
2024-10-19 版权声明 我要投稿


高二上Unit1知识点 篇1


1. go ahead

2. the entrance/window/door/way/trip/journey/trip/travel to sp.

3. join the line wait in line jump the queue

4. take this street take the life/ a taxi

5. restroom men’s room WC toilet

6. get the idea for…

7. take sth. along

8. in the hope of

9. of interest/importance/use/value/kind/colour/type

10. be known to sb. as…for…

11. lose heart: give up lose one’s heart to : fall in love with

12. continue to do sth./ doing sth.

13. day after day little by little bit by bit cf. day after day

14. be successful in sth. be a success in sth. succeed in sth.

15. used to be/get used to doing sth.

16. be pleased with…

17. scores of dozens of couples of hundreds of

18. open a company operate a company

19. be strict with sb. in sth.

20. get/have a view of sth. come into view

21. be friendly/kind/nice/polite/impolite/good/bad to sb. cf. be bad for sb.

22. as far/early/long/wide/high as cf. as far as I know

23. bring sth. on bring sb. up bring about bring sth. in

24. The park is good value for the money.

25. the whole week= all the week

26. so far: up till now

27. Euro Disney is the most welcome.

28. have no idea: do not know

29. prefer doing A to doing B = prefer to do A rather than do B

30. be known to sb. as…for…






1. Go straight ahead until you see the entrance.

2. Disney’s greatest wish was to be a famous artist.

3. He took along some of his pictures in the hope of getting a job there.

4. We don’t think there is anything of interest in your picture.

5. The park is good value for the money.

6. Which Disney park is the most welcome?


高二数学上学期知识点总结 篇2


















高二上Unit1知识点 篇3

Teaching aims:

1. To activate the Ss in classroom activities.

2. To help the Ss get into a good reading habit, knowing how to skim or scan the to find the general idea or special information quickly.

3. To develop the Ss ‘ ability and skills of guessing words and reading comprehension.

4. To help the Ss know more about science and scientists, especially Professor Stephen Hawking.

Moral Focus: Creative thinking, communication and cooperation

Teaching Aids: A tape recorder, the listening cassette, some pictures

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

1. Greetings.

2. Comment on The Ss’ report about their favorite branch of science.

3. Go over ways of expressing, asking for and making remarks towards one’s opinions.

4. Lead in through pictures of Professor Stephen Hawking

Task 1: Brainstorming

Ss are told to look at pictures of Professor Stephen Hawking. Ask them to answer questions as follows:

1. What are the pictures about?

2. What have you seen?

3. What do you know about Professor Stephen Hawking?

Step 2 Pre-reading

Task 2: Skimming (pair work)

Ss are asked to read the passage quickly and work in pairs to find the answers to the following questions:

1. Why did Stephen Hawking need a PHD?

2. When did Hawking become famous?

3. When did Hawking visit Beijing?

Step 3 While-reading

Task 3: Vocabulary and Discussion (Individual work and group work)

Ss are asked to read the text quickly to find the words or expressions in the passage according to the given meanings. Meanwhile Ss are encouraged to underline the unknown words, phrases or sentences in the text that are hard for them to understand, discussing in pairs or in groups.

Similar meaning to vocabulary Words or expressions from the passage

1. person who has taken a university degree, esp. the first or Bachelor’s degree

2. everything that exists in it; all the stars, planets, their satellites, etc.

3. make unable to do sth.

4. way of doing sth.

5. be equal to ( in quality, colour, design, etc,)

6. book that is sold in very large numbers

7. sth. That is discovered

8. say all in advance

9. prove to be; be in the end

10. that cannot be cured (adj.) 1. graduate

2. (the) universe

3. disable

4. method

5. match

6. best-seller

7. discovery

8. predict

9. turn out (to be)

10. invurable

Task 4: Scanning through questions and answers:

Play the recorder and ask the Ss to listen to the text and try to get the answers to following questions:

1. How would you feel when told that you have got an incurable disease?

2. Did Stephen Hawking give up? If not, what did he do?

3. How does he travel around the world?

4. How does he give speeches?

5. What is his book “ A Brief History of Time” about?

6. How did Stephen Hawking make his book a best-seller?

7. What do people often think of science and what’s the opinion of Hawking?

8. How many steps should a scientific theory generally go through and what are they?

9. Is it difficult for people to understand Hawking’s lectures? Why?

10. What do people think of Hawking’s “voice”?

Task 5: Reading Aloud

Play the tape and ask the Ss to read along in a loud voice.

