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英文版寓言故事 篇1

Rising up in anger, he caught him and was about to kill him, when the mouse piteouslyentreated, saying: “If you would only spare my life, I would be sure to repay your kindness.” The lion laughed and let him go.

It happened shortly after this that the lion was caught by some hunters, who bound him by strong ropes to the ground.

The mouse, recognizing his roar, came up, and gnawed the rope with his teeth, and setting him free, exclaimed: “You ridiculed the idea of my ever being able to help you, not expecting to receive from me any repayment of your favour; but now you know that it is possible for even a Mouse to confer benefits on a lion.”

Little friends may prove great friends.





英文版寓言故事 篇2

Feminist critics explore the patriarchal social forces that have impeded women’s efforts to achieve full equality with men.They also explore women’s consciousness of struggling against men’s repression.However, such points of view are only one-sided.The significances implied in it are more profound and complex.Kate Chopin not only has sympathy with the heroine but also gives a poignant irony, which presents her contradictory attitude to independent freedom.

The title“The Story of an Hour”itself implies ironic meaning.It’s more obvious to see this when it’s first published with the title“The Dream of an Hour”.Life and death, freedom and repression, all included in Mrs.Mallard’s experience within an hour, yet can be read by readers only in a couple of minutes.The freedom that Mrs.Mallard envisions is just a dream that can never come true, for she finally dies of such“Monstrous joy”or“joy that kills”.

Irony is implied from the beginning of the story.Richards and Josephine take it for granted that Mrs.Mallard loves her husband too deeply to accept the fact of his death.So“grea care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news…”The story presents a striking contrast between Mrs.Mallard’s real inner world and their cautiousness.It’s ironic that Mrs Mallard’s ecstatic“self-assertion”is interpreted by Josephine as grief.Josephine implores“before the closed door with her lips with the keyhole”, not knowing that her sister actually has become a“goddess of victory”.Her sister Josephine and her husband’s friend Richards take the greatest care of her.Bu such concerns are subjective, which lack hearty communication and close attention to individual life.Their invisible forces create a cage decorated with“love”in which Mrs.Mallard has to live and received everything from outside passively.

Relationship among the characters in the story is not complex, but is endowed with particular significance in expanding the theme, because Chopin strengthens the absurdity of the relationship, which seems perfect apparently.

In paragraph 13, the story describes Mr.Brently Mallard as this:He is a man who“has kind, tender hands”, and“he never looked save with love”upon his wife.Mrs.Mallard admits“ye she had loved him———sometimes”.Mr.Mallard’s only“crime”is coming from work one day, and yet he is the one who is bereaved at the end of the story, for reasons he will never understand.He is the man most deserving of sympathy.

According to traditional normal concepts, the marriage of this couple is happy, as what the people around her have expected.They are so sure of this that they see nothing of her real living state.Nobody understands what marriage means to her, including her closed-associated husband.Kate Chopin offers Mrs.Mallard’s bizarre story to reveal problems that are inherent in institution of marriage.Men and women in marriage help each other meanwhile become mutual spiritual shackles.Marriage itself means the end of the freedom of being single;also it means the mutual restriction of a couple.However, marriage has some advantages that the freedom of being single doesn’t have It is for such a reason that Kate Chopin expresses her deep love to her dead husband in its diary that“she would unhesitatingly give up everything”if it were possible for her husband to come back to earth.“To do that, I would have to forget the past ten years of my growth———my real growth.But I would take back a little wisdom with me, it would be the spirit of perfect acquiescence.”

This passage of her diary raised provocative questions that how“the spirit of perfect acquiescence”relates to Mrs.Mallard’s“self-assertion”.This diary was written only one month after Chopin wrote this story.If her diary reflected her true feeling of that period, there would be no difficulty in understanding her ironic attitude to the pursuit of freedom.Although Chopin’s deep feelings toward her husband might not result in“the Story of an Hour”, reading her diary can still add to the possibilities of interpretation of it.The connection between a real author and a literary work can’t be cut off completely.

