小学英语 3A全册教案(7)教案 牛津版
二Difficult and important points 1能听懂,会说Look at …及其应答It is smart/pretty/nice/.How nice.能用This is …和That is …介绍物品.2 a dress ,a skirt ,a T-shirt ,a jacket.a sweater,a coat ,a shirt.a blouse,和物主代词 his,her 以及形容词new.三 teaching aids 人物像,衣服及图片
第一课时 四 教学过程
step 1 :free talk T:hi.Boys and girls.S Hi, Miss… T good morning ,class.S good morning T hello, how are you? S Fine,thank you.T I am fine,too.T Hello, how are you ? S:Not so good.T I am sorry.T Hello, I am …,what is your name? S I am ……
T Nice to meet you.S Nice to meet you ,too.教师拿出doll,this is ketty.S Nice to meet you.拿出衣服This is a shirt(重复几遍)把单词图卡片贴在黑板上,teach “shirt”学生跟读,同法学习jacket ,blouse, sweater.中间穿插一个游戏1教师说英语,学生拿衣服,2 学生说英语,教师拿衣服.或衣服图片 step 3 sentences T look,l this is my blouse.(讲两遍)1 teach “look,”train practise 2让学生用这种句型介绍自己的衣服和文具.3在学生介绍时,教师引出”It is nice” teach “It is nice.” 4 把look ,this is my… “ It is nice.”进行表演 step 4 1将刚才在近处的东西放到远处, 呈现that is 比如 look ,that is my shirt 学生猜测到(that is my shirt)的意思 2 teach “that is train practise make sentences(students)用I t is nice.How nice回答
用心 4让学生用这两个句型进行四人小组对话 step 5 指一女生的衣服: This is her blouse.This is her pencil box This is he r doll 指一男生
Her jacket? No,no,no Her shirt ?NO,no,no Her book?NO,no,no 先说出Her的意思,teach her ,用her 组词
师:look,this is her … 学生 it is nice Look, this is her Look.this is her ……..学生就会跟老师说这个句型, 听录音,指出你所听到的
step 6学生看找老师的动作说句型”This is ….That is …” step 7 listen to the tape
step 1.free talk T: Hello, what is your name? S :My name is …
T: Look, this is my sweater.S :Oh, it is nice.T :Thank you.T :Look, that is my blouse.S: It is nice.T: Thank you.T :(教师示意,交换)T :It is nice.S : Look,.This is my new book.T :It is nice.S :Look,that is my shirt.Step 2: 教师指着一女生,让学生说 S: This is her blouse.指另一个女生 S :This is her T-shirt.教师指着另一个男生,边指边说: T: This is his shirt.(重读)
T :This is his pencil-box.(多说几遍)Teach “his’train practise T :This is his …
That is his 让学生练习这两句 Step 3 1review the words that we have learned 2 study the new word 拿出一件长裙what is this ? 教师呈现:dress, teach “dress” practise 同法学习“skirt,coat ,T-shirt” 3,play a game
用心 教师画简笔画,学生猜猜看究竟是什么,step 4 T:Look,this is my blouse.Look at my blouse(twice)Teach “look at “ train practise
教师教授歌谣“Look,look,look,look at my …” 学生用这个句型来编写歌谣
在练习的过程中,呈现出look at his/her..如指一男生说:look,look,look,look at my pen 教师改成 look,.look,look,look at his pen.让学生举一反三,引出look at her… step 5 在上一环节教师可渗透It is smart.then teach “It is smart”(动作呈现)师:look at his … 生: It is smart.Look at her … It is smart 生生对话:check it listen to the tape 教师指着一女生
T :Look at her blouse.S :It is smart.T;Yes, we also can say “It is pretty”
Teach “It is pretty” 同法根据“it is smart”T:Look at my blouse.S :It is smart/pretty.T:Thank you.(拿一件新衣服()
Look at my new … S:It is smart/pretty.重读:new 且提醒新旧东西
左边:新文具盒,右边:旧文具盒;(NEW?)NO,teach “new”
new book.my new book.New pencil.my new pencil, 学生照例子举例子
T:Look at my new skirt.S :It is pretty.(twice)Exchange and pair work T :listen to the tape and read after it
Step 1 Review
