
2024-08-29 版权声明 我要投稿


导游英文自荐信 篇1


Sincerely thank you for your busy schedule to visit the job search materials.There is a warm heart and sincere desire to be your understanding and help.At this juncture, let me assure you I wish to apply.My name is曹立群, July 5, 1997, Siping Normal College, I graduated from the history of professional education, an undergraduate history.After graduating from the first run has been the focus of Jilin Yanbian II high school engaged in teaching history, and is currently a teacher in education.To work, I strive to do a good job in the history of teachers.Since 1998, six years in a row the school has been rated as outstanding teachers.In 2003 was named the state advanced workers.Now I am teaching, education, education and scientific research and continuing education in four areas introduce myself to you.First, the teaching of:

Since from the spirit of responsibility towards our students and schools, the party and the state is responsible for the spirit to all of our energy went into teaching.Has been teaching school, state, province, recognition, recognition is as follows:

December 2000, primary and secondary schools in Jilin province “in the modern educational technology environment of quality education under the new class” selected activities, the Division said “the tide of imperialism to carve up China,” was named the new first class.September 2002, in Jilin province, the third high school history teaching in the overall quality of academic activities, won a Class Two award rating.Engaged in the process of teaching, in order to improve the teaching effect, I pay attention to the modern educational technology and combine the teaching of history, to that end, while I study the production of teaching materials into multimedia courseware, the courseware for several times in the state, provincial, national award winners are as follows:

December 1998, the production of multimedia courseware for “victory in the Northern Expedition,” audio-visual materials in the state won the first prize award.May 1999, production of software “Review of World War II” in the history of Jilin province, the first major computer-aided instruction in the disciplines, won the first prize.In 1999, scientific research in national education activities, the production of multimedia-aided instruction courseware “Yanbian lovely home,” won the first prize.In 2003, the production of multimedia courseware “Yanbian feelings” in the three provinces in northeast middle school history teaching disciplines of modern information technology seminar, was named the first prize.In 2003, the production of English Courseware “Britain and Ireland” multimedia courseware selected seventh National Championship, in which more than 400 entries, 35 selected entries.September 2002, in order to provide our students with a history of the Internet learning platform, has produced a “history teaching in secondary schools” website(http://hisedu.126.com), in K12 the National Network of history teaching in primary and secondary education teachers in the personal home page the fifth day, about a thousand people have visited, here is a national history teacher and I have mutual areas, but also my students to learn the history of emotional resources and learning place for the exchange of experience.Since 1999, many organizations have participated in the School for teachers of information technology training, given all the teachers said the school Animator, Flash, Authoware software, and this semester I have a history of high-group collective group lesson preparation to the group talk about three other teachers how to use Flash, photoshop software, courseware production history, by history teacher Teaching and Research Group Leader and Members alike.Second, in terms of education:

Since the beginning of 2002 as class work, brought about by the class of outstanding achievement, in 2002, two years in a row in 2003 was named outstanding teacher.At the same time, in the Yanbian II took office website “Daniudi Forum”(http://bbs.yb2hs.com.cn)the moderator, opened up a “class forum”, “心灵驿站” and other columns, a number of themes arising from the students strongly repercussions, such as: “the class teacher and students can become a friend?” and “How to deal with students online to play all night?”, “Student Case Analysis” and other themes, students often respond to the theme of communication through the Internet so that teachers learn more about mental activities of students, but also with the students do not meet the online frank exchanges, strengthening the future of targeted education students to create the conditions laid the foundation.At the same time also strengthened between the class teacher, class teacher and student exchanges and communication between.Advise their students to actively participate in various extra-curricular competition in 1999, the third in the national patriotism education in primary and secondary school students in the competition, won the outstanding teacher award in 2001 primary and secondary school students across the country to celebrate the 80 anniversary of the Chinese Communist party education activities won the Outstanding Teacher Award for guidance.Third, teaching and research areas:

1, to write theses.Since the edge from the work involved in teaching, while pay attention to summing up of education, teaching experiences and lessons with the case, and written papers.June 1998, thesis on “extra-curricular activities and historical analysis of classroom teaching with examples,” a film by the Chinese urban social income “excellent collection of teaching experience in education reform.”