Step 4 Post-reading

Task 6: Questions and Answers

1. According to Professor Hawking, how do people misunderstand science?

2. What is it that Hawking doesn’t like about his speech computer?

Task 7: Discussion

Divide the class into groups and ask them to think of one question: how would you use the scientific method to solve the following problems?

Problem Suggested scientific method

A How to grow rice where there is little water?

B How to make your bicycle go faster?

C What life was like 5,000 years ago?

D How to improve your English?

E How to make friends?

Step 5 Five Consolidation

Ask the Ss to give a summary of Professor Stephen Hawking in their own words.

Step 6 News Press

Task 8: Role Play

Suppose Professor Stephen Hawking is to visit our school, and he will also attend a news conference. What do you want to know about him? Collect your questions.

Step 7 Creative work

What can we learn from Professor and how can we put what we learn into our every day study and life?


Write a short passage about what you can learn from the professor and how you have decided to put what you have learned into your every day study and life.

Blackboard Design:

Similar meaning to vocabulary Words or expressions from the passage

1. person who has taken a university degree, esp. the first or Bachelor’s degree

2. everything that exists in it; all the stars, planets, their satellites, etc.

3. make unable to do sth.

4. way of doing sth.

5. be equal to ( in quality, colour, design, etc,)

6. book that is sold in very large numbers

7. sth. That is discovered

8. say all in advance

9. prove to be; be in the end

10. that cannot be cured (adj.) 1.









高二上Unit1知识点 篇4

be good to old people.对老人要亲切。【发散思维】

be good for:适于„, 对„ 有好处

do good to sb.:对„有益,相当于do sb.good e.g.She is good to the little girl =she is kind to the little girl The food is good for our health =The food does good to our health =The food does our health good Add up your score and see how many points you can get.把你的得分加起来, 看一看你能得多少分。

I.add up 加起来

add the figures up / together.把这些数字加起来。【发散思维】 add „to„ :添加

Add more salt to the soup and the soup will taste better.向汤里再加点盐,汤的味道就会更好。add to :to increase增加 Bad weather adds to our difficulty 坏天气增加了我们困难。

add up to : to amount to总计,加起来等于 The figures add up to 1000 这些数字总计为1000。

II.score n.(比赛等的)得分;(考试等的)分数,成绩;二十

e.g.The score of the football game is 5—0 这场足球比赛的比分是5 比0。【精彩总结】

1)score 与 dozen 与具体数字以及与many, a few, several等连用时,均不加“S”。score 后常带有of, 而dozen 则不接of。

e.g.There are three score of students in the classroom.教室里有60 名学生。There are three dozen students here 这里有36 名学生。

注意:当 score 与 dozen 后面的名词被 the,these,those 或形容词性物主代词修饰,表示的是整体中的一部分时,score 与dozen 后面都要接of + the +可数名词复数。e.g.Three score of the students are girls Three dozen of the students are boys

2)表示不确定的概念时,经常采用scores of 和 dozens of 来表示许多的,大量的,只修饰可数名词复数。She has been to Beijing scores of times.她去过北京好多次。【趁热打铁】

The woman feeds several _______ hens in her chicken farm.A.scores of


C.score of

D.score [答案:C] 3 You will go without your friend 你不带你的朋友去。go without: 没有…也行 ;没有…也勉强能应付 e.g.The man can’t go without cigarettes.这人不吸烟不行。【趁热打铁】

