
2024-07-28 版权声明 我要投稿


高二英语作文必修 篇1

When someone asks me: What is your Chinese dream? I will answer it without any hesitation: to be a good doctor.

The reason why I want to be a doctor is that I want to save people’s lives as possible as I can. When I was young, I had a terrible car accident. Thanks to the doctors, they brought me back to life. From then on, to be a good doctor has always been an inspiration to me. I will study hard to make sure that my dream will come true in the future.

高二英语必修五单词词汇 篇2

△involve vt. 牵涉;涉及;包括;使参与(卷入)……

editor n. 编辑

photograph n. 照片

vt. 给……照相

photographer n. 摄影师

△photography n. 摄影

△unforgettable abj. 难忘的;永远记得的

△assignment n. 任务;分配

delighted adj 快乐的;欣喜的

admirable adj. 值得赞扬的;令人钦佩的

unusual adj. 不同寻常的;独特的

assist vt. 帮助;协助;援助

assistant n. 助手;助理;售货员

submit vt. 递交;呈递(文件等)

profession n. 职业;专业

professional adj. 专业的;职业的n. 专业人员

colleague n. 同事

eager adj. 渴望的;热切的

concentrate vt. 集中;聚集

concentrate on 集中;全神贯注于

amateur n. 业余爱好者

update vt. 更新;使现代化

acquire vt. 获得;取得;学到

assess vt. 评估;评定

inform vt. 告知;通知

deadline n. 最后期限

△interviewee n. 参加面试者;接受采访者

meanwhile adv. 其间;同时

depend on 依靠;依赖

case n. 情况;病例;案例

accuse vt. 指责;谴责;控告

accuse…of 因……指责或控告……

△accusation n. 指责;谴责;控告

deliberately adv. 故意地

so as to (do sth) 为了(做)……

△deny vt. 否认;拒绝

sceptical adj. 怀疑的(<美>skeptical)

guilty adj. 犯罪的;有罪的;内疚的

dilemma n. (进退两难的)困境;窘境

demand n. 需求;要求vt. 强烈要求

△demanding adj. 要求很高的;费力的

publish vt. 出版;发行;发表;公布

△scoop n. 抢先获得的新闻、利润等;勺子;铲子

section n. 部分;节

△concise adj. 简明的;简练的

△imaginative adj. 富于想象力的

technical adj. 技术(上)的;技巧方面的

technically adv. 技术上;工艺上

thorough adj. 彻底的;详尽的

gifted adj. 有天赋的

△idiomatic adj. 惯用的;合乎语言习惯的

housewife n. 家庭主妇

crime n. 罪行;犯罪

edition n. 版(本);版次

ahead of 在……前面

department n. 部门;部;处;系

accurate adj. 精确的;正确的

senior adj. 年长的;高年级的;高级的

polish vt. 擦亮;磨光;润色

chief adj. 主要的;首席的n. 首领;长官

approve vt. 赞成;认可;批准

process vt. 加工;处理n. 过程;程序;步骤

△negative n. 底片;否定

adj. 否定的;消极的

高二英语必修五知识点精选 篇3

1. fall ill 生病

Hearing the bad news, he fell ill. 听到坏消息后,他病了。


fall behind 落后

fall sick 生病

fall asleep 入睡

fall down 掉下;倒塌

fall in love with ... 爱上……

fall off 脱落;减少;从……上掉下

fall into the habit of ... 养成……的习惯

fall over 跌倒;翻倒;落到……上

fall silent 沉默

2. in place


I like everything to be in place.


With everything in place, she started the slide show.



be in/out of order 有条理/无条理;坏了

be in/out of control 正常/失控

be in/out of danger 有危险/脱离危险

in place of...=take the place of... 代替;取代

give place to 被……取代;让位于……

out of place 不在适当的位置; 不合适

3. make a difference


Whether he could get the support from his parents made a great difference to the plan.