T: What’s this? S: A shirt/ T-shirt/ sweater.Step 2: Fun house 1
Step 3 Free talk T: Hello, I’m XX.What’s your name? S: I’m XX.T: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you, too.T: Look at my new blouse.S: It’s pretty.T: Look at his new shirt.S: It’s smart.T: Look at her dress.S: It’s nice.Step 4 Look and say
1、Shoe the pictures to students.2、教师对第一幅图进行示范。T: Look at his jacket.S: It’s nice.T: Look at his pencil-box.S: It’s nice.3、学生在教师的指引下将另外三幅图讨论,表演。
Step 5 区分 “Look, this is…” 和 “Look, that’s…”
1、教师先说“Look, this is…”。再利用身边的东西说“Look, that’s…” 学生在这个过程中跟着教师说。
3、全班分成四组,四人一组讨论,进行表演,可让学生适当增加一些内容,如:“Hello,…” Step 6 Listen a song Step 7 Exercise book Listen and judge
3、Listen to the tape and do it
4、Check the answer Step 8 Sing a song “Goodbye”
Step 1 Free talk T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss/ Mr….T: How are you? S: Not bad, thank you.T: Look at my shirt.S: It’s smart.T: Look at her blouse.S: It’s pretty.T: Look at his … S: Oh, it’s nice.Step 2 Listen or sing a song.专心
用心 Step 3: 复习巩固表示颜色的词
2、先把衣服卡片给学生看一遍,将其中的一张放在背后,让学生猜。如:A dress? No.A skirt? Yes.3、教师再拿出颜色卡片,问学生“What colour is it?” 学生回答:“Blue.”等。Teach “what colour?” Practice.4、在所有颜色问过以后,把颜色卡片放在衣服卡片后,让衣服卡片的中空部分显示出背后颜色卡片的颜色。
5、教师问“What colour?” 学生答:“Blue/ yellow….”
6、请学生上台把颜色卡片和衣服卡片加以随意组合,藏于背后,让其他学生猜。Step 4 Finish the exercise book A
1、Look at the picture.2、listen to the tape
3、listen and circle
4、check B
1、look at the picture
2、listen and write the colour
3、colour the things
(一) 牛津版初中英语教材与人教版教材语法项目的异同
同人教版教材不同的是, 牛津版初中英语教材在内容上, 编排了更为贴近生活、紧跟时代步伐的内容, 因此在语法上的编排也与以往人教版的教材有所不同。语法体系有所创新和改变, 这就使得教师在设计教案时感到无从下手, 因此就要求教师对牛津版教材的语法进行更细致深入的研究分析, 掌握更为合适的教学思路和教学主线。从整体上来看, 牛津版教材的语法项目与人教版相比, 只是多了间接语法这一项, 其他大项与人教版大同小异, 如果教师可以很好地理解把握人教版的语法内容, 掌握学习要点, 就能在教学过程中掌握主动性, 更好地把握牛津版教材的教学要点。
(二) 针对具体语法进行分析、比较
1. 时态方面:
牛津版教材与人教版相比, 在时态走线上基本一致, 只是“现在进行时”与“一般现在时”出现的先后顺序有所调整, 并且在牛津版教材中没有“过去将来时”。对学生们来说, 在小学就接触到了“现在进行时”和“一般现在时”, 所以顺序作出调整后, 接受起来并不困难, 主要是能够区分助动词的形式:do/does/is/are;动词的形式:work/works/working等。
2. 语态方面:
牛津版教材中, 被动语态比人教版教材出现的早些, 由于之前已经学习了五个基本时态, 时态的问题就不难解决了, 助动词的用法也熟悉了, 因此被动语态就比较容易学习了。在学习被动语态时, 语感对掌握被动语态是非常重要的, 因此提醒学生平时要加强语感练习。
3. 词类方面:
代词在小学阶段已经有了基础, 只要将人称代词与物主代词放在一起进行讲解就可以了, 不定代词可穿插在各单元中讲解;数词的讲解可以放在序数词之后, 容易拼错的序数词要让学生反复记忆;冠词、介词的讲解在整个初中英语教材中是贯穿始终的, 冠词的讲解从固定用法到习惯用法, 介词的讲解从方向、时间、位置到动词中的介词等;名词的单复数也在小学阶段就学习过了, 教师只要再加上不可数名词的讲解即可, 而名词的所有格要等学生掌握了物主代词之后进行讲解。名词的难点是名词与动词一致, 这可以通过加强学生的预感训练来解决;动词在牛津版教材中并没有归纳, 而学习英语的基础是掌握be动词, 所以教师可以适当变通, 提前讲解;非谓语的讲解相对来说是个难点, 教师可根据其出现的位置, 联系实际情况进行讲解。
教案是教师教学方式的呈现, 是教学过程中的重要环节, 是教师思维方式和思考成果的载体, 教案的优劣好坏要在实践的基础上来评判。能够最大限度地发掘教师的教学能力, 让学生在最短的时间内接受新的知识, 这样的教案就是好教案, 就是成功的教案。
(一) 教案要有针对性
教师在编写教案时, 要以了解学生为基础前提。教师要了解班上每个学生的学习个性, 熟悉不同学生的性格特征、接受水平的差异, 这样在备课的时候就会产生事半功倍的效果, 并以此来设计教案。在教案设计中针对这一点的体现是:制定有层次性的学习目标, 设计有梯度性的问题, 进行选择性练习。根据学生的不同特质, 有针对性地设计教案, 才能够发挥每个学生的特长, 增加学生学习英语的兴趣, 才能够提高教学质量。
(二) 教案要深刻、要创新
教案设计的是否深刻, 主要看教师对知识点的思考是否深刻。能够透过现象看本质, 抓住事物的内在联系, 把握教学进展, 这都是由教师的素质和特点决定的。在当代社会中, 中学生正值青春期, 个性鲜明、兴趣广泛, 同时求知欲强, 想象力也很丰富, 提出的问题也五花八门, 因此教师要考虑到这些因素, 联系教材内容, 设计出更有深度与创新性的教案, 这样才能形成自己独特的风格, 让学生在接受自己的同时更好地学习英语知识。
