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摘要: 研究目的:确定研究生创新能力指标体系的内容并对其评估方法进行研究。研究方法:采用基于因果分析的AHP方法,确定研究生创新能力指标体系并对其进行量化评估。研究结果:(1)研究生创新能力指标体系主要有能力结构、素质结构和知识结构组成,其中尤以能力结构的培养最为重要。(2)基于因果分析的AHP方法,不仅能够克服AHP方法的局限,找到影响研究生创新能力的每一个层次上的各个因素,而且能够利用因果关系图与层次结构模型之间的转化方便地对指标体系进行量化评估。研究结论:基于因果分析的AHP方法是研究生创新能力评估的一个有力工具。
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to set up a guideline system for developing innovative abilities of education graduate students with its evaluation.Methods of causality analysis and AHP were employed to determine the guideline system of education graduate students’ innovative abilities and to quantify them.The results indicate that the innovative ability guideline system is the most important.With methods of causality analysis and AHP, not only the factors effecting graduate students innovative abilities at different level were found out, but also the evaluation methods of the factors and the guideline system were drawn up.2关键词
Abstract: In a market economy condition, the capital operation is the fundamental change of enterprises management strategy. And the key to the capital operation is the strategic choice to the capital operation mode. Which make the capital expanded, gathered and disposed effectively.
关键词:企业集团 资本运营 模式
Keyword: Enterprise group Capital operation Mode
本文首先介绍了课题研究的背景和意义,并分析了当前温度测量技术和可编程片上系统PSoC的研究现状。以可编程片上系统芯片CY8C5868AXI-LP032作为系统核心,设计了硬件电路整体结构,系统分为四个子模块,温度采集模块、放大模块、A/D转换模块、通信模块。选取铂电阻Pt1000作为温度传感器,铂电阻采用三线制接法。温度信号输入电路采用独特的电桥电路测量技术,具有没有引线电阻影响,抗干扰能力强,电桥电路与测量电路完全隔离等优点。电桥电路中输出的模拟电压经过放大后,输入至AD转换器中变为数字信号,再由处理器换算出相应温度,在硬件电路设计中对各部分子电路进行了原理和功能的介绍,其中在对Δ-ΣADC配置时,根据系统要求对其分辨率、采样率进行相关参数配置。在系统硬件设计平台的基础上,使用PSoC Creator2.0集成开发环境进行了系统软件的设计,其中包括温度信号采集、AD值与温度值的转换、温度补偿、Modbus通信协议和信息帧格式等。设计中主要针对的是实际温度值获取、温度误差补偿的设计,其中采用的主要方法是分段线性化和线性标度变换相结合的方
法。为满足PSoC与计算机的通信加入了基于Modbus的通信协议,采用RS485接口标准来完成两者之间的数据发送和接收,在PSoC内部配置了全双工通信UART的各个参数,采用CRC循环冗余的校验方式。最后对系统进行调试,以测试工程的运行情况,首先使用PSoC的专用下载工具PSoC MiniProg对系统进行下载烧写接口调试,通过Visual Basic进行通信测试,然后通过电阻箱模拟铂电阻温度测试。最后对本文的的工作进行了总结,同时对其作出进一步展望。
;通信PT1000 Modbus
……was synthesised from。。。
……has been synthesised starting from the。。。in +steps and inoverall yield.2.考察了。。。对****反应的影响
The effect of。。。on****was(were)examined.3.最佳反应条件为:
The optimium reaction condition were(found)as follow:
反应时间reaction time
真空度vacuum dree
With。。。as catalyst.5.收率高达?%
The reaction yield was up to ?%
The structure of product was identified by IR….The product was charavterized by IR and 1H NMR.7.。。。and ……的关系曲线
Relation Curve betweenand
Thus, we can not blindly consume a large amount of capital to maintain or improve its quality and yield. This paper makes an attempt to explores and optimize the development of the titanium industry, through inside and outside observation and association. In this paper, flotation tests are conducted to compare the original pulp titanium ore with Polyacrylamide and that without on the concentrate grade yield of titanium concentrates.
In this process, the consumption of drugs, the recovery rate of , equipment utilization, the amount and cost of polyacrylamide (PAM) are all considered to determine whether it is a ptimization program to add Polyacrylamide to the original flotation pulp of titanium ore.
Finally, we reach a conclusion through relevant data .In the experimental process, in principle,
we do not change the original flotation process and the relevant parameters.