It is ironic when Mrs.Mallard’s life parallels the end of winter and the earth’s renewal in spring.When she feels a surge of new life after grieving over her husband’s death, her own sensibilities are closely aligned with the“new spring life”that is“all quiver”outside her windows.Although she initially tries to resist that renewal by“beating it back with her will”she can’t control life force that surges within her and all around her, she feels triumphant———like a“goddess of victory”.But this victory is short-lived when she learns that her husband is still alive and with him all the obligations that make her marriage feel like a wasteland.The surprising ending suggests Kate Chopin’s satire to Mrs.Mallard in a clear way.Mrs.Mallard, who“was drinking in a very elixir of life”dies of“joy that kills” (the doctor’s diagnose) only several minutes later.Readers can get the reason easily that she loses her life for the disillusionment of freedom, while all the other people believe in the doctor’s diagnose.This produces a kind of dramatized irony.I is possible that she is so profoundly guilty about feeling“free”at her husband’s expense that she has a heart attack.Whatever reason it is, her death is an ironic version of a rebirth ritual The coming of spring is an ironic contrast to her own discovery that she can no longer live a repressed, circumscribed life with her husband.Death turns out to be preferable to the living death that her marriage actually means to her.Although spring will go on, this“goddess of victory”is defeated by a devastating socia contract.The old corrupt social order continues, which is a cruel irony for Chopin.

Above all, Chopin’s irony aims at“freedom”itself.The last phrase“joy that kills”works in concerns with“monstrous joy”, suggesting“monstrous joy”which stands for the spirit o freedom controls Mrs.Mallard successfully and leads to her sudden death.The crowning irony is the doctor’s assumption that she dies of joy rather than of the shock of having to abandon her newly discovered self once she realizes her husband is still alive.In the course of an hour, Mrs.Mallard’s life is irretrievably changed:her husband’s assumed accidental death frees her but the fact that he lives and all the expectations imposed on her by his continued life kill her.She does, indeed die of a broken heart.But only Chopin’s readers know the rea ironic meaning of it.

Critics always regard Kate Chopin as a pioneer of feminis literature.However, for varieties of reasons, the author may take different stands and share different opinions while producing distinct works.Therefore, we shouldn’t analyze her works only from one aspect.In“The Story of an Hour”, we should see both the feminism and the poignant irony in it.S

摘要:长期以来, 许多评论家认为凯特.肖邦的《一小时的故事》是一篇女性主义作品。但本篇论文不仅从文章标题、语言的应用、主人公之间的关系, 还从具体的情节以及作者自身所撰写的日记探索了故事中所表现出来的戏剧化的讽刺。肖邦尽管对女主人公持同情态度, 但也对她的行为反应进行了一定的讽刺。总的说来, 作者对女性所获得的独立自由的态度是矛盾的。



[1]张强.爱的悲歌:浅析凯特.肖邦的《一个小时的故事》[J].名作欣赏, 1999 (3) .

[2]申丹.叙事文本与意识形态:对凯特.肖邦《一小时的故事》的重新评价[J].外国文学评论, 2004 (1) .

源自寓言的英文典故 篇3

出自《伊索寓言》(Aesop’s Fables),说的是一条狗躺在堆满稻草的马槽里。狗是不吃草的动物,而当马或牛一走近稻草时,这条狗却朝着马或牛狂吠,不准食草动物享用。

因此,“狗占马槽”就成了一个家喻户晓的成语而进入英语中,常用来比喻a person who prevents others from enjoying sth. that is useless to himself; a churlish fellow who will neither use a thing himself nor let others use it,讽刺那些占据某职位或某物品却不做事的人。

a dog in the manger是个名词性短语,常与系动词连用,充当表语(主语补足语)。

例:He borrowed a lot of books from the library, but he didn’t read a book. He was really a dog in the manger.

There are some officials who are only the dogs in the manger.

Smith was a dog in the manger over that roll of wire; it was no use whatever to him, but he wouldn’t let us have it.