(三) 教案要体现教学过程中的反思
教师只有不断地反思自己的教学过程, 才能不断地提高自身的教学能力, 因此, 教师应在每节课或者每学期结束后, 根据自身的教学实践活动, 对自己的教学方法进行有意识、有目的的回顾、分析与反思, 不断地积累经验, 总结教训。而课后在教案的相应位置, 记录反思札记就是最简单易行的反思方式。同时, 将原有的教案做进一步的充实和修改, 对以后的教学工作也是有所帮助的。
Learning skills:
Students can sing and act the song freely.
Students know the word: little
Learning materials:
Tape recorder, cards, a paper rabbit, …
Learning course:
Pre-task preparation:
1. Free talk.
How are you?
How old are you?
I see a …What can you see?
Happy New Year!
2. You did a good job. Now let’s listen and act, ok?
Show me your …
Clap one, clap two…
While-task procedure:
1. Can you count from one to ten? Let the students count from one to ten.
2. Teacher acts a bird, a rabbit. Then draw a big rabbit on the blackboard, point and say a big rabbit. Then draw a little rabbit, ask the students:”is it big? No, it’s a little rabbit. Repeat a little rabbit for several times. Today will learn a song about the little rabbit.ok?
3. let the students sing the song follow the teacher sentence by sentence, then paragraph by paragraph with the actions.
4. Play the tape and get the students listen carefully, then teacher act and sing the song with the students.
Post-task activities:
1. Let the students sing the song with actions together.
2. Have a competition within the groups. To see which group is the best one.
1. Sing the song with actions together.
2. invite some students to sing.
Listen and sing the song five times.
Unit 3 colours
Learning targets:
1. Students can read and say the words: red, blue, yellow, green, pink, purple, brown and orange
2. Students can use: how many … to ask questions.
3. Using imperatives to give simple instructions:
E.g. colour the kites.
Pick out the read kite.
4. Students can say the rhyme fluently.
Learning materials:
Tape recorder, pictures, wall chart…
Lesson 1 3.24
Learning skills:
1. students can use imperatives to give simple instructions:
make eight kites.
Colour the kites.
Pick out the red kite.
Learning materials:
Some colour pencils, paper, cards, tape recorder
Learning course:
Pre-task preparation:
1. Free talk
How are you?
I see a … what do you see?
2. Let’s sing, ok? Let’s sing the little rabbit.
While-task procedure:
1. it’s spring now, do you like flying kites. Today, let’s make a kite, ok? Let the students read the phrase: make a kite several times. Invite some students to read.
2. Now, first please take out your paper, and draw a kite. Then ask the students what should we do now?
Yes, we must colour the kites. Get the students read “colour the kites” several times. Invite some students to read.
3. Teacher collects some kites, then ask the students: what colour is it?
Let the students pick out the red kite.
Post-task activities:
1.let the students read follow the tape, sentence by sentence. Then read follow the teacher.
2.have a competition.
To see which group reads best.
Invite some students to read.
Listen and read this page five times.