Improvements on Pushover Analysis Procedure
Mao Jianmeng
How to select the adequate procedure for seismic analysis and design of structures is an essential problem in earthquake engineering field.With the development of Performance-based Seismic Design, Pushover Analysis procedure has attracted many scientists’ and engineers’ attentions and been widely used for its conceptual simplicity and computational attractiveness.To overcome the limitation of Pushover Analysis procedure, some improvements on this procedure were performed in this paper, including the improvement on Modal Pushover Analysis, the revision of target displacement from the pushover analysis for reinforced concrete frame, the correlation of structural response parameters with different lateral load patterns, and the computation of the structural hysteretic energy based on Modal Pushover Analysis etc.The main contents of this dissertation are as follows.1.There is an important assumption that the pushover load patterns keep unchanged even after the structure yields in Modal Pushover Analysis procedure.Recognized the adoption of invariable lateral force distributions in the Modal Pushover Analysis procedure, an improved modal pushover analysis procedure is presented in this paper to estimate the seismic demands of structures, considering the redistribution of inertia forces.It is suggested that after establishing the idealized bilinear curve, a pushover analysis is once again conducted for the first mode in two phases: before and after the structure yields.For the two phases, the structural elastic natural mode and the floor displacement vector at the initial yielding point are used as the displacement shape vector, respectively.2.The approximately estimating method of displacement of reinforced concrete(RC)frame from static pushover analysis(POA)is developed with that from non-linear response history analysis(RHA).Based on the statistic analyses of the RHA and POA results for five RC frames with different height under 80 ground motions recorded at four site conditions, the revised formula of displacements from POA is presented from RHA.The results show that the site soil condition has an important effect on the relation between RHA and POA response results.And the POA results for I and IV site condition should be revised with the formula given in this study while the POA results for II and III site condition can be approximately considered as same to the RHA results.3.The RHA under 15 ground motions recorded on the medium site condition and POA with different lateral load patterns are performed for four RC structures with different height.Several important response quantities are obtained from the RHA and POA, including capacity curves, top displacement ratios and story drift ratios, and location of plastic hinges.The influence of different load patterns on the structural performance demands is discussed for the low-and the high-wise structures.And the rational load patterns for the low-and the high-wise structures are also suggested.4.A simple procedure is presented in this paper for estimating hysteretic energy demands of MDOF systems based on the modal pushover analysis(MPA).Firstly, the characteristic parameters of the modal SDOF systems of structures are computed, and the hysteretic energy is calculated for the modal SDOF systems, then the hysteretic energy demand of structures is obtained by combining these modal demands.In addition, with statistic results of nonlinear analysis of SDOF for 320 ground motions recorded at four site conditions, the equal-strength hysteretic energy design spectra are presented for different site condition and intensity regions.Key words: pushover analysis procedure, capacity spectrum method, the
modal pushover analysis, lateral load patterns, hysteretic
Glucosinolates-myrosinase is an important defence system in brassica of cruciferous vegetables, also referred to as “the mustard oil bomb”。The myrosinase genes in 49 Brassica parachinensis Bailey、Brassica oleracea L. Var. capitata (L.) and Brassica aboglabra Baily were cloned and analyzed in this paper.
Three methods of RNA extraction were compared and the results showed that the methods of Phenol-Chloroform and Trizol were better than the method of UNIQ-10. The abundance of RNA in cruciferous vegetable was also related to the attacks from different insects.
Specific primers based on the the conservative domain of myrosinasewere designed to clone myrosinase genes in 49 Brassica parachinensis Bailey, Brassica oleracea L. Var. capitata (L.) and Brassica aboglabra Baily by RT-PCR.
One nucleotide acid fragment (350bp) was obtained in Brassica parachinensis Bailey and Brassica oleracea L. Var. capitata (L.) respectively, but two fragments (350bp and 466bp) in Brassica aboglabra Baily.
It was found that that the fragments of 350bp were highly homologous with the cloned myrosinase genes in Genbank. Therefore, these fragments of 350bp were part of myrosinase genes in these plants. The fragment of 466bp in Brassica aboglabra Baily had an additional nucleotide acid between 310 and 426 compared with myrosinase genes in Genbank. Amino acid sequences were deduced from these fragments and analyzed.
Primers for RACE were designed based on the nucleotide acid sequences of the fragment that has been cloned in Brassica parachinensis Bailey to gain the full gene of myrosinase (full cDNA). The full myrosinase gene is of 1841bp with an open reading frame of 1647bp. The secondary structure of myrosinase mRNA was predicted with 83 loops that affect the stability of mRNA and the least structure energyof -33.61kcal.
The protein sequence of 548 amino acids was deduced from this gene. This protein was predicted to be a hydrophilic and dissoluble protein according to the hydrophobicity analyse.
The secondary structure of the protein was predicted to have 149 amino acids (27.2%)as alpha helixes (Hh), 79 amino acids (14.4%) as beta sheets (Ee), 281 amino acids (51.3%) as random coils (Cc), and 39 amino acids (7.1%) with unknown stuctures(?)。
The myrosinases in Brassica parachinensis Bailey、Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata (L.) and Brassica aboglabra Baily were found to have a very close relationship through the cluster analyses based on the amino acid sequences.