There is no money for a holiday this year;we’ll have to _______ it.A.go on

B.go over

C.go without

D.go for [答案:C] 4.When he /she borrowed it last time, he /she broke it and you had to pay to get it repaired.他/她上次借用你的摄像机时,把它弄坏了,你必须付钱修理。I.pay 付款

She paid the driver and got out of the taxi.她付钱给司机后下了出租车。

【同义词辨析】pay, cost, take, spend pay 其主语是人,常用于pay for结构中。

cost 常用事物作主语,一般不用于被动式。后面可接双宾语。take 常用于It takes sb.some time to do sth.spend 常用于spend „ in(doing sth.)或on sth.结构中。【趁热打铁】

1)The pen ______ me three dollars.2)I ______ three dollars on the pen.3)I _______ three dollars for the pen.4)It _______ them three months to build the bridge.[答案:1)cost;2)spent;3)paid;4)took ]

II.get it repaired :get sth.done;相当于have sth.done.The washing machine doesn’t work.I’ll get it repaired.洗衣机坏了,我得找人修理一下。

还可用于get sb.to do sth.和get sb.doing sth.结构中。【趁热打铁】

1)Let me try now.I’ll get the car ______(go).2)When are you going to get your hair ______(cut).3)I’ll get him ______(do)the work.[答案:1)going;2)cut;3)to do ] 5.You will tell your friend that you are concerned about him /her but you have to go to class.你会告诉你的朋友你为他/她而担心,但是你必须去上课。be concerned about :be worried about 为„而担心 We’re all concerned about her safety.我们都为她的安全担忧。【发散思维】

concern n.担心,挂念,后常跟about /for。

She showed a lot of concern for her daughter’s illness.她非常担心她女儿的病情。


That doesn’t concern us.那与我们无关。

6.You friend has gone on holiday and asked you to take care of his or her dog

你的朋友去度假了,要你照顾他/她的狗。take care of 照顾照看,相当于look after The children are taken good care of in the nursery school.孩子们在托儿所里受到良好的照顾。

take care 单独用表示 “小心”,“当心”,相当于look out/be careful e.g.Look out(take care;be careful)!Here comes the bus.7.While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.在遛狗时,你不小心,狗没了缰绳的束缚,被车撞着了。

I.walk vt.遛(动物);陪(人)步行

Grandpa walks the dog every day.爷爷每天都去遛狗。

I’ll walk you to the station.我陪你走到车站。

II.while walking the dog : 相当于while you were walking the dog 的省略。

You were too careless while(you were)driving.你开车时太粗心大意了。III.loose: 未系着的,解除束缚的 The horses were loose in the field.那群马在原野中被解除了缰绳。8.tell him /her to look at someone else’s paper.告诉他/她看其他人的试卷。

else adj.其他的,其余的

e.g.I want to tell you something else.我想告诉你其他事情。

Who else wants to go?


【同义词辨析】else, other, rest else 常用在疑问词和不定代词之后,后可加’s 表示所属关系。

other 通常放在名词前面作定语,也可当作代词使用。

rest 通常与the 连用,后常有of短语,the rest 相当于代词。


1)We need ten _______ chairs.2)There are ______ ways of doing this exercise.3)This must be someone ______ fault.4)Where ______ did you go? 5)Five of them are from England, and _______ are from the U.S.A.[答案:1)other;2)other;3)else’s;4)else;5)the rest/the others] 【点击高考】

-I hear they aren’t pleased with the house you’ve chosen for them.-Well ,_______ could they live in such comfort? [NMET 2003北京,27]

A.Where else

B.what else



[答案:A] 9.Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you I.reason n.原因, 理由

What is the reason for your being late? 【同义词辨析】reason, cause, excuse

reason 指以理解某事而提出的理由,与所发生的事情不一定有逻辑上的因果关系,经常与for 连用,来表示“„的原因”。

cause 指直接导致事情发生的起因,与所发生的事情有因果关系,经常与of 连用,来表示“„的起因”。

excuse 指推卸责任而寻求的理由、借口。【趁热打铁】

1)The ______ of the fire was carelessness.2)He refused to explain his ________.3)He made a good ______ for breaking the regulation.[答案:1)cause;2)reason(s);3)excuse] II.the reason why friends are important to you


e.g.The reason why he was late is that he got up late


The reason _______she was absent is ______ she was ill.A.why;because B.for which;because C.why;that