Does it any difference whether he?ll attend the meeting?



make a difference between ...and ... 区别对待……

make some difference to对…… 有些关系

make no difference to 对……没有关系

高二必修五英语短语总结外研版 篇4


1.It is obvious (to sb.) that 从句


2.confuse A with/and B 把A和B相混淆

3.be confused by sth . 被…….搞糊涂了

4.in confusion 困惑的;困窘地

5.compare. . .with. . . 和……比较

6.compare. . .to 把……比作

7.comepared to/with 和……相比(作状语)

8.variety of=varieties of 各种各样的

9.differ from sb./sth. 与某人或某物有区别,相异

10.differ in. . . 在某方面不同

11.have sth.in common (with sb./sth.)


12.have a lot/much/a great deal in common with. . .


13.have nothing/little in common with. . .


14.in common with sb./sth. 和……一样

15.make a difference 有关系;有重要性;

16.make some difference to. . . 对……有些关系

17.make much difference to. . . 关系重大;有重大影响

18.make no difference to. . . 对……没有关系

19.be similar to 与……相似

20.be similar in 在……方面相似

21.have some/much difficulty(in)doing sth.


22.have some/much difficulty with sth.


23.with difficulty 困(艰)难地

24.lead to sb.doing sth. 使得某人做某事

25.lead sb.to do sth. 使得某人去做某事

26.announce sth.to sb. 向某人宣布某事

=announce to sb.sth 向某人宣布某事

27.add. . .to. . . 把……加到……中

28.add to 增加

29.add up. . . 合计;加起来

30.add up to. . . 总计

31.make an announcement 发表声明,通知

32.at present 现在;目前

33.make an attempt to do sth. 试图做某事

34.make an attempt at doing sth. 试图(尝试)做某事

35.at one’s first attempt 第一次尝试

36.attempt at(doing)sth. 尝试(做)某事

37.in favour of 同意,支持,拥护

38.do sb.a favour 帮某人一个忙

39.ask sb.a favour =ask a favour of sb 请求某人帮忙

40.in sb.’s favour 有助于某人

41.refer to. . .as. . . 称……为……

42.refer to 参考

43.make (a) reference (s) to 提及,论及

44.now (that)+ 句子 由于;既然



把A和B比较compare A with B把A比作/比喻为Bcompare A to B

比起…,与…相比(作状语)compared with /to比得上compare with

无与伦比beyond comparison与…比较in comparison相比之下by comparison


在…方面不同differin= be differentin区分…和…Tell the difference between…and..

不同于differfrom= be differentfrom和某人在…方面differ with sb. on sth.有影响,使不同make a difference

对…有影响have an effect on=have an influence on =affect =influence

Itmakes a big differenceto your lifewhetheryou take an optimistic attitudeor not.



有很多/有一些/几乎没有/没有共同点havemuch(a lot)/everything/ nothing(little)in common和…一样in common with


lead to+doing/n通往,通向;导致,招致leadsbtosp.带领某人到某地

leadsbto dosth.使某人做某事,领某人干某事

命题方向:1). lead to +doing/ being done

2).leading to作定语或状语。


短语lead to中,to为介词,总结一下“动词+介词to”的常用短语

pay attention to注意devote… to…献身于stick to坚持be used to习惯于

belong to属于object to反对get down to开始认真做..contribute to为..做贡献

pay a visit to参观;拜访


have some/much/no difficulty (in) doing做某事有一些/没有困难

There is some/no difficulty (in) doing sth.

There is some/no difficulty with sth.(注意:difficulty为不可数名词)

have some/much/no difficulty (in) doing做某事有一些/没有困难

There is some/no difficulty (in) doing sth.