2.Bell the Cat自告奋勇去冒险;老虎头上拍苍蝇

bell the cat系成语to hang the bell about the cat’s neck的简略,原意是“给猫的脖子上挂铃”。它来自《伊索寓言》中的《老鼠会议》(“The Mice in Council”)。

这篇寓言讲的是:一群老鼠在鼠洞里举行会议,讨论如何对付凶狠的猫。白胡须老鼠提出:“我有个方法,在猫的脖子上挂一个铃。这样,猫一走动铃就响,我们就可以闻铃声而逃避了。”群鼠一致同意这个建议,欢呼:“That’s a capital idea.We will bell the cat!No more fear of the cat!”但是,谁去给猫挂铃铛呢?没有一只老鼠敢去,一个个都溜掉了。老鼠会议毫无结果,它们不安全的处境当然也无法改善。


bell the cat常用来比喻to do sth. dangerous in order to save others; to step forward bravely to face the danger; to take a risk for the good of others.

例:Everybody made suggestion,but no one actually offered to bell the cat.

We didn’t know who would put him this delicate question when my friend offered to bell the cat.

3.Cry Wolf虚发警报;谎报险情;危言耸听

cry wolf来自《伊索寓言》中的《牧童和狼》 (“The Shepherdboy and the wolf”)。

有个牧童在离村子不远的山坡上放羊。有一次,他为了开心作乐,突然大喊:“Help!Help!The wolf!”全村的人都闻声跑来援助他,可跑到山坡上一看才知道他在开玩笑。如此恶作剧重复了两三次。后来,狼真的来了,那个牧童再呼号求救时,谁也不理会他了。于是,狼把他的羊吃了。

这篇寓言的意义很清楚:爱说谎话的人,即使在他说真话时,也没人相信他。由此,人们用to cry wolf 来概括这篇寓言的基本情节及其教诫意义,比喻to give false alarms; to warn of danger where there is none。按此比喻意义,这个成语相当于汉语中出自《东周列国志》的典故:烽火戏诸侯。周幽王为博得宠妃褒姒一笑,竟然把军国大事当儿戏,烽火报警,使各路诸侯仓促发兵,驰援京师,却受到嘲笑。后来犬戎进犯,幽王再举烽火调兵,谁也不来了,结果周幽王遭杀身亡国之祸。这两个典故的情节虽不同,寓意却完全一致,都是表示“一朝说假话,一世无人信”。

例:Nobody will believe he is in trouble because he has cried wolf so many times.

Is she really sick or is she just crying wolf?

4.Fish in Troubled Waters浑水摸鱼;趁火打劫;陷于混乱

fish in troubled waters直译是:“浑水里捕鱼”,出自《伊索寓言·渔夫》。


因此,人们常用fish in troubled waters 比喻to try to win advantages for oneself from a disturbed state of affairs; to make use of sb.’s misfortune to serve one’s own ends,并因此产生了谚语It’s good fishing in troubled waters(浑水好摸鱼)。

在英语中,to fish in troubled waters 也可写成to fish in the muddy waters,而且water必须用做复数waters。

例:The man who interferes in South American politics is fishing in troubled waters.

I refused to let them come here because I knew they only wanted to fish in troubled waters。

Those who made large profits out of illegally selling rationed goods during World War II were fishing in troubled waters.

5.Cat’s Paw 被他人利用的人;受人愚弄者

cat’s paw 也写做cat’s-paw或catspaw,字面意思为“猫爪子”,出自17世纪法国著名的寓言作家拉封丹的《猴子与猫》,讲的是狡猾的猴子哄骗头脑简单的猫儿,替它从炉火中取出烤熟的栗子来。猫儿应命去做,结果猫爪子被火烧伤了,而取出的栗子却由猴子享用了。追根溯源,远在公元前3世纪的《伊索寓言》中就有这个故事,不过没有题目。

cat’s paw常用来比喻a person used as a tool by another; one who is used merely for the convenience of a cleverer or stronger person之意。按其内涵,这个成语与汉语成语“为虎作伥”所比喻的意义相似,仅仅动物的形象不同。

cat’s paw除了单独作为复合名词使用外,还构成to make a cat’s paw of sb.(利用某人作为工具或爪牙)。

例:It is easy for him to be used as a cat’s paw of evil-doing.

I am afraid that he is making a cat’s paw of you.

