
2024-09-24 版权声明 我要投稿


英语语法build用法 篇1

They built me a house. 他们为我建了一座房子。

His father built him a model plane. 他父亲给他做了一架模型飞机。

注:该句型也可改为 built sth for sb, 如以上各句也可说成:

They built a house for me.

His father built a model plane for him.

2. build sth into sth

(1) 把某物建在另一物里面。如:

He built a bookcase into the wall. 他在墙里建了个书橱。

注:该结构中的介词 into 也可换成 in.

(2) 将某事物加入另一事物中(尤指把条款写入合同等)。如:

We built an extra clause into the contract. 我们把一项额外条款写入了合同中。

(3) 把某物建设成另一物。如:

We’re working hard to build China into a prosperous powerful socialist country. 我们正在努力工作,把中国建设成为一个繁荣富强的社会主义国家。


He has built his boys into men. 他已把自己的孩子培养成大人。

3. be built of 由……建成。如:

All the houses there were built of wood. 那里所有的房子都是用木头盖的。

4. build sth on sth

(1) 将一事物作为另一事物的基础。如:

The engine is built on a new principle. 这种发动机是根据一种新的原理制造出来的。

(2) 指望,依靠,把……寄托于。如:

You can build on his honesty. 你可以信赖他的诚实可靠。

Don’t build too many hopes on [upon] his promises. 不要对他的承诺抱太多的希望。

注:该结构中的介词 on 有时也可用 upon.

5. build sth out of sth 用某物做(建)成另一物。如:

Birds build their nests out of twigs. 鸟用细树枝筑巢。

They built me a model ship out of wood. 他们用木头为我做了一个船的模型。

6. build up

(1) 增强,加强,逐渐形式。如:

The clouds are building up. 云层正在聚集起来。

Exercise builds up the muscles. 锻炼增强肌肉。

Our pressure on the enemy is building up. 我们对敌人的压力正在逐渐加强。

(2) 夸奖,吹捧。如:

英语语法build用法 篇2

一、明喻 (Simile)

明喻修辞格是比喻修辞格的一种, 常使用like、as、such等词, 把喻体和本体联系起来。其形式是本体、喻体和比喻词都出现在句子里。因此句A是明喻。 (1) Beauty is a s s umme r fruits, whic h a re e a s y to c orrup t a nd c a nnot la s t.美者犹如夏日水果, 易腐难存。 (2) Intellect is to the mind a s s ig ht is to the b od y.智力对于思想, 犹如视力对于身体一样。 (3) Habit may be like ne d to a c a b le:e ve ry d a y we we a ve a thre a d, a nd s oon we c a nnot b re a k it.习惯养成就像是编缆绳, 我们每日为之编一根线久而久之我们就不能扯断它。 (4) Childhood is like a s wiftly p a s s ing d re a m.童年宛如一场短暂的梦。 (5) Praises is like s unlig ht to huma n s p irit.对于人的精神世界, 赞扬像是暖阳。 (6) He is as sly as a fox.他狡猾得像狐狸。 (7) Encyclopedias are like g old mine s.百科全书正如金矿。

二、暗喻 (Metaphor)

它是间接地把事物A与其具有某种相似点的事物B比较, 不用比喻词。暗喻中本体同喻体融为一体, 不显露出比喻的形式, 多用be become get等词来连接, 使整个句子含蓄精炼发人深思。前面句B中的ha nd s是人体的一部分, 代表人, 无法体现两种相似事物的比较。所以句B不是暗喻。句C中pen代替intelligence, sword代替b rute forc e。inte llig e nc e和b rute forc e不具有相似点, 因此句C也不是暗喻。只有句D里的The roa d of life与真正的The roa d有相似点, 所以句D为暗喻。 (1) Every life ha s its ros e s a nd thorns.人生有玫瑰也有荆棘。句中把玫瑰和荆棘比作是人生中的酸甜苦辣, 其表述生动形象。 (2) All the world is a s ta g e, a nd a ll the me n a nd wome n a re me re ly p la ye rs.全世界是一个舞台, 所有的男男女女不过是些演员。把人类世界比做戏剧舞台, 生动形象地描绘出了人类生活的进程中, 人生变迁、宦海沉浮的特征。 (3) Kindness is the golden chain b y whic h s oc ie ty is b ound.友好是社会得以维系的金纽带。 (4) Some books are to b e ta s te d, othe rs to b e s wa llowe d, s ome fe w to b e c he we d a nd d ig e s te d.有些书只要尝一尝, 有些书需要吞下去, 少数的需要咀嚼与消化。