August 1998, the preparation of the “distribution of Yanbian moral education and the development and utilization of resources,” a book by the State Archives, State Archives Archival Information Society development as the outcome of the first prize.June 2001, thesis on “the history of modern education technology and innovative teaching education” by the Chinese Research Association for Education and intelligence as the outstanding achievements of the academic committee of the first prize.In 2002, the paper “Innovation education in the application of modern educational technology” has been published into the Radio “Chinese teachers books,” The first series of “history lesson students study innovative capacity-building” in the.2, to participate in research.Since the work, and actively participate in scientific research studies.1999, was hired as the National Education and Science, “Ninth Five-Year plan” focuses on the subject of the State Education Commission, “Education and the optimal allocation of information resources and the efficient development of the” sub-topic “information on the frontier of education in ethnic minority areas of the rational allocation of resources and efficient development of the” group members, is responsible for the “moral Yanbian and the distribution of educational resources development and utilization of” subject of study.In 2001, school-based teaching materials in the preparation of the “feeling of Yanbian University,” has been published by the students well.2001-2002, UNESCO participated in the Central Research Center of the curriculum materials of the “Ninth Five-Year plan” scientific research “the history of academic innovation and capacity-building” research, scientific research paper “Innovation in education technology in modern education” was included in the publication Radio Agency published the “China Teachers Series,” First Series “history lesson students study innovative capacity-building” in the.Now to participate in another national issueFebruary 2002, participated in the Northeast Normal University Department of History, World History postgraduate courses in professional education course is now closed down.In November 2003, to obtain the history of the Department of Northeast Normal University Master of Education(teaching).In view of the past six years of graduate education, teaching practice experience, I believe that they can better focus on high school engaged in teaching and class work of history.Years in particular the production of courseware and website experience, so I will definitely make your school disciplines of teaching and integration of modern educational technology to a new level.If you give me the opportunity to develop, I will be a sincere heart, full of enthusiasm, hard work and pragmatic work style, the efficiency of fast and efficient return on your school.Low job-seekers holding a book, read the mind of self-confidence sincere, I am looking forward to your school to become a history teacher!

If appreciated Thanks, please call(XXXX)XXXXXXX, or by e-mail xxxx@xxxxx.com contact me to see the following Web site, you can learn more about me, looking forward to hearing from Gong.Finally, I sincerely wish your school career development and bright future!

导游英文自荐信 篇2

















中外英文导游词语步异同分析 篇3

摘 要:导游词在旅游业中有着举足轻重的作用,为了探寻中外导游词的差异,本文以Bhatia广告体裁分析模型中划分的语步为基准,选择了两本由中外作者编写的关于山西的导游词进行分析。对比后发现两个版本的异同点,希望对中文导游词编写有所帮助,以期能吸引更多外国游客,传播山西文化。


中图分类号:H159 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-2596(2014)05-0150-05




本文选取《走遍山西——著名景点导游词示范》Travel across Shanxi——Demonstration of commentaries of Famous Scenic Spot Sightseeing Tour Guide①和 Lonely Planet China②这两本书中关于山西的景点介绍进行语步分析。选择《走遍山西——著名景点导游词示范(中英文版)》是因为该版本由山西省成立最早、规模最大的人民出版社出版,参考了山西大学旅游学院张世满教授主编、山西省直属机关党委专职副书记安瑞生审稿的《走遍山西——著名景点导游词选粹(一)》一书中相关内容,较为权威,有较强的示范性。选取Lonely Planet China作为外文对比版本,是因为这套书编排新颖,销售量高,在全球均有较好反响。通过对比这两本书,总结出两者在语步上的异同点,找到中外导游词在语篇布局上的差异,从而希望能从外国游客的视角为中文导游词的编写提供一些参考,传播山西文化,促进山西旅游业的发展。


