍waiter 侍者waiting room候车室,候诊室

activity 活动,活力

(1)当activity 作“活动”讲时,是可数名词,通常用作复数activities。

如:We have a lot of extracurricular activities in the afternoon.我们下午有许多课外活动。


如:a class full of activity充满活力的班级。



I’m with my sister Gina.我和妹妹吉娜在一块。


如:The boy with the football is my friend.那个拿足球的男孩是我的朋友。

(3)(器具,手段)用,以。如:We see with our eyes.我们用眼睛看。△with与in的区别。

with和in都有“用”的含义,with强调使用具体工具,in不指具体的工具。另外,“用英语说或写”应说say / write it in English,这里in不用with代替。Here’s / Here are„

把手头的东西给对方时,常用Here’s / Here are„这一句型来表达。在英语中,以Here 或There开头的句子一般用倒装形式,连系动词用is还是用are取决于后面的主语是单数还是复数。如:

(1)Here’s a letter of thanks for you, Tom.汤姆,这儿有你的一封感谢信。

(2)Here are your keys.这些是你的钥匙。

[注]这类倒装句中的主语通常为名词。如果主语是代词,则谓语动词仍须位于主语之后。常见的有Here you are.给你。Here it is.东西在这儿。Here he comes.他来了。

at home 与be inat home 与be in都表示在家里,几乎可以通用,如:

Is he Henry in / at home? No, he’s at school.亨利在家吗?不,他在学校里。




(2)This is Sam.意思是“我是山姆”。在打电话时,介绍自己时一般不用I am„,而用This is „。

(3)Is that Bill? 该句意思是“你是比尔吗?”在打电话时,询问对方是谁时不用Are you„?,而用Is that„?或者Who’s that? 如:

A: Hello!Is that Teresa?喂?你是Teresa吗?

B: No, this is her sister, Julia.不是的,我是她的姐姐Julia.A: Oh, Is Teresa there?哦,Teresa 在家吗?

B: No, she isn’t.She’s at the library.不在,她在图书馆。

A: Oh, is she doing her homework?哦?她在做家庭作业吗?

B: Yes, she is.是的,在做。B.学习任务:当记者,做现场报道


Today is fine.The sky is blue.Now it’s nine o’clock in the morning.There’s a sports meeting in the forest(森林)on the big mountain(山).Look, a horse, a panda and a cat are running.Over there a dog and a tiger are jumping.Two monkeys are climbing the trees.Four birds are flying around(四处)and singing.There’re some other animals there, too.The elephants are standing.A monkey is sitting on an old elephant.The monkeys has a flag(旗)in his hand.Polly is sitting in the tree.A fox, a baby panda and some small animals are sitting under the tree.They are all watching.3.语法分析:



我经常看电视。I often watch TV.

我正在看电视。I am watching TV.前一个“看”表示的不是具体的某一次“看”,它强调的是经常性的习惯性的动作“看”,英语称之为一般现在时。除第三人称单数外,动词用原形(watch)来表示。第二个“看”,表示“看”这个动作现在正在进行,强调动作正在进行之中,汉语中用特定词“正在”来表达此意,“看”无形态的变化。而英语中则完全不同,动词watch的形式发生了变化,即在词尾加了ing,由watch变成watching,而且前面还加了动词am,即am watching(正在看),由此可见英语中用动词本身的变化或加助动词来表示动作所发生的时间。

△由于英语中不同的时间发生的动作要由不同的动词形式表达,因此学英语时,不但要记住这个动词,还要记住它的变体,一般来说一个动词有五种基本形式。我们以watch TV为例加以说明。原形第三人称单数现在分词

watch TVwatches TV

注:在动词原形即do+s(es)的does称为第三人称单数,在动词do+ing→do→ing称为现在分词,与汉语相比,英语动词应包括两层意义:(1)词汇意义即词本身的意义,如watching TV“看”。(2)语法意义:watching TV;正在看电视,即“watch”这个动作正在进行之中。








(2)结构:助动词be(is / am / are)+ 动词的现在分词doing。

(3)肯定句:主语+be(am / is / are)+v.-ing。例如:

<1>I am cleaning my bedroom.我正在打扫我的卧室。

<2>Han Mei is writing on the blackboard.韩梅正在黑板上写字。

<3>We are having lunch.我们正在吃午饭。

(4)否定句:主语+be(am / is / are)+not + v.-ing。例如:

<1>I am not doing sports.我不是在做运动。

<2>Li Ying is not / isn’t singing a song.李英不是正在唱歌。

<3>They are not / aren’t watering the flowers.他们不是正在给花儿浇水。

(5)疑问句:be(am / is / are)+主语+ v.-ing? 例如:

<1>-Am I opening the window?我正在开窗户吗?