三、换喻 (Metonymy)

换喻又称借喻, 即借用与某物A相关或相关联的事物B代称事物A.很显然句C为借喻。借喻比隐喻又进一步。借喻之中, 只提喻体, 不提本体, 直接把喻体当做本体。常见的换喻为以下几类: (1) 用头衔、称呼这类具体名词借喻抽象性质。He has ve ry muc h the d ip loma tis t in him.他十分具有外交家的风度。 (2) 用作家、画家、发明家等的姓氏借喻其作品。Have you read a c omp le te Lu Xun?你读过鲁迅全集吗? (3) 用事物名称借喻抽象性质。He is fond of the b ottle.他好酒。 (4) 用动物名称借喻人 (或物) 。He called me a copy cat because my ne w s hoe s looke d like his.他说我是看样学样的人, 就因为我的新鞋同他的一样。 (5) 用建筑物名称借喻其用途, 或用城名借喻设在该处的机构。He works with the thous a nd s of home le s s me n who c rowd e d the Bowe ry ye a r a fte r ye a r.他与成千上万无家可归年复一年挤在鲍里街头的人一起工作。 (6) 用谚语的浓缩语来借喻人。In fact it is the s e p e s s imis ts who inc re a s e the c ha os b y?c ons id e ring a ll write rs b ird s of a fe a the r———Lu Xun。增加混乱的倒是有些悲观论者———将一切作者说成“一丘之貉”。本句中的birds of a feather出自Birds of a fe a the r floc k tog e the r (谚语) “物以类聚, 人以群分”, 转义成为“一丘之貉”意思。

四、提喻 (Synecdoche)

提喻是以某物的局部来表示整体, 抽象表示具体, 特殊表示一般, 或者反之。显然, 前面句B是提喻, 以局部代替整体。 (1) China b e a t J a p a n a t footb a ll.中国队足球击败了日本队。China和Japan其实是指中国足球队和日本足球队, 以整体代替部分具体表示抽象。 (2) He has five mouths to fe e d.他要养活五口人。He is he r a dmira tion.他是她崇拜的人。mouth是人体的一部分, 代表人, 以局部代替整体;admira tion表示被崇拜的人, 是抽象表示具体。 (3) What a despicable creature he is他是多么卑鄙的一个人啊。句中creature (生物) 用来指man, 是典型的以类代种, 或者说是普通代替特定的例子。 (4) Alas, the Ros e he re s hould va nis h into thin a ir!哎呀, 这满园的花竟消失得无影无踪.句中的ros e (玫瑰花) 用来代指flowe rs in g e ne ra l, 则是典型的以种代类, 或者说是特定代普通的例子。 (5) He always wears cotton in s umme r.他夏天总是穿棉质衣服。c otton指棉质衣服, 用原材料代替成品。

比喻修辞格是文学作品中最常用的写作手法之一。它不但可使得作品文字流畅、新鲜活泼, 若运用得当, 且可达到如闻其声、如见其人的效果, 读者也可以从中享受到阅读的乐趣, 陶冶人们的心境。

摘要:比喻作为世界上使用最广泛的修辞手法, 其用法引起了愈来愈多人们的关注。本文从明喻、暗喻、换喻及提喻的角度对比喻的用法作了分析与比较。



[1]王皓.英语比喻表达形式及其来源与汉译[J].湖南工业职业技术学院学报, 2006 (3) .

[2]齐志凯.英语比喻的表达与理解[J].科技信息, 2008 (2) .

