导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《基因专业词汇中英文对照》的内容,具体内容:基因(遗传因子、遗传基因)指携带有遗传信息的 DNA 序列,是控制性状的基本遗传单位,亦即一段具有功能性的 DNA 序列。接下来我为大家整理了,希望对你有帮助哦!腺苷脱氨酶缺乏症 ad...基因(遗传因子、遗传基因)指携带有遗传信息的 DNA 序列,是控制性状的基本遗传单位,亦即一段具有功能性的 DNA 序列。接下来我为大家整理了,希望对你有帮助哦!
腺苷脱氨酶缺乏症 adenosine deaminase deficiency(ADA)
腺病毒 adenovirus
等位基因 allele
氨基酸 amino acids
动物模型 animal model
抗体 antibody
凋亡 apoptosis
路-巴综合征 ataxia-telangiectasia
常染色体显性 autosomal dominant
常染色体 autosome
细菌人工染色体 bacterial artificial chromosome(BAC)
碱基对 base pair
先天缺陷 birth defect
骨髓移植 bone marrow transplantation
癌 cancer
后选基因 candidate gene
癌 carcinoma
cDNA 文库 cDNA library
细胞 cell
染色体 chromosome
克隆 cloning
密码 codon
天生的 congenital
重叠群 contig
囊性纤维化 cystic fibrosis
细胞遗传图 cytogenetic map
缺失 deletion
脱氧核糖核酸 deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA)
糖尿病 diabetes mellitus
二倍体 diploid
DNA 复制 DNA replication
DNA 测序 DNA sequencing
显性的 dominant
双螺旋 double helix
复制 duplication
基因 gene
基因扩增 gene amplification
基因表达 gene expression
基因图谱 gene mapping
基因库 gene pool
基因治疗 gene therapy
基因转移 gene transfer
遗传密码 genetic code(ATGC)
遗传咨询 genetic counseling
遗传图 genetic map
遗传标记 genetic marker
遗传病筛查 genetic screening
基因组 genome
基因型 genotype
种系 germ line
单倍体 haploid
造血干细胞 hematopoietic stem cell
血友病 hemophilia
杂合子 heterozygous
高度保守序列 highly conserved sequence
Hirschsprung 病 Hirschsprungs disease
纯合子 homozygous
人工染色体 human artificial chromosome(HAC)
人类基因组计划 Human Genome Project
人类免疫缺陷病毒 human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)/
获得性免疫缺陷综合征 acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS)
huntington 舞蹈病 Huntingtons disease
杂交 hybridization
免疫治疗 immunotherapy
原位杂交 in situ hybridization
继承的 inherited
插入 insertion
知识产权 intellectual property rights
白血病 leukemia
库 library
键、连接 linkage
部位、场所 locus
优势对数评分 LOD score
淋巴细胞 lymphocyte