6.Pull the Chestnuts Out of the Fire火中取栗;替别人冒险

Pull the chestnuts out of the fire同样来自拉封丹的《猴子与猫》。cat’s paw与pull the chestnuts out of the fire是同源成语,但两个成语无论在结构上或意义上都不相同,前者比喻充当别人的工具或爪牙,后者常用来表示to do sth. dangerous for others的意思。

这个成语也写做to pull sb.’s chestnuts,或者to put the chestnuts for sb.。

例:I had pulled the chestnuts out of the fire for him on several occasions and was unwilling to do it again.

They are pulling chestnuts out of the fire for the imperialists without knowing it.

You can’t make me your catspaw to pull your chestnuts out of the fire...

英文版儿童故事 篇4

A child was careless Ramie stabbed, he rushed home and told his mother: ”I only lightly Pengyi what, it was my painful thorns.“ Mom said: ”Because of this, it will thorn you. if the next time you met Ramie, to a

courageous and seize it, it will be in your hands become soft as silk, you will no longer be stabbed. "

英文寓言故事 篇5

Once upon a time, there was a man who wanted to steal his neighbor’s doorbell. However, he knew clearly that the bell would ring and catch the other people’s attention as long as he touched the bell. So he thought hard and suddenly hit on a clever “idea”. He plugged his ears with something, thinking that everything would go well when he stole the bell. Unfortunately to his disappointment, the bell still rang loudly and he was caught on the spot as a thief.



英文小寓言故事 篇6

The ordinary bat that flies around at night, who is a remarkable nimble(敏捷的) creature in the air, cannot take off from a level place. If it is placed on the floor or flat ground, all it can do is to shuffle about helplessly and, no doubt, painfully, until it reaches some slight elevationfrom which it can throw itself into the air. Then, at once, it takes off like a flash.

A bumblebee if dropped into an open tumbler will be there until it dies, unless it is taken out. It never sees the means of escape at the top, but persists in trying to find some way out through the sides near the bottom. It will seek a way where none exists, until it completely destroys itself.

国外英文版体育书刊推介 篇7

刊名:Track Coach期号:2012年第199期

篇名 (作者) :

1.Interview With Kevin Tyler-UKA Head Of Coaching (By Russ Ebbets)

文摘:Canadian coach Kevin Tyler has been a major administrator of UK Athletics for the past three years, as the Brits point toward track & field success at the 2012 Olympics. In this interview with TC editor Russ Ebbets, he provides insight into the British system and their buildup to the Games.

2.The Takeoff Point In Fiberglass Vaulting (By David Bussabarger)

文摘:After looking at the available evidence, the author concludes that, although the so-called “free” takeoff in the pole vault is possible, it is unlikely that a vaulter can use a “free” takeoff without seriously impairing his/her takeoff mechanics. Consequently it's not likely that a vaulter using this takeoff model could achieve world class heights. This piece goes into why he has come to this conclusion, along with thoughts on “under” and “out” takeoffs.

3.Peak Performance and the Vegetarian Diet: Mortal Enemies or Peaceful Partners? (By Matthew Buns)

文摘:Any vegetarian athletes on your team? Here's a commonsense brief guide to advising them on their athletic nutritional needs.

4.Use Of The Olympic Lifts In Track & Field (By John M. Cissik)

文摘:Cissik has written numerous articles on strength training for this publication and many others. It is rare to have a strength expert talk so specifically about the benefits and challenges of such exercises for track & field athletes.

刊名:Track & Field New期号:2012年第2期

1.10 Big Things That Shaped 2011

文摘:This issue is dedicated to telling you about all the great things that the world's best athletes did in their running/jumping/throwing exploits during the pre-Olympic year.

2.Unlocking Bolt (a book review)

文摘:The book is Usain Bolt: The Story of the World's Fastest Man written by Steven Downes. The book is a fine read for any fan of the sport. It includes a statistical appendix listing Bolt's races and marks since 2001, 100-400m, showing WR progressions in the 100 and 200 and 4×100 since 1912, Olympic and World Champions, etc..

刊名:Runner's World期号:2012年第2期

Alternate Sides (By Matthew Kadey)

文摘:These unsung vegetables fortify your workouts-without boring your taste buds.