D.for that;because [答案:C] 【点击高考】

-I’m sorry I stepped outside for a smoke.I was so tired.-There is no ______ for this while you are on duty.[NMET 2003北京,29] A.reason



D.explanation [答案:B 在值班过程中,任何不符合规定的所谓“理由”都是一种“借口”。]

10.What do you think a good friend should be like? what is sb / sth.like? “ „什么样?” 可以问(人的)外表,也可以问(人的)品质

e.g.- what is Mike like?

高二上Unit1知识点 篇5



4.England 英格兰5.the Great Wall长城6.lovely可爱的7.America美国8.American美国人9.maybe可能,大概

10.tomorrow明天11 robot机器人12.puppy 小狗

13.strong强壮的14.weak 虚弱的15.fat胖的16.thin瘦的二.短语

1.Chinese name 中文名字2.Chinese food中国食物3.English name英文名字

4.play football踢足球5.play games玩游戏6.watch TV看电视

7.make more friends交更多的朋友8.play with和…玩/玩9.play the piano 弹钢琴

10.draw pictures画画11.a lot of = lots of 许多12.learn English学英语


1.like 用法:后面可接1)名词复数I like apples.我喜欢苹果。

2)to+do(动词原形)I like to swim.我喜欢游泳。

3)doing(动词ing形式)I like swimming.我喜欢游泳。

2.I have got a book.我有一本书。She has got a book.她有一本书

3.Is your friend strong or weak?He is strong.你的朋友是强壮的还是虚弱的?他是强壮的。

Unit 2

一.四会单词Is this book yours 知识点总结

my,mine我的your,yours你的 her, hers她的his,his他的our,ours我们的their,theirs他们的its, its它的blonde 金发的beard胡子coat大衣scarf围巾sweater毛衣fan电扇,迷bat蝙蝠,球棒bank银行,岸tank坦克,缸whose谁的二.短语

1.be from来自于2.go home回家3.in the morning在早上4.go to school去上学5.look at看


1.Is this pencil yours?这是你的铅笔吗?No, it isn’t mine.不,它不是我的。

高二上Unit1知识点 篇6



v.发明 

inventor v.发明家

invention n.发明 2.music 

musician n..音乐家

3.include v.包括,包含= have

 , including prep.包含,包括


adj.“突然的,意外的” 

suddenly adv.突然地= surprisingly and quickly 5.science n.科学

scientist n.科学家

6.ability n.能力  have the ability to do = be able to do 能够做… 7.intelligence n.才智、智慧

intelligent adj 有智慧的 = clever 8.die out 灭绝 = disappear

9.go for a walk意为“ 散步”= take a walk= walk 10.millions of意为“数百万...;大量 ” = a lot of/ lots of 11.learn about意为“了解、学习”= get to know= know about 12.used to do意为“过去常常...”= did...often in the past 13.realize意为“意识到”= understand




 Italian, n 意大利人 2.realize v.意识到、实现 = understand 3.correctly adv.正确的correct adj.正确的 = right 4.Traffic accident 交通事故 5.instructions n.指示、命令= order 6.wise adj.聪明的、智慧的=clever = smart 7.promise v.承诺 = promise to do sth/ make a promise to do sth 8.Double,v.使加倍、重复、使对折 = make sth twice 9.reply v.n.回复

reply to 回复=answer

11.instead of意为“代替”= in the place of = rather than=but 12.finally意为“最终”=in the end=at last

13.the rest of 意为“剩余的,其余的”=the remainder of 14.more than意为“多余、超过”= over


1.order 命令 order sb to do sth 命令某人做某事 2.speak---speaker扩音器 4.type 打字---typist 打字员