There is some/no difficulty with sth.(注意:difficulty为不可数名词)


attempt to do/ attempt at doing.试图做…;尝试做…

make an/no attempt to do (没有)试图/打算做…

at one’s first attempt (to do)第一次尝试做…


add…to…把…加到…上add to增加

高二英语作文必修 篇5

aid n.& vt.帮助;援助;资助 first aid(对伤患者的)急救 temporary adj.暂时的;临时的 fall ill 生病

injury n.损伤;伤害

bleed vi.& vt.(bled,bled)流血 △nosebleed n.鼻出血;流鼻血 △sprain vt.扭伤

△sprained adj.扭伤的 ankle n.踝(关节)

choke vi.& vt.(使)噎住;(使)窒息 cupboard n.橱柜;衣柜 skin n.皮;皮肤

△essential adj.最重要的;不可缺少的;

本质的 organ n.器官

△layer n.层;层次

barrier n.屏障;障碍(物)poison n.毒药;毒害

vt.毒害;使中毒 ray n.光线;射线 complex adj.复杂的

variety n.变化;多样(化);多变(性)liquid n.液体

radiation n.辐射;射线

mild adj.轻微的;温和的;温柔的 mildly adv.轻微地;温和地 pan n.平底锅;盘子 stove n.炉子;火炉

△heal vi.& vt.(使)康复;(使)化解 tissue n.(生物)组织;薄的织物;手巾纸 electric shock 触电;电休克 swell vi.& vt.(swelled,swollen)


swollen adj.肿胀的 △blister n.水泡

vi.& vt.(使)起泡 △watery adj.(似)水的 △char vi.烧焦

△nerve n.神经;胆量 scissors n.(pl.)剪刀

unbearable adj.难以忍受的; 不能容忍的

basin n.盆;盆地

squeeze vt.& vi.榨;挤;压榨 squeeze out 榨出;挤出

over and over again 反复;多次 bandage n.绷

in place 在适当的位置;适当 △ointment n.药膏;油膏

△infection n.传染;传染病;感染 vital adj.至关重要的;生死攸关的 symptom n.症状;征兆

△label vt.加标签或标记;分类

n.标签;标记 kettle n.(水)壶;罐

pour vt.& vi.倒;灌;注;涌 wrist n.手腕 damp adj.潮湿的 △Casey 凯西(姓)sleeve n.袖子 blouse n.女衬衫

tight adj.牢的;紧的;紧密的 tightly adv.紧地;牢牢地

firm adj.(动作)稳定有力的;坚定的firmly adv.坚固地;稳定地 throat n.咽喉;喉咙 △Janson 詹森(姓)

ceremony n.典礼;仪式;礼节 bravery n.勇敢;勇气 △Slade 斯莱德(姓)

stab vt.& vi.刺;戳;刺伤 a number of 若干;许多 put one’s hands on 找到

treat vt.& vi.治疗;对待;款待


apply vt.涂;敷;搽;应用;运用

vi.申请;请求;使用;有效 pressure n.压力;挤压;压迫(感)ambulance n.救护车 △scheme n.方案;计划 △Southerton 萨瑟顿(姓)

make a difference 区别对待;有影响; 起(重要)作用

高二英语作文必修 篇6



People may wonder why different words are used to describe these four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.You can clarify this question if you study British history.First there was England.Wales was linked to it in the thirteenth century.Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well.Next England and Wales were joined to Scotland in the seventeenth century and the name was changed to “Great Britain”.Happily this was accomplished without conflict when King James of Scotland became King of England and Wales as well.Finally the English government tried in the early twentieth century to form the United Kingdom by getting Ireland connected in the same peaceful way.However, the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government.So only Northern Ireland joined with England, Wales and Scotland to become the United Kingdom and this was shown to the world in a new flag called the Union Jack.To their credit the four countries do work together in some areas(eg, the currency and international relations), but they still have very different institutions.For example, Northern Ireland, England and Scotland have different educational and legal systems as well as different football teams for competitions like the World Cup!

England is the largest of the four countries, and for convenience it is divided roughly into three zones.The zone nearest France is called the South of England, the middle zone is called the Midlands and the one nearest to Scotland is known as the North.You find most of the population settled in the south, but most of the industrial cities in the Midlands and the North of England.Although, nationwide, these cities are not as large as those in China, they have world-famous football teams and some of them even have two!It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors.For historical architecture you have to go to older but smaller towns built by the Romans.There you will find out more about British history and culture.The greatest historical treasure of all is London with its museums, art collections, theatres, parks and buildings.It is the centre of national government and its administration.It has the oldest port built by the Romans in the first century AD, the oldest building begun by the Anglo-Saxons in the 1060s and the oldest castle constructed by later Norman rulers in 1066.There has been four sets of invaders of England.The first invaders, the Romans, left their towns and roads.The second, the Anglo-Saxons, left their language and their government.The third, the Vikings, influenced the vocabulary and place-names of the North of England, and the fourth, the Normans, left castles and introduced new words for food.If you look around the British countryside you will find evidence of all these invaders.You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom enjoyable and worthwhile.3.地理之谜