刊名:Modern Athlete & Coach期号:2012年第2期

1.Call Room Procedures

2.Psychology -Dealing With Injuries (Anthony Klarica)

3.Acupuncture-What Does It Do and What Injuries Can It Treat? (Howard Arbuthnot)

4.The Concept of Graded Exercises (Peter Lawler OAM)

5.Rotational Shot Put-A Comparison of Technique: Dylan Armstrong and Reese Hoffa (Don Babbitt)

6.A New Way to Improve Core Strength (Mepi Faoagali)

游泳 (Swimming)

刊名:Swimming World期号:2012年第2期

1.Olympic Flashback (By Jeff Commings with special contributions by Steve Johnson) (连载)

文摘:Each month from January through July, Swimming World will chronicle the history of swimming at the Olympic Games from Athens in 1896 through Beijing in 2008. This month: 1920-1936.

2.How They Train: Kayla Scott (By Michael J. Stott)

3.American Relay (By Judy Jacob)

体操 (Gymnastics)

刊名:World of Gymnastics期号:2012年第6期

Report: 23rd Acrobatic Gymnastics World Championships in Lake Buena Vista, Florida (USA)

足球 (Soccer)

刊名:Success in Soccer期号:2012年第2期

1.Training a better double six (By Ralf Peter, Amateur Adult, Technical/Tactical Training)

2.The next match is always the hardest! (By Peter Feddern, team handball coach and coaching expert)

文摘:Tips on making the most of your pregame preparations

3.The concept of triangles (By Sam Snow, Youth Training, Technical/Tactical Training)

摔跤 (Wrestling)

刊名:Wrestling USA期号:2012年第2期

1.Where are They Now 1963 NCAAs Jim Nance: History-Making Heavyweight for Syracuse with wrestling historian Ed Ewoldt (By Mark Palmer)

2.Tough & Aggressive -Not be a Ruthless Angry Brute (Advice From a Champion, by Olympic Champion Ben Peterson)

运动心理 (Sport Psychology)

刊名:International Journal of Sport Psychology


1.Examining the motivation-performance relationship in competitive sport: A cluster-analytic approach

2.Associations of leisure, work-related and domestic physical activity with cognitive impairment in older adults

3.Examining the mediating role of cohesion between athlete leadership and athlete satisfaction in youth sport

4.Motor expertise influences strike and ball judgements in baseball

5.Chinese translation of the Flow-State SCale-2 and the Dispositional Flow Scale-2: Examination of factorial validity and reliability

刊名:Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (RQES)


1.The Interaction of Functional and Dysfunctional Emotions During Balance Beam Performance

2.The Nature, Occurring Contexts, and Psychological Implications of Weight-Related Teasing in Urban Physical Education Programs

3.Motivation and Exercise Dependence: A Study Based on Self-Determination Theory

运动营养 (Sport Nutrition)

刊名:International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism期号:2012年第2期

1.The Effects of Acute Exercise Bouts on Hepcidin in Women

2.Methods of Body-Mass Reduction by Combat Sport Athletes

3.Restoration of Menses With Nonpharmacologic Therapy in College Athletes With Menstrual Disturbances: A 5-Year Retrospective Study

4.Acute Effects of a Caffeine-Taurine Energy Drink on Repeated Sprint Performance of American College Football Players

5.Energy Expenditure Estimate by Heart-Rate Monitor and a Portable Electromagnetic-Coil System

6.Energy Deficiency, Menstrual Disturbances, and Low Bone Mass: What Do Exercising Australian Women Know About the Female Athlete Triad?

7.Dietary Supplements for Improving Body Composition and Reducing Body Weight: Where Is the Evidence?