Lesson 2 3.28
Learning skills:
Students can use adjectives to identify and pronounce the colours: red, blue…
Learning materials:
Some colours, tape recorder, …
Learning course:
Pre-task preparation:
1. Free talk
I see a …what do you see?
How are you?
2. Invite some students to read the sentences on page 12. read these sentences together.
While-task procedure:
1. Show a red apple. Look, I have an apple, what colour is it? It’s red.
2. Show more colours, ask the students what colour are they, if they don’t know, say it without sound, let the students look at the teacher’s mouth to identify the word’s pronounce.
3.put the pictures on the blackboard, let the students read follow the teacher, the read together.
4. Have a competition.
A, Invite one student each group, then to see who is the best reader.
3A Unit8(Part A)教学方案
(第一课时)第一部分 简要提示
一、年级: 3年级
三、课题:Let’s go to the park
五、教学内容:单元Part A
1.掌握单词、词组let’s, a park, a cinema, a zoo, how, good, great, a plane, Xi’an。2.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Let’s go to the park/cinema/zoo.Let’s go to Xi’an.But how? By bike/plane。
七、重点难点:初步掌握Let’s go to…极其回答All right./OK, let’s go./Good./Great.But how?
第二部分 教学过程
1.T: Hello, I’m Miss Shen.Nice to see you!同学们,很高兴见到你们。
T: Today, let’s learn Unit8 Let’s go to the park 今天,让我们一起学习Unit8 Let’s go to the park
T:(PPT)park park(升降调朗读),This is a park.park,park Let’s go to the park.Let’s go(PPT)
T: Read, please.Let’s go.Let’s /l/ /l/ let’s.let’s go.T:当老师邀请你们去公园的时候,我说:Let’s go to the park.(PPT)那么,你们该怎么回答呢?我们可以说:OK, Let’s go.(PPT)我们还可以怎么说呢?(PPT)All right.T: 今天,Miss Shen 还要教给你们两种新的回答方式,如果你很愿意去,你可以说:Good!如果你非常愿意去,那就加重语气:Great!(PPT)T: Now please repeat.(PPT)2.T: Look,(手指屏幕上的图片)Is this a park?(这是公园吗?)T: No, it’s a zoo.Look at the zoo.What can you see at the zoo? Oh, I can see a … I can see many animals at the zoo.T: Yes, we can see animals in the zoo.zoo zoo /z/ /z/ zoo.go to the zoo.T: Let’s go to the zoo.But how? By bike.(出示自行车图片,板书by bike)T: by-/b/-/b/-by by bike T: Please read after the tape.(PPT)A: Let’s go to the zoo.B: But how? A: By bike.(本步骤设计说明:一开始上课,我们就直切主题,学习Let’s句型,并通过go to…引出本节课教学内容。在新授单词教学时,注意辅音字母的发音,有助于学生对单词的初步记忆)
1.T: Now , let’s meet our friends Mike and Gao Shan, WangBing and Liu Tao.(屏幕上分别出现Mike and Gao Shan, Wang Bing and Liu Tao四个人物)T: Mike 会邀请高山去哪里呢?刘涛又会邀请王兵去哪里呢?watch carefully.请同学们认真观看。(金太阳Part A)
T: Got it?看懂了吗?Mike and Gao Shan go to the park.Mike and Gao Shan去了公园,Wang Bing and Liu Tao go to the zoo.Wang Bing and Liu Tao去了动物园,How about Nancy and her mother? 和她妈妈呢?
(ppt:cinema)T: Nancy and her mother go to the park? T: No, Nancy and her mother go to the cinema.(PPT5 图片旁边出现单词cinema)教师进行认读教学:cinema ci-ne-ma
cinema cinema(升降调朗读)go to the cinema 2.T: In the cinema, we can watch a film.What’s the film about? Let’s enjoy.你们看到了什么?是兵马俑。你们知不知道在什么地方可以看到兵马俑吗?对了,在西安。很多人都很想去西安。David也不例外,看他多开心呀!T: OK.Let’s go to Xi’an.2 T: Now please repeat.(PPT)T: But how? By bike.? No, by plane.(出示玩具飞机)plane /p/ /p/ plane, by plane.5.T: Let’s listen and repeat.(PPT显示课文内容,放录音学生跟读,每句间停顿)6.T: Open your book to Page46 and follow the tape.接下来,请同学们打开书,跟录音朗读。Can you read.Please read together.(本步骤设计说明:本节课的教学重点是句型Let’s go to…, 这在我们生活当中会经常使用到,因此,在教学当中尽可能多地使用该句型,包括让同学们观看影片、跟录音朗读、集体读、个人读等等,都可以使用。)
T: OK.Let’s play a game.Who will be the winner.好的,接下来我们来玩个游戏。看谁能得第一。准备好了吗?Are you ready? T: Look at them.Gao Shan and Mike, Liu Tao and Wang Bing, Nancy and her mother.这是我们刚才看到的几个人物,他们都去哪里呢?你们都记住了吗?老师要考考你们。老师说前半句,你们说后半句。例如:我说:Nancy and her mother你回答:go to the…好吗?