高二语文必修五作文 篇7






高二语文必修五亲情作文 篇8





高二英语作文必修 篇9

M5U2 The environment






(1)Mr. Qian Li wei approves of the following points except _________.

A.large amounts of fish are being caught by fishing boats before they can lay eggs.

B.People are more important than fish and trees.

C.We should produce more things from recycled products.

D.We need more effective laws to preserve the environment, which still allow the economy to grow.

(2)Which of the following statements can suggest that we can achieve a balance between the economy and environment ?

A.Many people are willing to pay slightly higher prices for things that are environmentally friendly.

B.Many people, old and young, are doing their best to protect their surroundings.

C.Our country has passed the law that factories which pollute the environment should have to pay higher taxes.

D.All of the above.

(3)By now the world’s population has increased________ times since 1800.

A.2 B. 4 C.5 D.6







Title: A debate on economic development and ________protection

An environmentalist’s views An _______ views

The awful results:

a. Industrial______ from factories polluting the air and the world and the killing many plants

and animals.

b. Fishing boats ______ out many sea creatures.

c. The rapidly growing world’s _______ demanding more land and food.

His attitudes:

a. People should stop thinking of businessmen as the ______ of the environment because many of them are_______ about the environment.

b. A healthy environment and a ______ economy can exist at the same time.

His suggestions:

a. _____ back on production and reducing the amount of things we make and buy.

b. Expanding our recycling ________ to deal with rubbish.

c. Educating people about ________ friendly ways of living.

Possible measures:

a. Recycling may be the key _____ helping both sides.

b. More effective laws must be made to preserve the environment, _______ more inspections. Even if this may cause the prices to rise, people are ______ to pay slightly higher prices for environmentally friendly products.

c. Higher ______ should be paid by factories polluting the environment.


阅读P22-23的文章,完成C1,C2 and D,E




1. 而且;此外 2. 扫除;消灭

3. 消减;缩减;减少 4. 一个环境问题

5. 以……形式 6. 装备有

7. 集中,关注 8. 电视辩论

9. 一个自然保护区 10. 进行中

11. 有效的法律 12. 引起,导致

13. 有毒化学物质 14. 依靠,依赖

15. 大量 16. 插入

17. 愿意做某事 18. 展开讨论

19. 给……让地方 20. 用……代替


1.With me is Mr Lin Shuiqing, from the Society for Environmental Preservation , and Mr Qian Liwei,an economist.(P22 Line5)

【句式研习】 该句是一个______句,由于主语 “Mr Lin Shuiqing, from the Society for Environmental Preservation , and Mr Qian Liwei,an economist” 较长,为了避免句子___________,往往把介词短语或其他成分提到句首。



【归纳拓展】 1)当句首状语为方位词,且谓语动词为go,come等表示位置转移的动词时句子须倒装。




________________ and the meeting began.

2) 当句首状语为表示地点的介词词组时,句子须倒装。

翻译: 一个身材高大的警察从拐角处走来。


2.Pollution is so bad that many rivers are full of chemicals which flow into the sea and kill sea creatures.(P22 Line14)



3.My suggestion is that we should try to cut back on production and reduce the amount of things we make and buy. (P22 Line22)

【句式研习】 该句是复合句。that 引导了________从句; we make and buy 为_______从句,修饰________.

Suggestion后的表语从句用了________语气,谓语动词用_______________,should可以省略。表示“建议、命令、要求”的名词,如 “advice,demand,request,order”等后的表语从句或同位语从句多用_____________.

(1)They accepted our demand that no one (should)______________ .


(2) My advice is that we (should) ____________ him out of the problem.