英语语法build用法 篇3



--The grand setting are clearly the key components of this amazing production[2].(现在分词作定语)

-- The teacher gave us a satisfied smile.(过去分词作做定语)

--....while others (=other jobs)can appear very exciting but are very

difficult and boring. (现在分词作表语)[2].

有些复 合形容词也常作定语和表语,如:kind-hearted (好心肠的),life-long (毕业的,终生的),world-famous (世界著名的)等。但少数形容词只能作定语,称为定语形容词;有些形容词只能作表语,称为表语形容词。它们的用法是高中英语语法考点之一。


定语形容词是指只修饰名词或代词作定语的形容词,如:elder(年岁较大的),eldest(最年长的),daily(每日的),everyday(每日的),last(刚过去的),wooden(木制的),golden(黄金般的),former(以前的),inner(内部的),live (活的)等。定语形容词常作前置定语,如:

--Her eldest daughter works in a bank.

--Last night I went to see Shaoxing opera[1] .



--She is the only girl here that knows how to drive.

(2)以“-ly”结尾的表示时间频度的形容词,如daily, weekly, monthly, yearly等。

-- These people,who perform such ordinary but vital tasks, allow others to go about their daily lives[2].

(3)一些相当于形容词的过去分词:a forced smile,the risen sun,armed forces,required courses,fallen leaves等。

(4)一些复合形容词,如:so-called(所谓的), 100-dollar bill (100美元的钞票),three-hour walk (三小时路程),a 500-meter-long street (一条500米长的街道),one-eyed (独眼的),two-faced (两面的), a three-wheeled vehicle (三个轮子的车),full-time (全日制的)等1。



1.某些以a-开头的形容词:afraid(害怕的), alive(活着的),alike(相似的),alone(单独的),ashamed(羞愧的),asleep(睡着的),awake(醒着的),available(可获得的、可购得的)等。

--There were inventions and developments in China which were not available in Europe at that time.


The lady is one of the greatest novelist alive. (alive作后置定语)

The man asleep in bed is my elder brother .(asleep作后置定语)

I found her afraid of dogs. (afraid作宾补)

使用这类形容词时要避免混淆?如:They are conducting an experiment on a live animal.句中的live是定语形容词,作定语时只能前置,且不能作表语和宾补。

--误:The animal is still live .

--正:The animal is still alive .

--误:He found the animal still live.

--正:He found the animal still alive.

2. 某些表示健康的形容词,如:fine(健康的),ill(有病的),well(身体健康的)等。ill,fine作定语与表语时意义不同: ill作定语是“坏的”,作表语是“生病的”?在美国英语中,表示健康状况的ill和well 有时也作定语,但意义不同,如:fine weather 好天气,ill news 坏消息。

3. 某些描述感觉或心情的形容词,如:

glad(高兴的),pleased (高兴的),sorry (难过的), angry (愤怒的), unwilling(不情愿的)等。

--Turandot becomes very angry at this turn of events, as she is unwilling to get married[1].

4. 其他表语形容词:sure (确信的、一定的),fond (喜欢的,温柔的),

ready(准备好的、愿意的),unable(不能…的 )等。


[1]Deborah Aldred(英),Gary Walder(英),王守仁,何锋等.牛津高中英语(模块十一. 高三下学期),凤凰出版社传媒集团,译林出版社,

[2]Deborah Aldred(英),Kelly Fried(美),Elizabeth Steward(南非),王守仁,何锋等.牛津高中英语 (模块八. 高二下学期),凤凰出版社传媒集团,译林出版社,2015年6月


1.注意:①形容词修饰不定代词时,只能作后置定语: --There is something wrong with the machine.

②含有-able ,-ible 等后缀的形容词作定语时也常后置,如:--The travellers have tried all the ways possible.

英语语法之谓语的用法 篇4


谓语(predicate verb)是对主语动作或状态的陈述或说明,指出做什么、是什么或怎么样。谓语动词的位置一般在主语之后。



I like walking. (一般现在时主动语态)

I made your birthday cake last night. (一般过去时主动语态)

It is used by travellers and business people all over the world. (一般现在时被动语态)



What does this word mean?