-Yes, you are./ No, you aren’t.是的。/不,你不是。

<2>-Is he working?他正在工作吗?

-Yes, he is./ No, he isn’t.是的。/不,他不是。

<3>-Are they taking photos?他们正在照像吗?

-Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.是的。/不,他们不是。




What are you doing?你在干什么?

Where are the boys playing soccer?孩子们在哪儿踢足球?



初一下Unit10 总结 篇5

Unit10 I have had the bike for three years


Section A(1a-2d)教学设计

Teaching Content Analysis: This period belongs to listening and speaking type.And it covers the content of 1a to 2d in Section A.The whole class is based on the topic of “Yard Sale”.And all the activities target our students simply.The teacher just acts as a helper for the students to better participate in the activities.Through different interesting tasks, the students can truly understand how to use the target language.Still, they can learn something deeply in this class like how to care for and help other people in need.Teaching Aims: 1.Knowledge aim: Let students master the target language-the different usages of “since” and “for” in the sentence structure of Present Perfect Tense.2.Ability aim: Make students can freely talk about their old things.3.Emotional aim:Develop students’ spirit of saving things and learn to love and help others in need.Students’ Analysis: The students in this class are classified seriously based on different foundation.This makes some trouble for the teaching.So before giving the lesson, the teacher makes great effort in designing the class activities.Also, the past two units study about Present perfect tense makes it easier to learn this unit.Teaching key points: 1.Let students




words: yard/sweet/memory/cent/toy bear/scarf/soft/bread maker and so on.2.Enable students learn to talk about how long they have kept their old things.Teaching difficult points: 1.Students know the differences between “since” and “for” in Present perfect tense.2.Students can fully understand how to have a yard sale.Teaching methods: 1.Situation teaching

2.Task-centered teaching Learning strategies: 1.Pair work

2.Group work

3.Group competition Teaching Aids: Multimedia, some old things Teaching process: Step1.Warming-up热身

Let students enjoy a beautiful song “Days of my past” and some old photos, then ask their feelings.Purpose of design:The photo video can effectively remind students of their sweet memories about their childhood.Step2.Lead-in导入

1.Tell the teacher’s feeling after hearing the song,bring out the key word-sweet memories.2.Then ask students if they have kept some old things for long time.3.The teacher takes out some old things and choose a notebook, asking students to guess how long she has had it.4.Set up a question for students to think about: If I don’t want to keep the notebook, what should I do? Guide students to say “yard sale”.Purpose of design:Using the real old things from the teacher makes the language study close to our life.And the question is better to bring out the topic easily.Step3 Presentation呈现 1.Ask students if they know what the yard sale is.Then play a video for them to know more.2.Ask students what we can buy in the yard sale.Naturally teach reading the new words.3.Tell the students that Ms Zhang will have a yard sale in the classroom.Welcome them to have a look and buy something.4.Invite some students to the front table to choose and buy.And the buyers should have conversations according to the sentence tips.Purpose of design:In this part, the teacher smartly make full use of the teachers’ own things and multimedia.Words are taught easily through guessing games.Step4 Group Competition小组竞赛

1.First, tell students that they are going to have a yard sale in each group.And the game rules are shown on PPT for them to know.2.All six groups have yard sales together at the same time.Buyers can go around each group to choose their favorite old things.They should make conversations with the buyers following the sentence models on PPT.3.Finally, the teacher asks each group leader the result of selling and buying in total.And choose the top three groups.Purpose of design: As we all know, game competition is a good way to burn students’ passion in study.And most of them will feel very enjoyable in such an exciting environment.Step5 Listening(听力训练)

1.Let students prepare the listening part 2a,2b first.2.Then play the recording, students should finish the given tasks and check the answer.Purpose of design:Through the first steps of preparation, students have basically mastered the target language, so it is easy for them to do the listening job.Step 6 Reading 2d(课文品读)

1.First set up some questions for students to think about.2.Students read by themselves, then write down their answers on the paper.3.Point some to answer the questions for checking.Purpose of design: Actually this step is a simple transfer from step5.Because they are about the same girl, Amy and her family.So it is better designed as an easy reading text.Step7 Discussion(拓展延伸)Let students discuss this question: If we don’t want to sell old things in the yard sale, what other ways to deal with them? Purpose of design:This step aims to develop students’ care and love for other people in need.It deepens the whole class teaching.Step8 Summary(小结)

let students review and read the notes on the screen.Purpose of design: It is necessary for the students to review what they have learned in this class for better mastery.Step9 Assignment(当堂作业)