5.expensive=dear=not cheap : cost a lot of money昂贵的 6.tiny=very small 极小的

7.depend on = rely on = need help from others 依靠 9.operate=control 控制

10.price:money you should pay 价格 11.in total 总共

12.sell 卖---sold 过去式---seller 卖方 13.inch---inches 尺寸

13.popular 受欢迎的/be popular with=be loved with 14.be unaware of= don’t realize 没有意识到 15.in addition=besides 除…之外还有 16.probably = possibly=maybe = prabobly 可能 18.almost几乎=nearly 19.happen =take place 发生 20.be able to=can 可以 21.look forward to doing 盼望



2.funny=strange 滑稽的 adj.fun =interesting有趣的 3.createn.creator 创作者 4.comfortable=soft 舒适的 5.century=one hundred years 世纪

6.passenger=people on the bus/ visitor 游客,旅客 8.practical=useful=helpful 有实用的 9.distance 距离---distant 遥远的

10.develop 发展

adj.developed发达的;developing发展中的11.special=unusual=not ordinary 特殊的n.development 发展

13.instead of=in place of 代替

14.keep in touch with=contact 保持联系 15.in the daytime=during the day 在白天 16.at the same time=meanwhile=at one time 同时 17.begin=start开始 18.have to=must不得不 19.imagine doing sth 想象做…

Unit 5 词汇短语集锦 1.educational adj.有关教育的,有教育意义的

culture n.文化---cultural 文化的



host family 寄宿家庭

British adj.英国的---Britain 英国

glad adj.高兴;愉快 = happy guest

n.客人;宾客= visitor访客


n.工作日(=from Monday to Friday)【链接】周末weekend(= on Saturday and Sunday)tour

v.在…旅游 = travle = visit 【链接 】tour around= travel around, go around 四处走走;到处逛逛

fantastic adj.极好的;了不起的 = great = wonderful= very good experience n.(一次)经历,体验

introduce…to… v.使„„初次了解„„;使尝试(= talk sth about)success


(= good results)【链接】successful




成功做...succeed in doing sth.成功地做某事

already 已经,用于句子中间,肯定句--yet 尚未,用于否定句和疑问句末尾

respect v.慎重对待;尊重

nervous adj.紧张的 = worried soon adv.很快(= quickly = in a short time)

return = go back to 返回

at first 起初,首先 = in the beginning plan to 计划做某事(= be going to)

Unit 6 词汇短语集锦

understand v.理解(understood, understood)

difference n.差别;不同之处 【链接】 different adj.不同的huge = very big 巨大的celebrate v.庆祝

【链接】celebration n.庆祝

stupid adj.笨的,傻的= silly = foolish empty adj.空的= have nothing in it.quietly adv.安静地 = without making a sound

【链接】quiet adj.安静的

succeed v.达到目的,实现目标

【链接】success n.成功;successful adj.成功的;successfully adv.成功地; 【同义替换】 succeed in = be successful in = achieve steal – stole – stolen v.偷,窃取

enter v.进入 = go into wood n.木头---wooden 木质的punish v.处罚---punishment

n, 惩罚

make jokes about以...为笑柄=make fun of sb.= play a trick on = laugh at in the end 最后= finally = at last

Unit 7-8 词汇短语集锦

1.memory n.记忆力

v.memorize 2.improve n.提高 =make sth better 3.mention v.提到;说到 =talk about 4.method n.方法 =way 5.mind n.头脑,大脑