I wont do it again.

Youd better catch a bus.

英语语法build用法 篇5

正:It is a pleasure to talk with you.

其后一般不接不定式,但可接of doing sth,但此时的pleasure前一般有定冠词。如:

May we have the pleasure of your company for lunch? 请和我们共进午餐好吗?

There’s nothing to compare with the pleasure of being with you. 跟你在一起是无比的愉快。

有时也后接in doing sth,但此时的pleasure前通常不用冠词。如:

He takes great pleasure in teaching children. 他很喜欢教小孩。

Children find endless pleasure in playing with water. 小孩子从玩水中可以找到无穷的乐趣。


It gives me great pleasure to grow flowers. 种花给很大的乐趣。


正:May I have the pleasure of dancing with you? 我可以和你跳舞吗?

误:Will you have the pleasure of dancing with me?

比较 my pleasure和 with pleasure:前者用来回答感谢,意为“不用谢”;后者用来答应对方的请求或邀请等,意为“可以”“没问题”。如:

A:Thank you for helping me. 谢谢你帮了我。

B:My pleasure. 别客气。

A:Will you lend me the book? 这本书你借给我好吗?

B:With pleasure. 可以。

英语语法里定冠词的用法 篇6


Lucy divided the apples into two halves.


The man in black is my teacher.



The camel is a useful animal.


The tiger is a dangerous animal.



I bought some apples. The apples are very sweet.



Please close the door.


He is investigating the cause of the fire.



play the piano(弹钢琴)

play the violin(拉小提琴)


the first row(第一排)

the second day(第二天)


This is the most interesting novel I have ever read.



the sun(太阳)

the earth(地球)

the moon(月亮)

the world(世界)


the Nile(尼罗河)

the Red Sea(红海)

the Gulf of Mexico(墨西哥湾)

the Alps(阿尔卑斯山)

the Sahara Desert(撒哈拉沙漠)


the National Gallery(国家美术馆)

the Great Wall(长城)

the State Council(国务院)

the People’s Republic of China


the Washington Post华盛顿邮报


the rich(富人)

the poor(穷人)


The Greens came to China in 1984.



in the morning(在早晨)

in the future(未来)

in the end(最终)

英语语法build用法 篇7







1.带to的动词不定式可以依附于不带to的动词不定式之后构成词组单元。高中语法会引进新的语法概念,即谓语动词、非谓语动词一说。所谓前者就是该类词可以作为判断句子中谓语而存在;而非谓语动词,顾名思义,即这类词不能作为判断谓语的依据,无法单独组成句子。带着这种概念的阐述,我们再以之前学过的一个词组want to do sth为例:在这个词组中,want即为不带to的动词不定式,以谓语的形式存在;而to do作为非谓语动词的形式。这就是为什么一般现在时的三单形式加在want之后,而非to do后。结合以前所学的诸如此类的相关词组,我们可以总结发现相关的词组结构是一个谓语动词加非谓语动词——这一点便是一个认识的飞跃:明白可以进行词组单元内部拆分来记忆,相关的含to的动词不定式的词组记忆便有了新突破。

2.带to的动词不定式to do可以表示主动和将来。高中引入非谓语动词to do(即带to的动词不定式)这一用法时,强调to d表示主动和将来两层含义。带着这一概念去学习相关语法知识点,我们的认识水平自然也应当进一步条理化、系统化,也就更加理性化。再回归之前所学的词组want to do sth,这之中的to do表示一种将来的状态,因为毕竟还没有去做某事,只是“想要”的含义;另外它也表示是说话人的主动动作。当然并不是千篇一律地主动、将来两种状态必须同时存在。


英语语法build用法 篇8


They are working for a better life.


She didn’t choose the job for money,but for more chances.



This toy is forboys, not for girls.


We have a kind of special ink for your pen.



Jane is leaving here for London.


She was heading for the park.



Mr. Li will teach for you.


Could I give this orange for that pear?



Mary has an artistic eye for colors.