(PPT上显示连线游戏,每次回答前都留出一些时间给现场学生进行思考并参与)1.T: Nancy and her mother---go to the cinema 2.T: Gao and Mike---go to the park 3.T: Liu Tao and Wang Bing---go to the zoo 4.T: David and his father---go to Xi’an(结束语)T:(PPT)本节课我们学习了如何邀请某人去某地的句子,你记住了吗?我们可以这样说Let’s go to…和你的同桌练习一下(停顿一下)。那么怎么去呢?But how? By bike.By plane.第三部分 说 明
本节课教师通过命令学生做事情,导入新授内容,学生形成形象思维有利于学生的理解。在教学中,教师要注意地点名词的不同用法:go to the park 与go to Xi’an中the 的用法。教师还要注意鼓励学生通过竞争,提高他们参与学习的积极性。最后通过一个游戏活动,让学生再巩固课文内容,再一次朗读使学生牢牢记住所学知识。
3A Unit8(Part BD)教学方案
(第二课时)第一部分 简要提示
一、年级: 3年级
三、课题:Let’s go to the park
五、教学内容:单元Part BD
1.掌握单词、词组a supermarket, the Great Wall, car, bus。2.进一步学习Let’s句型,并进行完整地运用: Let’s go to the park/cinema/zoo by bike/bus.七、重点难点:进一步学习交通工具及剩余地点词汇,特别注意supermarket的读音和大写the Great Wall.教学过程
第一步:复习(A部分教学内容)1.T: Hi, boys and girls, nice to see you again.同学们!上一节课我们学习了有关地点的名词,你们还记得吗?Let’s review.让我们复习一下。(PPT)a park, a cinema, a zoo.(教师朗读)T: 上节课我们还学习了邀请某人去某地,让我们一起去动物园吧,应该怎么说呢?Yes.Let’s go to the zoo.怎么回答呢?我们可以说:OK/All right./Good./Great.T: Let’s review.(PPT)Read after me: Let’s go to the zoo.OK/All right./Good./Great.But how? By bike.T: Now let’s practice this dialogue.下面请同学们练习一下这个对话。(PPT练一练)
2.T: Well done.相信同学们一定做得很棒。Boys and girls, let’s go the cinema.(手拿图片cinema)Let’s go to the cinema by car.(出示玩具小汽车)car car by car, let’s go to the cinema by car.(老师示范朗读)T: Let’s go to the cinema by bus.(出示bus图片,示范朗读,间隔停顿)
1.T: OK.Let’s play a game.让我们玩个游戏吧。Listen and guess.听一听并猜猜看。
(PPT6屏幕上有4个序号,点击声音,留出请同学们猜的时间)T: Look at No1, it’s a bike.(PPT7显示正确答案)T: Are you right? 你对了吗?
T: How about the last number.Number 8.T: Oh, It’s the Great Wall.(进行朗读教学,出示图片)T: Let’s go to the Great Wall by plane.(进行朗读教学)T:(换图片为supermarket, 进行朗读教学)
supermarket supermarket Let’s go to the supermarket by bike.2.Let’s review.好,我们来巩固复习一下。(PPT出现地点图片进行巩固朗读)
Who will go to the supermarket? Let’s have a look.谁会去超市买东西呢?我们一起来看一看。
Mother and her daughter go to the supermarket by car.Now please make a dialogue like them.请同学们也像他们一样练习一下对话。Please open your books and turn to Page 49, Part D, please work in pairs.同学们把书翻到49页,两人一组练习一下这个对话。
3.Now let’s check.好,我们来检查一下。(PPT间隔播放)
T: 今天我们一起学习了邀请某人去某地,使用的句子是Let’s go to the park by bike.下面再请同学们练习一下。OK.So much for today.Bye bye!