【扩展】mind 用作名词时,还可以表示“思想;想法;智力;记忆力”等。【短语】make up one`s mind(下定决心)=make a decision=decide

keep sth.in mind(记住某事)=remember

come to mind(突然想起)=occur 6.silly adj.愚蠢的 =stupid=foolish 7.worth adj 值...的n.价值;财产

worthy adj.值得的;有价值的

be worth doing 值得做某事=be worthy of being done 8.unless 除非 =if...not 9.trouble n.问题;麻烦 =problem=difficulty/have trouble doing sth 做...有麻烦 10.speech n.演说;发言 speak v.说话;演说;发言 speaker n.说话者;演讲者;扩音器 11.notice n.通告

v.注意=pay attention to 12.competition n.比赛;竞赛 = contest

compete v.竞争;参加竞赛

competitor n.竞争者;对手 13.chance 机会;机遇 =oppotunity 14 confidently adv.自信地


adj.自信的confidence n.自信;自信心 15.advise v.建议

advice n.建议

advise=suggest advice=suggestion 16.several 几个;一些 =some=a few 17.whenever 任何时候 =at any time 18.choose v.选择---chose 过去式

choice n.选择 19.take part in 参加=attend=join in 20.look out 小心 = be careful = watch out

21.opinion = idea 想法

牛津七年级上学期Unit1试题 篇7


Class: Name: Marks:

一. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)

( )1. - Do you like playing _______ football?

- Yes. I want to be good football player.

A. a; a B. a; C. ; D. ; a

( )2. - What’s your cousin’s _______ ?

- He is 19.

A. name B. age C. work D. class

4. What grade is Lily _______ ?

A. on B. in C. at D. after

( )5. Jack’s _______ is playing computer games.

A. hobby B. grade C. glasses D. looks

( )6. - _______ all the students at school today?

- No. Jim _______ at home.

A. Is; is B. Are; are C. Is; areD. Are; is

( )7. I live _______ my parents _______ Yancheng.

A. with; inB. in; with C. in; inD. with; with

( )8. - Are you and Tom new students?

- Yes. _______ new here.

A. You’re B. He’s C. We’re D. They’re

( )9. This is a good book. I love _______ it very much.

A. reading B. looking C. writing D. doing

( )10. - _______ Lucy from the USA?

- No, she _______ from the USA. She comes from the UK.

A. Does; doesn’t B. Does; isn’t C. Is; doesn’t D. Is; isn’t

( )11. - _______ is your new friend at school?

- Eric is. He is a good boy.

A. Who B. Where C. How D. What

( )12. - _______ is your brother today?

- He is fine, thanks.

A. Who B. How C. What D. How old

( )13. - Oh, it’s 10 o’clock. Mum, I must go to bed now.

- _______ .

A. Good night B. Good evening C. Good morning D. Good afternoon

( )14. - _______ ?

- No. My name is Mark.

A. Are you Mike

B. What’s this in English

C. How are you

D. What’s your name


61. I am a girl from China. (改为一般疑问句)

_______ _______ a girl from China?

62. Are your father and mother at home? (作否定回答)

No, _______ _______ .

63. Where is Jacky from? (同义句改写)

Where does Jacky _______ _______ ?

64. 我哥哥是个又高又壮的男孩。(完成句子)

My brother is a _______ _______ _______ boy.

65. 汤姆和他父母住在南京。(完成句子)

Tom _______ _______ _______ in Nanjing.


41. I have some _______ (hobby).

42. The boy _______ (be) from the USA.

43. My _______ (classmate) are all Chinese.

44. Maths _______ (be) interesting.

高二上Unit1知识点 篇8



do morning exercises晨练,做早操eat breakfast吃早饭have English class上英语课play sports进行体育活动eat dinner吃晚饭eat lunch吃午饭climb mountains爬山go shopping购物,买东西play the piano弹钢琴visit grandparents看望(外)祖父母go hiking去远足


When do you eat dinner?你什么时候吃晚饭?

I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.我晚上七点吃晚饭。

When do you get up?你什么时候起床?

I usually get up at 12:00 at noon.我通常在中午12点起床。

What do you do on the weekend?你在周末干什么?

Usually I watch TV and go shopping.我通常看电视和购物。

Sometimes I visit my grandparents.有时候我去看望我的外祖父母。I often play football.我经常踢足球。

Sometimes I go hiking.有时候我去远足。


eat breakfast—have breakfasteat lunch—have lunch

eat dinner—have dinnerplay sports—do sportsusually—often 复数形式:policeman—policemenpolicewoman—policewomen



同义句:What do you do ?---What are you?你是干什么的?