John had a sharp ear for melody.



We are for this plan.


Are you for or against this action?



Thank you for your help.


The kids jumped for joy.



For all his shortcomings, he is a nice man.


For all these defects,this place is better than most other places.



Don’t take others for fools.


I hold it for certain.



He is rather tall for his age.


That coat was too small for me.



The man asked for a cup of cool boiled water.


Jane came back for her handbag.



My uncle worked here for 40 years.


They walked slowly for 10 kilometers.

英语语法build用法 篇9

使役意义状态动词get, leave, set, send, keep, drive, etc.常用于复合结构中)

1. get:使成为/变得某种状态或结果。

I can’t get the old radio to work.


Can you really get that old car going again?


The farmer got his planting done before the rain came.


He got his wrist broken.


She soon got the children ready for school.


2. leave:使保持/处于某种状态

Leave your hat and coat in the hall.


Did you leave the doors and windows firmly fastened?


Always leave things where you can find them again.


Who left that window open?


Don’t leave him waiting outside in the rain.


Leave somebody / something alone.


3. set:使某人或某物处于或达到某种特殊的状态或关系

set somebody at his ease 使某人安逸/舒适/心情放松

set something in order 使某物井然有序

set somebody free / at liberty 使某人获得自由,释放(犯人等)

It’s time we set the machine going. 是我们发动机器的时候了。

The news set me thinking. 这消息使我陷入了沉思。

He set the farm laborer to chop wood. 他让农场工人去砍伐木材。

I have set myself to finish the job by the end of May. 我决心于五月底前完成膜作。

set a thief to catch a thief. 以毒攻毒;令贼捉贼

4. send:使某人或某物急剧地移动

The earthquake sent the crockery and cutlery crashing to the ground.


Mind how you go----you nearly sent me flying. 小心点,你差点将我撞飞了.

Send that fellow about his business / packing. 叫那家伙滚蛋.

The good harvest sent the prices down. 丰收使物价下跌.

5. drive:使某人处于某状态,迫使某人做某事

Failure drove him to despair / desperation. 失败使他绝望。

You’ll drive me mad / to my wits’end. 你会把我气疯的。/ 你会使我穷尽应付的。

Hunger drove him to steal. = He was driven by hunger to steal.他为饥饿所迫而偷窃。

6. keep:使某人或某物保持某种状态

You should keep the children quiet. 你要使孩子们静下来。

The cold weather kept us indoors. 寒冷的天气使我们待在家里。

If your hands are cold, keep them in your pockets. 如果你手冷,把它们放在口袋里。

Will they keep me in prison / custody. 他们会监禁/拘留我吗?

I’m sorry I’ve kept you waiting. 很报歉让你久等了。

The doctors managed to keep me going. 医生们设法让我活下去。


1. cause 致使,导致(能接直接宾语,双宾语,复合宾语)

What caused his death? 什么导致了他的死亡?

This has caused us much anxiety. 这给我们带来了极大的忧虑。

What caused the plants to die.(=what made them die.)什么使得这些植物枯死。

He caused the prisoner to be put to death. (=he had them put to death.)他使得这些犯人被处死。

2. force 迫使,强迫 (宾语后常接介词短语、副词及不定式等)

force one’s way through a crowd 从人群中挤出一条路来.

force a way in / out / through 冲入/出/过

force an entry into a building 强行进入一建筑

force the war upon him 强迫某人作战

force someone into doing something 强迫某人做某事

force sb./ oneself to work hard 迫使某人/自己努力工作

“半使役动词”amaze, astonish等

1. 常见的半使役动词

amaze(使某人感到惊呀), astonish(使某人感到惊奇),

bore(使某人感到厌倦), complicate(使某人感到复杂),

confuse(使某人感到迷惑), disappoint (使某人感到失望),

delight(使某人感到高兴), discourage(使某人感到气馁),

distinguish(使某人感到显著), excite (使某人感到兴奋),

encourage(使某人感到鼓舞), exhaust (使某人感到疲倦),

frighten(使某人感到恐惧), interest (使某人感到有趣),

inspire(使某人感到刺激), move(使某人感到激动),

please(使某人感到高兴), puzzle(使某人感到不解),

satisfy(使某人感到满意), surprise(使某人感到惊异),

shock(使某人感到震惊), strike (使某人感到震动),

tire(使某人感到疲惫), upset (使某人感到迷惑不解),等等。

2. 半使役动词的主动式用法:something + vt. + somebody

The exam result satisfied his parents.