第三部分 说 明
3A Unit8(Part CE)教学方案
(第三课时)第一部分 简要提示
一、年级: 3年级
三、课题:Let’s go to the park
五、教学内容:单元Part CE
1.巩固复习交通工具类单词和地点类单词、词组。2.学习字母Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, 并进行书写教学。3.会唱歌谣We are happy today.七、重点难点:1.句型在日常生活中的运用。
第二部分 教学过程
1.T: Hello, boys and girls, happy to see you again.I’m very happy.happy 高兴 Are you happy? T: Good.let’s say a rhyme.We are happy today.(PPT1演示金太阳软件)T: Do you like it?喜欢吗?那我们来学习这首儿歌吧。(PPT2 老师领读,要有停顿)
T: Miss Shen makes a new rhyme.Please listen.Bright day, sunny day.We are happy today.Let’s go to the bay.By plane..好了,下课以后,同学们试着像Miss Shen一样编一首新的儿歌。好吗?
1.T: Good.Let’s play a game.好了,让我们来玩个游戏吧。与镜头学生活动:
T:Boys and girls, come here.Ss: OK.T: let’s play a game.Ss: Great.T: Please look.这里有一个大转盘,说说看你看到了什么? Ss: a park a zoo a cinema the Great Wall Ss: a bike a car a bus
a plane(老师进行演示,转动转盘,指针停下来,老师组织出句型:Let’s go to… by …)T: 会了吗?谁先来?(学生进行游戏活动)
S1:Let’s go to the …(比划手指头,老师按学生要求继续玩游戏,并请S3说出完整句子)S2: All right.S3: Let’s go to the… by…
T: 看他们玩得多开心呀!下课后,同学们也可以做一个,在一起玩玩这个游戏。
1.OK.Now let’s do an exercise.接下来我们做个游戏。Please open your books and turn to page 50.请同学们把书翻到50页。Fun house, listen and number.听音编号。请同学们拿出笔,根据你所听到的句子的顺序,在图片的小方框中标上序号。Are you ready? Listen carefully.请仔细听。(PPT 显示书上PartE 练习1)
2.Finished.好了吗?Let’s check.我们来检查一下。
T: Are you right? 做对了吗?
T: Let’s have a look at the pictures again.我们再来看一看练习中的图片。
(PPT a b c d四幅图片)同学们看看发现了什么?这些图片的序号是我们已经学习过的字母。Aa Bb Cc
Dd 好的,今天Miss Shen再教大家学习其他字母。OK?(PPT播放Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii的书写录像)T: Now please read after me.请跟我读:Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii T: Now please open your book and turn to Page 48.好,接下来,请同学们把书翻到48页Part C,一笔一划地认真把这几个字母写下来,边写边轻声朗读。开始!
In this unit , we have learned 9 new words.在这个单元我们学习了9个单词,以及邀请某人去某地的句型,我们还学习了5个字母,下课以后,同学们还要多写多练,注意书写姿势和书写笔划,好吗?)
第三部分 说 明
1. in/over the last few decades 2. contribute to
He has contributed some articles to the magazine.
3. for the time being 4. have access to
5. come onto the market 6.in color / in black and white
7. deliver services 8. combine….with…..
9. play with 10. respond to
11. be superior to /be ahead of 12. wind up
13. by hand 14. come onto the market
15. electric current 16. apply sth. to sth apply for
17. add …to 18. make…..available
19. launch a product onto the market
launch a campaign against racial prejudice
launch a rocket into space
20. to a certain degree
21. take over
When the head teacher is absent, the monitor is to take over.
When the old type of the product was out of date, a new one took over.
22. spring up
1. Many people contributed to the development of TV, but three of them could mainly be responsible.
2. It took more than two decades , though, until 1951, for color broadcasts to begin in the USA.
3. It took 50 years before 66 percent of American households had it
4. Some consider digital TV to be superior to satellite TV because it allows the same services to be delivered with clearer pictures than before.
5. Consumers in the USA had access to 200 channels.
6. With interactive TV programming , you can play along with game shows , respond to questionnaires and chat to other viewers. (连动句)
7. At that time , the record player had to be wound up by hand.
8. 1931 was the year when a German company began to make the first tape recorders, which could record and play sounds on a tape wound around a round object.
9. They bought the patent and applied the technology to create the transistor radio.
10. In 1982, the first CDs produced by using digital technology were made available.
11. The popularity of MP3 has increased to such a degree that major corporations are taking over the portable music player market.
12. Music website has sprung up all over the Internet offering MP3 music for people to purchase.
Section II (word power, grammar and usage, task)
1. accompany sb. to do
2. look into
3. head for
4. in time for/ in time to do
5. by means of
6. by accident/mistake
7. for/on sale
8. keep ….in mind
9. in order of
The company brought in $40000 in the first quarter of the year.