刊名:Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (RQES)


Effects of Different Exercise Intensities With Isoenergetic Expenditures on C-Reactive Protein and Blood Lipid Levels

运动训练 (Sport Training)

刊名:Journal of Athletic Training期号:2012年第2期

1.A Methodologic Approach for Normalizing Angular Work and Velocity During Isotonic and Isokinetic Eccentric Training

2.Orthotic Intervention and Postural Stability in Participants With Functional Ankle Instability After an Accommodation Period

3.Discriminating Between Copers and People With Chronic Ankle Instability

4.Sex Differences, Hormone Fluctuations, Ankle Stability, and Dynamic Postural Control

5.Risk Factors Associated With Shoulder Pain and Disability Across the Lifespan of Competitive Swimmers

6.Identifying Multiplanar Knee Laxity Profiles and Associated Physical Characteristics

7.Skinfold Thickness at 8 Common Cryotherapy Sites in Various Athletic Populations

8.Limb Blood Flow After Class 4 Laser Therapy

9.Heat Stress and Cardiovascular, Hormonal, and Heat Shock Proteins in Humans

10.Injuries in Portuguese Youth Soccer Players During Training and Match Play

11.Epidemiology of Overuse and Acute Injuries Among Competitive Collegiate Athletes

12.Sports Nutrition Knowledge Among Collegiate Athletes, Coaches, Athletic Trainers, and Strength and Conditioning Specialists

13.Perceived Frequency of Peer-Assisted Learning in the Laboratory and Collegiate Clinical Settings

14.Psychometric Properties of Self-Report Concussion Scales and Checklists

15.Left Ventricle Fibrosis Associated With Nonsustained Ventricular Tachycardia in an Elite Athlete: Is Exercise Responsible? A Case Report

16.Exertional Rhabdomyolysis in a Collegiate American Football Player After Preventive Cold-Water Immersion: A Case Report

刊名:Strength and Conditioning Journal期号:2012年第2期

1.Maximum Speed: Misconceptions of Sprinting

2.Diversity of Strength Training Methods: A Theoretical Approach

3.Strength and Conditioning for Brazilian Jiu-jitsu

4.Injury Prevention for Throwing Athletes PartⅠ: Baseball Bat Training to Enhance Medial Elbow Dynamic Stability

5.Task Complexity and Jump Landings in Injury Prevention for Basketball Players

体育产业 (Sport Industry)

刊名:Sport Marketing Quarterly (SMQ) 期号:2012年第2期

1.An Antecedent Model of Team Identification in the Context of Professional Soccer

2.Differentiation of Social Marketing and Cause-Related Marketing in US Professional Sport

3.An Empirical Examination of University Intercollegiate Athletic Expenditures

4.The Robin Center: Is Less More? (Case Study)

5.The Ongoing Fight for the Fighting Sioux (Sport Marketing and the Law)

刊名:SportBusiness International期号:2012年第3期

The Top 10 Deals

文摘:Dan Horlock looks at the most valuable sports rights deals since Sportel Monaco 2011.

刊名:Club Business International (CBI) 期号:2012年第2期

1.Fitness Capital of the World (By Patricia Amend)

文摘:IHRSA's 31st Annual International Convention and Trade Show

2.The 2011 Profiles of Success (By Patricia Amend)

文摘:It is the excerpt from IHRSA's annual report IHRSA's Profiles of Success: The Annual Industry Data Survey of the Health and Fitness Club Industry (IHRSA: International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association) .

3.Creating Connections and Credibility (By Julie King)

文摘:Online directories of fitness trainers are helping to increase industry professionalism

体育教育 (Sport Pedagogy)

刊名:Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (RQES)


1.Exergaming Impact on Physical Activity and Interest in Elementary School Children

2.An Accomplished Teacher's Use of Scaffolding During a Second-Grade Unit on Designing Games

3.College Students' Perspectives, Goals, and Strategies in Sport Education

4.Physical Education “in All Sorts of Corners:” Student Activists Transgressing Formal Physical Education Curricular Boundaries

综合 (General)

刊名:Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (RQES)


1.Expert Anticipatory Skill in Striking Sports: A Review and a Model

2.Quiet Eye Duration Is Responsive to Variability of Practice and to the Axis of Target Changes

书目 (Books)

1.A Contemporary History of Women's Sport (Routledge Research in Sports History) 《当代妇女运动史》, By Jean Williams, Pub: Routledge

ISBN: 9780415886017, 年代:2012, 页数:240

2.Research and Practice in Physical Education 《体育教学研究与实践》By Deborah Tannehill; Ann MacPhail (ed.) , Pub: Routledge