The boy’s behavior upset everybody around.


3. 半使役动词有两个或三个派生形容词,一个加-ing,一个加-ed,有时还有一个加其他后缀构成。

如:interest----interesting, interested;

astonish----astonishing, astonished;

please----pleasing, pleased, pleasant;

satisfy----satisfying, satisfied, satisfactory.

4. 半使役动词的v-ing和v-ed两个分词形容词的用法也有规律,一般而言,作定语时,v-ing分词形容词修饰事物,v-ed分词形容词修饰人或者人的心理活动、表情等;作表语或宾语补足语时,v-ing分词形容词指事,v-ed分词形容词指人或拟人用法,而且作表语的v-ed分词后接事时常有一个介词,如:

The film we saw last night was very interesting.


We were all interested in the film.


The frightening hurricane made the girl very frightened.


The teacher was satisfied with the answer of his students.

英语语法build用法 篇10

which person do you refer to, the one with ______ long hair or the one with _______ long beard?

a. a, a b. 不填,不填

c. a, 不填 d. 不填,a


【分析】最佳答案选d。hair 和 beard 在用法上并不完全相同:hair 可用作可数或不可数名词,用作可数名词时,指一根一根的毛发或头发,如说 there’s a hair in my soup (我的汤里有根头发);用作不可数名词(集合名词)时,则是整体地指一个人的头发。比较:

he has gray hairs. 他有几根白发了。

he has gray hair. 他满头白发了。

而beard 则通常只用作可数名词,且指的是一个人所有的胡须,而不是指一根胡须,它的复数形式,通常是指多个人的胡须,而不是指多根胡须,如:

he no longer wears a beard. 他不再留胡须。

英语语法build用法 篇11


it will be highly appreciated if you will send us your latest price list.

on sundays he would get up early and go fishing.

2) will/would you please do……,would you like to do……,would you mind doing……



will you please pass me a cup of tea?

would you like me to give you a hand?

this box is too heavy, ____give me a hand? (cet-4 ,1)

a) would you mind

b) would you please

c) will you like to

d) will you please to

四个结构中,would you mind接动名词;would you please接动词原形;

英语语法build用法 篇12



时态 主动语态 被动语态 例句

主动语态 被动语态

一般现在时 do/does am/is/are+done We clean the classroom.. The classroom is cleaned by us.

一般过去时 did was/were+done He made the kite. The kite was made by him.

现在进行时 am/is/are+doing am/is/are+being done She is watering flowers. Flower are being watered by her .

现在完成时 have/has+done have/has+been done Jim has finished the work. The work has been finished by Jim.

一般将来时 will/shall/be going to+do will/shall/be going to+be done They will plant trees tomorrow. Trees will be planted by them tomorrow.

过去进行时 was/were+doing was/were+being done She was writing a letter this time yesterday. A letter was being written by her this time yesterday.

过去完成时 had+done had+been done Jim had finished the work. The work had been finished.

过去将来时 would/should/be going to+do would/should/be going to+be done He said he would make a kite. He said a kite would be made by him.

含有情态动词 can/may/must+do can/may/must+be done I can find him. He can be found by me.


(1)不知道动作的执行者是谁。如:This watch is made in China.更多资料QQ378459309制作:

(2)没有必要指出动作的执行者是谁。如:More trees must be planted every year.。

(3)需要强调或突出动作的承受者时。如:Chinese is spoken by more and more people in the world.

(4)句子的主语是动作的承受者。如:Many houses were washed away by the food.