畸形 malformation
描图 mapping
标记 marker
黑色素瘤 melanoma
孟德尔 Mendel, Johann(Gregor)
孟德尔遗传 Mendelian inheritance
信使 RNA messenger RNA(mRNA)
[分裂]中期 metaphase
微阵技术 microarray technology
线立体 DNA mitochondrial DNA
单体性 monosomy
小鼠模型 mouse model
多发性内分泌瘤病 multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 1(MEN1)
突变 mutation
Parkinson 病 Parkinsons disease
专利权 patent
血系/谱系 pedigree
表型 phenotype
物理图谱 physical map
多指畸形/多趾畸形 polydactyly
聚合酶链反应 polymerase chain reaction(PCR)
多态性 polymorphism
定位克隆 positional cloning
原发性免疫缺陷 primary immunodeficiency
引物 primer
原核 pronucleus
前列腺癌 prostate cancer
蛋白 protein
与传统英文教材相比, 英文报刊有着不可比拟的优势。英文报刊时效性强的特点能充分满足学生了解社会动态的好奇心, 使学生能紧跟时代发展步伐。这种为获取信息而自发进行的学习让学生摆脱了传统课堂为学习而学习带来的负面压力, 英文报刊学习从而成为美妙的体验历程。“如果利用英语报刊进行课外阅读能够给学生留下美好的回忆, 成为一种美好的体验, 就能在真正意义上实现实用与兴趣的结合, 课内与课外的结合。”本研究选用的《二十一世纪英文报》以大学生群体为受众, 选材以大学生兴趣为出发点, 内容丰富, 包括热点翻译、双语新闻、英语学习、精彩视频等, 还有一些热门资源下载都是和大学生日常学习生活息息相关的新闻, 涵盖经济、科技、文化、体育、娱乐等领域。同时, 《二十一世纪报》时常有英语教研方面的专家为读者提供各种类型的学习辅导、介绍学习方法、介绍国内新的考试动态。这无疑为大学生最关注的英语四、六级考试及研究生考试提供了理想的学习平台。除此以外, 该报还鼓励学生积极参与, 开辟专栏刊登学生优秀的英文写作、交流学习体会、探讨学习方法等。并且设专栏及时介绍大学校园生活、趣闻轶事、热门话题及人物, 这无疑能够抓住大学生的兴趣点, 激发学生阅读的热情, 让学生在兴趣盎然的阅读中愿意学、主动学。此外, 《二十一世纪报》有其独有的特色。随着信息时代的快速发展, 网络在当代大学生学习和生活中扮演着愈来愈重要的作用。《二十一世纪报》出版社与时俱进, 在纸质版基础上率先开通了《二十一世纪报》网站。针对每一期报纸, 网站均设专栏提供报纸电子版下载、听力音频、翻译赏析等模块, 为学生更加充分利用《二十一世纪报》进行英语学习提供了巨大便利。而且, 《二十一世纪报》出版社专门邀请专家编写报纸配套课件上传至网站, 大大减少了教师备课量。尤其值得一提的是, 《二十一世纪报》出版社提供的多途径的学习渠道改变了以往报纸只能看、不能听、无法检测自学效果等导致的英文报刊理论价值高而实用效能低的尴尬局面。所以无论学生自学还是教师课堂教学, 《二十一世纪报》都是不错的选择。鉴于此, 《二十一世纪报》因其独有的优势势必会对大学生词汇习得产生一定甚至是巨大的影响, 从而对大学生英语词汇习得带来有益的启示, 这正是本研究的出发点。
自2010年以来, 我校对非英语专业学生实施大学英语分级教学。分级教学以高考英语成绩为依据, 按105分及以上、80~104分、60~79分三个分数段 (60分以下的学生将进行小语种学习, 此分数段的学生不在本研究讨论范围内) , 把学生依次编入A、B、C组进行大学英语学习。实施分级教学有效改变了因传统教学组中学生英语水平参差不齐而导致教学效果不理想的局面。本研究采用分层随机的抽样方法, 而实施分级教学也为本研究的抽样提供了巨大的便利。本研究在3个班随机抽取了A、B、C三个级别的学生, 每个班随机抽取30人作为实验对象, 其中15人组成实验组, 另15人组成对照组。