Don’t bring in unnecessary information when composing an article.
The hospital has brought in many experts in cancer and new pieces of equipment.
1. Could you accompany me to get a new one while the sale is on?
2. They have an ample selection and seem to introduce new models all the time
3. The price is likely to go down.
4. It is up to you to decide whether it is in your budget or not.
5. It doesn’t matter so much whether/if he is coming or not.
6. It is shaped like a pen
Section IIII (Project)
1. provide sb. with sth/provide sth. for sb.
2. be based on/ base sth. on
3. concentrate (one’s attention) on
focus….on/fix….on(upon)/ center…..on(upon)
4. not necessarily
5. be equal to
6. conduct a study
7. be exposed to
1. Using a mobile phone doubles the risk of developing brain cancer, a disease which is terminal.
2. The report is based on the findings of research carried out in Sweden , comparing 1617 patients found to have brain tumours with the same number of healthy people.
3. People who used mobile phones were two and a half times more likely to have a brain tumour on the side of the head where they held their phones than people did not use them.
4. Half of the mice were exposed to radiation while the other half did not receive any radiation.
5. The first half had more than twice the cancer rate of the second half.
6. Previous to this, scientific experiments did not show a definite link between mobile phone use and cancer.
7. The amount of profit involved is enormous.
Check the homework.
Step2.Key points
1.that is to say /that is 也就是说,即 常用来进一步解释前面说过的事情。这是个固定短语,在句中作插入语,前面都可有逗号,后面可接句子或短语。
eg. My boss has asked me to attend a lecture about the use of the Internet three days from now, that is to say, on Friday.
John is a Londoner, that is to say, he lives in London.
2.value n.价值, 重要性,益处
eg. People seldom realize the value of health till they have lost it.
What is the value of the book?
This is the value of regular exercise.
value v.重视,尊重,估计
eg. I’ve always valued your friendship/your advice.
The Ss have always valued their teachers.
The machine is valued at 1,000 yuan.
3.form v.形成,构成, 养成,想出,成立
eg. Five colleges formed the university.
Water forms almost three quarters of the human body.
Clouds are forming on the top of the hill.
form a /the habit form in line in the form of
form n.形状,外形,形式
eg. She has a tall graceful form.
These are two different forms of the same thing.
4.in need of 需要中的,需要。。。。。后接名词或代词
eg. We’re collecting money for families in need.
Our school is in great need of English teachers.
need v.
We need to work harder./ We need work harder.
sth. need doing/ to be done.(want , require)
eg. The old temple needs repairing/ to be repaired.
5.turn to 转向, 致力于;求助于,翻到,开始行动
eg. Please turn to page 216.
When you are in trouble ,you may turn to your teacher (for help).
区别turn down/ turn up turn in turn on/ turn off
turn out turn over
eg. 1). After he left the university he became a teacher, but later he turned _____ translation.
A. for B. with C. to D. on
2). The English evening turned out______ a great success.
A. be B. being C. to be D. to have
6. acquire 获得, 取得,拥有
eg. She acquired a good knowledge of English by careful study.
If you did not steal the watch, you had better explain how you did acquire it.
acquire/ earn/ win /gain/ obtain/get
acquire 指通过自己的努力或经过一个过程而获得才能,智力等;earn一般是通过自身劳动而获得报酬或因自身劳动而得到的荣誉等;win指的是通过努力而得到有一定价值的东西或因占有优势而得到。
obtain 通过较大努力或经过相当一段时间才获得早已希望得到的东西。
get 最普遍用语。
.knowledge 不可数名词,“理解,知识,通晓
eg. He is man with rich knowledge.
My knowledge of French is poor.
To the best of my knowledge, he is honest and reliable.
He has a good knowledge of English.
Longjing is a good tea.
This is a fine paper.
Ex: One way to understand thousands of new words is to gain______ good knowledge of basic word formation.
A. / B. the C. a D. one
7.Communicate (1)联系, 通消息, 交流思想 (vi)
Eg. They had no way to communicate with Kurt.
The two friends haven’t communicated with each other for years.
(2)传达, 表达, 传送(vt)
Eg. With his help, we tried to communicate the feelings to the hosts.
You don’t communicate your ideas well in the essay.
(3)传染 (vt.)
Eg. He communicated the disease to the rest of his family.