五、以复数形式出现的词组:visit grandparentsplant trees 介词后跟表示时间的词语时,表示在某年、某月、某个季节,某个时候(在上午,在下午,在晚上)用in;表示在某一天,在星期几用on,在具体的几点几分用at.七、too 和either的用法区别:too和either都是“也”的意思,但too用于肯定句,either用于否定句。



season季节 spring春天 summer夏天 fall冬天winter冬天swim游泳fly kites 放风筝 skate滑冰 make a snowman堆雪人 plant trees 种树


Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?

I like winter best.我最喜欢冬天。

Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season。夏天是很好,但是冬天是我最喜爱的季节。

Why do you like summer? 你为什么喜欢夏天?

Because I can swim in the lake.因为我可以在湖里游泳。

Why do you like winter? 你为什么喜欢冬天?

Because I can sleep a long time.因为我可以睡很长时间的觉。


三单:say—says ask—asks come—comes

对应词:wake up—sleep go to bed—get up

同义句:What’s your favourite season?(你最喜爱的季节是什么?)----Which season do you like best?(你最哪个季节?)

四、play with 玩雪,play in the snow在雪中玩.如果在横线后面有the ,则选择in , 如果在横线后面没有the , 则选择 with.五、like后面不能直接跟动词。如果需要跟动词或动词性词组时,则需在like后面加to.如果不加to.就要把后面的动词变成相应的动名词形式.如:I like to swim ===I like swimming.六、当表示某地某个季节的天气情况时,要把季节放在前面,地点放在后面。其结构为:What’s the weather like in 季节in 地点?


一、主要单词:January(Jan.)February(Feb.)March(Mar.)April(Apr.)May June July August(Aug.)September(Sept.)October(Oct.)November(Nov.)December(Dec.)


1.When is your birthday?你的生日是什么时候It’s in May.在五月。

2.My birthday is in June.Uncle Bill’s birthday is in June, too.我的生日在六月。比尔叔叔的生日也在六月。

3.Is her birthday in June? 她的生日在六月吗?Yes.是的。

4.What’s the date? 今天是几月几日?June 9th.六月九日。

5.What’s the date today? 今天是几月几日?

It’s April 10th.四月十日。



(1)五月May , 六月June, 七月July,没有简写形式。九月September 的简写形式是前四个字母加点Sept.其他八个月的简写形式是前三个字母加点。



(1)一般情况下,直接在基数词后面加th.(one , two , three 除外)。one—first , two—second , three—third.(2)以ve结尾的基数词,变ve为f, 再加th.如:five—fifth , twelve—twelfth.(3)以t结尾的基数词,直接加h。如eight—eighth.(4)以不发音的字母e结尾的,丢掉不发音的字母e,再加th.如 nine—ninth.(5)以y结尾的整十数,在变为序数词时,将y变为ie,再加th.如twenty—twentieth.(6)20以上的两位数,变为序数词时,十位数不变,只将个位上的数变为序数词。如:twenty-one----twenty-first , twenty-two—twenty-second , thirty-four—thirty-fourth.(7)序数词的简写形式为表示该词的阿拉伯数字加上该单词的最后两个字母,最后两个字母要变成上标格式。如:first—1st , second—2nd , third—3rd , fourth—4th.twentieth—20th

3.在回答When is your birthday?这个问题时,如果只说明生日在几月份,在月份前用in.如 My birthday is in July.如果要具体说明生日是在几月几日,则要把in去掉,直接用is,或者在is后加on。如My birthday is June 9th.或My birthday is on June 9th.4.注意区分两个句子:What day is it today ?今天星期几? What’s the date today? 今天是几月几日?

5.根据要求写单词: make(现在分词)---making.send(现在分词)---sending.6.句子:How many birthdays are in October ?有几个人的生日在十月? There are 3.7.My birthday is in February.(变为一般疑问句)---Is your birthday in February?