在为期一年的跟踪调查中, 所抽取的三个对照组学生进行了常规大学英语学习, 而三个实验组学生除了进行常规大学英语学习外, 还在英语老师指导下, 进行《二十一世纪报》的学习。教师均通过相应培训, 很好地理解了本研究的目的和理念。在指导学生进行《二十一世纪报》学习的过程中, 教师均使用相同的教学方法和材料。此外, 在调查开始前和结束后研究小组设计了专门的测试题分别对学生进行前测与后测, 以便收集第一手数据定量分析《二十一世纪报》对非英语专业大学生词汇习得的影响。
实验数据借助于社会科学统计软件SPSS进行处理。对实验数据将进行横向对比与纵向对比:横向对比即分别对A、B、C各级别实验组与对照组学生的词汇量进行为期一年的跟踪对比;纵向对比即对A、B、C三个级别的实验组学生的词汇量与对照组学生的词汇量分别进行为期一年的跟踪对比。前者能客观反映是否进行《二十一世纪报》学习对近似同一英语水平学生词汇习得的影响;后者能客观反映是否进行《二十一世纪报》学习对不同英语水平学生词汇习得的影响。对实验数据进行横向对比与纵向对比能真实反映是否进行《二十一世纪报》学习对非英语专业大学生词汇习得的影响, 从中得出对英语词汇教学活动具有积极指导意义的经验总结。
对A、B、C三个级别的实验班学生和对照班学生实验前后的阅读考试成绩进行统计, 利用社会科学统计软件SPSS19.0进行数据分析。
首先对各个班的实验前后成绩进行成对样本统计分析, 结果如下:
通过成对样本分析结果, 我们不难得出如下结论: (1) A、B、C三个级别的实验班和对照班在实验开始前的测试平均成绩无显著差异, 表明对照班和实验班学生的阅读水平基本上处于同一水平。 (2) A、B、C三个级别的实验班和对照班在实验结束后的测试平均成绩均有所提高, 但实验班的成绩提高幅度明显大于对照班的提高幅度, 并且标准差减小, 说明实验班在成绩提高的同时, 成绩的离散程度也减少。 (3) A、B、C三个级别的实验班平均成绩提高的幅度是A<B<C, 说明阅读试验对于起始阅读水平越低的学生帮助更大。
由于A、B、C三个级别的实验班和对照班之间都是采用相同的教师、教案、教学法进行授课, 区别在于实验班每周额外进行3学时的《二十一世纪报》阅读训练, 对照班则没有进行阅读训练。实验期间实验班一共进行了大约50学时的阅读训练, 我们假定50个学时的阅读时间就是引起实验前后测试阅读成绩差异的变量 (实验班阅读时间为50, 对照班阅读时间为0) , 利用社会科学统计软件SPSS19.0进行相关性分析见表4:
**.在0.01水平 (双侧) 上显著相关。
从上表中的结果我们可以看到A、B、C三个级别的实验前后测成绩和阅读时间的相关性系数均大于0.9小于1, 说明阅读成绩的提高同阅读《二十一世纪报》的时间有极高的相关性, 而显著性系数P=0.000<0.01表明该统计数据符合统计学意义。从而可以得出结论:实验后测试成绩的提高和利用《二十一世纪报》进行阅读训练有显著的相关性。
通过为期一年的利用英文报刊学习进行词汇习得的实证研究, 本文揭示了英文报刊对大学生词汇习得的积极促进作用。笔者期望本研究能给英语教育工作者带来有益的启示, 达到抛砖引玉的目的, 最终推动大学英语教学的发展。
摘要:本文采用实验前测和后测、定量研究等方法, 论述了在教师指导下进行《二十一世纪报》学习对非英语专业大学生词汇习得的影响。本文以云南农业大学全日制本科生非英语专业2013级三个新生组为研究对象, 并对他们为期一年的英文报刊学习进行词汇习得的实证研究。
[1]陈光伟.英语词汇习得研究及其对教学的启示[J].西安外国语学院学报, 2003 (1)
这篇用词铿锵、掷地有声的演说辞,是3个人的心血结晶。其中,有记者出身的戈尔本人,有戈尔的策略顾问罗伯特·索伦,但人们都把目光放在戈尔的首席演说撰稿人艾里·阿提(Elli Attie身上。阿提是哈佛大学毕业生,长期以来是克林顿、民主党众议院领袖格普哈特等重量级政治人物的一级“写手”。及后选战起风云,戈尔将他拉到麾下,声势立时不同凡响。本刊在此独家刊登戈尔这篇将千古不朽的“认输讲话”(原载于港报),读者可从这中英文对照的精彩文章中细细领略英文写作的典范笔法,包括其整个运筹帷幄的立意、精妙的造词用句等。
good evening.