涉外导游词,即导译文本,通过对景点的介绍,希望能吸引潜在游客的注意,激发他们旅游的欲望。它作为让外国游客了解中国的一个重要的窗口,内容丰富,涉及领域广泛,对导游词的编写有着较高的要求。目前对于导游词的研究不在少数,但多数围绕景点名称、标识语、段落语句等进行分析: 刘锋,陈春梅,李珊珊、徐桂英,倾向于对文本内容或具体翻译方法进行分析:吴俊辉,尚宏等,很少有学者从体裁分析领域进行研究,从宏观上分析语篇的语步。本文旨在通过对中外导游词语步的分析,来发现中外作者在编写导游词时各自所采用的语步。




陈刚将涉外导游词分为了三类:预制类(pre -translated type),现编类(impromptu presentation type)和预制现编类(combined type)。这里着重要讨论的是预制类文本。此种文本是一种事先翻译好的、用于口头导游的、以海外旅游者为对象的一种特殊文本。



从上表可以看出,《走遍山西——著名景点导游词示范(中英文版)》中的景点导游词都由5个语步构成,顺序分别为:1.H 标题,2.IH历史介绍,3.H亮点,4.O & I具体信息介绍,5. CE历史/游客/名人/权威机构的认可。且每一篇介绍都着重于第二、四和五语步的介绍,即关于山西某一景点历史的回顾、具体情况的介绍和一些名人或相关部门对该景点的认可。


Lonely Planet China一书中介绍了北京、天津、河北、山东、山西、上海、香港等中国各省市及地区的主要景点。本论文选取书中关于山西省的景点介绍进行分析。书中同样介绍了云冈石窟、五台山、榆次老城、乔家大院、平遥古城、碛口等主要景点。通过对书中21篇山西主要景点介绍的归纳总结,作者发现其中每一篇景点介绍都包含有表2中的6个语步:endprint

从上表可以发现,Lonely Planet China中由Daniel Mc Crohan编写的山西景点导游词有6个基本语步,顺序依次为:1.H 标题,Headline 2.IH历史介绍Introducing History,3.M 地图maps,4.H亮点Highlight,5.O & I具体信息介绍Orientation and Information,6.CI咨询信息Consulting Information Daniel侧重于介绍第三、五、六语步,也就是重视地图带给游客直观的视觉效果,不局限于文字这一种表达方式。同时,具体信息的提供,以及除了景点介绍外,还提供了类似气候、交通、食宿等与之相关的咨询信息,帮助潜在游客出行前了解目的地和周边环境。








两个版本有四个相同语步,但排列的顺序不同,可以看出中外导游词编写上的侧重。中外导游词都有H(亮点)这一语步,中文导游词将其放在第三的位置上,而英文导游词则在介绍H(亮点)前加入了M(地图),放在了第四的位置,可见外国人更注重表达方式的多样和地图对游客的吸引作用。正如Beasley & Danesi说的:作者在旅游手册中使用的图片/地图,对潜在顾客的消费行为起到了一种促进作用。有了地图上的标注和解释,潜在游客可以一目了然地找到后文中会介绍的重点推荐景点。



中文导游词中出现的CE新语步,即重视历史/游客/名人/权威机构的认可,反映出中国人较高的不确定性规避程度。这是根据Greet Hofstede 著名的“文化五维度理论”得出的。Hofstede对各国的文化特征进行了研究分析,他将国家间文化的差异归纳为五个不同的维度,其中的不确定性回避指数(Uncertainty Avoidance Index)反映出了一个国家对于不确定性和模糊的容忍程度。有着高不确定性指数的国家信赖权威,避免分歧和不确定。通过建立形式规则,为他们的成员提供安定感,相信完全的事实和经验的获得。中国人倾向于相信事实和前人的经验,最小化不确定因素带来的可能性,历史/游客/名人/权威机构的认可会增加他们去景点的动力,减少对未知或不熟悉景点的不确定感。