8.Does she have a computer? 她有计算机吗?当第三人称单数和句子中出现了does时,其他动词必须使用原型。

高二上Unit1知识点 篇9

单词: Monday 星期一

Tuesday 星期二


Thursday星期四 Friday星期五

a week一星期(周)Chinese 汉语、中文、中国人

Science 科学、自然科学 Computer Studies 计算机课程

English 英语、英国的、英国人的 a subject 一门学科(科目)interesting 有趣的 词组: 1在星期一上午 on Monday morning 2 今天下午 this afternoon 3 三节数学课 three Maths lessons 4 新学期 the new term 5 第一节课 the first lesson 6 立刻、马上 at once 7 10门学科 ten subjects 8 一节有趣的课 an interesting lesson 9 你呢? How about you? 10 在一周内 in a week 11 欢迎回来 welcome back 12 我的课程表 my timetable 13 在星期三 on Wednesday 14 星期天早上 Sunday morning 15 这个学期 this term 16 上一堂艺术课 have an Art lesson 17 每天 every day 18一个窍门 a trick 19 让我想想 let me see 20 非常 very much

句型: 1.我们可以用下列句型来谈论学习的科目、课表,如:


What lessons do you have in the morning/afternoon? 上午/下午你们有什么课程?


What lessons do you have on Monday/ Wednesday?(注意:在星期几用on)星期一/星期三你们有什么课程?


What subject do you like?


I like English.How about you?


I like Science.我喜欢科学。2.我们想要询问今天是星期几时,可以用;--What day is it today?--It’s Monday.词形转换 : lesson(同义词)—class



buy(同音词)—by/bye minus(反义词)—plus





open(反义词)—close 练习:

一、Complete the words in the dialogue according to the context and the given alphabet 根据单词首字母和句子意思,将对话中的单词补充完整 A: Welcome b________ to school, Ben.B: Nice to m________ you, Mr Green.A: There is a n________ subject in this t_______, do you know? B: Yes.It’s S________ S________.A: Do you l________ it? B: Maybe.I t________ it will be i________.A: Of course.When do you h________ this l________? On M________? B: No.It’s on F________.W________ will teach us, Mr Green? A: Mr Zhang.He is a very good t________.二、Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions 填入适当的介词 1.How many Art lessons do you have ________ a week? 2.We have a Computer Studies lesson ________ Friday.3.First draw some flowers ________ the paper.4.She goes to school ________ half past seven.5.Can you come and help me ________ my Maths? 6.Here’s a new copybook ________ Nancy.7.Take ________ your coat, please.It’s hot today.8.Boys and girls, this is the first day ________ the new term.三、Rewrite the sentences according to the instructions 按要求写出下列句子 1.He has Chinese, Maths, English and Art in the morning.(改为否定句)

___________________________________________________________ 2.There are four English lessons in a week.(改为一般疑问句)

___________________________________________________________ 3 It’s Monday.(对划线部分提问)


四、Translate the phrases 英汉互译

1、星期一早上 __________ _ 2.在下午 _____ ____

2、在早上 ______ ___

4.an interesting subject ______ __

5、这学期 ______ ___

6.welcome back to school ____ ___

7、一节英语课 ______ ___ 8.in a week _________ ___

9、她的学生们 ______ __

10.the first lesson __ _____ 11.新学期的第一天

高二上Unit1知识点 篇10


1.I have long hair.我有长头发。

have “有” have sth.to do 有某事要做 have a cold 感冒

have ”吃,,喝” have a cup of tea喝一杯茶 have breakfast/ lunch/ supper吃早/中/晚餐

have to 不得不 have sth.on= have on sth.=wear sth.穿着,.I live with my family in a house close to some mountains.live with与,一起生活 live in 居住在,close to= near 接近,离,近(也可放于被修饰词之后做后置定语)I live close to the shops.我住得离商店很近。She is buying a flat close to her office.她正在购买一套靠近她办公室的公寓。