just moments agoi spoke with george .w.bush and congratulated him on becoming the 43rd president of the united statesand i promised him that i wouldn't call him back this time.
i offered to meet with him as soon as possible so that we can start to heal the divisons of the campaign and the contest through which we just passed.
almost a century and a half ago senator stephen douglas told abraham lincolnwho had just defeated him for the presidency“partisan feeling must yield to patriotismi’m with you mr.president and god bless you.”
well in that same spirit i say to president-elect bush that what remains of partisan rancor must now be put aside and may god bless his stewardship of this country.
neither he nor i anticipated this long and difficult road. Certainly neither of us wanted it to happen. Yet it cameand now it has ended resolved as it must be resolvedthrough the honored institutions of our democracy.
over the library of one of our great law schools is inscribed the motto “not under man but under god and law.”that’s the ruling principle of american freedomthe source of our democratic liberties. I’ve tried to make it my guide throughout this contest as it has guided america’s deliberations of all the complex issues of the past five weeks.
now the u.s supreme court has spoken. Let there be no doubt while i strongly disagree with the court's decision i accept it. I accept the finality of this outcome which will be ratified next monday in the electoral college and tonight for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy i offer my concession.
i also accept my responsibilitywhich i will discharge unconditionally to honor the new president-elect and do everything possible to help him bring americans together in fulfillment of the great vision that our declaration of independence defines and that our constitution affirms and defends.
let me say how grateful i am to all those who supported me and supported the cause for which we have fought.tipper and i feel a deep gratitude to joe and hadassah lieberman who brought passion and high purpose to our partnership and opened new doorsnot just for our campaign but for our country.
this has been an extraordinary election. But in one of god’s unforeseen paths this belatedly broken impasse can point us all to a new common ground for its very closeness can serve to remind us that we are one people with a shared history and a shared destiny.
indeed that history gives us many examples of contests as hotly debatedas fiercely fought with their own challenges to the popular will.
other disputes have dragged on for weeks before reaching resolution.and each time both the victor and the vanquished have accepted the result peacefully and in the spirit of reconciliation.
so let it be with us.
i know that many of my supporters are disappointed.i am too . But our disappointment must be overcome by our love of country.
and i say to our fellow members of the world community let no one see this contest as a sign of american weaknessthe strength of american democracy is shown most clearly through the difficulties it can overcome.
some have expressed concern that the unusual nature of this election might hamper the next president in the conduct of his office. I do not believe it need be so.
president-elect bush inherits a nation whose citizens will be ready to assist him in the conduct of his large responsibilities.
i personally will be at his disposaland i call on all americans -i particularly urge all who stood with us to unite being our next president. This is america. Just as we fight hard when the stakes are highwe close ranks and come together when the contest is done.
and while there will be time enough to debate our continuing differencesnow is the time to recognize that that which unites us is greater than that which divides us.
while we yet hold and do not yield our opposing beliefsthere is a higher duty than the one we owe to political party.this is america and we put country before party.we will stand together behind our new president.
as for what i’ll do nexti don’t know the answer to that one yet . Like many of you i’m looking forward to spending the holidays with family and old friends.i know i’ll spend time in tennessee and mend some fencesliterally and figuratively.
some have asked whether i have any regrets and i do have one regret that i didn’t get the chance to stay and fight for the american people over the next four years especially for those who need burdens lifted and barriers removedespecially for those who feel their voices have not been heard i heard you and i will not forget.
i’ve seen america in this campaign and i like what i see. It’s worth fighting for and that’s a fight i’ll never stop.
as for the battle that ends tonight i do believe as my father once said that on matter how hard the lossdefeat might serve as well as victory to shape the soul and let the glory out.
so for me this campaign ends as it beganwith the love of tipper and our family with faith in god and in the country i have been so proud to servefrom vietnam to the vice presidencyand with gratitude to our truly tireless campaign staff and volunteersincluding all those who worked so hard in florida for the last 36 days.
now the political struggle is over and we turn again to the unending struggle for the common good of all americans and for those multitudes around the world who look to us for leadership in the cause of freedom.
in the words of our great hymn“america america”“let us crown thy good with brotherhoodfrom sea to shining sea.”
and now my friends in a phrase i once addressed to othersit’s time for me to go.