School children often communicate colds to each other.
communication n 通讯联系, 通信息
eg. I must get into communication with him on this subject.
communication satellite 通讯卫星
sort all sorts of 各种各样的,一切种类的
eg. all sorts of services/ goods/ books/work
sort v. 将事物分类, 整理
sort out 理顺, 整理, 区分
8.search 搜查
eg. The doctor searched the wound and found the bullet.
They searched everywhere but could not find the lost child.
search for sb./ sth. 与 search sb./ sth. , search sw. for sb./sth. 区分
eg. Police and tracker dogs searched the woods for the missing boy.
I have searched my mind for a reason, but can find none.
search through 仔细搜寻一遍
in search of = in one’s search for (引起状语)找寻
Ex: The police ______ the prisoner to see if he had a gun.
A. searched for B. searched
C. was in search of D. was in their search for
9. advance (1) 往前走, 有进展; 上涨(vi)
Eg. I signed to him to keep away, but he continued to advance.
A month has passed and the work has not advanced.
Sugar has advanced two cents a pound.
(2) 提高, 促进, 提前; 提出(看法、建议等) vt
Eg. The shopkeepers advanced their prices.
His work advanced the science of microbiology.
The date of the meeting was advanced from June 10 to June 3.
The plan he advanced was not good.
May I advance my opinion on this matter?
in advance 事前, 提前
eg. Everything should be fixed in advance.
in advance of 在 …… 前面
eg. She walked two yards in advance of her husband.
In this he was in advance of his party.
advanced adj. 先进的; 高级的; 年老的, 时间过去很多
eg. She was cited as an advanced worker.
He is spending a year in advanced studies.
He is advanced in years.
advancement n 促进, 推进, 提升
10.rather than 而不,与其说…倒不如说 ; 宁愿…而不愿
eg. Edison preferred to continue his work, rather than rest on his achievements.
The housewives prefer to go out to work rather than while away the time at home.
Her performance in work is good rather than bad.
would rather…than…/ prefer to do… rather than do…
11. chance n.机会,机遇 (可数)
eg. He hopes for a chance to go abroad.
He threw away a chance to be a manager.
…. 的可能性 chance of doing sth./ chance to do
eg. The prisoners here have no chance to get away.
by chance/accident sb. chance/happen to do
It (so) chanced /happened that…
take every chance to do sth.
12. address (1)写地址, 把…..寄给, 向…..提出 vt
Eg.Please address the letter for me.
Who ought I to address my request to?
(2) 向讲话 (尤指作演说) vt
Eg. He is going to address the meeting in a minute.
He will address you on the subject of war and peace.
(3) 称呼 vt
Eg. He addressed her as “Miss Mattie”.
address 地址; 对公众的讲话 n
eg. Please ask him to leave his address.
What’s your home address?
The President gave an address to the nation over the radio.
an inaugural address (就职演说)
a graduation address (毕业演说)
13. occur vi 1) 发生
Eg. At the beginning of June an event occurred.
I am so awfully sorry that this has occurred.
It won’t occur again, if I can help it.
2) (某想法)出现在脑中, 被想到
Eg. That view of the case did not occur to me before.
That he should have some deep personal objection had never occurred to me.
经常用于以it作形式主语的句中, 真正的主语可以是从句, 也可以是不定式。
Eg. It occurred to her that she might adopt a homeless child.
It didn’t occur to me that you would object.
It didn’t occur to me to mention it.
Didn’t it occur to you to close the windows?
3) 出现, 存在
Eg. E occurs in print more often than any other letter.
Ss: My father’s / mother’s nameis ….His / Her name is ….(At the end: we can play a game : Whose memory is the best? Use the sentences: 1.What’s A’s father’s /
mother’s name?Do you know?2.Is his / her father’s / moth-er’s name B ? 这一内容结束前可以使用下列句子安排一个小小的游戏: 看看 谁的记忆力最棒!
你记得吗: 某某同学的爸爸或他*的名字?
2.他/她爸爸或他*的名字是_____ 吗?)
3.T: OK.I know your parents’ names now.But I want to know more aboutthem.Would you mind tell me : How old is your father/ mother ?(现在我已经知道你们爸爸他*的名字了,但我想了解更多一些, 你可以
告诉我: 你的爸爸/他*的年龄吗?
New sentence: How old is …?(新授)
(1).Ss: He’s / She’s ….(2).Play a game: try to guess(游戏: 猜一猜):
How old is A’s father / mother?
Ss: He’s / She’s ….Sa(被猜的同学回答): Yes, you’re right.(Sorry, you’re wrong.)…
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