注 释:


②Lonely Planet是一套旅游系列丛书,在全球受到各国游客的青睐。这套书到2004年为止,共出版了650个主题,内容涵盖包括南极在内的世界各个角落,涉及118个国家。Lonely Planet目前有十个语种的版本,年销售量近650万册,约占英文旅游指南销售量四分之一。本文选取2009年的第11版Lonely Planet China中对山西省的景点介绍进行分析。


〔1〕Beasley R.,Danesi M.Persuasive signs:the semiotics of advertising[M].Berlin & NY: Mouton de Gruyter,2002.

〔2〕Bhatia,V. K.(1993).Analyzing genre:Language use in professional settings.LondonLongman.

〔3〕Bhatia,V. K. (2008). Worlds of written discourse:A Genre—based view.London:Longman.

〔4〕Damian Harper, Lonely Planet China, Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd,2009.

〔5〕Hofstede,G H.(1994).Cultures and organizations:Software of the Mind (updated version).London:Harper-Collins Business.

〔6〕Swales,J.M.(1990).Genre analysis:English in academic and research settings.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.

〔7〕安瑞生.走遍山西——著名景点导游词示范Travel across Shanxi——Demonstration of commentaries of Famous Scenic Spot Sightseeing Tour Guide,山西人们出版社,2003.



英文自荐信 篇4


Dear manager,Thank you for taking time for me to introduce myself.My name is Wu Li Ting , a senior student inJiangxicollegeofforeignstudyat present, and i will graduate in July, 2013.Being an English major, i have studied a lot in the university for 3 years.Not only knowing western lifeCulture, but also literature.During my stay in the university, i did a very good job.I was one of the chief leaders in our student union for two years.Andbecause of my “excellent service” for others, i got a reward for “excellent student leader”, which is a convincing return for my responsibility.On the other hand, due to my diligence, I get manyhonor.All in all, i am a diligent girl, and i am a good learner.I am interested in culture exchange, and i like to serve people.I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity for a personal interview.With many thanks.Sincerely,wuliting

英文自荐信 篇5

To whom it may comcern:

Hi, my name is Gong Liangxiao. I entered Nanchang No.2 school in . Majoring in English, during my study. I work hard and sometimes won the scholarship. I take part in all kinds of activities and I hope to appty for the position of teacher.

I want to be a teacher, because I love this job when I was young, my dream is to be a teacher. If I can get a chance to be a teacher in your school. I will put all my hart to do a good job.

I am very interested in English, especially in reading listening、speaking. Every morning I love to read English loudly. I can full scope to show my ability during the hard work of my study. I am sure I will be a good teacher. As the old saying: “It’s never too old to learn .” So I will never give up any studying chance. So I hope you can give me a chance.

本科英文自荐信 篇6

Dear sir,I would like to ask you to consider my qualification for the position in sales that you advertised in jobspower.com.I graduated from the college of business administration in june of 1996.since that time i have been taking night courses at city polytechnics in sales techniques and advertising.For the past four years, i have worked as a shipping salesman for maersk, one of the world largest shipping company.at present i am their chief salesman and account for over one quarter of the sales in asia.before my present employment, i worked for abc chains boutique as a salesclerk.we worked mainly on commission and i was able to earn a substantial amount although i was very young.I would like to make a change now because i feel that i can go no further in my present job, i feel that my ability and my training should enable me to advance into a better and more responsible position, and it appears that this will not be forth-coming at my present position.If you would like to know more about my ability, i can be available for an interview at any time convenient to you.

财会英文自荐信 篇7

April 13,2000

Room 212 Building 343

Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084