教育类专业词汇中英对照 翻译技巧 加入时间:2010-2-22 17:12:35 来源: 访问量:53 narrative knowing 叙事学习narrative structure 叙事结构 teaching profession 专业教师队伍 foundational discipline 基础学科 diversified profession 多元化专业教育 minority teacher:少数民族教师 New York State Department of Education 纽约市教育局 school age population:学龄儿童 teaching field:教学领域 diverse teaching force:多样化教师队伍 multicultural curricula 多元文化课程 poor school 薄弱学校 role model:行为榜样 teaching staff:教师队伍 disempowered group 被去权群体 power relationship:权利关系 teaching force:师资力量 dominant culture 主流文化 affirmative action program 肯定性行动计划 course work 作业 full certification 完全证书 faculty member 大学教学人员 significant learning 有意义学习aggressive reaction:积极反应、攻击反应 native American印第安人 institutional racism 制度种族主义 too err too much 矫枉过正 postbaccalaureate 学士以后的课程学位 mid-career professionals:职业中期专业人士 baccalaureate degree:学士学位 college graduate:高校毕业生 quick fix:权宜之计 racial stereotype 种族偏见 racist:种族主义者 professional recognition 专业认可度 progressive educator 进步教育者 take their toll:遭报应 too wait and look at:坐视不管 career selection process:择业过程 college placement service大学安置 collegiate teacher 高校教师 undergraduate admission offices:本科入学办公室 admission process 入学程序 teacher program:教师教育项目 board of regent校务委员会 teacher preparation programs:教师教育项目 laissez-faire:放任政策 lunch break:午休时间 teachers council 教师联合会 initiator:创始人, 发起人, 传授者, 教导者 pedagogy:教学, 教授, 教育学 annul:废除, 取消, 废止 sinister:险恶的 teaching body:教师 delivery:传授方式 antagonist:敌手, 对手 democratic schooling 民主学校 Schooling:学校教育, 学费 moral authority 道德权威 indoctrination:教导, 教化 transformative intellectuals:转化性知识分子 banking education 填鸭式教育 schooling:学校教育 democratic vision 民主视野 responsible action 负责任的行为 mentor teacher 辅导教师 cooperating teacher:实习指导教师 student teacher 实习教师 Critically Reflective Teacher:批判反思型教师 clinical experience:临床体验 master teacher 骨干教师 lead teacher with board certification 领导教师 National Board Certification国家委员会: hierarchical profession:层级专业人士 student teaching 教学实习teaching experience教学实践 critical inquiry 批判性探讨 give voice to 发表意见 deconstruction:解构,拆析(文学评论用语, 指找出文本中自身逻辑矛盾或自我拆解因素, 从而摧毁文本在人们心目中的传统建构) intellectual enquiry 知识探索 lifetime certification 终身认证 critical intellectuals:批判性知识分子 public sphere 公共领域 education reform movement 教育改革动向 progressive people进步人士 better off:状况好的 经济状况好的.,富裕的 Knowledge-empowered Citizens:知识赋权的公民 common ground:(观点、利益和目标的)共同基础,共同点,一致点 vocational major 职业化专业 conceptualization of curriculum 课程概念化 multicultural education 多元文化教育 cultural diversity 文化多样性 teaching and learning 教学和学习beginning teacher 新教师 classroom teaching 课堂教学 developmental levels 发展水平matriculate:被录取入学 被录取者 rationale:基本原理 multiculturalism - 多元文化(融合)论 instructional intention 指导意图 contour:轮廓, 周线, 等高线 pluralistic society 多元社会 cultural pluralism 文化多元化 democratic citizenship 民主公民 pluralistic classroom 