英文版《金刚经》阅读札记 篇8

《坛经》中关于惠能出家的典故中说,惠能祖师正是听了《金刚经》,特别是“应无所住而生其心”一句以后当下顿悟的。李泽厚在《华夏美学》中所归纳的禅宗种种特性,其实都可以溯源到《金刚经》。南怀谨揭示禅宗与《金刚经》之渊源似用力最勤。《金刚经》所讨论的第一个问题是如何可能“降伏其心”,英文译本中作“help subdue their craving thoughts.”Craving中文为热望、渴望的,即执著,佛教首先承认人心的浮动和种种欲望。中国古诗云:“生年不满百,常怀千岁忧。”更早的汉魏诗中,就有大量类似曹操“神龟虽寿,犹有竟时,螣蛇乘雾,终为土灰”的可以称为人生存在感的悲哀。渴望、忧惧和诸多情绪不可避免地困扰人的一生,因此,如何降伏纷乱的内心是一个首要的任务。英文本中佛陀提出两个任务:subdue their discriminative thoughts and craving desires——1,降服分别心,2,降伏种种热切欲望。如此来看,人心浮动不定,首要在分别心太重,其次在欲望太多太强。内心所需要的,除了降服各类妄念,还应该去除执著——“应无所住而生其心”。这里所说的,其实是东方文化中所追求的一种内在自由。这种自由,不是西方自由主义中政治意义上的自由权,而是人心的自我超越,其针对的,也不是国家政权,而是自我的欲念。在佛看来,如果心被滞碍,将不可能获得真正意义上的自由和自然,即真正的智慧。《坛经·般若品第二》明言:“来去自由,心体无滞,即是般若。”这也让人想到《孟子》中所说的“君子无入而不自得”,外部环境不再重要,过去种种也不再重要——“念念之中,不思前境。若前念今念后念,念念相续不断,名为系缚”(《坛经》)。这里似乎接近一种心理咨询:内心的解脱在于把过去的记忆抛弃,至少不能被记忆折磨。如李泽厚在《中国古代思想史论》中指出的,庄子所追求的无限的“绝对自由”实质上是一种“理想人格”,它诉诸“心理结构和个体行为方式本身”。的确,这种内心超越和自由,在现实中必定只能成为极少数人精英和智者个体的自我期待和理想的标高,对于现代社会中的普通民众来说,真实的政治自由和民权保障才是可触及和可依赖的。然而再反过来,即使在那些政治自由和人权实现极好保障的国家,存在的焦虑和人心的浮动同样无法避免,大量的人同样终日惶惶,依赖宗教,专业心理咨询和治疗乃至药物干预。只能说,内与外分属两个不同的范畴。

在《金刚经》看来,个体自我救赎的核心在于去除种种外在相状。佛学没有政治哲学的面向,不对社会政治提出方案,而在尊重现存秩序的前提下把一切外在的存在都归为需要被超越的相状,英文将之翻译为“arbitrary illusions of form or phenomena”,谓:随心所欲的形式或现象的呈现。把世界看成呈现的幻象,让人想到二十世纪西方哲学和后现代批评理论中的现象学、话语理论,对现实、象征和表述的论述,但是不得不承认,佛学虽然不像西方哲学那样重重论证(本身也是东西文化区别),其实早已在说现实世界实为现象世界,并无,也需要去除实有的观念,把自我、他人都作为现象消除掉。从某种意义上说,不真正认同也是一种抵抗,一种“弱者的武器”。“凡所有相皆是虚妄”——All that has a form is illusive and unreal.然而这里所说的,不能误解为绝对的虚无主义。因为一切有外在形式的存在都是虚妄意味着对形式的否定,而不是对一切的绝对否定——否则佛祖一句话都不用说了,佛祖本身也没有意义了——这种逻辑上的悖论是必然存在的。“凡所有相皆是虚妄。若见非相,即见如来”似乎说,如来仍有其实有性,(英文本说“true Buddha nature”)是我们可以理解和接近的,这是讨论问题的前提。