初一下Unit10 总结 篇6

potato n. 土豆;马铃薯 special n. 特色菜;特价品  adj. 特殊的

would v. (表示意愿)愿意

large adj. 大号的;大的

order n. & v. 点菜;命令 size n. 大小;尺寸

bowl n. 碗

meat n. (可食用的)肉

dumpling n. 饺子 fish n. 鱼;鱼肉

pancake n. 烙饼;薄饼 world n. 世界

answer n. 答案 v. 回答 different adj. 不同的

cake n. 蛋糕 candle n. 蜡烛

age n. 年龄 blow v. 吹

candy n. 糖果 lucky adj. 幸运的

popular adj. 受欢迎的;普遍的 idea n. 想法;主意

would like 想要 beef noodles 牛肉面

tomato and egg soup 西红柿蛋汤

a large/medium/small bowl 大碗/中碗/小碗

mutton noodles 羊肉面 green tea 绿茶

blow out 吹灭 cut up 切碎

make a wish 许愿 what size 什么尺寸

1. —What size would you like?


—Medium, please.


size在这里作名词,意为“尺寸、大小”。既可表示物体的大小,也可表示服装、鞋帽等的尺码。用What size引导的特殊疑问句,用来询问大小、规格等。


What size shoes do you wear? 你穿多大码的鞋子?

2. But we are short of fish. 但是我们缺少鱼。

be short of 意为“缺少;缺乏”。


He is short of money now. 他现在缺钱。

would like的用法

would like意为“想;想要”,与want同义,但语气更委婉。其用法有:

1. would like sth. 想要某物


Would you like a cup of green tea? 你想要一杯绿茶吗?

2. would like to do sth. 想要做某事


He would like to see you today. 他今天想要见你。

3. would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事


09-10初一上班主任总结 篇7



【关键词】心理疏导 自我管理 情绪控制 谈话艺术 【正文】














unit 6-10词组 篇8

3.comprter programmer 电脑程序师 4.take acting lessons 上表演课 5.practice doing sth 练习做某事 6.finish doing sth 完成做某事 7.keep on doing sth 坚持做某事

8.I’m not sure about that.我对那不太确定 9.Don’t worry.不要担心

10.Not everyone knows what they want to be.不是所有人都知道他们想做什么。11.Just make sure you try your best.就确保尽你最大努力。

12.Then you can be anything you want.那么你就能成就你想做的事。13.move to

搬到-----14.finish high school 高中毕业 15.a race car driver 一个赛车手 16.buy a fast car

买一辆跑车 17.take singing lessons 上演唱课 18.study medicine 学习医学 19.study education 学习教育学

20.go to a cooking school 去烹饪学校

21.send------to 把------寄到-----,把----送到----22.New Year’s resolutions 新年决心 23.learn to do sth 学习做某事

24.make the soccer team 组建足球队 25.get good grades 取得好成绩

26.eat healthier food 吃更健康的食物 27.get lots of exercise 得到大量的锻炼 28.learn another foreign language

学习另一种外国语言 29.make resolutions 制定决心 30.be able to do sth 能做某事 31.keep resolutions 执行决心 32.promise to do sth承诺做某事

33.promise sb to do sth承诺某人做某事 34.make promises to sb向某人承诺

35.at the beginning of the year新年的开始 36.write down午写下

37.physical health 成长身体健康 38.have to do with 与-----有关

39.take up a hobby 开始(培养)一种爱好 40.make a weekly plan/make a plan every week



=not-----enough to do sth


42.the best resolutions is to have no resolutions

最好的决心就是没有决心。43.for this reason 由于这个原因

44.my own personal improvement我自己的个人提高

45.improve my relationship with my family


46.drive to work 开车去上班

47.Sounds like a good plan.听起来像一个好计划

unit 7

1.on computers 在电脑上

2.Everything will be free.每一件东西都将是免费的

3.live to be-----years old 活到----岁 4.in 100 years

一百年以后 5.use-------less 少用------

6.There will be more pollution.将会有更多的污染

7.Cities will be more polluted.城市将是更污染的

8.in great danger 处于极大的危险之中 9.on the earth 在地球上

10.play a part in saving the earth.参与到拯救地球的活动中 11.I hope so.我希望如此 12.in the sea 在海里 13.fresh water淡水

14.do the same jobs as------do做和----一样的工作

15.in an apartment在公寓

16.take a train to------乘火车去-----

17.fly rockets to the moon 乘火箭去月球 18.on a space station在太空站上 19.there are sb doing sth有某人正在做某事 20.over and over again反复地 21.help to build cars帮助造车 22.get bored变得厌烦的

23.make sth look like----使某物看起来像---24.wake up醒来,叫醒某人 25.agree with sb同意某人 26.hundreds of 数百

27.buildings fall down with people inside

有人的建筑物倒塌 28.look for


29.seem impossible 似乎不可能

30.we never know what will happen

我们永远不知道将会发生什么 31.in the future在将来

32.which side do you agree with?