多元化课堂教学 educational process 教育过程 relational learning 关系学习marginal group 边缘群体 rendition:表演, 演唱, 翻译 human legacy 人类遗产 microculture 微文化 subordinate group 弱势群体 dominate group 主流群体 intellectual skills 心智技能 methodological idea 方法论思想 educational idea 教育思想 academic success 学业成就 mediating variable 中介变量 interative study交互学习reform initiative 改革构想 pre-service preparation:职前培养 ethnic diversity 种族多样性 expressive behavior 表达性行为 interactional setting 交流环境 cultural intersection 文化交叉点 cultural domination 文化支配 ethnic identity 民族身份 European American 欧洲美国人 Eurocentric culture 欧洲中心主义文化 instructional interaction 教学互动 personal empowerment 个人赋权 moral commitment 道德约束 social engagement 社会参与 社会融入 social action 社会行动 constituent group 选区居民 proponent:建议者, 支持者, [律]提出认证遗嘱者 intercultural - 不同文化间的 ethnocentrism:民族优越感 ethnic prejudice 种族偏见 teacher-in-training 教师培训 contextual analysis情景分析 congruent:适合的 self-presentation自我展示 paradigm:范例 跨学科 interdisciplinary multiethnic - 多种民族的 Ethnographer:民族志学者, 人种学者 Anthropologist:人类学者, 人类学家 Psychologist:心理学者 expressive dimension 表现向度 dynamic dimension 动态维度 ethnicity:种族划分 vantage point:有利位置,优越地位,优势 learning experience 学习经历 developmentally appropriate 发展适应性 affective maturity 情感成熟 practicum:实习科目, 实习课 classroom observation 课堂观察 predetermined altitude:规定[预定]高度 cultural context teaching文化语境教学 sociology of education 教育社会学 educational philosophy教育哲学 educational thought教育思想 educational ideas教育理念 micro-teach 教学练习cognitive level 认知水平culturally responsive pedagogy 文化响应教学 essential core 本质核心 procedural protocol 程序协议 operationlize实施 Go Direct Initiative直接主动进入 integrated teacher preparation 一体化教师教育 multivariate analysis of variance 多元方差分析 Reflection in action行动中反思 Reflection about action行动后反思 diverse learner 多元学习者 Standard-based Teacher Education标准本位的教师教育 competency-based teacher 能力本位教师教育 教师导师faculty mentor teacher competency 教师能力 teacher education accreditation 教师教育认证 prerequisite course预修课程 preliminary course预备课程 subject area学科领域 cognitive domain 认知领域 case study 个案研究 Independent Course 自选课程 individual field placement 实习安置 content area 知识领域 professional competence 专业能力 anecdotal evidence 传闻证据 supervising teacher 视导教师 induction year. 教第一年的入职培训期 perceived competency 能力知觉 substitute teacher 代课教师 model of instruction 教学模式 self-knowledge 自我认识 teaching situation 教学情景 institutional goal制度目标 subject matter knowledge学科教学知识 academic course 普通课程 introduction to teaching 教学导论 supervised practice 督导实习good teaching 优质教学 common agenda共同议程 well-designed - 设计很好的;构思甚佳的 Focused Observations焦点式观察 teacher educator:教师教育者 anti-intellectualism 反智主义 conceptual orientation概念导向 developmental stance 发展态势 classroom experience课堂体验 observation 观摩 guided practice 导师指导实习school achievement学业成就 frame of reference(影响人理解和判断事物的)信仰和准则 culturally responsive文化回应教学法 be held accountable for:为…..