The practice of compassion and charity——悲悯和行善为佛家要义,超脱并非意味着什么也不做,然而佛陀提醒说,真正的布施是在去除对人我的执著心之后的布施,中文古文为“应无所住”,英文用词为“detached”——超脱的。这里最是微妙,因为超脱会给一般人误解,以为是什么也不做,或者类似常人对道家“无为”的误解。其实,“应无所住”介于“为”和“不为之间”,即,你做了即为行善,不必再介怀和执著。在现实生活中,捐款即为行善,已经完满,善款何去,已不是你能左右。佛经很大部分其实是在讲如何分清需要做的和你以为需要做而其实不需要做的,多余的事情。道家的“无为”同理,是让你不做不必要做的事情,或者不过度地做。适度或者尽量最小化,才是回复真实,直指本质的途径。同时,佛说,布施所获的福德不一定超过传道所获得的福德。


佛法不可言说,超越表达,这里“不可说”和“道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名”的思维方式是接近的,是对语言表述和阐释的一种根本的怀疑。但这里“反语言”仍是皮相,因为实质是反方法——“无有定法”,“非法”,“非非法”,英文本internally intuitive process which is spontaneous意为“自发的,内在直觉过程”,这一瞬间的过程是无法系统化,甚至无法描述的。禅宗对于佛学的“宇宙论”并无特别贡献,特别注重修行方法——冯友兰在《中国哲学史》对这点说的极准,但也应该看到,关于修行方法的讨论本质上是关于知识论:即知识是如何获得的。禅宗想要指出,常人接近佛所需要的真正路径和方法其实是反文本的,而《金刚经》中则已经出现了这一倾向。如果我们回到一个老的命题,中国何以没有产生现代科学,或许可以说,这种重直觉的文化是有利于艺术审美而不利于现代科学的,因为现代科学必须有科学方法,可以验证,可以分析,可以重复,也可以描述和系统传授,而重直觉和自我证悟的禅学路径不是“现代”的思维。基督徒必须终生反复研读和理解《圣经》,但认为自己“信佛”的中国人大多数并不读佛典,而是以仪式和现实生活中的践履来自证身份。在现代中国,把“千头万绪”的宏大理论归结为“造反有理”四个字其实也是一种反文本反理论的禅宗思维方式。英文在这里的翻译intuitive process,和对王阳明“良知”的翻译非常接近。事实上,王阳明是儒学家中最具佛性者。他的良知说同样强调的是先验,直觉,自发,完全符合禅宗的方法,但良知和心学本身取自《孟子》。一方面,王阳明受佛学强调主观的影响是无可辩驳的,一方面,孟子是儒学中唯心的一派,在观照内心这一路径上并无特别冲突,也可见佛和儒先天的一些相通处;当然,王阳明毕竟是儒者,“良知”的依归是儒家的,道德的,目的不是成佛而是成圣,最终确认“为善去恶是格物”,这里的格物则同样是道德而非科学的。


前面怀疑禅学具有自我否定的内在性质。这里佛陀自己也明确地自我否定了。英文中“And yet, even as i speak, Subhuti, I must take back my words as soon as they are uttered, for there are no Buddhas and there are no teachings.”一句中前半句为中文本中所无。这句中,佛自己把自己的话都要收回,因为佛和和法其实都不存在。这里不也是惠能后来所说的“本来无一物”吗?这里,后世禅宗的激进已经蕴涵在《金刚经》中了。事实上,禅学的思辨极大地依赖否定,反复地以重重否定和设置悖论来试图达致某种终极的肯定。







《金刚经》中定义佛,其实质是“离一切诸相”,即完全摆脱现象世界的牵绊而获得内心的解放。“一切诸相即是非相”一句,也是一种逻辑和认识论:“是”即“非”。哈姆雷特的名言“To be or not to be”是在肯定和否定之间做选择,而极言选择的艰难,但在佛看来,选择是不存在的,因为界限原本就是不存在的。“无所住心”所说的是全无滞碍,不仅没有两极概念,连中间都不存在。此章还有一个概念“忍”,英文译为“transcendent patience”,超越的忍耐。“如来者,无所从来,亦无所去,故名如来”。这里对佛的定义是反时间、反空间、反目的的。佛没有来处,没有去处,没有所在,只有“如”asif,让人想到孔子的“祭如在,祭神如神在”。“如”这个概念在东方哲学中的意蕴值得玩味。