4.What I’m here to say is that having worked side by side with many environmentalists, I know that a healthy environment and a stable economy should be possible at the same time. (P22 Line36)

【句式研习】本句中what 引导一个________从句作__________,第一个that引导的______从句;在_______从句中,know后的that 引导了_______从句,而现在分词短语having worked side by side with many environmentalists作________状语。

5.Asking around, I find many people willing to pay slightly higher prices for things that are environmentally friendly. (P22 Line51)

【句式研习】 本句中asking around 为现在分词短语作_______, willing to pay…things 为形容词短语作___________, that 引导________从句,修饰________,其中that 在______从句中作_______。

6. What if we run out of space? (P25 Part E)

【句式研习】what if 倘使…将会怎样





【归纳拓展】What 的句型归纳如下:

So what? 那又怎么样?



What’s more 加之,而且

He studies very hard, and ____________, he is ready to help others.


What for? 为何目的?

What’s worse 更糟糕的是

What’s up? 怎么了?出什么事了?



1. The time is a________ when we must think about buying a new house.

2. They have made an agreement b_________ to all countries.

3. He made an i_________ of the school.

4. In order to make a correct decision, they pay close attention to the s_______ at home and abroad.

5. The factory was shut down because it used to give out p______ gases.

6. We live in an __________( 气氛)of freedom.

7. ________ (有效的) measures should be taken to educate the pupils to obey school rules.

8. The company was e__________ in 1860.

9. A large number of clothes were sent to the f______ area to help those who were in need of them.

10. A healthy environment and a stable e_______ development should be possible at the same time if we stick to the harmonious development.


1.The cost of the new building will ________ all the company’s profits this year.

A. come out B. break out C. wipe out D. look out

2.__________, they don’t want to spend too much money.

A.Being obvious B. Obvious C. Obviously D. To be obvious

3.______ we move the picture over there? Do you think it’ll look better?

A. What about? B. How far C. What if D. How come

4. Winter vacation is _____. I can’t wait to go back home.

A. coming B. on the way C. approaching D. all the above

5. I would appreciate _____ if you come to my grandma’s birthday party and say “Hello” to her.

A. that B. it C. you D. one

6. -Can you help me with the maths homework, mom?

-You can’t always other’s help for your homework. Do it by yourself this time.

A. wait on B. rely on C. insist on D. turn on

7. As these new products are not selling well, the members of the board have decided to _______production.

A. cut down B. cut down to C. cut back on D. cut off

*8.--- I’m still working on my project.

---- Oh, you’ll miss the deadline. Time is_________ .

A. running out B. going out C. giving out D. losing out

*9. Finding her house broken in, _______.

A. the police were asked to help B. the area was searched thoroughly

C. it was looked for everywhere D. she hurried to call the police for help

*10. He is easy to get along with. that, he is a determined boy. Which of the following is wrong?

A. In addition B. Besides C. In addition to D. Apart from



environmental waste wiping population Cutting industry

environmentally economist’s enemy concerned stable to including willing taxes

1. in addition 2. wipe out 3. cut back on 4. an environmental issue 5. in the form of 6. be stocked with 7. focus on 8. a television debate 9. a nature reserve 10. under way 11. effective laws 12. result in 13. poisonous chemicals 14. rely on 15. large amounts of 16. plug into 17. be willing to do sth. 18. open the floor 19. make space for 20. replace…with…

1. 倒装 头重脚轻

After the banquet came a firework display in the square.

Up went the plane.

In came the chairman

Round the corner walked a tall policeman.

2. 结果 限制性定语从句 先行词chemicals ,定语,chemicals

3. 表语 should+动词原形 虚拟 be punished help

4. 名词性 主语 表语 表语 宾语 原因

5. 状语 宾语补足语 定语 things 定语 主语

6. What if you fall sick?

What if she forgets to bring the book we need?

If I say I won’t go with you,so what?

What’s more


1. approaching 2. beneficial 3. inspection 4. situation

5. poisonous 6. atmosphere

7. effective 8. established 9. flooded 10. economic