负责 Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium intellectual processing 智力过程 Culturally-Relevant Pedagogy 文化回应教学 narrative perspective 叙述视角 preparatory curriculum 预修课程 pre-performance routine表现前列席动作 Higher education in general一般的高等教育。常与the 连用 independent school 独立学校 Effective Skill有效技能等级 pedagogical content knowledge;学科教学知识 competing claim 竞争性求偿 intensification of the labor process 强化劳动过程 private sector economy 私营经济 reproductive knowledge 知识生产 curriculum-in-use 使用中的课程 social and cultural reproduction 社会和文化再生产 class session 班会 student-teaching 教学实习orientation session 开学说明会 Supervisor:督学 perception of preparedness 准备知觉 academic training 学术培训 learning teacher 师范生 case writing 写作案例 in-kind contribution 实物资助1、中英文词汇
A Useful Glossary for Personal Data
name 姓名
aliss 别名
pen name 笔名
date of birth 出生日期
birthdate 出生日期
born 生于
birthplace 出生地点
birthday 生日
age 年龄
native place 籍贯
province 省
city 市
autonomous region 自治区
nationality 民族 ;国籍
citizenship 国籍
duel citizenship 双重国籍
address 地址
current address 目前住址
pressent address 目前住址
permanent address 永久住址
postal code 邮政编码
home phone 住宅电话
office phone 办公电话
Mobile 手机
E-mail 邮箱
sex 性别
male 男
female 女
Miss 小姐
Ms (小姐或太太)
height 身高
cm. 厘米
ft. 英尺
in 英寸
weight 体重
kg 公斤
lbs 磅
marital status 婚姻状况
family status 家庭状况
married 已婚
single 未婚
unmarried 未婚
divorced 离异
separated 分居
number of children 子女人数
none 无
street 街
lane 胡同,巷
road 路
district 区
Floor 楼层
tower A A 座
Mansion 大厦
house number 门牌
health 健康状况
bloodtype 血型
A A型
B B型
O O型
excellent (身体)极佳
very good 很好
good 好
strong 强壮
far-sighted 远视
color-blind 色盲
ID card 身份证
No. 号码
date of availability 可到职时间
available 可到职
membership 会员、资格
president 会长
director 理事
standing director 常务理事
secretary-general 秘书长
society 学会
association 协会
research society 研究会
January (Jan.) 一月
February (Feb.) 二月
March (Mar.)三月
April(Apr.) 四月
May 五月
June 六月
July 七月
August (Aug.)八月
September (Sept.) 九月
October (Oct.)十月
November (Nov.) 十一月
December (Dec.) 十二月
baseball leather 棒球革
basketball leather 篮球革
bellow leather 风箱革
belt leather 带皮
belting leather 带革; 轮带
book-binding leather 书面革
bottom leather 底革
boxing-glove leather 拳击手套革
buck leather (雄)鹿革
buckle leather 带用革
buffed leather 磨面革
butt leather 底革
card leather 梳革
case leather 箱皮
charred leather 皮炭
chamois leather 麂皮
chrome leather 铬革
chrome tanned leather 铬鞣革
clothing leather 服装革
combination tanned leather 结合鞣制的革
combing leather 梳刷革
cow leather 牛皮
crown leather 上等皮革
crup leather 马臀革
crust leather 坯革; 半硝革
cup leather 制动缸皮碗
diaphragm leather 隔膜革[皮]
dogskin leather 狗皮(制的)革
dressing leather 饰革
drum leather 鼓皮
drycleanable leather 耐干洗革
easy-care leather 易保养革
embossed leather 压花革
enamel leather 漆皮
enamelled leather 漆皮
fair leathe r集市皮革