你同意哪方面意见? 33.keep a bird.养一只鸟

34.during the week在工作日期间 35.take a holiday in Hong Kong

when possible有可能的时候在香港度假 36.there will be both good and bad

things in life.生活中有好事情也有坏事情 37.fly up into the sky 飞向天空 Unit 8 1.turn on 打开

turn off 关闭

turn up(声音)调大 turn down(声音)调小 2.cut-----up 把----切碎

3.cut----into 把----切成-----4.pour---into 把----倒入 5.put----in----把----放入 6.add---to----往---加 7.mix up 把-----混合

8.mix---together 把-----混合一起 9.fill----with----往---装满---10.cover----with----把---盖在----上

11.place-----on a plate把------放在盘子上 12.milk shake奶昔

13.how many后接可数名词复数形式 14.how much后接不可数名词,表数量 15.how much 后接be动词询问价钱 16.a cup of yogurt一杯酸奶 17.two spoons of honey两勺蜂蜜 18.fruit salad水果沙拉 19.Russian soup罗宋汤

20.cook-----for 30 minutes烹制30分钟 21.another ten minutes别外10分钟 22.one more thing别一件事

23.Don’t forget to do sth不要忘了要做某事 24.half a cup半杯 25.dig a hole挖个坑

26.take out-----from----把----从-----拿出来 27.traditional food 传统食物

28.on special holidays在特别的节日

29.give thanks for food and life感恩食物和


30.the first travelers第一批漂泊者

31.have a long, hard winter过一个漫长艰难的冬天

32.this idea of giving thanks 感恩的思想 33.have a big meal吃一顿大餐 34.serve-----to sb拿----招待某人

35.at a very high temperature在很高的温度 36.one by one一个接一个的 37.rice noodles米线

38.it’s time to do sth是做某事的时间

Unit 9

1.study for a test为考试而学习

prepare for an exam 备考 2.go to the doctor去看医生

go to the dentist去看牙医 3.have the flu患流感

4.help my parents帮助我的父母 5.meet my friends和我的朋友见面 6.go to the party去参加聚会

7.too much 太多 后面接不可数名词 8.too many

后面接可数名词复数 9.much too 太

后面接形容词 10.another time 下次,另外一次 11.go bike riding骑自行车


= not----before

= after

13.hang out 闲逛

14.catch you on Monday星期一见 15.I’m afraid not.我恐怕不行。16.the day before yesterday 前天 17.the day after tomorrow

后天 18.look after


take care of

19.accept an invitation 接受邀请 20.make an invitation 发出邀请 21.turn down an invitation 拒绝邀请 22.be sad to do sth 难过做某事 23.be glad to sth



把------带到------25.take a trip


26.at the end of-----在-------的结尾,尽头 27.help out with

帮忙解决------28.go back to------回到-----29.have to a surprise party for sb

为某人办一个惊喜派对 30.be surprised 感到惊喜的

31.look forward to doing sth 期望做某事 32.hear from

收到------33.a housewarming party 乔迁派对 34.A party is more fun with more people.聚会人越多越有趣

35.Hope you can make it.希望你能来 36.invite sb to-----邀请某人-------37.the opening of-------------的落成

38.bring one book as a gift for the new library 为新图书馆带一本书作为礼物 39.reply in writing to the invitation 用书面形式回复邀请

40.reply to-----回复某人/某事

Unit 10 1.take the bus to------乘汽车去----2.when to have------什么时候举行 3.half the class

一半的同学 4.watch a video


5.order food from-------从----订食物 6.what to do 做什么

7.how to go-----怎样去-----8.be happy 开心的 9.be famous 出名的----10.travel around the world周游世界 11.make a lot of money 挣许多钱 12.get an education 得到教育 13.go to college 上大学

14.get advice from-----从---得到建议 15.keep-----to themselves 保守秘密 16.talk to------与----交谈

17.have problems with-----在---方面有问题 18.the worst thing is to do nothing.最糟糕的事情是什么也不做 19.be worried about 担心---20.be afraid to------害怕做----21.in the end

= at last 最后

22.make mistakes 犯错误

23.it is best not to do sth 最好不要做----24.run away from 回避-----,从---逃跑 25.the first step is to do sth 第一步是做----26.be always there to do

总是(乐于)做,总是随时做----27.cut-----in half 把----切成一半 28.be halfway to doing sth 完成或做某事的部分

29.old people’s home 老人之家 30.school clean-up 学校大扫除 31.children’s hospital 儿童医院 32.travel to-----去----旅行

33.stay out too late 呆在外面很晚 34.go to the concert 去听音乐会 35.miss the bus 错过公交车