主动语态: 动作执行者+谓语动词主动形式+动作承受者

被动语态: 动作承受者+谓语动词被动形式+动作执行者

如:We asked him to sing an English song.(变为被动语态) →He was asked to sing an English song by us.


谓语动词带双宾语时,既可以将间接宾语转化成主语,也可以将直接宾语转化为主语。若将间接宾语转化为主语,则保留直接宾语;若将直接宾语转化为主语则保留间接宾语,且在被保留的间接宾语前加上介词to或for。如:She gave me a book.(变为被动语态) →I was given a book by her.(间接宾语me改为了主语)

A book was given to me by her.(直接宾语a book 改为了主语)


许多由动词和介词、副词构成的动词短语相当于及物动词,可以有宾语,也可以有被动语态。在变为被动语态时,不可丢掉构成动词短语的介词或副词。如:We should speak to old men politely.(变为被动语态)

Old men should be spoken to politely.(to不可省略)


宾语加上宾语补足语一起构成复合宾语。变被动语态时,只把宾语变为被动句的主语,宾语补足语保留在原处,成为主语补足语。如:I heard Jane playing the piano in her room.(变为被动语态) →Jane was heard playing the piano in her room.


主动句中在感官动词see,hear,watch,feel,notice等,及使役动词let,make,have等后跟省略to的不定式,变为被动句时,应加上不定式符号to。如:He makes the girl stay at home.(变为被动语态)→The girl is made to stay at home by him.

★ 被动语态练习题

★ 高中英语被动语态知识点

★ 浅谈英语被动语态的汉译

★ 英语被动语态知识点总结讲解

★ 英语语法——短语动词的被动语态

★ 四级语法:各种时态下的被动语态

★ 小学英语语法应用:被动语态的应用原则

★ channel用法

★ of的用法

语法:数词的用法详解 篇13

1. 拼法需要当心的序数词

在first,second和third之后的序数词都由基数词加 -th构成,但要注意以下拼法略有变化:

twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth… fifth eighth ninth twelfth..

2. 序号的表示

1) 基数词放在名词之后,通常写作阿拉伯数,如:

page 4(P.4)读作page four Room301读作room three O [ou] one

Tel No.864412读作telephone number eight six double four one two

2) 序数词放在名词之前,通常前面要加定冠词.如:

the Eighth Lesson(=Lesson Eight) the First Middle School(=Middle School No. 1)

3. 数词后面的名词用单数还是用复数


They baby is only six moths old. This is a six-moth-old baby.

I have five pounds. I have a five-pound note.

4. hundreds / thousands / millions of + 名词复数

hundred, thousand和million后加 Cs与of连用,表示“数百、数千、数百万”。

He has bought hundreds of books this year.

Thousands of seagulls arrived to help the farmers save their crops.

5. dozen和score

用法与hundred, thousand, million基本相似dozens of和scores of均表示“几十个”。但有以下几点区别:

1) 在接具体名词复数时dozen后不加of,而score常与of连用。如:

two dozen books two score (of)books

2) 若名词被限定词限定,dozen后应加of,接宾格代词亦如此。

three dozen of those (the, my, those) books three dozen of them

6. 表示不定数量的常用单词和词组



a bit of

(a) few(a) littleall

fewerlessplenty of

(the) fewest(the) leasta lot of; lots of

a (great) number ofa great deal (amount) ofenough

manymuchmore; most

several some; any

hundreds of

dozens of

1) (a) few 和(a) little

a few和a little与some的意思较接近,表示“有几个;有一点”。few和little则表示“几乎没有(= almost none)”的意思。试比较:

She doesn’t seem very friendly; she has few friends。 (not many friends)

Although she has been here only a short time, she has made a few friends. (some friends)

I can’t make a pie because there is little sugar. (not much sugar)

There is a little sugar for your coffee. (some sugar)

2) 用fewer还是用less



If on1y there were fewer/less holes in the roof?

3) many + a + 名词单数

many a后接可数名词单数形式,表示“好些;许多”,多用于书面语或演讲中。

Many a young man has had such a chance. (动词用has)

many a time则看作是固定词组,表示“多次”。