fancy leather 美术革, 装饰用革
finished leather 成革; 整饰过的皮革
football leather 足球革
football-helmet leather 橄榄球头盔革
furniture leather 家具革
garment leather 衣服革
gas meter leather 气表革
glace leather 白鞣革
glove leather 手套皮
hair-on leather 带毛革
half leather 半皮面装订, 半革装
harness leather 马具革
hat leather 制帽革
hat sweatband leather 帽圈革
heavy leather 厚革
heel leather (鞋)后跟皮
hunting leather 粗绒面革
hydraulic leather 水压机革(密封用革)
imitation leather 充牛皮装订, 漆布装订, 人造革装订
industrial leather 工业用革
iron tanned leather 铁鞣革
japanned leather 漆皮
kangaroo leather 袋鼠革
kaspine leather 开斯宾革
levant leather 皱纹革; 摩洛哥革
light leather 轻革
line leather 马具革
lining leather 衬里革
luggage leather 箱包革
mountain leather 石棉
napped leather 绒毛皮革
oar leather 桨革
oil seal leather 油封革
oiled leather 涂油革
oil-tanned leather 油鞣革
organ-pipe leather 风琴管革
packing leather 皮碗
paper based artificial leather 纸基人造革
patent leather 漆皮
patent leather 漆革
piano leather 钢琴革
piston packing leather 活塞填密皮
plated leather 熨压皮革
portmanteau leather 旅行皮包革
rein leather 马具革
rock leather 一种石棉
rolled leather 轧制革
roller leather 机轴革
rough-tanned leather 粗鞣革
rubbing leathers 【纺】搓条皮圈
russia(n) leather 俄罗斯革
saddle leather 鞍皮[革]
saffian leather 山羊革; 摩洛哥革
scrap leather 废皮; 碎皮
semi-aniline leather 半苯胺革
semi-chrome leather 混合铬鞣革
sheep leather (绵)羊革
shrink leather 皱纹革
skirt leather 植物鞣牛皮坯革
slick-surfaced leather 光面皮革
soccerballleather 足球革
softleather 软革
soleleather 底革
stirrup leather 镫革
strop leather 磨刀皮革
suede leather 起毛皮革
sweat band leather (帽中)汗带皮
synthetic leather 合成皮带
textile machinery leather 纺织机用革
tie and dye leather 扎染革
two-tone leather 双色调革
upholstery leather 装饰用皮革
upper leather 面革
valve leather 阀皮
vegetable tanned sole leather 植物鞣鞋底革
velvet leather 正绒面革
zirconium tanned leather 锆鞣革
volleyball leather 排球革
wash leather 可洗皮革
washable chamois leather 可洗麂皮
welting leather 镶边革; 贴边革
Centigrade 摄氏
Fahrenheit 华氏
fine/fair/sunny 晴朗
clear to overcast 晴转多云
(mostly) cloudy多云
turning out cloudy 转阴
overcast/dull/gloomy 阴天
cloudy to overcast 阴转多云
windy 有风
gentle wind 和风
breezy 微风阵阵
heavy/high wind 大风
gust 阵风
piercing wind 寒风
light air 1级风
light breeze 2级风
gentle breeze 3级风
moderate breeze 4级风
fresh breeze 5级风
strong breeze 6级风
moderate gale 7级风
fresh gale 8级风
strong gale 9级风
whole gale 10级风
storm 11级风
hurricane 12级风/飓风
stormy wind 暴风
typhoon 台风
windy and dusty 风沙
duststorm 沙尘暴
blizzard 暴风雪
rain 雨
wet 雨天
light rain小雨
light showers小阵雨
shower 阵雨
thundery storm 雷雨
thundery shower 雷阵雨
heavy showers强阵雨
pour/downpour 大雨
storm 暴风雨
snowy 有雪
sleet 雨夹雪
light snow 小雪
frosty 霜冻
hail/hailstone 冰雹
ice sheet 冰川
iceburg 冰山
mild 温暖
cool 凉爽
chilly 微冷
drought 干旱
flood 洪水
damp 潮湿
foggy 有雾
misty 薄雾
drizzle 毛毛雨
continental climate 大陆性气候
oceanic climate 海洋性气候
sunny interval, no rain, clearing
sunny period, partly cloudy, partly